SAMPLE Published Search Number 70 Long Fibre Reinforced Thermoplastics January 2008 - July 2009 Rien van den Hondel iSmithers Please note: The Polymer Library is updated with hundreds of new records every two weeks and each Published Search is only compiled when an order is placed, ensuring that any new records matching your search criteria are included. This is a sample Published Search containing a limited number of abstracts; there are just 44 records in this file, whereas full Published Searches contain around 300 records. It is intended to give an idea of the layout and type of information you will receive, rather than volume. This sample contains references to ‘Long Fibre Reinforced Thermoplastics’ which may not match your chosen title. Table of Contents Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 References from the Smithers Rapra Polymer Library . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 Subject Heading . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14 Name Index (including Trade Names) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20 Polymer Library Document Delivery Service . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22 Published Searches . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24 Request Form for a Customised Search . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28 1 Introduction Published Searches are bibliographies produced by online literature searches in the Polymer Library database. The Polymer Library covers technical, commercial and economic information for the Rubber and Plastics Industry. The database contains nearly 1,000,000 references (with abstracts) to journal articles, conference proceedings, reports, Company brochures, books etc., collected since 1972. Some patents were covered for periods during these years, but completely stopped in 2002. Each fortnight approximately 1000 new references are added to the database. The SUBJECT INDEX gives an alphabetical listing of index terms. The NAME INDEX provides an alphabetical index to authors, companies, affiliations and trade names. Any suggestions for improvement and/or future titles will be gratefully received. Rien van den Hondel Source Title Organisational Source Item 503 Adhasion 33,No.9,Sept.1989,p.38-43 German Language (unless in English) REVIEW OF PATENT AND OTHER LITERATURE ON POLYURETHANE ADHESIVES 1984-1988. PART I. STARTING MATERIALS AND RECIPES Kujawa-Penczek B;Penczek P Author(s) PRONIT PLASTICS FACTORY; WARSAW,INSTITUTE OF INDUSTRIAL CHEMISTRY 214 references to polyurethane adhesives are reviewed. Sectionscovermethodsofpreparation,hotmeltadhesives, moisture-curing adhesives, UV-curing adhesives, polyurethane-acrylate adhesives, fillers for adhesives, aqueous dispersions of adhesives, anaerobic adhesives, adhesivescontainingencapsulatedadditives,crosslinking materials and catalysts, use of silanes, novel starting materialsandtheinfluenceofdifferentfactorsonadhesive properties. 214 refs. POLAND; WEST GERMANY; WORLD; EASTERN EUROPE Abstract Location Copyquest order no.385041 2 3 References and Abstracts References from the Smithers Rapra Polymer Library Item 1 Extrusion 15, No.1, 2009, p.36-37 German; English Editor(s): SAMPE Covina, Ca., SAMPE International Business Office, 2008, Paper 1037, pp.7, CD-ROM, ISBN 978-1-934551-04-02, 012 PROCESSING AND CHARACTERIZATION OF THIN-WALLED LONG FIBER REINFORCED THERMOPLASTIC (LFT) COMPOSITES . Extruder Expert Systems' Nexxus-F, a new system for Haibin Ning; Pillay S; Vaidya U; Andrews J B production of LFT pellets based on continuous fibre Alabama,University at Birmingham rovings, is briefly described. The system can be adapted to single-andtwin-screwextrudersandfibrelengthandfibre Thin-walled long fibre - reinforced thermoplastic (LFT) length distribution are precisely adjustable with control of (carbon fibre- reinforced polyarylamide shells) that the system. The system is suitable for use with polymers possessed enhanced rigidity and strength compared with such as PP, PETP, polyamide-6,6 and ABS and with fibres glassreinforcementweremanufacturedandanalysed.The such as glass, carbon, aramid and natural fibres. extrusion-compression moulding process was used to ExperimentaldataonthemechanicalpropertiesofNexxus produce1.8mmto2mmthickLFTcompositeshells.Fibre content and microstructure were investigated at different LFT are included. locationsofthethin-walledshellsandtheresultsindicated EUROPEAN COMMUNITY; EUROPEAN UNION; GERMANY; good consolidation and uniform fibre flow during WESTERN EUROPE processing. Potential applications of thin-walled LFT Copyquest order no. 1039593 technologyareconsideredinareaswherelightweight,high Item 2 stiffness and strength are required in parts of relatively SAMPE Fall Technical Conference: Multifunctional complex geometry, yet producible cost-effectively with Materials: Working Smarter Together. Proceedings of short (less than 2 min) cycle times. 17 refs. a conference held Memphis, Tn., 8-11 Sept., 2008 USA Editor(s): SAMPE Covina, Ca., SAMPE International Copyquest order no. 1038818 Business Office, 2008, Paper 1040, pp.8, CD-ROM, ISBN 978-1-934551-04-02, 012 Item 4 DAMPING BEHAVIOR OF LONG FIBER High Performance Plastics Jan.2009, p.4 ISSN: 0264REINFORCED THERMOPLASTIC (LFT) 7753 COMPOSITES . PP LONG FIBRE THERMOPLASTIC FOR Goel A; Chawla K K; Vaidya U K AUTOMOTIVE INDUSTRY. Pennsylvania,State University; Alabama,University at Minnesota, USA-based RTPCo. has commercialised a PP Birmingham long-fibrethermoplasticconcentrate,designedespecially ThedampingbehaviourofLFT(21vol%E-glassfibre/PP) to meet demanding automotive specifications, it is in flexural mode was studied. It was observed that the LFT announcedinthisconcisearticle.Briefdetailsarepresented beams in which the majority of fibres were oriented in the ofthebeneficialpropertiesofthenewLFTmaterial,whichis transverse direction showed more damping than the LFT known as “199 X 118012". beams in which the fibres were mostly oriented in the USA longitudinal direction. When the fibres were oriented transversely,thedampingbehaviourofLFTwasdominated Copyquest order no. 1038770 by the matrix and hence transverse LFTs showed higher Item 5 damping as compared with the longitudinal LFT beams in Iranian Journal of Polymer Science and Technology which the fibres were oriented longitudinally and the 21, No.6, Feb.-March 2009, p.477-493 ISSN: 1016damping behaviour was dominated by fibres which 3255 restricted the vibratory motion of the beam under flexural Persian loading.ThedampingbehaviourofLFTwithcastironand RESIDUAL STRESSES IN THERMOPLASTIC unreinforced PPwas compared and it was found that LFTs COMPOSITES : A REVIEW. spannedarangeintermediatebetweentheunreinforcedPP Shokrieh M M; Dinachali S S (Iran,University of and cast iron. 9 refs. Science & Technology) REVOLUTION FOR LONG - FIBER THERMOPLASTICS (LFT). Zimmerman D (Extruder Experts Systems) USA Copyquest order no. 1038821 Item 3 SAMPE Fall Technical Conference: Multifunctional Materials: Working Smarter Together. Proceedings of a conference held Memphis, Tn., 8-11 Sept., 2008 ã2009 Smithers Rapra Technology Ltd. A review is presented research into residual stress in thermoplastics and short and long fibre reinforced thermoplastics . The effect of residual stress on the composites is discussed and experimental techniques for measuring residual stresses are studied. Methods for reducing residual stress are also covered. 92 refs. 4 References and Abstracts IRAN Copyquest order no. 1038713 Item 6 Composites Technology 15, No.1, Feb.2009, p.24-25 ISSN: 1083-4117 NAIA SHOW HIGHLIGHTS. Brosius D Despitetheglobalslumpinautosalesandongoingfinancial crisis, the 2009 North American International Auto Show, held in January in Detroit, once again served as the leading showcaseforproductionandconceptvehicleintroductions from domestic and international OEMs. The Automotive Composites Alliance sharpened its message about how composites can make hybrid vehicles lighter, thereby extendingtheirrange.AOCdemonstratedextensionsofits ToughClassAresintechnologyintolower-densityexterior SMCpanels.StandardTCApanelshaveaspecificgravityof 1.9, but new formulations that replace heavy calcium carbonate filler with hollow glass microspheres or higher resin content can achieve a specific gravity of 1.3, offering masssavingsofupto50%versussteel.Newapplicationsfor composites in mass-production vehicles on display included long fibre - reinforced thermoplastic front-end modules for the 2010 Ford Taurus and Ford Fusion. experimental stress-strain results obtained for long-glassfibre/PP specimens. 37 refs. USA Copyquest order no. 1037970 Item 8 International Polymer Processing 24, No.1, March 2009, p.17-22 ISSN: 0930-777X CODEN: IPPREJ INJECTION MOLDING OF LONG FIBER REINFORCED THERMOPLASTIC COMPOSITES . Kumar K S; Patel V; Tyagi A; Bhatnagar N; Ghosh A K (Indian Institute of Technology) NORTH AMERICA Injection moulding of extruded pellets of long glass fibrereinforced polypropylene (PP) and polyamide-6 thermoplasticcompositeswasinvestigatedunderdifferent processing conditions including fibre content, pellet size, screw speed and injection pressure, and the products were characterised by tensile, flexural and impact testing. Fibre lengthdistributionswereanalysedusingaprofileprojector andimageanalysissoftware,andtheeffectsoffibrecontent, fibre length, pellet size and the addition of maleic anhydride-grafted polypropylene to improve interfacial adhesion between glass fibres and PP on mechanical properties of the injection moulded composites are discussed. 22 refs. Copyquest order no. 1038296 INDIA Item 7 Journal of Composite Materials 43, No.3, Feb.2009, p.217-246 ISSN: 0021-9983 CODEN: JCOMBI PREDICTION OF THE ELASTIC-PLASTIC STRESS/STRAIN RESPONSE FOR INJECTION-MOLDED LONG - FIBER THERMOPLASTICS . Nguyen B N; Bapanapalli S K; Kunc V; Phelps J H; Tucker C L (Pacific Northwest National Laboratory; Oak Ridge National Laboratory; Illinois,University) Copyquest order no. 1037577 Item 9 Plastics Technology 54, No.12, Dec.2008, p.23 ISSN: 0032-1257 CODEN: PLTEAB OPTIONS EXPAND IN LFT'S. Two small items of news relating to long - fibre thermoplastics(LFTs)arereportedinthisveryshortarticle. Firstly, that “Stamax” long - fibre PP pellets will now be availableintheUSAfromSABICInnovativePlastics,and secondly, that PlastiComp LLC of the USAhas adapted its A model was proposed to predict the elastic-plastic LFT technology to high-temperature resins such as PPS, response of injection-moulded long - fibre thermoplastics PES, PEI and PEEK. (LFTs).Themodelaccountedforelasticfibresembeddedin EUROPE-GENERAL; NORTH AMERICA; USA a thermoplastic resin that exhibited elastic-plastic behaviour obeying the Ramberg-Osgood relation and J-2 Copyquest order no. 1037227 deformationtheoryofplasticity.Italsoaccountedforfibre Item 10 length and orientation distributions in the composite SAMPE Fall Technical Conference: Multifunctional formedbytheinjectionmouldingprocess.Fibreorientation Materials: Working Smarter Together. Proceedings of was predicted using an anisotropic rotary diffusion model a conference held Memphis, Tn., 8-11 Sept., 2008 recently developed for LFTs. An incremental procedure Editor(s): SAMPE Covina, Ca., SAMPE International usingEshelby'sequivalentinclusionmethodandtheMori- Business Office, 2008, Paper 30, pp.15, CD-ROM, Tanaka assumption was applied to compute the overall ISBN 978-1-934551-04-02, 012 stressincrementresultingfromanoverallstrainincrement AN INTEGRATED APPROACH LINKING foranaligned-fibrecompositethatcontainedthesamefibre PROCESS TO STRUCTURAL MODELLING volume fraction and length distribution as the actual WITH MICROSTRUCTURAL composite.Theincrementalresponseofthelatterwasthen CHARACTERIZATION FOR INJECTIONobtainedfromthesolutionforthealigned-fibrecomposite MOLDED LONG - FIBER THERMOPLASTIC by averaging overall fibre orientations. Failure during . incremental loading was predicted using the Van Hattum- Nguyen B N; Bapanapalli S K; Smith M T; Kunc V; Bernado model that was adapted to the composite elastic- Frame B J; Norris R E; Phelps J H; Tucker C L; plastic behaviour. The model was validated against the Xiaoshi Jin; Jin Wang ã2009 Smithers Rapra Technology Ltd. 5 References and Abstracts Pacific Northwest National Laboratory; Oak Ridge National Laboratory; Illinois University at UrbanaChampaign; Moldflow Ithaca The application of a new fibre orientation model (ARDRSCmodel)developedbyPhelpsandTuckerforlongfibre thermoplastics is demonstrated. This model is implemented in a research version of the Moldflow processing packages and used in the injection moulding simulation of a long glass fibre/PP ISO-plaque. Fibre orientation distribution results from the simulation are mappedintoanABAQUSfiniteelementmeshforstructural analysis employing an elastic-plastic and strength predictionmodeldevelopedbyNguyenetal.Predictionsof failurelocationsareshowntoagreewellwithexperimental findingsandconfirmtheimportanceofthefibreorientation effectontheoverallresponseandoccurrenceoffracture.14 refs. USA Copyquest order no. 1036247 Item 11 SAMPE Fall Technical Conference: Multifunctional Materials: Working Smarter Together. Proceedings of a conference held Memphis, Tn., 8-11 Sept., 2008 Editor(s): SAMPE Covina, Ca., SAMPE International Business Office, 2008, Paper 27, pp.15, CD-ROM, ISBN 978-1-934551-04-02, 012 MATERIALS AND PROCESSES FOR A STRUCTURAL COMPOSITE UNDERBODY. Berger L; Banks E; Wlosinski R General Motors; Polywheels Manufacturing Ltd.; USCAR profile extrusion, sheet extrusion, pipe extrusion in-line compounding for injection moulding and long fibre thermoplastic granules. EUROPEAN COMMUNITY; EUROPEAN UNION; ITALY; WESTERN EUROPE Copyquest order no. 1032969 Item 13 Journal of Plastics Technology No.4, 2008, pp.21 ISSN: 1864-2217 German TEXTILE GRIDS FOR LONG FIBER REINFORCED THERMOPLASTIC COMPOSITES MADE BY INJECTION MOLDING. Cherif C; Franzke G; Hufnagl E; Hufenbach W; Boehm R; Kupfer R (Dresden,Technische Universitat) The fabrication of a bus seat from preconsolidated, long fibre reinforced thermoplastics by injection moulding is described. The technique employed is suitable for producing lightweight composites for automotive, machine and plant construction. 30 refs. EUROPEAN COMMUNITY; EUROPEAN UNION; GERMANY; WESTERN EUROPE Copyquest order no. 1032930 Item 14 JEC Composites No.45, Nov.-Dec.2008, p.35-39 ISSN: 0754-0876 SMART FORTWO TAILGATE: THE FIRST HIGH-VOLUME APPLICATION OF E-LFT TECHNOLOGY. Ruegg A; Ziegler S; Jaggi D; Stotzner N (Esoro AG; A report is presented on the preliminary design of an Weber Automotive GmbH) underbody for a large rear-wheel-drive vehicle, materials Thehigh-volumeproductionofthetailgatestructureofthe selectiontherefore,processingfeasibility,costestimation, new Smart Fortwo automobile using a unidirectional moulding trials and material testing. The material and endless glass-fibre- reinforced long - fibre thermoplastics process systems evaluated are long fibre injection, design which features a completely visible grained, polyamide direct long fibre thermoplastic and sheet moulded-in-colour surface, is reported. The fabrication moulding compound and the system selected is a process combines long fibres with complex multi-layered compression moulded SMC using vinyl ester resin with inserts of unidirectional continuous fibres in a one-step glass fibre fabric as the predominant reinforcement . The process, and the structural rigidity, crashworthiness and underbody design has been developed to replace the costsarecomparedwithprevioustailgatedesignsbasedon benchmark steel assembly. 2 refs. alternative materials. 6 refs. USA Copyquest order no. 1036244 Item 12 Extrusion 14, No.6, 2008, p.60/64 English; German MATERIAL PREPARATION - “PULL-PUSHTRUSION” - SYSTEM FOR LONG - FIBRE THERMOPLASTICS (LFT). DetailsareprovidedontheNEXXUSChannel-FfromRCT Srl.NEXXUSChannel-Fisamulti-channeldiskmeltpump whichcollectsandinfiltratesafibrestrandineachchannel. Due to high shear flow, the fibres are collected and aerated (“pull-trusion”) and discharged to a downstream processing plant (“push-trusion”). It is suitable for use in ã2009 Smithers Rapra Technology Ltd. EUROPEAN COMMUNITY; EUROPEAN UNION; GERMANY; WESTERN EUROPE Copyquest order no. 1031799 Item 15 European Plastics News 35, No.11, Dec.2008, p.22 ISSN: 0306-3534 CODEN: EUPNBT PLASTICS ARE ON TRACK. Woodorconcretehasbeentheconventionalchoiceforrail tracksleepersfordecades,butthesematerialscouldsoonbe replacedbyPU.TheprocesshasbeenunderwayinJapanfor some 25 years, with Sekisui Chemical supplying its Eslon Neo Lumber FFU (Fibre reinforced Foamed Urethane) product. Now the FFU sleepers have been premiered in Germany, in the Leverkusen Chempark. The installation 6 References and Abstracts used 136 sleepers produced by Sekisui from a long fibre integral skin PU foam, Baydur 60, supplied by Sumika BayerUrethane.PUisalsofindingapplicationsbetweenthe sleepers. German rail engineering company Frenzel-Bau has teamed up with Bayer MaterialScience to develop Durflex,anewrailwaytrackballastsolutionusingBayflex flexible PU foam to infill the cavities between the ballast stones. Meanwhile, safety requirements are the absolute priority for materials used inside rail cars and two new grades of BMS's Bayblend PC/ABS sheet meet these demanding criteria. EUROPEAN COMMUNITY; EUROPEAN UNION; GERMANY; JAPAN; WESTERN EUROPE Copyquest order no. 1031598 Item 16 International Journal of Plastics Technology 12, No.1, Aug.2008, p.863-875 ISSN: 0972-656X EFFECT OF FIBRE LENGTH ON THE FRICTION AND WEAR OF DISCONTINUOUS FIBRE REINFORCED POLYPROPYLENE MATERIAL. Subramanian C; Senthilvelan S (Indian Institute of Technology) Item 18 HANDBOOK OF VINYL POLYMERS. Radical Polymerisation, Process, and Technology. 2nd. edn. Boca Raton, Fl., CRC Press, 2008, p.455-498, ISBN 978 0 8247 2595 2, 24cm, 42C38 FIBER-FILLED VINYL POLYMER COMPOSITES . Das C K; Mukherjee M; Das T; Editor(s): Mishra M K; Yagci Y Indian Institute of Technology In this chapter on fibre-filled vinyl polymer composites , topics covered include types of fibres (glass, aramid, carbon, natural, mineral, animal, plant), resin systems (pultrusion, lay-up, filament winding), types of vinyl polymers(PVC,chlorinatedvinylpolymers,PVDC,vinyl ester resins and rubbers), fibre reinforcement of vinyl polymers (short fibre, long fibre , woven cloth, hybrid, insitu), and fibre reinforcement of polyolefins. The applications, advantages and limitations of fibrereinforcedvinylpolymersandfibre-reinforcedpolyolefins are also discussed. 82 refs. INDIA Copyquest order no. 1029653 The effect of fibre length on the tribological properties of glassfibre-reinforcedPPcompositesunderdryslidingwas investigated using a pin-on-disc tribometer. Continuous measurement of friction force during testing revealed a transitionfromabrasivetoadhesivefriction.Adominance of PV factor over friction coefficient was observed. Long fibre-reinforcedPPcompositesexhibitedsuperiorfriction wear performance over short fibre reinforced PP composites and unreinforced PP and wear morphology confirmedthatwearmechanismsweresignificantlyaltered by fibre length. 17 refs. Item 19 SAMPE '08: Material and Process Innovations: Changing our World. Volume 53. Proceedings of a conference held Long Beach, Ca., 18-22 May, 2008 Editor(s): SAMPE Covina, Ca., SAMPE International Business Office, 2008, Paper 195, pp.8, CD-ROM, 012 INDIA The design, manufacture, modelling and finite element analysis of a long fibre thermoplastic helmet liner, which exhibits improved stiffness, enhanced performance towards conditions, such as ear to ear crush and form fit function for existing helmet shells used by the army, are described. Data from tests conducted on carbon fibrereinforced composites with polyarylamide and polyphenylene sulphide matrix polymers are included. 10 refs. Copyquest order no. 1031217 Item 17 ADDCON 2008. Proceedings of the 14th International Conference on Plastics Additives and Compounding, held Barcelona, Spain, 15-16 October 2008 Editor(s): Smithers Rapra Technology Ltd. Shawbury, Smithers Rapra, 2008, Paper 1, pp.23, ISBN 978 1 84735 075 6, 29cm, 012 BRICS, FOUNDATION FOR STRATEGIC GROWTH. Babinsky R; Gastrock F Townsend Polymer Services and Information DESIGN AND DEVELOPMENT OF A LONG FIBER THERMOPLASTIC HELMET LINER. Vaidya U; Pillay S; Haibin Ning; Jong-Eun Kim; Littlefield D; Walsh S; Sands J Alabama,University; US,Army Research Laboratory USA Copyquest order no. 1028789 Item 20 SAMPE '08: Material and Process Innovations: Changing our World. Volume 53. Proceedings of a conference held Long Beach, Ca., 18-22 May, 2008 Editor(s): SAMPE Covina, Ca., SAMPE International Business Office, 2008, Paper 250, pp.11, CD-ROM, 012 This is a PowerPoint presentation, which examines the impact of the BRIC (Brazil, Russia, India and China) economiesontheglobalpolyolefinsandplasticsadditives industries. Statistics are included on polyolefins global consumption(2007),PE,PP,longfibrethermoplasticsand MECHANICAL PROPERTIES AND ENERGY plastics additives global markets and consumption and ABSORPTION OF POWDER-IMPREGNATED BRIC resin and additives consumption. CONTINUOUS FIBER THERMOPLASTIC BRAZIL; CHINA; INDIA; RUSSIA; USA; WORLD Copyquest order no. 1030720 ã2009 Smithers Rapra Technology Ltd. MATRIX COMPOSITES . Steggall C; Advani S G; Yarlagadda S 7 References and Abstracts thermoplastics and the static response of the composite is comparedwithlongfibrethermoplasticswithandwithout A novel process for manufacturing long fibre reinforced ribs for equivalent flexural rigidity. 12 refs. thermoplastic matrix composites , which employs a combinationofvacuum-assistedresintransfermouldingto USA create a powder-impregnated fibre preform and Copyquest order no. 1028525 compression moulding to consolidate the composite , is Item 23 presentedandusedtoproduceglassfibre-reinforcedHDPE Composites Part A 39, No.9, 2008, p.1512-1521 ISSN: composites . The mechanical properties of the laminates 1359-835X producedandtheirenergyabsorptionabilitiesareevaluated PROCESS SIMULATION, DESIGN AND and compared with a fully filled baseline laminate made MANUFACTURING OF A LONG FIBER from the pre-impregnated material. 6 refs. Delaware,University USA Copyquest order no. 1028532 Item 21 SAMPE '08: Material and Process Innovations: Changing our World. Volume 53. Proceedings of a conference held Long Beach, Ca., 18-22 May, 2008 Editor(s): SAMPE Covina, Ca., SAMPE International Business Office, 2008, Paper 245, pp.9, CD-ROM, 012 THERMOPLASTIC COMPOSITE FOR MASS TRANSIT APPLICATION. Balaji Thattaiparthasarathy K; Pillay S; Ning H; Vaidya U K (Alabama,University) USA Long fibre thermoplastics (LFTs) have witnessed rapid growthinthermoplasticsmatrixcomposites,mainlydueto developmentsintheautomotiveandtransportationsector. In LFTs, pelletised thermoplastic polymer matrix is reinforced with long glass or carbon fibres (3-25mm) are processed by extrusion-compression moulding. The current work focuses on the applied science and manufacturing of E-glass/polypropylene (E-glass/PP) LFT composite material. Process simulation was conductedtoevaluatetheflowoffibrefilledviscouscharge during the compression moulding of the LFT composite . Studies on optimum charge size and placement in the tool, pressforce,temperatureofmould,shrinkageandwarpage werealsoconducted.Theflowpatternofthemoltencharge inthemouldandtheresultingfibreorientationpredictedby processsimulationareverifiedexperimentally.Thestudies have been applied for a mass transit/transportation componentnamely,aLFTbatteryboxaccessdoorforformfit-functiontoreplaceaheavymetaldoor.Weightreduction of60%wasachievedusing40%weightpercentE-glass/PP LFT over the metal design. 28 refs. Copyright (c) 2008 Elsevier Ltd. Copyquest order no. 1028527 USA HIGH STRENGTH ZENTRON FIBER AS ALTERNATIVE TO CARBON FIBER IN LONG FIBER THERMOPLASTIC MOLDING COMPOUNDS. Rosenow M; Finan J; Murray D; Mancinelli J; Kranjc M; Wollan E AGY; PlastiComp E-glass fibre, S-2 Glass roving and ZenTron high strength glass fibre are compared to carbon fibre in a polyamide-6 longfibrethermoplasticcompound.Itisshownthatatequal fibrevolume,theZenTronreinforcedpolyamideisequalin tensilestrengthbutpossessesfrom26to50%greaterimpact toughness.ThishighstrengthfillsthegapbetweenE-glass and carbon fibre for demanding higher performance applications. 1 ref. Item 22 SAMPE '08: Material and Process Innovations: Changing our World. Volume 53. Proceedings of a conference held Long Beach, Ca., 18-22 May, 2008 Editor(s): SAMPE Covina, Ca., SAMPE International Business Office, 2008, Paper 243, pp.9, CD-ROM, 012 PROCESSING & CHARACTERIZATION OF CONTINUOUS FIBER REINFORCEMENTS CO-MOLDED WITH LONG FIBER REINFORCED THERMOPLASTICS . Thattaiparthasarthy K B; Vaidya U K Alabama,University Theresultsarereportedofastudycarriedouttoestablishthe processing methodology to obtain a long fibre thermoplastic (PP) reinforced with preconsolidated (pultruded/compressi on moul ded ) co n t i nu o us unidirectional tapes, which are co-moulded with a skin (endlesslongfibrethermoplastics).Theinitialthicknessof thepreconsolidatedcontinuoustapesisoptimisedtoobtain maximum flexural properties on the endless long fibre ã2009 Smithers Rapra Technology Ltd. Copyquest order no. 1028016 Item 24 Polymers for Advanced Technologies 19, No.7, July 2008, p.895-904 ISSN: 1042-7147 CODEN: PADTE5 EFFECT OF FIBER LENGTH AND COMPOSITION ON MECHANICAL PROPERTIES OF CARBON FIBERREINFORCED POLYBENZOXAZINE. Kumar K S S; Nair C P R; Ninan K N (Vikram Sarabhai Space Centre) The mechanical strength and modulus of chopped carbon fibre(CF)- reinforced polybenzoxazine composites were investigated by changing the length of CFs. Tensile, compressiveandflexuralpropertieswereinvestigated.The void content was found to be higher for the short fibre composites.Withincreaseinfibrelength,TSincreasedand was optimised at around 17 mm fibre length, whereas compressive strength exhibited a continuous diminution. The flexural strength also increased with fibre length and wasoptimisedataround17mmfibrelength.Theincreasein 8 References and Abstracts strengthofcompositeswithfibrelengthwasattributedtothe enhancement in effective contact area of fibres with the matrix. The experimental results showed that there was about350%increaseinflexuralstrengthand470%increase in TS of the composites with respect to the neat polybenzoxazine, while compressive properties were adverselyaffected.Thecompositesexhibitedanoptimum increase of about 800% in flexural modulus and 200% in tensile modulus. Enhancing the fibre length led to fibre entanglement in the composites , resulting in increased plasticdeformationathigherstrain.Multiplebranchmatrix shear, debonded fibres and voids were the failures visualised in the microscopic analyses. Defibrillation was exhibited by all composites irrespective of fibre length. Fibre debonding and breaking were associated with short fibres,whereasclusteringanddefibrillationwerethemajor failure modes in long fibre composites . Increasing fibre loading improved the tensile and flexural properties up to 50-60 wt % of fibre, whereas the compressive properties consistently decreased with fibre loading. 31 refs. INDIA Copyquest order no. 1026102 Item 25 Express Polymer Letters 2, No.8, 2008, p.560-568 ISSN: 1788-618X RELATIONSHIP BETWEEN FIBER DEGRADATION AND RESIDENCE TIME DISTRIBUTION IN THE PROCESSING OF LONG FIBER REINFORCED THERMOPLASTICS . Zhuang H; Ren P; Zong Y; Dai G C (East China,University of Science & Technology) Fibre degradation in long glass fibre- reinforced polypropylene composites processed by in-line compounding equipment with a modified single screw extruder was investigated by fibre length and fibre dispersionmeasurements,andresidencetimedistributions (RTD) were determined by a pulse stimulus response technique using poly(ethylene terephthalate) spheres as tracers. The effects of screw speed, mixing length and channeldepthonRTDcurvesandonfibredegradationwere studied,andoptimisationofprocessingconditionsinterms of fibre length and dispersion is discussed. 17 refs. equipment maker KraussMaffei including mixing heads, meteringmachinesandproductionsystemsforPUR.Oneof these is the company's proprietary SkinForm process. SkinForm combines injection moulding with RPM in a single production system. The first step of the work cycle produces a thermoplastic substrate. In the second step, the substrate is partly or completely coated with PUR in the mould.KraussMaffeialsooffersanewIn-MouldPainting processforproducinglong-fibreinjectionpartswithhighglosssurfaces.Arelativelynewapplicationishoneycombcore moulding, where a cardboard honeycomb layer is sandwiched between two reinforced PUR layers. Another relativelynewoptionistocombinetheLFIprocesswithInMould Graining. EUROPEAN COMMUNITY; EUROPEAN UNION; GERMANY; WESTERN EUROPE Copyquest order no. 1024400 Item 27 Kunststoffe International 98, No.6, 2008, p.14-15 ISSN: 1862-4243 THE POWER OF LONG FIBERS . Maedefessel-Herrmann K TheopeningoftwonewproductionplantsbyEMS-Chemie atGross-UmstadtinGermanyisdescribed.Theplantsarea large state-of-the-art plant for efficient production of specialitypolyamidesandapultrusionplantforproduction of long fibre - reinforced polyamides. Manufacturing capacity has been increased by more than 30%. The potentialofthelongfibrecompositesforuseasasubstitute for metal is discussed. EUROPEAN COMMUNITY; EUROPEAN UNION; GERMANY; WESTERN EUROPE Copyquest order no. 1024230 Item 28 Journal of Materials Science 43, No.13, July 2008, p.4423-4432 ISSN: 0022-2461 CODEN: JMTSAS EFFECT OF UV EXPOSURE ON THE MICROSTRUCTURE AND MECHANICAL PROPERTIES OF LONG FIBER THERMOPLASTIC (LFT) COMPOSITES . Goel A; Chawla K K; Vaidya U K; Koopman M; Dean D R (Alabama,University at Birmingham) CHINA TheeffectsofUVexposureforvariousperiodsoftimeonthe microstructure and dynamic Young's modulus of compositesofpolypropylene(PP)andE-glasslongfibres, Item 26 fabricated by extrusion and compression moulding, were Modern Plastics World Encyclopedia 2008, p.54 TECHNOLOGY INNOVATIONS HELP SPUR i n ves t ig a t ed by op t ic al m ic r o s c o py, S E M, nanoindentation, FTIR and dynamic Young's modulus MARKET. determination via an impulse excitation technique. The Jung L; Renkl J (Krauss-Maffei GmbH) results are discussed in comparison with those for the PP Reaction process machinery (RPM) has grown in matrixitselfintermsofsurfacecrackingandcrystallinityof popularity as it enables processors to make lightweight the damaged layer. 18 refs. parts with high flexural modulus on low-cost tooling. The USA process involves high-pressure mixing of two or more reactive liquid components for PUR, nylon, thermoset Copyquest order no. 1023807 polyester or epoxy. A number of new technical Item 29 developments have been developed by processing Journal of Materials Science 43, No.13, July 2008, Copyquest order no. 1024490 ã2009 Smithers Rapra Technology Ltd. 9 References and Abstracts p.4391-4398 ISSN: 0022-2461 CODEN: JMTSAS CHARACTERIZATION OF LONG FIBER THERMOPLASTIC /METAL LAMINATES. Kulkarni R R; Chawla K K; Vaidya U K; Koopman M C; Eberhardt A W (Alabama,University at Birmingham) The fabrication by compression moulding of long - fibre reinforced polyamide-6,6 composite /aluminium metal laminates, comprising alternate layers of metal and thermoplastic composite , and their characterisation by Young's modulus, mechanical strength, low velocity impact properties and SEM examination of fracture surfaces, is described. Failure mechanisms included delamination,fibrefractureandpull-out,andshearfracture of metal and composite layers, and the mechanical propertiesofthelaminatesarediscussedincomparisonwith those of the composite and with predictions based on the rule-of-mixtures. 17 refs. USA Copyquest order no. 1023805 distribution(FLD)data,intermsofnumberoffibresversus fibre length, and were used in the computation. The twoparameterWeibull'sdistributionwasalsousedtorepresent theactualFLD.TheMori-Tanakamodelthatemployedthe Eshelby'sequivalentinclusionmethodwasthenappliedto calculatethestiffnessmatrixofthealignedfibrecomposite containing the established FLD. The stiffness of the actual as-formed composite was then determined from the stiffness of the computed aligned fibre composite that was averagedoverallpossibleorientationsusingtheorientation averaging method. The methodology to predict the elastic properties of LFTs was validated via experimental verification of the longitudinal and transverse moduli determined for long glass fibre injection-moulded PP specimens.Finally,asensitivityanalysiswasconductedto determinetheeffectofavariationofFLDonthecomposite elasticproperties.Theanalysisshowedthatitisessentialto obtain an accurate fibre orientation distribution and a realisticfibrelengthdistributionforaccuratepredictionof the composite properties. 30 refs. USA Copyquest order no. 1021079 Item 30 Plastics Technology 54, No.3, March 2008, p.29 ISSN: Item 32 0032-1257 CODEN: PLTEAB Materials World 16, No.6, June 2008, p.28-30 ISSN: BIOCOMPOSITES BY IN-LINE 0967-8638 COMPOUNDING AND MOLDING. IN THE FRAME. At the Fraunhofer Institut fur Chemische Technologie in Singh R (QinetiQ) Germany,scientistshavebeenexploringnewprocessesfor Current carbon fibre tennis racquet frames are manufacturing biocomposites of bio-based polymers and manufactured by arranging ready-to-mould, prenaturalfibressuchashempandflax.Thissmallarticleoffers impregnatedsheetsofaligned,continuousfibrelengthsand us brief details of the researchers' adaptation of the D-LFT 0/90degreeweavesoffibreinathermosetresinindifferent (direct long - fibre thermoplastic ) technique for in-line orientationsandproportionssothattheoptimumbalancein compounding and moulding (previously used for glass racquetpropertiescanbeachievedforagivenframeshape fibre in standard resins such as PP). and weight. However, this is labour intensive. Many EU; EUROPEAN COMMUNITY; EUROPEAN UNION; advancesininjectionmouldingandmaterialsoffergreater GERMANY; WESTERN EUROPE; WESTERN EUROPEopportunities to mould larger and stronger components GENERAL thanwerepreviouslypossiblewithshortfibrecomposites. Copyquest order no. 1021810 The benefits have arisen mainly from the development of discontinuous long - fibre reinforced moulding materials, Item 31 containing fibre 10-15mm in length. QinetiQ, in Journal of Composite Materials 42, No.10, May 2008, collaboration with a major tennis racquet manufacturer, p.1003-1029 ISSN: 0021-9983 CODEN: JCOMBI exploredthepossibilityofusingthesetypesofmaterialsfor FIBER LENGTH AND ORIENTATION IN tennis racquet frames, with the aim of developing a LONG - FIBER INJECTION-MOLDED competitive,lowcostframeofcomparableperformanceto THERMOPLASTICS . I. MODELING OF existing composite versions. MICROSTRUCTURE AND ELASTIC EUROPEAN COMMUNITY; EUROPEAN UNION; UK; PROPERTIES. WESTERN EUROPE Nguyen B N; Bapanapalli S K; Holbery J D; Smith M Copyquest order no. 1020572 T; Kunc V; Frame B J; Phelps J H; Tucker C L Item 33 (Pacific Northwest National Laboratory; Oak Ridge European Plastics News 35, No.5, May 2008, p.27-29 National Laboratory; Illinois,University) ISSN: 0306-3534 CODEN: EUPNBT A methodology was developed to predict the elastic JEC SHOWCASES INNOVATION. propertiesoflong-fibreinjection-mouldedthermoplastics Vink D (LFTs). The corrected experimental fibre length distributionandthepredictedandexperimentalorientation The JEC composites fair and conference attracted 1,053 distributionswereusedinmodellingtocomputetheelastic exhibitors this year, up by 100 over 2007, and 27,000 propertiesofthecomposite.Firstly,theprobabilitydensity visitors. The automotive industry was well represented, functions were determined from the fibre length with Advanced Composites Group presenting use of the ã2009 Smithers Rapra Technology Ltd. 10 References and Abstracts carbon fibre prepreg system that is now supplied for bodywork of the Koenigsegg Automotive's Edition CCX and CCXR sports cars. Meanwhile, ACG launched its DForm Deformable Composite System at the show, combining conformability of short fibre moulding compound with the directional characteristics of high performance long fibre composites to make tooling systems.GuritsaysitsSPRINTcarbodysheetCFRPbody panels are now used for the Aston Martin DBS model boot closure and lid, door opening surrounds, bonnet and front wing.PPhoneycombcoremaker,Nidaplastsaysthatitsfive families of GRP, metal, decorative stone, wood and reinforced PPfacings that can be used with the Nidaplast 8 honeycomb panels are making a large contribution to lightweight building fa ade claddings. impact was analyzed with scanning electron micrographs and was correlated with impact property of LFPP composites . Fracture and failure behaviour of injection moulded LFPP composite were studied and relationship between fracture toughness and microstructure of LFPP composite was analyzed. The microstructure of the composites was characterized by the dimensionless reinforcing effectiveness parameter, which accounts for theinfluenceoffibrelayerstructure,fibrealignment,fibre volumefraction,fibrelengthdistribution,andaspectratio. Matrix stress condition factor and energy absorption ratio were determined for LFPP composites prepared with and without compatibiliser. Failure mechanism of both the matrix and fibre, revealed with SEM images, were discussed. 14 refs. WORLD INDIA Copyquest order no. 1020514 Copyquest order no. 1019136 Item 34 European Chemical Engineer June 2008, p.34-35 Item 36 Injection Molding 16, No.2, Feb.2008, p.28-31 ISSN: 1071-362X RISING TO THE DEMAND FOR LIGHTER AND STRONGER COMPOSITE MATERIALS. HERE'S THE SKINNY ON LONG FIBER . Maniscalco M Lydon M Recent commercial developments in polymers, composites and foams to meet demands from the communications, diagnostics and aircraft sectors for lightweight high-strength products are reviewed. Examples cited include the production of long fibre reinforced thermoplastic composites based on various resins such as polypropylene or polyamide for injection moulding applications, polyethylene fibres for medical device applications, and lightweight crosslinked closedcell block poly(vinylidene fluoride) foams for aerospace applications. No refs. Copyquest order no. 1019224 Item 35 Polymer Composites 29, No.5, 2008, p.525-533 ISSN: 0272-8397 CODEN: PCOMDI MECHANICAL PROPERTIES OF INJECTION MOLDED LONG FIBER POLYPROPYLENE COMPOSITES , PART 2: IMPACT AND FRACTURE TOUGHNESS. Senthil Kumar K; Bhatnagar N; Ghosh A K (Indian Institute of Technology) This study describes the effect of fibre length and compatibilisercontentonnotchedizodimpactandfracture toughness properties. Long fibre polypropylene (LFPP) pelletsofdifferentsizeswerepreparedbyextrusionprocess using a new radial impregnation die, and subsequently, pellets were injection moulded as described in previous publication(ref.1).Thecontentofglassfibrereinforcement was maintained same for all compositions. Maleicanhydride grafted polypropylene (MA-g-PP) was chosen as a compatibiliser to increase the adhesion between glass fibreandPPmatrixanditscontentwasmaintainedat2wt%. Notched izod impact property was studied for LFPP composites prepared with and without compatibiliser for different pellet sizes. Failure mechanism due to sudden ã2009 Smithers Rapra Technology Ltd. Long - fibre thermoplastics (LFTs) solve some of the trickiestmetal-replacementchallengesatacostlowerthan thatofexotic,high-endpolymers.Inaddition,unlikeglass mat thermoplastics which support only compression moulding or stamping, long fibre enables the design freedom, parts consolidation and processing benefits of injection moulding. More recently added to the mix are inlinecompounding(ILC)systemsforinjectionmoulding, also known as D-LFT (direct long - fibre thermoplastic ), whichpromisetoreducecostsforhigh-volumeproduction as they serve up stronger structural parts primarily in automotive applications. Townsend Polymer Services & Information predicts that the LFT global growth rate will remainaround12%annuallythrough2011.PPremainsthe dominant resin used for LFT, and automotive continues to account for the majority of end-use applications. WORLD Copyquest order no. 1019024 Item 37 Plastics Additives and Compounding 10, No.2, MarchApril 2008, p.38-43 ISSN: 1464-391X LFT DEVELOPMENT STATUS AND PERSPECTIVES. Schemme M (Rosenheim,Fachhochschule) Long fibre reinforced thermoplastics have become well established over the past 20 years as high performance engineering materials for structural applications in the automotive industry. Apart from their excellent economic benefits and low weight, their big advantage lies in a high level of productivity in processing, which is a result of the short cycle times attainable with thermoplastic matrix systems. This article reviews long fibre reinforced thermoplastics technologies and their applications in the automotive industry. EUROPEAN COMMUNITY; EUROPEAN UNION; GERMANY; 11 References and Abstracts WESTERN EUROPE Copyquest order no. 1018970 Item 38 Plastics Engineering 64, No.3, March 2008, p.28/34 ISSN: 0091-9578 CODEN: PLEGBB CLOSING THE GAP ON METALS. Daykin S (DuPont Europe) runnersaimedatpreservingthefibrelengthforprocessors oflong-fibre-reinforcedcompoundsandanewoptionfor the Ultra 500 valve gate that is able to withstand high pressuretomould,forexample,electronicsapplications. WORLD Copyquest order no. 1016265 Item 40 Recent developments in high-performance polymers and Plastics Technology 54, No.2, Feb.2008, p.28 ISSN: advanced reinforcing systems have allowed further use of 0032-1257 CODEN: PLTEAB engineering polymers as viable metal alternatives in IN-MOLD PAINTING FOR LONG - FIBER demanding applications, but there is still a significant gap PUR. between strength and stiffness properties of engineering Krauss-Maffei Kunststofftechnik GmbH of Germany has polymers compared with those of metals. Research and introducedanewin-mouldpaintingprocessforlong-fibre development of alternate technologies has explored glass- reinforced PU composite parts, which produces materialssolutionstofurtherbridgethisperformancegap. smooth surfaces, for vehicles and agricultural machinery. DuPont has built a portfolio for Advanced Metals The technology is briefly described in this short article. Replacement, which today includes two differentiated EUROPEAN COMMUNITY; EUROPEAN UNION; GERMANY; areas.SuperStructuralMonolithicSolutionsconsistsofan INDIA; USA; WESTERN EUROPE array of glass-, carbon- and long - fibre - reinforced Copyquest order no. 1015796 thermoplastics for very high stiffness and strength combined with excellent resistance to creep and fatigue. Item 41 New launches include high-stiffness carbon/glass- Engineering Design No.1, 2008, p.2-3 reinforcedresinsforZytelHTN51and53series.Thesecond CLOSING THE GAP ON METALS. addition is MetaFuse nanometal/polymer hybrids. Robertson C (DuPont Engineering Polymers) MetaFuse uses a deposition process to apply a thin, ultra- Research and development in alternate technologies have high-strengthmetallayertomouldedcomponents.Athird, explored materials solutions to further bridge the gap in complementary solution is currently under development. materialpropertiesbetweenmetalsandthermoplastics.Itis Thermoplastic Composite Solutions foresees the against this background, particularly with regard to the overmoulding of a continuous-fibre reinforcement in a discrepancy in terms of stiffness between its own finished part to combine very high stiffness and strength engineeringpolymersandmetals,thatDuPonthasbuiltits with high part functionality and complexity. own portfolio for Advanced Metals Replacement, which SWITZERLAND; WESTERN EUROPE todayincludestwodifferentiatedofferings.Thecompany's SuperStructural Monolithic Solutions consists of an array Copyquest order no. 1017030 ofglass-,carbon-andlongfibre-reinforcedthermoplastics Item 39 forveryhighstiffnessandstrengthcombinedwithexcellent Modern Plastics Worldwide 85, No.3, March 2008, creep and fatigue resistance. New launches include highp.26-28 ISSN: 0026-8275 stiffness carbon/glass reinforced resins for the DuPont MARKET CONDITIONS RIPE FOR HOT Zytel HTN 51 and 53 series, whereby tensile modulus, or RUNNER ADVANCES. stiffness, has been increased by 50% or more versus its Goldsberry C; Defosse M existing glass fibre- reinforced grades. The second, most One goal apparent in new hot runner designs is their recent addition to the DuPont portfolio of advanced metal manufacturers'chargetohelpmouldmakersreducemould replacements are Metafuse nanometal/polymer hybrids. size,andsaveonmouldcosts(steel)andenableprocessorsto The new technology employs a proprietary process that use smaller processing machines. Speed-to-market also precisely applies ultra high-strength nanometal to remainscritical.Meetingtheserequirementsisamould/hot components made of DuPont engineering polymers to runnercombinationdevelopedbymouldmakerAmtecand createlightweightcomponentsinmyriad,complexshapes hot runner manufacturer Heitec. Their challenge was with the stiffness of magnesium or aluminium and higher keeping costs low and mould size small for a mould for strength. syringeswithbothLuerLockandneedlelockconnections, USA so each can be fitted with different needles. D-M-E now Copyquest order no. 1015262 offersahotrunnersystemespeciallyforinjectionmoulding Item 42 of crates. It is the company's first hot runner system with a Composites Technology 14, No.1, Feb.2008, p.40-42 filter as standard. Filters are crucial in crate moulding as ISSN: 1083-4117 processorsoftenmouldwithhighrecyclatecontentandthus ADDITIVES ADD KEY INNOVATIONS. often high contaminant levels. New from Thermoplay is a Snyder M R hot runner system with the hot runner shut-off group integrated inside the nozzle(s) for moulders running stack In the composites industry, the category “additives” moulds. Husky Injection Molding Systems is offering hot describes a variety of materials that have in common the ã2009 Smithers Rapra Technology Ltd. 12 References and Abstracts ability to modify the behaviour, appearance, mechanical properties and/or processability of a polymer resin. This article examines additives developments that have added value to these indispensable resin system add-ons. PlastiComp has introduced its line of Complet pellets in which long fibre - reinforced thermoplastic technology is compounded with impact modifiers, colourants and other customer-specified additives. It is claimed that the materialshavefoundtobesuperiortodry-blendedmaterials intermsofpart-weightconsistencyandaesthetics.RTPhas enhanced its line of long fibre thermoplastic compounds withtheintroductionoflong-cutadditivepellets,produced in masterbatches to reduce customer lead time. Material separation during handling reportedly is minimised becausethepelletgeometryoftheadditivesissimilartothe LFT pellets. Cloisite nanoclay additives from Southern Clay Products can be incorporated into material formulationsforSMCandBMCtoimproveresinflowand, therefore, finished part quality. EUROPEAN COMMUNITY; EUROPEAN UNION; NETHERLANDS; USA; WESTERN EUROPE GROWTH. A 12% global growth rate for long fibre - reinforced thermoplastics is predicted up to 2011, according to the GlobalLFTMarketreportcompiledbyTownsendPolymer Services&Information.Thereportpredictsthatby2011,an extra400mUSdollarsinrevenuefromLFTwillhavebeen created. Growth is largely being driven by automotive producersusingLFTtoreplacemetalcomponentstoreduce theweightoftheirvehiclesandthereforefuelconsumption. HalfoftheLFTvolumeincreaseforecastoverthenextfive yearsisputdowntofiveapplicationareasincluding:frontend modules, instrument panels, door modules and underbody shields in automotive and general/industrial goods in the non automotive sector. In 2006, China accounted for only 5% of the total worldwide LFT consumption, ranking it fourth behind Europe, North AmericaandJapan.By2011,however,Chinaisexpectedto surpassJapan,whichcurrentlyuses11%oftheworld'sLFT, it is briefly reported. Copyquest order no. 1011363 Copyquest order no. 1013306 Item 43 Reinforced Plastics 52, No.1, Jan.2008, p.32/39 ISSN: 0034-3617 LFT DEVELOPMENT STATUS AND PERSPECTIVES. Schemme M (Rosenheim F.H.) Apart from their excellent economic benefits and low weight, the big advantage of long fibre reinforced thermoplastics lies in a high level of productivity in processing, which is a result of the short cycle times attainable with thermoplastic matrix systems. With the arrival of new material systems optimised for the specific application, and with the ongoing development of the processing and process engineering, it has now become possible to mass produce highly stressed structural parts and innovative module systems with a high level of functionalintegration.Currentexamplesofapplicationsin theautomotivesegmentincludeinstrumentpanelsupports, technical front-ends, door and roof modules, hatchback doors, seat shells, bumper supports, sound-absorbing shells,sparewheelpansandcompleteunderbodysystems. Arealreductionintheweightofvehiclescanonlybereached by the use of new material concepts and manufacturing technologies.Glassfibre/PPbasedLFTmaterialsmeetthe demandsoftheautomotiveindustryregardingsystemcosts andmassproductionbecauseoftheircompetitivepricesand the cycle times which can be realised with thermoplastic matrices. EUROPEAN COMMUNITY; EUROPEAN UNION; GERMANY; WESTERN EUROPE Copyquest order no. 1011375 Item 44 European Plastics News 35, No.1, Jan.2008, p.15 ISSN: 0306-3534 CODEN: EUPNBT GLOBAL LFT MARKET IS SET FOR 12% ã2009 Smithers Rapra Technology Ltd. 13 Subject Index Subject Heading ABRASION, 16 ABRASION RESISTANCE, 16 ABS, 1 9 15 ACRYLONITRILEBUTADIENE-STYRENE TERPOLYMER, 1 9 15 ADDITIVE, 4 17 42 ADHESION, 16 AEROSPACE APPLICATION, 34 AGRICULTURAL APPLICATION, 40 AIR-INTAKE MANIFOLD, 38 ALIGNMENT, 7 31 ALKENE POLYMER, 1 2 4 7 17 18 31 ALUMINIUM, 29 AMIDE POLYMER, 1 3 11 18 27 32 34 36 ANALYSIS, 8 10 16 19 32 35 APPEARANCE, 40 APPLICATION, 3 4 6 9 11 13 14 15 19 23 26 33 34 36 37 38 39 40 41 43 44 AROMATIC, 18 ASPECT RATIO, 32 35 AUTOMOTIVE APPLICATION, 4 6 9 11 13 14 26 33 36 37 38 40 41 43 44 AWARD, 33 BARRIER COATING, 40 BARRIER PROPERTIES, 40 BEAM, 2 BENDING STRENGTH, 32 BENZOXAZINE RESIN, 33 BINDER, 15 BIOCOMPOSITE, 30 BLEND, 4 15 33 BMC, 33 42 BODY PANEL, 6 33 BODY PANELS, 6 33 BONNET, 33 BOOT LID, 6 BUILDING APPLICATION, 33 BULK MOULDING COMPOUND, 33 42 BUS, 13 40 CAD, 19 CALCULATION, 7 31 CAPACITY, 9 27 CAPROLACTAM POLYMER, 8 21 CARBON FIBRE, 9 21 23 CARBON FIBRE- ã2009 Smithers Rapra Technology Ltd. REINFORCED PLASTIC, 1 3 6 18 19 21 24 32 33 38 41 CARBONATE POLYMER, 9 15 33 39 CELLULAR MATERIAL, 15 34 CFRP, 1 3 6 18 19 21 24 32 33 38 41 CHAIR, 36 CHANNEL, 12 25 CHARACTERISATION, 3 8 23 29 35 CHASSIS, 6 CHEMICAL INDUSTRY, 17 CHEMICAL PROPERTIES, 15 CHEMICAL RESISTANCE, 15 CHEMICAL RESISTANT, 15 CHLORINE-CONTAINING POLYMER, 18 CHOPPED FIBRE, 24 CHOPPING, 30 40 CLADDING, 33 CLAMP FORCE, 39 CLAMPING FORCE, 39 CLEAN ROOM, 39 CLOSED CELL, 15 34 CLOSED-CELL, 15 34 CLUSTER, 24 CO-MOULDING, 22 CO-ROTATING, 30 COATING, 6 40 42 COEFFICIENT OF FRICTION, 16 COLOUR, 40 COLOURANT, 42 COMMERCIAL INFORMATION, 9 33 COMMERCIALISATION, 4 34 40 COMMUNICATIONS APPLICATION, 34 COMPANY INFORMATION, 27 COMPATIBILISER, 35 COMPOUND, 30 COMPOUNDING, 4 12 25 30 42 COMPRESSION, 24 30 COMPRESSION MOULDING, 3 9 11 20 22 23 28 29 37 43 COMPUTER AIDED ANALYSIS, 10 COMPUTER AIDED DESIGN, 19 COMPUTER SIMULATION, 10 CONCENTRATE, 4 36 CONFERENCE, 33 CONSOLIDATION, 3 CONSUMPTION, 17 36 44 CONTACT AREA, 24 CONTINUOUS, 16 CONTINUOUS FIBRE, 1 14 22 38 CORE, 33 40 COST, 3 4 6 11 14 33 36 37 39 43 COSTS, 3 4 6 14 36 37 39 43 COUPLING AGENT, 42 COVER, 40 CRACK PROPAGATION, 24 CRACKING, 28 CRASH RESISTANCE, 14 CRATE, 39 CREEP, 41 CREEP RESISTANCE, 32 38 CREEP RESISTANT, 32 38 CROSSLINKED, 34 CRYSTALLINITY, 28 CYCLE TIME, 3 33 36 37 DAMAGE, 28 DAMPING, 2 32 DEBONDING, 24 DEFECT, 7 10 24 DEFIBRILLATION, 24 DEFORMATION, 24 DEGRADATION, 25 DELAMINATION, 29 DEMAND, 4 36 37 43 DENSITY, 6 20 DENSITY FUNCTION, 10 DEPOSITION, 38 41 DEPTH, 25 DESIGN, 4 11 14 19 DETERMINATION, 25 DETERMINATIONS, 25 DEVELOPMENT, 9 30 34 38 40 DIAGNOSTIC APPLICATION, 34 DIAGRAM, 23 DICYCLOPENTADIENE POLYMER, 33 DIFFERENTIAL SCANNING CALORIMETRY, 18 DIFFERENTIAL THERMAL ANALYSIS, 18 DIFFRACTION, 18 DIFFUSION, 7 DILUTION, 4 DIMENSIONAL STABILITY, 33 DIRECT COMPOUNDING, 36 37 43 DISCRIMINANT ANALYSIS, 8 10 16 35 DISPERSION, 4 25 DOOR, 4 9 36 44 14 Subject Index DOOR PANEL, 26 DOSE RATE, 42 DSC, 18 DURABILITY, 4 DYNAMIC, 28 DYNAMIC MECHANICAL PROPERTIES, 11 DYNAMIC PROPERTIES, 11 E-GLASS, 21 E-MODULUS, 1 20 28 29 32 ECONOMIC INFORMATION, 4 17 33 36 37 43 44 ELASTIC MODULUS, 1 20 28 29 32 ELASTIC-PLASTIC BEHAVIOUR, 7 10 ELASTICITY, 31 ELASTOMER, 18 ELECTRIC CAR, 6 ELECTRICAL CONDUCTIVITY, 42 ELECTRON MICROSCOPY, 16 28 29 35 ELECTRON SCANNING MICROSCOPY, 16 28 29 35 ELECTRONIC APPLICATION, 38 39 41 EMISSION, 43 ENERGY ABSORPTION, 20 35 38 41 ENERGY SAVING, 33 ENGINE, 40 ENGINEERING PLASTIC, 38 41 ENGINEERING THERMOPLASTIC, 38 41 ENTANGLEMENT, 24 EPOXIDE POLYMER, 33 EPOXIDE RESIN, 33 EPOXY RESIN, 33 EQUATION, 23 EQUIPMENT, 1 12 30 39 40 ETHYLENE POLYMER, 17 20 34 42 EXHIBITION, 6 EXTRUDED, 8 EXTRUDER, 1 12 25 30 EXTRUDING, 1 3 4 12 23 28 30 32 35 42 43 EXTRUSION, 1 3 4 12 23 28 30 32 35 42 43 FABRIC, 13 FABRICATION, 14 28 29 FAILURE, 7 10 24 29 35 FAILURE MECHANISM, 29 35 FATIGUE RESISTANCE, 4 38 41 FAULT, 7 10 24 ã2009 Smithers Rapra Technology Ltd. FEASIBILITY STUDY, 11 FEEDING, 30 FIBRE ALIGNMENT, 35 FIBRE CONTENT, 3 8 26 36 37 43 FIBRE DIAMETER, 37 43 FIBRE GLASS, 4 9 21 23 30 40 FIBRE LENGTH, 1 7 8 16 18 24 25 31 32 35 36 37 43 FIBRE LENGTH DISTRIBUTION, 7 8 31 35 FIBRE ORIENTATION, 2 7 10 19 31 32 33 37 43 FILAMENT, 1 14 22 23 25 29 34 38 FILAMENT WINDING, 9 18 FILLER, 6 26 FILM, 40 FILMS, 40 FILTER, 39 FINANCE, 30 36 FINISHING, 40 FINITE ELEMENT ANALYSIS, 10 19 32 FINITE ELEMENT ITERATIVE METHOD, 10 19 32 FIRE RESISTANCE, 15 FLAME PROOFING, 42 FLAME RETARDANCE, 42 FLAME RETARDANT, 42 FLAMMABILITY, 15 FLAW, 7 10 24 FLAX, 30 FLEXURAL MODULUS, 21 24 38 FLEXURAL PROPERTIES, 2 3 4 8 19 21 22 24 31 32 38 41 FLEXURAL STRENGTH, 21 24 FLOW DIAGRAM, 23 FLOW PATTERN, 23 FOAM, 15 34 FOAM-CORE, 32 FORCE, 16 FOURIER TRANSFORM INFRARED SPECTROSCOPY, 28 FRACTURE, 10 24 29 35 FRACTURE MORPHOLOGY, 16 FRACTURE SURFACE, 29 FRACTURE TOUGHNESS, 35 FREQUENCY, 2 FRICTION COEFFICIENT, 16 FRICTION PROPERTIES, 16 FRICTIONAL PROPERTIES, 16 FRP, 1 3 6 18 19 21 24 29 32 33 34 38 41 FTIR, 28 FTIR SPECTROSCOPY, 28 FUNDING, 30 GATE VALVE, 39 GEAR, 38 GEARS, 38 GEL COAT, 42 GEOMETRY, 4 GLASS, 21 40 GLASS FIBRE, 4 9 21 23 30 40 GLASS FIBRE-REINFORCED, 8 14 25 28 35 GLASS FIBRE-REINFORCED PLASTIC, 1 2 4 6 7 8 9 11 14 15 16 18 20 21 25 26 27 28 31 33 35 38 40 41 43 44 GLASS FIBRE-REINFORCED PLASTICS, 8 14 25 28 35 GLASS MAT, 37 43 GLASS TRANSITION TEMPERATURE, 18 GLOSS, 26 40 GOVERNMENT AID, 30 GRAFT COPOLYMER, 35 GRAFTED, 8 GRANT, 30 GRANULATE, 37 43 GRANULE, 12 GRAVIMETRIC ANALYSIS, 18 GROWTH RATE, 33 36 37 43 44 GRP, 1 2 4 6 7 8 9 11 14 15 16 18 20 21 25 26 27 28 31 33 35 38 40 41 43 44 HALOGEN-FREE, 42 HDPE, 20 42 HEAT RESISTANCE, 9 HEATING, 33 HELMET, 19 HEMP, 30 HIGH DENSITY POLYETHYLENE, 20 42 HIGH STRENGTH, 34 HIGH-PERFORMANCE, 21 HISTOGRAM, 16 HONEYCOMB, 33 40 HONEYCOMB STRUCTURE, 26 HOT RUNNER, 36 39 HULL, 33 HYBRID, 6 38 41 HYBRID COMPOSITE, 13 18 IMAGE ANALYSIS, 8 IMPACT ENERGY, 20 IMPACT PROPERTIES, 4 8 20 21 29 35 36 38 IMPACT RESISTANCE, 4 IMPACT RESISTANT, 4 IMPACT STRENGTH, 21 36 38 IMPREGNATION, 4 20 15 Subject Index IN-LINE, 12 25 36 IN-MOULD COATING, 6 IN-MOULD DECORATING, 40 IN-MOULD GRAINING, 26 IN-MOULD PAINTING, 26 IN-SITU, 18 INDENTATION, 28 INDUCTION HEATING, 33 INDUSTRY, 4 INFRA-RED SPECTRA, 28 INFRARED SPECTRA, 28 INFRARED SPECTROPHOTOMETRY, 28 INFRARED SPECTROSCOPY, 28 INJECTION, 40 INJECTION COMPRESSION MOULDING, 43 INJECTION MOULDED, 35 INJECTION MOULDING, 4 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 21 26 30 31 32 34 36 37 38 43 INJECTION MOULDING MACHINE, 39 INJECTION PRESSURE, 8 INSERT, 26 40 INSERT MOULD, 26 38 41 INSTITUTION, 2 3 5 7 8 10 13 16 18 19 20 22 23 24 25 28 29 30 31 35 INSTRUMENT PANEL, 36 44 INTEGRAL SKIN, 15 INTERFACIAL ADHESION, 8 35 INVESTMENT, 36 IR SPECTRA, 28 IR SPECTROMETRY, 28 IR SPECTROSCOPY, 28 IR SPECTRUM, 28 IRON, 2 IZOD, 35 JOINT VENTURE, 30 KEY ARTICLE, 5 18 KNITTED FABRIC, 13 LAMINATE, 20 29 LAMINATES, 20 29 LASER INDUCED BREAKDOWN SPECTROSCOPY, 28 LAUROLACTAM POLYMER, 1 3 11 18 27 32 34 36 LAY-UP, 18 LAYER, 28 LENGTH, 23 25 LIGHTWEIGHT, 3 9 13 34 LINING, 19 LOAD BEARING, 4 ã2009 Smithers Rapra Technology Ltd. LOAD DEFLECTION, 32 LOAD DISPLACEMENT, 19 LOAD-DEFLECTION, 32 LOADBEARING, 4 LOADING, 4 9 LOW PROFILE ADDITIVE, 42 LOW VELOCITY, 29 LOW VISCOSITY, 26 LUBRICANT, 42 MACHINE, 1 12 30 39 40 MACHINERY, 1 12 30 39 40 MALEIC ANHYDRIDE, 8 MALEIC ANHYDRIDE COPOLYMER, 35 MANIFOLD, 38 MANUFACTURE, 19 20 MANUFACTURING, 30 MARKET, 17 MARKET SHARE, 36 44 MASTERBATCH, 4 42 MATERIAL, 4 MATERIAL REPLACEMENT, 4 9 15 MATERIALS SELECTION, 11 19 32 MATERIALS SUBSTITUTION, 4 9 15 MATHEMATICAL MODEL, 10 MATRIX, 19 20 MEASUREMENT, 5 16 25 MECHANICAL PART, 27 MECHANICAL PROPERTIES, 1 2 3 4 5 7 8 10 11 16 18 19 20 21 22 24 28 29 30 31 32 34 35 36 37 38 40 41 43 MECHANICAL STRENGTH, 21 29 MECHANISM, 16 MEDICAL APPLICATION, 34 MELT, 4 30 MELT FLOW, 4 MELTS, 4 30 METAL, 9 11 METAL DEPOSITION, 38 41 METAL INSERT, 26 METAL REPLACEMENT, 11 27 36 38 41 44 METERING, 26 MICROGRAPHY, 23 MICROSCOPY, 24 28 MICROSPHERE, 6 MICROSTRUCTURE, 3 28 31 35 MILITARY APPLICATION, 19 MIXING, 25 26 40 MIXING HEAD, 26 MODEL, 7 31 MODIFIER, 42 MODULI, 24 MODULUS, 24 MOISTURE ABSORPTION, 15 MORPHOLOGICAL PROPERTIES, 16 MORPHOLOGY, 16 28 MOULD, 33 39 40 MOULD MAKING, 39 MOULD PRESSURE, 6 MOULD SIZE, 39 MOULD TEMPERATURE, 26 MOULDING, 3 4 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 19 20 21 22 23 26 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 36 37 38 43 MOULDING COMPOUND, 33 42 MOULDING PRESSURE, 26 MOULDMAKING, 39 MULTI-CAVITY MOULD, 39 MULTI-CHANNEL, 12 MULTI-LAYER, 14 MULTILAYER, 14 NANOCRYSTALLINE, 38 41 NANOFIBRE, 42 NANOFILLER, 42 NANOINDENTATION, 28 NANONOZZLE, 39 NANOTUBE, 42 NATURAL FIBRE, 30 NATURAL FIBRE-REINFORCED PLASTIC, 1 18 33 42 NATURAL POLYMER, 30 NOISE REDUCTION, 15 NOZZLE, 39 NYLON, 1 3 11 18 27 32 34 36 NYLON 1010, 29 NYLON 46, 29 NYLON 6,3T, 29 NYLON 6,6, 29 NYLON 66, 29 NYLON-11, 1 3 11 18 27 32 34 36 NYLON-12, 1 3 11 18 27 32 34 36 NYLON-12T, 1 3 11 18 27 32 34 36 NYLON-4,6, 1 3 11 18 27 32 34 36 NYLON-6, 8 21 NYLON-6,6, 29 NYLON-6-6, 1 38 OLEFIN POLYMER, 1 2 4 7 17 18 31 ONE-STEP, 14 OPEN MOULD, 40 OPTICAL MICROSCOPY, 28 OPTIMISATION, 22 24 25 ORIENTATION, 23 ORIENTATION DISTRIBUTION, 10 31 OUTPUT, 39 42 OVERMOULDING, 26 38 41 PAINTING, 33 40 16 Subject Index PARTICLE SIZE, 38 PARTNERSHIP, 30 PARTS CONSOLIDATION, 43 PBTP, 33 PE, 17 20 34 42 PEEK, 9 PEI, 9 PELLET, 1 3 4 8 9 36 42 PELLETISING, 1 PERFORMANCE, 16 19 PET, 1 25 PETP, 1 25 PHOTOGRAPHY, 23 PIGMENT, 42 PIPE, 12 PLANT, 4 PLANT CONSTRUCTION, 9 27 PLANT LOCATION, 4 40 PLANT START-UP, 27 PLAQUE, 10 PLASTICITY, 7 PLASTICS INDUSTRY, 17 PLATE, 4 POLY-EPSILONCAPROLACTAM, 8 21 POLYACETAL, 36 38 POLYALKENE, 1 2 4 7 17 18 31 POLYAMIDE, 1 3 11 18 27 32 34 36 POLYAMIDE 12, 1 3 11 18 27 32 34 36 POLYAMIDE 548, 1 38 POLYAMIDE 6, 8 21 POLYAMIDE 66, 1 38 POLYAMIDE-11, 1 3 11 18 27 32 34 36 POLYAMIDE-12, 1 3 11 18 27 32 34 36 POLYAMIDE-12T, 1 3 11 18 27 32 34 36 POLYAMIDE-4,6, 1 3 11 18 27 32 34 36 POLYAMIDE-46, 1 3 11 18 27 32 34 36 POLYAMIDE-6, 8 21 POLYAMIDE-6,6, 1 38 POLYAMIDE-66, 1 38 POLYARYLAMIDE, 3 19 POLYBENZOXAZINE, 24 POLYBUTYLENE TEREPHTHALATE, 33 POLYCAPROAMIDE, 8 21 POLYCAPROLACTAM, 8 21 POLYCARBONATE, 9 15 33 39 POLYDICYCLOPENTADIENE, 33 POLYEPOXIDE, 33 ã2009 Smithers Rapra Technology Ltd. POLYETHER SULPHONE, 9 POLYETHERETHERKETONE, 9 POLYETHERETHERKETONE, 9 POLYETHERIMIDE, 9 POLYETHERSULPHONE, 9 POLYETHYLENE, 17 20 34 42 POLYETHYLENE TEREPHTHALATE, 1 25 POLYLACTIC ACID, 30 POLYLAUROLACTAM, 1 3 11 18 27 32 34 36 POLYLAURYLLACTAM, 1 3 11 18 27 32 34 36 POLYOLEFIN, 1 2 4 7 17 18 31 POLYPHENYLENE SULPHIDE, 9 19 POLYPROPENE, 1 2 4 7 8 9 10 16 17 22 23 25 28 30 31 33 34 35 36 37 43 POLYPROPYLENE, 1 2 4 7 8 9 10 16 17 22 23 25 28 30 31 33 34 35 36 37 43 POLYTETRAMETHYLENE ADIPAMIDE, 1 3 11 18 27 32 34 36 POLYURETHANE, 15 26 32 40 POLYVINYL, 18 POLYVINYL CHLORIDE, 18 POLYVINYL ESTER, 11 18 POLYVINYLIDENE CHLORIDE, 18 POLYVINYLIDENE FLUORIDE, 34 POWDER, 20 PP, 1 2 4 7 8 9 10 16 17 22 23 25 28 30 31 33 34 35 36 37 43 PPS, 9 19 PREDICTION, 7 29 31 PREFORM, 20 PREPREG, 33 42 PRESS, 4 30 PRESSURE, 23 PRESSURE RESISTANCE, 39 PROBABILITY, 10 31 PROCESS, 1 3 4 7 11 14 18 22 25 27 30 31 40 PROCESSING, 1 3 4 7 11 14 18 22 25 27 30 31 40 PROCESSING CONDITIONS, 8 25 PROCESSOR, 4 40 PRODUCT ANNOUNCEMENT, 4 9 12 14 39 40 PRODUCT DEVELOPMENT, 38 PRODUCTION, 14 40 PRODUCTION CAPACITY, 9 27 PRODUCTION COST, 11 33 PRODUCTION LINE, 4 PROFILE, 4 8 12 32 PROJECTOR, 8 PROPENE COPOLYMER, 35 PROPENE POLYMER, 8 23 25 28 34 35 PROPERTIES, 1 2 3 4 5 7 8 9 10 11 14 16 18 19 20 21 22 24 28 29 30 31 32 34 35 36 37 38 40 41 43 PROPYLENE COPOLYMER, 35 PROPYLENE POLYMER, 8 23 25 28 34 35 PU, 15 26 32 40 PULL-OUT, 29 PULSE RESPONSE, 25 PULTRUSION, 15 18 22 27 PVC, 18 PVDC, 18 PVDF, 34 QUALITY, 40 RACKET, 32 RAIL CAR, 15 RAILWAY APPLICATION, 15 REACTION INJECTION MOULDING, 26 33 REACTION MOULDING, 26 33 RECLAIMING, 33 37 RECOVERY, 33 37 RECYCLABILITY, 37 RECYCLED CONTENT, 33 39 RECYCLING, 33 37 REINFORCED RUBBER, 18 REINFORCED THERMOPLASTIC, 1 2 3 5 6 7 10 12 13 17 18 19 20 21 22 27 31 36 37 42 43 44 REINFORCEMENT, 4 9 RESEARCH, 5 30 RESIDENCE TIME DISTRIBUTION, 25 RESIDUAL STRESS, 5 RESIDUAL STRESSES, 5 RESIN, 4 9 30 RESIN TRANSFER MOULDING, 6 20 33 REVIEW, 5 18 34 RIBBED, 22 RIGIDITY, 3 14 22 ROOF, 6 39 ROUGHNESS, 16 ROVING, 1 RUBBER, 18 RULE OF MIXTURES, 29 SALE, 33 44 SALES, 33 44 SATURATED POLYESTER, 1 17 Subject Index SCANNING ELECTRON MICROGRAPH, 16 28 29 35 SCANNING ELECTRON MICROSCOPY, 16 28 29 35 SCATTERING, 18 SCRATCH RESISTANCE, 42 SCREW SPEED, 8 25 SEAT, 13 SEM, 16 28 29 35 SENSITIVITY, 31 SERVICE LIFE, 15 SHAPE, 4 SHEAR, 24 SHEAR FLOW, 12 SHEAR FRACTURE, 29 SHEAR PROPERTIES, 29 SHEET, 12 15 30 43 SHEET MOULDING COMPOUND, 6 11 33 42 SHELL, 3 SHORT FIBRE, 5 16 18 24 32 33 SHORT ITEM, 4 9 30 40 44 SHRINKAGE, 23 SHUT-OFF, 39 SIMULATION, 23 SINGLE SCREW EXTRUDER, 1 25 SINGLE-SCREW EXTRUDER, 1 25 SIZE, 4 8 30 SLEEPER, 15 SLIDING, 16 SMC, 6 11 33 42 SOFTWARE, 33 SPECIFIC GRAVITY, 6 SPECIFICATION, 4 SPECTROSCOPY, 28 SPHERE, 6 25 SPOILER, 6 SPORTS EQUIPMENT, 38 41 SPORTS GOODS, 38 41 SPRAYING, 40 STABILISER, 42 STANDARD, 4 37 STATIC, 22 STATISTICS, 4 17 36 37 43 44 STEEL, 4 11 STIFFNESS, 3 4 19 31 32 38 41 STITCHING, 13 STONE, 15 STORAGE MODULUS, 18 STRAIN, 32 STRENGTH, 3 4 24 32 34 38 40 41 STRESS, 1 5 20 22 STRESS-STRAIN PROPERTIES, 5 7 20 22 24 ã2009 Smithers Rapra Technology Ltd. STRESSES, 5 20 22 STRUCTURAL PART, 36 37 43 STRUCTURAL PROPERTIES, 14 SUBSIDY, 30 SUPPLIER, 9 SURFACE, 14 28 40 SURFACE FINISH, 33 SURFACE MORPHOLOGY, 28 SURFACE PROPERTIES, 28 SURFACE TREATMENT, 40 41 SURGICAL APPLICATION, 34 SURGICAL GOWN, 34 SWIMMING POOL, 33 SYNTHETIC FIBREREINFORCED PLASTIC, 1 18 SYRINGE, 39 TAILGATE, 14 TAN DELTA, 18 TAPE WINDING, 9 18 TARGET, 9 TEM, 16 28 29 35 TEMPERATURE, 9 23 TEMPERATURE RANGE, 38 TENNIS RACQUET, 32 TENSILE MODULUS, 21 24 TENSILE PROPERTIES, 8 11 21 24 36 38 TENSILE STRENGTH, 21 36 38 TENSOR, 10 TEST, 10 11 16 19 20 22 TEST METHOD, 9 32 TESTING, 9 32 TG, 18 TGA, 18 THEORY, 7 10 19 31 THERMAL GRAVIMETRIC ANALYSIS, 18 THERMAL PROPERTIES, 11 18 THERMAL RESISTANCE, 9 THERMAL TRANSITION, 11 THERMOFORMING, 40 THERMOGRAVIMETRIC ANALYSIS, 18 THERMOSET, 6 11 15 18 26 30 32 33 40 42 THICKENING AGENT, 42 THICKNESS, 22 38 THIN-WALL, 37 THIN-WALLED, 3 THROUGHPUT, 36 TIME DEPENDENCE, 28 TOMOGRAPHY, 23 TOOLING, 33 TOUGHNESS, 21 32 TRACER, 25 TRACTOR, 33 40 TRANSFER MOULDING, 6 20 33 TRANSMISSION ELECTRON MICROSCOPY, 16 28 29 35 TRANSPORT APPLICATION, 23 TRANSPORTATION, 4 TRANSVERSE, 2 TRIBOLOGICAL PROPERTIES, 16 TRIBOLOGY, 16 TS, 24 TURBINE BLADE, 33 TURNOVER, 33 TWIN-SCREW, 30 TWIN-SCREW EXTRUDER, 1 TWISTING, 5 TWO-COLOUR, 39 TWO-COMPONENT, 26 TWO-LAYER, 14 TWO-PART, 26 ULTRAVIOLET IRRADIATION, 28 UNIDIRECTIONAL, 14 22 37 UV IRRADIATION, 28 UV RESISTANCE, 33 UV RESISTANT, 33 UV STABILISER, 42 VACUUM-ASSISTED TRANSFER MOULDING, 20 VALVE, 39 VEHICLE BONNET, 33 VEHICLE CHASSIS, 6 VEHICLE DOOR, 36 VEHICLE FRONT END, 6 36 44 VEHICLE ROOF, 6 39 VEHICLE SEAT, 13 VEHICLE SPOILER, 6 VEHICLE UNDERBODY, 11 44 VIBRATION DAMPING, 32 VIBRATIONAL SPECTROSCOPY, 28 VINYL ESTER POLYMER, 11 VINYL ESTER RESIN, 18 VINYL POLYMER, 18 VINYLIDENE FLUORIDE POLYMER, 34 VISCOSITY MODIFIER, 42 VOID CONTENT, 24 VOLUME, 4 40 VOLUME FRACTION, 20 21 35 WALL THICKNESS, 26 WARPAGE, 23 WAVINESS, 5 WEAR, 16 WEIBULL DISTRIBUTION, 31 WEIGHT, 4 WEIGHT CHANGE, 6 11 33 37 43 WEIGHT FRACTION, 19 WEIGHT LOSS, 6 11 33 37 43 18 Subject Index WEIGHT REDUCTION, 6 11 33 37 43 WOOD FIBRE-REINFORCED PLASTIC, 42 WOVEN, 18 WRINKLE, 5 X-RAY DIFFRACTION, 18 X-RAY SCATTERING, 18 X-RAY TOMOGRAPHY, 23 YIELD STRESS, 1 YOUNG'S MODULUS, 1 20 28 29 32 ZIP FASTENER, 38 ã2009 Smithers Rapra Technology Ltd. 19 Name Index Name Index (including Trade Names) 199 X 118012, 4 ABAQUS, 10 ADVANI S G, 20 AGY, 21 ALABAMA,UNIVERSITY, 19 22 23 ALABAMA,UNIVERSITY AT BIRMINGHAM, 2 3 28 29 ANDREWS J B, 3 BABINSKY R, 17 BALAJI THATTAIPARTHASARATHY K, 23 BANKS E, 11 BAPANAPALLI S K, 7 10 31 BAYBLEND, 15 BAYDUR 60, 15 BAYER MATERIALSCIENCE, 15 BAYFLEX, 15 BERGER L, 11 BHATNAGAR N, 8 35 BOEHM R, 13 BROSIUS D, 6 CHAWLA K K, 2 28 29 CHERIF C, 13 DAI G C, 25 DAS C K, 18 DAS T, 18 DAYKIN S, 38 DEAN D R, 28 DEFOSSE M, 39 DELAWARE,UNIVERSITY, 20 DINACHALI S S, 5 DRESDEN,TECHNISCHE UNIVERSITAT, 13 DUPONT ENGINEERING POLYMERS, 41 DUPONT EUROPE, 38 DURFLEX, 15 EAST CHINA,UNIVERSITY OF SCIENCE & TECHNOLOGY, 25 EBERHARDT A W, 29 EMS-CHEMIE, 27 ESORO AG, 14 EXTRUDER EXPERTS SYSTEMS, 1 FIBERSCAN, 23 FINAN J, 21 FRAME B J, 10 31 FRANZKE G, 13 FRAUNHOFER-INSTITUT FUER CHEMISCHE TECHNOLOGIE, 30 GASTROCK F, 17 GENERAL MOTORS, 11 GHOSH A K, 8 35 GOEL A, 2 28 GOLDSBERRY C, 39 HAIBIN NING, 3 19 HARITA SEATING SYSTEMS LTD., 40 HOLBERY J D, 31 ã2009 Smithers Rapra Technology Ltd. HUFENBACH W, 13 HUFNAGL E, 13 ILLINOIS UNIVERSITY AT URBANACHAMPAIGN, 10 ILLINOIS,UNIVERSITY, 7 31 INDIAN INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY, 8 16 18 35 IRAN,UNIVERSITY OF SCIENCE & TECHNOLOGY, 5 JAGGI D, 14 JIN WANG, 10 JONG-EUN KIM, 19 JUNG L, 26 KOOPMAN M, 28 KOOPMAN M C, 29 KRANJC M, 21 KRAUSS-MAFFEI GMBH, 26 KRAUSS-MAFFEI KUNSTSTOFFTECHNIK GMBH, 40 KULKARNI R R, 29 KUMAR K S, 8 KUMAR K S S, 24 KUNC V, 7 10 31 KUPFER R, 13 LITTLEFIELD D, 19 LYDON M, 34 MAEDEFESSEL-HERRMANN K, 27 MANCINELLI J, 21 MANISCALCO M, 36 METAFUSE, 38 41 MISHRA M K, 18 MOLDFLOW, 10 MOLDFLOW ITHACA, 10 MUKHERJEE M, 18 MURRAY D, 21 NAIR C P R, 24 NEXXUS CHANNEL-F, 12 NEXXUS-F, 1 NGUYEN B N, 7 10 31 NINAN K N, 24 NING H, 23 NORRIS R E, 10 OAK RIDGE NATIONAL LABORATORY, 7 10 31 ORIENT, 10 PACIFIC NORTHWEST NATIONAL LABORATORY, 7 10 31 PATEL V, 8 PENNSYLVANIA,STATE UNIVERSITY, 2 PHELPS J H, 7 10 31 PILLAY S, 3 19 23 PLASTICOMP, 21 PLASTICOMP LLC, 9 POLYWHEELS MANUFACTURING LTD., 11 QINETIQ, 32 RCT SRL, 12 20 Name Index REN P, 25 RENKL J, 26 ROBERTSON C, 41 ROSENHEIM F.H., 43 ROSENHEIM,FACHHOCHSCHULE, 37 ROSENOW M, 21 RTP CO., 4 RUEGG A, 14 SABIC INNOVATIVE PLASTICS, 9 SANDS J, 19 SCHEMME M, 37 43 SENTHIL KUMAR K, 35 SENTHILVELAN S, 16 SHOKRIEH M M, 5 SINGH R, 32 SKINFORM, 26 SMITH M T, 10 31 SNYDER M R, 42 STAMAX, 9 STEGGALL C, 20 STOTZNER N, 14 SUBRAMANIAN C, 16 THATTAIPARTHASARTHY K B, 22 TOWNSEND POLYMER SERVICES AND INFORMATION, 17 44 TUCKER C L, 7 10 31 TYAGI A, 8 US,ARMY RESEARCH LABORATORY, 19 USCAR, 11 VAIDYA U, 3 19 VAIDYA U K, 2 22 23 28 29 VIKRAM SARABHAI SPACE CENTRE, 24 VINK D, 33 WALSH S, 19 WEBER AUTOMOTIVE GMBH, 14 WLOSINSKI R, 11 WOLLAN E, 21 XIAOSHI JIN, 10 YAGCI Y, 18 YARLAGADDA S, 20 ZENTRON, 21 ZHUANG H, 25 ZIEGLER S, 14 ZIMMERMAN D, 1 ZONG Y, 25 ZYTEL, 41 ZYTEL HTN, 38 ã2009 Smithers Rapra Technology Ltd. 21 Polymer Library Document Delivery Service All documents which are cited in your Published Search are available from us as copyright cleared photocopies, via our document delivery service. 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Market Data on Tyres (Non-scrap) Air Pollution Liquid Silicone Elastomers Polymers in Fuel Cells Recycling of Scrap Tyres PVC in Medical Applications Nanocomposites Rapid Prototyping Fast Mould Making Thin Wall Injection Moulding Powder Injection Moulding Polymer Polyols Medical Applications of Thermoplastic Elastomers Latex Allergies Market Data on Scrap Tyres Electrical Cables Cable Applications of Thermoplastic Elastomers Market Data on Scrap Tyres Automotive Applications of Nylon/Polyamide Under-the-bonnet Applications Repairing of Composites Volatile Organic Compound (VOC) Emissions Legislation on Emissions Legislation on Plastics Waste Adhesives and Sealants for Engineering Applications Adhesives and Sealants for Aerospace Applications Adhesives and Sealants for Electronic Applications Pressure Sensitive Adhesive Tapes Tackifiers Bonding of Wood Flexible Polyurethane Foams Mechanical Properties of Adhesive Joints Nitrosamines in the Rubber Industry Polyurethane Foams used in Automotive Applications Automotive Applications of Polyurethane Elastomers Properties of Polyurethane Coatings Testing of Polyurethane Elastomers Catalysts used in the Polyurethane Industry CFC-Free Blowing Agents for Polyurethanes Toxicity Issues in the Polyurethane Industry Reinforced Reaction Injection Moulding of Polyurethane Reaction Injection Moulding of Polyurethane Structural Polyurethane Foams Cast Polyurethane Elastomers Polyurethane Insulation Polyurethane Adhesives Polyurethanes used in Sport and Recreational Applications 24 112. 111. 110. 109. 108. 107. 106. 105. 104. 103. 102. 101. 100. 99. 98. 97. 96. 95. 94. 93. 92. 91. 90. 89. 88. 87. 86. 85. 84. 83. 82. 81. 80. 79. 78. 77. 76. 75. 74. 73. 72. 71. 70. 69. 68. 67. 66. 65. 64. 63. 62. 61. 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