Sample for viewing only e r p E x i c e i n s ce D u M Inc Me ompl asu ete re Tempo 2. Music Perceptions = 1. w ww = w w = o p m a Te Fine Accele rando w w= do n a d r a Rit ww 3 Sample page for viewing only Music Experience D Student Achievement Form Student ________________________________________________________ Playing the Keys pg. 1, D, A, E Major & Minor, #1, 2, 3 - Acc. passed at quarter = M.M.___________1, 2, 3 What’s that Rhythm? passed at quarter = M.M.___________ 4 Read It Right at Sight pg. 1 passed at quarter = M.M.___________ 5 Little Train pg. 2, #4 - Accompaniment passed at quarter = M.M.___________ 6 High Part (Whistle) pg. 3, Accompaniment passed at quarter = M.M.___________ 7 Low Part (Brass Sections) pg. 3, Accompaniment passed at quarter = M.M.___________ 8 You are the Composer pg. 3 Title:__________________________ ___________9 Read It Right at Sight pg. 3 *_________10 Knows Flash Cards for pages 1-4 pg. 4 __________11 You are the Composer pg. 4 Title:__________________________ __________12 Bass Clef “Staff to Key Cards” Memorized pg. 4 __________13 Read It Right at Sight pg. 4 __________14 Bingo pg. 5, #5 - Accompaniment passed at quarter = M.M.__________15 High Part (Dulcimer) pg. 6 - Accomp. passed at quarter = M.M.__________16 Low Part (Slap Bass) pg. 6 - Accomp. passed at quarter = M.M.__________17 Percussion Part (Woodblock) pg. 6 - Accomp. passed at quarter = M.M.__________18 Finger Workout pg. 7, #6 - Accompaniment passed at quarter = M.M.__________19 Birthday Time pg. 8, #7 - Accompaniment passed at quarter = M.M.*_________20 Very High Part (Atmosphere) pg. 9 - Accomp. passed at quarter = M.M.__________21 Low Part (Trombone) pg. 9 - Accompaniment passed at quarter = M.M.__________22 Percussion Part (Woodblock) pg. 9 - Accomp. passed at quarter = M.M.__________23 Playing the Keys pg. 10, D, A, E Major & Minor, #8, 9, 10 Acc. passed at quarter = M.M._______24, 25, 26 What’s that Rhythm? Pg. 10 passed at quarter = M.M.__________27 Read It Right at Sight pg. 10 passed at quarter = M.M.__________28 My Favorite Piano Sound pg. 11, #11 -Accompaniment passed at quarter = M.M.__________29 Very High Part (Vibraphone) pg. 12 - Accomp. passed at quarter = M.M.*_________30 Low Part (Tubular Bells) pg. 12 - Accompaniment passed at quarter = M.M.__________31 Percussion Part (Taiko Drum) pg. 12 - Accomp. passed at quarter = M.M.__________32 You are the Composer pg. 12 Title:__________________________ __________33 Treble Clef “Staff to Key Cards” Memorized pg. 13 __________34 Read It Right at Sight pg. 13 passed at quarter = M.M.__________35 Listen to All I Can Do pg. 14, #12 - Accompaniment passed at quarter = M.M.__________36 Percussion Part (Taiko Drum) pg. 15 - Accomp. passed at quarter = M.M.__________37 You are the Composer pg. 15 Title:__________________________ __________38 Very High Part (Ocarina) pg. 16 - Accompaniment passed at quarter = M.M.__________39 Low Part (Electric Bass) pg. 16 - Accompaniment passed at quarter = M.M.*_________40 The Can Can pg. 17, #13 - Accompaniment passed at quarter = M.M.__________41 Low High Part (Trombone) pg. 18 - Accomp. passed at quarter = M.M.__________42 Very High Part (Violin) pg. 18 - Accompaniment passed at quarter = M.M.__________43 Percussion Part (Woodblock) pg. 18 - Accomp. passed at quarter = M.M.__________44 Finger Workout pg. 19, #14 - Accompaniment passed at quarter = M.M.__________45 You are the Composer pg. 19 Title:__________________________ __________46 Sample page for viewing only What’s that Rhythm? Pg. 19 passed at quarter = M.M.__________47 Read It Right at Sight pg. 19 passed at quarter = M.M.__________48 I Like a 4th pg. 20, #15 - Accompaniment passed at quarter = M.M.__________49 Very High Part (Harpsichord) pg. 21 passed at quarter = M.M.*_________50 Very Low Part (Tuba) pg. 21 passed at quarter = M.M.__________51 Percussion Part (Melodic Drum) pg. 21 passed at quarter = M.M.__________52 Fly a Kite pg. 22 & 23, #16 - Accompaniment passed at quarter = M.M.__________53 Percussion Part (Standard Midi Drum Kit) pg. 23 passed at quarter = M.M.__________54 You are the Composer pg. 23 Title:__________________________ __________55 High Part (Flute) pg. 24, Accompaniment passed at quarter = M.M.__________56 Low Part (Bassoon) pg. 24, Accompaniment passed at quarter = M.M.__________57 Playing the Keys pg. 25, C, F, G Major & Minor, #17, 18, 19 passed at quarter = M.M._________58, 59, 60 Playing the Keys pg. 25, D, A, E Major & Minor, #20, 21, 22 passed at quarter = M.M._________61, 62, 63 Finger Workout pg. 26, #23 - Accompaniment passed at quarter = M.M.__________64 Read It Right at Sight pg. 26 __________65 Amazing Grace pg. 27, #24 - Accompaniment passed at quarter = M.M.__________66 Very High Part (Recorder) pg. 28 - Accomp. passed at quarter = M.M.__________67 Very Low Part (String Ensemble) pg. 28 - Accomp. passed at quarter = M.M.__________68 Percussion Part (Timpani) pg. 28 - Accomp. passed at quarter = M.M.__________69 Playing the Keys pg. 29, C, F, G Major & Minor, #25, 26, 27 passed at quarter = M.M._________70, 71, 72 Playing the Keys pg. 29, D, A, E Major & Minor, #28, 29, 30 passed at quarter = M.M._________73, 74, 75 What's New? pg. 29, Challenge (I, and V7 Chords) __________76 What’s that Rhythm? Pg. 29 passed at quarter = M.M.__________77 Read It Right at Sight pg. 29 passed at quarter = M.M.__________78 Big Ferris Wheel pg. 30 & 31, #31 - Accompaniment passed at quarter = M.M.__________79 Very High Part (Ocarina) pg. 31 - Accompaniment passed at quarter = M.M.*_________80 Low Part (Tuba) pg. 32 - Accompaniment passed at quarter = M.M.__________81 Percussion Part (Melodic Tom) pg. 32 - Accomp. passed at quarter = M.M.__________82 Finger Workout pg. 33, #32 - Accompaniment passed at quarter = M.M.__________83 Finger Workout pg. 33, #33 - Accompaniment passed at quarter = M.M.__________84 You are the Composer pg. 33 Title:__________________________ __________85 When the Saints pg. 34, #34 - Accompaniment passed at quarter = M.M.__________86 Percussion Part (Standard Midi Drum Kit) pg. 35 passed at quarter = M.M.__________87 Read It Right at Sight pg. 35 passed at quarter = M.M.__________88 Very High Part (Piccolo) pg. 36 - Accompaniment passed at quarter = M.M.__________89 Low Part (Trombone Bell) pg. 36 - Accompaniment passed at quarter = M.M.*_________90 At the Zoo pg. 38 & 39, #35 - Accompaniment passed at quarter = M.M.__________91 Percussion Part (Agogo) pg. 39 - Accompaniment passed at quarter = M.M.__________92 High Part (Marimba) pg. 40 - Accompaniment passed at quarter = M.M.__________93 Low Part (Tango Accordian) pg. 40 - Accomp. passed at quarter = M.M.__________94 Review pg. 41 __________95 Other Credit__________________________________________________________________________________ Other Credit__________________________________________________________________________________ Other Credit__________________________________________________________________________________ Other Credit__________________________________________________________________________________ Sample page for viewing only My Favorite Piano Sound #11 - Acc. Practice Steps: Listen to your sound. Is your heel on the floor? 1. Play E.H.A. 2. Play H.T. 3. Practice hard sections more. How many changes of tempo do you use? _____ How many intervals of a 4th can you find? _____ Ensemble Playing: Count to 40, and begin. Challenge: Name the notes or intervals as you play = 176 Prestissimo Challenge: Play it in C Major. Where do you start? R.H. 1 3 Lis - ten To The Sou - nds Of The Damp - er Ped - al. L.H. 4 5 Hold Fermata 2 extra beats for ensemble playing R.H. 2 move R.H. 2 Ritardando L.H. 4 L.H. 4 L.H. 4 R.H. 1 3 9 L.H. 4 Play - ing a Tempo 13 With The Damp - er Ped - al, Is My Fav - ‘rite R.H. move 3 2 L.H. Accelerando R.H. 3 2 L.H. Music Experience D - Page 11, Music Perceptions 2 L.H. Sound. move Sample page for viewing only "My Favorite Piano Sound”- Ensemble Parts #11 - Accompaniment Play on your fingertips to the key’s bottom with strong 1st finger joints. Transfer weight of each finger on melodic notes. General MIDI, Vibraphone, Midi Channel 6 R.H. plays fingertips? 5 on ____, 4 on ____, and 3 on ____. Count to 8, and begin. Hold Fermatas 2 extra beats when playing in ensemble. a Tempo, only on 3rd time. R.H. 5 Play repeated section 3 times. Accelerando, only on 3rd time. General MIDI, Tubular Bells, Midi Channel 2 L.H. plays fingertips? 5 on ____, 4 on ____, and 3 on ____. Ritardando and Fermata, only on 2nd time. Count to 8, and begin. Hold Fermatas 2 extra beats when playing in ensemble. a Tempo, only on 3rd time. L.H. 5 Play repeated section 3 times. Accelerando, only on 3rd time. Ritardando and Fermata, only on 2nd time. Count to 40, and begin. Hold Fermatas 2 extra beats when playing in ensemble. General MIDI, Taiko Drum, Midi Channel 8 R.H. plays fingertip? 3 on ____ . a Tempo, only on 2nd time. 10 R.H. 3 Accelerando, only on 2nd time. Ritardando and Fermata, only on 1st time. You are the Composer Use “A, B Form,” two parts. “A” section will be in E Major and uses triplet rhythms. Begin quietly and build in sound to forte. Use a fermata. “B” section will be in e Minor and uses the damper pedal. Use a crescendo and a decrescendo. Music Experience D - Page 12, Music Perceptions Sample page for viewing only Listen To All I Can Do # 12 Accompaniment Practice Steps: Listen to your sound. Are you using the same tempo in every measure? 1. Play Each Hand Alone 2. Play Hands together 3. Practice hard sections more. How many triplets can you find? _____ How many dynamic changes can you find? _____ Ensemble Playing: Count to 40 with ands, then begin. Challenge: Name the notes or intervals as you play Challenge: Play it in G Major (F ). Where do you start? = 132 Allegro R.H. 1 1. Op - po - site Of Pia - no Is For - te. nam - ics Are Fun So, Let’s Change Them! Rest - 2- 3- 4 L.H. 5 2. Dy - 5 Op - po - Switch them site Of -round and For - te Change Them, Rest - 2- 3- 4 Is Pia - no. Re - ‘range Them. move 9 R.H.5 These Are My Dy - L.H.3 Life With - out Dy - 12 nam - nam - ics, ics, Yes It Is True. List - en To The Mus - ic That Would-n’t Be Fun. List - en To Dy - nam - ics Now R.H.1 R.H.3 I’ll Make For You! R.H.1 move L.H. 2 I Have To Run! L.H. 5 Music Experience D - Page 14, Music Perceptions 5 L.H. Sample page for viewing only L.H. 2 26 move R.H. 1 3 Oh Yeah! move L.H. 5 "Listen To All I Can Do” - Ensemble Parts #12 - Accompaniment General MIDI, Taiko Drum, Midi Channel 6 Alternate L.H. & R.H. Fingertips 3 on? ____. Write in the Counting (1+2+3+4+) Count to 8, then begin. Play repeated sections 2 times. You are the Composer Use “A, B Form,” two parts. The “A” section will be in F Major and uses this dynamic order, (Piano, Mezzo Piano, Mezzo Forte, and Forte). The “B” section will be in F Minor and uses this dynamic order, (Forte, Mezzo Forte, Mezzo Piano, and Piano). Music Experience D - Page 15, Music Perceptions Sample page for viewing only "Listen To All I Can Do” - Ensemble Parts #12 - Accompaniment Play on your fingertips to the key’s bottom with strong 1st finger joints. Transfer weight of each finger on melodic notes. General MIDI, Ocarina, Midi Channel 2 R.H. plays fingertips? 2 & 4 on ___&___, 1 & 3 on ___&___. Count to 24, with ands. Begin on measure #9, (4 measures of “Intro” from measures #9-12). R.H. 2 Intro 2 4 3 1 2 4 R.H. 5 What is this note? General MIDI, Electric Bass, Midi Channel 8 L.H. starting note? 5 on _____. R.H. starting note? 2 on _____. R.H. 2 Count to 24, with ands. Begin on measure #9, (4 measures of “Intro” from measures #9-12). L.H. 5 Intro L.H. 1 Music Experience D - Page 16, Music Perceptions Sample page for viewing only Finger Workout #32 - Accomp. #33 - Accomp. - Transpose up a 2nd. Count 12 beats, then begin. I and V7 Chords/Parallel Motion Legato Notes Play on your fingertips with strong first finger joints. Transfer weight to each finger. Play to the bottom of each key. On the Legato phrase, listen for connected tones without overlaps. Listen for the break in sound at the ends of your legato phrases. (Lift) On repeat, change into Minor 5 Finger Patterns. R.H. 1 R.H. 1 move L.H. 5 R.H. 1 L.H. 5 R.H. 1 move L.H. 5 Time To Review move move L.H. 5 Flashcards: Name, place & play "Staff to Key Cards,” use ledger line notes. Review 5 other cards daily. Fill in the names of the notes and play them. You are the Composer Use “A, B form,” two parts. Experiment with I and V7 chords. Your “A” sections will be in C Major. Change your “B” section to C Minor, but end on a C Major I chord. Music Experience D - Page 33, Music Perceptions Sample page for viewing only Music Experience D Review What is my interval? X X B to E D to B E to B E to F G to A X X G to E A to D G to B X X D to C X X F to C Fill in the alphabet names of the lines and spaces. Very High High Middle Low Very Low True or False Music Terms Write a "T" on the blank if the statement is true. Write an "F" on the blank if the statement is false. Accelerando = Play each note a little slower. Ritardando = Play each note a little faster. Tempo = How quickly or slowly the music is played. Incomplete Measure = Contains the same amount of beats as the top number of a Time Signature. Hold the note longer = Fine = The beginning. a Tempo = Return to the original speed. D.C. al Fine = Go to the beginning and play to the end. = Play louder than Forte. 1. = Repeat from the top of the page. = Play louder than piano, but softer than mezzo forte. 2. = = The second time, play these measures. Tonic Chord = built on the 5th scale tone. Dominant 7th Chord = 3 1 beat = 3 Music Experience D - Page 41, Music Perceptions built on the1st scale tone.
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