V Conferência Nacional de Mecânica dos Fluidos, Termodinâmica e Energia MEFTE 2014, 11–12 Setembro 2014, Porto, Portugal © APMTAC, 2014 Evaluation of Particle Fragmentation of Raw and Torrified Biomass in a Drop Tube Furnace F. F. Costa, M. Costa IDMEC, Mechanical Engineering Department, Instituto Superior Técnico, Universidade de Lisboa, Lisboa, Portugal email: francisco.costa@ist.utl.pt, mcosta@ist.utl.pt ABSTRACT: Particle fragmentation is one of the most important concerns in biomass combustion as it strongly controls the ultra fine particulate matter emissions. Particle fragmentation corresponds to the particle collapse during combustion, resulting two or more particles of smaller size. Torrefaction consists on exposing biomass to an inert atmosphere between 260 ºC and 300 ºC. In such conditions, hemicellulose is partially decomposed allowing some low calorific volatiles to be released from the raw biomass, thus enhancing the remaining biomass energetic potential. One of the torrified biomass characteristics consists on its brittle nature, and therefore, more prone and easily breakable in milling processes. In this context, this study aims to understand whether torrefaction promotes particle fragmentation during biomass combustion. Pine shells, olive stones and wheat straw were torrified at 280 ºC. Subsequently, all fuels, both raw and torrified, were burnt in a drop tube furnace (DTF) at 1100 ºC. The results reported include burnout profiles and particle matter (PM) concentrations and size distributions measured along the DTF. Overall, the results reveal that (i) pine shells present the lowest PM concentrations due to its lower ash content and highest burnout values; (ii) particle fragmentation does not occur during the combustion of raw and torrified olive stones; and (iii) particle fragmentation occurs during the combustion of raw and torrified pine shells and wheat straw, but torrefaction promotes particle fragmentation only in the case of the straw. KEY-WORDS: Particle fragmentation; Torrefaction; Biomass; Drop tube furnace. 1 INTRODUCTION Biomass is one of the most favourable alternatives to coal in terms of energy production, but its combustion still poses a number of challenges. Particle fragmentation, which corresponds to the particle collapse during combustion, is one of the most important concerns in biomass combustion as it contributes to the ultra fine particulate matter emissions, which are especially harmful to the human health. Particle fragmentation is a rather complex subject and the very few studies available in the literature have mainly concentrated on coal combustion. Xu et al. [1] examined the fragmentation of coal particles in a drop tube furnace (DTF) and reported that, in the final stages of the combustion process, particles tend to break and divide in more particles leading to a decrease in the particle mean diameter. Seames [2] used scanning electron microscope techniques to evaluate the fragmentation of coal particles and concluded that, as coal combustion occurs at constant diameter, the event of finding a collapsed particle may indicate particle fragmentation. It should be noted that, while coal burns at approximately constant diameter, biomass tends to retain its original desorbed shape during combustion, thus varying particle diameter during combustion [3]. This means that the evaluation of the particle fragmentation in biomass combustion using mean diameters or scanning electron microscope techniques may be inconclusive. Torrefaction is a pre-treatment that consists on exposing biomass to an inert atmosphere. Under these conditions hemicellulose is partially decomposed and, thereby, some low calorific volatiles are released from the raw biomass, thus enhancing the remaining biomass energetic potential. In this way, it is possible to obtain new biomass fuels, whose properties range between biomass and coal [4-10]. One of the torrified biomass characteristics consists on its brittle nature, and therefore, more prone and easily breakable in milling processes [8]. Accordingly, it is important to understand whether torrefaction promotes particle fragmentation during biomass combustion. In the present study biomass particle fragmentation is investigated based on the evolution of the burnout and particle matter (PM) concentrations and size distributions along a DTF for both raw and torrified biomass fuels (pine shells, olive stones and wheat straw). All biomass fuels were torrified in a nitrogen inert atmosphere at 280 ºC. Then, both raw and torrified biomass fuels, were burnt in the DTF at a constant wall temperature of 1100 ºC. 2 MATERIALS AND METHODS 2.1 Drop tube furnace The DTF used in this study is described in detail elsewhere [11,12]. The combustion chamber of the DTF is an electrically heated ceramic tube with an inner diameter of 38 mm and a length of 1.3 m. The furnace wall temperatures are continuously monitored by eight type-K thermocouples uniformly distributed along the combustion chamber. A water-cooled injector, placed at the top of the DTF, is used to feed the solid fuels and the air to the combustion chamber. A twin screw volumetric feeder transfers the pulverized solid fuels to an ejection system from which the particles are gas-transported to the watercooled injector. 2.2 Experimental methods 2.2.1 Particle sampling Particle sampling along the combustion chamber axis was performed with the aid of a 1.5 m long, water-cooled, nitrogen-quenched stainless steel probe [12]. The probe (see Fig. 1) comprised a centrally located 3 mm inner diameter tube, through which quenched samples were evacuated with the aid of a pump. The quenching of the chemical reactions was achieved by direct injection of nitrogen jets through small holes very near to the probe tip. The tube for nitrogen delivery was surrounded by two concentric tubes for probe cooling. On leaving the probe, the solid samples were collected in a Tecora total filter holder equipped with a 47 mm diameter quartz microfiber filter. Subsequently, the collected solid samples were placed in an oven at approximately 105 °C to dehydrate. Complete dehydration was ascertained by repeated drying and weighing of the sample until the measured mass became constant. The ash content in the solid samples was finally evaluated following the procedures described in the standard CEN/TS 14775. Particle burnout data were obtained as follows: (1) where is the particle burnout, is the ash weigh fraction in the input biomass fuel, and is the ash weigh fraction in the char sample. Uncertainties in char burnout calculations based on the use of ash as a tracer are related to ash volatility at high heating rates and temperatures and ash solubility in water. Our best estimates indicated that the uncertainties in char burnout calculations using ash as a tracer in the present work were negligible [12]. Particulate matter (PM) concentrations and size distributions were made with the aid of a low pressure three-stage cascade impactor (LPI, TCR Tecora). PM was sampled isokinetically from the centreline of the combustion chamber in five axial positions of the DTF (300, 500, 700, 900 and 1100 mm from injection position), using the water-cooled, nitrogen-quenched stainless steel probe referred to above. The LPI used allowed collecting three particulate cut sizes during the same sampling: PM with diameters above 10 μm (PM10), PM with diameters between 2.5 μm and 10 μm, and PM with diameters below 2.5 μm (PM2.5). In order to avoid condensation along the line connecting the probe outlet to the impactor inlet and also inside the impactor, a heating jacket (model Winkler WOTX1187) was used during sampling. PM was collected on quartz microfiber filters, which were dried in an oven and weighted before each test. After each test, the filters were again dried, to eliminate moisture, and weighted to determine the quantity of PM captured. 2.2.2 Test conditions The solid fuels studied in this work included raw and torrified pine shells, olive stones and wheat straw. All raw biomass fuels were sieved to 1 mm size and the particle size distribution was measured using the Malvern 2600 Particle Size Analyzer. The biomass fuels were then torrified in an insulated stainless steel container through which 3 L/min of nitrogen at 310 ºC passed during 1 hour. During the process the biomass temperature varied between 280 ºC and 300 ºC. Table 1 shows the characteristics of the raw and torrified biomass fuels, including the fuel ash composition. The table includes the properties of a United Kingdom bituminous coal for comparison purposes. Note that particle size distribution of the torrified biomass fuels were similar to those of the raw biomass fuels as indicated by the measurements performed with the aid of the Malvern Analyser. In this study, measurements were carried out for all biomass fuels for DTF wall temperatures of 1100 ºC, and inlet air at room temperature. The solid fuels feed rate was around 23 g/h and the total air flow rate was 4 L/min. The initial particle velocity was estimated, from the inlet air flow at room temperature, to be 0.3 m/s. Table 1. Characteristics of the raw and torrified biomass. Coal is included for comparison purposes. Parameter Proximate analysis (wt%, as received) Volatiles Fixed carbon Moisture Ash Ultimate analysis (wt%, daf) Carbon Hydrogen Nitrogen Sulphur Oxygen High heating value (MJ/kg) Ash analysis (wt%, dry basis) SiO2 Al2O3 Fe2O3 CaO SO3 MgO TiO2 P2O5 K2O Na2O Cl Other oxides Particle size (μm) Under 30 Under 70 Under 100 Under 300 Under 500 Under 1000 Under 2000 SMD 3 Pine shells Raw Torrified Olive stones Raw Torrified Wheat straw Raw Torrified Coal 58.9 25.9 13.9 1.3 69.4 27.6 1.0 2.0 57.8 19.7 9.4 13.1 60.6 23.1 0.3 16.0 64.9 11,5 8,9 14,7 55.0 24.0 0.9 20.1 44.6 51.4 1.7 2.3 47.8 5.6 0.3 0.0 46.3 18.82 54.4 5.5 0.4 0.0 39.7 23.52 43.2 5.6 1.9 0.0 49.3 17.54 47.8 5.1 2.3 0.0 44.8 20.67 39.4 5.2 0.5 0.0 54.9 19.0 44.0 4.3 0.8 0.0 50.9 19.4 79.3 5.9 1.9 0.5 12.4 35.04 9.6 11.9 2.1 50.9 2.0 12.1 0.0 5.6 4.1 0.8 0.0 0.9 30.4 10.6 9.9 9.9 0.7 7.2 0.9 7.4 18.7 2.9 0.7 0.7 34.3 7.7 2.9 24.1 2.6 3.7 0.4 3.4 15.1 0.8 3.5 1.5 39.4 23.2 24.7 3.5 1.5 1.0 1.7 0.2 1.2 2.6 0.0 1.0 13.6 28.5 34.7 53.1 67.0 95.1 100 177.8 9.9 17.5 21.3 37.1 49.8 94.1 100 97.0 5.9 12.4 16.1 37.6 52.9 92.2 100 111.8 38.4 61.4 69.9 94.2 100 100 100 19.7 RESULTS AND DISCUSSION 3.1 Biomass characteristics The biomass ash content and composition is very important for the evaluation of particle fragmentation. As seen in Table 1, the pine shells ash content is much lower than those of the olive stones and wheat straw. Moreover, the pine ashes are dominated by calcium (50.9 wt%), while the olives stones and wheat straw ashes are dominated by silica (30.4% and 34.3%, respectively). It is also important to underline the potassium content in the ashes, which are 4.1%, 18.7% and 15.1% for pine shells, olive stones and wheat straw, respectively. Note that the unburned carbon in the ashes has a significant dependence on the potassium content, as it enhances the ashes agglomeration [3]. Figure 1 shows the van Krevelen diagram for all biomass fuels studied, both raw and torrified, and for the coal used for comparison purposes. The data reported presents a high correlation coefficient and it is clear that torrified biomass fuels approach coal characteristics [13]. 0.14 0.12 H/C 0.10 0.08 Raw pine shells Torrified pine shells Raw olive stones Torrified olive stones Coal Raw wheat straw Torrified wheat straw 0.06 0.04 0.02 0.00 0.00 0.50 1.00 1.50 O/C Figure 1. Van Krevelen diagram for all biomass fuels studied. Coal is included for comparison purposes. 3.2 Particle burnout Figure 2 shows the particle burnout data obtained for all biomass fuels, both raw and torrified, at 1100 ºC. The data for pine shells and olive stones were taken from Costa et al. [13]. Fig. 2 shows that the pine shells present the highest levels of burnout, as compared with olives stones and wheat straw. The figure also reveals that the wheat straw presents lower particle burnout values than the olive stones in the first half of the DTF, but the olive stones present higher values than the wheat straw near the exit of the DTF. According to Fig. 2c) for the raw wheat straw the char combustion stars at x = 900 mm, while for torrified wheat straw the char combustion starts at x = 700 mm. This is due to the volatiles release during torrefaction, which leads to an earlier onset of the char combustion process for the torrified biomass. Similar observations are valid for the olive stones, which are fully discussed in reference [13]. 3.3 Particle matter concentrations Figure 3 shows the PM concentrations for all biomass fuels studied, both raw and torrified. PM concentrations are divided in particles sizes above 10 μm (PM10), between 10 μm and 2.5 μm (PM2.5 – PM10), and below 2.5 μm (PM2.5). For pine shells the total PM concentrations are lower than those for the olive stones and wheat straw due to the lower pine shells ash content (cf. Table 1). Figures 3a and 3b reveal that for the raw pine shells PM under 10 μm at x = 900 mm represent 10.9% of the total PM and at x = 1100 mm correspond to 24.6%, while for the torrified pine shells PM under 10 μm at x = 900 mm represent 17.9% and at x = 1100 mm account for 32.1%. However, the particle burnout data show little increase from x = 900 mm to x = 1100 mm; specifically from 98.4% to 98.9% for the raw pine shells and from 97.8% to 99.4% for the torrified pine shells at x = 900 mm and 1100 mm. This indicates that, near the exit of the DTF, particles strongly reduce size despite burnout almost remaining constant. In this case it is clear that particle fragmentation occurred, leading to a reduction in particle size and a higher concentration of smaller particles. Figures 3c and 3d show that for the raw olive stones PM under 10 μm at x = 900 mm represent 6.5% of the total PM and at x = 1100 mm correspond to 6.9%, while for torrified olive stones PM under 10 μm at x = 900 mm represent 4.8% and at x = 1100 mm account for 5.6%. Particle burnout data show an increase between these two axial positions from 90.8% to 93.8% for the raw olive stones and from 82.1% to 86.1% for the torrified olive stones. In this case, near the exit of the DTF, the PM concentrations and distributions remain unchanged. It can therefore be concluded that for olive stones, both raw and torrified, particle fragmentation does not occur. It is interesting to note that beyond x = 700 mm the PM size distribution and concentration remain constant, which suggest the combustion of particles of olive stones take place at a constant diameter. Figure 3e and 3f show that for raw wheat straw PM under 10 μm at x = 900 mm represent 8.4% of the total PM and at x = 1100 mm account for 26.4%, while for torrified wheat straw PM under 10 μm at x = 900 mm represent 14% and at x = 1100 mm correspond to 34.5%. Burnout data show that between x = 900 mm and x = 1100 mm particle burnout increases from 84.3% to 87.3% for raw wheat straw and from 76.4% to 80.8% for torrified wheat straw This indicates that, near the exit of the DTF, particles strongly reduce size despite particle burnout increasing only slightly. In this case, it is clear that particle Particle burnout (%) 100 90 80 70 60 50 40 30 20 10 0 Particle burnout (%) 100 90 80 70 60 50 40 30 20 10 0 Particle burnout (%) fragmentation occurred, leading to a reduction in particle size and higher concentration of smaller particles. For wheat straw particle fragmentation occurred more significantly than for pine shells. Furthermore, in the case of the torrified wheat straw, particle fragmentation is more severe as it generates more particles of smaller size than in the case of the raw wheat straw. 100 90 80 70 60 50 40 30 20 10 0 a) Raw pine shells Torrified pine shells 0 200 400 600 800 1000 1200 b) Raw olive stones Torrified olive stones 0 200 400 600 800 1000 1200 c) Raw wheat straw Torrified wheat straw 0 200 400 600 800 1000 1200 Axial distance (mm) Figure 2. Particle burnout profiles along the axis of the DTF. a) Pine shells, b) olive stones, d) wheat straw. 4 CONCLUSIONS The main conclusions from this work can be summarized as follows: (i) Pine shells present the lowest PM concentrations due to its lower ash content and highest burnout values; (ii) particle fragmentation does not occur during the combustion of raw and torrified olive stones; (iii) particle fragmentation occurs during the combustion of raw and torrified pine shells and wheat straw, but torrefaction promotes particle fragmentation only in the case of the straw. 1400 PM (mg/Nm3) 1200 1400 a) 1200 1000 1000 800 800 600 600 400 400 200 200 0 500 mm 700 mm 900 mm 1100 mm PM (mg/Nm3) c) 1200 1000 800 800 600 600 400 400 200 200 300 mm 500 mm 700 mm 900 mm 1100 mm 1200 500 mm 700 mm 900 mm 1100 mm 500 mm 700 mm 900 mm 1100 mm 500 mm 700 mm 900 mm 1100 mm d) 0 300 mm 1400 1400 PM (mg/Nm3) 300 mm 1400 1000 0 PM<2.5 2.5≤PM<10 PM≥10 0 300 mm 1400 1200 b) e) 1200 1000 1000 800 800 600 600 400 400 200 200 0 300 mm 500 mm 700 mm 900 mm 1100 mm f) 0 300 mm Figure 3. Size-classified PM concentrations along the DTF. a) Pine shells, b) torrified pine shells, c) olive stones, d) torrified olive stones, e) wheat straw, f) torrified wheat straw. ACKNOWLEDGMENTS This work was supported by Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia (FCT), through IDMEC, under LAETA Pest-OE/EME/LA0022 and under PTDC/EME-MFE/116832/2010. REFERENCES [1] M Xu, D Yu, H Yao, X Liu, Y Qiao (2011). Coal combustion-generated aerosols: Formation and properties. Proceedings of the Combustion Institute 33, 1681–1697. [2] WS Seames (2003). An initial study of the fine fragmentation fly ash particle mode generated during pulverized coal combustion. Fuel Processing Technology. 81, 109– 125. [3] A Williams, JM Jones, L Ma, M Pourkashanian (2012). Pollutants from the combustion of solid biomass fuels. Progress in Energy and Combustion Science 38, 113-137. [4] JJ Chew, V Doshi (2011). Recent advances in biomass pretreatment – Torrefaction fundamentals and technology. 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