• O.S.T. - T.D.J Juin/June 2011, Vol. 34, N°2• Caries prevalence and caries risk in a sample of Lebanese preschool children CHEDID NR.¹, BOURGEOIS D.², KALOUSTIAN H.3, BABA NZ.4, PILIPILI C.5 Abstract Objectives: This study describes early childhood caries prevalence and caries risk in a group of Lebanese preschoolers. Method and materials: 99 healthy children, aged four years or less, were recruited at the Dental medicine faculty, Saint-Joseph university, Beirut, Lebanon. After parental consent, questionnaires investigated children’s dietary and oral hygiene habits and parents’ education and health behaviors. Oral examinations, with bite-wing radiographs when necessary, determined decayed-filled surfaces and plaque scores. Salivary testing assessed buffer capacity and streptococcus mutans (Sm) and lactobacillus (Lb) presence. The three tests (questionnaire, oral examination, salivary testing) established a caries risk assessment tool, determining subjects’ caries risk scores, classified as low (C0), moderate (C1), high (C2) or very high (C3). Results: 25.3% of subjects were caries-free, 24.2% had 4 carious lesions or less, 28.3%, 5 to 9 lesions and 22.2% over 10 lesions. 11.1% of plaque scores were low to mild, 18.2% moderate, 46.4% high, and 24.3% very high. Salivary buffer capacity was: 29.3% high, 57.6% medium and 13.1% low. High levels of Sm, (66.7%) correlated with plaque presence and proximal caries. High levels of Lb (52.5%) correlated with plaque presence and smooth-surface caries, and correlated significantly with occlusal caries. Regular tooth brushing yielded lower plaque, but not significantly lower caries levels. Systemic fluorides were associated with lower plaque and caries scores. Children of educated parents with regular dental visits and oral hygiene had lower plaque and caries scores. Caries risk distribution was: C0: 16.2%, C1: 29.3%, C2: 15.1% and C3: 39.4%. Conclusion: Most subjects had at least one carious lesion (74.7%), and 70.7% showed high to very high plaque scores. Over half the sample presented high or very high caries risk. These findings deserve further investigation of the Lebanese preschoolers’ population. 1. Dpt pediatric community dentistry, Dental medicine faculty, Saint-Joseph Univ., Beirut, Lebanon. 2. Faculté odontologie, université Claude Bernard Lyon France. 3. Dpt endodontics, Dental medicine faculty, Saint-Joseph Univ, Beirut, Lebanon. 4. Dpt restorative dentistry, Loma Linda university, California. 5. Dpt pediatric dentistry, école Médecine dentaire stomatologie, université catholique Louvain, Brussels, Belgium. Keywords: Early childhood caries, caries risk, dental prevention, diet, fluoride, oral hygiene Résumé Prévalence de la carie et risque carieux dans un groupe d’enfants libanais d’âge préscolaire Objectifs : Cette étude décrit la prévalence et le risque de carie dans un groupe d’enfants libanais d’âge préscolaire. Matériel et méthodes : 99 enfants sains, âgés de quatre ans ou moins, ont été recrutés à la Faculté de Médecine Dentaire, Université Saint-Joseph, Beyrouth, Liban. Après consentement parental, trois tests (questionnaire pour l’hygiène bucco-dentaire et alimentaire de l’enfant, le niveau d’éducation et les attitudes parentales vis-à-vis de la santé, examen bucco-dentaire pour les scores de surfaces cariées-obturées et de plaque dentaire, test salivaire de capacité tampon et présence de Streptococcus mutans (Sm) et Lactobacillus (Lb)) ont servi à évaluer le risque carieux, le classant en : bas (C0), modéré (C1), élevé (C2) ou très élevé (C3). Résultats : 25.3% des sujets étaient sans carie, 24.2% présentaient 4 lésions carieuses ou moins, Copyright © 2011 APIDPM Santé tropicale. Tous droits réservés. Mots-clés : Carie de la petite enfance, risque carieux, prévention dentaire, alimentation, fluor, hygiène buccodentaire • Caries... • 28.3%, 5 à 9 lésions et 22.2% plus de 10 lésions. 11.1% des scores de plaque étaient bas, 18.2% modérés, 46.4% élevés, et 24.3% très élevés. La capacité tampon salivaire était élevée chez 29.3% des sujets, moyenne chez 57.6% et basse pour 13.1%. Les taux élevés de Sm (66.7%) étaient corrélés avec la plaque et les caries proximales. Les taux élevés de Lb (52.5%) étaient corrélés avec la plaque et les caries des surfaces lisses, et significativement corrélées avec les caries occlusales. L’hygiène bucco-dentaire régulière résultait en moins de plaque, mais non significativement moins de caries. La fluoration systémique était associée à moins de plaque et de caries. Les enfants de parents associant niveau académique élevé, contrôles dentaires professionnels et hygiène bucco-dentaire réguliers avaient moins de plaque et de caries. La distribution du risque carieux était : C0 : 16.2%, C1 : 29.3%, C2 : 15.1% et C3 : 39.4%. Conclusion : La majorité des sujets présentait au moins une carie (74.7%), et 70.7% montraient des taux de plaque élevés ou très élevés. Plus de la moitié de l’échantillon avait un risque carieux élevé ou très élevé. D’autres investigations de la population libanaise d’âge préscolaire devraient approfondir ces résultats. Introduction 32 Caries prevalence and caries risk in a sample surfaces from demineralization. of Lebanese preschool children recent epide- Preexisting dental caries (caries prevalence) as miological studies in cariology show a trend well as new carious lesions appearing during a towards finding the highest numbers of carious given period (caries incidence) are also consi- lesions in a relatively small percentage of the dered predictors of future caries development general population. Children are amongst the (24-36). Studies show that a child developing a most vulnerable groups, as well as adolescents, high DMFT (Decayed-Missing-Filled permanent persons presenting with certain physical condi- Teeth), count before the age of five has a tions or disabilities and socio-economically chal- higher risk of becoming an adolescent with a lenged groups (1). More particularly, very high DMFT count and later becoming an adult young children (aged less than four years) can with the same problem (27, 29-31). Dental pla- present with certain forms of primary dentition que presence is yet another etiological factor in caries, collectively designated today under the dental caries development. Very young children name of early childhood caries (centers for with visible dental plaque and gingival inflam- disease control, Atlanta, U.S.A, 1994) (2, 3). mation will tend to develop several carious Multiple factors influence caries development lesions in the following years, as opposed to in the preschool children’s age group (4-11). children with adequate oral hygiene (34). One of these factors is oral bacteria, including The mother also plays an important part in the Lactobacilli (Lb) and Streptococcus mutans (Sm). The latter is transmitted to the young child by the primary caregiver, generally the mother (12-16) especially if maternal Sm counts are high (more than 10 6 CFU/ml). Research has shown that salivary Sm levels can be considered predictors of future dental caries (17-23). Saliva is another factor to be taken into account in predicting caries risk. Salivary secretion rate, mineral content and buffer capacity (32, 33) help protect dental young child’s carious process, because she is usually responsible for introducing the child to oral health and dietary habits (36, 37). Another factor linked to caries is diet; its role and effects on the carious process have been widely studied (32, 38-43) including physical properties of ingested foods, ingestion frequency, sugar content, and the presence of remineralizing agents such as calcium or fluoride. To date, fluoride is the best known cariostatic agent, (44-47) with literally thousands • O.S.T. - T.D.J • Juin/June 2011 Vol. 34, N°2 • Copyright © 2011 APIDPM Santé tropicale. Tous droits réservés. • Caries... • of publications concerning its use in dental public health, at the community level and as an individual patient’s prescription (48-50). In recent years, a paradigm shift has occurred in the management of dental caries, according to the National Institutes of Health’s Consensus Development Conference Statement Diagnosis and Management of Dental Caries Throughout Life (2001) (51). This paradigm shift advocates improved diagnosis of early non cavitated lesions, and treatment for prevention and arrest of such lesions. While indicated in both dentitions, this approach to dental caries management is well suited to the primary dentition, because it would mean shorter, less invasive, easier to tolerate dental treatment for the young child, instead of the more complex procedures needed when lesions are allowed to develop into deeper caries. This is especially true in the case of very young children affected by early childhood caries. Given that dental caries is a multi-factorial process, the caries risk to which a child may be exposed and the role played by each of the factors in compounding this risk should be determined as early as possible, so that appropriate measures to prevent dental caries development can be implemented. With this preventive aim in mind, a study of caries risk in Lebanese preschool children was undertaken. Reports on the prevalence of early childhood caries have been published for many countries around the world, but none yet for Lebanon. One study assessing dental caries in Lebanese primary school children (52) was published over 35 years ago; no data concerning caries prevalence in the preschool children’s age group in Lebanon have been recently published, although one epidemiological study has shown caries prevalence to be very high in 6 year-old as well as 12 year-old Lebanese children (53). The present report is part of a clinical study undertaken to determine caries pre- valence and caries risk distribution in a group of preschool children to whom preventive measures were then applied according to caries risk category. The effect of these measures on initial caries risk was later evaluated by comparison to a control group where only standard preventive measures were applied. The purpose of the present article is to describe caries prevalence and caries risk distribution in a Lebanese preschoolers’ group attending a university dental clinic, using a caries risk assessment tool established for the young child. Materials and methods The study population included 99 healthy children, 54 males and 45 females, aged 4 years or less at the time of enrollment. The children were patients at the dental clinic of the faculté de médecine dentaire, université Saint-Joseph, Beirut, Lebanon. The study protocol was approved by the university’s ethics committee and written parental consent for participation in the study was obtained for each child. A parental questionnaire comprising 48 itemized multiple choice questions was completed for each child participating in the study. It covered areas such as demographics, parental dental health behaviors and beliefs, children’s oral hygiene habits, and children’s dietary habits. Answers to items for the parental questionnaire were coded into numerical scales (example: child’s tooth brushing; if none, the score was 4; if less than once a day, score was 3; if once a day, score was 2; if twice a day, score was 1; if more than twice a day, score was 0). Item scores were added to form individual questionnaire scores (scale 4 to 44). Depending on the individual score, a questionnaire was classified as Q-1 and awarded one point (score 4-10), Q-2 and awarded 2 points (score 11-20), Q-3 and awarded 3 points (score 21-30) or Q-4 and awarded 4 points (score 31-44). • O.S.T. - T.D.J • Juin/June 2011 Vol. 34, N°2 • Copyright © 2011 APIDPM Santé tropicale. Tous droits réservés. 33 • Caries... • Oral examinations were carried out by the same examiner for all the children participating in the study, investigating the presence of carious lesions and plaque. Visible carious lesions were recorded and bite-wing radiographs were obtained when posterior proximal surfaces were not accessible to examination by mirror and explorer. The number and type of tooth surface affected was noted (DFS score) as well as the severity of the lesion (enamel, dentin or pulp involvement). A dental plaque score was obtained after using a disclosing solution. The amount of tooth surface covered by plaque was measured and plaque scores were attributed according to the following categories, modified from Axelsson’s Plaque Formation Rate Index (PFRI). Plaque score 1: 1 to 20 % of dental surfaces affected (very low to low score). Plaque score 2: 21 to 30 % of dental surfaces affected (moderate score). Plaque score 3: 31 to 40 % of dental surfaces affected (high score). Figure 1: Salivary buffer capacity test (CRT Buffer®, Ivoclar, Vivadent, Schaan, Liechtenstein) a. Sample provided by manufacturer for test results reading b. High salivary buffer capacity: blue color c. Medium salivary buffer capacity: green color d. Low salivary buffer capacity: yellow color Buffer® capacity High Medium Low 1a 1b 34 1c 1d Plaque score 4: more than 40 % of dental surfaces affected (very high score). Each child’s oral examination resulted in a DFS score depending on which a caries score was attributed: 0 (no carious lesions), 1 (one to four carious lesions), 2 (five to nine carious lesions), or 3 points (10 or more carious lesions). Each child’s oral examination also yielded a plaque score on a scale of 1 to 4 as explained above. Salivary samples were obtained according to the test manufacturer’s instructions, after ensuring that the child had received no antibiotic medications, antiseptic medications or professional fluoride treatments within the preceding two weeks. After salivary flow stimulation was achieved by giving the child a paraffin pellet to chew on, the child spat in a disposable cup, from which salivary samples were removed and placed on a pH sensitive strip (CRT Buffer®, Vivadent-Ivoclar, Schaan, Liechtenstein) to assess salivary buffer capacity. The result was obtained five minutes after placing the salivary sample on the strip. Depending on the color of the saliva- saturated strip, salivary pH was classified as indicated by the manufacturer as high (dark blue color), medium (green color) or low (yellow color) (figure 1). Additional salivary samples from the child were transferred to the double-sided plates of the bacterial salivary test (CRT Bacteria®, Vivadent, Ivoclar, Schaan, Liechtenstein) which was incubated for 48 hours at a temperature of 37°C (Cultura® incubator, Vivadent, Ivoclar, Schaan, Liechtenstein). The test results were then read on each side of the agar plate (blue side for Sm, green for Lb) and classified as high or low bacterial counts by comparing the cultures obtained for each patient to the visual sample results scale provided by the manufacturer (figures 2 and 3), with a number of Colony Forming Units (CFUs) superior to 105 indicating high bacterial counts. • O.S.T. - T.D.J • Juin/June 2011 Vol. 34, N°2 • Copyright © 2011 APIDPM Santé tropicale. Tous droits réservés. • Caries... • Figure 2: Salivary Streptococcus mutans assessment test (CRT Bacteria®, Ivoclar, Vivadent, Schaan, Liechtenstein) a. Sm < 105 Colony Forming Units: Sm count low b. Sm > 105 Colony Forming Units: Sm count high c. Sample test provided by manufacturer for test results reading Figure 3: Salivary Lactobacilli assessment test (CRT Bacteria®, Ivoclar-Vivadent, Schaan, Liechtenstein) a. Lb < 105 Colony Forming Units: Lb count low b. Lb > 105 Colony Forming Units: LB count high c. Sample test provided by manufacturer for test results reading Mutans Streptococcus 3a 3b 2b 2a Lactobacilli (CFU/ml Saliva) 2c 3c < 105 ≥ 105 < 105 ≥ 105 A caries risk assessment tool was established, dual questionnaire scores (scale 4 to 44). De- based on the three tests: parental question- pending on the individual score, a questionnai- naire, child’s oral examination and child’s sali- re was classified as Q-1 and awarded one point va testing, and a caries risk score was obtain- (score 4-10), Q-2 and awarded 2 points (score ed for each participant in the study, as ex- 11-20), Q-3 and awarded 3 points (score 21- plained below. 30) or Q-4 and awarded 4 points (score 31-44). Then, each child was attributed a caries score First, answers to items for the parental ques- resulting from the DFS score obtained through tionnaire were coded into numerical scales oral examination. Caries scores were: 0 (no (example: child’s tooth brushing; if none, the carious lesions), 1 (one to four carious le- score was 4; if less than once a day, score was sions), 2 (five to nine carious lesions), or 3 3; if once a day, score was 2; if twice a day, points (10 or more carious lesions). Each score was 1; if more than twice a day, score child’s oral examination also yielded a plaque was 0). Item scores were added to form indivi- score on a scale of 1 to 4 as explained above. • O.S.T. - T.D.J • Juin/June 2011 Vol. 34, N°2 • Copyright © 2011 APIDPM Santé tropicale. Tous droits réservés. 35 • Caries... • Table I: Parent’s age and education distribution Parent age (years) < 25 26 - 35 36 - 45 > 46 N/s* Total Parent education Primary school Junior high school High school University degree Post graduate N % N % N % N % N % 4 6 4 6.1 2 10 6 2 10.1 6.1 1 15 8 1 1.0 15.2 8.1 1 25 11 1 25.3 11.1 1 4 2 4.0 2 10 10.1 18 18.2 25 25.3 37 37.4 N % 6 6.0 Total N/s* N % N % 1 1 2 2 3 58 34 2 2 3 58.6 34.4 2 2 3 3 99 100 Table II: Parents’ oral health characteristics Parents’ oral health habits Frequency Tooth brushing < 1/day 1/day ≥ 2/day N/s** Total 11 24 63 1 99 11.1 24.2 63.7 1.0 100 Tooth brush replacement Every 3 months Every 6 months When worn Other - n/s** Total 37 34 22 6 99 37.4 34.3 22.2 6.1 100 Dental visits Never Only if necessary ≤ 1/year 2 /year N/s** Total 3 56 25 14 1 99 3.0 56.6 25.3 14.1 1 100 *n/s: not specified Salivary test results too were given numerical scores: salivary buffer capacity had a score of either 0 (high buffer capacity), 1 (medium buffer capacity) or 2 (low buffer® capacity). Sm and Lb test results as well were attributed each a score of 1 for counts below 10 (5) and 2 for counts above 10 (5). Finally, each patient’s scores for the risk factors investigated, is the questionnaire, DFS, plaque, salivary buffer capacity and Sm and Lb counts, were added together. Depending on 36 this final score, each patient was classified in a risk category. The caries risk categories were the following, adapted from Axelsson’s caries risk categories: C0 for low caries risk (score 4), C1 for moderate caries risk (score 5 to 9), C2 for high caries risk (score 10 to 14) and C3 for very high caries risk (score 15 to17). After data collection was completed, statistical analysis was performed using a statistical software program (SPSS 15.0 Evaluation Version). Student’s t-test was used for quantitative data and Pearson’s correlation test was used to determine relationships between quantitative variables. Results The children in the study sample were 54 boys and 45 girls. Their ages were as follows: 15% were 2 years old, 56% were 3 years old and 29% were 4 years old (mean age: 43.1 ± 7.2 months). A vast majority of the parents answering the questionnaire were women (85%), about half were aged between 26 and 35 years and 68.7% of responding parents had achieved a high school education or more, with 37.4% of the total having a university degree (table I). More than half the parents in our sample (63.7%) declared they brushed their teeth twi- • O.S.T. - T.D.J • Juin/June 2011 Vol. 34, N°2 • Copyright © 2011 APIDPM Santé tropicale. Tous droits réservés. • Caries... • Table IV: Children’s dietary habits Table III: Children’s oral hygiene habits *n/s: not specified Children’s oral hygiene N % Tooth brushing frequency None < 1/day 1/day ≥ 2/day N/s* Total 7 21 29 41 1 99 7.1 21.2 29.3 41.4 1 100 Tooth paste type None Same as parents Children's N/s* Total 6 14 78 1 99 6.1 14.1 78.8 1 100 Who brushes child's teeth ? Nobody Child Mother Father Other - N/s* Total 3 21 65 4 6 99 3 21.2 65.7 4 6.1 100 Child’s dietary habits N % Bottle weaning <1y 1-2y 2-3y 3-4y Not yet N/ s* Total 15 20 29 4 30 1 99 15.2 20.2 29.3 4 30.3 1 100 Soft drinks frequency Never < 1/week 1 - 3/week 1/day > 1/ day N/s* Total 23 37 18 11 8 2 99 23.2 37.4 18.2 11.1 8.1 2 100 Meals daily number <3 3 4 5 >5 N/s* Total 12 39 34 8 3 3 99 12.1 39.4 34.4 8.1 3 3 100 Snacks daily number 0 1 2 3+ N/s* Total 13 31 40 12 3 99 13.1 31.4 40.4 12.1 3.0 100 ce a day, while 11.1% brushed less than once a day. Over a third of the parents changed their toothbrush every 3 months (37.4%) and another third every 6 months (34.3%). A majority (56.6%) of the parents visited the dentist only when in need of treatment, 25.3% made regular yearly dental checkups and only 14.1% saw the dentist every six months (table II). Concerning their children’s oral hygiene, 41.4% of the parents declared that the child’s teeth were brushed twice a day, 29.3% once a day and 21.2% less than once a day, while 7.1% declared the child’s teeth were never brushed. It was usually the parents who brushed the child’s teeth, most often the mother (65.7%) while only 4% of our sample’s children had their teeth brushed by their father (table III). Systemic fluorides were taken by a had been weaned off the bottle between the ages of one and two years and 29.3% between the ages of two and three years, while 30.3% had not yet been weaned at the time data was collected. Soft drinks were allowed less than once a week for 37.4% of the children and 23.2% never drank such beverages while 8.1% ingested them on a daily basis. Three quarters of the subjects had three to four regular meals a day, and a majority (40.4%) had two between-meals snacks per day while 31.4% had only one (table IV). minority of subjects (13.1%). As for dietary habits, 20.2% of the subjects The results of the children’s oral examinations for caries prevalence and plaque presence are • O.S.T. - T.D.J • Juin/June 2011 Vol. 34, N°2 • Copyright © 2011 APIDPM Santé tropicale. Tous droits réservés. 37 • Caries... • while the presence of dental plaque decreases with age (p = 0.0078). There was a negative correlation between systemic fluoride supplementation and the presence of plaque (p = 0.027) as well as between systemic fluoride supplementation and the presence of carious lesions (p = 0.0018). Children with systemic fluoride supplementation showed plaque and caries scores lower Caries free children represented 25.3% of the than those of children without systemic fluorisample, while 24.2% suffered one to four de supplementation. carious lesions and 28.3% of the group had Higher educational levels in parents were five to nine carious lesions, with 22.2% preassociated with lower plaque (p = 0.0121) senting over ten carious lesions. Plaque scores and caries (p = 0.0071) scores in their childwere as follows: 11.1% low to mild (category ren. Regular parental dental visits were asso1), 18.2% moderate (category 2), 46.4% high ciated with lower plaque levels in children (p (category 3), and 24.3% very high (category = 0.0329) and parent’s regular tooth brushing 4). The presence of plaque was correlated to was correlated with lower caries levels in their the occurrence of caries in general (p = children (p = 0.043). 0.0001) particularly buccal and lingual/palatal Children with regular tooth brushing had lower caries (p = 0.002). Correlation analyses showplaque levels (p = 0.0252) than children with ed that the presence of proximal caries irregular oral hygiene, but there was no signiappears to increase with age (p = 0.0025), ficant relationship between children’s regular tooth brushing and lower caries Table V: Sample distribution of ds category according to age levels. The absence of toothpaste was Number of decayed surfaces (ds) linked to the presence of caries (p = Age 0 1 to 4 5 to 9 > 10 Total 0.0466), and more specifically proxi(months) N % N % N % N % N % mal caries (p = 0.034). There was an increase in the number of carious 24 - 35 5 5 4 4 2 2 2 2 13 13 lesions (p = 0.0095), especially occlu36 - 47 14 14.2 16 16.2 14 14.2 13 13.1 57 57.7 sal caries (p = 0.0353), if the child > 48 6 6.1 4 4 12 12.1 7 7.1 29 29.3 used the same toothpaste as the Total 25 25.3 24 24.2 28 28.3 22 22.2 99 100 parents, while the use of children’s toothpaste was correlated with lower Table VI: Sample distribution of plaque category according to age numbers of carious lesions (p = Plaque category* 0.0034), especially occlusal caries (p Age = 0.0203). 1 2 3 4 Total (months) The consumption of soft drinks was N % N % N % N % N % correlated with the presence of occlu24 - 35 0 0 2 2 5 5 6 6.1 13 13.1 sal caries (p = 0.0045) and plaque (p 36 - 47 6 6.1 8 8.1 31 31.3 12 12.1 57 57.6 = 0.016), and inbet-ween meals > 48 5 5 8 8.1 10 10.1 6 6.1 29 29.3 snacking increased levels of caries (p Total 11 11.1 18 18.2 46 46.4 24 24.3 99 100 = 0.0491), especially proximal caries (p = 0.0131). *Note: 1: Plaque deposits low to mild - 2: Plaque deposits moderate 3: Plaque deposits high - 4: Plaque deposits very high A negative correlation was found summarized in tables V and VI. Statistical analysis by comparison of means independent sample t-test (t-test for equality of means) showed no significant differences between male and female subjects in caries and plaque levels. None of the patients had any teeth filled prior to joining the study. 38 • O.S.T. - T.D.J • Juin/June 2011 Vol. 34, N°2 • Copyright © 2011 APIDPM Santé tropicale. Tous droits réservés. • Caries... • Table VII: Sample’s salivary tests results Salivary buffer capacity Age (months) High Medium Sm Low Lb High Low High Low Total N % N % N % N % N % N % N % N % 24 - 35 36 - 47 > 48 4 18 7 4 18.2 7.1 7 30 20 7.1 30.3 20.2 2 9 2 2 9.1 2 10 36 20 10.1 36.4 20.2 3 21 9 3 21.2 9.1 6 26 20 6.1 26.2 20.2 7 31 9 7.1 31.3 9.1 13 57 29 13.1 57.6 29.3 Total 29 29.3 57 57.6 66 66.7 33 33.3 52 52.5 47 47.5 99 100 13 13.1 Table VIII: Sample’s caries risk distribution Caries risk category C0 - low C1 - moderate C2 - high C3 - very high Total between milk bottle use and the overall presence of caries (r = -0.2411, p = 16 16.2 0.0186). The consumption 29 29.3 15 15.1 of milk as a snack was also 39 39.4 negatively correlated with the presence of plaque (p 99 100 = 0.0421) and caries (p = 0.0028), especially proximal lesions (p = 0.001). Children’s salivary test results are shown in table VII. Salivary buffer® capacity was medium in a majority of subjects (57.6%), Sm counts were high for two-thirds of the patients and Lb counts were high for slightly over half the patients. t-test for equality of means showed buffer capacity to be related to plaque levels and number of carious le-sions, particularly pro-ximal caries. Results showed a correlation between low salivary buffer capacity and the presence of caries (p = 0.0473). This correlation was significant for smooth surface (buccal, lingual or palatal) lesions (p = 0.0024). N % High levels of Sm were correlated with the presence of plaque (p = 0.0248), carious lesions (p = 0.0067) and specifically proximal surface caries (p = 0.0106). High levels of Lb were also correlated to the presence of plaque and buccal or lingual/palatal caries (p = 0.0286), and significantly correlated to the presence of caries in general (p = 0) and occlusal caries in particular (p = 0). Levels of Lb were more strongly correlated with the presence of caries and with higher significance than levels of Sm. Correlation analyses showed that the presence of proximal caries appears to increase with age (p = 0.0025), while the presence of dental plaque decreases with age (p = 0.0078). The patient’s caries risk distribution, presented in table VIII, was as follows: 16.2% were in the C0 category (low caries risk), 29.3% in the C1 category (moderate caries risk), 15.1% were found to be in the C2 category (high caries risk) and 39.4% were in the C3 category (very high caries risk). Discussion Parental factors The typical parent of a child participating in the present study was a woman, aged less than 35 and having achieved at least a high school education. This portrait is demographically representative of mothers of preschool aged children at the present time in Lebanon. The association between parental health behaviors and the prevalence of caries in their children was the subject of several investigations, especially where mothers are concerned (9, 65, 75). Results showed a relationship between the children’s caries experience and the mother’s number of missing teeth, dental attendance • O.S.T. - T.D.J • Juin/June 2011 Vol. 34, N°2 • Copyright © 2011 APIDPM Santé tropicale. Tous droits réservés. 39 • Caries... • pattern and level of education (57, 78) as well as her Lb counts (77). In the present sample, higher parental educational levels were correlated with lower plaque and caries levels in children. Regular parental dental visits were correlated with lower plaque levels in children and regular parental tooth brushing was correlated with lower caries levels in children. Educated parents seem to value dental health more; therefore they may demonstrate more preventive health behaviors such as regular dental check-ups and oral hygiene practices for themselves and their children. They may also have better incomes, and therefore an improved financial access to care in Lebanon, where the costs of dental treatment are supported solely by patients, given the absence of any type of third party coverage for dentistry. This is confirmed by other studies (76, 61), which concluded to the association of ECC (Early Childhood Caries), with lack of access to dental care, its significant correlation with lack of dental insurance, as well as its inverse correlation with both family income and the educational level of the mother. Children’s oral hygiene and fluoride consumption In the present study, although more than half the parents (57%) declared they brushed their teeth twice a day, only 40% declared that the child’s teeth were brushed twice a day. This may mean that while most adults are aware of the need for their own oral hygiene, all do not see the importance of maintaining primary teeth through tooth brushing, the generally admitted albeit erroneous belief in the lay public being that these teeth will be soon replaced. This seems confirmed by the 28% of parents declaring their child’s teeth were brushed less than once a day, or even never brushed. Interestingly, there was an increase in the number of carious lesions if the child used the 40 same toothpaste as the parents, while the use of children’s toothpaste was correlated with lower numbers of carious lesions. A possible reason for this could be the minty, somewhat spicy taste of adult toothpastes that young children tend to dislike; therefore they would probably tolerate this type of toothpaste a shorter time inside their oral cavity than children’s toothpaste, which usually comes in fruity flavors. The fluoride component of the adult toothpaste would not be in contact with tooth surfaces for enough time to have any noticeable preventive effects. The preventive effects of fluoride were on the other hand clear when children with systemic fluoride supplementation showed less plaque and less carious lesions, principally proximal caries, than those who had no systemic fluoride supplementation, therefore seeming at a lower risk for developing ECC. This rejoins findings by DROZ et al. (61) that among variables significantly associated with caries were fluoride consumption and the level of knowledge about fluoride. Another interesting finding in the present study was that despite the fact that regular tooth brushing was associated with lower plaque levels, there was no significant relationship between children’s regular tooth brushing and lower caries levels, indicating that factors other than oral hygiene also play a part in the carious process. Dietary factors Among these factors, dietary habits have often been investigated where ECC is concerned, particularly sugar consumption, snacking and baby bottle use. In the present study, three quarters of the subjects had three to four regular meals a day, and snacking was regular for 70% (30% with one between-meals snack per day and 40% having two snacks), which was associated with increased levels of caries, especially proximal lesions. This is in accordance with what has been reported in the lite- • O.S.T. - T.D.J • Juin/June 2011 Vol. 34, N°2 • Copyright © 2011 APIDPM Santé tropicale. Tous droits réservés. • Caries... • rature, and could be explained by the frequent ingestion of food resulting in frequent drops in salivary pH below the critical demineralization level, thereby providing a favorable environment for the initiation of carious lesions. Nonetheless, in cases where milk was the snack, a negative correlation existed with the presence of plaque and caries, particularly proximal lesions. These findings prompt interrogations concerning a potential protective effect of milk against carious lesions. Conversely, the correlation found in our sample between the presence of occlusal caries and plaque and the consumption of soft drinks makes it a somewhat disquieting finding that even though most of the study subjects rarely or never drank such beverages, about 8% ingested them on a daily basis. As for baby bottle feeding practices, a child’s age and age at weaning (70 ,72), as well as the frequency of sweet drinks consumption (72) and snacking (54, 63, 64) are significantly related to caries risk according to several investigations (71, 74). In our study, bottle weaning had occurred between the ages of two and three years for 29% of the children, and although none of the subjects was less than two years old, 30% had not yet been weaned at the time data was collected. Clearly most of our sample’s parents do not subscribe to the recommended age for bottle weaning according to AAPD guidelines (one year) (84), yet we found a negative correlation between milk bottle use and the overall presence of caries in this sample. This finding somewhat conflicts with what is generally reported in the literature, but agrees with MOHAN et al.’s (69) finding that children whose bottles contained sweetened beverages had a statistically significant, four-fold increase in the odds of colonization by Sm relative to children who consumed milk and KOLKER et al.’s (83), finding that milk was associated with lower DMFS scores in 3 to 5 year old African American children. Plaque and cariogenic bacteria Also implicated in the carious process are the factors of dental plaque and cariogenic bacteria. A majority of children in our sample (70.7%) had high to very high plaque scores. While correlated to the occurrence of caries in general, and particularly buccal and lingual/ palatal caries, the presence of dental plaque decreased with the child’s age increasing, which could be related to oral hygiene being practiced more for older children in the sample, therefore eliminating at least some plaque. Concerning the presence of cariogenic bacteria® and its relationship to caries prevalence, high levels of Sm were found in two thirds of our sample, a greater proportion than what MOHAN et al. (69), reported in their study of 6-24-month-old children, where Sm were detected in more than one-third of the sample and colonization was more likely with increasing age and number of teeth. In the present sample, high levels of Sm were correlated with the presence of plaque and carious lesions, specifically proximal surface caries. High levels of Lb, found in 52.5% of the sample, were also correlated to the presence of plaque and the occurrence of buccal or lingual/palatal caries, and significantly correlated to the presence of caries in general and occlusal caries in particular. Levels of Lb were more correlated with the presence of caries and with higher significance than levels of Sm in the study sample. This association between the presence of plaque, cariogenic bacteria and the occurrence of ECC rejoins results by previous studies. BANKEL et al. 65) found an association between early childhood caries and the presence of Sm as well as visible plaque, nocturnal meals and frequent sugar consumption. MOHEBBI et al. (60) reported that dental plaque was visible on at least one index tooth for 65-75% of their subjects and that occurrence of ECC was related to the presence of dental • O.S.T. - T.D.J • Juin/June 2011 Vol. 34, N°2 • Copyright © 2011 APIDPM Santé tropicale. Tous droits réservés. 41 • Caries... • plaque. After finding a statistically significant association between caries and oral hygiene quality, SANTOS and SOVIERO (62), suggested that the presence of a thick biofilm on tooth surfaces was the most important factor for early childhood caries in their sample. Caries prevalence None of our subjects had any dental treatment prior to joining the study; no teeth had been either filled or extracted before the oral examinations conducted for the study, so that the recorded DMFS actually represented carious lesions prevalence. About 75% of the patients had at least one carious lesion, and therefore suffer from ECC according to the AAPD definition of the disease (at least one carious lesion in a child aged 71 months or less) (84). Early childhood caries’ reported prevalence has varied according to different studies (54-64), going from 12% of preschool children in Kerala, India (54), to 37.5% of 4-year-old children in France (61), 41.6% among Brazilian children (62) under 36 months and 48% for children in JORDAN (63), while in TAIWAN (64) the total prevalence of early childhood caries was 56%. In the present study, 74.7% of the sample had at least one decayed tooth, which places the subjects in the highest caries prevalence group. Another finding was that 22.2% of the subjects presented over ten carious lesions. This skewed distribution of ECC is in accordance with a study by BANKEL et al. (65) and studies of caries in 1-, 2- and 3- year-old Bulgarian children which also reported marked dental caries polarization, supporting the assertion that early childhood caries affects predominantly high-risk individuals (66-68). The prevalence of proximal caries seems to be higher in older children within the sample. This could be due to proximal contacts becoming tighter and diastemas closing over time, entrapping more plaque and acid- producing bacteria®. It could also be explained by the 42 changes in diet that accompany the child’s growth; a child capable of accepting or rejecting certain foods may indulge in a more cariogenic diet than a younger child ingesting a parent-chosen menu. The presence of proximal caries in our study was also linked to brushing the child’s teeth without toothpaste, and this may be explained by the lack of fluoride coming in contact with tooth surfaces on a regular basis. The predictive value of ECC as an indicator of future caries is a matter of interest because such a predictor would affect the timing and nature of preventive measures that can be used to reduce caries incidence among children. ALMEIDA et al. (79) found that children treated for ECC were still highly predisposed to greater caries incidence in later years. This finding rejoined the earlier conclusion of AL SHALAN et al. (80) who reported in a retrospective study that ECC was a risk factor for future caries development. The same conclusion was drawn in a longitudinal study (81), where preschool children with ECC had significantly more new carious surfaces per year than children who were caries-free at baseline. Early childhood risk factors of poor dental health seem to be stable even after 10 years of life and the changing of dentition from primary to permanent according to a prospective 10 year study by MATTILA et al. (9), where a high DMFT at 10 years of age was associated with the child’s nocturnal juice drinking at 18 months and with frequent consumption of sweets, infrequent tooth brushing, and the presence of plaque and caries at age 3 years. Among family factors, mothers’ education and caries incidence and fathers’ infrequent tooth brushing were significant. In the present study, some of the risk factors identified among the patients with ECC are similar to the behavioral and demographic factors identified by MATTILA, and a longitudinal follow up would most likely bring interesting information as to whether these factors remain stable in our • O.S.T. - T.D.J • Juin/June 2011 Vol. 34, N°2 • Copyright © 2011 APIDPM Santé tropicale. Tous droits réservés. • Caries... • sample as well over time (8). The sample size in the present study was too small to allow generalization of its findings. Furthermore, the population was recruited among patients attending a dental school clinic, which may mean this population presents specific characteristics not necessarily found in all Lebanese preschool children. Nonetheless, the results shown here demonstrate the existence of a trend towards high caries risk in Lebanese preschool children that deserves further investigation. Conclusion This article reported on Early Childhood Caries (ECC), prevalence and risk factors in a group of Lebanese preschoolers attending a university dental clinic and describes for the first time caries risk demographics in a Lebanese preschoolers’ population. About 75% of the sample showed at least one carious lesion, a somewhat alarming caries rate. Also, two thirds of the group demonstrated high to very high plaque scores. Caries risk was distributed among the study population as follows: 16.2% low, 29.3% moderate, 15.1% high and 39.4% very high caries risk. Therefore more than half the study population was at high or very high risk for caries development. These results suggest that risk factors and the role they each play in initiating or increasing a child’s exposure to early childhood caries should be determined as soon as possible, so that appropriate, early prevention can be implemented. However, our sample size and the fact that the patients were selected from a group seeking treatment at a university dental clinic preclude generalization of the results. Therefore further investigations are needed to ascertain the present findings, and encourage preventive measures to be applied early on in a child’s life, allowing the optimal development of a healthy, functional and esthetic oral cavity. References 1 - EDELSTEIN BL. Disparities in oral health and access to care: findings of national surveys. Ambul. Pediatr. 2002; 2 (2 Suppl.): 141-7. 2 - TINANOFF N, O’SULLIVAN DM. Early childhood caries: overview and recent findings. Pediatr. 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Policy on Early Childhood Caries (ECC): classifications, consequences and preventive strategies 2007. • O.S.T. - T.D.J • Juin/June 2011 Vol. 34, N°2 • Copyright © 2011 APIDPM Santé tropicale. Tous droits réservés. 45
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