March - Bozeman Sons of Norway

March—April 2012
From the President:
Fri Mar 16
6:30 PM Bozeman Senior Center Potluck Please
bring an extra large potluck dish to share.
Program will be Gretchen Minton with a talk on
Henrik Ibsen.
Tues Mar 27
Board Meeting 6:30 pm American Land Title
Fri Apr 20
6:30 PM Bozeman Senior Center Potluck Bring
a large potluck dish to share. . Program: a
“Taste of Norway” Norwegian cheese and wine
Tue Apr 24
Board Meeting 6:30 pm American Land Title
Fra Presidenten:
Jun 14-16
District IV Convention Edmonton, Alberta
Kjære medlemmer,
Jul 7-10
Bjørnetann Language and Cultural Camp
Dear Members,
Spring is coming soon, and I hope to see you out.
If you look at the calendar, you will see that
there are many interesting things on the schedule
this spring, for which various members have
stepped forward to make happen. Many thanks to
all, and have a good and happy spring.
Våren kommer snart, og jeg håper å se deg ut.
Hvis du ser på kalenderen, vil du se mange
interessante ting på planen denne våren, som noen
medlemmer har stått frem for å gjøre skje.
Mange takk til alle, og har en god og lykkelig
Red Lodge, Mt Camp for the whole family
Aug 22-25
2012 Sons Of Norway International Convention
6:30 PM Friday March 16th Potluck Bozeman Senior
Center: Program will be given by Gretchen Minton, a
professor of English at MSU, who specializes in
Shakespeare and drama, and has always been inter-
ested in Ibsen. Gretchen is also the wife of our
member, Kevin Brusteun.
Would anyone be interested on being on a com-
The Kid’s group will learn about the Sons of Norway
mittee for investigating the construction of a
Bjornetann Language and Cultural Camp as we have a
Lodge T-Shirt? We have been a lodge since
the 70’s and never had a T-shirt. Call me at
587-0248 or email me at
mini-camp of our own.
if you might be interested in helping or have
6:30 PM Friday April 20th, Potluck Bozeman Senior.
some ideas. Shelly
Program: Save room a “Taste of Norway” ! Jodi Bunde, president of the Jamestown, ND Sons of Norway
and sister of Shae Thompson, will present an evening
of Norwegian wine and cheeses.
Need o Bit ofSunshine
The Kid’s Group will do an Easter/Spring activity with
the help of Karl and Karlene!
Our Sunshine Chairperson is Liz
Thompson. If you hear if any of our
members being sick, or needing a card
for anything, please let Liz know.
Member Mel Howe has volunteered to do the design
Phone 587-0579 or email
work on the cook trailer!! Mange Tusen Takk!!
If any one else is interested in helping to get this trailer
into shape as a real “Cook Trailer”, please call Jed Huseby
at 586-6174 or Jerry Swenson at 284-4490. We are making some good money selling the Vikings on a Stick, so we
really need this trailer to be setup!
Sons of Norway
March—April 2012
Yust a Little Yoke
Norwegian Love Story
Ole & Lena lived by a lake in Nordern Minnesota .
It vas early vinter and da lake had froze over.
Ole asked Lena if she vould valk across da frozen
lake to da yeneral store to get him some smokes.
She asked him for some money, but he told her,
"Nah, yust put it on our tab."
So Lena valked across, got the smokes at da general store, den walked back home across the lake.
Ven she got home and gave Ole his smokes, she
asked him, "Ole, you alvays tell me not to run up
da tab at da store. Vhy didn't you yust give me
some money?" Ole replied, "Vell, I didn't vant to
send you out dere vit some money ven I vasn't
sure how tick the ice vas yet."
Red Cabbage
Susan Howe brought this for the last potluck and I asked her for the recipe. It was
delicious & a Scandinavian dish!
1 ½ pounds red cabbage, finely shredded
¼ cup red currant jelly
1 ½ cups red wine
1 ½ cups plus 3 T water
2 T sugar
5 T butter
2 whole cloves
Sea salt and freshly ground black pepper
Combine and boil then cover and simmer
for 45 minutes.Remove the lid and cook
another 20 minutes until thick and syrupy.
Season to taste.
June 14-16, 2012
Edmonton, Alberta
Jed Huseby
Barbara Clawson
Barb Nolan
Alternate: Shelly Fallang
Fjelldal 4-543
Experience 2012
Once again Sons of Norway
is partnering with Borton
Overseas to offer one lucky
recruiter and their guest an
amazing travel experience
in Norway! All year, every
Sons of Norway member
who recruits a new, dues-paying member will be entered
into the 2012 Norwegian Experience Recruitment Contest.
The trip, which will be awarded in January of 2013, will
include airfare, meals, exclusive travel opportunities and
upscale accommodations! Just imagine taking a 10 day
land-tour of Norway enjoying some of the most beautiful
scenery that Scandinavia has to offer! The best part is
that the winner gets to choose their own adventure!
Whether you prefer an active trip full of sight-seeing and
touring, or a more laid-back vacation, it’s up to you!
To enter this year’s Norwegian Experience Recruitment
Contest all you have to do is recruit one new, duespaying member and make sure your name is listed in the
“Referred By” field. It’s as easy as that! Entries are taken
from members recruited between January 1st and December 31st, 2012. Also, remember that you can enter as
many times as you recruit throughout the year, which
increases your chances of winning!
Bank Tests Honesty of Oslo Residents
In early January SpareBank 1 Oslo crafted a plan to test
the honesty of area residents by leaving 10 wallets containing cash, credit cards and personal and financial
items in locations across the city. In the event that a wallet was returned, the bank would then reward the finder
with 10 times the amount of cash contained in the wallet
–an amount significantly higher than the standard 10 percent typically given for returned wallets. The plan is part
of a larger initiative titled Vi bryr oss om Oslo or "We Care
about Oslo," a collaboration between Radio 1 and SpareBank 1 Oslo with the goal of encouraging and inspiring a
positive attitude.
To the surprise of project organizers, all 10 wallets were
returned with all their contents intact. "I was positive
about what kind of results we'd get before we started,
but I hadn't expected that fully 100 percent of the wallets
would be returned," said Svein Øvregård.
University of Oslo Professor, Ottar Hellevik, shared a similar surprise to the project's outcome, saying "our numbers have shown that Norwegians' ethics have been sinking, so this is encouraging."
While the bank's project results were impressive, studies
suggest that people may feel quite differently about returning found money that isn't accompanied by identification. Studies conducted in 1985 and 2009 by Synovate–
a global market research company–showed a significant
decrease in the number of people who felt it was wrong
to keep found money, from 63% to 33%.
Whatever the reason, leader of the"We care about the
Oslo" project, Svein Øvregård, is delighted with the result.
Sons of Norway
March—April 2012
Treasurer/Financial Secretary : Barbara Clawson has
Fjelldal 4-543
Fjelldal Membership Report for
February 28, 2012
agreed to relieve Gwen Croghan of her duties as Treasurer/Financial Secretary. Gwen and her husband, Mark
have purchased the Chalet Market on Jackrabbit Lane
plus they are expecting a new baby in a couple of
months not to mention that son , Brode is a toddler.
They are going to be very busy! We thank Barbara, for
accepting these duties. Many thanks to Gwen for all of
years she has been a officer. The only stipulation is
that the lodge expects the whole family to be attending the social meetings. Think of it as date night potluck. I’m sure that there will be a lot of members
wanting to get their hands on the little ones!
Historian: Member Barb Nolan (Barbara Clawson’s
daughter), will be taking the job of Historian.
to Barb for taking the office. If anyone has items for
the scrapbook, please contact Barb at email or phone 539-4162. Susan Howe has
held this job from 2003-2011 and we thank Susan for
The following new members have joined:
Lyle Andersen
8 Gardner Park Drive
Bozeman, MT 59715
Phone: 406-586-0678
Birthday: December 14
Margaret Andersen
8 Gardner Park Drive
Bozeman, MT 59715
Phone: 406-586-0678
Birthday: November 4
As reported by Vice-President, Gregg
those years of dedication.
Speaking of officers and volunteering, it would really
be nice to have a musician again so we could sing the
Condolences: To Jed Huseby and family on the
death of his uncle. Our thoughts and prayers are
with you.
National Anthems of Norway and the United States
along with some other songs. If any of you members
can play and would be willing to play, let one of the officers know. I would be willing to play, but the big
problem is I DON’T KNOW HOW TO PLAY!. It would
1...Emma Hamilton
be nice to be able to have the children’s group learn a
Norwegian song or two. Please consider it!
9...Carter Saeteren
22...Benjamin Klompien
25...Genna Boland
26...Roger Kittelson
Please try and come to the meeting a little early to see
28...Logan Diekmann
if there is anything you can do to help with the set up
28...Heather Klompien
12...John Dungan
14...Frank Sundeen
21...Ida May Huseby
21...Jerry Swenson
24...Robert Hawks
26...James Dungan
29...Sharon Harris
and try to stay a little late to help clean up the area.
Bonni and Ron Glock have been the first to show up and
the last to leave for years. They are both around 80
and would appreciate some help. Remember when you
bring your potluck dishes, to bring a serving utensil, be
Norwegian Table Prayer
responsible for having your item ready for serving.
I Jesu navn går vi til bords
Also, make sure you remember to take your dishes and
å spise, drikke på ditt ord.
leftovers when you leave or you may never see them
Deg, Gud til ære, oss til gavn,
Så får vi mat i Jesu navn. Amen.
I will let you know when we hire a crew to take
care of all of this, but I wouldn’t hold my breath
if I were you.
In Jesus' name to the table we go
To eat and drink according to His word.
To God the honor, us the gain,
So we have food in Jesus' name. Amen.
Sons of Norway
March—April 2012
a little in English...
Easter Holiday – Typical Norwegian
There are not many countries like Norway, especially
when it comes to Easter holiday!
Easter holiday is largely a distinctly Norwegian phenomenon because Norway is one of the few countries in the
world that has a continuous holiday weekend from
Maundy Thursday to the second Easter Sunday in Easter.
The weekend gives the vast majority a minimum of five
consecutive free-days of Easter holiday.
At the same time generous holiday hours and flexible
time off at work and in school during the Easter season
allows many to take ten consecutive days off – from
“Palm Saturday,” the Saturday before Palm Sunday,
through the holy week to the second day of Easter.
Through cliché representations in the media and the
public sphere impressions are created and reinforced
annually that ski, sun, snow, oranges, Kvikk Lunsj and
Easter crime novels by the fireplace is the typical Easter
for the majority of Norwegians. In reality, the Easter holiday for the vast majority is first and foremost about leisure and mellow days at home – maybe spending time
with family or friends.
The tan skin tone one gets after long days outdoors, sunbathing in the thin high altitude mountain air and in
snowy environments is called “Easter brown.” The increased car traffic to and from the mountains is more or
less called “Easter traffic.” “Easter snow” is used to refer
to the ski conditions over Easter, when the snow is often
old, rough and grainy, wet during the day and icy at
**Taken from Radio Ålesund 7. April 2009 by Egil Farstad
Fjelldal 4-543
litt på norsk...
Påskeferie - typisk norsk!
Det er ikke mange land som er som Norge, heller ikke når
det gjelder påskeferien!
Påskeferie er i stor grad et særnorsk fenomén siden Norge er ett av de få land i verden som holder sammenhengende helg fra og med skjærtorsdag til og med 2.
påskedag i påsken. Selve kjernehelgen gir altså de aller
fleste minimum fem sammenhengende fridager eller
Samtidig fører generøse fridags-, flexi- og avspaseringsordninger i arbeidslivet og i skolen til at påskehøytid for
mange blir det samme som ti sammenhengende fridager
– fra og med "palmelørdag", det vil si lørdagen før palmesøndag, gjennom hele den stille uke til og med 2.
Gjennom klisjépregede fremstillinger i media og i de
offentlige rom skapes og forsterkes årlig et inntrykk av at
ski, sol, snø, appelsiner, Kvikk Lunsj og påskekrim i
peiskroken er en del av påsken for folk flest. I virkeligheten er påskeferie for den store majoriteten først og
fremst fritid og rolige dager på hjemmebane - kanskje
med noe samvær med slekt og venner.
Den brune hudfargen en får etter lange utedager og soling i tynn høyfjellsluft og snørike omgivelser, kalles
gjerne "påskebrun", mens den økte biltrafikken til og fra
fjellet først og sist i ferien kalles "påsketrafikk".
"Påskeføre" brukes vanligvis om skiføret i påska, da
snøen ofte er gammel, grov og kornete, våt om dagen og
skarp om kvelden.
Find Us on Our Website
Or on Facebook
President Jed Huseby 586-6174
Vice-President Gregg Thompson 581-4012
Secretary Susan Fromdahl Howe 587-8027
Treasurer Gwen Croghan 585-0631
Zone 6 Director Jerry Swenson 284-4490
Editor Shelly Fallang 587-0248
Shelly E. Fallang, Editor
Fjelldal Lodge 4-543
3805 West Toole Street
Bozeman, Mt 59718-2112