September 13, 2013 Dear South Pointe Middle School Parents/Guardians: On behalf of the entire teaching staff, community and students, South Pointe Middle School is proud to announce our Academic Performance Index (API) score of 920 for 2013! Our dedicated teaching staff and school community work hand-in-hand to ensure that all students succeed. This type of education takes tremendous effort from everyone involved. As you know we received the Distinguished School Award, and were one of only thirteen schools to receive the Exemplary Arts Award in 2013! Thank you for your ongoing support of our school and our students. South Pointe Middle School receives Federal Title I funds to provide additional support to identified students. Though our significant subgroups have made great gains over the past three years, it has become increasing difficult to have all students reach the 89.2% proficiency level required for the 201213 year. Two years ago, South Pointe was identified as a Program Improvement (PI) School. Once identified, the school must make their required Adequate Yearly Progress (AYP) for two consecutive years. Last year we made “Safe Harbor,” and maintained the status and requirements for Program Improvement Year 1. The No Child Left Behind (NCLB) Act of 2001 requires the proficiency levels for all students to increase by 10% each year. For the 2012-13 school year, the requirement was 89.2% proficient for ALL students. Like all schools in California who have continued to make significant growth, the increasing proficiency level has become a statistical improbability. Because of the increased proficiency level, we did not make the required growth in English Language Arts, and as a result are now in Program Improvement Year 2 under the No Child Left Behind Act. Only schools receiving Title I funds are mandated to report to parents if they do not meet required federal growth targets. The school’s 2013 Accountability Progress Report may be obtained from the school or on the California Department of Education (CDE) AYP Web page at What is PI? NCLB requires the state and district to annually review the academic progress of federally funded Title I schools and to identify schools in need of improvement. These schools are identified as PI schools after two consecutive years of not making AYP. California determines AYP by considering the following four measures: The percentage of students scoring at the “proficient” or “advanced” level on the California Standards Tests for English-language arts and mathematics The percentage of students participating in those tests The graduation rate for high schools California’s own accountability measurement of progress, the API Public school choice: What right does a parent have to request a transfer to a school that is not in PI? We are looking forward to continuing to work with your child at South Pointe Middle School. Our data shows that the programs and support we provide our students have had a powerful impact on increasing student achievement and ensuring ALL students are successful. A requirement in the No Child Left Behind Act regarding Public School Choice is that parents of eligible students have the option of transferring to a school with space available within the district that has not been identified as a Title I Program Improvement school. This is called “Public School Choice.” For a parent who selects this option, the district provides paid transportation to the non-PI school for as long as the home school continues to be identified as a PI school. If the home school exits PI by making AYP for two consecutive years, the student can remain at the school; however, transportation will no longer be district-paid. If the demand for choice exceeds funds available, priority will be given to lowest achieving, low-income students. If you are interested in this option, a Public School Choice Request Form will need to be submitted for each individual student applying for a Choice transfer. The form is available from the South Pointe Middle School office, the District Office, or on the district web site. The completed application must be returned no later than Friday, October 4, 2013 by 4:00 pm. If you need assistance or have questions, please contact me at 909-595-8171. For more information about any of these schools, please contact Jackie Brown at 909-595-1261 extension 31215. Name of School API Scores * English Language Arts Percent Proficient or above Secondary level-89.2% Mathematics Percent Proficient or above Secondary level-89.9% California 791/800 South Pointe 920/800 Chaparral 928/800 Suzanne 932/800 State wide 56.7% Significant subgroups School wide 80.0% Significant subgroups School wide 83.8% Significant subgroups School wide 85.5% Significant subgroups Statewide 59.8% -no Significant subgroups-no School wide 81.4% -yes Significant Subgroups-no School wide 79.6% -no Significant subgroups-no School wide 82.1% -no Significant subgroups-no -no -no -no -no -no -no -no -no *Academic Performance Index (API) is an indicator of a school’s performance level based on a scale that ranges from a low of 200 to a high of 1,000, with 800 being the score set by the state that schools should strive to meet. **Adequate Yearly Progress (AYP) is the measure used in the federal No Child Left Behind legislation as an indicator of a school’s performance level in English/language arts and mathematics based on set targets that increase yearly up to 100% proficient by the year 2013-14. Supplemental Education Services (SES): How does a parent obtain a provider for their child? Students from low-income families at PI Year 2 schools, whose parents did not select a public school choice option, are eligible for free SES. These services are classes or tutoring which occur outside the regular school day with educational providers approved by the State Board of Education. If the number of eligible students who apply for the SES program exceeds the financial resources available, the lowest achieving students from low-income families will receive SES first. Families who qualify for the program will receive an invitation letter, provider list and application in late September through October 2013. A Provider Fair will be held in October. What will the school do to address the problem of low achievement? Our school, district, state, and federal resources continue to support the school in this improvement effort. We work closely with district staff to revise our school plan to include the following measures and programs: Strategies, policies, and practices that utilize scientifically-based research and have the greatest likelihood of ensuring that all groups of students will meet the state’s achievement targets High quality professional development for school staff that will lead to removing the school from PI status Strategies to promote effective parental involvement in the school After-school math and language arts tutoring for identified students Implementing the “Mind Institute” an on-line math intervention program Revising the school plan and budget to address student needs and improve student achievement Monthly Family Education opportunities including Technology, Parent Portal, Math, Science, Writing, and Reading, along with High School and College Prep Professional Learning Communities to discuss student learning, progress, and remediation Implementation of Content Specific Instruction (CSI) Intervention program in the areas of Language Arts and Math English Language Development class for Levels 1 & 2 in English Language Arts using best practices in Specially Designed Academic Instruction in English (SDAIE) and Guided Language Acquisition and Development (GLAD) to improve access to core curriculum Providing an after-school “Study Skills Program” for all Title 1 students Parent Portal, Connect Ed., and email to ensure ongoing home/school communication Professional Development opportunities for school staff to refine skills and knowledge in effective instructional strategies for English Learners and “at-risk” students “My Access,” an on-line writing program that provides students with immediate feedback with their writing Expansion of Project Lead the Way to provide access to cross curricular connections in science, math, and technology Small class size in Intervention and Advisement classes to provide prescriptive support What are the district and state doing to support schools in PI Year 2 Our district is working closely with the CDE to improve curriculum, instruction, and student performance. The CDE provides information, special help, and access to resources for PI schools. PI schools will receive district and/or state technical assistance in: Analyzing various data reports for revising the school plan Strengthening core academic instruction Collaborating with parents to increase student academic achievement How can parents become involved? Parents can continue to assist in improving student achievement at South Pointe by becoming involved. Volunteer to help with school activities or attend the School Site Council meetings to learn more about programs, interventions, and strategies we have at South Pointe. Support your child’s efforts by monitoring and encouraging their progress. Research shows that strong parental involvement leads to student success at school. We will keep you updated and informed about opportunities, programs, and innovations for our school. If you have questions, need additional information on how you can get involved in our school improvement efforts, or would like to discuss the school’s instructional program and PI status, please feel free to call me and/or visit the school. You may also contact Jackie Brown, Director of Educational Projects and Assessment at 909-595-1261 extension 31215. Translated copies of this letter and Parent School Choice forms in Mandarin and Spanish are available at the district office. We look forward to working together to continue the student achievement growth that we are so proud of! Thank you for your on-going support and dedication to our students. Sincerely, Susan Arzola Principal
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