JOURNAL OF APPLIED PHYSICS 99, 024305 共2006兲 Nanogap capacitors: Sensitivity to sample permittivity changes C. Ionescu-Zanetti, J. T. Nevill, D. Di Carlo, K. H. Jeong, and L. P. Leea兲 Biomolecular Nanotechnology Center, Berkeley Sensor and Actuator Center, Department of Bioengineering, University of California Berkeley, California, 94720 共Received 3 August 2005; accepted 5 December 2005; published online 23 January 2006兲 Sensors based on nanogap capacitance changes are being developed for genomic and proteomic applications because they offer label-free detection on platforms amenable to high throughput configurations. We compare impedance spectroscopy measurements with a rigorously characterized model that predicts the impedance spectrum of these devices based on geometry. Sensitivity to permittivity changes is also predicted by the model and compared to the measured values in the frequency range from 1 Hz to 3 MHz. The lowest detection limit for the magnitude of the impedance 共兩Z 兩 兲 is in the region of 100– 0.2 MHz, and was measured to be a 1.7% change in permittivity across different devices. © 2006 American Institute of Physics. 关DOI: 10.1063/1.2161818兴 I. INTRODUCTION Dielectric spectroscopy, a type of impedance spectroscopy, measures the dielectric properties of a medium as a function of frequency. It is based on the interaction of an external field with the electric dipole moment of the sample, and it is gaining importance as label-free detection tool for biomolecular structure and binding events.1–6 Binding event studies are often performed by immobilizing the recognition element at the electrode surface, thereby amplifying the signal from small analyte concentrations in the bulk solution.2,7,8 In these cases the signal measured after the recognition event is a modification of the electrical double layer capacitance at the interface. Shrinking these systems to the nanoscale will provide the important advantage of having the volume of the electrical double layers occupy a significant fraction of the dielectric sample volume, thus amplifying the effect of binding events by reducing the contribution of the bulk solution impedance.9–11 Such devices for nanoscale dielectric spectroscopy have been fabricated in our laboratory, and experiments suggest their ability to detect changes in DNA and protein samples.12,13 These devices are fabricated using conventional complementary metal-oxide-semiconductor 共CMOS兲 integrated circuit 共IC兲 technology, which has numerous advantages, including large volume manufacturing and easy integration with control/sensor circuitry. However, due to the semiconductor materials used 共i.e., doped single crystal silicon, polysilicon, and silicon dioxides兲, these nanoscale dielectric sensors exhibit complex behavior that requires attention. In order to extract biophysically relevant dielectric parameters for the biomolecules of interest, the development of bottom up models that describe the dependence of measured signals on sample permittivity is required. In addition, modeling can aid in sensor geometry optimization and determination of which biomolecular events are within the sensor’s detection limits. a兲 Author to whom correspondence should be addressed; electronic mail: 0021-8979/2006/99共2兲/024305/5/$23.00 In this article, detailed models for a number of nanogap capacitor geometries are presented, and their agreement with impedance spectroscopy data is evaluated. The detection limit is investigated using a technique for the modification of inter-electrode permittivity. Precise changes in permittivity of the sample region are introduced by timed etching of the capacitor spacer and measured in order to determine the system’s sensitivity to changes in sample permittivity. We have focused on a frequency range far below the relaxation frequencies of the dielectric materials used and we were concerned solely with the real part of the complex permittivity of the materials used 关共兲兴. The models developed here can be used to determine the sensitivity of nanogap capacitors to dielectric changes of biomolecular materials present in the sample region. Additionally, it is demonstrated that such devices could function as metrology tools for monitoring the rate of removal/deposition of material in nanocavities, thus aiding in fabrication accuracy. The sensitivity of the measured parameters 兩Z共兲兩 共impedance magnitude兲 and ⌽共兲 共phase shift兲 to permittivity changes is measured and compared to model predictions. In conjunction with standard deviation of 兩Z共兲兩 and ⌽共兲 data over a number of devices 共3–6兲, sensitivity values can be used to determine detection limits for such sensors. These validated models will be useful to researchers using nanogap-based sensors, and will enable the optimization of such devices as they are developed into genomic or proteomic sensor arrays. II. EXPERIMENT Nanocavities are defined by a sacrificial layer 共i.e., silicon dioxide insulating spacer兲 between two conductive doped silicon capacitor plates, as described previously.13 Briefly, a polysilicon upper electrode is patterned using standard photolithography on top of a doped silicon wafer that is insulated by a nanoscale film of thermally grown silicon dioxide. This oxide layer is partially etched to undercut the upper electrode and expose a nanoscale cavity. The right side of Fig. 1共a兲 shows a cross section of a typical nanogap device. In order to maximize the nanocavity volume, a number 99, 024305-1 © 2006 American Institute of Physics Downloaded 30 May 2008 to Redistribution subject to AIP license or copyright; see 024305-2 J. Appl. Phys. 99, 024305 共2006兲 Ionescu-Zanetti et al. FIG. 1. Device geometry and model description. 共a兲 A top-view optical image of the polysilicon top electrode containing a contact pad and sensing fingers illustrates the general device geometry 共left兲. The detailed morphology of the 10-m-wide fingers is shown in a cross-sectional scanning electron micrograph 共right兲. The gap size shown was ⬃300 nm for clarity, while data were reported from devices with 91 nm gaps. 共b兲 Schematic representation of materials used in the device fabrication process 共not a physical cross section兲. Dielectric measurements are taken using probes between the top polysilicon electrode 共left兲 and the bottom conductive wafer 共right兲. The measured space consists of a silicon oxide spacer as well as an under etched nanocavity for sample introduction. 共c兲 A detailed electrical model of the nanocapacitor system. Aside from permittivity of the sample region, the response is also influenced by contact resistances, the capacitance of the poly Si pad, and distributed resistance along the top electrode, which is 7 mm long and 300 nm high. Cable theory was applied by dividing the sensing capacitor into n RC elements as shown. The cable models used n = 100 RC elements. of “comb” geometries were used, as well as a “serpentine” geometry. The left side of Fig. 1共a兲 shows such a device with 10-m-wide, 7000-m-long “fingers.” Contact to the macroscopic world is made through probe contacts to gold pads deposited both on the top poly Si and on the bottom doped Si wafer. Gold pads are beneficial in reducing the contact resistance to the probe tips. A simplified schematic of the device geometry elements is shown in Fig. 1共b兲. The devices tested had four different geometries for the top electrode, as depicted in Fig. 2共a兲. Device A has five fingers each 10 m wide 共circle兲, devices B and C have five fingers each 5 and 4 m wide 共square and triangle兲, and device D has a 10-m-wide serpentine geometry 共star兲. The sacrificial oxide layer, which acts as a spacer, was selectively etched out from under the upper electrode to create a cavity with one nanoscale dimension, and this was performed in three sequential 500 nm steps to alter the permittivity of the nanogap. Impedance spectra were recorded at each point and compared to the model in order to determine device sensitivity and detection limits. The modeling and parameter optimization was accomplished using MATLAB 共Mathworks, MA兲 scripts. Measurements of impedance and FIG. 2. 共Color online兲 Model predictions compared to data for various device geometries of unreleased devices. 共a兲 Depiction of the four different device geometries. Three devices have a comb geometry with various finger widths, from 10 m 共circle兲 down to 5 m 共square兲 and 4 m 共triangle兲. The fourth device has a serpentine geometry with a single 10-m-wide finger 共star兲. 共b, d兲 Model predictions 共lines兲 for the magnitude of the impedance 共兩Z 兩 兲 and phase shift 共⌽兲 are compared to data 共scatter兲 from the same four devices. 共c, e兲 The percent difference between the predicted and measured values for both 兩Z兩 and ⌽ are plotted to illustrate quality of fit across the frequency spectrum. phase shift were carried out with an Alpha-N high resolution dielectric analyzer 共Novocontrol, Germany兲. A number of quantities were measured independent of the nanogap permittivity as follows: Parasitic capacitance and inductance were measured for the probes/leads in absence of the device 共Cpar = 0.6 pF, Lpar = 1.5 H兲. Probe contact resistance was averaged for a number of repeated probe contact experiments 共Rc1 = Rc2 = 0.6 ⍀兲, while the contact resistance between the Au pads to poly Si and to the doped silicon were measured using test structures 共RcSi = 61 ⍀, RcWafer = 17 ⍀兲. For both the top poly Si fingers and the bottom wafer, sheet resistance was measured by using appropriate test structures 共sheet Poly = 17 ⍀ / square, sheet Si = 110 ⍀ / square兲. III. MODEL The model used to predict device behavior includes both the nanoscale device geometry and the characteristics of the interface to the macro world 共Fig. 1兲. The circuit elements were either extracted from geometrical parameters, measured individually using test structures, or optimized for best fit. At the heart of the model is a cable theory 共also called transmission line theory兲 treatment of the resistive/capacitive elements along each finger. The equivalent circuit is presented in Fig. 1共c兲. This model was utilized because of significant resistance along the top poly Si capacitor plate 共sheet Si = 110 ⍀ / square兲. Each finger was divided into N elements consisting of a top access resistance 共Rt共i兲 = sheetPolyx 共finger length兲/共finger width兲/N兲, a bottom access resistance 共Rb共i兲兲 Downloaded 30 May 2008 to Redistribution subject to AIP license or copyright; see 024305-3 Ionescu-Zanetti et al. and a nanogap capacitive element Cg共i兲 = Atop / dgapx⑀device / N, where ⑀device is the average nanocapacitor permittivity 共see below兲. Three parameters were optimized: ⑀SiO2, the dielectric constant of SiO2, Rleak the leak resistance between the top and bottom plates, and the silicon dioxide etch rate. The parameters were found to be in agreement with literature, and the same values were used for all model results. Therefore, we perform a direct comparison of model predictions to dielectric data across four different geometries. We chose to output model results for 兩Z兩 and ⌽ data 共as opposed to real and imaginary impedance兲 because these quantities are measured directly and offer an unambiguous relationship to the frequency dependent impedance of a system. Purely capacitive elements will exhibit an impedance that decreases linearly 共on a log-log plot兲 with increasing frequency and a phase angle of −90°, while the impedance of a purely resistive element will have a slope of zero and a phase angle of zero degrees. IV. RESULTS AND DISCUSSION The model was tested against the measured impedance response of nanoscale capacitors fabricated by the method described in the experiment section. In order to achieve a high enough capacitance from the underetched region, a geometry exhibiting high perimeter to area ratios is required of the top electrode surface. The generality of the model presented follows from the need for any CMOS IC compatible nanocapacitive sensor to follow the design constraints outlined above. We chose to satisfy these constraints by using comb finger and serpentine geometries, which have high perimeter to surface area ratios. The functionality of the model was first tested and optimized by comparing predictions for the four different unreleased device geometries with spectroscopic data 共Fig. 2兲. Impedance magnitude 共兩Z 兩 兲 and phase shift 共⌽兲 were measured as a function of frequency from 1 to 3 ⫻ 106 Hz, with the material inside the sensing region being filled with silicon dioxide 共no undercut兲. Model predictions for each device 共lines兲 are compared to 兩Z兩 and ⌽ data in Figs. 2共b兲 and 2共d兲 共scatter兲. As one moves across the frequency spectrum, the total impedance is dominated by various elements of the circuit model. For most devices, the response is purely capacitive in the region from 10 Hz to 10 kHz. At lower frequencies, the high impedance leak starts to play a role, leading to a slight departure from the capacitive behavior. At high frequency the sheet resistance along the polysilicon top electrode leads to a reduction in 兩Z兩 slope and changes in ⌽ from −90° to around −60°. This effect is more important in the serpentine geometry 共blue data兲, where the polysilicon resistance is higher along a single long finger. Finally, in the MHz range, parasitic capacitance of the macro contacts starts to dominate, moving back toward a capacitive response. The quality of the fit is shown in Figs. 2共c兲 and 2共e兲, where the percent difference between model predictions and data is plotted. Most model parameters were measured using test structures 共see Sec. II兲. However, two of the model parameters were not measured independently, and had to be optimized. J. Appl. Phys. 99, 024305 共2006兲 FIG. 3. Parameter optimization. Optimization of ⑀SiO2 and Rleak was performed simultaneously by averaging errors over all unreleased devices geometries. One-dimensional plots of the average model error as a function of parameter value 共a, b兲 are shown for simplicity 共the second parameter was fixed at its optimal value兲. The etch rate was optimized using fixed ⑀SiO2 and Rleak from unreleased devices, and by minimizing error from partial release experiments. The parameter values at the point of minimum error were determined to be 4.25, 2.5⫻ 1010 ⍀, and 113 nm/ min for relative oxide permittivity, leak resistance, and oxide etch rate, respectively. They were the dielectric constant of the oxide 共⑀SiO2兲 and the large leak resistance across the nanogap. The leak is most likely due to small imperfections in the oxide layer, since it is present even in unreleased devices. Both parameters were set by minimizing the impedance magnitude and phase shift mean error, which yields the best correlation between the data and the model across all four device geometries tested 共see Fig. 3兲. Optimization was performed by varying both parameters and minimizing over a two-dimensional parameter matrix. The optimized value of ⑀SiO2 was found to be 4.25⑀o 关Fig. 3共a兲兴, and used in all subsequent modeling. This value agrees well with reported values for ⑀SiO2, which range from 3.81⑀o to 5.0⑀o.14 In the same manner, the leak resistance was found to be Rleak = 26.6 G 关Fig. 3共b兲兴. Error plots 关Figs. 3共a兲 and 3共b兲兴 were presented along one dimension only for clarity; the ⑀SiO2 plot was made for the optimal Rleak value, and vice versa. All other model parameters were measured directly using test structures. Determination of nanogap sensor sensitivity to changes in the permittivity constant of the capacitor material is a principal aim of this work. Permittivity changes were introduced by successive under etches of the SiO2 spacer that resulted in the replacement of high dielectric material 共⑀SiO2 = 4.25⑀o兲 with lower permittivity air 共⑀air = ⑀o兲 over a distance drel. The under etched length was determined by timed etches and roughly confirmed using test structures. The expected etch rate for the HF concentration used was 100 nm/ min.15 However, the partial release data are best fit with the slightly different etch rate of 112 nm/ min 关Fig. 3共c兲兴. Etch rate was fit while all the other parameters were fixed from the unreleased device model. Using this etch rate, the average difference between the model and experiment is again below 2% for the 5 m comb finger devices tested 共Fig. 4兲. Downloaded 30 May 2008 to Redistribution subject to AIP license or copyright; see 024305-4 Ionescu-Zanetti et al. FIG. 4. 共Color online兲 Model predictions and device data in response to varying permittivity. The impedance magnitude 共a兲 and phase shift 共c兲 are plotted as a function of frequency for varying permittivity values 共release amounts兲 for the 5 m nanogap geometry. Model predictions 共lines兲 agree with data 共scatter兲 within 1 standard deviation 共standard deviation not shown兲. 关共b兲–共d兲兴 A plot of percent difference between the data and model for 兩Z兩 共b兲 and ⌽ 共d兲. Incremental permittivity changes of approximately 10% ⑀ were obtained by replacing part of the SiO2 spacer material with air through successive etch steps. The percentage change of measured parameters as a function of ⑀ is plotted for three representative frequencies for both 兩Z兩 and ⌽ 共Figs. 5共a兲 and 5共b兲兲. Average nanocapacitor permittivity was calculated by ⑀device = 共w − 2drel兲 ⑀SiO2 + 2drelx⑀o, where w is the finger width. From the unreleased device to the last etch step, the dielectric constant varied from 4.25⑀o down to 2.2⑀o. Plots at different frequencies illustrate differences in sensitivity regimes and measurement standard deviation across the frequency spectrum. In the low frequency region, standard deviation is high due to measurement noise at very high system impedance. At high frequency, system response is dominated by parasitic capacitance and the dependence on ⑀device is greatly reduced. Sensitivity to permittivity changes is a critical parameter in evaluating the possibility of using nanogap capacitors in order to map changes in protein structure, which will result in small changes in the permittivity of sample proteins. It should be noted here that permittivities measured were in the range of 2 – 4.25⑀o, similar to the permittivity of low hydra- FIG. 5. Changes in measured quantities 兩Z兩 共a兲 and ⌽ 共b兲 as a function of relative permittivity inside the nanogap. Three representative frequencies were chosen: a low frequency 共11 Hz兲, a mid range frequency 共1.2 ⫻ 104 Hz兲, and a high frequency 共0.8⫻ 106 Hz兲 are presented. The data illustrate the frequency dependence of sensitivity for such devices. J. Appl. Phys. 99, 024305 共2006兲 FIG. 6. Sensitivity to changes in permittivity for four different device geometries: Device A with 5 m fingers 共a兲, device B with 4 m fingers 共b兲, device C with 10 m fingers 共c兲 and device D with a 10 m serpentine 共d兲. 兩Z兩 共•兲 and ⌽ 共䉱兲 are plotted for each geometry, as well as the predicted sensitivity based on the model 共dashed and solid lines兲. The error bars represent one standard deviation and are based on the calculated sensitivity resulting from the three partial releases described in the experiment section. tion protein powders which range from 1 to 5⑀o.16–18 This suggests that similar changes in permittivity could be measured between different dehydrated organic molecule samples. The device sensitivity was defined as the percentage change in 兩Z兩 and ⌽ over the percentage change in ⑀. The sensitivity results are plotted in Fig. 6 for all four device geometries. The model was also used to predict device sensitivity, and these results are plotted alongside the measured values in Fig. 6. Note that the phase is more sensitive in the region where the impedance sensitivity decreases. At these higher frequencies, the system is less dominated by the capacitance, and phase sensitivity increases with the increase in overall system resistance. In addition to sensitivity, detection limit is another important parameter needed for device characterization. Here, the detection limit is defined as the smallest change in sample permittivity that results in a detectable change in the measured quantities 兩Z兩 and ⌽, therefore equaling the standard deviation of the measurement: ⑀dlimit = d / dXxstd共X兲, where X represents the measured quantity. The lowest detection limit for 兩Z兩 is below 2% of ⑀ in the region from 102 to 105 Hz when standard deviation is taken from one device to another. If the same device is used repeatedly, and standard deviation defined as the difference between measurements of the same device on different days, the standard deviation value is reduced by about an order of magnitude. Consequently, detection limits are also decreased by the same factor, down to below 0.2% ⑀. For ⌽, the low detection limit range is 2 ⫻ 104 – 106 Hz and measured to be 1.5% across multiple devices. Downloaded 30 May 2008 to Redistribution subject to AIP license or copyright; see 024305-5 J. Appl. Phys. 99, 024305 共2006兲 Ionescu-Zanetti et al. V. CONCLUSION We present detailed models for a variety of nanogap sensors based on device geometry parameters and measured material properties, as well as a very resistive short contributing to low frequency response. Four different device geometries were fabricated and tested in response to changes in the dielectric constant of the sample space. For both the impedance magnitude 共兩Z 兩 兲 and phase shift 共⌽兲, the models agree with experimental data for a variety of geometries and dielectric constants with an average difference of below 2% over the frequency spectrum examined 共1 Hz– 3 MHz兲. The variability of permittivity sensitivity as a function of frequency was also measured for nanogap capacitors and shown to behave as predicted by the model. The results show that nanogap devices can be used to detect permittivity changes of below 0.2%, giving a lower limit for the detectable changes in the dielectric constant of biomolecular samples. The model developed is a valuable data interpretation tool, and will provide a basis for future optimization of nanogap devices. ACKNOWLEDGMENTS The authors would like to acknowledge the help of Daniele Malleo 共visiting research student from the University of Southampton School of Electronics and Computer Science supported by the UK Interdisciplinary Research Centre in Bio-Nanotechnology兲 in the form of code optimization and helpful discussion, and Hugh Crenshaw, Sudhanshu Gakhar, and Daniel Hartmann from GlaxoSmithKline for important insights. This material is based upon work sup- ported by the National Science Foundation, a Whitaker foundation fellowship, an NDSEG fellowship, as well as funding from GlaxoSmithKline. Two of the authors 共C.I.-Z兲 共J.T.N.兲 contributed equally. 1 C. Berggren, B. Bjarnason, and G. Johansson, Electroanalysis 13, 173 共2001兲. 2 E. Katz and I. Willner, Electroanalysis 15, 913 共2003兲. 3 Y. Feldman, I. Ermolina, and Y. Hayashi, IEEE Trans. Dielectr. Electr. Insul. 10, 728 共2003兲. 4 A. Oleinikova, P. Sasisanker, and H. Weingartner, J. Phys. Chem. B 108, 8467 共2004兲. 5 G. Smith, A. P. 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