DISTRICT HEATING IN STATKRAFT 14.03.2012 Morten Fossum 1. Scope and target 2. 3. District heating District heating in Statkraft STATKRAFT Europe’s largest on renewable power production More than 100 years history in hydro power About 60 TWh power production About 1 TWh heat production 100% owned by the state (NHD) More than 3000 employees in over 20 countries Pa ge 3 Statkraft Varme AS – a part of Statkraft STATKRAFT Main office Offices Hydro-, gas-, wind power and district heating Baltic cabel side 4 STAKRAFT 2008 STRATEGIC focus areas European flexible generation and market operations International hydropower Wind power District heating Small scale hydro power Page 5 DISTRICT HEATING Ambition: Strengthen our position as one of the two largest district heating players in Norway and develop existing assets in Sweden. Our starting point: Total generation of 920 GWh of heating and cooling, of which 560 GWh is generated in Norway. Strategic rationale: Market attractiveness due to expected growth within waste- and bio-fuelled district heating in Norway. Value creation due to competence in district heating. Growth target 1,340 GWh within 2017 Page 6 KEY INITIATIVES: DISTRICT HEATING Page 7 Maintain high standards in O&M Maintain operations with high regularity combined with cost efficient maintenance Growth through expansion projects Expansion projects in connection with existing installations in both Norway and Sweden Growth opportunities in new concession areas in Norway Realise growth opportunities in new concession areas in Norway through development and acquisitions R&D activities Engage in R&D activities to further optimise the energy mix, reduce costs and improve carbon footprint 1. Scope and target 2. 3. District heating District heating in Statkraft DISTRICT HEATING – WHAT IS IT ABOUT? Heating plant DH grid Costumer unit PRINCIPLES OF DISTRICT HEATING Return water to heating plant. Temperature range 45 – 75 C Heating plant Heating of circulating water by combution of waste, biomass, biogas , fossil oil or gas or by electricity. Circulation pump Customers Supply of energy according to demand Forward water to customer. Temperature range 80 – 120 C BUSINESS PRINCIPLES (1) - The economic basis: The economic basis for building and operating a district heating system is that the total cost for district heating must compete with the customer alternative energy cost which normally is the price for electric power and/or oil. District heating delivers energy services to a free marked in competition with other energy sources. ILLUSTRATION BUSINESS PRINCIPLES (2) Positive margin OPEX Sale of heat CAPEX Costs Investments Operation and maintenance Fuel costs Administration 12 Income Volume Price Costumers alternative Local el price (power + grid cost) VALUE CHAIN Potential Planning Project development Build out Contractor Own and manage Added value Technical solutions Cost effective operation and maitenance Price and availability of fuel Price to costumer Framework conditions Own and manage Purchase of energy Production Purchase of energy Distribution Opertion and maintenance concept Maintenance Sale of energy Sale of energy Target Maximise added value within the different parts of the value chain annd at the same time take care of the totality and the added value in the value chain in total. 1. Scope and target 2. 3. District heating District heating in Statkraft STARTED IN TRONDHEIM IN 1982 DISTRICT HEATING IN TRONDHEIM 600 GWh heat, 12 GWh cooling 11 heating plants, 200 km distribution grid Base load production Waste Biomass Landfill gas/biogas Heat pump Sum 70 MW 9 MW 3 MW 1 MW 83 MW Peak load production El. boilers Oil Natural gas (LNG) Propane gas (LPG) Sum 85 MW 50 MW 30 MW 50 MW 215 MW District Heating in Trondheim WtE WtE Bio gas Waste heat Bio Heat pump El. Boiler LNG LPG Oil 650 600 550 500 450 400 350 300 250 200 150 100 50 2011 2009 2007 2005 2003 2001 1999 1997 1995 1993 1991 1989 1987 1985 0 1983 GWh District Heating in Trondheim - 2011 WtE Bio gas Heat pump Bio El. Boiler LNG LPG Oil GWh 80 70 60 50 40 30 20 10 0 Jan Feb MarchApril May June July Aug Sept Oct Nov Dec FUELMIX 4% 9% 0% Avfall 6% Bio 1% 43 % Biogass/bioolje/VP Spillvarme El.kjeler Gass 37 % Olje Waste and bio most important energy sources Target is 90% renewable energy WASTE Avfall levert til Hemdal Varmesentral (tonn/år) 200 000 175 000 150 000 125 000 100 000 75 000 50 000 25 000 2008 2006 2004 2002 2000 1998 1996 1994 1992 1990 1988 1986 0 WASTE QUALITY CONTROL (1) WASTE QUALITY CONTROL (2) STORAGE OF WASTE UTILISATION OF ENERGY FROM WASTE 2002 - 2011 100 % 91 % 87 % 90 % 83 % 80 % 73 % 82 % 84 % 80 % 83 % 77 % 76 % 70 % 60 % 50 % 40 % 30 % 20 % 10 % 0% 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 UTILISATION OF ENERGY FROM WASTE PR. MONTH 2011 120 99,9 100 98,5 96,4 88,25 84,1 80 76,2 78,9 66,8 61,8 58,14 60 54,9 45,6 40 20 0 JAN FEB MARS APRIL MAI JUNI JULI AUGUST SEPT OKT NOV DES 40 MW 750oC 160oC WASTE TO ENERGY 65 - 120oC 8 11 12 10 19 9 3 15 tonn/h 1 7 850oC 4 16 13 5 14 6 2 65oC 18 15 17 Flue gas residues 1 Waste reception Slag 8 Hot water boiler 15 Primary air system 2 Waste bunker 9 Reactor 16 Flue gas recirculation 3 Waste crane 10 Bag-house filter 17 Slag expeller 4 Waste hopper 11 By-pass duct 18 Slag conveyor 5 Ram feeder 12 Economiser 19 Fly ash silo 6 Combustion grate 13 Scrubber 7 Secondary chamber 14 Flue gas fan BIO BIOMASS TO ENERGY + 5 SWEDISH PLANTS IN 2008 STATKRAFT VÄRME Production 2010: Åmål Trosa & Vagnhärad Alingsås Kungsbacka sid 30 417 GWh Sites: 5 stk Plants: 9 stk + HARSTAD, ÅS, OG NEW CAPACITY IN 2009 - 2011 + BIO VARME + ??? = OVER 1,4 TWh in 2017 Development projects app. 1 000 GWh Narvik Bodø Finnmark Molde +++ SELECTED ACTIVITIES Connection of new customers/y Harstad 25 – 30 GWh, 17 km new pipeline 2011 New production activity Harstad; 80 – 90 GWh, 200 MNOK Ås; 60 GWh, 200 MNOK Expansion of production capacity Åmål, 16 MW olje, 8 MW bio, 40 MSEK Trosa; 6 MW bio, 10 MW olje, 60 MSEK Kungsbacka, 25 MW olje, 11 MSEK Conversion to bio oil Increased renewable production and EBIT 34 Trosa 100 MW NEW CAPASITY IN TRONDHEIM 50 MW grunnlast og 50 MW topplast/effektreserve Grunnlast: 50 MW biobrensel med mulig el.produksjon Topplast/effektreserve: 25 MW trepulver (basert på pellets/briketter) og 25 MW gass R&D ACTIVITIES Harstad CENBIO National center for R&D with focus on biomass and bio energy KRAV Biomass CHP (small to medium sized units) ECOCITY Energy efficiency in district heating systems (EU support) FoU program ”Energy from Biomass” Objectives Reduce risks and costs in Statkraft’s district heating systems Reduce carbon footprint by decreased share of fossil fuel in Statkraft’s district heating systems Increase Statkraft’s ability to take positions in power and/or heat production from bio energy. 36 PUBLIC ACCEPTANCE 37
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