NC #12 Sixth Grade Technology Work Sample Assessment 2008 - 2009

NC #12 Sixth Grade
Technology Work Sample
2008 - 2009
6th Grade Technology
Work Sample 2008-2009
The District Technology Scope and Sequence for 6th grade indicates that for Internet/Research, 6th
graders should:
“use Internet as a research tool, use browser toolbar, understand a URL, conduct an effective
search, evaluate the relevance, bias and appropriateness of electronic resources, use a standardized
format for citing a website as a reference, use Internet responsibility and safely”
The World Explorers social series at sixth grade has a Curriculum Unit called: The Five Themes of
Geography. It describes the five themes of geography as: Location, Place, Human-Environment
Interaction, Movement and Regions.
The Sixth Grade Technology Work Sample that will be administered this year involves using the
following resources:
The Big 6 Research process[Big 6 Research Inspiration Guide].
World Explorers social studies text [the Five Themes of Geography unit].
Worldbook Online Encyclopedia []
Citation Maker []
Skills that the student must demonstrate are the following:
Name and define one geography theme [for example, “Place”].
Knowledge of the Big 6 Research method through the entry of appropriate research information
pertaining to the selected theme, in the Big 6 Research Inspiration Guide template [see template].
Extract information about the assigned country theme from both the World Explorer social
studies text and the Worldbook Online resource to create a product that represents this
Two correct citations from their research [one from World Explorers text and the other from the
Worldbook Online].
Students will develop a presentation that will demonstrate their knowledge of their country’s theme,
such as a PowerPoint presentation, Inspiration document, word processing document, speech, maps,
The work sample will be scored by a rubric which is part of this packet.
The following pages contain the data and instructions for administering this work sample to 6th
graders. We would like to help make accommodations for students with special needs and in
instances where you desire to use a different set of data.
For accommodations or questions about this work sample or its administration, please contact your
building TOSA:
Amy Gertenrich-Dwyer []
Richard Bursch []
Carolyn Kirschmann []
Page 1
Technology Skills /eeded
3th Grade Technology Work Sample
!se %ro(ser tool%ar,
!nderstand a !/0 1us3ng the Worldbook )nline -ncyclopedia 6 )S34S (e%s3tes7,
8onduct an e::ect3;e search 1us3ng Worldbook )nline -ncyclopedia7,
!se <nternet as a research tool 1us3ng Worldbook )nline -ncyclopedia 6 )S34S
=;aluate the rele;ance> %3as and appropr3ateness o: electron3c resources,
!se a standard3@ed :ormat :or c3t3ng a (e%s3te as a re:erence,
!se )S34S (e%s3te :or one %ook re:erence,
8opyDEaste c3tat3on 3n:ormat3on :rom the Worldbook )nline -ncyclopedia
!se <nternet respons3%ly and sa:ely
Big 3 Research
0aunch 4nspiration and open the 7ig 9 :esearch 4nspiration Guide template,
=nter rele;ant 3n:ormat3on 3nto the correct 7ig 9 teFt %oFes (3th3n the document,
Sa;e and name document template to the correct locat3on,
Er3nt document,
Page 2
!dministering the -th .rade
Technology 5ork Sample 9::;-9::=
This work sample should be administered after completion ofB
World '(plorers, Geography Tools and 4oncepts text unit on DThe World of
Geography8 9:;e Themes of GeographyE Unit
The =:g > ?esearch @ethod - BBBCD:g>Ccom
WorldDook Fnl:ne 'ncycloped:a - BorldDookonl:neCcom
Citing sources Honline encyclopedia articles and booksI - wwwJoslisJorg
Gnsp:rat:on basics
Students will be assigned a country from either Africa, Asia and the Pacific, Europe and
Russia or <atin America. Students will name one of the >!i#e Themes of ,eography? from
their social studies text book, 2orld 56plorers: ,eography Tools and Concepts,>The 2orld of
,eography, !i#e Themes of ,eography? and define that theme.
Bsing both 2orld 56plorers: ,eography Tools and Concepts and the 2orldbook ?nline
5ncyclopedia , students will enter the reCuested information into the Big A Inspiration
Research Template. Students will create a product to demonstrate their content
knowledge of the country theme. Products might include, but are not limited to
creating aDnE
written report
DowerDoint presentation
newsletter or brochure
The work sample will then be scored by the teacher using the attached rubric and
entered into Results.
Page 3
Page 4
Page 5
Program Authors
Heidi Hayes Jacobs
Michal L. LeVasseur
Heidi Hayes Jacobs has served as an educational consultant to more than 500 schools across the nation.
Dr. Jacobs is an adjunct professor in the Department
of Curriculum on Teaching at Teachers College,
Columbia University. She completed her undergraduate studies at the University of Utah in her hometown
of Salt Lake City. She received an M.A. from the
University of Massachusetts, Amherst, and completed
her doctoral work at Columbia University's Teachers
College in 1981.
Michal leVasseur is an educational consultant in the
field of geography. She is an adjunct professor of geography at the University of Alabama, Birmingham, and
serves with the Alabama Geographic Alliance. Her
undergraduate and graduate work is in the fields of
anthropology (B.A.), geography (M.A.), and science
education (ph.D.).
The backbone of Dr. Jacobs's experience comes from
her years as a teacher of high school, middle school,
and elementary school students. As an educational
consultant, she works with K-12 schools and districts
on curriculum reform and strategic planning.
Dr. leVasseur's specialization has moved increasingly
into the area of geography education. In 1996, she
served as Director of the National Geographic
Society's Summer Geography Workshop. As an educational consultant, she has worked with the National
Geographic Society as well as with schools to develop
programs and curricula for geography.
Special Program Consultant
Brenda Randolph
Yvonne S. Gentzler, Ph.D.
Brenda Randolph is the former Director of the
Outreach Resource Center at the African Studies
Program at Howard University, Washington, D.C. She
is the Founder and Director of Africa Access, a bibliographic service on Africa for schools. She received her
B.A. in history with high honors from North Carolina
Central University, Durham, and her M.A in African
studies with honors from Howard University. She completed further graduate studies at the University of
Maryland, College Park, where she was awarded a
Graduate Fellowship.
School of Education
University of Idaho
Moscow, Idaho
Brenda Randolph has published numerous articles in
professional journals and bulletins. She currently
serves as library media specialist in Montgomery
County Public Schools, Maryland.
Upper Saddle River, New Jersey
Needham, Massachusetts
Copyright © 1998 by Prentice-Hall, Inc., Upper Saddle River,
New Jersey 07458. All rights reserved. No part of this book may be
reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic
or mechanical, Including photocopying, recording, or by any information storage and retrieval system, without permission in writing
from the publisher. Printed in the United States of America.
ISBN 0-13-433702-6
01 00
On the Cover
o Model of locomotive
and freight cars
o Antique sextant
o Conch shell
o Calipers
o Compass
<:) Thermometer
(» Mineral samples
Page 6
Scoring Guide for .th Grade 2echnolog4 Work Sa78le 9::;<9::=
Student >a7e?
@ig .
Sub?ect knowledge is beyond
The !"#$6 template is complete.
reBuested- Cnformation is evident
accurate and 3ith 4ar more than
and enhanced via a variety of
the minimum re5uirements. All
medium- Gnowledge is at an
steps are applied correctl8 and
uneEpected level throughout the
extended. Notes are exceptionall8
pro?ect- 4ll reBuired information is 3ritten in their o3n 3ords to
present, clear, appropriate, and
create the product.
Eiting Sources F
4ll sources are properly
cited and copyrighted
information for photos,
graphics and music is
clearly identified by
source and nature of
permission to
Sub?ect knowledge is evident in all
areas throughout the pro?ectCnformation is present, clear,
appropriate, correct and eEtended
beyond reBuired-
The !"#$6 template is complete.
accurate and 3ith more than the
minimum re5uirements. All steps
are applied correctl8 and some
extended. Notes are 3ell 3ritten
in their o3n 3ords to create the
4ll sources are properly
cited and every photo,
graphic or sound file is
either original or
permission for its use
is documented from the
>ro?ect runs perfectly with no technical problems- The
graphics, sound;and or animation visually depict material
and assist the audience in understanding the flow of
information or content- Cmages are student produced3ultimedia elements are appropriate and enhance the
Sub?ect knowledge is evident
throughout the the pro?ect in all
reBuired areas- Cnformation is
provided in a clear, appropriate, and
correct manner-
The !"#$6$template is accuratel8
and completel8 4illed in. =ost
steps are applied correctl8 and
some extended. Notes are
ade5uatel8 3ritten in their o3n
3ords to create the product.
3ost sources are
properly cited-
>ro?ect runs adeBuately with
minor technical problems- 3ultimedia elements support
the presentation consistently and clearly-
Some sub?ect knowledge is evident- =ost parts o4 the !"#$6$template
Some Cnformation is confusing,
ha;e been completed. Some parts
incorrect, flawed or missingare not accurate. Some notes are
completed in their o3n 3ords.
some are not.
Some sources are
properly cited-
>ro?ect runs minimally- There
are many technical problems when viewing the pro?ectSome of the graphics, sounds and;or animations are
unrelated to the content- Graphics add inconsistent
enhancement to the content-
Fittle sub?ect knowledge is evident- =ost parts o4 the !"#$6$template
!o sources are properly
3uch information is confusing,
are incomplete or incorrect. There citedincorrect, flawed and missingare not su44icient notes to create an
accurate and in4ormati;e product.
>ro?ect does not run satisfactorily- The pro?ect reBuires
multiple interventions to run correctly- 3ost of the
graphics, sounds, and;or animations are unrelated to the
content- Graphics do not enhance understanding the
Sub?ect knowledge is not evident- There is no e;idence o4 completing !o sources are cited3ost information is confusing,
the !"#$6$template or
incorrect, flawed and not included- understanding o4 the process.
>ro?ect does not run satisfactorily- There are too many
technical problems to view the pro?ect- Graphics do not
enhance understanding the content, or are distracting
decorations that create a busy feeling and detract from the
SuGHect InoJledge
C2echnical De7onstration
>ro?ect runs perfectly with no technical problems- The
graphics, sound and;or animation assist in presenting an
overall theme that appeals to the audience and enhances
concepts with a high impact message- 4ll multimedia
elements work well together and demonstrate eEcellent
synthesis- Graphics, eEplain and reinforce key points
during the presentation-
Cvaries depending on selected
Page 7 product
!C $12 Si)th Grade
Technology Work Sample
!ome of the e)amples are in digital formats and may re4uire using
software such as Inspiration, Appleworks, /ower/oint, 01cel, etc.
:lease see the documents in your ;th <rade =ssessment >older.
Page 8
!t# %&ade *e+#no.og0 1o&2 3am5.e 67789677:
An+#o& <&od=+t
!sing&t(e&*eso,*-es&s,-(&as&World&ook )nline -ncyclopedia&an/&o,*&te0t&1oo23&4o*5/&6075o*e*s3&
Average Temperature in <angladesh
1o&.d>oo2 Citation
*ext>oo2 Citation
6note8 this might &e an e:ample of a short research paper< &=t st=dents co=ld easily make a map< a dra>ing< a
mo?ie< speech< Po>erPoint/slide presentation< Bnspiration doc=ment that comm=nicates the information a&o=t
their co=ntryCs geography themeDE
Page 9
size, move, scroll in a window, use finder, save and name a document to
the correct location, create, name and organize a folder, adjust volume and
brightness, work with options on a print screen
9::%';*+<37*+7A#.'3 zoom, sizing, moving windows, minimizing, scrolling, page set up, align
text, use spell check and thesaurus, work with tool bar, change margins,
use clippings, add and modify graphics, text wrap, work with tabs
size and reshape an image, use paint tools, use art/ accent palette,
A#.'37=+#B1A#$-0 understand difference between paint/draw, command keys, copy, cut,
paste, size and reshape an image, duplicate, use auto-grid, rotate and flip
an object, add and format text, layer objects, lock and unlock an object
adjust column width and row height, set print range, set display options,
enter math formulas (add, subtract, multiply, average), fill down/across,
sort information, enter data into a table, interpret a graph, modify graph
to display effectively
create fields, create different filed types, enter data into fields, add a new
record, change layout design, work in database form different layouts;
browse, layout list and find, sort data, search for data, use mail merge,
create a graph to represent data, compare appropriate graphs to show
relationship with data
/-0'+-'012'3'#+45 use browser toolbar, understand a URL, use a search engine, conduct an
effective search, evaluate the credibility of a website, use Internet as a
research tool,Evaluate the relevance, bias and appropriateness of electronic
resources, use a standardized format for citing a website as a reference, use
Internet responsibly and safely
know letters from memory, use basic punctuation, use correct fingering
for word processing, type accurately at 20 WPM
manage an address book, use group sending, linking to the Internet,
manage in and out box, use shortcut features, set up multiple mail boxes,
use search feature
Page 10