Document 281463

Aquinas College is rooted in the Dominican traditions of prayer, study, community and service, combined with a deep
respect for truth, honesty and integrity. In this spirit, we strive to create an environment in which integrity is prized and
practiced. We expect all community members to uphold these values through honesty, fairness, and respect for others.
The mission of the Aquinas College School of Education is to empower our students
to be capable, compassionate and committed educators with integrity.
EN 130 – Educational Technology Basics
Fall 2010
Identifying Information
Work Number:
E-mail Address:
Course Prerequisites:
Online Course Format
Dr. Susan English
616-632-2045 (Email is preferred)
1 credit hour
Course Format & Materials
Online course; Internet access required
Aquinas logon and password required
CourseConnect keyword = michigan
Optional reference books:
Teaching Online: A Practical Guide by Ko & Rossen (978-0415996907)
147 Practical Tips for Teaching Online Groups by Hanna, et. al. (978-1891859342)
Course Description
This course covers important, foundational topics related to educational technology and exposes
teachers and future teachers to some of the many resources available to support K-12 teaching
and learning. An emphasis is placed on resources for Michigan educators. Conducted entirely
online, this course provides participants with the opportunity to experience and reflect on what
makes online learning effective. Course readings, discussions, and activities address meaningful
technology integration, active learning with PowerPoint, assessment of student learning, and the
legal, ethical, and social issues surrounding teacher and student use of technology.
Instructional Objectives
Expose teachers and future teachers to many of the online resources available to support
effective teaching and learning including assistive technology and student record reports ;
Provide the opportunity for participants to advance their personal technology skills,
including the use of Word, PowerPoint, email, and course management systems to support
teaching and learning;
Develop an awareness and appreciation for the legal, ethical and social issues pertaining to
teacher and student use of technology;
Increase awareness of and appreciation for critical success factors related to online learning.
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Course standards: Professional Standards for Michigan Teachers (PSMT)
This course addresses, all or in part, these Professional Standards for Michigan Teachers (PSMT):
Text from the Professional Standards
Expected Candidate Proficiencies
1. k. Understand technology and its use for gathering,
processing, analyzing, evaluating, and communicating ideas and
Regularly uses technology to gather, process, analyze, and
communicate ideas and information.
2. j. Design, adopt, and implement accommodations including
assistive communicative devices, assistive technologies, and
multiple strategies to enhance learning opportunities according to
each student’s needs.
Designs, adopts, and implements accommodations for the majority
of students.
3. a. Design and implement instruction aligned with the MCF,
Universal Design for Learning, and the Michigan Educational
Technology Standards;
Consistently designs and implements instruction based on the MCF
and the Educational Technology Standards for the majority of
3. f. Evaluate, adapt and modify instructional strategies,
technologies, and other educational resources to enhance the
learning of each student;
To improve one’s own instructional effectiveness, evaluate, adapt
and modify instructional strategies, technologies, and other
educational resources to enhance the learning of each student.
4. f. Use a variety of teaching methodologies and techniques
(e.g., lectures, demonstrations, group discussions, cooperative
learning, small-group activities, and technology-enhanced
lessons), and assess the effectiveness of various instructional
approaches for impact on student learning;
Organize and implement instruction using a variety of before,
during, and after learning activities that are designed to guide
students through the learning process; engage students in
cooperative and technology-based learning; stimulate student
reflection on prior knowledge and link new ideas to already familiar
ideas, making connections to student experience; provide
opportunities for active engagement and testing of new ideas; and
encourage students to assume responsibility for setting goals,
making choices, and self-assessing.
5.g. Interact with parents using personal and technology-based
communication to maximize student learning at school, home,
and in the local community; and
Consistently interact with parents using personal and technologybased communication to maximize student learning at school,
home, and in the local community.
7.a. Understand the equity, ethical, legal, social, physical, and
psychological issues surrounding the use of technology in K-12
schools and apply those principles in practice;
Models legal and ethical practices for students. Demonstrates
awareness of equity, physical, social, psychological, and internet
safety issues in a classroom environment.
7.b. Successfully complete and reflect upon collaborative online learning experiences;
Successfully complete and reflect upon collaborative on-line
learning experiences for improving personal skills and knowledge.
7.c. Demonstrate an understanding of and the ability to create an
on-line learning experience, and demonstrate continued growth
in technology operations and concepts including strategies for
teaching and learning in an on-line environment;
Create an effective classroom environment for using on-line
7.d. Plan, design, and evaluate effective technology-enhanced
learning environments and experiences aligned with Michigan’s
content standards and grade level expectations and Michigan
educational technology standards for each student;
Evaluate technology-enhanced learning environments and
experiences that incorporate state standards.
7.e. Implement curriculum plans that include technologyenhanced methods and strategies to maximize student learning;
Evaluate and adapt technology-enhanced curriculum plans to
differing levels of available technologies.
7.f. Apply technology to facilitate a variety of effective
assessment and evaluation strategies; and
Use assessment results to evaluate the effectiveness of instruction
and to modify teaching strategies and plans accordingly.
7.g. Use technology to engage in ongoing professional
development, practice, productivity, communication, and lifelong learning.
Participate in an online professional learning community for
support and communication.
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Methodology and Course Requirements
Students will explore online resources, read topic-related articles, participate in online discussions, and
complete project assignments related to the course topics. Students may work at their own pace, and
could complete the assigned coursework in as little as 8 weeks.
NOTE: There are no specific due dates for course assignments, but students must complete and submit
ALL assignments prior to the end of the semester. Students with ANY missing work will NOT receive a
grade for the course.
Assessment and Criteria for Evaluation
Assessment of student learning will include evaluation of online student discussion postings as well as
individual and group project scores. The breakdown of these points is outlined on the course schedule
found at the end of this syllabus. The rubrics below will be used to score online participation.
Rubric for Reflections and Project Work
5 pts
Student’s work/response
demonstrates a thorough
review and understanding of
the readings and resources
assigned, and includes a
meaningful personal
reflection on the topic.
Assigned work was posted
on or before due date.
3 pts
Student’s response does not
demonstrate a thorough
review and understanding of
the readings and resources
assigned, or does not
provide a personal
reflection or insight.
2 pts
0-1 pt
Student’s response does
not reflect a thorough
review of the readings
and/or resources, and
does not provide a
personal reflection or
Student does not appear
to have fully reviewed the
assigned readings and/or
resources, and has not
provided a complete
Assigned work was not
posted before the
Postings contain
numerous spelling and
typographical errors.
Typographic, Postings contain few or no
Spelling or spelling or typographical
Grammatical errors.
Rubric for Discussion Posts & Replies to Peers
10 pts
8 pts
4 pts
Responses to classmates'
postings are “substantive” -thought-provoking, reflect a
serious critique that provides
constructive feedback, and
provide evidence of critical
thinking. The number of posts
met or exceeded the minimum
posting requirements.
Responses to classmates'
postings may be too few in
number and/or do not reflect
a serious critique that
provides constructive
Responses to classmates'
postings are too few in
number, do not demonstrate
a serious critique, and/or are
Responses to classmates'
postings are too few in
number and/or are
Posting(s) were made on or
before due date.
Posting(s) not made on or
before due date.
Posting(s) not made on or
before due date.
Posting(s) not made on or
before due date.
0-2 pt
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Examples of “substantive” posts (higher-level Bloom’s taxonomy):
“Nice post. I especially like how you …..”
“I agree with you that ______ However, I’m not sure what you mean by __________Can you
“How do you think you would use this in your classroom?”
“In the textbook it says ______. Do you agree with this?
Examples of posts not considered to be “substantive”:
“Great job”
“I agree with what you’ve said. Nice post!”
Grading Policy*
To calculate the final course grade, the total number of points accumulated will be divided by the total
number of points possible to calculate the course grade according to the following scale:
A ........................ 96%-100%
A-....................... 90%-95%
B+ ...................... 86%-89%
B ........................ 83%-85%
B- ....................... 80%-82%
C+ ...................... 76%-79%
C ...................... 73%-75%
C- ..................... 70%-72%
D+ .................... 66%-69%
D ...................... 63%-65%
D- ..................... 60%-62%
NC.................... below 60%
All assignments should be free from spelling and typographical errors and must clearly illustrate
students’ understanding of the material presented.
*NOTE: Although there are no specific due dates for course assignments, students must complete
and submit ALL assignments prior to the end of the semester. Students with ANY missing work
will NOT receive a grade for the course.
Support Services and Other Requirements
Computer Labs. Aquinas has a number of computer labs including the library, the third floor of the
Academic Building and some of the residence halls. Laptop computers are available for checkout from
the Media Center and the Moose Café (Cook Carriage House). More information can be found online at
Academic Dishonesty. All work that a student submits must be the product of her/his own efforts.
Plagiarism, cheating and other forms of academic dishonesty, including dishonesty involving computer
technology, are prohibited and could result in the expulsion of the student from the education program.
Further information on Academic Dishonesty can be found in the current college catalog.
Students with Disabilities. If you believe you qualify for course adaptations or special accommodations
under the Americans with Disabilities Act, it is your responsibility to contact the Disability Coordinator:
Sarah Cox, AB 2, (616) 632-2166 or, and provide the appropriate documentation. If
you have already documented a disability or other condition that would qualify you for special
accommodations, or if you have emergency medical information or special needs, Ms. Cox should know
about, you should contact her privately to discuss your specific needs. Together, you can then plan how
best to coordinate your accommodations.
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Academic Assistance. The Academic Achievement Center in AB 2A (632-2166) offers free tutoring to
all students. In addition, participants in the Student Support Services program can receive academic
assistance and other services (AB 320, 632-2165).
Academic Dishonesty. Written or other work that a student submits must be the product of her/his own
efforts. Plagiarism, cheating and other forms of academic dishonesty, including dishonesty involving
computer technology, are prohibited. Further information on Academic Dishonesty can be found in the
current College catalog.
(See next page for a list of course activities.)
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EN130 Course Topics & Assigned Activities
Introductory Activities
- Course Syllabus & Materials
- PowerPoint Show
- Introductions Discussion
- Video "Pay Attention"
Projects & Points
____ PowerPoint "Show" (10 pts)*
____ Replies to Classmates’ Introductions (5 pts)
Online Teaching & Learning
- iNACOL "Fast Facts"
- Free Online Courses
____ Discussion: Online Learning (15 pts)
Curriculum Standards & Resources
- MDE Standards (PSMT, GLCE, HSCE)
- Technology-Rich Curriculum Resources
____ Tech Resources for Online Activities (20 pts)*
Ethical, Legal, & Social Issues
- Michigan Teacher Code of Ethics
- Acceptable Use Policies
- Cyberbullying, Internet Safety, Social
Networking, Plagiarism, Copyrights &
Fair Use Guidelines
____ Self-Assessment Pre-Test (5 pts)
____ Topic Summaries (15 pts)*
____ Instructional Material Project (20 pts)*
Assessment of Student Learning
- Authentic Assessment
- Michigan Standardized Tests
- Clicker Assessment Systems
- Rubric Generators
- Online Grade books
- Local School Tools (wiki)
____ Engrade Grade book Activity (15 pts)
____ Discussion & Assessment Rubric (10 pts)*
Assistive Technology
- WebQuest on Assistive Technology
____ AT WebQuest Findings (20 pts)*
Professional Development
- Professional Journals & Organizations
- AQ Library e-Journal Access
- Individual Prof Development Plan (IPDP)
____ Technology Article (15 pts)
____ Online IPDP Form (10 pts)*
Wrap Up & Final Reflections
____ Course Completion Confirmation (5 pts)
____ “Letter to Future Students” Reflection (5pts)
Total Points: 170
* These artifacts are especially appropriate for inclusion in your SOE portfolio.
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