Sample Size Effects on Estimates of Population Genetic Structure: Implications for Ecological Restoration Elizabeth A. Sinclair1,2,3 and Richard J. Hobbs1 Abstract The field of ecological restoration is growing rapidly, and the sourcing of suitable seed is a major issue. Information on the population genetic structure of a species can provide valuable information to aid in defining seed collection zones. For a practical contribution from genetics, a rapid approach to delineating seed collection zones using genetic markers (amplified fragment length polymorphisms [AFLPs]) has been developed. Here, we test the effects of sampling regime on the efficacy of this method. Genetic data were collected for an outcrossing seeder, Daviesia divaricata ssp. divaricata, an important species in urban bushland restoration in Perth, Western Australia. The effect of sample size and number of AFLP markers on estimates of genetic variation and population structure was examined in relation to implications for sourcing material for restoration. Three differ- ent sample sizes were used (n ¼ 8, 15, and 30) from six urban bushland remnants. High levels of genetic diversity were observed in D. divaricata (87.4% polymorphic markers), with significant population differentiation detected among sampled populations (QB ¼ 0.1386, p < 0.001). Although sample size does not appear to affect the spatial pattern in principle co-ordinates analysis (PCA) plots, the number of polymorphic loci increased with sample size and estimates of population subdivision (FST and QB) and associated confidence intervals decreased with increasing sample size. We recommend using a minimum of 30 plants for sourcing seed for restoration projects. Introduction Fragmentation of natural habitats is increasingly one of the most important factors influencing the long-term survival of many species of plants and animals. Developing an understanding of how fragmentation affects plant and animal populations is essential to meet the pressing need for guidelines for the management of fragmented systems (Hobbs & Yates 2003). In urban areas, remnant bushland is a significant natural resource, providing natural habitat for native flora and fauna, as well as cultural, educational, and recreational opportunities for the local community. In plants, gene flow among isolated habitat remnants can be maintained through the movement of pollen and seeds by vectors such as wind, insects, birds, and small marsupials. Successful gene flow will depend largely on the ability of these vectors to move between remnants. These vectors may now be completely absent. For example, the Honey possum, Tarsipes rostratus, is an important plant pollina- tor but has disappeared from many areas of its former range in southwestern Australia (Dell & Banyard 2000). The small size and physical isolation of many remnants means they may be unable to sustain current species diversity, as well as intraspecific genetic diversity. Much of the literature on ecological restoration pertains to the choice of species to be used, but intraspecific genetic differentiation in relation to site ecology is also important, particularly when high levels of genetic differentiation are found among populations (Coates 2000). Therefore, decisions must be made in relation to the source of new genetic material required to augment existing population(s) or reintroduce a species where it has been lost. Natural gene flow is highly skewed, with most pollen and seed dispersal typically occurring only over a few meters (Sackville Hamilton 2001). The introduction of genotypes from different populations is another form of gene flow. Deciding where this material should come from has been the subject of recent debates, with well-supported theory and empirical evidence for and against the movement of genotypes (Lesica & Allendorf 1999; Keller et al. 2000; Moore 2000; Sackville Hamilton 2001; Wilkinson 2001). Collecting locally has generally been accepted as the conservative ‘‘norm’’ in the absence of any ecological and genetic data, as seen in more recent guidelines for restoration (e.g., Mortlock 2000), although it may 1 School of Environmental Science, Murdoch University, Murdoch, Western Australia 6150, Australia 2 Address correspondence to E. A. Sinclair, email 3 Botanic Gardens and Parks Authority, Fraser Avenue, West Perth, Western Australia 6005, Australia 2008 Society for Ecological Restoration International doi: 10.1111/j.1526-100X.2008.00420.x Restoration Ecology Key words: AFLP, Daviesia divaricata, population genetic structure, sampling size, urban bushland restoration. 1 Sample Sizes for Sourcing Seed not always be the best choice, e.g., when the local population is very small and has limited genetic variation. The selection of genetic material for habitat restoration needs to be defined in terms of ecological, geographic, and genetic proximity (Sackville Hamilton 2001). The large and rapidly growing restoration industry urgently requires accurate seed sourcing guidelines for a wide range of species. In the highly diverse southwest Australian floristic region (Hopper & Gioia 2004), where a large number of species require restoration activities, a rapid approach using minimal sampling and amplified fragment length polymorphism (AFLP) has been developed to collect genetic information for a large number of species (e.g., Krauss & Koch 2004; Bussell et al. 2006; Krauss & He 2006). However, such minimal sampling may not provide an accurate reflection of genetic parameters. If the sampling is inadequate, the advantages of the rapidity of the technique may be overshadowed by the potential for the collection and interpretation of such datasets leading to poor management decisions and actions, as well as poor long-term outcomes. Here, we examine the effects of sample size, using a species of interest in urban bushland restoration, in order to test and, if necessary, improve sampling strategies for estimating genetic parameters for identifying source population(s) for ecological restoration. Methods Study Area and Species Bold Park is a large (437 ha) and significant coastal bushland remnant in the western suburbs of the Perth metropolitan area (Western Australia). As part of a long-term integrated restoration project (BGPA 2000, 2006), the genetic profiles of many of the native plant species are being collected, providing genetic data to contribute information for sourcing suitable seed and green stock material for restoration. Daviesia divaricata, commonly known as the Marno, is a member of the legume family (Fabaceae). There are two currently recognized subspecies: D. divaricata ssp. lanulosa (north of Geraldton) and D. divaricata ssp. divaricata (south of Geraldton), with disjunct, nonoverlapping distributions (Fig. 1). This study focuses on populations of D. divaricata from the Perth metropolitan area because populations within this area were deemed most likely to provide suitable material for the ecological restoration of Bold Park due to their geographic proximity and similar soil type. Daviesia divaricata is an outcrossing seeder. It ranges in size from a small to large shrub approximately 3 m high, tending to do well in the deeper sandy soils, and often common in disturbed areas, such as roadside verges. The flowering season is between June and December, with pollination mostly likely performed by bees. It sets seeds that are wind dispersed but, because of their size, are unlikely to disperse far from the parent 2 Figure 1. Enlarged map of the Perth metropolitan area showing the sampling localities for this study for D. divaricata with sample sizes in parentheses. Inset: map showing the distribution of Daviesia divaricata in Western Australia (modified from FloraBase, http://florabase. plant. It is relatively common in Bold Park at present. However, the combination of low seed set, few new plants germinating since a major fire in 2000, and regular fires (10 in the past 40 years; J. Fisher 2005, UWA, personal communication) are probably contributing to a reduced soil seed bank, leading to consideration of other potential seed source populations. Sampling Fresh stem material was collected from six sampling locations within the Perth metropolitan area between July and November 2004: Bold Park (n ¼ 29), Yanchep National Park (n ¼ 31), Whitfords (n ¼ 29), Wireless Hill (n ¼ 28), Kings Park (n ¼ 30), and Yalgorup National Park (n ¼ 12) (Fig. 1). The sampling strategy was to collect from the larger populations across the Perth metropolitan area, which were more likely to provide good seed collections for restoration projects, without compromising the Restoration Ecology Sample Sizes for Sourcing Seed source population. Samples were collected widely within locations so as to maximize the genetic diversity sampled within each location. All sampling locations were in the Spearwood dune system in which sands were derived from Tamala limestone (Dell & Banyard 2000). The precise location of each plant was recorded using a global positioning system (GPS) (AGD84). All plants were mature, with the exception of several younger plants in Bold Park. between 50 and 450 base pairs with the aid of Genotyper software (Applied Biosystems). Replicate samples were run across each gel so as to permit consistent scoring of bands. Multiple extractions and PCR were also carried out to identify those bands that were not reproducible (and hence were excluded from the dataset prior to analysis). Genetic Analyses Laboratory Methods Genomic DNA was extracted from freshly collected or fresh frozen material using plant Qiagen kits (Qiagen, Inc., Doncaster, Victoria, Australia), with all plant material ground in liquid nitrogen prior to extraction. AFLP profiles (Vos et al. 1995; Mueller & Wolfenbarger 1999) were generated using the restriction enzymes PstI and MseI and associated primers as in Muluvi et al. (1999). AFLP involved three steps: (1) restriction–ligation: restriction of genomic DNA was done at 37C for 2 hours in a 20 lL volume containing approximately 250 ng of DNA, 2.5 U of Mse1 and 5.2 U Pst1, 2.0 lL NE buffer 2 (supplied with Mse1 enzyme), 2.0 lL 0.1% BSA, and DNA-free water. Next, 5 lL of a solution containing 0.5 lL T4 ligase, 0.5 lL ligation buffer (supplied with T4 ligase), and 4.0 lL Mse1/Pst1-adapter solution was added to the samples and further incubated at 20C overnight and then diluted 1/10 in TE buffer; (2) preselective polymerase chain reaction (PCR) amplification: performed in a 20 lL total volume containing 4.0 lL 5X PCR buffer containing dNTPs, 0.6 lL MgCl2 (50 mM), 0.5 lL each of Pst1 (5 lM) and Mse1 (5 lM) primer, 0.825 U Taq DNA polymerase (Fisher Biotech), 4.0 lL restricted/diluted DNA template, and DNA-free water. The PCR was performed using a GeneAmp 9700 PCR System (Applied Biosystems, Foster City, CA, U.S.A.) for 20 cycles each at 94C for 30 seconds, 56C for 2 minutes, and 72C for 2 minutes. A final extension step at 72C for 5 minutes was performed. PCR products were diluted 1/20 with TE buffer for subsequent, selective amplification; and (3) selective PCR amplification: selective PCR was done in a 10 lL total volume containing 2.0 lL 5X PCR buffer containing dNTPs, 0.3 lL MgCl2 (50 mM), 0.25 lL fluorescently labeled Pst1 primer (1 lM), 0.5 lL Mse1 primer (5 lM) (GeneWorks, Hindmarsh, South Australia, Australia), 0.25 U Taq DNA polymerase, 2.5 lL of diluted preselective PCR product, and DNA-free water. The selective PCR cycle consisted of a touchdown cycle for 13 cycles at 94C for 30 seconds, 65–53C for 30 seconds, and 72C for 1 minute, followed by 25 cycles at 94C for 30 seconds, 56C for 2 minutes, and 72C for 2 minutes, and a final extension at 72C for 2 minutes. Two primer pair combinations were used: mCTT and Pst-AC (6Fam label) and mCTT and Pst-CT (Tet label). Bands were visualized using an ABI 377 sequencer and Genescan software (Applied Biosystems) with internal size standard (GS-500 TAMRA; Applied Biosystems). The presence (1) or absence (0) of fragments was scored unambiguously Restoration Ecology The number of polymorphic bands was assessed by population and across all populations. Analysis of molecular variance (AMOVA) (Excoffier et al. 1992; Huff et al. 1993) was performed using the computer program GenAlEx 5.1 (Peakall & Smouse 2001) to partition genetic variance within and among the sampled populations. A distance matrix was generated using Huff et al. (1993) for dominant markers. We estimated population subdivision based on FST using Tools For Population Genetic Analysis (TFPGA) (Miller 1997), available at http://www., and theta-B (B), using the software Hickory available at http://darwin.eeb.uconn. edu/hickory/software.html. Hickory uses a Bayesian approach to estimate an FST analog for dominant markers, which does not assume Hardy–Weinberg proportions (Holsinger et al. 2002). Although the estimation of FST is widely used in population genetics and more powerful methods can infer much more from data (Pearse & Crandall 2004), it does provide a basic descriptor of population structure (Neigel 2002). FST (and B) estimates range from 0 to 1 (panmixia to no gene flow). Pairwise Fisher’s exact tests (Raymond & Rousset 1995) were performed using TFPGA to determine the significance of FST values. A principle co-ordinates analysis (PCA) was performed using the computer program GenAlEx to visually represent the relative degree of genetic similarity among individuals and the distinction of populations. The combination of discretely clustered populations together with high levels of population subdivision and significant pairwise exact tests will be taken as evidence for population genetic differentiation and hence determine which population(s) are genetically similar to the Bold Park population and therefore a potential seed source for ecological restoration. To address the effect of sample size on estimates of genetic diversity and population differentiation, the data were analyzed using three different sample sizes: n ¼ 8, 15, and 28–31 samples per population, with the exception of the Yalgorup population (n ¼ 12). The sample sizes selected are representative of the range of recently published datasets addressing genetic provenance issues (e.g., Wells et al. 2003; Broadhurst et al. 2006; Bussell et al. 2006). The smaller datasets were generated by randomly selecting individuals, by population, from within the complete dataset. The two primer pairs were also analyzed separately for the full set of samples to (1) see if each marker gave a similar result and (2) look at the effect of the number of markers on genetic diversity and population differentiation. 3 Sample Sizes for Sourcing Seed Results Population Structure in Daviesia divaricata One hundred and seventeen bands were scored from two primer combinations, 59 bands from mCTT/Pst-AC and 58 bands from mCTT/Pst-CT, for 159 plants from six sampled locations. There was a high overall level of variation in Daviesia divaricata, with 87.4% of all bands polymorphic (Table 1). Levels of variation within populations were considerably lower (range 43.6–60.7% polymorphic), with the lowest level detected in Bold Park. Only two bands were unique to individual populations (one each to Bold Park and Kings Park) and these were not fixed, with frequencies of 0.10 and 0.43, respectively. AMOVA partitioned the majority of genetic variation to within (82%) relative to among (18%) populations (Table 2). The primer pair mCTT/Pst-AC showed slightly higher variation within populations (86%) than mCTT/Pst-CT (79%) (AMOVA, not shown). The overall B value was 0.1386 (Table 3), with exact tests indicating significant population differentiation (p < 0.001; Table 4). FST values were higher than the B values in all cases, suggesting that non-Bayesian FST is overestimating population subdivision. Pairwise population comparisons showed that Bold Park and Yanchep populations were not significantly differentiated from each other, but were so from all other sampled populations (Table 4). The PCA showed spatial overlap between Bold Park and Yanchep (Fig. 2a, 2b, & 2d), but considerably less with other populations. A hierarchical AMOVA, based on the two clusters observed in the PCA (and significant pairwise exact tests), was highly significant (p ¼ 0.001; Table 2), accounting for 14% of the total genetic variation. Effect of Sample Size Estimates of genetic variation, as measured by the number of polymorphic bands, increased with sample size for every population (Table 1). Similar levels of genetic variation were attributed to variation within relative to among populations across all sample sizes (AMOVA, not shown). The amount of subdivision (FST, B, and confidence intervals) decreased with increasing sample size (Table 3), showing small sample sizes overestimate population subdivision. FST values were less affected by the number of markers (58/59 vs. 117) but showed that different markers will show different levels of variation. Significant differentiation among pairs of populations was not detected with the smaller sample sizes (n ¼ 8 and 15; Table 4). Significant pairwise population differentiation was detected at n ¼ 28– 31. This was mostly consistent with the complete dataset and the pairwise tests for each primer pair, suggesting that the sample size was more important than the number of markers used here (58/59 vs. 117 AFLP bands). The PCA showed a similar spatial arrangement with respect to overlap of sampling location across the size classes (Fig. 2a–c) and the whole dataset (Fig. 2d). However, the two primer pairs give different spatial arrangements (Fig. 2e–f). Table 1. Number and percentage of polymorphic loci (PPL) by population and sample size for 117 AFLP bands scored in Daviesia divaricata. n¼8 Sample Location Yanchep Whitfords Bold Park Kings Park Wireless Hill Yalgorup Total n ¼ 15 n ¼ 28–31* Complete Dataset Polymorphic Bands PPL Polymorphic Bands PPL n Polymorphic Bands PPL n Polymorphic Bands PPL 47 37 36 48 46 47 90 40.2 31.6 30.8 41.0 39.3 40.2 76.9 59 56 42 58 51 53 91 50.4 47.9 35.9 49.6 43.6 45.3 77.8 31 29 29 30 28 — 147 68 64 51 71 60 — 97 58.1 54.7 43.6 60.7 51.3 — 82.9 31 29 29 30 28 12 159 68 64 51 71 60 53 97 58.1 54.7 43.6 60.7 51.3 45.3 87.4 * Yalgorup not included due to small sample size. Table 2. AMOVA for 159 individuals of Daviesia divaricata from six populations using 117 AFLP markers. Source df SSD One region Among populations/within regions 5 269.075 Within populations 153 1,240.573 Two regions—Bold Park/Yanchep vs. all other populations Among regions 1 144.523 Among populations/regions 4 124.552 Individuals/within populations 153 1,240.573 MSD Variance Component % Total Variation p Value 53.815 8.108 1.746 8.108 82.0 0.001 144.523 31.138 8.108 1.477 0.903 8.108 14.0 9.0 77.0 0.001 0.001 0.001 Statistics include SSD, MSD, variance component estimates, percentage of the total variance (%), and the probability of obtaining a more extreme component estimate by chance alone (estimated from 999 sampling realizations). SSD, sums of squared deviations; mean squared deviations; df, degrees of freedom. 4 Restoration Ecology Sample Sizes for Sourcing Seed Table 3. Estimates for population subdivision, FST and theta-B, among all sampling locations for different sample sizes. Sample Size n¼8 n ¼ 15 n ¼ 28–31* mCTT/Pst-AC mCTT/Pst-CT Complete FST 95% CI Theta-B 95% CI 0.2709 0.2047 0.1606 0.1807 0.1636 0.1724 0.2219–0.3192 0.1603–0.2462 0.1278–0.1959 0.1229–0.2470 0.1248–0.2080 0.1372–0.2132 0.1946 0.1491 0.1335 0.1266 0.1614 0.1386 0.1454–0.2452 0.1125–0.1923 0.1076–0.1648 0.0917–0.1717 0.1226–0.2091 0.1137–0.1690 95% CIs are given. CI, confidence interval. * Yalgorup not included due to small sample size. Discussion Management Implications for Daviesia divaricata High levels of genetic diversity were detected using AFLPs, with the majority of variation being detected within populations (82%). This is consistent with high levels of variation (using allozymes) detected in two congeners Daviesia suaveolens and D. mimisoides (Young & Brown 1996). There was evidence for population structuring across the sampled locations, as supported by the FST (and B) values, significant pairwise exact tests, and PCA showing two clusters (of populations): Bold Park and Yanchep and Whitfords, Wireless Hill, Kings Park, and Yalgorup. Of the populations sampled, Yanchep was genetically the most similar to Bold Park and is recommended as the genetically most appropriate seed source population for ecological restoration in Bold Park. Genetic variation in D. divaricata in Bold Park was also lower than in the other sampled populations. Low seed production and dispersal distance, accentuated by the highly fragmented state of the urban bushland, may be responsible for some of the structure detected over what is a relatively small geographic distance for an outcrossing species. Observation of few new plants in the northern edge of Bold Park following the bushfire in 2000 suggests that there is low recruitment of plants into the population. The reproductive strategy for individual species (selfing, outcrossing, and pollen and seed dispersal vectors), size of the remnant population, and length of time the bushland fragment has been isolated are more likely to be important than introgression, inbreeding depression, and local adaptation when looking at provenance-related issues within small geographic areas, such as the Perth metropolitan area. Because data are gathered from an increasing number of species, genetic patterns may develop across species with common reproductive and/or dispersal strategies, such that in the absence of genetic data, informed management strategies can be developed. However, it is important that when genetic data are collected for species, they are adequately sampled. We encourage the integration of genetic data for restoration (and rehabilitation) programs and recommend that seed and/or green stock collecting protocols reflect those that maximize genetic variation from a source population(s). Approach to Estimating Genetic Diversity and Subsequent Seed Sourcing Analyses using different sample sizes (n ¼ 8, 15, and 28–30) showed that as sample size increased, there was an increase in genetic variation detected within sampling locations and a decrease in the amount of population subdivision and associated confidence intervals. The relative values, however, did not change, Bold Park always had the lowest and Kings Park the highest value for percentage polymorphic loci. Significant pairwise population differentiation was not detected below the n ¼ 28–31 sample size. From this, we conclude that genetic diversity will be Table 4. p Values for pairwise exact tests for population differentiation (Raymond & Rousset 1995) over all loci. Pairwise Population Comparisons Bold Park vs. Yanchep Bold Park vs. Whitfords Bold Park vs. Wireless Hill Bold Park vs. Kings Park Bold Park vs. Yalgorup Yanchep vs. Whitfords Yanchep vs. Wireless Hill Yanchep vs. Kings Park Yanchep vs. Yalgorup Whitfords vs. Wireless Hill Whitfords vs. Kings Park Whitfords vs. Yalgorup Wireless Hill vs. Kings Park Wireless Hill vs. Yalgorup Kings Park vs. Yalgorup Overall n¼8 n ¼ 15 n ¼ 28–31* Total mCTT/Pst-AC mCTT/Pst-CT 1.0000 1.0000 1.0000 0.9994 0.9993 1.0000 1.0000 1.0000 0.9999 1.0000 1.0000 1.0000 1.0000 1.0000 1.0000 0.0000 1.0000 0.5015 0.5877 0.0505 0.0000 0.9334 0.9429 0.7962 0.0204 1.0000 1.0000 0.3902 1.0000 0.9350 1.0000 0.0000 0.3554 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 — 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 — 0.9776 0.3229 — 0.9857 — — 0.0000 0.4198 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.9839 0.3359 0.0119 0.9846 0.1063 0.9993 0.0000 0.1983 0.0707 0.0001 0.0000 0.0000 0.0342 0.0129 0.0007 0.0003 0.9998 0.2527 0.0023 0.6295 0.0345 0.9444 0.0000 0.7397 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.3942 0.4082 0.2805 0.9986 0.5064 0.9984 0.0000 Results are given for different sample sizes (both loci combined) and for all individuals by primer pair. * Yalgorup not included due to small sample size. Restoration Ecology 5 Sample Sizes for Sourcing Seed Figure 2. PCA for different sample sizes: (a) n ¼ 8, (b) n ¼ 15, (c) n ¼ 28–31 plants per population, (d) complete dataset and two different primer combinations, (e) mCTT/Pst-AC, and (f) mCTT/Pst-CT. Population symbols: Bold Park ( ), Yanchep National Park (¤), Whitfords (:), Wireless Hill (d), Kings Park (h), and Yalgorup National Park (s). underestimated with small sample sizes. This may be particularly evident when samples are collected from only a small area within a sampling location. Population subdivision will be overestimated with small sample sizes and fail to obtain statistical significance for pairwise differentiation. Our results indicate that a minimum of 30 individuals per population is required to achieve good statistically supported estimates of genetic diversity and population subdivision. This result is consistent with recent simulation (Krutovskii et al. 1999; Cavers et al. 2005) and empirical studies (He submitted) using dominant markers, which also recommend larger sample sizes for better estimates of genetic diversity and detecting significant structure among populations. A total of 150 individuals for 100 polymorphic AFLP markers were necessary for detecting spatial genetic structure in a neotropical tree, Symphonia globuli- 6 fera (Cavers et al. 2005). Our results here show that the number of samples collected was more important than the number of AFLP markers scored by comparing results for the complete dataset (117 bands) with those from individual primer pairs (58 and 59 bands). However, this will depend on how variable the markers are (97/117 markers were polymorphic in D. divaricata). Interestingly, patterns of spatial separation among populations were similar across all three sample sizes, suggesting that small sample sizes may still provide a good approximation of spatial overlap among populations for identifying potential source populations. Restoration practitioners tend to focus on limited collection from local or large single populations because this is usually the most practical, cost-effective option. However, in doing so, the collected material may not be representative of the genetic diversity within the source Restoration Ecology Sample Sizes for Sourcing Seed population. Good sampling (numbers and distribution) similar to those collections made to estimate population genetic parameters here will provide better representative material, that is collecting seed (or cuttings) from a larger number of plants. We have demonstrated here that sample size was extremely important for obtaining reliable estimates of genetic variation and statistically significant population structure. So while a PCA generated from smaller sample numbers may indicate which source population(s) to use, material should be sourced from a larger number of plants to obtain more genetic diversity for introduction into the restoration site. Smulders et al. (2000) showed that despite collecting seed from 100 mother plants for a reintroduction experiment, there was still a slight loss of polymorphic AFLP bands and significant differentiation (based on an FST analog) between source and reintroduced populations observed in the first generation. Estimates of genetic diversity and population subdivision generated from small sample numbers should not be used as species estimates. The sampling strategy will be relevant to most studies being undertaken, although the specific results for D. divaricata identify the most closely related (genetically) potential source population; this pattern will be compared as further datasets are accumulated for other plant species in the Swan Coastal Plain. When selecting populations to sample and identify possible source populations for restoration activities, populations with larger plant numbers (and potentially higher genetic diversity and seed numbers) should be targeted to increase collecting efficiency and reduce the chance of negative impacts on the existing population. Although sampling was good within the focal area (Perth metropolitan area) for D. divaricata, we recognize that the sampling range was limited in relation to the total geographic distribution for this species. This type of geographically restricted sampling will not give an overall estimate of genetic variation in the species and limits the ability to detect population structure across the species range. We have focused on how to select and sample source population(s) for ecological restoration of a single site. However, this information compliments those strategies designed to conserve species in trouble across their whole range that may require ex situ conservation programs (Brown & Briggs 1991; Guerrant et al. 2004). Implications for Practice Population genetic diversity will be underestimated with small sample sizes, whereas population subdivision will be overestimated. d The spatial arrangement of populations using PCA was not affected by sample size. d A minimum sample size of 30 is recommended to make seed or green stock collections for sourcing restoration/rehabilitation sites. d The restored population should contain similar levels of genetic diversity to the source population. d Restoration Ecology Acknowledgments Thank you to R. Barrett for initial field identifications; M. Drobel, G. Zawko, N. Du Cros, and T. He for help in the field; and J. Fisher, R. Taylor, and G. Zawko for useful discussions, advice, and technical support. All plant collections were made under a valid collecting license (SW009725). This research was funded by an Australian Research Council linkage grant (LP0348958). LITERATURE CITED BGPA (Botanic Gardens Park Authority). 2000. 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