16.901 Project #1 Sample Solution 1 Background Modeling the dynamics of an airplane can be very complex. Twelve state variables are required to describe the motion: three states for position, three for velocity, three for angular orientation, and three angular rates. However, this system of twelve coupled differential equations can be simplified greatly by linearization and some assumptions. These simplifications yield two decoupled four-state systems, one describing longitudinal motion and the other describing lateral motion. The longitudinal modes can be simplified even more to give fairly accurate decoupled models of the familiar pheugoid and short-period modes. The lateral system cannot be simplified as easily to solve for the three lateral modes: Dutch roll, spiral mode, and roll mode. The Dutch roll mode is a combination of yawing and rolling oscillations. In the roll mode, the roll rate reaches steady state quickly. The spiral mode can be slightly stable or unstable. An unstable spiral mode can lead to divergence from the flight path or result in a spiral dive. These lateral modes will be the topic of the first programming project and will be the basis for most of the questions in this homework assignment. 1.1 Definition of coordinate systems and variables The motion of the aircraft is measured relative to a fixed frame; however, the properties of the aircraft are often known in a coordinate system relative to the aircraft body. Thus, the states to be determined are the the relative position, motion, angular orientation, and angular rate of the body frame. Figure 1 shows the forces (X, Y , Z), moments (L, M , N ), angular rates of rotation (p, q, r) with respect to the body axes (x b , yb , zb ). Figure 1: Definition of body coordinate system attached to the aircraft The Table 1 defines the relevant variables. The linearized equations of motion are written in terms of stability derivatives, the first derivatives of the forces and moments with respect to the states. These are generally written in subscript notation. For example, Y β ≡ ∂Y ∂β . Often stability derivatives are given in a 1 States Forces and Moments Other quantities Symbol Δβ Δp Δr Δφ Y L N Q S b W m Ix , Iz , Ixz g M0 h0 u0 Description Side-slip angle perturbation Roll rate perturbation Yaw rate perturbation Roll angle perturbation Side force (Force in y direction) Rolling moment (Moment about x axis) Yawing moment (Moment about z axis) Dynamic pressure Planform area Wingspan Weight of aircraft Mass of aircraft Momentw of inertia Gravitational acceleration Mach number altitude Initial velocity in x direction Table 1: Explanation of Variables Yβ = QSCyβ , Lβ = QSbClβ , 2 Nβ = QSbCnβ Yp = QSb 2u0 Cyp , Lp = QSb 2u0 Clp , Np = QSb2 2u0 Cnp Yr = QSb 2u0 Cyr , Lr = QSb2 2u0 Clr , Nr = QSb2 2u0 Cnr Table 2: Stability derivative non-dimensional definitions non-dimensional form, such as C yβ as the non-dimensionalized form of Y β . Specifically, the definitions in Table 2 are conventional and will be used in this homework and project. Values of the stability derivatives and dimensions for the airplanes we will study in this homework and project are given in Table 3. 1.2 Equations of motion The linearized equations of lateral motion are given in Equation (1)-(4). Equation (1) is the conservation of y-momentum. Equation (2) is the conservation of x-angular momentum. Equation (3) is the conservation of z-angular momentum. Finally, Equation (4) is the relation between the roll angle and the roll rate. Specifically, the governing equations take the following form: � � d mu0 − Yβ Δβ − Yp Δp + (mu0 − Yr ) Δr − mgΔφ = 0 (1) dt � � � � d d −Lβ Δβ + Ix − Lp Δp − Ixz + Lr Δr = 0 (2) dt dt � � � � d d −Nβ Δβ − Ixz + Np Δp + Iz − Nr Δr = 0 (3) dt dt d Δφ = Δp dt 2 (4) Quantity Cyβ Cyp Cyr Clβ Clp Clr Cnβ Cnp Cnr S b h M0 W Ix Iz Ixz Values for 747 -0.96 0 0 -0.221 -0.45 0.101 0.150 -0.121 -0.30 5500 f t 2 195.68 f t Sea level 0.25 636600 lbs 18.2 × 10 6 slug f t2 49.7 × 10 6 slug f t2 0.97 × 10 6 slug f t2 Values for F-104 -1.17 0 0 -0.175 -0.285 0.265 0.50 -0.14 -0.75 196.1 f t2 21.94 f t Sea level 0.257 16300 lbs 3549 slug f t 2 59669 slug f t 2 0 Table 3: Stability derivatives and dimensions for 747 and F-104 at sea level 2 Assignment • Implement the following six integration methods: – 1st order Adams-Bashforth (AB1). More commonly known as Forward Euler. – 2nd order Adams-Bashforth (AB2). – 1st order Adams-Moulton (AM1). More commonly known as Backward Euler. – 2nd order Adams-Moulton (AM2). More commonly known as Trapezoidal Method. – 2-stage Runge-Kutta (RK2). – 4-stage Runge-Kutta (RK4). Turn in hard copies of your algorithms with your project write-up. ® Solution: See the Matlab scripts for the different methods which were distributed with this solution on the class website. We will study the accuracy and efficiency of these 6 methods applied to the following problem: Find u(t) from t = 0s to t = 30s for the following initial condition: Δβ (0) = 0.1 rad, Δp (0) = 0, Δr (0) = 0, Δφ (0) = 0 NOTE: the final time has been shortened compared to Homework #2. • For this assignment, the measure of accuracy will be the maximum error in the sideslip angle pertur bation (at any iteration), i.e., � � � � E ≡ max �Δβˆn − Δβ(nΔt)� n where Δβˆn is the value of the sideslip angle perturbation calculated by the integration method at the n-th iteration. For both airplanes and using all integration methods, determine the accuracy for 3 Δt 1.0 0.1 0.01 0.001 AB1 1.23e+1 3.89e-2 2.86e-3 2.78e-4 AB2 1.09e-0 1.60e-3 1.59e-5 1.60e-7 AM1 6.20e-2 2.04e-2 2.68e-3 2.76e-4 AM2 2.93e-2 3.20e-4 3.20e-6 3.20e-8 RK2 7.95e-2 6.40e-4 6.40e-6 6.40e-8 RK4 1.44e-3 1.49e-7 1.49e-11 3.77e-13 Table 4: Accuracy convergence study for Boeing 747 Δt 1.0 0.1 0.01 0.001 AB1 4.04e+9 3.11e+2 5.72e-1 4.26e-2 AB2 1.55e+13 8.57e-1 7.76e-3 7.75e-5 AM1 6.23e-1 6.59e-1 3.07e-1 4.00e-2 AM2 7.22e-1 1.52e-1 1.55e-3 1.55e-5 RK2 2.66e+10 3.21e-1 3.10e-3 3.10e-5 RK4 6.23e-1 6.71e-4 6.70e-8 2.57e-11 Table 5: Accuracy convergence study for F-104 timesteps of Δt = 0.001, 0.01, 0.1, and 1.0 seconds. For both aircraft, please discuss which methods exhibit their predicted global order of accuracy as the timestep decreases? Explain your answer. Solution: The results of the accuracy study are given in Tables 4 and 5. For a method with order of accuracy, p, the error E will be bounded by a quantity which is O(Δt p ). Thus, for two different timesteps Δt1 and Δt2 , we would expect the ratio of the errors to be, � �p E(Δt2 ) Δt2 = . (5) Δt1 E(Δt1 ) For the accuracy study performed, the ratio of timesteps is 1/10, thus, we expect the ratio of the errors to be (1/10)p . But, it is important to remember that this error ratio will only be observed in the limit of small enough Δt since the accuracy estimate is based on a Taylor series analysis which is only valid for small Δt. We begin looking at the Forward Euler results (AB1) for the Boeing 747 in Table 4. AB1 is a first-order accurate method (p = 1), therefore, we expect the error to reduce by a factor of 10. For the largest timestep, Δt = 1.0 seconds, we note that the error is quite large. In fact, based on the analysis from Homework #2, we expect Forward Euler to be unstable for a Δt > 0.1 seconds. Thus, at the largest timestep, Forward Euler is unstable and we expect the answer to be highly inaccurate as the error will increase at every iteration. In decreasing the timestep from Δt = 1 to Δt = 0.1, the error is decreased by a factor greater than 10, which is most likely a direct reflection that the largest timestep was unstable and therefore the error was large. The error reduction from Δt = 0.1 to 0.01 is quite close to 10, and even more so for the finest timestep. Thus, AB1 is achieving the asymptotic rate by the finest timesteps. As another example, we consider the AM2 results for the Boeing 747. In this case, the method is p = 2 order-accurate and we expect decrease of 100 in the error. This is clearly observed in the AM2 results contained in Table 4. The effect of the finite precision of the computer can also be observed in the RK4 algorithm. In this case, the accuracy is fourth-order accurate and we expect the error to reduce by a factor of 10 4 . This reduction is clearly observed for all but the finest timestep. In decreasing the timestep from 0.01 to 0.001, the error reduces by only a factor of about 40. Because the computer has only a finite precision, eventually the accuracy cannot be improved by lowering the timestep. Clearly, though, the solution is quite accurate at this point. The results for the F-104 are quite similar in general to the Boeing 747 results. However, the overall accuracy is decreased. Also, the AB1 and AM1 results never quite achieve asymptotic behavior. This 4 WU AB1 1.00 AB2 1.14 AM1 1.05 AM2 1.98 RK2 1.88 RK4 4.45 Table 6: Work Units for a single iteration of each integration method. slight decrease in accuracy is a reflection of the unstable physical system which causes the solution to have larger amplitudes and hence larger errors than in the stable Boeing 747 simulations. • In order to compare the work involved in these methods, we need a single ’currency’ which is relatively independent of the particular computer, network, version of software compiler, etc. We will use the computational time required to run a single iteration of the Forward Euler method (AB1) as our Work Unit (WU). To find the WU’s for an iteration of the other methods, run each of them for a few hundred iterations and calculate the average time required for a single iteration. MAKE SURE TO DO THIS ON THE SAME COMPUTER, IMMEDIATELY AFTER EACH OTHER to reduce the possibility of ® varying conditions affecting the timings. In Matlab, the command to use to find the current time is ® called cputime (look up this command in the Matlab help to see its usage). Then, normalize these timings by the Forward Euler timings to calculate the WU for an iteration of each method. Report the WU for an iteration of each method in a table such as Table 6. Note: refer to the discussion in the sample solution to Homework #2 to see what the expected behavior should be. If you get something very different from the discussion in that sample solution, you probably have a bug or have not implemented your method efficiently. Solution: All of the implicit methods were implemented by inverting any matrices once-and-for-all prior to beginning the iteration loop. This was possible because the system being solved is linear with a constant matrix A. As a result, the costs of the different algorithms would be largely a function of the number of matrix-vector multiplications required per iteration. For AB1, AB2, and AM1, only a single matrix-vector is required at any given iteration. Note, AB2 does not require 2 matrix-vector multiplies in my implementation because the forcing function at n − 1 can be stored and not re-calculated. AM2 requires a matrix-vector multiply for both the implicit and explicit parts of the operator. Finally, each Runge-Kutta method requires a matrix-vector multiply at every stage. The Work Units reflect this implementation and are shown in Table 6. Note: to better understand this discussion, it may be useful ® to look at the implementation in the Matlab scripts. • Based on the results in the tables for the accuracy study and the known computational work costs of each algorithm, estimate the amount of work required (i.e. in terms of WU) for each method to achieve an accuracy of 0.0001 radians for β for each airplane (you might use a table like Table 7. Try to explain the WU results based on your understanding of the methods and their accuracy and stability. Which method would you recommend for efficiently solving these aircraft lateral dynamics equations? Solution: To estimate the work required to achieve a fixed accuracy, we need to interpolate the accuracy results from the previous results. To do this, we will assume that all of the methods have achieved their asymptotic order and then extrapolate from the nearest error level which was just greater than the 0.0001 requirement. For example, let’s consider the RK2 method for the Boeing 747 results. As can be observed from Table 4, the RK2 accuracy for a Δt = 0.1 is E = 6.4 × 10 −4 . We can solve for the Δt to achieve the desired accuracy by re-arranging Equation (5), � E(Δt2 ) Δt2 = E(Δt1 ) �1/p Δt1 . So, setting Δt1 = 0.1 seconds, E(Δt1 ) = 6.4 × 10 −4 , E(Δt2 ) = 1 × 10−4 , and p = 2, we find that Δt2 = 0.0395 seconds. Then, to find the work required, we calculate the number of iterations required 5 Aircraft 747 F-104 AB1 8.34 × 10 4 1.28 × 10 7 AB2 1.37 × 10 3 3.01 × 10 4 AM1 8.69 × 10 4 1.26 × 10 7 AM2 1.06 × 10 3 2.34 × 10 4 RK2 1.43 × 10 3 3.14 × 10 4 RK4 2.60 × 10 2 2.15 × 10 3 Table 7: Work Unit requirements to achieve an accuracy of 0.0001 rads for the sideslip angle. and multiply by the work units per iteration for the method. Thus, for this RK2 example, we find that W URK2:747 = T 30 W URK2 = 1.88W U = 1427W U Δt 0.0395 The results for the other methods and both aircraft are given in Table 7. As can be observed from the results in Table 7, the RK4 method is approximately an order of magnitude less work than any of the other methods, and therefore is the clear choice for efficient integration of the aircraft lateral dynamics. The reason for this is clearly the higher order accuracy of the method, with only a slight increase in the work over the other methods. The results would be even more in favor of RK4 is higher accuracy were required. MATLAB® is a trademark of The MathWorks, Inc. 6
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