LRGuru- Sample LoadTest Report Conducted By: LoadRunner Guru System Admin Date: 9/21/2008 2 Table of Contents 1. Executive Summary ................................................................... 3 1.1. Objectives ........................................................................ 3 1.2. Analysis Session Summary....................................................... 3 1.3. Conclusions ....................................................................... 4 2. Scenario Configuration ............................................................... 6 2.1. Files................................................................................ 6 2.2. Scheduler Information........................................................... 6 2.3. Scripts ............................................................................. 6 2.4. Run Time Settings................................................................ 6 2.4.1. Multi+QTWeb .............................................................................................6 3. Users' Influence........................................................................ 7 4. Hits Per Second........................................................................ 8 5. Vuser Load Scheme ................................................................... 9 6. Transaction Response Times........................................................ 10 7. Running Vusers ....................................................................... 11 8. Hits per Second....................................................................... 12 9. Throughput............................................................................ 13 10. Transaction Summary .............................................................. 14 11. Average Transaction Response Time ............................................. 15 12. Page Component Breakdown (Over Time)....................................... 16 13. Time to First Buffer Breakdown (Over Time) ................................... 17 14. Downloaded Component Size (KB)................................................ 18 15. Transaction Response Time (Distribution) ....................................... 19 16. Transaction Performance Summary .............................................. 20 17. Connections Per Second ........................................................... 21 18. Total Transactions per Second .................................................... 22 19. Terminology ......................................................................... 23 19.1. LoadRunner Objects ........................................................... 23 19.2. Graph Information............................................................. 23 3 1. Executive Summary 1.1. Objectives Add text here 1.2. Analysis Session Summary Analysis Summary Scenario Name: Period: 21/09/2008 16:58:11 - 21/09/2008 17:08:17 Scenario1 Results in Session: c:\LRScripts \result\mkstore10usr10min\mkstore10usr10min.lrr Duration: 10 minutes and 6 seconds. Statistics Summary Maximum Running Vusers: 10 Total Throughput (bytes): 33,849,005 Average Throughput (bytes/second): 55,764 Total Hits: 5,959 Average Hits per Second: 9.817 View HTTP Responses Summary Scenario Behavior Over Time The SLA status of the following measurements displayed over time. You can select a specific time range for each transaction in order to analyze the time range. Measurement Name 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 00:00:00 00:00:30 00:01:05 00:01:40 00:02:15 00:02:45 00:03:20 00:03:55 00:04:30 00:05:05 00:05:35 00:06:10 00:06:45 00:07:20 00:07:50 00:08:25 00:09:00 00:09:35 Application Under Test Errors Time Ranges 4 Transaction Summary Transactions: Total Passed: 617 Total Failed: Total Stopped: 0 10 Average Response Time Minimum Average Maximum Std. Deviation 90 Percent Pass Fail Stop AddCart_Transaction 0.793 1.468 7.665 0.953 1.969 77 0 0 EmptyCart_Transaction 0.419 1.619 7.87 1.512 3.979 70 0 0 GetThere_Transaction 1.47 5.38 16.661 4.446 13.86 80 0 0 MusicVideo_Transaction 16.496 17.3 28.914 1.741 17.319 71 0 5 search_Transaction 23.01 24.801 31.96 1.895 27.056 77 0 3 ShopMore_Transaction 0.393 1.292 11.052 1.575 1.896 76 0 0 UpdateCart_Transaction 0.392 1.492 23.082 2.839 1.438 76 0 1 ViewCart_Transaction 26.501 27.599 34.11 1.464 29.388 70 0 1 vuser_end_Transaction 0 0 0 0 0 10 0 0 vuser_init_Transaction 0 0.029 0.057 0.023 0.057 10 0 0 Transaction Name SLA Status Service Level Agreement Legend: Pass Fail No Data HTTP Responses Summary HTTP Responses Total Per second HTTP_200 4,825 7.949 HTTP_302 456 0.751 HTTP_404 678 1.117 View Retries per Second graph. 1.3. Conclusions 5 Add text here 6 2. Scenario Configuration 2.1. Files Name: Results in Session: Scenario1 c:\LRScripts\result\mkstore10usr10min\mkstore10usr 10min.lrr Session1.lra Session Name: 2.2. Scheduler Information Started On: Ended On: Duration: Load Behavior: 21/09/2008 21/09/2008 16:58:11 17:08:18 Reach target virtual users using automatic ramp up 2.3. Scripts Script MKStore1 Type Multi+QTWeb File C:\LRScripts\MKStore1\MKStore1.usr 2.4. Run Time Settings 2.4.1. Multi+QTWeb Group Script MKStore1 MKStore1 Pacing As soon as possible Think Time Replay as recorded Network Speed Maximum bandwidth Browser cache Yes 7 3. Users' Influence Displays average transaction response times relative to the number of Vusers running at any given point during the load test. This graph helps you view the general impact of Vuser load on performance time and is most useful when analyzing a load test which is run with a gradual load. Title: Graph Type: Base Graph: Additional: Granularity: Color Scale Transaction Response Time Under Load Correlate Running Vusers Average Transaction Response Time 1 Second Min. Ave. Max. SD 1 AddCart_Transaction Measurement 0.793 1.468 7.665 0.953 1 EmptyCart_Transaction 0.419 1.619 7.87 1.512 1 GetThere_Transaction 1.47 5.38 16.661 4.446 1 MusicVideo_Transaction 16.496 17.3 28.914 1.741 1 search_Transaction 23.01 24.801 31.96 1.895 1 ShopMore_Transaction 0.393 1.292 11.052 1.575 1 UpdateCart_Transaction 0.392 1.492 23.082 2.839 1 ViewCart_Transaction 26.501 27.599 34.11 1.464 1 vuser_end_Transaction 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 1 vuser_init_Transaction 0.0 0.029 0.057 0.023 8 4. Hits Per Second Displays the number of hits made on the Web server by Vusers during each second of the load test. This graph helps you evaluate the amount of load Vusers generate, in terms of the number of hits. Title: Current Results: Filters: Group By: Granularity: Color Scale 1 Hits per Second c:\LRScripts\result\mkstore10usr10min\mkstore10usr 10min.lrr None 16 Seconds Measurement Hits Graph Min. Ave. Graph Max. Graph Median Graph SD 1.5 9.817 20.938 10 5.578 9 5. Vuser Load Scheme Displays the number of Vusers that executed Vuser scripts, and their status, during each second of a load test. This graph is useful for determining the Vuser load on your server at any given moment. Title: Current Results: Filters: Group By: Granularity: Color Scale 1 Running Vusers c:\LRScripts\result\mkstore10usr10min\mkstore10usr 10min.lrr Vuser Status = (Run) 16 Seconds Measurement Run Graph Min. Graph Ave. Graph Max. Graph Median Graph SD 0.0 3.333 10 0.0 4.714 10 6. Transaction Response Times Displays the average time taken to perform transactions during each second of the load test. This graph helps you determine whether the performance of the server is within acceptable minimum and maximum transaction performance time ranges defined for your system. Title: Current Results: Filters: Group By: Granularity: Color Scale Average Transaction Response Time c:\LRScripts\result\mkstore10usr10min\mkstore10usr 10min.lrr Transaction End Status = (Pass), (Include Think Ti me) 16 Seconds Min. Ave. Max. SD 1 AddCart_Transaction Measurement 0.793 1.468 7.665 0.953 1 EmptyCart_Transaction 0.419 1.619 7.87 1.512 1 GetThere_Transaction 1.47 5.38 16.661 4.446 1 MusicVideo_Transaction 16.496 17.3 28.914 1.741 1 search_Transaction 23.01 24.801 31.96 1.895 1 ShopMore_Transaction 0.393 1.292 11.052 1.575 1 UpdateCart_Transact ion 0.392 1.492 23.082 2.839 1 ViewCart_Transaction 26.501 27.599 34.11 1.464 1 vuser_end_Transaction 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 1 vuser_init_Transaction 0.0 0.029 0.057 0.023 11 7. Running Vusers Displays the number of Vusers that executed Vuser scripts, and their status, during each second of a load test. This graph is useful for determining the Vuser load on your server at any given moment. Title: Current Results: Filters: Group By: Granularity: Color Scale 1 Running Vusers c:\LRScripts\result\mkstore10usr10min\mkstore10usr 10min.lrr Vuser Status = (Run) 16 Seconds Measurement Run Graph Min. Graph Ave. Graph Max. Graph Median Graph SD 0.0 3.333 10 0.0 4.714 12 8. Hits per Second Displays the number of hits made on the Web server by Vusers during each second of the load test. This graph helps you evaluate the amount of load Vusers generate, in terms of the number of hits. Title: Current Results: Filters: Group By: Granularity: Color Scale 1 Hits per Second c:\LRScripts\result\mkstore10usr10min\mkstore10usr 10min.lrr None 16 Seconds Measurement Hits Graph Min. Ave. Graph Max. Graph Median Graph SD 1.5 9.817 20.938 10 5.578 13 9. Throughput Displays the amount of throughput (in bytes) on the Web server during the load test. Throughput represents the amount of data that the Vusers received from the server at any given second. This graph helps you to evaluate the amount of load Vusers generate, in terms of server throughput. Title: Current Results: Filters: Group By: Granularity: Color Scale 1 Throughput c:\LRScripts\result\mkstore10usr10min\mkstore10usr 10min.lrr None 16 Seconds Measurement Throughput Graph Min. Ave. Graph Max. Graph Median Graph SD 7507.125 55764.423 108856.5 56354.938 28754.586 14 10. Transaction Summary Displays the number of transactions that passed, failed, stopped, or ended with errors. Title: Current Results: Filters: Group By: Color Scale Transaction Summary c:\LRScripts\result\mkstore10usr10min\mkstore10usr 10min.lrr (Include Think Time) Measurement 1 Pass 1 Stop 15 11. Average Transaction Response Time Displays the average time taken to perform transactions during each second of the load test. This graph helps you determine whether the performance of the server is within acceptable minimum and maximum transaction performance time ranges defined for your system. Title: Current Results: Filters: Group By: Granularity: Color Scale Average Transaction Response Time c:\LRScripts\result\mkstore10usr10min\mkstore10usr 10min.lrr Transaction End Status = (Pass), (Include Think Ti me) 16 Seconds Graph's Min. Graph's Ave. Graph's Max. Graph's Median Graph's SD 1 AddCart_Transaction Measurement 1.006 1.381 2.577 1.187 0.414 1 EmptyCart_Transaction 0.437 1.44 3.678 1.108 0.872 1 GetThere_Tr ansaction 1.72 4.718 14.337 2.714 3.892 1 MusicVideo_Transaction 16.496 17.178 18.818 17.024 0.637 1 search_Transaction 23.457 25.248 31.96 24.443 2.355 1 ShopMore_Transaction 0.416 1.283 4.312 0.907 0.92 1 UpdateCart_Transaction 0.716 1.486 5.271 0.867 1.287 1 ViewCart_Transaction 26.664 27.792 34.11 27.467 1.675 1 vuser_end_Transaction 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 1 vuser_init_Transaction 0.029 0.029 0.029 0.029 0.0 16 12. Page Component Breakdown (Over Time) Displays the average response time (in seconds) for each Web page and its components during each second of the scenario run. Title: Current Results: Filters: Group By: Granularity: Color Scale Page Component Breakdown (Over Time) c:\LRScripts\result\mkstore10usr10min\mkstore10usr 10min.lrr Component Type = (Page) 16 Seconds Measurement Min. Ave. Max. SD 1 (main URL) 0.741 1.601 4.575 1.159 1 (main URL) 0.544 0.713 0.98 0.159 1 (main URL) 0.356 2.007 9.157 2.743 1 (main URL) 0.883 1.197 1.84 0.326 1 (main URL) 0.692 1.197 2.084 0.459 1 (main URL) 1.609 4.231 12.084 3.247 1 (main URL) 0.416 1.167 4.508 0.98 1 ypn-js.o...=1222030197875 (main URL) 0.23 0.265 0.335 0.03 17 13. Time to First Buffer Breakdown (Over Time) Displays each Web page component?s relative server/network time (in seconds) during each second of the scenario run, for the period of time until the first buffer is successfully received back from the Web server. Title: Current Results: Filters: Group By: Granularity: Color Scale Time to First Buffer Breakdown (Over Time) c:\LRScripts\result\mkstore10usr10min\mkstore10usr 10min.lrr Component Type = (Page) 16 Seconds Min. Ave. Max. SD 1 (main URL).[Network Time] Measurement 0.186 0.337 0.608 0.125 1 (main URL).[Server Time] 0.092 0.183 0.3 0.074 1 (main URL).[Network Time] 0.121 0.191 0.318 0.057 1 (main URL).[Server Time] 0.094 0.126 0.174 0.031 1 (main URL).[Network Time] 0.157 1.443 9.269 2.961 1 (main URL).[Server Time] 0.036 0.187 0.729 0.209 1 (main URL).[Network Time] 0.337 0.61 1.135 0.296 1 (main URL).[Server Time] 0.097 0.179 0.485 0.121 1 (main URL).[Network Time] 0.187 0.27 0.34 0.049 1 (main URL).[Server Time] 0.1 0.162 0.353 0.078 1 (main URL).[Network Time] 1.827 4.832 17.243 4.852 1 (main URL).[Server Time] 0.12 0.498 2.018 0.593 18 1 (main URL).[Network Time] 0.15 0.41 2.357 0.432 1 (main URL).[Server Time] 0.077 0.278 3.169 0.624 1 ypn-js.o...=1222030197875 (main URL).[Network Time] 0.097 0.113 0.13 0.009 1 ypn-js.o...=1222030197875 (main URL).[Server Time] 0.015 0.027 0.034 0.006 14. Downloaded Component Size (KB) Displays the size of each Web page component. Note that the size displayed includes both the size of the component and its header. Title: Current Results: Filters: Group By: Color Scale 1 Downloaded Component Size (KB) c:\LRScripts\result\mkstore10usr10min\mkstore10usr 10min.lrr Component Type = (Page) Measurement (main URL) Graph Min. Graph Ave. Graph Max. Graph Median Graph SD 34.582 34.582 34.582 34.582 0.0 1 (main URL) 50.313 50.313 50.313 50.313 0.0 1 (main URL) 44.855 44.855 44.855 44.855 0.0 1 (main URL) 46.982 46.982 46.982 46.982 0.0 1 (main URL) 72.364 72.364 72.364 72.364 0.0 1 (main URL) 218.796 218.796 218.796 218.796 0.0 1 (main URL) 63.366 63.366 63.366 63.366 0.0 1 ypn-js.o...=1222030197875 (main URL) 3.92 3.92 3.92 3.92 0.0 19 15. Transaction Response Time (Distribution) Displays the number of times a transaction was completed over a distribution of time ranges. Note that this graph only displays information for a single transaction at a time. Title: Current Results: Filters: Group By: Color Scale Transaction Response Time (Distribution) c:\LRScripts\result\mkstore10usr10min\mkstore10usr 10min.lrr Transaction End Status = (Pass) Measurement 1 AddCart_Transaction 1 EmptyCart_Transaction 1 GetThere_Transaction 1 MusicVideo_Transaction 1 search_Transaction 1 ShopMore_Transaction 1 UpdateCart_Transaction 1 ViewCart_Transaction 1 vuser_end_Transaction 1 vuser_init_Transaction 20 16. Transaction Performance Summary Displays the minimum, average, and maximum response time for all the transactions in the load test. Title: Current Results: Filters: Group By: Color Scale Transaction Performance Summary c:\LRScripts\result\mkstore10usr10min\mkstore10usr 10min.lrr Transaction End Status = (Pass), (Include Think Ti me) Measurement 1 Minimum 1 Average 1 Maximum 21 17. Connections Per Second Displays the number of Connections per Second Title: Current Results: Filters: Group By: Granularity: Color Connections Per Second c:\LRScripts\result\mkstore10usr10min\mkstore10usr 10min.lrr None 16 Seconds Scale Measurement Graph's Min. Ave. Graph's Max. Graph's Median Graph's SD 1 Connection Shutdowns 0.0 3.992 9 3.688 1.944 1 New Connections 0.0 3.992 7.875 4 1.912 22 18. Total Transactions per Second Displays the total number of completed transactions (both successful and unsuccessful) performed during each second of a load test. This graph helps you determine the actual transaction load on your system at any given moment. Title: Current Results: Filters: Group By: Granularity: Color Scale Total Transactions per Second c:\LRScripts\result\mkstore10usr10min\mkstore10usr 10min.lrr None 16 Seconds Graph Min. Ave. Graph Max. Graph Median Graph SD 1 Pass Measurement 0.25 1.016 2.313 1 0.562 1 Stop 0.0 0.016 0.667 0.0 0.107 23 19. Terminology 19.1. LoadRunner Objects Term Vuser Scripts Load Test Run-Time Settings Scenario Definition A Vuser script describes the actions that a Vuser performs during the scenario. Each Vuser executes a Vuser script during a scenario run. The Vuser scripts include functions that measure and record the performance of your applications components. Tests a system's ability to handle a heavy workload. A load test simulates multiple transactions or users interacting with the computer at the same time and provides reports on response times and system behavior. Run-Time settings allow you to customize the way a Vuser script is executed. You configure the run-time settings from the Controller or VuGen before running a scenario. You can view information about the Vuser groups and scripts that were run in each scenario, as well as the run-time settings for each script in a scenario, in the Scenario Run-Time Settings dialog box. A scenario defines the events that occur during each testing session. For example, a scenario defines and controls the number of users to emulate, the actions that they perform, and the machines on which they run their emulations. Scheduler The Schedule Builder allows you to set the time that the scenario will start running, the duration time of the scenario or of the Vuser groups within the scenario, and to gradually run and stop the Vusers within the scenario or within a Vuser group. It also allows you to set the load behavior of Vusers in a scenario. Session When you work with the Analysis utility, you work within a session. An Analysis session contains at least one set of scenario results (lrr file). The Analysis utility processes the scenario result information and generates graphs and reports. The Analysis stores the display information and layout settings for the active graphs in a file with an .lra extension. Each session has a session name, result file name, database name, directory path, and type. Transactions A transaction represents an action or a set of actions used to measure the performance of the server. You define transactions within your Vuser script by enclosing the appropriate sections of the script with start and end transaction statement. Vusers Vusers or virtual users are used by LoadRunner as a replacement for human users. When you run a scenario, Vusers emulate the actions of human users working with your application. A scenario can contain tens, hundreds, or even thousands of Vusers running concurrently on a single workstation. 19.2. Graph Information Average Hits Term Definition Average value of the graph measurement's. The number of HTTP requests made by Vusers to the Web server. Maximum Measurement Maximum value of the graph measurement's. This is the type of resource being monitored Median Minimum Middle value of the graph measurement's. Minimum value of the graph measurement's. Network Delay Network Path The time it takes for a packet of data sent across the network to go to the requested node and return. The Network Path is the route data travels between the source machine and the destination machine. Response time The time taken to perform a transaction. In order to display all the measurements on a single graph, thus making the graphs easier to read and analyze, you can change the scale or (granularity) of the x -axis. You can either set measurement scales manually, view measurement trends for all measurements in the graph, or let Analysis scale them automatically . The Legend tab indicates the scale factor for each resource. The square root of the arithmetic mean value of the squares of the deviations from the arithmetic mean. Scale (or granularity) Standard Deviation (SD) Throughput Throughput is measured in bytes and represents the amount of data that the Vusers received from the server. Vuser Load When you run a scenario, the Vusers generate load or stress on the server. LoadRunner monitors the effect of this load on the performance of your application.
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