Rådgivning hos Alfred Berg «Rådgivning er service og effektiviserer hverdagen for investor» Royal Christiania, 20. november 2014 AGENDA • Kort om Alfred Berg Kapitalforvaltning. • Hvorfor er rådgivning viktig? • Rådgivning hos Alfred Berg hjelper deg å navigere. • Vårt rådgivningskonsept. 2 2 Kort om Alfred Berg Kapitalforvaltning. VÅRT HJEMMEMARKED AN EXTENSIVE PRODUCT RANGE MANAGED BY LOCAL PROFESSIONALS SWEDEN NORWAY FINLAND Bonds Money market Balanced Large cap equity Small cap equity Emerging Europe Bonds Money market Balanced Thematic Equity Bonds Money market Balanced Large cap equity Small cap equity NORDIC Nordic high yield • Large cap equity • Small cap equity • Listed real estate ALFRED BERG IN THE NORDICS 116 employees in the Nordics 36 31 48 1 The number of employees in each Nordic country is stated in the colored dots. Source: Alfred Berg, as of March 31, 2014. 4 HVEM ER VI? Specialist investment partner An autonomous asset manager within BNP Paribas Investment Partners, focusing on Nordic asset classes. EUR 19.8 billion of assets under management and distribution. Global reach The exclusive distributor of BNP Paribas Investment Partners investment products and services in the Nordics. Strong, diverse client base 162 institutional clients, 85 distribution partners and approximately 10,000 private clients. Client focused organization Rigorous investment approach Offices in Stockholm, Oslo, and Helsinki. A team of 116 employees, of which 24 are investment professionals and 18 client facing staff. Lipper and Morningstar awards throughout the Nordics. Source: Alfred Berg, as of March 31, 2014. 5 HISTORIEN 150 years of financial know-how 1863 Alfred Berg is founded in Sweden and is named after the banker Alfred Berg, who takes over the operation in 1901 1985 The company is acquired by the Volvo Group and expands its operations to Norway, Denmark and Finland. Offices are also opened in London, New York and Moscow 1995 Alfred Berg is bought by ABN AMRO. The operation expands further, becoming a strong Nordic player within a wide global network 2006 Alfred Berg 2008 ABN AMRO is rebranded Asset Management across the is merged into Fortis Nordics to ABN Investments and AMRO reinstates the Alfred Berg asset management business and brand 2013 Alfred Berg celebrates 150 years of financial know how! 2013 2010 2009 2008 2007 2006 2004 1995 1986 1986 Denmark’s oldest brokerage firm, Brdr.Trier, which was established in 1877, becomes part of Alfred Berg 1985 1900’s 1863 1900’s Alfred Berg comes under the ownership of the Kahm family 2009 In May BNP Paribas became the 2004 Alfred Berg’s majority shareholder in asset management Fortis Bank Belgium, business is our parent, and will be integrated in its combining Fortis entirety into ABN 2007 ABN Investments with BNP AMRO Asset AMRO is bought Paribas Investment Management by Fortis Bank Partners 2010 In April the merger between Fortis Investments and BNP Paribas Investment Partners is completed, and Alfred Berg becomes a specialist Investment Partner within this network of asset management companies Source: Alfred Berg, as of March 31, 2014. 6 Hvorfor rådgivning? GRIP MULIGHETENE SOM FINNES I FINANSMARKEDET. “Se på svingningene i markedet som din venn og ikke din fiende, Warren Buffet” 700 600 500 400 300 200 100 0 Kilde: Bloomberg, Oslo Børs 8 8 Rådgivning hos Alfred Berg hjelper deg å navigere? VIKTIGHETEN AV EN LANGSIKTIG STRATEGI legg en langsiktig og robust strategi gitt formål og begrensninger...... “Investing with one security in your portfolio is a little like golfing with one club in your bag.” Kilde: Storyselling for financial advisors, Scott West & Mitch Anthony 10 10 VIKTIGHETEN AV EN LANGSIKTIG STRATEGI legg en langsiktig og robust strategi gitt formål og begrensninger...... “Battles aren’t lost in the field. They’re lost in the planning. That’s why investors need a long-term financial plan.” 700 Nå venter jeg ikke lenger, jeg kjøper Bra at jeg kjøpte nå og ikke ventet 600 Det faller sikkert igjen 500 Kursene stiger. La oss følge med på markedet 400 300 Hva skjer? Ok jeg venter til det stiger Det var det jeg visste 200 Nei, dette går dårlig.. Jeg selger alt. 100 Godt at jeg solgte meg ut. 0 Kilde: Bloomberg, Oslo Børs ogStoryselling for financial advisors, Scott West & Mitch Anthony 11 11 LØPENDE TILPASNING tilpass deg løpende for å kunne dra nytte av mulighetene som oppstår, men ha alltid målet klart for deg (langsiktige strategien)...... “You can’t change the direction of the wind, but you can change the direction of your sails.” Kilde: Storyselling for financial advisors, Scott West & Mitch Anthony 12 12 Vårt rådgivningskonsept. VÅR RÅDGIVNINGSMODELL setter langsiktig strategi samtidig som man utnytter mulighetene som oppstår...... «Rådgivning er service og effektiviserer hverdagen for investor» Kilde: Alfred Berg 14 14 NYSGJERRIG PÅ MER ? KONTAKT OSS… Alexander Hofsmoen Telefon: +47 913 34 473 E-post: alexander.hofsmoen@alfredberg.com Christian H Grosch, CFA Telefon: +47 916 32 351 E-post: christian.grosch@alfredberg.com Stockholm Nybrokajen 5 P.O. Box 70447 SE-107 25 Stockholm tel. +46 8 562 347 00 Helsinki Pohjoisesplanadi 37 A FI-00100 Helsinki tel. +358 9 2283 21 Oslo Olav V’s gate 5 P.O. Box 1294 Vika NO-0111 Oslo tel. +47 2200 5100 www.alfredberg.se www.alfredberg.fi www.alfredberg.no 15 DISCLAIMER DISCLAIMER This document has been prepared solely for informational purposes and does not constitute 1) an offer to buy or sell or a solicitation of an offer to buy or sell any security or financial instrument mentioned in this document or 2) any investment advice. Any decision to invest in the securities described herein should be made after reviewing the most recent version of the prospectus, which can be obtained free of charge from Alfred Berg or its group companies. Moreover, prospective investors should conduct such investigations as the investor deems necessary and should seek their own legal, accounting and tax advice in order to make an independent determination of the suitability and consequences of an investment in the securities. The opinions contained herein are subject to change without notice. Investors should ensure themselves that they read the last available version of this document. The material may be partly or totally based on information from a third party, information we consider as reliable, even though we can not guarantee its accuracy or completeness. Past performance or achievements are not indicative of current or future performance. Future return will depend on among others the development of financial markets, the skill of the portfolio manager, the risk profile of the mutual fund as well as fees for subscription, redemption and management. The return may become negative due to losses. Changes in exchange rates will influence the value of the mutual fund. This document has been issued by Alfred Berg Asset Management which is part of BNP Paribas Investment Partners. For more information, please contact info@alfredberg.com. 16
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