THE MORNING OREGON! AN, JUNE 2, 1917. SATURDAY, 15 H. Green Trading Stamps With Purchases Am ounting to 10c or More Trading Stamps Given on All Charge A ccounts if Paid in Full by 10th of Each Month Open an Account. Manicuring and Hair Dressing Parlors, Second Floor Soda Fountain and Ice Cream Parlors in the Basement Kodaks, Cameras and Supplies; Fourth Floor Tea Room, Fourth Floor We Give S. & SATURDAY WILL BE CANDY DAY AT THE,. BARGAIN CIRCLE. PURE OWE CANDIES AT LOW PRICES. HELP Grocery Specials Fourth Floor SAM Machine-slice- d Bacon, the pound Choice Frankfurters, lb. Oleomargarine, 2 lbs. for Queen Olives, bulk, qt. Small Oranges, 2 dozen old s, Wortman & King WIN THE WAR. SUBSCRIBE TO THE LIBERTY LOAN. . 19 50 350 2o PORTLAND AGENTS FOR HOOVER ELECTRIC SUCTION CLEANERS. The Standard Store of the Northwest UNCLE Reliable Merchandise . Reliable Methods 3D FLR. in i WHY PAY Last Day of Demonstration. Naiad Shields First Floor Notion Department, Saturday will be the last day in which to consult the factory expert in regard to your Dress Don't fail to come. Shields. 20c AND 25c FOR PAT- TERNS? NO HOME JOURNAL PATTERNS COST OVER 130 Splendid Economies in These June White Sale Offerings for Saturday! And Hundreds of Unadvertised Specials Eqtially as Good Will Be Found in All Depts.-- - Shop at This Store and Save! Women's $15 Coats Special $9.95 Sample Neckwear Store, Second Floor Garment In sorting up and rearranging the stocks, we have come across a number of odd Coats, which must be disposed of once. All are of good style and all are strictly up to date in every respect. Smart sport models with belt, large collar and novelty cuffs g effects and many novelty styles. Made up in flannels, velours, Bedford cords, poplins, cheviots and mixtures. Some are shown in white, others in navy, new blue, wine, elate, fiQ also checks and plaids. Excellent ?15 Coats in this sale 600 Women's Silk Floor Second Petticoats at a special low price for Saturday. Made in attractive styles with fancy flounces, trimmed with rows of small ruffles. Messaline, taffeta and silk jersey in all leading plain colors, J4 A Pattern Cloths Special showing Saturday of Second Floor beautiful new White Dresses for confirmation and graduation; also new models in Children's Suits, Coats. S. & H. Stamps with purchases. GIRLS' WASH DRESSES in middy styles, also high waistline effects and waist style. Good quality materials. Ages 6 to 14 year's. 98c, $1.49, $1.98 to $13.50 WASH DRESSES for little tots 2 to 6 years middy and of age. High waistline, smock effects." Priced at 69c, 89c up to $3.50 ODD LINES slightly soiled Wash Dresses. Ages 6 to 14 at 79c; ages 2 to 6 at 39c, 69c one-pie- Main Floor We reserve the right at all times to limit the quantity of any article to be sold to customer. " ce Freezone the NewfJ7 Corn Cure, Special Orchard White, on Sale Saturday at. . ce two-pie- 01 ce $8.98 Girls' Coats Novelty navy serge. $7.50 White Boots $4.98 Department, Floor First White Calfskin Buttoned Boots low price for Saturday. Stylish new with neat plain toe, enameled and walking sole. Boots CJI QQ ch half-Lou- is Saturday, the pair $7.50. " 0xeO 1 White Laced Boots $7.98 At,Women's Main Floor Laced Boots of fine quality white kid. Rounding toe, no tip,' d soles, covered heels with plate, perforated vamp Splendid OTJ QQ and lace stays. O $10.00 Boot. Special, the pair D I ch hand-turne- Women's Low Shoes Underpriced PEGGY PUMPS of patent colt. smart pointed toe last without tip. Welt soles of leather and heels. Pumps in this lot worth to. $6.00. JQ OP Specially priced, pair Made on half-Lou- is DO0J Revelation Tooth Powder at 23 Pepsodont Tooth Paste now 390 Piuto Water, large size, at 330 Bennett's, Maltoid Dog and Puppy Cakes, the box 300 Mentholatum, 2 sizes, 170, 330 Prophylactic Tooth Brushes, factory "seconds," special at only 150 Hand Scrubs, special at only 50 Waldorf Toilet Paper, 650 sheets to the roll, four rolls for only 250 Scottissue Crepe Toilet Paper, 1000 sheets to the roll, 2 for 250 Towels, size 11x15 Scottissue inches, 150 Towels to the roll special 450, or three rolls for $1.25 Waterglass for preserving eggs. Pints 200, quarts 350, gals. 850 D. & R. Cold Cream tubes 4S0 Oriental Cream, large size, $1.10 Spirits of Camphor, bottle 150 Bocabelli Castile Soap the genuine article large bar for only 850 Upjohn's Wine, Beef and Iron, full pint, guaranteed, special now 790 Baume Analgesique Beugne 500 Peroxide, 3 sizes, 100, 150, 230 Woodbury's Preparations at 220 Lavoris Mouth Wash priced special for today at 2O0v 400, 800 Jergen'fl Benzoin and Almond Lotion, priced special today at 190 Sanitol Cold Cream at only 200 Borodent a milk of magnesia dentifrice, priced at, the tube, 230 Hinds' Honey and Almond Cream priced today at only 400 and 850 Mum only 200 a deodorant Elcaya Cream and Cerate at 450 Babcock's Corylopsis Talcum 150 Boric Acid in lb. package 150 bone-shape- d, and tan Good mixtures, full styles with fancy collars. Ages 6 to 14. Women's at a special recede last heels well worth PUMPS of patent and brown vici kid. Made on long narrow h lasts with heels. d or welt soles. Large buckle. $6.50 Pumps. QA OfT Priced special, the pair DTbeOJ semi-Frenc- Hand-turne- -- Hose $4.95 Garden Department, Third Floor 50-f- t. feet inch Black Rubber Garden Q-Qf Hose, with couplings and nozzle. i&TCeaO Red Rubber 2g TT feet --inch, 'J. uutw, wiui uu&ie uuu couplings, xor 50 feet inch Moulded Black Rubber Hose, with nozzle and couplings. 50 feet 50 ft. Black in. Black Hose, inch, now J" Moulded Rubber Hose on sale at, special 50 ft. 34 in. High- - Q- - O QP 50 ft. inch, OP Pressure Blk. Hose Black Rubber Hose at DJeOtJ 50 ft. in. Cotton 50 ft. 94 inch Red Q Covered Hose now at JL7 Rubber Hose, 6 ply, at -- inch 50 feet extra quality 50 feet extra quality d cotton - covered Hose Qf Q K Hose with cou- QQ with nozzle, couplings BOeOJ plings and nozzle, for DOewI All odd lengths reduced prices. 50 -- f ly, .50 S6.29 ly . 1 1 - 1 $5.85 $7.65 -- High-pressu- re -- -- -- ly -- wlUu3 $P -- DJ-25.- i0 $4.95 -- ' cotton-covere- FUNERAL TODAY and three brothers. ?t the Multnomah Club University Club, Stanford University Club and of the Multnomah County Bar Association will attend the funeral of Kenneth Fenton, who died Thursday nipht from a fracture of the skull received when he fell from, a sleeplng--porcat his home, 1607 East Salmon street. The funeral will be held this afternoon from the rhapel of J. P. Flnley & iSon and will be in rhersre of Dr. A. A, Morrison, rector of Trinity Kplscopal Churob, Ilia aarylcas will bm at 4 Astoria Registers 196 Nonresidents. ASTORIA, Or., June 1. (Special.) Up to this afternoon 196 nonresidents of the county had registered at the County Clerk's office in compliance with the military conscription act. A few of these were commercial travelers, but the great majority were .employes of the various logging camps or on steamers. Phone your want ads to The Mali JOtfl, A SQ3S. Orego-Bia- full-fashion- ed Women's Best Toilet Soaps At 3 Cakes 25c Main Floor Richardson's Cloths size 24x2 yds. $8.65 Cloths size 24x3 yds. $10.30 Dinner Napkins in patterns to match above Cloths, doz. $8.50 Odd Napkins no cloths to match at $3.83 to $6.30 doz. n, Special Display Saturday at Center Circle Celebrated Portland Maid and Kayser makes, excellent quality tricot and Milanese in Paris efd point and fancy fects, also with contrasting stitched backs. Silver, pearl, pongee, mode, tan, navy, gray. White and black with contrasting embroidered backs are also very popular. The prices are the same as last season 60c, 85c, WHITE JAP SILKS PO 27 inches wide at, a yard OOl WHITE PONGEE (J1 QC SILK, 27 ins, yard DX.OO WHITE TUSSAH SILK, 84. inches, yard w6WU two-tone- fj( Cream Serge White Sheer Linene, yd. 220 White Nainsook, 10 yds. $1!93 Checked Dimities, a yard 320 Fine Sheer Batistes, yard 200 White Beach Suitings, yd. 180 Gabardine Skirtings 220-32- 0 Jap Nainsook, 12 yards $2.25 SPECIAL showing of new Colored Wash Goods in all the latest patterns and shades. Now is the time to make ready for Summer. Cream Storm Serge, C54 inches wide, yard at Cream Storm Serge, (J 54 inches wide, yard - pQ " QK $1.25, $1.35, $1.50. $1.65, $1.75 NEW KID GLOVES in white, black and all the newest colors. Let this store supply your needs. Department, First Floor. wlOD $15 Hats at $5.00 Sale of Mohawk Sheets QP Q- MOHAWK SHEETS in size 81x99 inches, now at Jvrx Note There are no restrictions -- 60c to $1.75 Dept., Main Floor Pearline Batiste, a yard 480 White Organdies, 350 to 9O0 Nurses' Cloth, the yard 220 Pat- tern Cloths of beautiful double, satin damask. Assorted patterns.' Cloths size 2x2 yards $6.30 Cloths size 2x2 yards $7.63 Cloths size 2x3 yards $9.00 Silk Gloves Special Lines Reduced Specially Priced Department, Second Floor special offering for Saturday. Black Milan Hemp Shiny Straws, White Milans and Leghorns, both plain band trimmed and for dressy wear. Also beautiful new white hemps. Large, medium and small Hats trimmed with flowers and fancies of various kinds. Hats for all occaFormerly priced $7.50 CET sions. up to $15.00, now on sale for Extra MOHAWK SHEETS, in Osize 81x90 inches, now at Buy all you want of these Sheets, ff 0JUtf They're Delicious Specials Basement Children s Day Have you ever tried Nikko Products? If not stop at the Candy Counter and tor ask to see these dainty confections the latest of which is Nikko Dipped Chocolates. Also Nikko. Garden Salted Peanuts, Pecans, Almonds, Raisins, Glace New shipment of Trimmed Hats just in. Dainty white models with flowers and ribbons, also black Hats latest shapes, including droop effects. Prices for these fine Hats range from 5O0 up to $1.98 CHILDREN'S Untrimmed Hats CHILDREN'S WASH HATS in Panamas, etc., 500 to $1.08 in various styles. Priced at 500 Cherries, Pineapple and Canton Ginger. Nikko Garden Products are deliciously Candy Dept., First Floor. different. I Men's and Young Men's Suits At $15, $20, $25, $35 and $40 Men's Store, Main Floor STYLE is not the only point you want to consider when buying your new suit QUALITY is also an important factor. We buy our clothes from America's beet manufacturers makers who have a world-wid- e reputation for producing dependable clothes. When you choose your new suit here you can be reasonably certain of getting what you pay for. Our showing of Men's and Young Men's Snappy Suits for Summer is now at its best 6tep in at your first opportunity and inspect them. NO ADVANCE IN PRICES $15 UP TO $40. S. & II. Green Trading Stamps Given With All Purchases. Boys' Suits at $4.45 Ages 6 to 18 Years 6$i-ocakes Oatmeal Soap, Palm and Elder Flower Soap, Brown Windsor, Honey and Glycerine Soap, made by J. B. Williams Co. Also 5& oz. tablets of Armour Soap in following odors: Corylopsis, Peroxide, Geranium, Violet and Verbena. Buy Soaps now. 3 cakes of any of the above Saturday aOC Main Floor One big lot of Boys' Suits, made up of odd lines from regular stock, priced for quick clean-u- p at $4.45 Suit. Dark browns, grays, checks and a few blue serges. Smart pinch-bac- k or plaited Norfolks with pants, patch pockets, full-linbelts. Sizes for 'boys 6 to 18 years of age. Suits formerly MJT priced much higher on sale Saturday at only OfxofabO z. ed Ql np Boys' Norfolk Suits Drink Calapoo'ya Mineral Water. Main Floor At these prices we show a splendid stock s, of boys' Norfolk Suits made up in blue serge, cheviots, tweeds, homespuns, etc Hand tailored garments with greatest care given to every detail of finish and fit. Sizes for boys from 6 to 18 years of age. cassi-mere- " form full and complete service: a rare capacity for aoeurate and losloal thouaht: a thorough j knowledse of fire hazards of the elty of Portland; a ripe experience as a firefighter gained by years of active service In the fire department of the rlty of Portland s, ready, dlroot end convincing style of statenixnt and a rare sen ef duty and responsibility that outwlghel all thought of personal risk. He was at all times true to his Ideals. During his administration of the office of fire marshal the been reduced loss annual fire has from to and the ll.8O0.000 has baen of alarms number from 1UH0 In lule to T.14 In HUH. This splsndid achievement In fire prevention Is due to his untiring and intelliaided by the complete and unIn strong language the City Council gent effort, assistance of .every member of the yesterday commended Fire Marshal Jay stinted department. The city regrets to give fire W. Stevens for his past work. Chief up, but la proud that his merits have Stevens left the fire service Thursday him been recoioilxed and his services ,are to be night after 13 years' work, to take up more amply rewarded. the task of organizing the new office of state fire marshal, after which he will Man Is War Victim. go to San Franciuco to take up the man agement of fire prevention work OTTAWA, June 1. James Smith; of throughout the Pacifio Coast. Lewiaton, Idaho, Is miBsing and is preResolutions were adopted by the City sumed to have died while fightina- - with Council yesterday, which say: the C&nndian overseas forces, it was Office WhU fire marshal Mr. Stevens brought to announced by the War Record jtuist guattt lawntieft U) r. heia, ihafc ctXAca ed . , ED 1 05.2 All Men's Hats Reduced Ml Main Floor Why pay full price for your new straw or felt Hat when you can choose from our superb stock at these savings: AH $1.75 and $2 Hats $1.50 All $3 Felts or Straws 8l2."." All $4.00 Straw Hats $2.75 All $5.00 Straw Hats $3.75 AH $6.00 Straw Hats $4.25 All $7.50 Straw Hate $5.50 Men's Underwear $4.50 to $16.50 As a beverage for table, hotel" and soda fountain use Calapoo'ya Min eral Water has no equal. Pure, clear as crystal, invigorating, refreshing, it is the prince of waters and leaves you with a happy smile. For sale in the Drug Department, Main Floor. for Members Center Circle, First Floor extra Women's fine gauge mercerized silk lisle Hose in black and white. Shown in full range of all sizes. These are worth very much more than the sale price, Saturday F Q special, the pair at only White wash Goods Reduced o"clock, with Interment Jn Rlverview Cemetery. At the opening-- of the Circuit Court FIRE MARSHAL LAUDED yesterday Presiding; Judre Kavanaugrh referred feellngrly to the death of Mr. Fenton. He be among- - the law- COTTNCHj MILTXOMAH, STANFORD, UNIVERyers who willwill adopts resolutions of assemble at the Courthouse this afternoon and proceed in a SITY CLrB MEMBERS TO ATTEND. praise jay w. stevens. body to the funeral chapel. ltoscoe C. Nelson has been designated by Judge to act .s marshal. Iliarot c. Nelson Desiamated fey Jndare Kavanaugh Merita Have Draa Repoa-nlaed- , City Mr. Fenton died Thursday night Karamuich to Act as Marshal Officials Bay, aad Servlcea Are to without regaining; consciousness. He is survived by his parents, a Be More Amply Rewarded. at the Services. widow MM 50c Pair Pieces in This Special Shipment Latest Novelties, All Shapes, All Styles, All Colors - Children's Tub Dresses Toilet Needs 98c to $13.50 &. Drugs two-pie- Lisle Hose Price Housekeepers will save considerable by taking advantage of the June White Sale prices now in force. We have immense stocks and are in a position to give our customers the best bargains going. Supply your household needs here and pay less than elsewhere. Diefi:i7 changeable, a t r ip e s V2 Specials in June Sale of Linens June White Silks and Domestics Silk Petticoats $4.49 high-clas- to y2 Silk Waists at $5.49 Special assortFloor s Waists taken ment of from our regular stock. Georgette crepe with beautiful bead embroidery, new high collars. Also many other models of crepe de chine, taffeta and nets. Good range of colors. (PJT AQk Priced special at only tDde'xi V3 Main Floor Women's Sample Neckwear Collars, Seta and Vestees in a phenomenal disposal Saturday at from to regular prices. This season's very latest novelties all styles,, all shapes and all colors also staple neckwear. Made up in Georgette crepe, pique, pongee, silk embroidered, hemstitched and tucked. Made to sell at 75c 1 up to $2 on sale Saturday for the first time at to loose-fittin- Second At Women's Yz-Pri- ce Men's $1.25 'Porosknit Union Suits with V neck, short sleeves, COl ankle length, priced now 2C Men's $1.50 Ribbed Union HKg Suits.short sleeves, ankle lgth. Men's $3 Mercerized Lisle Union Suits, short sleeves and pTf ankle length, priced now DAOvf Jt J- of the manner In which the Jefferson students emptied the building remarkable. But one minute and 11 seconds were consumed by the d students In leaving the building. judges were The particularly pleased HIGH SCHOOL MAKES RECORD IN with the deportment of the students while enraged In the drill. Besides the FIRE DRILL, visitors, those who made the Inspection and took part In the Judging were of the More Thaa ISOO'Paplla Leave Balldlma-l- Harry P. Coffin, chairman r. Commission: A. H. Averlll. J. P. Tl Soeoads .Silver Cap to Chief Powell. Chief Stevens, Battalion Chief Laudenkloa, Fire Marshal He Preseated to School. Young, B. F. lioynton. C. B. Waters, J. B. Werleln. Miss Beatrice Lash, Mrs. Arlstene Felta. Mra. W. I. Swank and Permanent possession of the silver H. E. I'lummer. city building Inspector. cup offered by the Publlo Safety Commission for excellence In fire drill was won yesterday by Jefferson High WON School. The decision was unanimous $600 SUIT QUICKLY among the judges after an Inspection of the four big high schools had been Oregon City Factory Settles With made. The cup will probably be awarded the school by Injured Employe lu Hour. Marshal Jay Stevens next Friday. Judges and three men from the New Tork board of fire underwriters V. It took Marcoa Shlnohorltln, of OreW. Smyaer. C. T. Blssll and I. tl. Clark gon City, about an hour yesterday to pi'Duyuuced the speed and. efficiency start hia personal Injury case aaiiiat JEFFERSON WINS GUP 1500-od- a Jae-sre- ex-Fi- re 11 . the Oregon City Manufacturing Company and have his Judgment confeased for the amount asked. Through a guardian. the youth brought suit for S00 for injuries received April 26. last, when his left thumb waa mangled In a cog of tho machinery at "the company's mill at Oregon City. The defendant company then filed a demurrer without argument and confessed Judgment for tho full amount sued for. The plaintiff then filed a paper showing that the Judgment of S00 had been satisfied. The entire transaction was mado during the morning. High School Barcalanrratr. SHERIDAN, Or., June 1. (Special.) The baccalaureate sermon before the student graduating class of 1917 of Sheridan High School will be given Sunday evening. June 3. In the auditorium of tho Christian Church by Rev. J. W. Jenkins, of McMinnvllle. Six young women and six young men graduate la lua cluas oC 1S17.
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