Reverse Planning Calendar Rotary District 5240

Reverse Planning Calendar
Rotary District 5240
FROM: Vicki Arndt, District 5240 COO 2010-11
This Reverse Planning Calendar is to help you prepare for your year as President of
your Club. It is based on the experience of many Past Club Presidents and Past District
Governors. It is meant to be helpful in your planning though not to change your own
style and approach - just tailor it to meet your Club situation and your personal style.
Likewise, please share your input based on your experience this year so the calendar
will be even more helpful to your successor next year.
It is important that some of your planning activities be coordinated with your current
Club President and Incoming President. During your year, you will not want members
unduly distracted from tasks they agreed to do for you. Naturally, you will want to
extend that same courtesy to your current President, and carefully consider any
appointments, plans and decisions that may tend to interfere with his/her activities.
When in doubt, ask. Your close cooperation with your Club President will make your
planning and preparation more efficient. Be your Club President’s biggest supporter,
and your successor will likely do the same for you!
As President Elect
JANUARY 2009– “Rotary Awareness Month”
Register for PRLS and Master PRLS classes now! Classes get booked up
fast! Go to this link for further information and registration A
Basic PRLS Class is scheduled in Thousand Oaks on April 3, 2009 and a new
Master PRLS series will begin January 24 in Bakersfield.
Suggest that your Club President, President-Elect and you begin holding monthly
meetings to help solve current challenges and to ensure continuity of programs.
Support the current President and the President Elect. Be the first to volunteer,
be enthusiastic about future plans.
Ask your sitting Club President & Membership Chair if you can become involved
on the Membership Committee — not chair it, just be part of it.
Familiarize yourself with the Membership process. Is it working? What can be
changed to make it better? Do you have an adequate Orientation, Rotary
Information and Mentoring Program? What are the club membership goals and
are they being met?
Attend any one of the Mid Term Reviews: January 10 – Santa Maria, January
17 – Oxnard, and January 31 - Bakersfield
FEBRUARY 2009 – “World Understanding Month”
Attend Board Meetings and Committee Meetings. Get involved with the Club
Service Committee; get to know the operation of your club.
Become familiar with the district website ( and the RI
website (
MARCH 2009 – Literacy Month
Register for the District Assembly in your area: April 4 – Santa Barbara, April
25 – Bakersfield)
Send in your Registration for the 100th R.I. Convention in Birmingham, England
June 21-24, 2009. For more information, visit the District or R I websites.
APRIL 2009 – “Magazine Month”
Register for PRLS and Master PRLS classes. ( . You will be
asked many times during your Rotary year to encourage your members to attend
PRLS and Master PRLS. If you are not a PRLS or Master PRLS graduate, it will
be difficult for you to ask others to attend.
Your regular meetings with the Club President and Incoming President will help
solve current problems and ensure continuity of programs and leadership. You
will be surprised how a seamless transition will help to make your year more
Attend one of the two Assembly meetings.
If at all possible, visit the RYLA camp at Camp Ramah in Ojai. To make
arrangements, contact Darin Arrasmith (, tel. 805-3798626.
MAY 2009 –
Registration Packets will be mailed to you for the Incoming Presidents’ and
Spouses’ Retreat. This will be held on September 11, 12 & 13, 2009 at Santa
Ynez Valley High School. Please send in your Registration early. (We hope that
you and your spouse will make a special effort to attend!) We suggest that your
attendance at this retreat should be a club expense.
Meet with your current INCOMING Club President as soon as possible.
o Offer your help during his/her year, and clarify what (s)he wants you to do.
o Offer to be responsible for the District awards worksheet for him/her. This is
an excellent tool which will help you familiarize yourself with all avenues of
service and to acquaint you with all club activities.
o Explain your plans and schedule (i.e., the contents of this Planning Calendar)
and get his/her support. Make whatever adjustments to your schedule the
Incoming Club President suggests (You’ll want your successor to do the
o Success builds on success, so, the more you help your current Club
President and Incoming President, the more successful your year as
President can be.
JUNE 2009 – “Rotary Fellowship Month”
Don’t delay sending in your President Elect Retreat Registration Form for both
you and your Rotary Partner on September 12 & 13, 2009.
As President Elect
JULY 2009 – “Literacy Month”
Provide your Governor and COO with updated contact information
promptly whenever there is a change. Your Governor will be periodically
asking for your input. Make sure she has the information she needs to
communicate with you and your Secretary (when chosen). Also, put your
Governor and COO on your Club bulletin mailing list (
Set up at least four files:
What to do/not do as President; what’s good/bad about your
Club; what’s good/bad about other Clubs; what you can do in
your Club that’s new; how you can improve your Club; what you
can do to increase your communication, public speaking,
leadership and motivational skills; and anything else that comes
to mind.
If you are already thinking about issues that may affect you
during your year, you’ll see how important it is that you visit
other Clubs and talk with other Rotarians.
What you don’t know; what you want to know. Use your past
presidents, past district governors, assistant governors, group
reps and district governor as a resource. If we don’t know, we
can look for answers.
Prepare your Club’s organizational chart with spaces for your
selections to fill the positions. If you don’t have an organizational
chart, make one! There is a sample organization chart
(“Committee Plan for a Rotary Club”) taken from the Club
President’s Workbook (distributed at P.E.T.S.) which you may
use. Your sitting president has a copy, or you can download
one from the RI website (download center). You can
modify it to suit your club. There is also a sample org chart on
your PE flash drive.
Many Presidents write a weekly message in their Club bulletins.
Start collecting articles/ideas now so it won’t be difficult to write
a couple of paragraphs each week.
Collect articles from other Club bulletins, magazines and other
sources that you can not only use yourself, but can also give
your Bulletin Editor as filler during your year. Another source of
articles is the compendium of ideas written by others. The
compendium appears in the Opinion & Comment Section at
As thoughts come to you over the next few months, jot them
down on slips of paper and drop them (or articles) into the files.
In January, you can start putting the contents of the files in
Consider Picking Advisors. Ask at least two Past Club Presidents whose
judgment you respect to be your “advisors.” Meet with them periodically from
now on to discuss the Club and your plans. Get honest feedback on your
strengths and weaknesses. Summarize in writing in your “Ideas” folder what’s
said at every meeting.
Plan Your Communications. Plan to have a computer, FAX, and Club e-mail
address by January, get all members to use email communications. Investigate
the possibility of having the Club Bulletin sent via Email to members home. (In
some clubs, the financial savings in stamps and printing over a year can amount
to an extra Paul Harris Fellowship awarded to one of your staunch supporters
after your year is over.)
With your Club President’s approval, plan to attend as many Club Committee
meetings as you can. This helps you judge whom to select as Chairs and how to
improve the work of each committee.
Begin increasing your knowledge about Rotary and current developments.
Your President receives three copies of Rotary World (5 issues per year).
Ask the President to route one copy to you.
Check District 5240 Website at and the Rotary
International Website at regularly for news and
information updates.
Begin thinking about the goals you want to accomplish.
What’s important/of interest to you? Talk to people about your possible
plans. Generate ideas and enthusiasm from others by letting them know
your goals/interests.
Promote Public Relations within and outside of your club. Suggest
including a synopsis of the Board Minutes in the Club Bulletin so the
membership at large is aware of the decisions the board is making. This
will provide a way for the membership to have a voice in the direction the
club is going. Have you selected a Public Relations Chair yet?
If you don’t have one already, consider a Club Website. Call your District
Communications Chair (Numbers and e-mail address are in the District
Directory). Ask for information and a listing of the resources available on
how to set one up.
Keep the “BIG PICTURE” in mind! Dream! Be creative! Don’t be afraid to
consider things that have never been done before. Don’t be afraid to get
rid of what’s not working, during your year.
Begin a calendar of events for your year. Begin filling in tentative events and
activities (fund-raisers, dinners, District activities, community events/projects,
etc.) that you may want your Club to hold, sponsor or participate in, during your
year. This keeps you thinking, and helps avoid conflicts. Continue filling in this
tentative calendar throughout the year as you plan. To get you started, there is a
District Calendar on the District’s Website, and there is a listing of Club Events.
Expenses: Keep track of all of your expenses for reimbursement or tax planning
purposes. Talk to your club treasurer and accountant about deductibility issues
AUGUST 2009 – “Membership and Extension Month”
Attend meetings of other Rotary Clubs. Do this every month from now on.
Observe everything (room set-up, greeting, fellowship, music, President’s
performance, etc.), make notes and put them in your Ideas file. Be sure to visit
Clubs of all sizes. It’s fun, and you’ll be amazed at the ideas you pick up.
SUGGESTION: Keep visiting other Clubs during your year – you’ll be even more
attentive to ideas that may help you.
Attend the District Membership Seminar – August 8 in Bakersfield
Personally meet each new member of your Club. Some may be ideal
committee chairs or persons to be in charge of projects/events during your year.
Continue to promote the District Conference October 23 – 25, in Ventura.
One of the best ways to promote the District Conference is to attend yourself.
After all, it is a celebration of our District 5240.
SEPTEMBER 2009 – “New Generations Month”
Begin asking individual Club members for their ideas and interests. Start asking
all Club members individually what they personally like about Rotary, what they
would like to do, and what they are interested in. You’ll get important feedback
and ideas, and be able to assess each person’s interest/commitment, better. You
may be surprised at some of the responses! Some may have interests you didn’t
expect. You will discover people who are interested in working but simply have
not been asked. It’s probable that the members will be motivated because you
took the time to talk to them individually. You won’t know if you don’t ask!
Continue doing this until you have talked to every Club member.
Continue attending other Rotary Club meetings. Meet your Club’s new members.
Promote PRLS/Master PRLS.
District Governor Elect Deepa will be hosting a President Elects’ Retreat in
Santa Ynez Valley! This is a get-together for Incoming Presidents and their
Rotary Partners. This is an opportunity for all to get to know each other better
and, with District Staff, to start planning the year together as Rotary leaders. This
will also give you a chance to meet many other Club Presidents. You are
encouraged to attend this fun and informative Retreat September 11, 12 & 13,
2009. Have you registered for PRLS & Master PRLS? Registration forms and
dates are available on the District and PRLS website (
Register for the District Foundation Seminar October 17 in Oxnard.
OCTOBER 2009 – “Vocational Service Month”
Attend other Rotary club meetings to see what works for them and what ideas you
can pick up to run your own club more smoothly.
Offer to assist your club’s current President and the Rotary Foundation Chair with
plans for Rotary Foundation Month (November) activities.
Attend District Conference yourself and your partner. Assure attendance at the
Conference by your year potential leadership team and other members of your
club, particularly the newer members. The District Conference will be held
October 23 – 25 at the Ventura Marriott. You can register online at
Attend the District Foundation Seminar – October 17 in Oxnard.
Meet your club’s new members, if any, to find out their interests.
NOVEMBER 2009 - “Rotary Foundation Month”
Continue to fill your organizational chart with tentative service chairs.
Participate in your club’s Rotary Foundation Month activities and/or District
Attend the Poverty Conference on November 21 at Cal State Channel Islands.
If you are unable to attend, encourage your club’s International Service Chair and
other interested members to attend.
Continue to attend other Rotary club meetings.
DECEMBER 2009 – “Family Month”
Attend your home club’s Family of Rotary events.
Serve on the club selection committee for electing the next president. Some clubs
may delay this until February or March. Don’t let that happen in your club. Having
a strong leadership team and continuity between years will contribute to your
Work with your President to give the information about you successor to the
District Secretary and District Governor Nominee Designee.
JANUARY 2010 – “Rotary Awareness Month”
Activate your communications links – your computer, fax and your email address.
Review your committee chair files and firm up your tentative selections for your
team members.
Decide exactly what you want each committee chair to do – be specific. You will
receive more guidelines at PETS in February on this topic. In the meantime, ask
your current President for his/her PETS information from the previous year. You
should determine specifically how you want the job done in your club.
Attend Mid-Terms along with your PE and PEN – January 9, 16 or 30 – locations
FEBRUARY 2010 – “World Understanding Month”
Meet with your club Treasurer. Obtain copies of the past 3 years’ club budgets and
financial statements. Discuss the particulars, especially shortfalls and significant
budgetary shifts that occurred in past years.
Attend your Club’s Foundation (if applicable) meeting to develop a feel for the
disbursement of club’s charitable funds.
Begin to prepare the club budget for your year. The budget should be program
driven; figure the cost, and then construct your budget.
SUGGESTION: Ask your club President to schedule a Club Assembly in the latter
part of May to allow you and your team to discuss ideas for your year and solicit
input from the club membership about what they want.
COMPULSARY: Attend President Elect Training Seminar at the LAX Marriott
in Los Angeles February 24 - 28. Your club should pay for your attendance at
this Rotary International required training session. You cannot serve as
President without attending PETS.
MARCH 2010 – “Literacy Month”
Select your Board of Directors (BOD) and finalize your club Organizational Chart
by completing the selection of your Committee Chairs and other key positions.
Meet with your BOD and begin discussing:
o The status of your club and your plans for your year.
o Schedule a BOD Retreat to be held in April or early part of May.
Inform your BOD and all members of your team the dates for the District
Assembly which will be held March 27 and April 10.
Attend other Rotary club meetings. Continue to meet with newer members of your
club to establish their interests.
APRIL 2010 – “Magazine Month”
Develop a summary of your year’s club plans and objectives. Complete the form
entitled “Summary of Club Plans and Objectives” and submit to the District COO
Vicki Arndt (
Discuss with COO your year’s plan and amend, if necessary. Remember, make it
You and your BOD attend District Assembly on March 27 or April 10
(Absolutely recommended). The key purpose of the District Assembly is to train
your team so that they can do their jobs better. Ensure that ALL key personnel
(Board members, officers, Committee Chairs, and new Rotary members) you have
selected for your year register with you and attend one of the District Assemblies.
Plan your Board Retreat and send invitations to your Board members and their
If possible, ask the current President to have you serve on the Awards Committee.
If at all possible, visit the RYLA camp at Camp Ramah in Ojai. To make
arrangements, contact Darin Arrasmith (, tel. 805-3798626.
MAY 2010
Meet with the current and your year Club Secretaries. Ensure a free flow of
information within the club and with the District and RI.
Make sure the current club President and Secretary are preparing for the timely
submission of the Semi-Annual Report.
Confer with all of your committee chairs to make sure that they have begun to
prepare a written program plan and budget for the coming year. Have them
present these at the Board Retreat.
Facilitate your Board Retreat and have a fun filled planning session with your
Board members and their partners.
Present your year’s plans at the Club Assembly.
Plan for your attendance at the Rotary Convention. Many clubs promote this
attendance by the President Elect by covering the cost of travel – discuss with the
current Board the possibility of such reimbursement. Encourage your Board
members’ attendance as this Convention as it will be in Montreal, Canada, June
20-23, 2010.
JUNE 2010 – “Rotary Fellowship Month”
Finalize your year’s plans with your Board.
SUGGESTION: Consider making needed changes to your meeting room which
may symbolize the beginning of a new Rotary year!
Think of a fun event to do for your first meeting! Deepa was carried in as Rani
(queen) in a covered palki (covered carriage) – it was ridiculous but fun. Don’t
plan a program for your first meeting. YOU should be the program. Share your
general goals and energize your club. Set the tone for your year!
Plan a Club Assembly for July to present your team and your plans to the entire
club membership.
Make sure that the Semi-Annual Report is completed and sent to RI.
Attend the RI Convention in Montreal, Canada, June 20 – 23, 2010.
Attend your current District Governor’s and your Club President’s Demotion
Get excited – an exciting year is ahead of you!
JULY 1, 2010
Hooray! CONGRATULATIONS – Go for it!