Smarter Nucleic Acid Sample Preparation on Thermo Scientific KingFisher Systems Content InviMag® Technology………………………………………………………………. Isolation Principles…………………………………………………………………. Product Selection Guide for KingFisher mL kits……………………………….... Product Selection Guide for KingFisher 96 and KFflex kits……………………. 3 4 5 7 01// Cancer Genetics DNA isolation from blood and body fluids………………………………………... DNA sample preparation from stool samples……………………………………. 9 9 02// Genotyping DNA isolation from tissue samples and cells…………………………………….. DNA isolation from a variety of plant species……………………………………. GMO analysis………………………………………………………………………. 10 10 11 03// Pathogen Detection Nucleic acid purification from viruses……………………………………………... Nucleic acid purification from bacteria and viruses……………………………… Bacterial DNA from different sample types……………………………………….. DNA sample preparation from saliva and swabs………………………………… DNA sample preparation from stool samples…………………………………….. 12 13 14 15 15 04// Gene Expression Analysis RNA isolation from different starting materials…………………………………... 16 05// Cloning Experiments Efficient plasmid DNA isolation……………………………………………………. 17 References………………………………………………………………………….. Ordering Information……………………………………………………………….. 18 19 1 Smarter Nucleic Acid Sample Preparation STRATEC Molecular offers a broad range of products for magnetic bead based applications, which are developed for highly efficient purification of DNA and RNA on the KingFisher® workstations from Thermo Scientific. Long years of experience in kit development and reagent optimization in combination with a thorough understanding of requirements and limitations in automation have resulted in highly optimized solutions for your automated nucleic acid extraction needs. General purification procedure First the samples are lysed in an optimized lysis buffer according to kit instructions. The lysis can be performed on the KingFisher 96 or Flex platform which allows for the sample incubation due to the integrated heating block in the instrument. In the case of KingFisher mL system, the lysis is performed outside of the instrument using external heating blocks. All subsequent steps after lysis, such as binding of the nucleic acid on the InviMag® beads, washing and final DNA/RNA elution are automatically performed on the KingFisher platform in a fast and reproducible manner. InviMag® kits provide all necessary reagents and plastic ware for sample preparation. Furthermore the kits can be ordered without the KingFisher plastics (see ordering information pages 19/20). Advantages • • • • • purification of a large variety of samples from multiple sources fast & cross contamination free process high throughput - up to 96 samples per run ready to use and customized purification protocols large surface of magnetic beads, highly reactive magnetic particles with high binding capacity resulting in exceptional recovery and yield Implementation • • protocols are simply downloaded from special program solutions can be tailored for customers on request Contact us: +49 30 9489 2901/2910 or or your local sales representative 2 InviMag® Technology The InviMag® technology combines the advantages of innovative nucleic acid purification chemistries (non-chaotropic, RTP® and PSP®) with the easy handling of magnetic particles for a highly efficient and reliable purification of high purity nucleic acids. 3 Isolation Principles 4 Product Selection Guide for KingFisher mL kits Nucleic acid genomic DNA Starting material 1 - 200 µl fresh, frozen or old human or other mammalian whole blood (EDTA, citrate) 1 – 25 µl non-mammalian blood up to 30 µl buffy coat up to 20 µl bone marrow up to 200 µl rinse liquid from swabs Product name File name ® InviMagBloodDNAKFmL_KF. msz ® InviMag SalivaGene DNA KFmL_KF.msz InviMag Blood DNA Mini Kit/ KFmL* ® 500 µl SalivaGene DNA Stabilizer / Saliva Mix 1:1, 500 µl Swab ® SalivaGene DNA Stabilizer 100 mg (homogenized) fresh, frozen or dried plant material InviMag SalivaGene DNA Kit/ KFmL ® InviMag Plant DNA Mini Kit/ KFmL InviMag Plant DNA KfmL_KF.msz 9 bacterial DNA 10 bacterial cells, 1-10 mg tissue, biopsy sample, FFPE tissue 1-100 μl blood, 15 - 50 ml urine, 200 μl cell-free body fluids, 1 l water ® InviMag Bacteria DNA Mini Kit/ KFmL 200 mg fresh or frozen stool sample or InviMag® Stool DNA Mini Kit/ KFmL* ~1 g sample in 8 ml Stool Stabilizer viral DNA/RNA 200 μl serum, plasma, cell-free body fluids, cell culture supernatant InviMagStoolDNAKFmL_KF. msz ® InviMagVirusDNARNAKFmL_KF.msz ® InviMagVirusDNAKFmL_KF. msz ® InviMagVirusRNAKFmL_KF. msz ® on request InviMag Virus DNA/RNA Mini Kit/ KFmL* 400 µl rinse liquid from swabs 1-10 mg tissue up to 200 μl serum or plasma, whole blood, cell-free body fluids, rinse liquid from swabs, cell culture supernatant InviMag Virus DNA Kit/ KFmL* viral RNA up to 200 µl serum or plasma, cell-free body fluids, rinse liquid from swabs up to 50 mg stool samples up to 10 mg tissue InviMag Virus RNA Kit/ KFmL* total RNA up to 5 x 10 cells up to 1.0 ml blood up to 20 mg tissue sample viral DNA InviMagBacteriaKFmL_KF.m sz 6 InviMag Universal RNA Mini Kit/ KFmL 5 20 - 25 min after lysis 50 μg, depending on starting material A260:A280 1.8 – 2.0 20 - 25 min after lysis depending on viral titer limit of sensitivity: ~500 DNA/RNA virus copies/ml depending on viral titer limit of sensitivity: ~500 DNA virus copies/ml depending on viral titer limit of sensitivity: ~500 RNA virus copies/ml 20 μg, depending on starting material A260:A280 1.6 – 2.0 20 - 25 min after lysis ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ Northern Blot ■ RT-PCR RFLPAnalysis depending on starting material A260:A280 1.8 – 2.0 ■ ■ 20 - 25 min after lysis ■ SNPAnalysis 5 - 25 µg, depending on type of starting material A260:A280 1.8 – 2.0 ■ STRAnalysis 20 - 25 min after lysis ■ HLA-typing 10 µg, depending on starting material A260:A280 1.8 – 2.0 Southern Blot 20 - 25 min after lysis RE Digestion up to 10 µg (in average about 6 µg), depending on amount of lymphocytes, sample source, sample transport, sample storage, and age of the sample A260:A280 1.8 – 2.0 Sequencing Processing time PCR/ Real-time PCR Yield and ratio 20 - 25 min after lysis 20 - 25 min after lysis 30 min after lysis *) developed and manufactured in compliance with the Directive 98/79/EC on in vitro diagnostic medical devices (IVD-Directive). Products which are CE-marked according to the IVD-Directive can be used for diagnostic applications in countries where this directive is recognized. 6 Product Selection Guide for KingFisher 96 and KFflex kits Nucleic acid Starting material Product name ® plasmid DNA 1 ml (mini)-10 ml (midi) bacterial suspension; bacterial pellets from 1 ml (mini) – 10 ml (midi) of bacterial suspension up to 200 μl (mini) - 1 ml (midi) whole human blood (EDTA, citrate) up to 25 µl (mini) – 125 µl (midi) non mammalian blood, up to 30 µl (mini) – 150 µl (midi) buffy coat, up to 20 µl bone marrow (mini) genomic DNA 5 - 20 mg tissue sample, rodent tail, FFPE tissue, 6 10-10 mammalian cells InviMag Plasmid Mini Kit/ KF96 ® InviMag Plasmid Midi Kit/ KFflex 24 ® InviMag Blood DNA Mini Kit/ KF96* ® InviMag Blood DNA Midi Kit/ KFflex 24* ® InviMag Tissue DNA Mini Kit/ KF96* ® 500 µl SalivaGene DNA Stabilizer / Saliva Mix 1:1, 500 µl Swab ® SalivaGene DNA Stabilizer 100 mg (homogenized) fresh, frozen or dried plant material ® InviMag SalivaGene DNA Kit/ KF96 ® InviMag Plant DNA Mini Kit/ KF96 9 bacterial DNA bacterial DNA, viral DNA/RNA viral DNA/RNA viral DNA InviMag Blood DNA Midi Kit Flex24_KF InviMag Tissue DNA KF96_KF InviMag Tissue DNA KFflex96_KF InviMag_Salivagene_Human _KF96.kf2 InviMag_Salivagene_Bacteria _KF96.kf2 InviMag Salivagene DNA Human KFflex96_KF.msz InviMag Salivagene DNA Bacteria KFflex96_KF.msz InviMagPlantDNAKF96_KF.m sz InviMagPlantDNAKFflex96_K F.msz InviMagUniBacteriaKF96_KF. msz InviMagUniBacteriaKFflex96_ KF.msz 200 mg fresh or frozen stool sample or ~1 g sample in 8 ml Stool Stabilizer InviMagStoolDNAKF96_KF.m sz InviMagStoolDNAKFflex96_K F.msz 200 μl serum, plasma, cell-free body fluids, cell culture supernatant, rinse liquid from swabs, up to 10 mg tissue, 9 up to 10 bacterial cells 200 μl serum, plasma, cell-free body fluids, cell culture supernatant, up to 50 µl blood , up to 10 mg tissue, up to 50 µl grinded plant material 200 μl (mini)-1 ml (midi) serum, plasma, whole blood, cell-free body fluids, rinse liquid from swabs ® InviMag Stool DNA Kit/ KF96* ® InviMag Pathogen Kit/ KF96 ® InviMag Virus DNA/RNA Mini Kit/ KF96 ® InviMag Virus DNA Kit/ KF96* ® InviMag Virus DNA Midi Kit/ KFflex 24 InviMag Virus RNA Kit/ KF96* 200 μl (mini) -1 ml (midi) serum, plasma, cell-free body fluids, rinse liquid from swabs Mini kit: 10 mg tissue ® InviMag Virus RNA Midi Kit/ KFflex 24 sample, 50 mg stool sample 6 total RNA InviMagPlasmidDNAKF96_K F.msz I InviMagPlasmidDNAKFflex96 _KF.msz InviMag Plasmid DNA KFflex24_KF.msz InviMagBloodDNAKF96_KF. msz InviMagBloodDNAKFflex96_ KF.msz 10 bacterial cells, 1-10 mg tissue, biopsy sample, FFPE tissue, 1-100 μl ® blood, 200 μl cell-free body fluids, 15-50 InviMag Universal Bacteria Kit/ KF96 ml urine, 1 l water ® viral RNA File names up to 5 x 10 cells up to 1.5 ml blood up to 10 - 40 mg tissue sample ® InviMag Universal RNA Mini Kit/ KF96 7 InviMag Pathogen Kit/ KF96 InviMag Pathogen Kit/ KFflex96 InviMagVirusDNARNAKF96_KF.msz InviMagVirusDNARNAKFflex96_KF.msz InviMagVirusDNAKF96_KF.m sz InviMagVirusDNAKFflex96_K F.msz InviMag Virus DNA Midi Kit KFflex24_KF.msz InviMagVirusRNAKF96_KF.m sz InviMagVirusRNAKFflex96_K F.msz InviMag Virus RNA KFflex24_KF.msz InviMag Universal RNA KF96.kf2 InviMag Universal RNA KFflex96_KF.msz about 50 min 50 μg, depending on starting material A260:A280 1.8 – 2.0 about 50 min depending on viral titer and starting material limit of sensitivity: ~500 DNA/RNA virus copies/ml depending on viral titer limit of sensitivity: ~500 DNA/RNA virus copies/ml about 30 min after lysis depending on viral titer limit of sensitivity: ~500 DNA virus copies/ml 20 - 25 min 50 min after lysis depending on viral titer limit of sensitivity: ~500 RNA virus copies/m 20 - 25 min 40 min after lysis up to 80 µg, depending on starting material A260:A280 1.7 – 2.1 about 60 min 8 ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ RFLPAnalysis depending on starting material A260:A280: 1.7 – 2.0 ■ ■ ■ 20 - 25 min after lysis ■ ■ 5 - 25 μg depending on type of starting material A260:A280 1.8 – 2.0 ■ ■ 40 – 50 min ■ SNPAnalysis 10 μg, depending on starting material A260:A280 1.7 – 2.0 ■ STRAnalysis 20 - 25 min after lysis ■ HLA-typing 10 - 25 μg, depending on type, storage and source of tissue sample A260:A280 1.8 – 2.0 Southern Blot 20 - 25 min after lysis ■ RE Digestion 3 - 12 μg (mini); 15 - 20 μg (midi), depending on protocol, age, storage and source of blood sample A260:A280 1.8 – 2.0 ■ Northern Blot 20 - 25 min 30 - 35 min after lysis RT-PCR 5 - 10 µg (mini); 70 - 100 µg (midi) per ml overnight culture, depending on plasmid and host strain A260:A280 1.7 – 2.0 Sequencing Processing time PCR/ Real-time PCR Yield and ratio *) developed and manufactured in compliance with the Directive 98/79/EC on in vitro diagnostic medical devices (IVD-Directive). Products which are CE-marked according to the IVD-Directive can be used for diagnostic applications in countries where this directive is recognized. 01// Cancer Genetics DNA isolation from blood and body fluids The InviMag® Blood DNA Mini Kits are designed for genomic DNA purification from human and animal blood as well as from buffy coat, bone marrow or rinse liquid from swabs. Fresh or frozen whole blood treated with EDTA or citrate, from routine blood collection systems can be used. patient control patient control A Fig. 1 B Detection of Dihydropyrimidin Dehydrogenase (DPYD) Exon 14 skipping mutations by PCR ® ® DNA was isolated from 150 µl EDTA blood on the KingFisher mL using the InviMag Blood DNA Mini Kit/ KFmL. 2 µl of the ® eluted DNA (1/50) were used in a qualitative PCR (figure A) on a LightCycler . Figure B shows the first derivation of the melting curve of the amplified product. If the melting curve shows two maxima a DPD mutation is detected. Red line: Green Line: patient sample heterocygote control (Data kindly provided by H. Hannig, Central Institution for Molecular Diagnostics, Clinic Braunschweig gGmbH, Germany) DNA sample preparation from stool samples The InviMag® Stool DNA Kits are designed for DNA isolation from pathogenic microorganisms and from the host organism from up to 200 mg of stool sample or about 1 g sample in 8 ml Stool DNA Stabilizer. In this solution the DNA samples are stable at room temperature for 3 days for easy transport and storage. DNases are inactivated and the microorganism titer is preserved. A Fig. 2 B Detection of mutations in the K-ras Gene, based on non-invasive patient samples by sequence analysis on an ABI 3170 ® DNA from 50 mg of fecal samples from 12 different humans was isolated using the InviMag Stool DNA Kit/ KF96. The total DNA recovery [ng/µl] was measured by Nanodrop and the amount of human DNA was detected by real-time PCR [pg/ul]. The average amount for the total DNA of the 12 samples was 159.1 ng/prep, including 0.114 % genomic DNA. 5 µl aliquot were analyzed for integrity on an agarose gel (figure A). For the analysis of point mutation in the K-ras gene 5 µl aliquot can be used in standard K-ras-PCR. Figure B shows a sequence analysis of point mutation in the K-ras gene using the isolated DNA in a specific PCR including the relevant part of the K-ras sequence. The upper sequence analysis shows at codon 12 the wild type with a very small part of mutated sequence (C T exchange). 9 02// Genotyping DNA isolation from tissue samples and cells The InviMag® Tissue DNA Mini Kit/ KF96 enables genomic DNA purification from a variety of tissue types incl. mouse and rat tails, cryosections, food and from eucaryotic cells. PCR inhibitors, which can interfere with the amplification reaction, are efficiently removed. Pure DNA can be used in subsequent downstream applications, such as PCR, real-time PCR, SNP detection, sequencing and cloning. Fig. 3 Ma 1a 2a 3a Mb 1b 2b DNA isolation from mouse tail 3b ® DNA was isolated using the InviMag Tissue DNA Mini Kit/ KF96 from 0.4 cm mouse tail (different diameters). The samples were lysed on a thermomixer for 1.5 h at 56 °C and the DNA was eluted in 200 µl Elution Buffer. 5 µl of the eluate were amplified in a 25 µl PCR reaction. 10 kb 3 kb 2 kb Lane Ma – GeneRuler™ DNA Ladder, Fermentas Lane 1a - 10 µl of genomic DNA Lane 2a - 10 µl of genomic DNA Lane 3a - 10 µl of genomic DNA 500 kb Lane Mb - GeneRuler™ DNA Ladder, Fermentas Lane 1b - 5 µl of the PCR product Lane 2b - 5 µl of the PCR product Lane 3b - 5 µl of the PCR product 02// Plant Genotyping DNA isolation from a variety of plant species The InviMag® Plant DNA Mini Kits are an effective solution for isolation of high-quality total cellular DNA from a wide variety of plant species and tissue types (e.g. leaves, roots, fruits, flowers, wood, seeds, water plants, GMO, food). Furthermore the kit is suitable for co-purification of DNA from phytopathogens. Up to 100 mg of fresh or frozen material can be processed in one hour. The isolated, pure DNA can be used in subsequent downstream applications such as PCR, restriction analysis, realtime PCR, cloning, genotyping etc. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Lane 1, 8 Lane 2 - 4 Lane 4 - 7 Fig. 4 GeneRuler™ DNA Ladder, Fermentas DNA from Allium cepaand DNA from Hedera helix Analysis of plant DNA DNA from 60 mg of Allium cepaand and from 60 mg Hedera helix was isolated using the InviMag Plant DNA Mini Kit/ KFmL on the KingFisher mL system. 10 µl of the eluted DNA were analysed, after an RNase A treatment, on a 0.8 % agarose gel, stained with ethidium bromide. 10 02// Plant Genotyping - GMO Analysis Genomic DNA from corn Positive control Standard Sample Red curve – positive control Light green curves – samples Dark green curves – standard GMO determination Positive control Sample Standard Red curve – positive control Light blue curves – samples Dark blue curves – standard Fig. 5 Identification of GMOs in corn compounds ® DNA was isolated from 60 mg hackled corn compounds including defined amounts of GMO material, using the InviMag Plant DNA Mini Kit/ KFmL. The DNA was eluted in 100 µl Elution Buffer. 5 µl of the eluted DNA were used for the real-time amplification of genomic DNA and GMO-DNA, to determine the copy number. By measurement of genomic and GMO copies the relation between the two genetic components was calculated. It was compared with the known data of the materials. Percentage of GMO copies to DNA copies Corn compounds A Genomic DNA copies GMO DNA copies 0 Ratio Genomic DNA: GMO DNA 0 Theoretical amount of GMO copies 0 B C 15.009 5 0.03 % 0.02 % 11.556 23 0.2 % 0.3 % D 9.422 70 0.74 % 1.0 % E 10.205 527 5.2 % 8.0 % 10.715 (Data kindly provided by S. Mergemeier, Congen Biotechnologie GmbH, Germany) 11 03// Pathogen Detection Nucleic acid purification from viruses The InviMag® Virus DNA/RNA Mini Kits are designed for reliable, simultaneous isolation of high quality viral DNA and RNA from a variety of starting materials using a lyophilized, solid lysis buffer incl. Proteinase K and Carrier RNA (stable at room temperature!). The use of this buffer reduces handling steps, infectious plastic waste and processing time. The Carrier RNA enhances nucleic acid recovery in samples with low viral titer, allowing for sensitive virus detection in qualitative and quantitative assays. For purification of only one nucleic acid type the InviMag® Virus RNA Kits and the InviMag® Virus DNA Kits are also available (both kits use a common liquid lysis buffer). Mean Ct value Std. deviation 31.52 0.16 32.47 0.12 InviMag Virus DNA/RNA Mini Kit/ KF96 32.67 0.13 RTP® DNA/RNA Virus Mini Kit 32.48 0.28 Positive control 32.23 0.36 Sample InviMag® Virus RNA Kit/ KF96 ® InviMag Virus DNA/RNA Mini Kit/ KFmL ® Fig. 6 Comparison of different extraction methods for viral RNA purification ® Viral RNA was isolated using the InviMag Virus DNA/RNA Mini Kits on KingFisher mL and KingFisher 96 in comparison to the ® ® spin format (RTP DNA/RNA Virus Mini Kit) and the InviMag Virus RNA Kit on the KingFisher 96. Human plasma samples were spiked with same lot of Influenza A virus with a dilution of 1:200. 200 µl starting material were used for the viral RNA extraction. 2.5 µl of the eluted RNA were analyzed in triplicates using Influenza A-specific real-time PCR. The Virus RNA kit shows higher sensitivity but the Virus DNA/RNA kit can be used for both DNA and RNA viral purification. Fig. 7 Isolation and detection of BVD-Virus from plasma pools ® RNA from bovine diarrhea virus from cattle was isolated from 5 ml pooled plasma sample (5 ml) using the InviMag Virus DNA/RNA Kit/ KFmL on the KingFisher mL system. Only 100 µl of plasma sample per animal of maximum 50 animals were used to produce the 5 ml pools. From each pool an aliquot of only 200 µl serum or plasma were used for viral RNA isolation. Routinely a 5 µl aliquot of each eluate (1/24) was finally amplified in a subsequent real-time PCR to detect BVDV infection from the pools, down to 10 genomic copies per reaction and is in the range of sensitivities required by the German government. This corresponds approximately to a dilution of a persistently infected animal (PI) sample of at least 1:1000. (Data kindly provided by H. Nieper; LUA Leipzig, Germany) 12 03// Pathogen Detection Nucleic acid purification from viruses Positive control Norovirus infected patient sample Negative control Fig. 8 Norovirus RNA isolation from human stool samples ® Viral RNA was isolated from 50 mg of Norovirus infected fecal sample using the InviMag DNA/RNA Virus Mini Kit /KFmL. ® 10 µl of the eluted RNA were analyzed in a specific real-time RT-PCR LightCycler . (Data kindly provided by H. Hannig, Central Institution for Molecular Diagnostics, Clinic Braunschweig gGmbH, Germany) Nucleic acid purification from bacteria and viruses The InviMag® Pathogen Kit/ KF96 provides an universal nucleic acid purification system for pathogens one kit for bacterial DNA and viral DNA/RNA purification allowing simultaneous testing of both virus types and bacteria. This kit uses a lyophilized lysis buffer (incl. Proteinase K, Lysozyme, Carrier RNA) which is stable at room temperature. The use of this buffer reduces handling steps, infectious plastic waste and processing time. The Carrier RNA enhances nucleic acid recovery in samples with low viral titer, allowing for sensitive virus detection in qualitative and quantitative assays. A Fig. 9 B Simultaneous isolation of viral RNA and DNA A plasma pool was spiked with a defined titer of Influenza A (1 µl ++ plasma / 200 µl) and HBV (500 copies / 200 µl) and viral ® DNA and RNA were isolated simultaneously from 200 µl aliquots using the InviMag Pathogen Kit/ KF96 on a KingFisher Flex 96. 5 µl of the eluates were used in virus specific RT-PCR (A - detection of Influenza A) and real-time PCR (B – detection of HBV) reactions. (Blue - virus samples; red - positive controls) 13 03// Pathogen Detection Bacterial DNA from different sample types The InviMag® Bacteria Kits are designed for genomic DNA isolation from different bacteria species from a broad range of starting materials. Pure DNA can be used in subsequent downstream applications, such as PCR, real-time PCR, restriction analysis, and sequencing. The InviMag® Bacteria DNA Mini Kit/ KFmL for use on KingFisher mL contains the pre-filled Extraction Tubes with lyophilized lysis components (lysis buffer, Lysozyme, Proteinase K) and Carrier RNA; stable at room temperature. After lysis the samples are transferred to the magnetic bead based procedure with a PCR template preparation time of 25 min. patient sample controls Fig. 10 patient samples Detection of Mycobacteria tuberculosis infections from human sputum samples Isolation of bacterial DNA from 100 µl of a two week old bacterial culture, which was infected by patient samples (clinical ® samples: sputum, bronchial lavage) using the InviMag Bacteria DNA Mini Kit/ KFmL. 5 µl of the eluted DNA were used for the detection of Mycobacteria tuberculosis complex or directly of Mycobacteria tuberculosis by real-time application (16s - RNA fragment) on a LightCycler. (Data kindly provided by H. Hannig, Central Institution for Molecular Diagnostics, Clinic Braunschweig gGmbH, Germany) 10 10 10 Fig. 11 3 4 5 Detection of Salmonella BPW-media was inoculated with 50 cells of Salmonella typhimurium and cultivated. A defined dilution series was prepared from ® 1 ml overnight culture and DNA was isolated using the InviMag Bacteria DNA Mini Kit/ KFmL on the KingFisher mL system. 5 µl of the eluted DNA were used for the detection of Salmonella typhimurim by real-time PCR. (Data kindly provided by I. Wiemann, Congen Biotechnologie GmbH, Germany) 14 03// Pathogen Detection DNA sample preparation from saliva and swabs The SalivaGene® system combines the use of the novel SalivaGene® Collector or the SalivaGene® Buccal Swab for saliva and swab sample collection and subsequent DNA purification. The SalivaGene® Collector and the SalivaGene® Buccal Swab tubes are pre-filled with a DNA stabilization buffer which eliminates the need of sample cooling and stabilizes genomic DNA for 12 months at room temperature. The non-invasive saliva and swab collection methods reduce puncture-associated infection risks and provide high quality DNA performing as well as blood-derived DNA in downstream applications. The SalivaGene® system further realizes the prelysis of bacteria and a very efficient and fast isolation of high-quality total DNA. Sample Fig. 12 mean Ct value Std. deviation KFflex 96 22.59 0.67 KFmL 20.50 0.42 Positive control 25.09 0.34 ® Bacterial DNA isolation from SalivaGene stabilized saliva samples 5 500 µl of different saliva samples were spiked with 5 µl of Bacillus subtilis overnight culture (approx. 5 x 10 cells per sample) ® and stabilized using the SalivaGene DNA stabilization buffer. The samples were stored at RT for three months. The DNA was ® isolated using the InviMag SalivaGene DNA Kit on the KFmL and KFflex 96 using the standard protocols and analyzed using a specific real-time PCR. DNA sample preparation from stool samples The InviMag® Stool DNA Kits are designed for DNA isolation from pathogenic microorganisms and from the host organism from up to 200 mg of stool sample or about 1 g sample in 8 ml Stool DNA Stabilizer. In this solution the DNA samples are stable at room temperature for 3 days for easy transport and storage. DNases are inactivated and the microorganism titer is preserved. K+306 positive control K0: negative control 1 - 4: template-DNA, isolated from fecal samples from rats 5 - 8: template-DNA, isolated from fecal samples from gerbilis L: Marker, 100 bp ladder (Invitrogen) (Data kindly provided by Ms. Lorenz, GIM GmbH, Wildenbruch, Germany) Fig. 13 Health Monitoring - detection of Helicobacter bilis from rats and gerbils ® DNA was isolated from 150-200 mg feces from rats and gerbiles using the InviMag Stool DNA Kit/ KF96 on the KingFisher 96 system. The isolated DNA was used for PCR detection of Helicobacter ssp, in this special experiment for the detection of Helicobacter bilis (Fragment sizes: 638 bp) and analyzed on a 1.5 % agarose gel. (Fox et al., J Clin. Microbiol. (1995) 33, 445454: Helicobacter bilis sp. nov., a Novel Helicobacter Species Isolated from Bile, Livers, and Intestines of Aged, Inbred Mice). The lanes without PCR product show the animals without any H. bilis infection. 15 04// Gene Expression Analysis RNA isolation from different starting materials For gene expression analysis high-quality RNA is essential for downstream assays, such as RT-PCR and microarray analysis. The InviMag® Universal RNA Mini Kits for automated RNA purification are suitable for use with a wide range of cell types, tissue and blood samples. The genomic DNA is removed without an enzymatic digestion step. RNases are inactivated to prevent RNA degradation. The kits provide a highly efficient and cost-effective total RNA purification system. Yields of total RNA are highly reproducible and comparable to common spin systems. B Figure A Figure B Fig. 14 Reproducible isolation of high-quality RNA For RNA isolation bovine oviduct cells after first passage were cultured to confluence in 6 well plates and exposed to media with different nutrient compositions for 12 h, 24 h or 48 h, respectively. Highly pure total RNA was isolated using the InviMag Universal RNA Mini Kit on the KingFisher Flex 96. The preparation time for 96 samples in parallel takes approx. 1 h – 1 h 30 min. A representative result for the RNA purity and integrity (RIN) is shown (A). An aliquot of each eluate was used for a real-time RT-PCR reaction for GAP-DH. All samples showed amplification signals and the expression pattern of the housekeeping gene is shown in (B). 1) The high purity of the isolated RNA is shown in a RIN Factor of about 10.0. 2) The yield of total RNA was between 10 - 20 µg per well depending on the animal and growing rate. 3) The ratio A260: A280 is in average 2.05 (standard deviation +/-0.2%). (Data kindly provided by C. Gabler and C. Holder, Institute of Veterinary Biochemistry, Freie Universität Berlin, Germany) 16 05// Cloning Experiments Efficient plasmid DNA isolation The InviMag® Plasmid DNA procedure for isolation of low and high copy plamids combines an easy-toautomate magnetic bead technology with a novel plasmid purification method. The unique chemistry used in the InviMag® procedure enables purification of plasmid DNA directly from crude lysate without the need for a lysate clearing step (centrifugation), allowing automation of the entire purification procedure. Under the optimized buffer conditions, plasmid DNA selectively binds to the surface of the magnetic beads, while genomic DNA and cellular debris stay in the solution. pUCpol pGEM pUCpol pGEM pUCpol KF96 KF Flex96 pGEM KF96 pUCpol pGEM KF Flex96 A Fig. 15 B Convenient pDNA isolation using magnetic beads without centrifugation steps Isolation of plasmid DNA from bacterial pellet from 1 ml overnight culture of E.coli DH5a pUCpol, E.coli XL1 pGEM and E.coli ® XL1 without plasmid using the InviMag Plasmid Mini Kit/ KF96 on the KingFisher 96 and Flex systems. 10 µl of the eluates were analyzed on a 0.8 % agarose gel (Figure A). Figure B shows an example restriction enzyme digest with Hind III of one of each plasmid shown in A and analysis on a 0.8 % agarose gel. Shown are the isolated pDNA and the respective Hind III digest for the same sample. Plasmid DNA isolation from large sample volumes The InviMag® Plasmid Midi Kit/ KFflex 24 is designed for semi-automated preparation of plasmid DNA from up to 10 ml overnight culture using magnetic beads and the KingFisher Flex24 workstation. Up to 24 samples in parallel can be processed. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Lane 1 Lane 2,3 Lane 4,5 Lane 6,7 10 kb ladder isolated pDNA from 1 ml overnight culture isolated pDNA from 5 ml overnight culture isolated pDNA from 10 ml overnight culture Fig. 16 Plasmid DNA clones (E.coli strain XL-1, vector pGEM, 3 kb plasmid) were purified from bacterial overnight culture ® using the InviMag Plasmid Midi Kit/ KFflex 24 on the KingFisher Flex24 system. 10 µl of the eluate were analyzed on a 1 % agarose gel. 17 References ® InviMag Blood DNA Mini Kit/ KFmL Chantratita et al.; Journal of Clinical Microbiology, 2008; 46 (2): 568-573. Loop-Mediated Isothermal Amplification Method Targeting the TTS1 Gene Cluster for Detection of Burkholderia pseudomallei Chantratita et al.; Am. J. Trop. Med. Hyg., 2007; 77 (5): 814-817. Prospective Clinical Evaluation of the Accuracy of 16S rRNA Real-Time PCR Assay for the Diagnosis of Melioidosis Hannig et al.; Thermo Scientific Application Note Lit. No.: AP-MIB-KFML01-0907, September 2007. Analysis of the Mutation in the Human DPYP Gene from Human Blood Using the InviMag Blood Mini Kit with the Thermo Scientific KingFisher mL Instrument Lamberg et al.; Thermo Scientific Technical Note Lit. No.: TN-MIB-FRS01-0506. Purification of Forensic DNA Samples with the KingFisher Magnetic Particle Processor and Characterization of the Purified DNA ® InviMag Blood DNA Mini Kit/ KF96 Lamberg et al.; Thermo Scientific Technical Note Lit. No: TN-MIB-FRS01-0506. Purification of Forensic DNA Samples with the KingFisher Magnetic Particle Processor and Characterization of the Purified DNA ® InviMag Blood DNA Midi Kit/ KFflex 24 Suomalainen et al.; Thermo Scientific Application Note Lit. No.:AP-MIB-KFFLEX-0508 Rapid and reproducible DNA Isolation from 1 ml of whole blood with Thermo Scientific KingFisher Flex ® InviMag Plant DNA Mini Kit/ KFmL Liefting et al.; Bulletin of Insectology 64 (Supplement): S93-S94, 2011, ISSN 1721-8861. An update on phytoplasma diseases in New Zealand Liefting et al.; Australasian Plant Pathol.DOI 10.1007/s13313-011-0036-z. New hosts of “Candidatus Phytoplasma australiense” in New Zealand Liefting et al.; Plant Disease 2010 94:4, 479-479. First Report of Helleborus net necrosis virus in Hellebore in New Zealand Ward et al.; MAF Biosecurity New Zealand Technical Paper No: 2010/14 Prepared for MAFBNZ Operational, ISBN 978-0-478-37045-4 (print), ISBN 978-0-478-37046-1 (online), ISSN 1179-5832 (print), ISSN 1179-5840 (online), July 2010. Development of a LAMP assay for Xylella fastidiosa Liefting et al.; Plant Disease 2009 93:9, 969-969. First Report of ‘Candidatus Phytoplasma australiense’ in Potato InviMag Stool DNA Mini Kit/ KFmL Nylund et al.; J Microbiol Methods. 2010 Nov;83(2):231-5. Semi-automated extraction of microbial DNA from feces for qPCR and phylogenetic microarray analysis ® InviMag Bacteria DNA Mini Kit/ KFmL Kozak et al.; J Bacteriol. 2010 Feb;192(4):1030-44. Virulence factors encoded by Legionella longbeachae identified on the basis of the genome sequence analysis of clinical isolate D-4968 Hannig et al.; Thermo Scientific Application Note Lit. No.: AP-MIB-KFML01-0907, September 2007. High-sensitive detection of Mycobacterium tuberculosis from human clinical samples using the InviMag Bacteria DNA Mini Kit/ KFmL with the Thermo Scientific KingFisher mL instrument ® InviMag Virus DNA/RNA Mini Kit/ KFmL Nieper et al.; Thermo Scientific Application Note Lit. No.: AP-MIB-KF01-0407, April 2007. High-Sensitive Isolation of the BVD Virus from Bovine Plasma Pools 18 Ordering Information Product name ® InviMag Plasmid Mini Kit/ KF96 ® InviMag Plasmid Midi Kit/ KFflex 24 ® InviMag Blood DNA Mini Kit/ KFmL ® InviMag Blood DNA Mini Kit/ KF96 ® InviMag Blood DNA Midi Kit/ KFflex 24 ® InviMag Tissue DNA Mini Kit/ KF96 ® InviMag SalivaGene DNA Kit/ KFmL ® InviMag SalivaGene DNA Kit/ KF96 ® InviMag Plant DNA Mini Kit/ KFmL ® InviMag Plant DNA Mini Kit/ KF96 ® InviMag Bacteria DNA Mini Kit/ KFmL ® InviMag Universal Bacteria Kit/ KF96 ® InviMag Stool DNA Mini Kit/ KFmL ® InviMag Stool DNA Kit/ KF96 ® InviMag Virus DNA/RNA Mini Kit/ KFmL ® InviMag Virus DNA/RNA Mini Kit/ KF96 ® InviMag Virus DNA Kit/ KFmL ® InviMag Virus DNA Kit/ KF96 ® InviMag Virus DNA Midi Kit/ KFflex 24 ® InviMag Virus RNA Kit/ KFmL ® InviMag Virus RNA Kit/ KF96 ® InviMag Virus RNA Midi Kit/ KFflex 24 ® InviMag Universal RNA Mini Kit/ KFmL ® InviMag Universal RNA Mini Kit/ KF96 Catalogue number 7410300100 7410300200 7410710100 7410710200 2431110100 2431110200 2431110300 2431110400 7431300100 7431300200 7431710100 7431710200 7432300100 7432300200 2435160100 2435160200 7435060100 7435060200 2437110100 2437110200 2437110300 2437110400 7437300100 7437300200 2433150100 2433150200 7433300100 7433300200 2438110100 2438110200 7438300100 7438300200 2441150100 2441150200 2441150300 2441150400 7441050100 7441050200 2442110100 2442110200 7412300100 7412300200 7442710100 7442710200 2443110100 2443110200 2443110300 2443110400 7443300100 7443300200 7443710100 7443710200 2460110100 2460110200 7460300100 7460300200 19 Size 1 x 96 purifications 5 x 96 purifications 1 x 24 purifications 5 x 24 purifications 15 purifications 75 purifications 150 purifications 300 purifications 1 x 96 purifications 5 x 96 purifications 1 x 24 purifications 5 x 24 purifications 1 x 96 purifications 5 x 96 purifications 15 purifications 75 purifications 1 x 96 purifications 5 x 96 purifications 15 purifications 75 purifications 150 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SalivaGene DNA Kit/ KFmL wp ® InviMag SalivaGene DNA Kit/ KF96 wp ® InviMag Plant DNA Mini Kit/ KFmL wp ® InviMag Plant DNA Mini Kit/ KF96 wp ® InviMag Bacteria DNA Mini Kit/ KFmL wp ® InviMag Universal Bacteria Kit/ KF96 wp ® InviMag Stool DNA Mini Kit/ KFmL wp ® InviMag Stool DNA Kit/ KF96 wp ® InviMag Virus DNA/RNA Mini Kit/ KFmL wp ® InviMag Virus DNA/RNA Mini Kit/ KF96 wp ® InviMag Virus DNA Kit/ KFmL wp ® InviMag Virus DNA Kit/ KF96 wp ® InviMag Virus DNA Midi Kit/ KFflex 24 wp ® InviMag Virus RNA Kit/ KFmL wp ® InviMag Virus RNA Kit/ KF96 wp ® InviMag Virus RNA Midi Kit/ KFflex 24 wp ® InviMag Universal RNA Mini Kit/ KFmL wp ® InviMag Universal RNA Mini Kit/ KF96 wp Catalogue number 7410300250 7410300350 7410710250 7410710350 2431110250 2431110350 2431110450 7431300250 7431300350 7431710250 7431710350 7432300250 7432300350 2435160250 2435160350 2435160450 7435060250 7435060350 2437110250 2437110350 2437110450 7437300250 7437300350 2433150250 2433150350 2433150450 7433300250 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purifications 150 purifications 300 purifications 5 x 96 purifications 10 x 96 purifications 75 purifications 150 purifications 300 purifications 5 x 96 purifications 10 x 96 purifications 5 x 24 purifications 10 x 24 purifications 75 purifications 150 purifications 300 purifications 5 x 96 purifications 10 x 96 purifications 5 x 24 purifications 10 x 24 purifications 75 purifications 150 purifications 300 purifications 5 x 96 purifications 10 x 96 purifications STRATEC Molecular GmbH STRATEC Molecular develops and manufactures reagents and kits for DNA/RNA stabilization, extraction and purification using manual and automated systems. Established under the name Invitek in 1992, STRATEC Molecular provides innovative system solutions for nucleic acid sample preparation from any sample type. The company is internationally respected for its outstanding and high performance technology platforms and offers a broad spectrum of DNA/RNA sample preparation kits and reagents for molecular diagnostics and life science research. Together with STRATEC Biomedical's proven and reliable instrumentation experience STRATEC Molecular will develop automated system solutions for tomorrow´s challenges in molecular diagnostic sample preparation. STRATEC Molecular has implemented a quality system certified according to EN ISO 13485:2003 + AC:2009 and ISO 9001:2008. In addition, STRATEC Molecular products are subject to extensive quality controls. A large number of STRATEC Molecular products are CE-marked*) in compliance with the Directive 98/79/EC on in vitro diagnostic medical devices (IVD-Directive). STRATEC Molecular guarantees that all products will perform as indicated and will provide the highest quality of support. About the STRATEC Group The STRATEC group consists of the publicly listed parent company STRATEC Biomedical AG and of subsidiaries and second-tier subsidiaries in Germany, the USA, the UK, Switzerland and Romania. The STRATEC Biomedical AG ( designs and manufactures fully automated systems for its partners in the fields of clinical diagnostics and biotechnology. *) Products which are CE-marked according to the IVD-Directive can be used for diagnostic applications in countries where this directive is recognized. 21 STRATEC Molecular GmbH Robert-Rössle-Str. 10 13125 Berlin, Germany Phone: +49 30 9489 2901/ 2910 Fax: +49 30 9489 2909 E-mail: ® ® ® InviMag , RTP , PSP and SalivaGene® are registered trademarks of STRATEC Molecular. Other brands or product names are trademarks of their respective holders. © 2012 STRATEC Molecular, all rights reserved. 6G7o06/KingFisher/06/2012 YOUR LOCAL DISTRIBUTOR: 22 STRATEC Molecular GmbH Robert-Rössle-Str. 10 D-13125 Berlin, Germany Phone: +49 30 9489 2901 Fax: +49-30-9489 2909 E-mail:
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