1 av 9 Dato Referanse e 22.03.2012 Vedtatt 12.02.2012 1 Price list No orFab The vision of T f NorFab is to o be a robust and compeetent backbo one consortiaa supportingg and enablin ng research and innovati a on within micro‐and nan notechnologyy (MNT) in N Norway. NorFFab will be an enabling reesource for both academ b mic and indusstrial R&D. The member T rs of the NorrFab consortium are NTN NU NanoLab, UiO MiNaLaab, SINTEF M MiNaLab and MSTLab at HiVe. More i H information about the naational infrasstructure No orFab can be found at ww ww.norfab.no. This docume T ent introduce es the comm mon price system for NorFab. In geneeral, the threee university//university college clean c nrooms* are hands‐on an nd open‐acce ess, meaningg that the ussers will carryy out the ressearch themselves a t after an initiaal training prrocess. Howeever, for som me instrumen nts an operaator is requireed. SINTEF MiNa S aLab has an‐IISO certified semi‐production line wiith strong req quirements regarding acccess and cleanliness. T c Therefore, th he infrastruccture requirees an operato or for all processing carriied out in thee lab and the prices fo t ollow a different system tthan for the university No orFab nodess. The presente T ed prices are e based on th he intention to share thee costs of the e infrastructu ure among users. Prices for academic f c activities arre subsidised d through baasic funding ffrom the universities. Priices for indusstrial activities are a e based on a full‐cost app proach; no crross‐subsidiees between tthe user grou ups are given n. User U categgories NorFab distin N nguishes bettween acadeemic, start‐up p and industtry activities that use the infrastructu ure. The correspondin c ng users are defined as follows. Academic us A sers are defin ned as: Bach helor, Master and PhD sttudents. Postt docs/researrchers Fullyy internally‐financed reseearch within non‐profit research institutes. Public funded an nd co‐funded d projects (i.e e. NFR, EU). Users from s U start‐up comp panies are defined as: Com mpanies follo owing the EU U definition ffor micro entterprises. The reduced fe ee is paid forr the first 24 months after start‐up. Ressearch projeccts financed by start‐up ccompanies Industrial use I ers are defin ned as: Anyy other comp pany/users Ressearch projeccts fully finan nced by indu ustry with a pronou unced aim to o contribute tto the Academic activities are considered aas knowledge building w ng ambition that processses developeed during general scieentific knowledge base. TThere is therefore a stron the course o of academic activities will be documeented and to o a large exteent made avaailable to No orFab. * hereafter caalled “university cleanrooms” Postadresse Realfagbygget m 7491 Trondheim ost: hanna.gautunn@nt.ntnu.no E-po Telefon + 47 73 59 45 444 Telefaks + 47 73 59 14 100 2 av 9 Dato Referanse 22.03.2012 NorFab Prices NorFab’s price structure is based on the costs for use of the infrastructure and is divided into four parts: Instrument costs, paid per booked hour for more expensive instruments with running costs >100 NOK/hour Operator costs, paid per hour of use of personnel for operating machines Task costs, for a fully performed task within the infrastructure (only applicable for SINTEF) Costs for basic infrastructure, paid per working hour in the cleanroom; includes standard chemicals and small instruments (only applicable for NTNU NanoLab) Table 1: Price list of NorFab (in NOK) Academia Start‐up Industry Instrument prices (a list of available equipment and pricing is given in appendix 1) Instrument type A (/h) 100 125 150 Instrument type B (/h) 300 375 450 Instrument type C (/h) 500 625 750 Instrument type D (/h) 800 1000 1200 Instrument type E (/h) 1000 1250 1500 Instrument type F (/h) 1250 1580 1900 Basic Infrastructure* additional fee /h (only NTNU NanoLab) 250 300 350 * Fee for using the basic infrastructure (including standard chemicals and small instruments – see instrument list in appendix 1) is charged per working hour in the cleanroom. Fees for use of instruments type A‐F are charged in addition. Table 2: Flat rate prices of NorFab (in NOK) Academia Start‐up Industry Flat rate (only available at university cleanrooms) Flat rate / full infrastructure (free use of the entire NorFab infrastructure) 15% of the research project funding*; PhD students/post docs: 125.000/year 40.000 /month/person 50.000/month/person Flat rate / basic infrastructure (only NTNU NanoLab) 25.000/semester/project 6000/month/person 7.500/month/person 0 0 0 Training costs *The total funding of the project is reduced by the amount for consumables and running costs for equipment used in laboratories outside NorFab. 3 av 9 Dato Referanse 22.03.2012 NorFab General rules for flat rates Flat rates are based on average cost estimations and the purpose of flat rate is to facilitate project planning. The following rules apply: PhD students are charged for a maximum of 3 years Instrument booking rules apply No operator service included Other conditions The following conditions apply: Users of the institute sector are charged after the following rules: o o o all public funded and co‐funded projects (ie NFR, EU) projects fully financed by industry internal projects* academia industry/start‐up academia *Requires project and budget description accepted by the institute management and access to cleanroom process descriptions. Training costs (to become a user) are currently covered by NorFab, for any user involved in a proposed activity in NorFab. To enable easy calculation of prices for long‐term use of the infrastructure, NorFab also offers flat rates, with full use of the university cleanrooms within the infrastructures on a monthly, semester, or year. Furthermore, NorFab offers both opportunities and space for own instruments and more permanent set‐ups. To utilise this and evaluate possibilities please contact NorFab for further discussions. The prices listed in Appendix 1 may vary for users originating from NorFab infrastructures due to local subsidies given by NorFab partners to their employees. For information regarding local subsidises, contact your local laboratory. Tasks performed by operator The following operator prices are charges in addition to the fees given above: NFR/EU projects SINTEF* Universities Start‐up/Industry projects SINTEF* based on SINTEF hourly rates depending on operator qualification and project type 750 NOK/h based on SINTEF hourly rates depending on operator qualification and project type 1100 NOK/h Universities The university infrastructures have limited capacity for operator services. SINTEF offers operator services at NTNU NanoLab. Here SINTEF operator prices apply, based on SINTEF hourly rates. All prices are given exclusive VAT. The price system including the prices given in this document will be enforced from 01.07.2012 and subjected to annual revision. 4 av 9 Dato Referanse 22.03.2012 NorFab Appendix 1 Price matrix For readability the price matrix is repeated here: A B C D E F Academia Start up Industry 100 300 500 800 1000 1250 125 375 625 1000 1250 1580 150 450 750 1200 1500 1900 Price per hour in NOK excl. VAT For NTNU NanoLab an hourly fee is charged per working hour in the cleanroom: all cleanroom areas Academia Start up Industry 250 300 350 Price per hour in NOK excl. VAT List of instruments Tool Nr. Tool name NL NL0001 NL0003 NL0096 NL0101 NL1410 NL2331 NL3010 NL3021 NL0004 NL5010 NL1101 NL1105 NTNU NanoLab STM, Nanosurf (4 pcs) AFM, Nanosurf Nanosight Particle size analyser AFM, Veeco Wire bonder Dicing Saw Scriber AFM, Nanosurf Flex Rapid Thermal Processing (RTP) oven Sputter coater and Thermal Evaporator Student photolithography Photolithography Nanoimprinter NL1207 Reactive Ion Etch (RIE) Oxford Instruments NL1512 NL1103 NL1205 S(T)EM Electron Beam Lithography E‐beam evaporator Hitachi S‐5500 Hitachi 4300SE Raith stage Pfeiffer Vacuum Classic 500 NL0120 NL1461 Price group Model Category easyScan2 easyScan2 LM10 Beckman coulter N5 diMultimodeV Leica/tpt S6 Disco DAD‐ 2H/6 Dynatex DXIII easyScan2 Characterization Characterization Characterization Characterization Characterization Packaging Other Other Characterization A A A A A A A A A Jipelec Jetfirst 200mm Thermal Processes B Cressington 308R Deposition B Karl Suss MJB3 + Wet stations Karl Suss MA56 + Wet stations EVG620 Lithography Lithography Lithography Etching, dry and wet Characterization Lithography Deposition B C C C C D D 5 av 9 Dato Referanse 22.03.2012 NorFab NL1225 PECVD NL1230 Inductive Coupled Plasma RIE NL1405 Focussed Ion Beam (FIB) NL0010 SECM NL0020 NL0021 NL0022 NL0023 NL0024 NL0030 NL0031 NL0040 NL0041 NL0050 Drying Oven Drying Oven Drying Oven Binder vacuum Oven Binder vacuum Oven Heidolph Rotary Evaporator Heidolph Rotary Evaporator Glove Box Ar Glove Box N2 Centrifuge (Table top) NL0051 Ultracentrifuge NL0070 NL0098 NL0110 NL0130 Microwave Oven Syringe pump WTW pH‐meter Ultrasound desintegrator NL0150 Autoclaves NL0160 Dip Coater NL0163 NL0230 NL1120 NL1130 NL1131 NL1435 NL1436 Spin coater (not litho) Calcination (gold) furnace Yellow light microscope 2 DIC microscope 2 Stereomicroscope 4 DIC microscope 1 Stereomicroscope 2 Oxford Instruments, PlasmaLab System 100‐PECVD Oxford Instruments, PlasmaLab System 100‐ICP180 FEI Princeton Applied Research 370 Termaks TS 8056 Termaks TS 8056 Termaks TS 8056 Binder VD23 Binder VD23 Laborota 4000/ G4 bath Laborota 4000/ G4 bath MBraun Unilab MB‐20‐G MBraun Unilab MB‐20‐G Heraeus Labofuge 400R Thermo Electron Corporation, WX Ultra 100 Anton Paar Multiwave 3000 KDScientific KDS‐200‐CE inoLab pH 730 450 CE Digital Parr 4560 Mini Bench Top Reactor Nima Technology Dip Coater DC Mono 75 WS‐400B‐6NPP‐LITE/ AS Thermcraft Nikon LV150 eclipse Zeiss AxoScope A1 Nikon SMZ460/C‐PS Zeiss AxoScope A1 Nikon SMZ800/C‐PS NL1450 Plasma cleaner Diener Electronics, Femto NL1470 NL1500 NL1501 NL1510 NL1720 NL1735 NL1920 NL1922 UV/Ozone cleaner Reflectometer 1 Reflectometer 2 Carbon coater Profilometer Stereomicroscope 3 Fluorescence microscope SEM (Table top) novascan PSDPro‐UVT6 Filmetrics F20 Filmetrics F20 Cressington 208 Carbon Veeco Dektak 150 Nikon SMZ460/C‐PS Zeiss AxoScope A1 Hitachi TM3000 Deposition Etching, dry and wet Characterization D D E Characterization incl. Thermal Processes Thermal Processes Thermal Processes Thermal Processes Thermal Processes Other Other Other Other Other incl. incl. incl. incl. incl. incl. incl. incl. incl. incl. Other incl. Thermal Processes Other Other Other incl. incl. incl. incl. Thermal Processes incl. Deposition incl. Deposition Thermal Processes Characterization Characterization Characterization Characterization Characterization Etching, dry and wet Other Characterization Characterization Deposition Characterization Characterization Characterization Characterization incl. incl. incl. incl. incl. incl. incl. incl. incl. incl. incl. incl. incl. incl. incl. incl. 6 av 9 Dato 22.03.2012 NorFab NL2008 NL2314 NL2315 NL2326 NL2327 NL2330 PDMS/silanes area Curing Oven for PDMS Safety bench Syringe pump Syringe pump Stereomicroscope 1 NL3012 Surface Plasmon Resonance NL5012 NL5013 NL5014 Oven for lithography Yellow light microscope 1 Oven for lithography Sputter coater for SEM Sample Prep. UiO MinaLab Warm cabinet 4‐point probe Ellipsometer Stylus profilometer CV/IV characterization; probe station NL1460 UIO UIO001 UIO002 UIO003 UIO004 UIO005 Referanse Other Thermal Processes Other Other Other Characterization incl. incl. incl. incl. incl. incl. Other incl. Thermal Processes Characterization Thermal Processes incl. incl. incl. Cressington 208HR Deposition incl. Thermal Processes Characterization Characterization Characterization A A A B Characterization A Characterization B Fume hood, spinner, oven Termaks TS 8024 Kojair Biowizard silver Chemyx Fusion 400 Chemyx Nexus 3000 Nikon SMZ460/C‐PS Reichert Life Sciences SR 7000 DC Memmert U26 Nikon LV150 eclipse Memmert U26 Jandel KM3‐AR Rudolf Research / AutoEL Veeco Dektak 8 Agilent 4284A, Keithley 617, Keithley 2440 Newport 91160 Full Spectrum Solar Simulator UIO006 Solar simulator UIO007 Wet etch Manual wet station UIO008 UIO009 UIO011 Spectrophotometer Hall/TDH FTIR UIO012 Photolithography UIO013 Photolithography UIO014 UIO015 UIO016 UIO017 UIO018 UIO019 UIO020 UIO021 UIO022 UIO023 UIO024 UIO025 UIO026 High temp tube furnace High temp tube furnace Tube furnace Thermal evaporation E‐beam evaporation XRD Tube furnaces Tube furnaces Rapid Thermal Processing Rapid Thermal Processing Magnetron sputtering Magnetron sputtering E‐beam evaporation Shimadzu SolidSpe‐3700 DUV LakeShore EM4 HGA Bruker IFS 125HR Karl Suss MH56 + wet etch + spinner Karl Suss MJB55 + wet etch + spinner Gero 1 75242 Gero 2 Lindberg 59544 Balzers BAE 250 BioRad Bruker AXS D8 Discover 4‐stack ThermCo GSL1100X AnnealSys AS‐Micro AnnealSys AS‐One CVC type AST‐601, DC system Semicore TriAxis Leybold L 560 K Etching, dry and wet Characterization Characterization Characterization B C C C Lithography C Lithography C Thermal Processes Thermal Processes Thermal Processes Deposition Deposition Characterization Thermal Processes Thermal Processes Thermal Processes Thermal Processes Deposition Deposition Deposition B B B B C D B B C C C C D 7 av 9 Dato Referanse 22.03.2012 NorFab Doping – Ion Implantation ALD Advanced Vacuum Vision 310 MK II Advanced Vacuum Vision 320 MK II NEC Tandem accelerator Beneq TFS 200‐ 148 Etching, dry and wet Other Deposition D* E* UIO031 MOCVD Titan (EMF) reactor Deposition E* UIO032 UiO033 MST MST101 MST102 Optical Microscope RBS MSTLab HiVE Thermal cycling Interferometer Olympus BX 41 M Other Characterization incl. D* Characterization Characterization A A MST103 IR camera Characterization incl. MST104 Microscopes Characterization incl. MST106 Probe station Characterization A MST107 Profilometer Characterization B MST109 MST201 MST301 MST302 MST303 Shear tester Tube furnace (Oxidation) Oven Student photolithography Photolithography Plasma cleaner MST305 UV Cleaner MST401 Au sputter UIO027 PECVD UIO028 RIE UIO029 UIO030 Weiss‐ Weiss Technik 64 Veeco ‐ Wyko NT9100 PL‐B741E 1.3MP monochrome camera Leica ‐ DM 4000M Carl Zeiss Jena Neophot 32 PWS ‐ Probe II Veeco‐ Dektak 150 Stylus ProfilerScan F&K‐ Delvotec 5600 HarmbridgeHitech Furnace Karl Suss: MA56 EVG ‐AL6 / 620 March Plasmod UVOCS (Ultra‐Violet Ozone Cleaning System) Fison Instruments Polaron SC500 Deposition D C Characterization Thermal Processes Lithography Lithography Lithography A A B C incl. Lithography incl. Deposition incl. Heimerle + Meule ‐ PGG 20 Deposition C MiniLab T25M Deposition Etching, dry and wet Etching, dry and wet C MST403 Electroplating (wafer and pieces) Thermal evaporator MST501 RIE PlasmaTherm ‐ SLR series MST502 Wet Etching General wet‐benches Wafer bonding (Anodic, Fusion and Metallic) Die attach Flip‐chip bonder Dicing SI‐wafer Dicing ceramik ++ Wirebonder EVG 501 Wafer bonder EVG 620 Bond aligner Wafer bonding B Laurier Incorporated Packaging Packaging Packaging Packaging Packaging A B A B A MST402 MST602 MST701 MST702 MST703 MST703 MST704 *operator required MAT‐ MAT 6400 Disco‐ DAD‐2H/6T Disco‐ DAD‐2H/6T F&K‐ Delvotec 5610 B B 8 av 9 Dato Referanse 22.03.2012 NorFab SINTEF MiNaLab The price list applies only to single processes at SINTEF MiNaLab and cannot be used to price projects including integrated processes. The indicated prices are exclusive operator cost. Activities at SINTEF MiNaLab will be performed by SINTEFs operators. For any binding quotation please contact SINTEF MiNaLab at norfab‐ minalab@sintef.no as most of the indicated prices are volume sensitive and as some processes might require pre‐ and/or post processes. Please observe that most of the equipment includes automatic or semi‐ automatic wafer handling, and as such yields a more industry‐compatible process and capacity. The price groups used at SINTEF MiNaLab refer to the prices listed in the "industry" column of the price matrix and will be used independently of user types and project types. User types and projects will, however, be reflected in the operators hourly rates. Price list for process steps at SINTEF MiNaLab Process step SI 001 Lithography Priming, coating, aligning, baking Primer YES Resist Coater Suss ACS 200 Resist Coater ATMsse Maximus 804 Mask Aligner (two) Suss MA 150e Baking Chamber Different brands SI 002 ICP‐equipment F RIE, PECVD Reactive Ion Etch Alcatel AMS 200 SE I‐speeder Reactive Ion Etch, non‐silicon etching Alcatel AMS 200 SE I‐speeder Reactive Ion Etch, electrostatic chuck Alcatel AMS 200 SE I‐Productivity PECVD deposition Alcatel AMS 200 PECVD SI 003 Wafer bonding line B wafer stack aligning, bonding Bond Aligner Suss Microsystems MA6/BA6 Wafer Bonder Suss Microsystems SB6e SI 004 Thin Film (ex. material costs) Al. + noble metals sputtering Sputter for Al, Ti, TiN and W MRC 643 Sputter for Au, NiCr, TiW and Al MRC 603 SI 005 Surface Characterization B SEM, Zygo, EDX SEM, Scanning Electron Microscope Equipment type Price group E C FEI Quanta FEG 600 with EDAX 9 av 9 Dato Referanse 22.03.2012 NorFab Interferometer (white light) Zygo NewView 6300 Energy Dispensive X‐ray analysis (EDX) EDAX SI 006 Electrical Characterisation C Automatic probing Automatic probing station (two) SI 007 Wet processing Wet chemistry Manual etching of Si, SiO2 and Al Stangl wet benches Manual RCA cleaning Stangl wet benches SI 008 Gold process line priming, coating, aligning, baking Primer YES Resist Coater Suss Gyrset RC8 Mask Aligner Suss MA 150 KWS Baking Chamber Different brands SI 009 TMAH, KOH (etching), RCA cleaning Manual wet benches for etch and clean SI 010 Packaging Wafer dicing Disco DAD 321 wafer saw Post dicing cleaning Disco DSC 141 spin rince dryer Wire bonding Kulicke & Soffa 4522 SI 011 RTP Annealsys AS‐Master 2000 RTP B SI 012 Thermal processes SI 013 Standard diffusion tubes A SI 014 Boron and phosphorous deposition tubes B SI 015 SiC high temperature tube B SI 016 Poly‐Si and Silicon nitride LPCVD tubes *Price exclusive VAT ACCRETECH TSK A‐PM‐90A B D C Stangl wet benches B 4615 kr /time*
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