SAMPLING AND ANALYSIS PLAN For the Campbell County - Three Horses Watershed Assessment Prepared by Rik Gay, Lost Iguana Consulting, Inc. For the Campbell County Conservation District With guidance from the Dead Horse, Spotted Horse, & Wild Horse CRM Groups June 1, 2001 PROJECT AREA MAP 1.0 INTRODUCTION 2.0 PROJECT GOALS & OBJECTIVES 3.0 BACKGROUND 4.0 PROJECT AREA DESCRIPTION 5.0 SAMPLING STRATEGY 6.0 HEALTH & SAFETY 7.0 LABORATORIES 8.0 DATA ANALYSIS 9.0 AMENDMENTS 10. 0 EQUIPTMENT 11.0 FIELD LOG BOOKS 12.0 FIELD DATA FORMS 13.0 DATA VALIDATION QUALITY ASSURANCE PROJECT PLAN STANDARD OPERATING PROCEDURES PART 1 – SAMPLE PLANNING PART 2 – BIOLOGICAL SAMPLING PART 3 – PHYSICAL SAMPLING PART 4 – CHEMICAL SAMPLING PART 5 – QUALITY CONTROL AMENDMENTS Campbell County – Three Horses Sampling and Analysis Plan Campbell County Conservation District 1.0 INTRODUCTION Throughout Campbell County extraction of coal bed methane (CBM) and the associated impacts on the County’s resources has become a concern. A by-product of the process of extracting methane from subsurface coal seams is significant quantities of “produced” water. Several resource issues related to both the quality and quantity of the produced water have arisen along with a number of ongoing research efforts to address those issues. One of the most controversial issues being the impact of the CBM discharged water on the water quality of the watersheds within which the coal bed methane is being extracted. The Board of Supervisors of the Campbell County Conservation District (CCCD), being locally elected officials with the State mandated responsibility for the resources within it’s district, determined that the involvement of the conservation district in the identification of possible water quality issues in the Wild Horse, Dead Horse, Spotted Horse, and the LX Bar watersheds which lie within the Campbell County Conservation District’s jurisdiction was warranted. Given the current uncertainty of the actual impacts of the produced water on the landscape, it is the intention of the CCCD, through acquisition of credible water quality related data as defined in the Enrolled Act #47 by the Wyoming State Legislature, to initiate a comprehensive water quality based investigation. The primary goal of this investigation will be to establish baseline, or pre-CBM, conditions in each of the watersheds and then to track trends within those watersheds. In watersheds that already have CBM wells, the current conditions will be compared to the conditions found in a geologically and climatologically comparable watershed. This sampling and analysis plan (SAP) outlines the methodology for assessing the chemical, physical and biological characteristics of the targeted watersheds and meets the requirements of the State of Wyoming Enrolled Act #47, Wyoming Statute 35-11-103(c) also known as the Credible Data Bill (Legislation) and when executed in conjunction with the Quality Assurance Project Plan found in appendix B, utilizing the protocols found in the Standard Operating Procedures found in appendix C, also meets the Quality Assurance/Quality Control requirements of the Wyoming Department of Environmental Quality, Water Quality Division, and the United States Environmental Protection Agency. Data accumulated through implementation of this SAP can also be utilized in developing local watershed management strategies that will help maintain community values while still meeting energy related resource demands, through science based land use planning on a watershed scale. 2.0 PROJECT CONCERNS, GOALS & OBJECTIVES This project is based upon the compilation of the goals and objectives found in both the Water Resources section of the CCCD 1994 Long Range Plan and the goals and objectives developed by the Dead Horse, Wild Horse and Spotted Horse coordinated resource management (CRM) groups. The various CRM groups have met frequently in the last 2 years and are supportive of this effort. The components found in this SAP as determined by those goals and objectives are specific to area outlined on the map found in appendix D. CONCERNS 09/27/05 1 Campbell County – Three Horses Sampling and Analysis Plan Campbell County Conservation District • Continuous Discharge of CBM Water in Watersheds Comprised of Soils and Vegetation Which Historically Only Experienced Intense and Infrequent Precipitation Events • Dewatering of Domestic Wells • Re-injection of CBM Water into the Aquifer • Potential Positive Changes to the Landscape Created by CBM Water Being Disallowed in the Name of Preserving “Natural” Conditions • Excessive Erosion, Flooding, and Channelization • Difficulty in Identifying Undesirable Consequences in the Absence of an Understanding of what the Expected Baseline, or Natural Conditions, Should Be. GOALS • To Protect Water Quality And Quantity For Use Now And For Future Generations 1 • Develop And Maintain A Cooperative Plan Using CBM Development And Produced Water To Maximize Benefits And Minimize Adverse Impacts, Both Short And LongTerm, For Resources And Their Stewards 2 OBJECTIVES • Establish Credible Water Quality Related Baseline Data for Resource Management • Identify Trends, Both Positive and Negative in the Chemical, Physical and Biological Characteristics of the Target Watersheds • Protect and Enhance Current Surface Water Uses • Prevent Degradation of Water Quality • Coordinate With Ongoing Watershed Related Investigations • Disseminate Results and Other Related Information to the Public 3.0 BACKGROUND Wyoming's Powder River Basin is experiencing the largest mineral boom in Wyoming history. Coal bed methane gas development (CBM) in the Powder River Basin has been characterized by the minerals industry as the "hottest natural gas play" in North America. The development of this 1 CCCD 1994 Long Range Plan Dead Horse CRM, 1999 09/27/05 2 2 Campbell County – Three Horses Sampling and Analysis Plan Campbell County Conservation District energy resource presents a number is natural resource issues, the quantity and disposal of the “produced” water being the issue in the forefront. Coal bed methane is held in place by water pressure in a coal seam. In order to produce coal bed methane, the water pressure must be eased. By pumping the groundwater to the surface the methane is separated from the water in the borehole and flows to the pipeline. Coal bed methane goes through three stages during its production cycle. During the initial depressuring stage discharged surface water is produced with little or no gas. However, over time, the volume of surface water discharge decreases while the volume of methane produced increases. A stable production stage is reached when the maximum amount of methane is being produced and the water production continues to decrease. The average quantity of “produced” water from a CBM well is 12 gallons per minute, or 17,280 gallons per day, or 6,307,200 gallons per year per well. As of March 20, 2001 the Wyoming Oil and Gas Conservation Commission estimated that there were approximately 5000 wells producing, 9600 wells have been drilled with 600 of those plugged. An additional 2,950 permits are active and waiting to be drilled. It has been estimated that 50,000 to 120,000 CBM wells could be developed over the next 15 to 30 years. Water could be pumped from the targeted coal seam at rates of up to 100 gallons per minute for up to the first two years of a well's operation. The soils in the project area are used to accommodating only short duration precipitation events. Indiscriminate continuous discharge of this water onto the landscape has the potential for erosion and in some cases could cause damage to the soil profile due to the high salt and sodium levels in the discharged water. Since the beginning of production of coal bed gas in the late 1980s, the Department of Environmental Quality’s Water Quality Division has required the testing of water produced in association with coal bed gas development. Initially, there were over 50 constituents for which the coal bed gas industry tested. With time and experience, this list has been narrowed. A current issue of concern with water quality has to do with the relationship of the level of sodium contained in the soil profile to that of the levels of magnesium and calcium in the water. Better known as the Sodium Adsorption Ratio (SAR). The concern with SAR is that the produced water, when applied to the surface of soils containing naturally occurring salts could cause the total salinity of the soil to climb to a level at which plant life could die resulting in excessive erosion on the landscape. On average, the water quality or produced water is poorer north and west of Gillette, the area that is the focus of this project. 4.0 PROJECT AREA DESCRIPTION The project as defined in this SAP includes the area generally northwest of the city of Gillette, near the project’s southeastern point. From Gillette the southern boundary of the project area roughly follows Interstate 90 west to the Powder River, north along the Powder River to the Montana State Line, east along the state line to the topographic divide which separates waters 09/27/05 3 Campbell County – Three Horses Sampling and Analysis Plan Campbell County Conservation District flowing west into the Upper Powder watershed and east into the Little Powder watershed. The project boundary then turns southerly following the hydrologic boundary back near Gillette. The project area covers approximately 700,000 acres and includes HUC’s 10090202080/100/110/130 and 10090207-011/021. The primary ground cover in the area is grassland with historical land use mainly agriculturally based with grazing and hay production the primary use. Significant wildlife habitat for Antelope and Deer is also present. Waterbodies present in the project area include: LX Bar, Wild Horse, Dead Horse, Spotted Horse, Bitter, SA, Fortification and Barber Creeks. The project area is semi-arid averaging 16 inches of precipitation per year with the majority of the precipitation occurring during intense – short duration thunderstorms. Much of the area is underlain by relatively shallow coal seams. 5.0 SAMPLING STRATEGY This sampling strategy was developed with the intent of accomplishing the program objectives of the Water Resources section of the CCCD Long Range Plan and the objectives of the CRM groups in the area as stated in section 2.0 of this SAP. Components of an effective sampling strategy include: Statistical Design, Scale of Study, Sampling Parameters and Collection Methods, Sampling Location/Type/Frequency and Duration. Each will be addressed in the following subsections. 5.1 Statistical Design There are a variety of sampling methodologies that produce data with varying statistical results. The choice of which design to use is dependant upon the projects objectives. Credible baseline water quality data, in the absence of a specifically identified water quality problem, can best be obtained through a reconnaissance based methodology. This sampling design will be used to determine the magnitude or extent of the water quality issue and as a preliminary broad based survey where no or insufficient baseline water quality data exists. Also, if a watershed with comparable geology, precipitation regime, and vegetation with no CBM wells in it can be identified, an additional sampling design, Multiple Watershed, will be employed to enhance the quality of data obtained in the first several years under a reconnaissance based assessment. The Multiple Watershed approach provides a statistically valid basis from which comparative analysis can be completed. 5.2 Scale of Study To best understand what effect produced water from coal bed methane development has on the overall condition of the watersheds specific to this project, a scale of study that allows comparison of multiple watersheds with similar geology and precipitation will be used. Chemical, physical and biological based data will provide an assessment of the relative constituent contribution from each of the sub-watersheds to the Powder River. Data can then be compared to the other watersheds, consisting of corresponding natural backgrounds and 09/27/05 4 Campbell County – Three Horses Sampling and Analysis Plan Campbell County Conservation District minimal ancillary impacts, to verify or refute any potential water quality issues. Additionally, the data can then also be evaluated utilizing reconnaissance methodology providing an accurate assessment of the overall condition and establish baseline data for future trend monitoring 5.3 Sampling Parameters and Collection Methods The conservation district will collect credible data comprised of physical, chemical, and biological parameters. To insure defensible and credible data, collection procedures for each parameter listed below will be completed according to established standard collection protocols. Each parameter’s collection methodology can be found in the Standard Operating Procedures section. 5.3.1 Physical Parameters 1. BURP Monitoring: BURP, or Beneficial Use Reconnaissance Protocol, monitoring will occur utilizing the latest version of the Wyoming Department of Environmental Quality field data sheets. The physical parameters consist of primary, secondary, and tertiary categories which assess the condition of the micro-habitat characteristics that directly and indirectly affect macroinvertebrates, as well as the adjacent terrestrial conditions of the waterbody. 2. Velocity: Determining discharge will be important in determining potential erosional impacts. To establish the rate of discharge with a flow meter, flow velocity is measured at 60% total depth from the water’s surface at sufficient intervals in a cross section of the stream to provide 20 – 25 readings. Data is then calculated to determine discharge rate. 3. Temperature: Stream water temperature influences growth, distribution and survival of aquatic organisms. Temperature related data will be obtained with field instruments in-situ. 4. Photo Documentation: Photographs, preferably digital, will be taken in a panorama using cardinal directions beginning facing upstream and ending facing downstream from both banks if possible. Visual records are valuable in supporting the qualitative aspects of the BURP. 5. Channel Cross Sections: To be used to determine runoff carrying capacity of existing and potential channels and record any detrimental impacts due to excessive produced water discharge. 6. Range Transects: Vegetative cover is an important component in the stability of both stream banks and the ability of the soils to handle surface runoff. CBM produced water, if applied correctly, could enhance vegetative cover. It is important to document any potential improvement or degradation in order to determine it’s actual impacts. Table 1. BURP Parameters Parameters 09/27/05 Units How Measured Sample Type 5 Campbell County – Three Horses Sampling and Analysis Plan Campbell County Conservation District Bank Vegetation Protection Bank Stability Bankfull Channel Shape Canopy Cover Over Stream Channelization/Alter Color, Odor, and Sheen Coordinates Discharge Embeddedness (silt covering) Rating Riffle Gradient Instream Cover for Fish Photo Points Pool/Riffle Ratio Predominant Soil Type Predominant Geology, Surficial Primary and Secondary Land Use Relative Abundance of Aquatic Biota Riparian Zone Width Rosgen Stream Channel Classification Site Sketch Stream Substrate Composition Width/Depth Ratio N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A lat./long ft3/sec N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A Field Analysis Field Analysis Field Analysis Field Analysis Field Analysis Field Analysis Garmin GPS Unit Global probe & cross-section Field Analysis Field Analysis Field Analysis Field Analysis Field Analysis Field Analysis Field Analysis Field Analysis Field Analysis Field Analysis Field Analysis N/A N/A Field Analysis Qualitative Qualitative Qualitative Qualitative Qualitative Qualitative N/A Integrated Qualitative Quantitative Qualitative Quantitative Qualitative Qualitative Qualitative Qualitative Qualitative Qualitative Qualitative Qualitative Qualitative Quantitative 5.3.2 Chemical Parameters Sampling for water chemistry during runoff events will follow the standard sampling methodologies provided in the SOP. Water samples will be integrated samples collected by passing the sampler vertically across the stream channel while moving it horizontally within the water column. All containers and lids will be rinsed thoroughly (three times) in ambient water prior to securing the water sample. Water obtained for in-situ instantaneous field measurements will consist of an integrated sample of sufficient quantity to fill a 2-3 gallon container. Refer to Parameters, Units, Analytical Methods, SOPs, Preservatives, Holding Times section of this SAP for the parameters and preservation methods. Water chemistry parameters to be sampled are: 1. Specific Conductance: In general, the more dissolved material present in water, the higher the conductivity. Dissolved materials are required to establish and maintain diverse macroinvertebrate communities. However, water with specific conductance that is too high can negatively affect aquatic organisms and water quality. 2. Dissolved Oxygen: The amount of free oxygen available to aquatic organisms and critically important to fisheries health. 3. Nitrate and Nitrite as N: Indirect effects include stimulation of bacteria, including fecal coliform, Periphyton, algae and instream macrophyte growth. 4. pH: A standard measurement conducted for water quality. 5. Total Dissolved Solids: TDS is a measurement of the total substances dissolved in water and correlates with conductivity and salinity. 09/27/05 6 Campbell County – Three Horses Sampling and Analysis Plan Campbell County Conservation District 6. Total Phosphorus: Phosphorus is an essential element for plant growth and is considered one of the primary nutrients associated with non-point source pollution. 7. Total Suspended Solids: TSS in Wyoming streams is primarily due to suspended sediment. High TSS concentrations during low stream flow regimes results in sedimentation deposition to the streambed. A variety of adverse biological impacts are caused by sediment deposition. 8. Turbidity: A measure of the amount of light intercepted by a given volume of water due to the presence of suspended and dissolved matter and microscopic biota. Increasing the turbidity of the water decreases the amount of light that penetrates the water column. High levels of turbidity are harmful to aquatic life. 9. Sulfates: Sulfate is a naturally occurring constituent in Wyoming streams. However, artificial increases in levels of sulfate can occur due to introduction of water originating as a by-product during oil field production activity. Increases in sulfate concentration negatively impact benthic macroinvertebrates. 10. Ammonia: Ammonia is a by-product of the decomposition of organic material and converts quickly to Nitrite and then to Nitrate. It is toxic to aquatic organisms at low concentrations. 11. Sodium Absorption Ratio (SAR): Calculated by the lab, indicates the level of compatibility of the water with soils that have varying salinity levels. 12. Total Chloride: Streams draining from sedimentary deposits high in salt may have naturally occurring high chloride levels. Oil and gas produced water, industrial and municipal effluent, and irrigation water can increase the level of chloride in streams. Table 2. Surface water quality chemistry parameters to be sampled Parameters Units Conductance, Specific Dissolved Oxygen mhos/c m mg/l 09/27/05 Sample Volume N/A Preservative N/A Holding Time N/A N/A N/A N/A Detection Limit 5 mhos/cm 0.1 mg/L Measured YSI probe YSI probe Sample Type Instantane ous Instantane ous 7 Campbell County – Three Horses Sampling and Analysis Plan Campbell County Conservation District 28 days 0.1 mg/l lab analysis Integrated N/A Sulfuric acid (H2SO4) to pH<2 N/A N/A YSI probe mg/l 200ml Cool to 4° C 7 days 0.1 of a pH unit 5 mg/l lab analysis Instantane ous Integrated mg/l 100 ml 28 days 0.1 mg/l lab analysis Integrated mg/l 200 ml Sulfuric acid (H2SO4) to Ph<2, cool to 4°C Cool to 4°C 7 days 2 mg/l lab analysis Integrated NTUs mg/l Mg/l 100 ml 50 ml 100 ml 48 hours 28 days 28 days 0 NTU 10 mg/l .05 mg/l lab analysis lab analysis lab analysis Integrated Integrated Integrated Mg/l 50 ml None Cool to 4°C Sulfuric acid (H2SO4) to pH<2 Sulfuric acid (H2SO4) to pH<2 28 days 5 mg/l lab analysis Integrated Nitrogen, Nitrate Nitrite mg/l 250 ml Ph %H Total Dissolved Solids Total Phosphorous Total Suspended Solids Turbidity Sulfates Ammonia Chloride Sodium Absorption Ratio (SAR) to be calculated by lab. 5.3.3 Biological Parameters Biological sampling methodology will be followed as outlined in Appendix SOP and will consist of a composite of eight randomly selected sites within a 100’ riffle. At a minimum, Double Blind QA/QC sampling protocol will be used at every tenth sample site. Parameters to be sampled include: 1. Macroinvertebrates: Macroinvertebrate sampling is a significant component of BURP. Evaluation of macroinvertebrate community structure serves as an indicator of long-term water quality and as a comparative criterion for chemical and physical parameter results. 2. Fecal Group: Consists of Total Coliform, E. Coli, and Fecal Coliform. Used as an indicator of the presence of intestinal material from warm-blooded animals. Because fecal coliform do not reproduce in water, the test can be used to define localized point source and non-point source pollution. Table 3. Biological Parameters to be Sampled Parameters Fecal Series 09/27/05 Units mg/l Sample Volume 100 ml Preservative Ice immediately, keep at or below 4°C Holding Time 6 hours Detection Limit variable Measured lab analysis Sample Type Integrated 8 Campbell County – Three Horses Sampling and Analysis Plan Campbell County Conservation District Macroinvertebrates N/A N/A Alcohol 90% or higher N/A N/A lab analysis Integrated 5.4 Sampling Site Location To evaluate the condition of the sub-watersheds originating in Campbell County within the lower reach of the Powder River watershed during the reconnaissance phase of this assessment, a sampling site location on each of the tributaries draining the sub-watersheds to the east of the river is required. Placement just upstream of each tributary’s confluence with the Powder River will result in data that will provide an accurate characterization of conditions found in that sub-watershed. Criteria for the specific assessment locations include: • Ease of Access • At Least ¼ Mile Upstream of Confluence • 100’ Riffle Representative of Other Riffles in Drainage • 4 Pools Within Study Reach. Study Reach Defined as 20 X Bankfull Width • Average Stream Flow Velocity Between 0.5 and 3.3 Feet per Second • Straight Channel Section • At Least ¼ Mile from Bridges or Road Crossings • Accessibility to Stream ¼ Mile both Up and Down Stream of Riffle Although these criteria need to be adhered to as closely as possible they are provided for general guidance only. Selection of specific monitoring locations will be determined through coordination with land owners/managers and personnel experienced in BURP water quality monitoring. The table on the following page contains the general areas within which a specific sampling reach should be located and the ID code for that location once identified. Table 4. Tributaries and Drainages General Site Location Descriptions Powder River at the Wyoming/Montana State Line Site ID Code PR1 Bitter Creek above confluence with the Powder River BC2 09/27/05 9 Campbell County – Three Horses Sampling and Analysis Plan Campbell County Conservation District Bitter Creek at furthest upstream intersection with Bitter Creek Rd. BC1 Dead Horse Creek above confluence with the Powder River DH4 North Prong Dead Horse above confluence with the Dead Horse DH3 Dead Horse above confluence with the North Prong of the Dead Horse DH2 Dead Horse near Blackbird Draw DH1 SA Creek above confluence with the Powder River SA2 SA Creek near Lynde Draw SA1 LX Bar Creek above confluence with the Powder River LX2 LX Bar Creek near New Deal Draw LX1 Spotted Horse Creek above confluence with the Powder River SH2 Spotted Horse Creek near Spotted Horse at Hwy 14/16 intersection SH1 Wild Horse above confluence with the Powder River WH7 North Prong Wild Horse above confluence with Wild Horse WH6 Middle Prong Wild Horse above confluence with Wild Horse WH5 Middle Prong Wild Horse near Truman Draw WH4 Wild Horse above confluence with Middle Prong Wild Horse WH3 Wild Horse near Mooney Draw WH2 Wild Horse at intersection with I-90 WH1 5.6 Sampling Methods &Labeling Water Chemistry Sampling Each sample will be labeled with a permanent, waterproof marking pen, such as a “Sharpie” on “write-in-rain”™ paper. The sample identification will be recorded on the bottle, on the Chain of Custody form, on the lab’s analytical report, and in the field logbook. At a minimum, sample labels must include: 09/27/05 10 Campbell County – Three Horses Sampling and Analysis Plan Campbell County Conservation District 1. 2. 3. 4. Sampler’s initials, as recorded in the field log book. Julian or consecutive day of the year followed by 01 (for year 2001) The time, using a 24 hour clock (military time) Station ID code Station ID location codes located in Table 4. Quality Control samples, such as blanks and duplicates have the numerical identification for each in conjunction with the site identification. Example Labels: Surface Water Chemistry Sample Date: 15501 Time: 0940 Sample number: 1 of ? (consecutive number if multiple samples are taken) Sampler: MC Sample ID #: PR1-15501-MC-01 Explanation of Sample ID Sample ID #: PR1-15501-MC-01 PR1 = Powder River at the Wyoming/Montana State Line 15501 = Julian Day equivalent to June 4, 2001 MC = Michelle Cook 01 = normal sample as opposed to a blank or duplicate sample Quality Control Examples Sample ID: PR1-15501-MC-02 PR1 = Powder River at the Wyoming/Montana State Line 15501 = Julian Day equivalent to June 4, 2001 MC = Michelle Cook 02 = Duplicate sample 03 = Blank sample Sample ID: PR1-15501-MC-03 PR1 = Powder River at the Wyoming/Montana State Line 15501 = Julian Day equivalent to June 4, 2001 MC = Michelle Cook 02 = Duplicate sample 03 = Blank sample The following table outlines quality control measures to follow for surface water sampling to ensure credible data collection (see Appendix QAQC for the Quality Control Measures methodology). Table 5. Sample Quality Control Parameter QC Check Frequency Blanks Contamination 1 per trip 09/27/05 Acceptable Corrective Actions Range Pass/Fail Notify appropriate staff; repeat 11 Campbell County – Three Horses Sampling and Analysis Plan Campbell County Conservation District which might affect analytical results Chain of Custody Form Laboratory notes errors and omissions on sheet and in laboratory database Each group of samples shipped to the lab No errors or omissions Chain of Custody Seal Each container of samples shipped to the lab Daily before each use No errors or omissions Dissolved Oxygen Laboratory records on Chain of Custody Form and in Laboratory database Written record of calibration. Duplicates Required Required Macroinverte brate Sampling pH Duplicate samples submitted as a blind test to lab 2 point meter check with pH 7 and 10 buffer standards Sample label and Chain of Custody agrees with parameter SOP 1 every 10 sample sites per trip per parameter (1 minimum) 10% of all samples Daily before each use +5% All samples No errors or omissions Annually On the calibration mark Sample Preservation Temperature Annual calibration against a thermometer traceable to an NBS thermometer Instrument specific 90% procedure; find contamination source; decide whether to accept or disallow data. Notify appropriate staff; audit and train the field sampler; test results from samples which are sent to the laboratory without a Chain of Custody form are not suitable for use in legal actions Notify sampler and appropriate management; audit and train the field sampler; test results from samples which do not have a seal are not suitable for legal actions Verify altitude; if still not correct return meter to YSI Incorporated for repair or replacement Notify appropriate staff if missing; audit and train field sampler. Water Quality Specialist decides whether to accept or disallow data. Audit and train field sampler. Repeat field check; if still not correct return meter to YSI Incorporated for repair or replacement Notify appropriate staff; resample; data is flagged to indicate that it should not be entered in a database or used for decision making Repeat measurement with different thermometer; if not correct contact YSI Incorporated Table 6. Proposed Sampling Schedules Date April/May - Peak Runoff July to September– Low Flow 09/27/05 Sample Fecal Series and Field Water Chemistry Full BURP including Biological/Physical/ Chemical Parameters, Full Water Chemistry, and Fecal Series Station s All All 12 Campbell County – Three Horses Sampling and Analysis Plan Campbell County Conservation District 5.7 Chain of Custody Samples will be sealed and preserved appropriately prior to shipment (see SOP for Chain of Custody) and be accompanied by a Chain of Custody (COC) form. 1. It is mandatory to submit a completed and signed COC form with the samples. 2. The lab receives the COC form and signs it. 3. The lab returns the completed COC form to the Campbell County Conservation District. 4. The district files the original in the COC file and maintains it indefinitely. 5.8 Sampling Personnel/Training and Experience Personnel responsible for the implementation of this program should have the following minimum education and experience: Education – Completion of Phases I – V, Watershed based Water Quality Program Planning Development and Implementation as offered by the Wyoming Association of Conservation Districts, Wyoming Department of Environmental Quality, Wyoming Department of Agriculture, University of Wyoming, and the Natural Resources Conservation Service. Comparable education and training will be accepted in lieu of the training program. Experience – Water quality sampling utilizing beneficial use reconnaissance and rapid bioassessment protocols. Research and data analysis with emphasis on developing correlations between resource data and land use practices. The water quality technical staff will be responsible for understanding the Quality Assurance/ Quality Control (QA/QC) Plan from each contract laboratory and for providing QA/QC guidance to all samplers. See copy of each laboratory’s QA/QC plan should be kept on file at the District Office. 6.0 HEALTH AND SAFETY Safety must be a primary concern at all times and in all sampling situations for field sampling personal. In any marginal or questionable situation, samplers are required to assume worst case conditions and use safety precautions and equipment appropriate to that situation. Samplers who encounter conditions which, in their best professional judgment, may exceed the protection of their safety equipment or may in any way represent a potential hazard to human health and safety should immediately leave the area and contact their supervisor. 09/27/05 13 Campbell County – Three Horses Sampling and Analysis Plan Campbell County Conservation District During field sampling there must be a minimum of two sampling personnel present. To avoid direct contact with contaminated water, rubber gloves will be worn when sampling surface water. Samplers will thoroughly wash hands and arms with bacterial soap after sampling and before eating or drinking. In the field, antibacterial wipes should be used prior to eating or drinking. Samplers should be vaccinated for Hepatitis-A and have had a Tetanus shot within the last five years. Samplers should be familiar with basic first aid and CPR. Samplers are strongly recommended to carry a cell phone. Samplers will inform a supervisor when they leave for the field, the location where they will be sampling, and their estimated time of return. The supervisor will initiate the emergency action plan below if the samplers have not returned to the office within the allotted time. To avoid unnecessary worry and concern, samplers will call the office if they are running behind schedule. 6.1 Emergency Action Plan A supervisor or personnel on duty will be notified of the departure time of each sampling trip, know the itinerary, persons involved, and estimated time of return. The contact person(s) will also know whom to contact to initiate rescue efforts. If samplers have not returned or reported on time, the supervisor or personnel on duty will contact the Campbell County Sheriffs Department. 7.0 LABORATORIES Labs ENERGY LABORATORIES, INC. Casper, Wyoming toll free- (888) 235-0515 local- 235-0515 AQUATIC BIOLOGY ASSOCIATES, INC. 3490 NW Deer Run Rd. 09/27/05 Parameters Water Chemistry & Fecal Series Macroinvertebrates 14 Campbell County – Three Horses Sampling and Analysis Plan Campbell County Conservation District Corvallis, OR 97330 Telephone: (541) 752-1568 E-mail: Water chemistry and bacteriological samples will be packed with ice packs in coolers and the cooler sealed with packing tape to be shipped or delivered the best available method with Chain of Custody form. Coolers and sample bottles are obtained by contacting the lab of choice at least two weeks in advance of sampling date. Be sure to call the lab two days before shipping samples. To guarantee proper handling and analysis do not collect & ship samples after Wednesday of any week. Prior to being shipped, macroinvertrabrate samples to be sent to the ABA Lab will first be drained then filled with fresh preservative and then placed in coolers, sealed with packing tape and shipped via UPS ground service with chain of custody form. All contract labs will follow their Quality Assurance/Quality Control protocols as set forth in Appendix QAQC. All test results from contract laboratories will be delivered via email in Excel or Access spreadsheets. Excel and Access have the ability to produce charts and graphs and to perform statistical manipulation. Statistical manipulation will include the number of samples, mean, maximum, minimum, and the standard deviation. 7.1 Laboratory Results and Data Archiving The originals of the lab results will be kept in the Campbell County Conservation District office and copies will be stored at a secure location yet to be determined. If changes are made to the originals, the copies will be amended immediately. The Water Quality Specialist will be responsible for transferring specific paper records to an electronic format for statistical analysis. One copy of the electronic records will be stored at the conservation district office and another back-up copy will be stored at a secure location yet to be determined. When changes are made to the office copy, the disks will be rotated and updated as soon as possible. Table 8. Data Archiving Record Type Calibration Logs Chain of Custody Field Log Book Lab Results Maps Reports SAP, QAPP, SOP Spreadsheets 09/27/05 Storage Location Original/Copy Storage Duration Responsible Party CCCD / TBD CCCD / TBD CCCD / TBD CCCD / TBD CCCD / TBD CCCD / TBD CCCD / TBD CCCD / TBD Indefinite Indefinite Indefinite Indefinite Indefinite Indefinite Indefinite Indefinite WQ Tech, District Manager WQ Tech, District Manager WQ Tech, District Manager WQ Tech, District Manager WQ Tech, District Manager WQ Tech, District Manager WQ Tech, District Manager WQ Tech, District Manager 15 Campbell County – Three Horses Sampling and Analysis Plan Campbell County Conservation District Database Management System CCCD / TBD Indefinite WQ Tech, District Manager CCCD – Campbell County Conservation District TBD – To Be Determined 8.0 DATA ANALYSIS AND REPORTING A consultant or water quality personnel proficient in water quality monitoring will analyze all lab reports and field data. They will be responsible for analyzing the data and prepare as necessary, monthly, quarterly, and annual reports. The findings of the annual report will be utilized to determine if the goals and objectives of the watershed program are being met and what, if any, modifications to the sampling design are necessary. 9.0 AMENDMENTS & MODIFICATIONS If problems arise with the sampling locations, number of samples per site, number/type of QC samples, sampling method/SOP, number of sites, database application program, or any other aspect of the SAP, it will be updated through modifications. Filing instructions will be included with each modification directing the filer to place the modification in its relevant section. The modification will also include a notice of the amendment, which will be posted in the front of the SAP, before the title page. The most recent modification will be posted on top of former modifications. A log page, which will include modification number, date, general description of the modification, and the initials of the filer will be located in front of all the modifications. All sampling personnel in active status at the time of the modification will be verbally informed of the change(s). 10.0 EQUIPMENT CALIBRATION AND MAINTENANCE The Water Quality Technician will be responsible for all equipment calibration and maintenance. All equipment will be calibrated according to the manufacturer’s recommendations. The original calibration log will be kept at the office to record calibrations completed, when, by whom, and dates of calibration solutions. YSI 600 Multi-Parameter Water Quality Monitor/model# 600R – serial # ????? Parameter Conductance, Specific Dissolved 09/27/05 Units mhos/c m Mg/L Calibration Solution Schedule Daily Maintenance Charge Battery Schedule Monthly Barometer x Daily Charge Battery Monthly 16 Campbell County – Three Horses Sampling and Analysis Plan Campbell County Conservation District Oxygen pH %H 25.4 Buffer Solutions 7/10 °F Temperature Daily Charge Battery Monthly Yearly Charge Battery Monthly Global Water Flow Probe Paramete r Velocity Units Calibration Schedule Maintenance Schedule ft3/sec 33.31 ft3/sec Annually Replace Battery As Needed Garmin GPS 12/model# 190-00143-10, serial# ???????????? Parameter Location Units Calibration Schedule Lat./long coordinates None None Maintenanc e 4 AA Batteries Schedule Annually Surber Sampler Net Mesh 500um Parameter Macroinvertebrate Calibratio n None Schedule Maintenance Schedule None Physical Inspection At Use Pentax IQ Zoom 105WR Date/serial# ???????????? Parameter Photo Documentation Calibration None Schedule None Maintenance 3 V Lithium Battery Schedule As Needed 11.0 FIELD LOG BOOKS Original field log books (see SOP for the Field Log Books methodology) will be kept at the office and copies of the pages will be kept at a secure location yet to be determined. The Data Archiving methodology is critical to ensure credible data. Key points are as follows: The outside front cover must contain: 1. The samplers printed names, 2. The from-to date periods covered by the log book (mm/dd/yy), 3. The sequential log book number. 09/27/05 17 Campbell County – Three Horses Sampling and Analysis Plan Campbell County Conservation District The inside front cover must contain: 1. The signature identification of the samplers and all other persons who make entries in the logbook. 2. The samplers’ chosen set of written initials must be shown. a. These initials must be used for all entries in the logbook and for any sample labeling. b. Any person making an entry must sign and initial the inside front cover of the logbook. The log must have: 1. All pages sequentially numbered. 2. No pages removed. All entries: 1. Must be made in permanent pen. 2. If pencil is used, the reason should be noted in the entry All corrections: 1. Made with one line through the incorrect information, so that the original information can still be read. 2. The correct information is written in the next available space. 3. Corrections must be initialed and dated. 4. If an entire page is incorrect, one diagonal line is drawn through the entire page and the correct information is recorded in the next available space. Procedure for change of personnel: 1. Samplers who resign or transfer must leave all logbooks. 2. Conservation District Board Supervisors must verify that all logbooks are complete, numbered, accounted for and filed. Data recorder: 1. If a field crew appoints one member as data recorder, all participants involved in the collection of that data must sign the inside front cover, show their chosen initials beneath their signature, and initial and date the field log book entries. Additional data that should be recorded in the surface water field logbooks are as follows: 1. Date 2. Time 3. Site ID # 4. Parameters sampled 5. How blanks, spikes, and duplicates were identified 6. Any pertinent information not already considered 09/27/05 18 Campbell County – Three Horses Sampling and Analysis Plan Campbell County Conservation District 12.0 FIELD DATA FORMS The most up to date BURP Monitoring sheets utilized the Wyoming Department of Environmental Quality will be used as data forms for this project. Parameters analyzed in the field will be collected with the YSI multi-probe on the data logger and recorded in the field log book on-site. The information on the data logger will be downloaded at the office for analysis. Storage of this data is covered in the Data Archiving section of this SAP. The field logbooks will serve as data forms for any other pertinent information. 13.0 DATA REVIEW AND VALIDATION Conservation district staff will be responsible for receiving the data sheets and field log books, checking for omissions in identification, decimal placement, dates, times, units reported, and comments. Water quality technical staff collecting data will be contacted immediately if there are data gaps or if scheduled sampling times were missed. It is the water quality technical staff’s responsibility to evaluate raw data generated by the contract laboratories for appropriate numeric reduction, data quality, and accuracy. All data will be reviewed and reported in units specified at the detection level of the analysis methods used. To reduce data point loss, data that is reported as “less than” detection level should be incorporated at a value of 1/2 the detection level. Once data is generated, it will be compiled in a database file. During this data transfer, the information will be reviewed and verified in accordance with data quality objectives. Data generated in the laboratory will be validated by performance checks such as a duplicates and blanks. Data will be reported in the units that have been designated to each parameter in the Analytical Methods, Holding Times, Parameters, and Sample Collection Methods section tables. Scientific notation will be used and significant figures will correlate with detection levels. Both graphing and narrative conclusions will be used to describe the water quality results and trend variations. 09/27/05 19 NOTICE OF AMENDMENT #001 September, 2002 In accordance with Section 9.0 of the Three Horse Watershed Sampling and Analysis Plan, Amendments and Modifications, modification #001 is proposed. The modification is being proposed to accurately reflect the scope of the watershed assessment program. Amendment Description: 1) Change the name of the Sampling and Analysis Plan to accurately reflect the project to Powder River and Belle Fourche Drainages Water Quality Assessment Sampling and Analysis Plan. Filing Instructions: The amended title page found on the following page will replace the original title page at the very beginning of the SAP. Copies of this notice accompanied with a copy of the amended title page, amendments in BOLD, will be sent to: Project Manager Brian Lovett, WYDEQ Water Resources Division NPS Program Coordinator, Herschler Bldg. 122 W. 25th, Cheyenne, WY 82002. SAMPLING AND ANALYSIS PLAN For the CAMPBELL COUNTY – POWDER RIVER AND BELLE FOURCHE DRAINAGES WATERSHED ASSESSMENT Prepared by Rik Gay, Lost Iguana Consulting, Inc. For the Campbell County Conservation District With guidance from the Dead Horse, Spotted Horse, & Wild Horse CRM Groups September, 2002 NOTICE OF AMENDMENT #002 September, 2002 In accordance with Section 9.0 of the Powder River and Belle Fourche Drainages Watershed Assessment Sampling and Analysis Plan, Amendments and Modifications, modification #002 is proposed. The modification is being proposed to both enhance the scope of the original watershed assessment program and to address water quality issues raised by the listing of select Waterbodies by WYDEQ on the 303(d) water quality impairment list. The Campbell County Conservation District has accepted responsibility for monitoring the listed Waterbodies that also appear in the amendment description below. Amendment Description: 1) Inclusion of fifteen (15) new monitoring locations for full BURP assessment and/or water chemistry sampling under the Powder River and Belle Fourche Drainages Watershed Assessment SAP. North of Rozet -Donkey Creek intersects w/Adon Rd Immediately downstream of the Wyodak Power Plant at road crossing Above Stonepile Creek Confluence at Gillette WWTP Intersection of DC & Garner Lake Road Below the WWTP downstream of the DC-Stonepile confluence North on Highway 59. Take Horse Creek Rd to Paulette Parks Ranch. Sample site is left below main road just below house. Hwy 59 North to Weston, then right. Site just before bridge to left of old Soda Wells road bridge. Hwy 59 North to almost state line with MT Below City of Gillette Sewage Treatment Outfall At Garner Lake Road Crossing At Boxelder Road Crossing Below Butler-Spaeth Rd (Below Dewatering Well) Below Butler-Spaeth Rd (Dewatering Well Discharge) Below Butler-Spaeth Rd (Above Dewatering Well) At Junction of State Highways 14/16 & 59 DC3 DC4 DC5 DC6 DCSP HC1 LPR1 LPR2 SC1 SC2 SC3 SC4 SC5 SC6 SC7 Water chemistry sampling, including fecal group, will occur at five separate events, none within the same 24 hour period and completed within 30 days at all above monitoring stations. Parameters for the water sampling of DC3, DC4, DC5, DC6, DCSP, SC1, SC2, SC3, SC4, SC5, SC6, and SC7 are listed in the SAP. Parameters for the water sampling of HC1, LPR1, and LPR2 will be in amendment #003. Full BURP assessments will be performed as provided for in the SAP at HC1, LPR1, and LPR2. Filing Instructions: The Amended Table 4. Tributaries and Drainages, found on the following page will replace Table 4. Tributaries and Drainages found in Section 5.4 SAMPLING SITE LOCATIONS of the SAP. Copies of this notice accompanied with a copy of the Amended Table, amendments in BOLD, will be sent to: Project Manager Brian Lovett, WYDEQ Water Resources Division NPS Program Coordinator, Herschler Bldg. 122 W. 25th, Cheyenne, WY 82002. AMENDED Table 4. Tributaries and Drainages General Site Location Descriptions Powder River at the Wyoming/Montana State Line Site ID Code PR1 Bitter Creek above confluence with the Powder River BC2 Bitter Creek at furthest upstream intersection with Bitter Creek Rd. BC1 North of Rozet -Donkey Creek intersects w/Adon Rd DC3 Immediately downstream of the Wyodak Power Plant at road crossing Above Stonepile Creek Confluence at Gillette WWTP DC4 DC5 Intersection of DC & Garner Lake Road DC6 Below the WWTP downstream of the DC-Stonepile confluence DCSP Dead Horse Creek above confluence with the Powder River DH4 North Prong Dead Horse above confluence with the Dead Horse DH3 Dead Horse above confluence with the North Prong of the Dead Horse DH2 Dead Horse near Blackbird Draw DH1 North on Highway 59. Take Horse Creek Rd to Paulette Parks Ranch. Sample site is left below main road just below house. HC1 Hwy 59 North to Weston, then right. Site just before bridge to left of old Soda Wells road bridge. LPR1 Hwy 59 North to almost state line with MT LPR2 Below City of Gillette Sewage Treatment Outfall SC1 At Garner Lake Road Crossing SC2 At Boxelder Road Crossing SC3 Below Butler-Spaeth Rd (Below Dewatering Well) SC4 Below Butler-Spaeth Rd (Dewatering Well Discharge) SC5 Below Butler-Spaeth Rd (Above Dewatering Well) SC6 At Junction of State Highways 14/16 & 59 SC7 SA Creek above confluence with the Powder River SA2 SA Creek near Lynde Draw SA1 LX Bar Creek above confluence with the Powder River LX2 LX Bar Creek near New Deal Draw LX1 Spotted Horse Creek above confluence with the Powder River SH2 Spotted Horse Creek near Spotted Horse at Hwy 14/16 intersection SH1 Wild Horse above confluence with the Powder River WH7 North Prong Wild Horse above confluence with Wild Horse WH6 Middle Prong Wild Horse above confluence with Wild Horse WH5 Middle Prong Wild Horse near Truman Draw WH4 Wild Horse above confluence with Middle Prong Wild Horse WH3 Wild Horse near Mooney Draw WH2 Wild Horse at intersection with I-90 WH1 NOTICE OF AMENDMENT #003 September, 2002 In accordance with Section 9.0 of the Powder River and Belle Fourche Drainages Watershed Assessment Sampling and Analysis Plan, Amendments and Modifications, modification #003 is proposed. The modification is being proposed to both enhance the scope of the original watershed assessment program and to address water quality issues raised by the listing of select Waterbodies by WYDEQ on the 303(d) water quality impairment list. Amendment Description: 1) Inclusion of additional parameters for water chemistry sampling under the Powder River and Belle Fourche Drainages Watershed Assessment SAP. Table 2A. Surface water quality chemistry parameters to be sampled Parameters Units Sampl e Volum e N/A Preservative Holding Time Detection Limit Measured Sample Type Conductance, Specific Dissolved Oxygen mhos/c m mg/l N/A N/A YSI probe N/A N/A N/A 5 mhos/cm 0.1 mg/L YSI probe mg/l 250 ml 28 days 0.1 mg/l lab analysis Ph %H N/A Sulfuric acid (H2SO4) to pH<2 N/A Instantane ous Instantane ous Integrated Nitrogen, Nitrate Nitrite N/A YSI probe Total Dissolved Solids Total Phosphorous mg/l 200ml Cool to 4° C 7 days 0.1 of a pH unit 5 mg/l lab analysis Instantane ous Integrated mg/l 100 ml 28 days 0.1 mg/l lab analysis Integrated Total Suspended Solids Turbidity Sulfates Ammonia mg/l 200 ml Sulfuric acid (H2SO4) to Ph<2, cool to 4°C Cool to 4°C 7 days 2 mg/l lab analysis Integrated NTUs mg/l mg/l 100 ml 50 ml 100 ml 48 hours 28 days 28 days 0 NTU 10 mg/l .05 mg/l lab analysis lab analysis lab analysis Integrated Integrated Integrated Chloride mg/l 50 ml 28 days 5 mg/l lab analysis Integrated Total Petroleum Hydrocarbons mg/l 1000 ml 28 days 1mg/l lab analysis Integrated Radium 226, Total pCi/l 1000 ml None Cool to 4°C Sulfuric acid (H2SO4) to pH<2 Sulfuric acid (H2SO4) to pH<2 Hydrochloric acid (HCI) to pH <2; cool to 4°C Nitric acid (HNO3) to 6 months 1pCi/l lab analysis Integrated Antimony, Total mg/l 200 ml Arsenic, Total mg/l 200 ml Barium, Total mg/l 200 ml Beryllium, Total mg/l 200 ml Cadmium, Dissolved mg/l 200 ml Chromium, Dissolved mg/l 200 ml Copper, Dissolved mg/l 200 ml Cyanide, Total mg/l 500 ml Iron, Total mg/l 200 ml Lead, Dissolved mg/l 200 ml Manganese, Dissolved mg/l 200 ml pH<2; cool to 4°C Add 1:1 nitric acid (HNO3) to lower pH to<2 Add 1:1 nitric acid (HNO3) to lower pH to<2 Add 1:1 nitric acid (HNO3) to lower pH to<2 Add 1:1 nitric acid (HNO3) to lower pH to<2 Add 1:1 nitric acid (HNO3) to lower pH to<2 Add 1:1 nitric acid (HNO3) to lower pH to<2 Add 1:1 nitric acid (HNO3) to lower pH to<2 Sodium hydroxide (NaOH) to pH>12; cool to 4°C Add 1:1 nitric acid (HNO3) to lower pH to<2 Add 1:1 nitric acid (HNO3) to lower pH to<2 Add 1:1 nitric acid (HNO3) to 6 months 5 mg/l lab analysis Integrated 6 months 0.005 mg/l lab analysis Integrated 6 months 0.1 mg/l lab analysis Integrated 6 months 0.01 mg/l lab analysis Integrated 6 months 0.001 mg/l lab analysis Integrated 6 months 0.05 mg/l lab analysis Integrated 6 months 0.01 mg/l lab analysis Integrated 24 hours 1 mg/l lab analysis Integrated 6 months 0.1 mg/l lab analysis Integrated 6 months 0.005 mg/l lab analysis Integrated 6 months 0.01 mg/l lab analysis Integrated Mercury, Dissolved mg/l 100 ml Nickel, Dissolved mg/l 200 ml Phenol mg/l 1000 ml Selenium, Total Recoverable mg/l 200 ml Silver, Dissolved mg/l 200 ml Thallium, Total mg/l 200 ml Zinc, Dissolved mg/l 200 ml Hardness as CaCO3 mg/l 500 ml Sodium Adsorption Ratio Calcium, Total unitless mg/l 200 ml Magnesium, Total mg/l 200 ml Sodium, Total mg/l 200 ml Potassium, Total mg/l 200 ml lower pH to<2 Add 1:1 nitric acid (HNO3) to lower pH to<2 Add 1:1 nitric acid (HNO3) to pH <2 Sulfuric acid (H2SO4) to Ph<2, cool to 4°C Add 1:1 nitric acid (HNO3) to pH <2 Add 1:1 nitric acid (HNO3) to pH <2 Add 1:1 nitric acid (HNO3) to lower pH to<2 Add 1:1 nitric acid (HNO3) to pH <2 Nitric acid (HNO3) to pH<2; cool to 4°C Add 1:1 nitric acid (HNO3) to lower pH to<2 Nitric acid (HNO3) to pH<2 Nitric acid (HNO3) to pH<2 Nitric acid (HNO3) to pH<2 28 days 0.001 mg/l lab analysis Integrated 6 months 0.1 mg/l lab analysis Integrated 24 hours 0.05 mg/l lab analysis Integrated 6 months 0.005 mg/l lab analysis Integrated 6 months lab analysis Integrated 6 months 0.002 mg/l for furnace method, 0.01mg/l for flame method 5 mg/l lab analysis Integrated 6 months 0.01 mg/l lab analysis Integrated 6 months 10 mg/l lab analysis Integrated lab analysis Integrated 6 months 1 mg/l lab analysis Integrated 6 months 1 mg/l lab analysis Integrated 6 months 1 mg/l lab analysis Integrated 6 months 1 mg/l lab analysis Integrated Aluminum, Total Recoverable mg/l 200 ml 6 months 0.2 mg/l lab analysis Integrated 28 days 0.1 mg/l lab analysis Integrated 6 months 0.1 mg/l lab analysis Integrated 200 ml Add 1:1 nitric acid (HNO3) to lower pH to<2 Add 1:1 nitric acid (HNO3) to lower pH to<2; cool to 4°C Add 1:1 nitric acid (HNO3) to pH <2 Cool to 4°C Boron, Dissolved mg/l 200 ml Iron, Dissolved mg/l 200 ml Alkalinity and Bicarbonate Fluoride mg/l 14 days 1 mg/l lab analysis Integrated mg/l 300 ml Cool to 4°C 28 days 0.1 mg/l lab analysis Integrated Sodium Absorption Ratio (SAR) to be calculated by lab. Water chemistry sampling, including fecal group, will occur at five separate events, none within the same 24 hour period and completed within 30 days at all above monitoring stations. Parameters for the water sampling of DC3, DC4, DC5, DC6, DCSP, SC1, SC2, SC3, SC4, SC5, SC6, and SC7 are listed in the SAP in Table 2. Parameters for the water sampling of HC1, LPR1, and LPR2 are in Table 2A. Full BURP assessments will be performed as provided for in the SAP at HC1, LPR1, and LPR2. Filing Instructions: Table 2A, Surface water quality chemistry parameters to be sampled, found on the following page will be added under Table 2, Surface water quality chemistry parameters to be sampled, found in Section 5.3.2 Chemical Parameters of the SAP. Copies of this notice accompanied with a copy of the New Table will be sent to: Project Manager Brian Lovett, WYDEQ Water Resources Division NPS Program Coordinator, Herschler Bldg. 122 W. 25th, Cheyenne, WY 82002. Table 2A. Surface water quality chemistry parameters to be sampled Parameters Units Sampl e Volum e N/A Preservative Holding Time Detection Limit Measured Sample Type Conductance, Specific Dissolved Oxygen mhos/c m mg/l N/A N/A YSI probe N/A N/A N/A 5 mhos/cm 0.1 mg/L YSI probe mg/l 250 ml 28 days 0.1 mg/l lab analysis Ph %H N/A Sulfuric acid (H2SO4) to pH<2 N/A Instantane ous Instantane ous Integrated Nitrogen, Nitrate Nitrite N/A YSI probe Total Dissolved Solids Total Phosphorous mg/l 200ml Cool to 4° C 7 days 0.1 of a pH unit 5 mg/l lab analysis Instantane ous Integrated mg/l 100 ml 28 days 0.1 mg/l lab analysis Integrated Total Suspended Solids Turbidity Sulfates Ammonia mg/l 200 ml Sulfuric acid (H2SO4) to Ph<2, cool to 4°C Cool to 4°C 7 days 2 mg/l lab analysis Integrated NTUs mg/l Mg/l 100 ml 50 ml 100 ml 48 hours 28 days 28 days 0 NTU 10 mg/l .05 mg/l lab analysis lab analysis lab analysis Integrated Integrated Integrated Chloride Mg/l 50 ml 28 days 5 mg/l lab analysis Integrated Total Petroleum Hydrocarbons mg/l 1000 ml 28 days 1mg/l lab analysis Integrated Radium 226, Total pCi/l 1000 ml None Cool to 4°C Sulfuric acid (H2SO4) to pH<2 Sulfuric acid (H2SO4) to pH<2 Hydrochloric acid (HCI) to pH <2; cool to 4°C Nitric acid (HNO3) to pH<2; cool to 4°C 6 months 1pCi/l lab analysis Integrated Antimony, Total Arsenic, Total mg/l 200 ml 6 months 0.005 mg/l lab analysis Integrated Barium, Total mg/l 200 ml 6 months 0.1 mg/l lab analysis Integrated Beryllium, Total mg/l 200 ml 6 months 0.01 mg/l lab analysis Integrated Cadmium, mg/l 200 ml 6 months 0.001 lab analysis Integrated Add 1:1 nitric acid (HNO3) to lower pH to<2 Add 1:1 nitric acid (HNO3) to lower pH to<2 Add 1:1 nitric acid (HNO3) to lower pH to<2 Add 1:1 Dissolved Chromium, Dissolved mg/l 200 ml Copper, Dissolved mg/l 200 ml Cyanide, Total mg/l 500 ml Iron, Total mg/l 200 ml Lead, Dissolved mg/l 200 ml Manganese, Dissolved mg/l 200 ml Mercury, Dissolved mg/l 100 ml Nickel, Dissolved mg/l 200 ml Phenol mg/l 1000 ml Selenium, Total Recoverable mg/l 200 ml Silver, Dissolved mg/l 200 ml nitric acid (HNO3) to lower pH to<2 Add 1:1 nitric acid (HNO3) to lower pH to<2 Add 1:1 nitric acid (HNO3) to lower pH to<2 Sodium hydroxide (NaOH) to pH>12; cool to 4°C Add 1:1 nitric acid (HNO3) to lower pH to<2 Add 1:1 nitric acid (HNO3) to lower pH to<2 Add 1:1 nitric acid (HNO3) to lower pH to<2 Add 1:1 nitric acid (HNO3) to lower pH to<2 Add 1:1 nitric acid (HNO3) to pH <2 Sulfuric acid (H2SO4) to Ph<2, cool to 4°C Add 1:1 nitric acid (HNO3) to pH <2 Add 1:1 nitric acid (HNO3) to pH <2 mg/l 6 months 0.05 mg/l lab analysis Integrated 6 months 0.01 mg/l lab analysis Integrated 24 hours 1 mg/l lab analysis Integrated 6 months 0.1 mg/l lab analysis Integrated 6 months 0.005 mg/l lab analysis Integrated 6 months 0.01 mg/l lab analysis Integrated 28 days 0.001 mg/l lab analysis Integrated 6 months 0.1 mg/l lab analysis Integrated 24 hours 0.05 mg/l lab analysis Integrated 6 months 0.005 mg/l lab analysis Integrated 6 months 0.002 mg/l for furnace method, lab analysis Integrated 0.01mg/l for flame method Thallium, Total Zinc, Dissolved Hardness as CaCO3 mg/l 200 ml mg/l 500 ml Sodium Adsorption Ratio Calcium, Total unitless mg/l 200 ml Magnesium, Total mg/l 200 ml Sodium, Total mg/l 200 ml Potassium, Total mg/l 200 ml Aluminum, Total Recoverable mg/l 200 ml Boron, Dissolved mg/l 200 ml Iron, Dissolved mg/l 200 ml Alkalinity and Bicarbonate Fluoride mg/l mg/l Add 1:1 nitric acid (HNO3) to pH <2 Nitric acid (HNO3) to pH<2; cool to 4°C 6 months 0.01 mg/l lab analysis Integrated 6 months 10 mg/l lab analysis Integrated lab analysis Integrated 6 months 1 mg/l lab analysis Integrated 6 months 1 mg/l lab analysis Integrated 6 months 1 mg/l lab analysis Integrated 6 months 1 mg/l lab analysis Integrated 6 months 0.2 mg/l lab analysis Integrated 28 days 0.1 mg/l lab analysis Integrated 6 months 0.1 mg/l lab analysis Integrated 200 ml Add 1:1 nitric acid (HNO3) to lower pH to<2 Nitric acid (HNO3) to pH<2 Nitric acid (HNO3) to pH<2 Nitric acid (HNO3) to pH<2 Add 1:1 nitric acid (HNO3) to lower pH to<2 Add 1:1 nitric acid (HNO3) to lower pH to<2; cool to 4°C Add 1:1 nitric acid (HNO3) to pH <2 Cool to 4°C 14 days 1 mg/l lab analysis Integrated 300 ml Cool to 4°C 28 days 0.1 mg/l lab analysis Integrated Sodium Absorption Ratio (SAR) to be calculated by lab. NOTICE OF AMENDMENT #001 September, 2002 In accordance with Section 9.0 of the Three Horse Watershed Sampling and Analysis Plan, Amendments and Modifications, modification #001 is proposed. The modification is being proposed to accurately reflect the scope of the watershed assessment program. Amendment Description: 1) Change the name of the Sampling and Analysis Plan to accurately reflect the project to Powder River and Belle Fourche Drainages Water Quality Assessment Sampling and Analysis Plan. Filing Instructions: The amended title page found on the following page will replace the original title page at the very beginning of the SAP. Copies of this notice accompanied with a copy of the amended title page, amendments in BOLD, will be sent to: Project Manager Brian Lovett, WYDEQ Water Resources Division NPS Program Coordinator, Herschler Bldg. 122 W. 25th, Cheyenne, WY 82002. SAMPLING AND ANALYSIS PLAN For the CAMPBELL COUNTY – POWDER RIVER AND BELLE FOURCHE DRAINAGES WATERSHED ASSESSMENT Prepared by Rik Gay, Lost Iguana Consulting, Inc. For the Campbell County Conservation District With guidance from the Dead Horse, Spotted Horse, & Wild Horse CRM Groups September, 2002 NOTICE OF AMENDMENT #002 September, 2002 In accordance with Section 9.0 of the Powder River and Belle Fourche Drainages Watershed Assessment Sampling and Analysis Plan, Amendments and Modifications, modification #002 is proposed. The modification is being proposed to both enhance the scope of the original watershed assessment program and to address water quality issues raised by the listing of select Waterbodies by WYDEQ on the 303(d) water quality impairment list. The Campbell County Conservation District has accepted responsibility for monitoring the listed Waterbodies that also appear in the amendment description below. Amendment Description: 1) Inclusion of fifteen (15) new monitoring locations for full BURP assessment and/or water chemistry sampling under the Powder River and Belle Fourche Drainages Watershed Assessment SAP. North of Rozet -Donkey Creek intersects w/Adon Rd Immediately downstream of the Wyodak Power Plant at road crossing Above Stonepile Creek Confluence at Gillette WWTP Intersection of DC & Garner Lake Road Below the WWTP downstream of the DC-Stonepile confluence North on Highway 59. Take Horse Creek Rd to Paulette Parks Ranch. Sample site is left below main road just below house. Hwy 59 North to Weston, then right. Site just before bridge to left of old Soda Wells road bridge. Hwy 59 North to almost state line with MT Below City of Gillette Sewage Treatment Outfall At Garner Lake Road Crossing At Boxelder Road Crossing Below Butler-Spaeth Rd (Below Dewatering Well) Below Butler-Spaeth Rd (Dewatering Well Discharge) Below Butler-Spaeth Rd (Above Dewatering Well) At Junction of State Highways 14/16 & 59 DC3 DC4 DC5 DC6 DCSP HC1 LPR1 LPR2 SC1 SC2 SC3 SC4 SC5 SC6 SC7 Water chemistry sampling, including fecal group, will occur at five separate events, none within the same 24 hour period and completed within 30 days at all above monitoring stations. Parameters for the water sampling of DC3, DC4, DC5, DC6, DCSP, SC1, SC2, SC3, SC4, SC5, SC6, and SC7 are listed in the SAP. Parameters for the water sampling of HC1, LPR1, and LPR2 will be in amendment #003. Full BURP assessments will be performed as provided for in the SAP at HC1, LPR1, and LPR2. Filing Instructions: The Amended Table 4. Tributaries and Drainages, found on the following page will replace Table 4. Tributaries and Drainages found in Section 5.4 SAMPLING SITE LOCATIONS of the SAP. Copies of this notice accompanied with a copy of the Amended Table, amendments in BOLD, will be sent to: Project Manager Brian Lovett, WYDEQ Water Resources Division NPS Program Coordinator, Herschler Bldg. 122 W. 25th, Cheyenne, WY 82002. AMENDED Table 4. Tributaries and Drainages General Site Location Descriptions Powder River at the Wyoming/Montana State Line Site ID Code PR1 Bitter Creek above confluence with the Powder River BC2 Bitter Creek at furthest upstream intersection with Bitter Creek Rd. BC1 North of Rozet -Donkey Creek intersects w/Adon Rd DC3 Immediately downstream of the Wyodak Power Plant at road crossing Above Stonepile Creek Confluence at Gillette WWTP DC4 DC5 Intersection of DC & Garner Lake Road DC6 Below the WWTP downstream of the DC-Stonepile confluence DCSP Dead Horse Creek above confluence with the Powder River DH4 North Prong Dead Horse above confluence with the Dead Horse DH3 Dead Horse above confluence with the North Prong of the Dead Horse DH2 Dead Horse near Blackbird Draw DH1 North on Highway 59. Take Horse Creek Rd to Paulette Parks Ranch. Sample site is left below main road just below house. HC1 Hwy 59 North to Weston, then right. Site just before bridge to left of old Soda Wells road bridge. LPR1 Hwy 59 North to almost state line with MT LPR2 Below City of Gillette Sewage Treatment Outfall SC1 At Garner Lake Road Crossing SC2 At Boxelder Road Crossing SC3 Below Butler-Spaeth Rd (Below Dewatering Well) SC4 Below Butler-Spaeth Rd (Dewatering Well Discharge) SC5 Below Butler-Spaeth Rd (Above Dewatering Well) SC6 At Junction of State Highways 14/16 & 59 SC7 SA Creek above confluence with the Powder River SA2 SA Creek near Lynde Draw SA1 LX Bar Creek above confluence with the Powder River LX2 LX Bar Creek near New Deal Draw LX1 Spotted Horse Creek above confluence with the Powder River SH2 Spotted Horse Creek near Spotted Horse at Hwy 14/16 intersection SH1 Wild Horse above confluence with the Powder River WH7 North Prong Wild Horse above confluence with Wild Horse WH6 Middle Prong Wild Horse above confluence with Wild Horse WH5 Middle Prong Wild Horse near Truman Draw WH4 Wild Horse above confluence with Middle Prong Wild Horse WH3 Wild Horse near Mooney Draw WH2 Wild Horse at intersection with I-90 WH1 NOTICE OF AMENDMENT #003 September, 2002 In accordance with Section 9.0 of the Powder River and Belle Fourche Drainages Watershed Assessment Sampling and Analysis Plan, Amendments and Modifications, modification #003 is proposed. The modification is being proposed to both enhance the scope of the original watershed assessment program and to address water quality issues raised by the listing of select Waterbodies by WYDEQ on the 303(d) water quality impairment list. Amendment Description: 1) Inclusion of additional parameters for water chemistry sampling under the Powder River and Belle Fourche Drainages Watershed Assessment SAP. Table 2A. Surface water quality chemistry parameters to be sampled Parameters Units Sampl e Volum e N/A Preservative Holding Time Detection Limit Measured Sample Type Conductance, Specific Dissolved Oxygen mhos/c m mg/l N/A N/A YSI probe N/A N/A N/A 5 mhos/cm 0.1 mg/L YSI probe mg/l 250 ml 28 days 0.1 mg/l lab analysis Ph %H N/A Sulfuric acid (H2SO4) to pH<2 N/A Instantane ous Instantane ous Integrated Nitrogen, Nitrate Nitrite N/A YSI probe Total Dissolved Solids Total Phosphorous mg/l 200ml Cool to 4° C 7 days 0.1 of a pH unit 5 mg/l lab analysis Instantane ous Integrated mg/l 100 ml 28 days 0.1 mg/l lab analysis Integrated Total Suspended Solids Turbidity Sulfates Ammonia mg/l 200 ml Sulfuric acid (H2SO4) to Ph<2, cool to 4°C Cool to 4°C 7 days 2 mg/l lab analysis Integrated NTUs mg/l mg/l 100 ml 50 ml 100 ml 48 hours 28 days 28 days 0 NTU 10 mg/l .05 mg/l lab analysis lab analysis lab analysis Integrated Integrated Integrated Chloride mg/l 50 ml 28 days 5 mg/l lab analysis Integrated Total Petroleum Hydrocarbons mg/l 1000 ml 28 days 1mg/l lab analysis Integrated Radium 226, Total pCi/l 1000 ml None Cool to 4°C Sulfuric acid (H2SO4) to pH<2 Sulfuric acid (H2SO4) to pH<2 Hydrochloric acid (HCI) to pH <2; cool to 4°C Nitric acid (HNO3) to 6 months 1pCi/l lab analysis Integrated Antimony, Total mg/l 200 ml Arsenic, Total mg/l 200 ml Barium, Total mg/l 200 ml Beryllium, Total mg/l 200 ml Cadmium, Dissolved mg/l 200 ml Chromium, Dissolved mg/l 200 ml Copper, Dissolved mg/l 200 ml Cyanide, Total mg/l 500 ml Iron, Total mg/l 200 ml Lead, Dissolved mg/l 200 ml Manganese, Dissolved mg/l 200 ml pH<2; cool to 4°C Add 1:1 nitric acid (HNO3) to lower pH to<2 Add 1:1 nitric acid (HNO3) to lower pH to<2 Add 1:1 nitric acid (HNO3) to lower pH to<2 Add 1:1 nitric acid (HNO3) to lower pH to<2 Add 1:1 nitric acid (HNO3) to lower pH to<2 Add 1:1 nitric acid (HNO3) to lower pH to<2 Add 1:1 nitric acid (HNO3) to lower pH to<2 Sodium hydroxide (NaOH) to pH>12; cool to 4°C Add 1:1 nitric acid (HNO3) to lower pH to<2 Add 1:1 nitric acid (HNO3) to lower pH to<2 Add 1:1 nitric acid (HNO3) to 6 months 5 mg/l lab analysis Integrated 6 months 0.005 mg/l lab analysis Integrated 6 months 0.1 mg/l lab analysis Integrated 6 months 0.01 mg/l lab analysis Integrated 6 months 0.001 mg/l lab analysis Integrated 6 months 0.05 mg/l lab analysis Integrated 6 months 0.01 mg/l lab analysis Integrated 24 hours 1 mg/l lab analysis Integrated 6 months 0.1 mg/l lab analysis Integrated 6 months 0.005 mg/l lab analysis Integrated 6 months 0.01 mg/l lab analysis Integrated Mercury, Dissolved mg/l 100 ml Nickel, Dissolved mg/l 200 ml Phenol mg/l 1000 ml Selenium, Total Recoverable mg/l 200 ml Silver, Dissolved mg/l 200 ml Thallium, Total mg/l 200 ml Zinc, Dissolved mg/l 200 ml Hardness as CaCO3 mg/l 500 ml Sodium Adsorption Ratio Calcium, Total unitless mg/l 200 ml Magnesium, Total mg/l 200 ml Sodium, Total mg/l 200 ml Potassium, Total mg/l 200 ml lower pH to<2 Add 1:1 nitric acid (HNO3) to lower pH to<2 Add 1:1 nitric acid (HNO3) to pH <2 Sulfuric acid (H2SO4) to Ph<2, cool to 4°C Add 1:1 nitric acid (HNO3) to pH <2 Add 1:1 nitric acid (HNO3) to pH <2 Add 1:1 nitric acid (HNO3) to lower pH to<2 Add 1:1 nitric acid (HNO3) to pH <2 Nitric acid (HNO3) to pH<2; cool to 4°C Add 1:1 nitric acid (HNO3) to lower pH to<2 Nitric acid (HNO3) to pH<2 Nitric acid (HNO3) to pH<2 Nitric acid (HNO3) to pH<2 28 days 0.001 mg/l lab analysis Integrated 6 months 0.1 mg/l lab analysis Integrated 24 hours 0.05 mg/l lab analysis Integrated 6 months 0.005 mg/l lab analysis Integrated 6 months lab analysis Integrated 6 months 0.002 mg/l for furnace method, 0.01mg/l for flame method 5 mg/l lab analysis Integrated 6 months 0.01 mg/l lab analysis Integrated 6 months 10 mg/l lab analysis Integrated lab analysis Integrated 6 months 1 mg/l lab analysis Integrated 6 months 1 mg/l lab analysis Integrated 6 months 1 mg/l lab analysis Integrated 6 months 1 mg/l lab analysis Integrated Aluminum, Total Recoverable mg/l 200 ml 6 months 0.2 mg/l lab analysis Integrated 28 days 0.1 mg/l lab analysis Integrated 6 months 0.1 mg/l lab analysis Integrated 200 ml Add 1:1 nitric acid (HNO3) to lower pH to<2 Add 1:1 nitric acid (HNO3) to lower pH to<2; cool to 4°C Add 1:1 nitric acid (HNO3) to pH <2 Cool to 4°C Boron, Dissolved mg/l 200 ml Iron, Dissolved mg/l 200 ml Alkalinity and Bicarbonate Fluoride mg/l 14 days 1 mg/l lab analysis Integrated mg/l 300 ml Cool to 4°C 28 days 0.1 mg/l lab analysis Integrated Sodium Absorption Ratio (SAR) to be calculated by lab. Water chemistry sampling, including fecal group, will occur at five separate events, none within the same 24 hour period and completed within 30 days at all above monitoring stations. Parameters for the water sampling of DC3, DC4, DC5, DC6, DCSP, SC1, SC2, SC3, SC4, SC5, SC6, and SC7 are listed in the SAP in Table 2. Parameters for the water sampling of HC1, LPR1, and LPR2 are in Table 2A. Full BURP assessments will be performed as provided for in the SAP at HC1, LPR1, and LPR2. Filing Instructions: Table 2A, Surface water quality chemistry parameters to be sampled, found on the following page will be added under Table 2, Surface water quality chemistry parameters to be sampled, found in Section 5.3.2 Chemical Parameters of the SAP. Copies of this notice accompanied with a copy of the New Table will be sent to: Project Manager Brian Lovett, WYDEQ Water Resources Division NPS Program Coordinator, Herschler Bldg. 122 W. 25th, Cheyenne, WY 82002. Table 2A. Surface water quality chemistry parameters to be sampled Parameters Units Sampl e Volum e N/A Preservative Holding Time Detection Limit Measured Sample Type Conductance, Specific Dissolved Oxygen mhos/c m mg/l N/A N/A YSI probe N/A N/A N/A 5 mhos/cm 0.1 mg/L YSI probe mg/l 250 ml 28 days 0.1 mg/l lab analysis Ph %H N/A Sulfuric acid (H2SO4) to pH<2 N/A Instantane ous Instantane ous Integrated Nitrogen, Nitrate Nitrite N/A YSI probe Total Dissolved Solids Total Phosphorous mg/l 200ml Cool to 4° C 7 days 0.1 of a pH unit 5 mg/l lab analysis Instantane ous Integrated mg/l 100 ml 28 days 0.1 mg/l lab analysis Integrated Total Suspended Solids Turbidity Sulfates Ammonia mg/l 200 ml Sulfuric acid (H2SO4) to Ph<2, cool to 4°C Cool to 4°C 7 days 2 mg/l lab analysis Integrated NTUs mg/l Mg/l 100 ml 50 ml 100 ml 48 hours 28 days 28 days 0 NTU 10 mg/l .05 mg/l lab analysis lab analysis lab analysis Integrated Integrated Integrated Chloride Mg/l 50 ml 28 days 5 mg/l lab analysis Integrated Total Petroleum Hydrocarbons mg/l 1000 ml 28 days 1mg/l lab analysis Integrated Radium 226, Total pCi/l 1000 ml None Cool to 4°C Sulfuric acid (H2SO4) to pH<2 Sulfuric acid (H2SO4) to pH<2 Hydrochloric acid (HCI) to pH <2; cool to 4°C Nitric acid (HNO3) to pH<2; cool to 4°C 6 months 1pCi/l lab analysis Integrated Antimony, Total Arsenic, Total mg/l 200 ml 6 months 0.005 mg/l lab analysis Integrated Barium, Total mg/l 200 ml 6 months 0.1 mg/l lab analysis Integrated Beryllium, Total mg/l 200 ml 6 months 0.01 mg/l lab analysis Integrated Cadmium, mg/l 200 ml 6 months 0.001 lab analysis Integrated Add 1:1 nitric acid (HNO3) to lower pH to<2 Add 1:1 nitric acid (HNO3) to lower pH to<2 Add 1:1 nitric acid (HNO3) to lower pH to<2 Add 1:1 Dissolved Chromium, Dissolved mg/l 200 ml Copper, Dissolved mg/l 200 ml Cyanide, Total mg/l 500 ml Iron, Total mg/l 200 ml Lead, Dissolved mg/l 200 ml Manganese, Dissolved mg/l 200 ml Mercury, Dissolved mg/l 100 ml Nickel, Dissolved mg/l 200 ml Phenol mg/l 1000 ml Selenium, Total Recoverable mg/l 200 ml Silver, Dissolved mg/l 200 ml nitric acid (HNO3) to lower pH to<2 Add 1:1 nitric acid (HNO3) to lower pH to<2 Add 1:1 nitric acid (HNO3) to lower pH to<2 Sodium hydroxide (NaOH) to pH>12; cool to 4°C Add 1:1 nitric acid (HNO3) to lower pH to<2 Add 1:1 nitric acid (HNO3) to lower pH to<2 Add 1:1 nitric acid (HNO3) to lower pH to<2 Add 1:1 nitric acid (HNO3) to lower pH to<2 Add 1:1 nitric acid (HNO3) to pH <2 Sulfuric acid (H2SO4) to Ph<2, cool to 4°C Add 1:1 nitric acid (HNO3) to pH <2 Add 1:1 nitric acid (HNO3) to pH <2 mg/l 6 months 0.05 mg/l lab analysis Integrated 6 months 0.01 mg/l lab analysis Integrated 24 hours 1 mg/l lab analysis Integrated 6 months 0.1 mg/l lab analysis Integrated 6 months 0.005 mg/l lab analysis Integrated 6 months 0.01 mg/l lab analysis Integrated 28 days 0.001 mg/l lab analysis Integrated 6 months 0.1 mg/l lab analysis Integrated 24 hours 0.05 mg/l lab analysis Integrated 6 months 0.005 mg/l lab analysis Integrated 6 months 0.002 mg/l for furnace method, lab analysis Integrated 0.01mg/l for flame method Thallium, Total Zinc, Dissolved Hardness as CaCO3 mg/l 200 ml mg/l 500 ml Sodium Adsorption Ratio Calcium, Total unitless mg/l 200 ml Magnesium, Total mg/l 200 ml Sodium, Total mg/l 200 ml Potassium, Total mg/l 200 ml Aluminum, Total Recoverable mg/l 200 ml Boron, Dissolved mg/l 200 ml Iron, Dissolved mg/l 200 ml Alkalinity and Bicarbonate Fluoride mg/l mg/l Add 1:1 nitric acid (HNO3) to pH <2 Nitric acid (HNO3) to pH<2; cool to 4°C 6 months 0.01 mg/l lab analysis Integrated 6 months 10 mg/l lab analysis Integrated lab analysis Integrated 6 months 1 mg/l lab analysis Integrated 6 months 1 mg/l lab analysis Integrated 6 months 1 mg/l lab analysis Integrated 6 months 1 mg/l lab analysis Integrated 6 months 0.2 mg/l lab analysis Integrated 28 days 0.1 mg/l lab analysis Integrated 6 months 0.1 mg/l lab analysis Integrated 200 ml Add 1:1 nitric acid (HNO3) to lower pH to<2 Nitric acid (HNO3) to pH<2 Nitric acid (HNO3) to pH<2 Nitric acid (HNO3) to pH<2 Add 1:1 nitric acid (HNO3) to lower pH to<2 Add 1:1 nitric acid (HNO3) to lower pH to<2; cool to 4°C Add 1:1 nitric acid (HNO3) to pH <2 Cool to 4°C 14 days 1 mg/l lab analysis Integrated 300 ml Cool to 4°C 28 days 0.1 mg/l lab analysis Integrated Sodium Absorption Ratio (SAR) to be calculated by lab.
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