www.ntnu.edu/museum www.sverresborg.no to sightseeing in ot he r scandinavian citie s • • • • • Oslo Copenhagen Gothenburg Stockholm Helsinki Get discounts • Stavechurch • Beautifulsouvenirsfromthe museum`s gift-shop • Excitingandeducationalexperiences for visitors of all ages Winner of The Norwegian Museum of the Year Award 2010. The Museum of Natural History and Archaeology, NTNU Idyllic open air museum situated around the ruins of King Sverre`s medieval castle. Trøndelag Folk MuseuM TKM Bispegata Mon: closed Tue – Sun: 12 – 4pm Weds: 12– 9pm Show your ticket or brochure 2010-03-03 x35_100302.indd 1 and get discounts to sightseeing in other scandinavian cities SverreSborg TKM Gråmølna Mon – Weds: closed Thurs – Sun: 12 – 3pm www.trondheimkunstmuseum.no 13:49:22 Exhibitions of contemporary art and collection of Norwegian and International art + Museum shop. Trondheim Kunstmuseum TAX FREE www.global-blue.com www.ringve.com Shop the world for less with tax free www.nidarosdomen.no Ringve - a Music Museum, Country Estate and Botanical Garden with more than 2000 musical instruments, tales, flowers and trees from around the world. The Nidaros Cathedral Gift Shop offers unique gifts to bring home. Music - our shared international language In the heart of historical Trondheim you find Nidaros Cathedral and the Archbishop’s Palace. The palace houses the Norwegian Crown Regalia and the Archbishop’s Palace Museum. Nidaros Cathedral and the Archbishop’s Palace The Nidaros Ca thedral Houses by Nid elven The Archbisho ps Palace Welcome to Open Top Sightseeing in Trondheim Willkommen bei Open Top Sightseeing in Trondheim Bienvenido a Open Top Lugares de interés en Trondheim We welcome you to “Hop on - Hop off” in Trondheim. We run a regular service in Trondheim with 10 stops that include all the main attractions and sights that Trondheim has to offer. Wir begrüßen Sie bei der “ Hop on - Hop off “ Tour durch Trondheim. Regelmäßig bieten wir Ihnen diesen Service mit 10 Haltestellen an. Bei der Tour werden alle wichtigen Attraktionen und Sehenswürdigkeiten, die Trondheim zu bieten hat gezeigt. Le damos la bienvenida a “Hop on - Hop off” en Trondheim. Contamos con un servicio regular en Trondheim con 10 paradas que incluyen todos los lugares de interés y las principales atracciones que Trondheim tiene para ofreceros. Erste Abfahrt ist um 9:30 von der Haltestelle Nr. 1, Trondheim Torg. Die letzte Abfahrt ist um 16.00 Uhr. Der Bus fährt alle 30 Minuten. Die Rundfahrt ist in 8 Sprachen. Open Top Sightseeing-Kunden erhalten auch Ermässigungen bei verschiedenen Institutionen (Museen etc.), die Sie bitte dem Flyer entnehmen können. Ihr Ticket gilt für 24 oder 48 Stunden. La primera salida es de la parada N º 1, en Trondheim Torg. La salida es a las 09:30h. y la última es a las 16.00h. El autobús sale cada 30 minutos. El viaje en Trondheim se guía en 8 idiomas. Los clientes que visitan Open Top también pueden obtener tarifas reducidas en los diferentes lugares donde el autobús se detiene, consulte el folleto para más información. Su billete es válido durante 24 o 48 horas. Open Top Sightseeing organisiert gerne für Sie Reisen, Stadtrundfahrten und Transfere für private und geschäftliche Events, Partys, Hochzeiten und Jubiläen. Lugares de interés Open Top organiza viajes y transporte relacionados con eventos y fiestas privadas, bodas, aniversarios, eventos corporativos etc.. First departure is from Stop No. 1 Trondheim Torg at 09:30 and last departure is at 16.00. The bus departs every 30 minute. The trip in Trondheim is guided in 8 languages. Open Top Sightseeing’s customers also get reduced rates at the various sites where the bus stops, see the flyer for more information. Your ticket is valid for 24 or 48 hours. Open Top Sightseeing arranges travel and transportation in connection with private events and parties, weddings, anniversaries, corporate events, venues and kick-off. Trondheim sightseeing 24 or 48 hour pass Get discounts Please contact us: Open Top Sightseeing tel: 0047 48174444 www.opentopsightseeing.no email: info@opentopsightseeing.no Bitte kontaktieren Sie uns: Open Top Sightseeing Tel.: 0047 48174444 www.opentopsightseeing.no email: info@opentopsightseeing.no ap m e Hop on - Hop off at 10 stops Contáctenos: Open Top Sightseeing tlf: 0047 48174444 www.opentopsightseeing.no epost: info@opentopsightseeing.no Audio Commentary in 8 languages e Fr Open Top Sightseeing Tour Munkholm en Trondheim Korsvika 4 unt isco ad Get Prices All day passes Ringve museum nt scou a di Get 24 hour valid ticket Adults.............................................. NOK 225 so m m e rr Children......................................... NOK 110 48 hour valid ticket Rockheim Adults.............................................. NOK 350 a di Get Trondheim Kunst Museum u te Family................................... NOK 600 3 nt scou GRÅMØLNA Hurtigruta Cruisebåtterm inal Children......................................... NOK 175 Pirbadet Family................................... NOK 700 Get Children: age from 5-15 years Ringve Museum nt scou a di Pirterm inalen Bispegata Family: two adults and two children politi St. O lavs pir The Maritime Museum 5 2 nt scou a di Trondheim Get Vandrerhjem 6 trehusmiljø HOSPITALSLØKKAN unt isco d a Get 9 7 1 Gråmølna Stiftsgården nt scou Leangen idret anlegg / ishall a di Get 10 Trondheim Spektrum (Nidarøhallen) Nidarosdomen Schedule Kristiansten festning Depature every 40 minutes Erkebispegården Sverresborg National museum of decorative arts and design Tyholttårnet 8 Trøndelag Folkemuseum Sverresborg Idrettsbygget NTNUI a Get t oun disc Get nt scou a di a Get t oun disc 1. Visit Trondheim / Trondheim Torg 09.30....16.00 2. Royal Garden / The maritime Museum 09.33....16.03 3. Cruiseterminal / Rockheim / Hurtigruta 09.36....16.06 4.Ringve 09.45....16.15 5. Solsiden / Trondheim artmuseum 09.53....16.23 Transitten 6. Bakke bru 09.55....16.25 7. Trondheim Torg / Stiftsgården 10.00....16.30 8.Sverresborg 10.10....16.40 9. The Museum of Natural History and Archaeology NTNU (Vitenskapsmuseet) 10.22....16.52 10. Nidaros Cathedral / Archbishops palace Trondheim artmuseum / National museum of decorative arts and design Bispegata Kart og kartografi: ©eMap as 2012 NTNU Museum Trondheim Kunstmuseum Nidaros cathedral First depature is from stop 1 at 09.30 – and the last departure from stop 1 at 16.00. The tour will take approximately one hour. Get a Discount at the important sights Recorded commentary in a choice of Eight languages 10.26....16.56 Show your bus-ticket and get reduced rates at the various sites where the bus stop
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