Resultat av EIS-scan for Pernille Nylehn, foretatt 19. november på Alternativmessa på Lillestrøm. Standen het ”Kvantemedisin” og representantene var fra Klinikk for helhetsmedisin som har kontorer i Sarpsborg og Rælingen. Han som utførte analysen het Amir Mofateh. NB jeg har markert interessante setninger med gult. Mine kommentarer er i rosa ESTECK Status Report WARNING! The ES Teck system does not replace any medical examinations. The ES Teck system should be used as adjunct with other medical examination (e.g. labs tests, imagery, EKG, ultrasounds....) . All results should be considered in the clinical context of the patient’s case history, symptoms, known diagnosis, current medications, treatment plan and therapies. Final status report is the sole responsibility of the practitioner. Interessant da, at operatøren lot være å spørre om helsa mi, sykdommer etc. Subject ID First/Last Name: 2PN04 Weight : XXX Height: XXX cm Date of birth: XXX Gender: Female Measurement conditions Examination performed at: 19-11-2010 14 : 21 Registration method: A1 (71,0,100,100,0) N1 (55,0,100,100,0) Practitioner Address: Title: Telephone / Fax / E-mail: Name : Administrator Physician’s notes: Examination performed with a ES Teck Sensors Analyzer Manufactured by L.D Technology. ISO 13485 Owner/Operator Number: 9097859. Establishment Registration Number: 3006146787. CE 0535 Class IIa. 510k number K083229 Class 2 Regulation Number: 882.5050 870.2340 / 870. ES Teck sensor is accredited as electrical equipment type BF according to the standards EN 60601-11. CEM according to the standards EN60601-1-2 Clinical context Symptoms : CHECK-UP NO SYMPTOM, NO TREATMENT Medications : Daily Activity Level: Sport: more 2 hours / week Reason for consultation: Signature of the practitioner : EIS Living tissue indicators The EIS feature measures the human body electrical properties. The signals processing analysis provides data about living tissue state, such as inflammatory process, or blood flow or tissue oxygen level. The below table displays the entire results. Main indicators: SDC: Segmental Indicator of the cells exchange level EPA-SPA: Segmental indicator of Edema EIS Bo EC HF: General Indicator of the cells exchange level in the body organs. EIS Bo ED HF: General Indicator of edema in the body organs EIS Br EC HF: General Indicator of the brain blood flow. EIS Br ED HF: General Indicator of edema in the brain EIS HF: General indicator of the total body cells exchange corresponding to the basal metabolism. EIS HF/VLF: General Indicator of the blood viscosity. På denne testen var det altså bare én stolpe som var normal – nemlig cellenes funksjon i forhold til basalstoffskiftet. Men cells exchange level in the body organs, hva nå det betyr, er over normalen. Indikatorene for ødem i kroppen ligger godt oppe i patologifeltet; viskositeten i blodet er for høy; men jeg har i hvert fall ikke hjerneødem, men i høyre hjernehalvdel er det visst for lite (markert med rødt) ødem, altså uttørket?? Konduktiviteten i hjernen ligger generelt på grensa til for lavt. Aktiviteten i alle organer i magen, bekkenet og brystkassa er klart for høy. Da kan det vel ikke være bare lunsjen??? HRV Heart Rate Variability (HRV) is the mathematical analysis of the time between each Heart beat and provides indicators of the Autonomic nervous system activity and it is the gold standard to estimate your stress level. Main indicators: Heart rate: Fast pulse may signal the presence of an infection or dehydration (når en legperson leser dette er det nok til å bli bekymret) RMSSD: parameter of Parasympathetic activity SI Stress Index: parameter of the heart work and oxygen demand MxDMn and pNN 50 : parameters of the stability of the heart rhythm HF % and ms: parameter of Parasympathetic activity will be increased by hypotensor treatment. LF %: parameter of the sympathetic system activity LF ms: parameter of Sympathetic system or both sympathetic and parasympathetic activity. LF/HF: ratio considered by some investigators to mirror sympathetic/parasympathetic balance or to reflect sympathetic modulations. HRV Results HRV Frequency domain or spectral analysis Rask puls og dermed høy stressindikator er grei nok. Jeg ble stressa av å sitte der! Men her er det faktisk noen grønne stolper, hurra! Stabiliteten i hjerterytmen er normal. Jaja, det er heller ingen bombe – jeg har aldri hatt rytmeforstyrrelse såvidt jeg vet ... Resten av tallene i denne sekvensen har jeg rett og slett problemer med å forstå, bortsett fra at noen av dem har med stress å gjøre. Resten er rimelig gresk, men jeg ser de fyker omkring både over og under normalen. 2 % and Photoelectrical Plethysmograph Først noen kommentarer om hva de angivelig kan måle: SpO2%: Hemoglobin oxygen saturation in percent corresponding to the arterial oxygen pressure. It can be reduced e.g. anemia, hypothyroidism, high altitude, Co2 increased, histotoxic hypoxia (cells cannot use 02) , oxygen-hemoglobin bond increased affinity, sleep apnea or lactic acid excess. AI (Augmentation Index): Indicator of the stiffness of the carotid artery and hypercholesterolemia. (jeg begriper ikke, i mitt lille hode, åssen de kan se dette på denne testen! EEI (Ejection Elastic Index): Related with LV ejection and elasticity of large artery. DDI (Dicrotic Dilation Index): Related to the elasticity of small artery. DEI (Dicrotic Elastic Index): Related to peripheral artery elasticity. Etc (Estimated Cardiac Ejection time): Estimated Cardiac Ejection time related to the LV function PH (Pulse Height): Indicator proportional to the blood pressure at the time of LV ejection SDPTG Aging Index: Mathematical calculation of the aging index Q (Cardiac Output): Indicator of the volume of blood being pumped by the heart, in particular by a ventricle in a minute. CI (Cardiac index) is a vasodynamic parameter that relates the cardiac output (CO) to body surface area (BSA) SV (Stroke Volume): Indicator of the volume of blood pumped from one ventricle of the heart with each beat. BV (Blood Volume): Blood volume is the volume of blood (both red blood cells and plasma) in a person’s circulatory system. EF (Ejection fraction) is the fraction of blood pumped out of a ventricle with each heart beat. An ejection fraction of 60 percent means that 60 percent of the total amount of blood in the left ventricle is pushed out with each heartbeat. A measurement under 40 may be evidence of heart failure or cardiomyopathy. An EF between 40 and 55 indicates damage, perhaps from a previous heart attack, but it may not indicate heart failure. In severe cases, EF can be very low. EF higher than 75 percent could indicate a heart condition like hypertrophic cardiomyopathy. SVR (Systemic Vascular Resistance) : Indicator of peripheral Resistance to flow that must be overcome to push blood through the circulatory system. MAP (Means Arterial Pressure): Average pressure during the aortic pulse cycles measured from the Pulse Wave Alle disse må man, etter mine begreper, ha ultralyd og andre spesialiserte undersøkelsesteknikker for å måle. EF for eksempel, som måler effektiviteten til hjertemuskelen, undersøkes i mi verden av hjertespesialister med lang erfaring med ultralyd. Men kvantemedisinerne kan altså bare sette noen elektroder her og der og få samme informasjonen. Imponerende! Analysis Jeg har i hvert fall god pumpefunksjon i hjertet, men det er noe snusk i elastisiteten i blodårene mine. Og aging indexen min er meget bra, betyr det at jeg kan hevde at jeg er ti år yngre? (eller var det eldre??). Og så har jeg høyt blodvolum. Kan det ha med ødemene å gjøre, tro? For mye vann i kroppen generelt? I det minste er augmentation indexen og EEI-en og DDI-en min bra! Det er visst at blodårene i aorta og halsen og ellers rundt omkring ikke er stive, og at jeg ikke har for høyt kolesterol. Body composition and follow up The estimated body composition is made according to the measurement of the body resistance in tetra polar mode and frequency of 50 KHz. The estimated values are calculated from the peer reviews. Please note that these ranges are average values taken from a treatment of the NHANES-III survey data. They are not to be interpreted as being ‘ideals’ and may not necessarily reflect values that are generally considered ‘healthy’. What do the Results Mean? FAT Mass: Fat is the energy storage of the body. Everybody needs fat in their bodies, but it is important not to have too much. Fat Free Mass (FFM) : This value is, literally, what would be left after all fat was removed from the body. Many people also Refer to FFM as Lean Body Mass (LBM). Total Body Water (TBW): Literally, the total amount of water in the body. Since fat is essentially 0% water, TBW is entirely contained within FFM. Intra-Cellular Water (ICW) : This is the portion of Total Body Water that is located within the body’s cells. Denne er også litt interessant: maskinen målte nemlig – ifølge mannen – det ekstracellulære vannet (ECF), rettere sagt ionene i ECF ... men den har gjerne regnet ut ECF, trukket fra fettet og så fått det intracellulære? Smart liten faen. Extra-Cellular Water (ECW): This is the portion of Total Body Water that is located outside of the body’s cells. Examples of where ECW is found include, but are not limited to blood plasma, spinal fluid, joint fluids, and edema. Target Weight: If you and your patient know how much he/she should weigh, this value can be manually entered. Otherwise, it is calculated using a set of standardized formulas. Body Mass Index (BMI): A person’s BMI is equal to their weight in kilograms divided by their height in meters, squared. BMI is commonly used as an indicator of whether someone is overweight. (BMI trenger man strengt tatt ikke en svær datamaskin til å regne ut. Det klarer jeg på ti sekunder med en lommekalkulator når jeg bare har høyden og vekten til personen) It is important to note, however, that somebody who is ‘overweight’ may not necessarily be ‘over-fat’. A 5’10”, 300 pound couch potato and a 5’10”, 300 pound bodybuilder will have exactly the same BMI. Basal Metabolic Rate (BMR): Basal Metabolic Rate is the number of calories that a person will use per day, by virtue of simply being alive (i.e., lying still and breathing). Dette kan man også regne ut fra en enkel formel. Her er det endelig noe normalt: BMI og fettprosent er bra (jeg visste det fra før ...) Men jeg har for lite ICF og for mye ECF. Æsj. Tror jeg må drikke litt intracellulært vann så jeg får ordna opp i dette. Suggested diet and micro nutrition advices 1 The advices in nutrition and micro nutrition could be revised in the next follow up examination. The advices do not take care about the clinical context, current treatment and specific lifestyle such as vegetarian, athletes. The advices are issue from Recommended Dietary Allowances, 10th Edition. National Academy Press 1989-1999. ISBN: 0-309-04633-5 and the cross analysis of the ES Teck results and in particular the body composition and hemodynamic indicators. NOT RECOMMENDED FOODS Vegetables Asparagus, Avocado, Artichokes, Lentils , Peas, Red beans, Brussels sprouts, Dried vegetables, Tomatoes, Onions, Chestnuts, Bell peppers, Cucumber, Dried beans, Black radish, Maize, Feculent, Celery, Potato, Beetroot, Fennel, Spinach Ikke tomater en gang!!! uhu! Animal protein Egg-white, Game, Cold cuts, Liver, Kidneys, Offal, Brain, Smoked meats smoked fish and smoked poultry, Raw fish, Fat meet and animal fats., Strong cheese, Smoked meat, Seafood, Animal fats, Fresh cream, Goose, Mortadello, Sausages, Strasbourg sausages det blir ikke noe tap å ligge unna Mortadello, for jeg aner ikke hva det er ... hjerne er også greit å kutte ut Anchovies, Bacon, Caviar, Shrimps, Herring, Ham, Rock lobster, Cod, Parmesan, Bottarga, Sardine, Salmon, Bacon, Lard Eat very little meat (once a week is enough) ,replace with fish, oily if possible Altså ... spis fisk men ikke torsk, sild, laks eller sardiner. Og spis helst fet fisk, men ikke laks, sild og sardiner. Dairy products Milk, Dairy products (se under) RECOMMENDED FOODS Tillattlista var pinadø ikke lang. Dette blir ekstrem slankekur. Vegetables Pumpkin, sesame, sunflower seeds, Sprouted seeds, Salsify, Carrots, Cabbage, Dandelion, Ginseng, All the green vegetables you want, Egg Plant, String beans, Leeks, Pumpkin, Zucchini, Endives, Salsify, Cooked green vegetables, Steamed potatoes, Turnip Olives, Leeks, Soya, Beans poteter står på forbudtlista men dampede poteter er tlillatt? Animal protein Oily fish, Fish, Beef Drinks Chicory Oily foods Almonds, Brazil nuts Fruit All fruits except apricot and plum, Melon, Fresh fruit, Cherry stalks in solution, Dried figs, Raspberries, Guavas, Pears, Grape skin and pips, Pear, Watermelon, Lemon, Peaches, Blackcurrant, Pineapple, Cherries, Blueberry, Grape, Grapefruit, Apricots Strawberries, Citrus fruits Carbohydrates hvis noen kan forklare meg logikken bak hva som er tillatt og forbuden frukt blir jeg glad. White flours and derivatives, White bread, French toasts, Pastries, Semolina, White sugar, Pasta, Chocolate, White rice, Bread, Oats, Whole meal bread, Sodium glutamate (often used in Chinese cooking), Confectionary, Corn-flakes, Pop corn, Jam, Liquorices Spesielt når bananer og appelsin står på neilista mens man her anbefaler ”all frukt unntatt aprikos og plomme” . Dessuten står aprikoser som tillatt lenger ned på lista. Og tørket fiken er greit mens tørket frukt er fy? ikke brød, mel, hvitt brød, grovt brød, toast ... dette er visst for de tungnemme. Eller er lista over alt som ikke er lov? Herbs Fats Sesame, Tarragon, Basil, Garlic Hard fats, Refined oils, Fatty stock, Margarines, Fried food, Mayonnaise Aromatic herbs Drinks Black tea, Strong alcohol, Commercial vinegar, Alcohol, All sweet drinks, White wine Honey and pollens, Cider vinegar, Cinnamon, Curry, Ginger, Lemon Plant protein Soy, Algae ok. verken alkohol, hvitvin eller sterk alkohol. Tror jeg skjønte den. Men rødvin da? Er det alkohol i den? Oily foods Oils Evening primrose oils, Fish oils, Cod liver oil, Plant oils ok! torskeleverolje er greit, men ikke torsk! Cereals Peanuts, Cashew nuts, Pecan nuts, Walnuts, Peanut oil, Hazel nuts, Pine nuts Fruit Bran hurra, jeg får spise kli!!! Bananas, Dates , Orange, Dried fruit Herbs Rosemary Salt Salt Aromatic herbs Cress, Rhubarb Reduce casein-based foods (for one month): butter, margarine, fresh cream, cheese, cream desserts,icecream, cakes, sweet bread products, bars, miscellaneous confectionery, chocolate. Øh ... jeg skulle unngå meierivarer, men bare redusere smør og fløte og is?? Reduce containing gluten foods (for one month): Wheat, barley, rye, oats, kamut, wild wheat, pastries, sweet bread products and cakes of all kinds, bars, confectionery, breakfast cereals and mueslis, pizzas, quiches, any unverified commercial product and containing: malt (barley), maltodextrine and starch except if specified rice. Som sagt, dette er visst for de tunglærte. Dette er femte gangen det står at jeg ikke skal spise brød og kaker. MICRONUTRITION COOKING METHODS Steaming is to be preferred to all other methods. Vitamins Vit.C, Vit.A, Vit. B5, Vit.B6, Vit. B8 , Vit.E, Vit. F ka farsken? Skal jeg unngå mat med vitaminer, eller skal jeg unngå vitamintilskudd?? Trace elements Magnesium ,Iodine ,Cobalt ,Sulfur samme sp som over · For cooking food: olive, peanut or palm oil, without ever allowing it to smoke. · For improved digestion, advice for cooking : carrots, tomatoes, broccoli, spinach then add olive or colza oil after cooking. · To prepare fish, marinate in lemon juice, wine or oil, then steam or poach in stock Plant therapy · Do not burn or carbonize meat and throw away the gravy. Poppy ,Passion flower ,Aubeline ,Hawthorn jaja, planteterapi bruker jeg ikke, så den er grei. Men jeg håper jeg får lov til å jobbe i hagen ... Jeg skal unngå tomater og peanøttolje, men så får jeg råd om å lage mat med peanøttolje. Og her er plutselig tomatene inne selv om de var på neilista ... Suggested diet advices 2 REGIME Daily Energy Expenditure (DEE): 2421 Kcal FOOD ASSOCIATIONS · Diversity of fruit and vegetables (action synergy of plantmicronutrients) DIETARY ADVICE Reduce salt, alcohol, fast sugars, avoid barbecued foods and overcooked or burned foods, smoked animal protein (meat, fish, poultry), avoid fried foods and do not re-use cooking fat or oil. Your total daily calories should be made up of: 10 to 15% animal and vegetable protein 30 to 35 % fats 50 to 55% glucose, 10% of which should be fast sugars 30 to 40 g of fiber /day A balanced diet must include all these substances vitamins and trace elements must be added. Water quality is the essential complement to a balanced diet. A Magnesium supplement (300 mg / day) is recommended. You should always eat a big breakfast, moderate lunch and light meal in the evening. Avoid using microwave ovens. Omega 3 fatty acids (a-linolenic acid, EPA/DHA) is found in rapeseed oil, linseed and walnuts, but also in fish oils. Omega 3 oils are recommended up to 700mg/d. If possible, one day of fasting per month is recommended (only water and tea) På forrige liste skulle jeg unngå magnesiumtilskudd, her anbefales jeg å ta 300 mg daglig. Jeg skrev tilbake til mannen og spurte om alle ubalansene kom til å bli rettet opp hvis jeg fulgte disse rådene, og f fikk dette til svar: ”De små ubalanser ,(ikke diagnoser),trenger ikke vaere allvorlige, ikke heller skremmende,det kan vaere rest av kvikksølv /slagstoffer,etter vaccinering, eller etter tannrotfylling,eller eventuellt noe andre kjemikalier som man kunne ha kommet i kontakt med. eller en stressperiode,som stresser nervesystemet.Man kan kartegge de ubalanser med videre undersøkelser. Og om kosten: Kostrådene er basert gjenerellt /blodtype diet.etter eldre råd som en hvaer individ har nytte av, Men han tok da ikke blodtypen min!!! Han underskriver med Amir Mofateh M.D. Medical Director
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