Heejin Han Visiting Assistant Professor Department of Political Science Northern Illinois University Office: Zulauf Hall 401 Telephone: (1) 815 753 7059 E-mail : hhan@niu.edu/ hanheejin@hotmail.com EDUCATION Ph.D. in Political Science, May 2011 Northern Illinois University, Dekalb, IL Areas of Specialization: International Relations, Comparative Politics Dissertation Title: “Between Development and Conservation: Politics of Coalitions Surrounding China‟s Hydropower Project” Dissertation Committee: Kurt Thurmaier (Chair), Danny Unger, Brendon Swedlow Master of Arts in Political Science, 2004 Northern Illinois University, Dekalb, IL MA Completion Papers “Korea and Democratic Consolidation: Obstacles and the Future” “In Search of US Foreign Policy toward North Korea: An Explanation of Two Nuclear Crises in the Post-Cold War Era” Bachelor of Arts in English Education, 2001 Kangwon National University, Chunchon, Republic of Korea Undergraduate Exchange Program, 2000 Slippery Rock University, Pennsylvania TEACHING EXPERIENCE Instructor, Department of Political Science, Northern Illinois University East Asia and International Politics (Fall 2010, POLS 387) Designed and developed the course 1 Covered various topics: sources of conflicts and cooperation in the security and economic relationships among the states in the region; historical, cultural, and ideational factors that shape their relations; economic developments and the Asian financial crisis; regionalization and regionalism; transboundary energy and environmental challenges; US involvement in Northeast Asian security and economic order; Rise of China and its implications; Japan‟s evolution to a normal country; Sino-strait relations; North Korean nuclear crisis, etc. Generated lectures, discussion topics, and case studies Prepared, administered, and graded essay style exams Guided essay writing through a step-by-step process Chinese Environmental Politics (Fall 2008, POLS 497) Designed and developed this course to meet the needs of a small group discussion class Covered the structure of the Chinese government, economic reform‟s impacts on its environmental governance; environmental rules, regulations and challenges in their implementation; the environmental protection ministry and its bureaucratic strengthening; environmental non-governmental organizations (ENGOs) and their roles; the nexus between China‟s environment and the global economy Generated lecture and discussion topics Prepared and graded essay assignments Politics of China, Japan, and Korea (Spring 2005, POLS 372) Designed and developed the course Covered each country‟s political institutions, political culture, political economy, and sources of domestic conflicts Generated lectures and discussion topics Prepared, administered, and graded both multiple choice and essay style exams Guided essay writing assignment Comparative and Foreign Politics (Fall 2004, POLS 260) Designed and developed the course Covered five countries (Britain, France, Japan, China, and South Korea) in terms of their histories, domestic political and economic institutional features, and political culture Generated lectures and discussion topics Prepared, administered, and graded both multiple choice and essay exams Teaching Assistant POLS 376 Political Violence (Spring 2004) POLS 381 The US and Latin America (Fall 2003) 2 Attended lectures and graded both multiple choice and essay exams ROFESSIONAL GROWTH & DEVELOPMENT Completion of Teaching Assistant Orientation (Every semester I served as a TA) Certificate in University Teaching, Sep 2010 (NIU, Faculty Development & Instructional Design Center) Completion of the Future Professoriate Program (Graduate School, Mentorship under Christopher M. Jones, Chair of the Political Science Department), May 2011 Intensive Training on Blackboard Learning Management Software RESEARCH PRESENTATIONS & PUBLIC LECTURES Guest Speaker, Asia Culture Week, Creighton University Asian World Center, Omaha, NE, Apr 29, 2011 “Missing Voices Amid the Pro-Dam versus Anti-Dam Contention over the Nu River Hydropower Development Project: Who Represents the Locals?” The Annual Convention of the International Studies Association, Montreal, Canada, Mar 16, 2011 “International NGOs in China‟s Environmental Governance: Expanding Influence through Networks” (Global Environmental Politics Panel) Guest Speaker, Southeast Asia Youth Leadership Program, Oct 29, 2010 “Dams and Civil Society” Brown Bag Public Lecture, NIU International Student & Faculty Office, Oct 14, 2010 “Environmental Non-Governmental Organizations (ENGOs) in China: Activism Under Constraints” Brown Bag Public Lecture, NIU International Student & Faculty Office, Feb 25, 2010 “Nu River Hydropower Power Development Project: My Field Research Experience in China” 3 The Annual Convention of the International Studies Association, New Orleans, Feb 16-20, 2010 “The Emergence of Policy Networks in Water Politics of China: A Case of the Nu River” The 67th Annual Conference of the Midwest Political Science Association, Chicago, April 4, 2009 “Between Development and Environment: Coalition Politics of the Nu River Hydropower Development Project in Yunnan Province of China” International Graduate Student Conference, East-West Center, Hawaii, Feb 12-14, 2009 “The Emergence of the Advocacy Coalitions in Environmental Politics of China” The 66th Annual Conference of the Midwest Political Science Association, Chicago, Apr 3, 2008 “From Revolution to Evolution: the Resilience of the Chinese Communist Party and its Survival Strategies” Southeast Asian Studies Conference, Center for Southeast Asian Studies, NIU, Fall 2003 “Rivalry over Southeast Asia” ( A paper on the Sino-Japanese Rivalry in Southeast Asia) International Studies Association Midwest Conference, St. Louis, Nov 7-8, 2003 “In Search of U.S. Foreign Policy toward North Korea: An Explanation of Two Nuclear Crises in the Post-cold War Era” PUBLICATIONS “Advocacy Coalitions in China: Assessing Evidence from Contemporary Environmental Politics” (Work in progress) “Evolution in China‟s Hydropower Decision-Making Process: A Call for a New Model (Work in progress) “Large Dam Building in China‟s Southwest: Factors Behind the „Dam‟ Rush” (Work in progress) “International NGOs in China‟s Environmental Governance: Expanding Influence through Networks” (Work in progress) 4 “Insights from Field Research in China: From Design to Application” (Submitted for Review) “China‟s Geography of Energy.” In Encyclopedia of Energy (Salem Press, Under Review) “The Three Gorges Dam and Environmentalism.” In Encyclopedia of Energy (Salem Press, Under Review) “North Korea‟s Geography of Energy.” In Encyclopedia of Energy (Salem Press, Under Review) Review of the Book, Non-Governmental Organizations in China: the Rise of Dependent Autonomy, by Yiyi Lu. The China Quarterly. March 2010. AWARDS & FELLOWSHIPS Scholarly Conference Support Grant ($675), May 2011, Zeta Gamma Chapter of Phi Beta Delta International Honor Society Dissertation Completion Award Fellowship ($8,000), Fall 2009 ~ Spring 2010, Graduate School, NIU Dissertation Facilitation Award, May 2009, College of Liberal Arts and Sciences, NIU The Martin David Dubin Memorial Scholarship in International Relations ($500), May 2009, Political Science Department, NIU Graduate School Research Travel Grant, 2009, Graduate School, NIU Teaching and Research Assistantships: Fall 2002 ~ Spring 2005/ Fall 2007~Fall 2010 5 WORK EXPERIENCE Research Assistant, The Center for Agriculture in the Environment of the American Farmland Trust (US Agricultural/Environmental Non-Profit Organization), Oct 2007 ~ May 2009 Research on the U.S. Climate Change Related Bills and Policy Proposals Research on Carbon Sequestration and the U.S. Carbon Trading Markets Research on Agricultural Conservation Practices and Ecosystem Services English Instructor, Language Institute, Kangwon National University (South Korea) English Conversation Business English & Test of English for International Communication International Coordinator, Chunchon International Theater Festival Organizing Committee (South Korea), Aug 2001 ~ Aug 2002 In charge of festival program development and organization International correspondence and communication MEMBERSHIPS American Political Science Association International Studies Association The Phi Beta Delta International Honor Society LANGUAGE SKILLS Native in Korean Fluent in English and Mandarin Chinese Basic Skills in Japanese Intensive Chinese Training at Dalian College of Foreign Languages (Spring 2006) Completion of Chinese language courses at NIU COMPUTER SKILLS MS Office SPSS Blackboard Course Management Software 6
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