Aase Gundersen - International Law and Policy Institute

Curriculum Vitae – Aase Gundersen
Aase Gundersen
Senior Legal Advisor
M +47 928 81 378
E ag@ilpi.org
Recognized lawyer with 15 years practice from a leading law firm, as well as an academic background
from researching and teaching human rights, women’s rights, access to justice, legal pluralism and law &
development inn Africa. Experience from multinational litigation to recover hidden and stolen assets from
tax havens. Recently returned to Norway after spending five years in South Africa, working i.a. with
Norwegian-South African business relations. At ILPI, her main focus is on socially responsible business
(CSR) including business and human rights, anti-corruption, and corporate governance, as well as rule
of law and constitutional law.
Senior Legal Advisor
International Law and Policy Institute (ILPI), Oslo Norway
Independent consultant (part time)
§ 2012-2013 Based in Oslo
§ 2008-2012 Based in South Africa, focusing on Norwegian–African business
relations in addition to serving established clients in Norway.
Bugge, Arentz-Hansen & Rasmussen (law firm BA-HR)
§ Partner (1997–2007), associate/senior associate (1992–1996).
§ Focus on corporate law, regulatory law, intellectual property law, international
law, EU law, contracts and litigation. Clients included major corporations
within oil & gas, life science & biotech, technology & innovation, as well as
government agencies.
§ The Estate of Anders Jahre, involved in litigation in Norway, UK and Cayman
Islands to retrieve hidden and stolen assets
University of Oslo, Institute for Public and International Law
§ Research assistant and research fellow (1988–1992), Department of
Women’s Law: Research and teaching under a program for Law and
Development in Southern and Eastern Africa sponsored by the Norwegian
Research Council, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and NORAD.
§ Conducted research on the development of a post-colonial legal
system based on popular justice in post-colonial Mozambique, with
emphasis on women’s rights and legal pluralism.
§ Participated in the development of the NORAD Diploma Course in
Women’s Law for female lawyers from Southern and Eastern Africa.
§ Lectured on the international legal framework for law and development,
human rights and women’s rights on the Diploma Course in Women’s
Law, initially at the University of Oslo and subsequently at the
University of Harare (The Southern and Eastern African Center for
— Present
— 2013
— 2007
— 1992
Curriculum Vitae – Aase Gundersen
Women`s Law at the University of Harare)
§ Study of the UN Conventions on Civil and Political Righs, Economic,
Social and Cultural Rights and the Elimination of all forms of
Discrimination against women, with focus on their monitoring bodies
§ Supervisor for student thesis on the Convention on the Elimination of
All Forms of Discrimination against Women
§ Commission on Folk Law and Legal Pluralism: Member of research
South African College for Applied Psychology, Cape Town
— 2012
§ Studies i.a. in conflict management, process facilitation.
University of Oslo, Norway
— 1992
§ Ph.D. Programme at the faculty of law
University of Oslo, Norway
§ LLM (cand. jur.), with specialisation International Human Rights Law.
§ Norwegian — Fluent (mother tongue)
§ English — Fluent
§ Portuguese – Basic knowledge
§ Gundersen, A & Stenvik, A (eds) 2009, Aktuell Immaterialrett (Current Intellectual Property Law)
Norwegian University Press, Oslo.
§ Gundersen, A 2009, “Tillatt bruk av andres varemerker – grensene for varemerkeinnehavers
enerett etter Varemerkedirektivet artikkel 5, 6 og 7” in Aktuell Immaterialrett, eds A Gundersen & A
Stenvik, Norwegian University Press, Oslo.
§ Gundersen, A 2005, ‘Norsk Varemerkerett i lys av EF-retten’, (Norwegian Trade Mark Law in Light
of EU Law”), Nordic Journal of Intellectual Property Law
§ Gundersen, A 1992, ‘Popular Justice in Mozambique: Between Folk Law and State Law’, Social
and Legal Studies, vol. 1, pp. 257-282
§ Gundersen, A & Berg, N 1991, ‘Legal Reform in Mozambique: Equality and Emancipation for
Women through Popular Justice?’ in Gender and Change in Developing Countries, eds KA Stølen
& M Vaa, Norwegian University Press.
§ Gundersen, A, Hellum, A, & Berg, N 1991, ‘Methodology of Women's Law: Norwegian
Perspectives in an African Context.’ Working Papers in Women's Law, no.35.
§ Gundersen, A 1990, ‘Access to Law: The case of popular justice in Mozambique’, Working Papers
in Women's law, no 38.
§ Gundersen, A 1989, ‘Rett og utvikling i Afrika’, Retfærd, nr 47, pp. 3-13.
§ Gundersen, A 1987, ‘Folkedomstoler – et brudd på fundamentale rettssikkerhetsgarantier? En
Curriculum Vitae – Aase Gundersen
kommentar til årboka “Menneskerettigheter I Norges samarbeidsland’, Mennesker og Rettigheter,
pp. 14-17.
§ Gundersen, A 1986, ‘Rapport fra studiereise til FN: Menneskerettighetskommisjonen i Genève,
Menneskerettighetskomitéens møte i New York, CEDAW-møte i New York’, Kvinnerettslige
Arbeidsnotater, no. 33.
§ Norwegian editor of Nordic Journal of Intellectual Property Law 2004-2007.
§ Member of the editorial committee of the journal Retfærd (“Justice”) 1990-1998.
§ 2002–2003: UNECE (United Nations Economic Commission for Europe): Special assignment for
the UNECE Working Group on intellectual property law in the ascending member states, Report
on Poland
§ 2001–2002: Member of the government appointed expert commission with mandate to propose
legalmeasures for the protection and exploitation of biological diversity and the implementation of
the UN Convention on Biological Diversity (NOU 2004:28)
§ Lectures on various aspects of Intellectual Property Rights to private and public organisations,
including AIPPI (the international association for the protection of intellectual property) and NIR
(Nordic conference on intellectual property law), the Norwegian Patent Office, and the Norwegian
Research Council
§ Member of the editorial committee of the journal Retfærd (“Justice”) 1990-1998
§ University of Oslo, Faculty of law: Lecturer, supervisor for master students and external examiner
§ University of Tromsø, Faculty of law: Lecturer and external examiner