Avoiding Compound Losses and Assuring Safe Operation in

Avoiding Compound Losses and Assuring Safe Operation in
Automated High-Throughput Sample Purification
T. Piecha, W. Niedner, F. Arnold*, Dionex Softron GmbH, Munich, Germany
* Author to whom correspondence should be addressed. E-mail address: frank.arnold@softron.de
Automated high-throughput sample purification has become a powerful
tool for the delivery of pure compounds for biological activity screening in the pharmaceutical discovery process. With the large number of
samples delivered by combinatorial chemistry, modern autopurification
systems often have to work fully automated and unattended for 24 hours
a day. In this operation mode, several security aspects have to be considered to meet industrial safety requirements. The potential loss of samples
in case of unexpected system disturbances is an additional concern.
Safety Features for Operators and
The Safety System Platform not only enables optimal storage and
organization of all system components and supplies, but also provides
a number of sophisticated design elements for safe operation. Both
surface levels of the platform are divided into three individual sections,
each containing several drain channels. This design restricts the area of
solvent pools in case of spillages reducing a liquid’s evaporation rate.
During the development of a new purification system, we paid particular
attention to safety and reliability aspects. It was our goal to prevent
sample losses or hazardous conditions with advanced diagnostic and
safety functions. This presentation describes the diagnostics and safety
functions implemented in our APS Autopurification Systems. They
include a system platform with ventilated eluent and waste cupboards,
a fume hood, and a leak detection system; sensors for waste and eluent
level monitoring; a computer-failure detection system; monitoring of
several pressure limits and of proper operation of the flow splitting and
detection systems; and several system wellness functions built into the
instruments. These functions allow safe, smooth, and reliable unattended system operation over long time periods. They increase system
uptime and reduce cost of operation.
Preparative high performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) applications apply to the production of compounds in the µg to g range.
Contrary to analytical HPLC, these methods require high solvent flow
rates ranging from 10 mL/min up to several hundred mL/min. The
large amounts of pumped solvents imply a much higher risk potential
for operators and instruments in case of system disturbances. Today,
legislation and industry set high standards regarding work and environmental safety. In order to prevent hazardous conditions in the laboratory,
reliable and immediate safety actions have to be performed to protect
users and instruments.
Figure 1. The two-leveled Safety System Platform provides optimized
arrangement of all modules for maximum performance and safety.
The spillways (Figure 2) on the surface guide liquids quickly and safely
to the waste container via drainholes (Figure 3).
Another important consideration is the safety of the handled samples.
Quite often the raw products to be purified are the result of a laborious process that required large amounts of expensive labor time and
chemicals. For this reason, a purification system must not lose or waste
samples if any interference occurs.
PITTCON 2006 Presentation
PITTCON 2006 Presentation
Eluent Level Sensors
Separated Sections
Drain Channels
Figure 2. Spillways of platform surface sections.
Ventilation Orifice
Grounded Floor
Drain Hole
Figure 4. Grounded and ventilated solvent cabinet.
Drainage System
Figure 3. Drainhole and drainage system of Safety System Platform.
Figure 5. Rear view of solvent cabinet with ventilation.
Below the instrument levels, the platform holds two cabinets for the storage of eluent and waste casks (Figure 4). Grounding of the cupboards
prevents spark formation caused by electrostatic discharge. The solvent
compartments consist of flame resistant material and can be connected
to a ventilation system (Figure 5).
A fume hood (Figures 1 and 6) is specially designed to remove larger
amounts of toxic vapors quickly without compromising sample and
system accessibility. It covers the Sample and Fraction Manager (SFM™)
and hence the area where larger amounts of open solvents are regularly
present. This further enhances the comprehensive passive safety features
of the APS.
Avoiding Compound Losses and Assuring Safe Operation in Automated High-Throughput Sample Purification
Figure 8. Waste level sensor with specialized adapter.
Figure 6. Fume hood providing toxic vapor removal and all around system access.
The main active safety element of the purification system is the Safety
and Solvent Monitor (SSM). This independent device monitors the
eluent levels, the waste level, and provides leakage and computer failure
detection (Figure 7).
In case of a computer failure, the software loses control of the system
and the pumps might continue pumping until they run out of eluent.
The SSM’s computer failure detection recognizes communication errors
between hardware and software and is able to automatically shut down
the complete system.
The individual modules that make up an APS system, such as the
UltiMate™ 3000 pumps, the UltiMate 3000 UV detectors, and the Sample
and Fraction Manager (SFM), offer numerous wellness functionalities
that allow continuous status monitoring of critical wear parts and detect
small problems long before they become big problems. The following
list provides an overview of the most important wellness features:
UltiMate 3000 Pump Series
Figure 7. Safety and Solvent Monitoring Module SSM.
The SSM’s solvent-level sensor alerts the software if an eluent shortage occurs and enables Chromeleon® to stop the batch. This prevents
damage to the instrumentation due to the system running out of eluents.
Overfilling the waste container is prohibited by a reliable resonating
sensor. The system detects the waste level reaching its maximum in
time to finish the current run. A uniquely designed adapter for the waste
containers allows the use of the very same sensor also for leakage
detection. In case of a spillage the sensor requires only a few mL of
liquid to send a signal to the system control software, thus triggering
immediate action (Figure 8).
• Patented piston-seal monitoring detects piston-seal aging
• Active rear-seal wash system extends the lifetime of pistons and
piston seals
• Programmable upper and lower pressure limits prevent instrument
damage as warnings prevent the instrument from extreme operating
• A leak sensor detects leakages and warns operators of module damage
• A self-test procedure upon pump start checks for module integrity
and prevents an operator from using a defective device
• Acoustic signals warn operators of malfunctions
PITTCON 2006 Presentation
UltiMate 3000 Variable Wavelength and Photo Diode
Array Detectors
• Counters for the number of lamp ignitions, the lamp intensity, and the
lamp age provide updates regarding detector performance
• Counters detect the cumulated operation time of the detector optics
and of the installed flow cell
• Leak sensors detect leakages and warn operators of module damage
SFM Sample and Fraction Manager
• Counters for injection valves and syringe plungers monitor the workload put on these wear parts
• Unique anti-collision management assures safe operation of the
analytical and preparative arm at the same time
• In case of a system failure, the SFM can put back a previously drawn
sample from the syringe into the respective vial. There is no need for
manual interference and no danger of cross contamination during the
recovery of a sample from a syringe
• Programmable acoustic signals provide information about system
actions even if the user is not actively observing the system
Safety Features for Sample Handling
In addition to the active and passive security features for the protection
of operators and instrumentation, we have developed additional elements to avoid the loss of precious samples.
The APS series offers fraction collection from crude sample mixtures
either in manual or automatic mode. Although there are sophisticated
safety features and software controls, it is still possible to lose a sample
if, for example, a user chooses improper fraction collection thresholds.
An operator can utilize a manual switching valve (Figure 9) to direct the
effluent after the fraction collector into a separate beaker instead of into
the waste container. In case of an unexpected malfunction the user can
still recover valuable samples from this extra container.
Manual Switching Valve
Figure 9. Manual Switching Valve for saving effluent from going into waste.
The intelligent reaction to hazardous conditions with flexible software
programming is an exceptionally powerful tool and a perfect completion of the hardware related safety and wellness features. Chromeleon
enables the definition of “triggers” that perform user defined commands
as soon as certain conditions become true. The instrument method
editor provides a convenient dialog for the creation of triggers. A trigger
example is shown in Figure 10.
Figure 10. Trigger example in Chromeleon. This trigger switches a valve into position 1 as soon as the signal value of the UV channel 1 exceeds 200 mAU for 2 s.
Avoiding Compound Losses and Assuring Safe Operation in Automated High-Throughput Sample Purification
With the help of triggers, it is possible to flexibly respond to requirements not already covered by the features described above.
The following list provides an overview of additional sample protection features we implemented in the APS Autopurification series using
• Additional upper and lower pressure limits as an early-warning system. If the system reaches these limits it can still complete a sample
run and does not lose the sample by immediate pump shutdown
• Recognition of disturbances in splitter, injection, and detection system. If Chromeleon detects no peaks meeting the collection criteria
in several consecutive runs, an alert results and the batch can be
stopped automatically
• Monitoring of available fraction tubes. Prior to the start of a purification run, Chromeleon checks if enough fraction collection capacity
Due to the flexible and unlimited use of Chromeleon triggers, users can
develop even more solutions for their individual requirements.
Time-stamped audit trails record all trigger executions and system
actions making system monitoring and troubleshooting easy.
Prior to the start of a batch, the Chromeleon Ready Check verifies if
it is actually possible to perform automated batch processing. Within
a couple of seconds, the software checks critical parameters such as
device communication, required files, disk memory, and estimated eluent consumption. This procedure ensures that all instruments, methods,
and resources are available and operating correctly, thus avoiding
sample loss because of user or instrument errors.
Unattended and automated operation of preparative purification systems
is a common task in the pharmaceutical, chemical, and biochemical
industries today. Compared to analytical HPLC, the safety and reliability requirements of preparative applications are even more demanding because users have to handle considerable amounts of toxic and
flammable chemicals. For preparative systems, it is crucial to protect
operators, samples, and instrumentation from hazardous conditions.
In order to fulfill these requirements, we implemented the following
features during the development of the APS Autopurification Systems:
• Proper module arrangement and accessibility for optimum system
performance and maintenance
• Intelligent solvent handling, quick management of solvent spillages,
and rapid removal of flammable and toxic vapors to avoid instrument
damage and health risks
• Prevention of electrostatic discharges to reduce explosion hazards
• Continuous status monitoring of critical wear parts to avoid unexpected disturbances and to allow scheduled maintenance
• Flexible and scaleable software containing freely programmable
triggers for maximum automation and operator convenience
The Dionex APS Autopurification Systems, with the single point
Chromeleon control, provide preparative chromatographers with a turnkey solution for safe and reliable unattended operation of their complex
purification tasks.
SFM and UltiMate are trademarks and Chromeleon is a registered trademark
of Dionex Corporation.
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PITTCON 2006 Presentation
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