Fremstilling av nanokarbon og hydrogenrik gass fra naturgass Presentasjon for Gasskonferansen i Bergen den 24. mai 2012 Kontakt: Arne Godal, daglig leder, mobil 913 09 214 carbontech Novel use of natural gas Air to O2 and N2 O2 Air N2 CH4 H2 Carbon industry C Carbon products Ammonia NH3 Electricity Reduced emission of CO2 carbontech Concept basis for Carbontech • Natural gas contains ¾ carbon and ¼ hydrogen. • At app 3 000 degrees the hydrogen is released from the carbon. • Automatic quenching controls the growth of carbon particulates. • A combined plant for the production of carbon and energy will have good profitability and reduced emissions. • High quality carbon black is the business driver in the concept. • A pilot plant was earlier operated with good results. • A new prototype plant is being built and tested, and the first industrial plant is so far planned for Høyanger. carbontech Company structure Carbontech Holding AS 100% Carbontech AS 100% Hydrotech Energy AS carbontech Owners (since August 2011) • • • • Høyangerfondet Siv ing A Godal AS Sparebanken Vest Hexagon Composites ASA • Total 207/27,27% 195/25,69% 187/24,64% 170/22,40% 759/100% carbontech The Carbontech prosess In the Carbontech process preheated natural gas reacts with a small amount of oxygen. A chemical process then splits the natural gas into carbon and hydrogen gas. The process can be described as: CH4 + aO2 bC + 2bH2 + cCH4 + dCO + eCO2 + ... + This process makes it possible to convert more than 80% (b≥0.8) of the natural gas to Carbon Black and Hydrogen. carbontech Patented rights ”Decarbonisation of hydrocarbons” • • • • • UK Patent Appln. Nos.: 9809974.0/9904578.3 PCT: GB99/01433 Norway (PCT): 20005609. Granted. USA (PCT): 09/674661. Granted august 2006 Europe (PCT): 99920990.1. Granted 12.11.2003 and validated in GB, AT, BE, CY, DK, FI, FR, DE, GR, IE, IT, LU, MC, NL, PT, ES, SE, CH/LI carbontech Assembly of insert carbontech Red hot reactor after conversion experiment carbontech Emptying of experimental filter carbontech Samples of nanocarbon carbontech SEM - image of nanocarbon carbontech Prototype plant at Kollsnes carbontech First production unit 30 GWh heat 20 MSm3 natural gas Cogeneration 30 GWh el H2 15 MSm3 Carbon plant 5000 Tonne C Investment: 200 MNOK, NPV: 400 MNOK, IRR: 35%, Project start up 2013/2014. carbontech Profitability for first production plant, 5000 tons/year carbontech Current CTH development projects 1. Nanocarbon (2006 - 2012): Nanomat sponsored by NFR: Development of material properties and applications of produced carbon. Partner University in Bergen, IFT. 2. Process technology (2007 - 2009): HC-split sponsored by NFR. Upscale and verification of process. 3. Optimization and carbon/hydrogen utilization: (2009 - 2011) 4. Feasibility study for IN of technology and business for commercial exploitation (2008 - 2010). 5. Carbatt Collaboration with NFR, Sintef and others to develop electric car battery from nanocarbon (2009 - 2012). carbontech Mulighets-studie Carbonfabrikk i Høyanger. • Utført av: Carbontech, Norconsult Førde og Ernst & Young • Støttet av: Innovasjon Norge - Sogn og Fjordane • Status: Ferdigstilt 2010. Hensikt: Beskrivelse, dimensjonering og beregning av en karbonfabrikk i Høyanger med kapasitet på 5000 tonn karbon i årlig primærproduksjon. Dessuten lønnsomhetstudie og sensivitetsberegning. carbontech Mulighets-studie Carbonfabrikk i Høyanger • Gassforsyning fra eksisterende gasstankanlegg. • Produksjon 5000 tonn karbon pr år. • Levere strøm til BKK alternativt til Hydro ca. 30 GWh/år. • Potensiell fjernvarme, ca. 30 GWh/år. carbontech Mulighets-studie Carbonfabrikk i Høyanger. Situasjonsplan Høyanger carbontech carbontech carbontech Mulighets-studie Carbonfabrikk i Høyanger. Plassering på Leira Modell av bygg carbontech carbontech carbontech carbontech carbontech carbontech carbontech carbontech carbontech carbontech carbontech carbontech carbontech carbontech carbontech Kontakt: Carbontech Holding AS c/o Høyanger Næringsutvikling AS, Storgata 1, 6993 Høyanger & Conrad Mohrs vei 9C, 5068 Bergen, Norway Tel.: (+47) 913 09 214 /E-mail: Arne Godal Erik Espeset daglig leder styreleder carbontech
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