How to Write a Cover Letter

How to Write a Cover Letter
What is a Cover Letter?
 Accompanies your resume that is being sent to an
organization/company for. a specific position
 Articulates and clarifies specific aspects of your
background which best suit the employer’s needs
 Intends to match your skills and experiences with
the qualifications of the position
What should my cover letter accomplish?
 Show that you have tailored the letter to the company, job,
Further describe your experiences in a clear way that
matches the information provided on your resume
Explain how your experiences relate to the job/position you
Explain how your experience/skills will help the
employer/organization fulfill the position requirements
Provide a good example of your communication skills
Source: Purdue OWL Engagement
Standard Format
 Heading
 Introduction
 Body Paragraphs
 Closing
 Signature
 Date
 Office of Undergraduate Admissions Address
 Salutation
“Dear BMGT Admissions Committee” or “To Whom it May Concern”
February 25, 2013
Office of Undergraduate Admissions – Limited Enrollment Programs
University of Maryland
Mitchell Building
College Park, MD 20742
ATTN: BMGT Admissions Committee
To Whom It May Concern:
 Explain why you are writing the letter
 Use an “attention getting” opener
 Purpose for writing the letter
 Position you are applying for
 How you found out about the position
Name and date of publication (if applicable)
 If you were referred by someone, state that person’s name and
 Smith School Application
 Include: class standing, current major, intended major, why
you are interested in your intended major
Sample Introduction
I am writing to show my interest in the field of Finance as provided by the Robert
H. Smith School of Business at the University of Maryland, College Park.
Currently, I am a sophomore at the University, pursuing a degree in Economics.
My interest in quantitative analysis and investment banking has led me to pursue
the Finance degree.
Body Paragraphs
 Body Paragraphs
 Match the characteristics of your resume to the position
Explain why you are a strong candidate
 Accentuate your interests, skills, abilities, and experience to
further clarify how you would be able to fulfill the employer’s
Give succinct illustrations justifying your candidacy for
Use language found in Smith School admissions documents
 Smith School Admissions Website
Possibly 2-3 paragraphs
Sample Body Paragraphs
match educational background/
interests to your goals
Finance is a perfect opportunity to apply my knowledge of economics and strong mathematical
skills to specialize in the analysis of corporate finance risks and investments. I have a very
strong liking for computing statistics which is evident in my high grades in mathematical based
classes. These skills and my easy adaptation to change will allow me to investigate corporate
decisions in better allocating budgets to various sectors based on time, risk, and money.
I present to you real-world exposure to the business era and my interest to participate in it.
Working with team members to complete a hypothetical business plan under Business Exploration
Series (BES) within Letters and Science, in order to win a professionally judged competition
exemplifies this well. In addition, through the National Society of Collegiate Scholars, I participated
in a four day convention in Washington, D.C. that allowed me to attend professional workshops
teaching integrity, goal-making, and networking tactics. These leadership skills are evident in my
efforts to stay optimistic and on top.
illustrate skills
Sample Body Paragraphs
During my time here on campus, I have been a member of the Maryland Club Sport team.
My involvement in this club, as well as serving as co-captain of my club ice hockey team,
has allowed me to experience first-hand the importance of team work and leadership in a
competitive environment — crucial characteristics for anyone looking to enter the business
world. I have also been recently elected as the Director of Finance for my sorority, Greek
Letters. I have gladly accepted this position, and am honored that my sisters had enough
confidence in my leadership abilities to manage the chapter’s funds, prepare annual
budgets, and handle other financial matters.
connect campus involvement with
qualities the Smith School &
employers are looking for
Closing Format
 Closing Paragraph
 A succinct and memorable statement summarizing your
strengths, experiences, and skills
 Contact Information
Telephone number
 Email
Thank the individual/admissions committee for his/her/their
State that you look forward hearing from him/her/them soon
Sample Closing
summary sentence of strengths,
experiences, skills, etc.
As you review my application, I believe you will see my strong commitment to academic
excellence, as well as a series of leadership and teamwork experiences both here on
campus and at home. I hope you will favorably act on my application so that I can begin this
coming fall semester. If you have any questions regarding my application, please contact
me at or (xxx) xxx-xxxx. Thank you for your serious consideration of my
contact information
 Complimentary Close – “Sincerely,” etc.
 Contact information if not included in closing paragraph
 Remember to sign your name on hard copy
 2-3 spaces between “Sincerely” and Name
 Include UID below name
BES Student
BES Student
BES Student
UID: 123456789
BES Student
Formatting & Style
 Left justify the heading
 Do not indent business letter paragraphs
 Font size: 12, Minimum: 11
 Use a professional font (Times New Roman or Arial)
 Margins: between 1 – 1.25 inches
 Leave 2-3 spaces between “Sincerely” and your name/UID
 The phrase “Enclosure(s)” at the end of your letters refers
to the enclosure of a résumé and/or additional materials
 Length: 1 page (maximum)
Writing Your Smith School Cover Letter
 Do…
 Peruse the Smith School website
Keep in mind what employers are looking for when they hire
Think about how your experiences connect to the slogans and
buzzwords used – “academic excellence” & “fellowship”
Smith School wants students who have and can further develop
these qualities
Be specific
What area(s) of business are you interested in studying and
pursuing a career upon graduation?
 How would you be an asset to the Smith School?
Writing Your Smith School Cover Letter
 Do…
 Emphasize strongest and most relevant experiences and skills
Leadership positions
 Business/Smith School related experiences
Highlight participation in any special academic program that
has a selective process
Living learning program (Honors, College Park Scholars, etc.)
 Honor Societies (Primanum Honor Society, National Society of
Collegiate Scholars, etc.)
Match your background to your goals
Writing Your Smith School Cover Letter
 Don’t…
 Simply rehash your resume!
Don’t just list the things you have done or the skills you have
gained - explain what you’ve learned and how it’s transferable -
Show; don’t tell
Have spelling, grammar, or punctuation errors
Start every sentence or paragraph with “I”
Use unprofessional language
Lie. This obviously extends to all aspects of your application.
Sample Resume
 Purdue OWL Engagement. Resume and Cover Letter
Slide Presentations. Retrieved January 4, 2013 from