The Euro-Debt Crisis: Effects on the US Market and the

The Euro-Debt Crisis: Effects on the US Market and the
Global Economy
American Fraternal Alliance
18 April 2012
Paul Skinner, Investment Director
Wellington Management International Ltd
Wellington Management Company, LLP
Sovereign Debt: A Global Issue
2007 & 2011 Fiscal Deficit, % of GDP
Sources: IMF, European Commission, Wellington Management
For Investment Professional Use only. Not for Distribution or Use with the General Public.
Europe Is a Union of Very Different Countries…
Government Debt % GDP
…Fundamentally Different
R2 = 0.75282
Sources: EuroStat, Bloomberg
But the Financial System Is Already Integrated
Total Bank Exposure to the Peripheral Countries
93% of French GDP
57% of German GDP
41% of French GDP
19% of German GDP
And Needs To Deleverage
Financial Sector Debt as % of GDP
European Sovereign Debt Crisis
The Long Unwinding Road
What To Watch
Reduce level of debt, servicing burden
II. Reform
Eliminate deficits
III. Growth
Reconcile public, private sector debt
IV. Fiscal Integration
Coordinated policies
I. Liquidity
ECB Is Engaging
Base Money Is Expanding
Post-latest round of QE
Source: National Central Banks
As of 31 January 2012
I. Liquidity
…Helping the Weakest
Use of ECB’s LTRO Facilities
Source: ECB
As of December 2011
II. Reform
…For Countries To Become More Competitive
Real Effective Exchange Rate Based on Unit Labour Costs
Source: Eurostat
As of 31 January 2012
III. Growth
Weaker Cycle Leads to Even More Austerity
The Change in the Fiscal Stance for 2012 (Fiscal Tightening in Government Budgets)
Source: National Finance Ministries
As of 31 January 2012
III. Growth
European Austerity Is Counter Cyclical
Source: Eurostat
As of 31 January 2012
III. Growth
Germany Is Increasingly Dependent on Global Growth
Source: German Statistics Office
As of 31 January 2012
III. Growth
Deleveraging Means Less Credit
Source: French Central Bank
As of 31 January 2012
III. Growth
Uncertainty Leads to Lack of Demand
ECB Bank Lending Survey
Source: ECB
As of 31 January 2012
IV. The Road to Fiscal Union
Stability &
Growth Pact
Bonds Up
to 60% Debt
European Sovereign Debt Crisis
Four Key Issues To Watch
Buys time
To become competitive
Buys time and sustainability
Fiscal Union
Resolves missing pillar of EMU
US Fixed Income Portfolio Perspective
Current Market Outlook
• Global deleveraging slowing, offset from public sector stimulus now fading
• US fiscal drag and European crisis remains key downside risk
• Financial system stresses remain
• Volatility to remain elevated as markets intermittently engage with the
potential efficacy of the policy response and the factors necessitating
their adoption
• Global growth slowing yet signs of stabilization appearing
• Leading indicators are mixed
• Cyclical volatility to continue – uncertainty over global growth and inflation
European Sovereign Debt
The New Spread Sector?
10-Yr Spread to Germany
33% Yield
Source: Bloomberg as of 31 January 2012
European Sovereign Debt
Attractive Relative Yield
10-Yr Yields – Eurozone and US
Source: Bloomberg as of 31 January 2012
US Insurance Asset Management
Current Positioning
Total Duration
Benchmark (CTD)
Position (CTD)
Benchmark (CTD)
Position (CTD)
Current Portfolio Themes
• Modest pro-cyclical risk posture
• Build liquidity to take advantage of attractive yield opportunities
• Expect opportunities to buy secondary market positions in high quality paper from European banks
• Looking for opportunity to increase Agency MBS funded by CMBS
• European situation may provide opportunity to short duration posture
• Volcker Rule starting to impact corporate liquidity
European Sovereign Debt Crisis
A Precarious Route that Presents Opportunity
Wellington Management Biography
Richard M. Coffman
Business Development Manager
Rich is responsible for developing customized investment programs to meet the needs of
insurance organizations of all types.
Prior to joining Wellington Management in 1996, Rich was an institutional marketing and
sales manager with Voyageur Asset Management (1993 – 1996). He was also a portfolio
manager with Norwest Investments and Trust (1989 – 1993), and a national ban examiner
with the US Treasury’s Office of the Comptroller of the Currency (1984 – 1989).
Richard received a BA in economics, cum laude, from Boston College (1983).
Phone: (617) 951-5311
Wellington Management Biography
Andrew L. Paone, CFA
Relationship Manager
As a relationship manager on Wellington Management’s Financial Reserves Management
Team, Andrew helps deepen the relationship and consultative partnership with clients,
serving as a conduit for clients to ensure that the full range of resources and services
of the firm are brought to bear on their behalf. Andrew is responsible for assisting clients
with long-term investment strategy and policy issues, evaluating portfolio risks and
performance, and ensuring portfolios are in compliance with policy guidelines and
He meets with clients on a regular basis and works with other members of the firm to
ensure that the delivery of investment, reporting, and operational services are individually
tailored and exceed client expectations.
Before joining Wellington Management in 2003, Andrew worked as a sales associate at
Credit Suisse in their Private Client Services Group.
Andrew received his BA from Fordham University (1999). He also holds the Chartered
Financial Analyst designation.
Phone: (617) 951-5898
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As of January 2012
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As of January 2012