Business opportunities. Sustainable energy to the world Turbin ONS 2012 24. - 27. Aug. Stavanger, Norway “Energy for more people” - Exhibition / 28.Conference - 31. Aug. Stavanger, / Festival - ELI “StopNorway global “Confronting Paradoxes” warming NOW!” andEnergy ELI- Electricity by Liquid TM Exhibition /Conference Festival Injection , a symbiosical use of/oil& gaswells. ELI concept ® “Stop global warming NOW!” 8. - 9. Dec. 2010 Paris, by France and ELI-Electricity Liquid “Turning up the heat on geothermal energy Injection in Europe” - ExhibitionTM, / Conference © possible symbiosical -a ELI-Mark2 power plant simbiosicaly reuse of oil- & use of oilinstallations and exchanged heat. gaswells. UN IPCC2010 December 2010 Mexico Mexico Powerplant ELICity, Mk.2® “Stop Global warming NOW!” Pat. ped. NO 981013 Vann 130 °C Selskapet ELI AS ønsker i 2012 2010 å knytte seg til et større og erfarent industriselskap med investeringskapital for satsing i flere år på utvikling og bygging av kraftstasjoner ELI Mark2 på oljeplattformer i Nordsjøen. Vi kan også tenke oss en ordning med inkubator for den videre utvikling av selskapet innenfor et høyt kvalifisert forskermiljø i Norge og utlandet. Vårt hovedprodukt er å konstruere, bygge og selge det miljøvennlige og fornybar elektrisitetkraftverket ELI Mark2 og bore brønnsløyfer som utnytter jordvarmen i varmt brønnvann i oljeog gassbrønner. Det er modulbygget og plasseres i ISO containere som EPC nøkkelkontrakt. Optimalt 45MW satt sammen i moduler. Selskapet skal ha en godkjent EPC contraktor som er ansvarlig for gjennomføring og leveranse med oppfølgende service til kundene som er oljeselskaper, energiselskaper i geotermisk energi, myndigheter, miljøinvestorer, strøm-nettselskaper, kapital investorer, konsesjonshavere, boreselskaper og geoseismiske selskaper. Selskapet ELI AS har skriftlig bekreftelse på fremtidig mulig teknisk samarbeide innenfor spesielle fagfelt fra industribedrifter og forskermiljø i verdenstoppen. Universitetet i Stavanger • Sintef Energi i Trondheim • City University of London • Michigan Tech. USA • BP • Virkir Orkint i Reykjavik • Alfa Laval Thermie i Lund • Baker Hughes Inteq • Halliburton ELI – Electricity by Liquid InjectionTM Prudence in decisiontaking. Power in action TM 1 Råolje Prosessvann fra reservoarene strømmer opp og separeres 2 Det varme prosessvannet går inn i en varmeveksler 3 Fortsetter videre til turbinen og generator og blir omdannet til el.kraft i kraftverket på plattformen 4 Returvannet pumpes ned i oljebrønnen 800 m3/t “New and renewable Sustainable Energy” Ing. Einar Langset kan treffes på ONS 2010 2012 Orginator and Pat. Keeper Eli Mark 2 Powerplant 10 MW © Pat. NO 302781 Vann 45 °C © ELI AS STOP GLOBAL WARMING! Geothermal energy is available from reuse of oil & gaswells in the North Sea. North Sea power cables supply to the grids onshore. Symbiosical energy is sustainable and has no emission of CO2 nor NOx. Deep down water reservoars located besides coal-layer Kimmeridge Clay means geothermal heat. Invest in directional drilling from existing wells, and develope an ELI Mark2 power plant offshore. Possible decommissioning cost will be avoided - meanwhile business of power. Water reservoirs are 10 times to 100 times larger than oil reservoirs and lay deeper down. 30 years of oil exploration and seismic data, by new technics and knowledge, are free for reuse to geothermal power exploration. Benefit the ELI worldwide EPO patented reuse of oil & gaswells for geothermal power. Imagine Power lifetime 30 yrs x 10 times or 100 times produced from wells, will make possible sustainable powersupply for 3000 yrs. May be even better, as the hot water after heat exchange, is reinjected to the reservoir for possible future exploration. US Department of Energy DOE have confirmed there is 50.000 times more of geothermal heat energy in the world`s crust first 6 Miles, than compared to all of oil & gasenergy in the world. Geothermal energy is the overall most available and relayable energy, but might be expensive to develope. Governmental participation and industrial business make joint ventures. Norway have a historical chance to reuse oil & gaswells. Ref: Norwegian Innst. S. Nr. 135 ”Energimelding 2004-2005” from Miljø- og energikomiteen. In the USA have DOE and Underwriter laboratories in 2008 agreed in geothermal business together with company Ormat. The challenge is powerplants of 100.000 MW in yr. 2050. Developed power plant Ormat Q1 have in USA 2007 a net. income of USD 10,1 million. Big investors: Google, Morgan Stanley and Lehman Bros. have by summer 2008 invested in company Ormat upon their benefits. ELI AS in Norway, have business opportunities to serious industrial investors. ELI company cares about Energy for one World - and stop global warming! Symbiosical - Energy for more people. ELI AS – Nils Hertzbergsv. 4 , N–6413 Molde. Norge Tlf. (+47) 71 21 82 68 • Faks: (+47) 71 21 82 69 • Mobil: 920 83 052 Org NO 871 162 042 MVA
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