Fully Automated Sample Preparation Methods for High Throughput Transcriptome Analysis by Arrays and NGS Joe Don Heath and Wieland Keilholz, NuGEN Technologies, Inc., San Carlos, CA 94070 A B S T RACT ME TH O D S and MATE RIA L S NuGEN® Technologies is a provider of innovative sample preparation solutions for genomic assays. NuGEN offers a wide palette of systems optimized for a variety of nucleic acid sample types such as whole blood RNA, small quantity RNA/DNA and highly degraded RNA and DNA, i.e. from FFPE specimens. Powered by SPIA® (Single Primer Isothermal Amplification) technology, these systems allow rapid linear amplification of input RNA from samples as small as a single cell and generate microgram amounts of cDNA sufficient for analysis by qPCR, microarray, or sequencing. Reagent modules to further prepare the SPIA product for subsequent analyses on microarrays or massive parallel sequencing complement NuGEN’s amplification systems. NuGEN cDNA targets are compatible with all leading microarray formats and NGS platforms. RNA samples were obtained from different sources: Hyb-ready cDNA targets for Affymetrix HG-U133 Plus 2.0 Expression Arrays were generated using the Encore Biotin Module. • UHR (Stratagene) is a mixture of total RNA extracted from 10 different human cell lines. Automation of sample preparation workflow not only increases sample throughput, it also minimizes variability introduced by manual handling during the assay. NuGEN’s Ovation® and Encore™ lines of sample preparation assays were developed and designed intentionally to be amenable to automated workflow strategies. A number of NuGEN’s genomic assays have been successfully automated on a variety of liquid handling robotics platforms (Caliper, Hamilton and Beckman) and are in daily use in many laboratories around the world. The assays are scripted in a modular form allowing highest flexibility with regard to both the number of samples processed at a time as well as integration into the laboratory workflow. Starting from total RNA, the entire process through target preparation for downstream analysis on microarrays or sequencing platforms can be completed within two convenient workdays. • Human Brain Reference RNA (Ambion) is pooled from multiple donors and several brain regions. 1) The Hamilton MicroLab STAR liquid handling system. This system is equipped with a 96 probe head, an eight channel device for independent pipetting of up to 1 mL per channel, the iSWAP robotic hand and a Multiflex cooling module. • FFPE sample type 1 is a mixture of RNA extracted from lung tumor tissue embedded in FFPE blocks. The automated Ovation RNA-Seq assay and Encore NGS Multiplex Library System for generating sequence-ready libraries are available for this robot from NuGEN in a modular form that allows both assays to run independently. Access to both FFPE sample types was arranged through a collaborator. Figure 1 shows a schematic overview of the whole transcript amplification chemistry applied in both the Ovation RNA-Seq and the WT-Ovation FFPE RNA Amplification System. While there are substantial differences between the assay types, the underlying basic concept remains the same. Briefly, total RNA is converted into ds-cDNA which has a unique RNA/DNA heteroduplex tag segment incorporated at one end. The SPIA amplification step uses an additional chimeric primer, DNA polymerase and RNAse H in an isothermal reaction. This leads to the rapid accumulation of amplified cDNA. In case the analytical platform requires double-stranded cDNA, the single-stranded SPIA products can be easily converted by the postSPIA modification step. 2) The GCAS is a special configuration of a Caliper Sciclone robot, integrated with a Twister II. It is equipped with an ondeck thermal cycler, a 96 High Volume Head, an eight channel device for individual pipetting (Z8), a Gripper unit and Peltier cooling element. The automated WT-Ovation FFPE RNA Amplification System and the Encore Biotin Module for generating targets from FFPE total RNA for analysis on Affymetrix arrays are available on this robot. Again, the modular form allows both assays to run independently. BG 3/5 Ratio GAPDH % Present CV% Number Replicates UHR 4.76 29.70 1.28 68.09 3.5 11* Brain 7.51 28.41 1.57 65.73 2.3 3 FFPE Sample Type 1 55.17 26.00 2.70 32.06 9.6 11 FFPE Sample Type 2 16.7 27.67 3.82 44.39 1.6 12 FFPE Sample Type 2 14.86 28.01 3.28 46.25 1.3 12 FFPE Sample Type 2 25.67 27.11 3.55 38.47 2.6 12 Sample Type Table 1: Average performance metrics of different sample types on Affymetrix HG-U133 Plus 2.0 arrays. FFPE type 2 samples were processed on two robotic runs with 6 replicates each. A strong correlation can be observed between scaling factor, average %P and the associated CV% across the replicates. * 11 replicates of UHR through 3 different robotic runs This study describes the results of automating two different sample preparation strategies: 1) The Ovation® RNA-Seq System and Encore™ NGS Multiplex System I on the Hamilton STAR liquid handling robotic platform. The Ovation RNA-Seq System is designed for preparing amplified cDNA from as little as 500 picograms total RNA for transcriptome sequencing applications. The method does not require an up-front ribosomal RNA reduction step, thereby reducing the number and time of hands-on manipulation steps and therefore the potential for introducing additional bias or degradation of the transcriptome. SF (TGT = 500) The described assays were automated on two different robotics platforms: • FFPE samples type 2 are sarcoma samples from 9 individual FFPE blocks. I N T RODUCTION Table 1 Illumina sequencing libraries are generated using NuGEN’s Encore NGS Library system. Ovation RNA-Seq System WT-Ovation FFPE RNA Amplification System Encore NGS Multiplex Library Prep Module Encore Biotin Module Fig. 8 150 80 2) The WT-Ovation FFPE RNA Amplification System and Encore Biotin Module is specifically targeted for preparing and labeling amplified cDNA from total RNA derived from archival formalin-fixed paraffin-embedded (FFPE) tissues. As little as 50 ng of highly degraded RNA are processed to yield a hyb cocktail ready for analysis on microarrays. TTTT First Strand cDNA RT Determine number of samples Set up deck (and prepare master mixes) NNNNNN NNNNNN AAAA TTTT RT cDNA Primer (DNA/RNA, random, poly-T) SPIA Primer (DNA/RNA) STEP 2: Second Strand cDNA Synthesis RT Pol DNA Polymerase Reverse Transcriptase H RNAseH STEP 3: SPIA Amplification Primer annealing 65° - 2’ 4° - hold 2nd strand incubation 4° - 1’ 25° - 10’ 50° - 30’ 80° - 20’ 4° - hold 3 µL Add first strand master mix, mix (TV = 10 µL) 1st strand incubation 4° - 1’ 25° - 10’ 42° - 10’ 70° - 15’ 4° - hold 32 µL Add RNAClean XP beads, mix (TV = 52 µL) Transfer to magnetic plate Determine number of samples and adaptors for multiplexing 2 µL Transfer A1 primer to PCR plate, mix (TV = 7 µL) 10 µL Add second strand master mix, mix (TV = 20 µL) Set up deck (and prepare master mixes) Start 14 µL 400 ng fragmented DNA in PCR plate (~29 ng/µL) Wash beads 3X with 200 µL 70% EtOH Remove sup to waste (30 µL) Wash beads 2X with 200 µL 70% EtOH Air dry 15–20’ Air dry 5’ SPIA incubation 4° - 1’ 47° - 60’ 95° - 5’ 4° - hold Transfer to magnetic plate, incubate 5 minutes to clear all beads Transfer 35 µL cleared supernatant to new PCR plate 5 µL Add E1 Primer mix, mix (TV = 40 µL) Mod I incubation 98° - 3’ 4° - hold 10 µL Add 10 µL Post-SPI Mod II master mix, mix Mod II incubation 4° - 1’ 30° - 10’ 42° - 15’ 75° - 10’ 4° - hold Add 10 µL Ligation Master Mix, mix gently and slowly (TV=25 µL) Ligation 25° - 20’ 4° - hold Library amplification 72°- 2’ 5x (94° - 30’’, 55° - 30’’, 72° - 1’) 10x (94° - 30’’, 63° - 30’’, 72° - 1’) 72° - 5’ 10° - hold 30 µL Add 1X TE, mix (TV = 30 µL) Wash beads 2X with 200 µL 70% EtOH RT - 5’ Transfer to magnetic plate Add 33 µL 1X TE to beads, mix to resuspend Clear - 2’ Air dry 2’ Seal and store or quantitate cDNA and normalize for library prep SPIA Primer Add 24 µL nuclease-free water to beads, mix to resuspend Remove sup to waste Transfer to magnetic plate Pol DNA Polymerase Add 24 µL RNAClean XP beads, mix (TV = 44 µL) End repair RT - 30’ 4° - hold Remove sup to waste 30 + 10 µL Add SPIA master mix (30 µL) and SPIA enzyme (10 µL), mix (TV = 40 µL) RT - 10’ Pol Pol Pol RT - 5’ RT - 10’ 90 µL Add RNAClean XP beads, mix (TV = 140 µL) H RNAseH Linear Amplification 5 µL RNA (500 pg–10 ng) in PCR plate Start Pol DNA Polymerase Double-stranded cDNA Add 6 µL End Repair master mix to PCR plate, mix (TV=20 µL) Remove cleared supernatant containing cDNA to a new plate Incubate Fig. 5 RT - 10’ Transfer to magnetic plate Clear - 5’ Add 72 µL Amplification master mix to fresh PCR plate (TV=72 µL) Add 80 µL RNAClean XP beads, mix (TV = 160 µL) Carefully remove 30 µL to fresh PCR plate Transfer to magnetic plate -117 Transfer 10 µL to fresh PCR plate Add 5 µL Adaptor Mix, mix (TV = 15 µL) -140 -190 -151 -113 -75 -37 PC #1 21.8% 0 38 Add 8 µL ligation product to Amplification master mix in PCR plate, mix (TV=80 µL) Remove sup to waste (140 µL) Wash beads 2X with 200 µL 70% EtOH Air dry 5’ Figure 5: User Interface of the automated WT-Ovation FFPE RNA Amplification Protocol on GCAS. Clear instructions supported by a graphical deck layout help to minimize user-introduced errors. Setting up a run for the Encore Biotin Module follows the same concept. Continue with qualitative and quantitative assessment of library Transfer to magnetic plate Fig. 3 Fig. 6 500 15 10 300 Figure 3: cDNA yields generated from different input amounts of model RNAs UHR and Brain. Each bar represents the average of 4 technical replicates. These data demonstrate that even 50 pg of total RNA generate sufficient SPIA Product for library preparation as the Encore NGS Multiplex Library Prep Module requires only 200 ng of double-stranded cDNA as input. 5 ng UHR 30 20 20 10 0 Figure 1: Schematic overview of the WT-Ovation RNA Amplification Process. After generation of the amplified single stranded cDNA (SPIA Product), additional reagent modules ensure compatibility with the analytical method of choice. For details, see the Materials and Methods section. 200 1000 4000 UHR RIN = 8.0 25 [FU] 10 0 200 1000 4000 200 1000 4000 [nt] FFPE RIN = 1.0 500 pg Brain 20 2 200 1000 2 Ty p e 2 FF PE Ty p e 2 PE FF FF PE Ty p e 1 Ty p 5 4 4000 Increased throughput: A single robot can easily process three plates (288 samples) per week through the entire workflow. 2 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 55 60 65 sec 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 55 60 65 sec 6 5 4 2 [nt] Figure 4: Bioanalyzer traces of the SPIA product after amplification by the automated RNA-Seq assay (Agilent RNA Nano Chip). 0 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 55 60 65 sec 2 0 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 55 60 65 sec CONCLUSIONS NuGEN has automated strategies for sample preparation on different robotics platforms. 0 0 0 10 25 e 1 FF PE Ty p PE FF 0 ng Br e ai n ai Br 10 ng ng n Hybridization Target [nt] 0 25 SPIA Product 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 55 60 65 sec 30 20 0 4 0 10 [nt] 5 ng Brain 30 [FU] Massive Parallel Sequencing Total RNA 0 25 Expression Arrays Fig. 7 [FU] Encore NGS Library Prep Module 30 Array QC metrices demonstrate the correlation between sample type and array performance as can be shown e.g. by the %P value. A very low coefficient of variation is observed over technical replicates, even between different runs. This again demonstrates the robustness and reliability of both, the liquid handling system and the assay. The individuality of different samples from the same biological type but different individuals is clearly shown by a PCA plot. 6 500 pg UHR [FU] Post-SPIA Modification [FU] Encore Biotin Module Fig. 4 10 Figure 6: cDNA yields generated from different sample types and input amounts. Depending on the sample type, each bar represents the average of 7 (model RNA) to 13 (FFPE type 1) replicates. In all cases, the amount of SPIA product generated was sufficient to allow for hybridization on Affymetrix expression arrays. 50 pg UHR [FU] 50 pg Brain [FU] 0.5 ng UHR [FU] 0.5 ng Brain [FU] 5 ng UHR [FU] 5 ng Brain 50 R UH ng 50 Pol 0 This study demonstrates that sufficient SPIA product is generated from as little as 50 ng of highly degraded RNA extracted from FFPE specimens. The amplified SPIA product reflects the grade of RNA degradation, however, the fragmented and labeled hybridization target shows a size distribution independent of the input material and hence underlines the robustness of the fragmentation reaction as such. 0 100 SPIA Product 2) In addition to other protocols, the automated WT-Ovation FFPE RNA Amplification System and the Encore Biotin Module is currently available on the GCAS, a liquid handling system based on Caliper‘s Sciclone. The user interface guides the user through the initial deck layout hence minimizing the risk of user-introduced errors. 5 200 Primer Extension by DNA Polymerase Figure 8: PCA plot of 9 different FFPE blocks in replicates. Samples are color coded and numbered according to their origin and replicates represent different slices and hence different RNA extractions from the same block. Sample 1 (red), 7 (brown) and 9 (grey) were processed in triplicates per slice and applied in two different robotic runs yielding a total of 12 replicates for each of these blocks. The size distribution of the double-stranded cDNA looks as expected and even 50 pg of good quality total RNA give sufficient yield to allow library production. R µg cDNA 400 Primer Extension by Strand Displacement DNA Synthesis 76 104 After preparation of master mixes and an initial deck layout, the robot performs all reagent addition and mixing steps as well as the necessary cleanups. Little user intervention is required for transportation of the plate to an off-deck thermal cycler. UH H RNAseH 1 1) The automated Ovation RNA-Seq and Encore NGS Multiplex Library Prep Module are currently in development and will soon become available on two different robotics platforms, namely the Hamilton Microlab STAR and the Caliper Sciclone NGS. This study shows preliminary data from a robotics run on the Hamilton STAR. 25 600 Pol PC #3 7.77% R ESULTS RT - 5’ µg cDNA RNAseH Cleavage to Free Primer Hybridization Site 8 -95 Clear - 5’ Figure 2: Schematic overview of the RNA-Seq FFPE System workflow (left) and the Encore NGS Multiplex Library Prep Module (right) automated on the Hamilton STAR. Pol Pol 2 -51 20 Pol 9 -73 SPIA Product Reverse Transcriptase 4 6 DNA RT 3 -30 RNA STEP 1: First Strand cDNA Synthesis -83 -110 -7 Fig. 2 NNNNNN -60 -37 5 14 CALIPER GCAS NNNNNN 72 -5 36 Fig. 1 AAAA 98 58 HAMILTON MICROLAB STAR Total RNA 124 20 46 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 55 60 65 sec Figure 7: Typical Bioanalyzer traces. The average fragment size of SPIA product is 500 for UHR and below 200 for FFPE reflecting the degraded input RNA. cDNA target is fragmented to 50–70 bp for both sample types regardless of the SPIA product length. Increased flexibility: Any number from eight to 96 RNA samples can be processed from total RNA through to either sequence- or hybridizationready targets in one and a half working days. The modular design allows for the convenient separation of the amplification and the labeling or library preparation part of the workflow. For increased throughput and flexibility in sequencing, libraries may be barcoded with sixteen non-ambiguous multiplex adaptors. Increased sensitivity: Challenging RNA samples, such as clinical samples derived by LCM, cell-sorting, FNA or archived FFPE material can be processed for RNA-Seq transcriptome, Microarray and qPCR analysis. Increased reliability: The high quality liquid handling systems as well as the robust assay performance introduce a reduced level of noise. This is reflected by a high concordance of technical replicates as well as a clear separation of biologically related but distinct sample types. © 2011, NuGEN Technologies Inc. The Ovation® System family of products and methods is covered by U.S. Patent Nos. 6,692,918, 6,251,639, 6,946,251 and 7,354,717, and other issued and pending patents in the US and other countries. NuGEN, Ovation, SPIA, RiboSPIA, WT-Ovation, FL-Ovation, Encore, Applause and Imagine More From Less are trademarks or registered trademarks of NuGEN Technologies, Inc. Other marks appearing in these materials are marks of their respective owners. www.nugeninc.com
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