VALUING NON-FINANCIAL PERFORMANCE -ET PROSJEKT FRA CSR EUROPE Enterprise 2020: Smart, Sustainable and Inclusive Social innovation = new ideas, business models, products & services that resolve existing sustainability challenges European Alliance Laboratory Market Valuation of Non-Financial Performance 2006 - 2008 Central Proposition: 1. Companies (CEOs) believe their companies would be more highly rated if investors understood more about the nonfinancial performance (CSR/Intangibles) of the company; 2. Investors believe they would be better able to assess the future performance of companies if the companies were willing to share more information on key drivers, particularly non-financial drivers Enterprise Value Important Findings: The blockages Companies • Perceived lack of adequate senior executive expertise in non-financial performance issues and reticence to include in investor presentations unless material to current business strategy. • Concerns over the robustness of non-financial performance management information and internal methodologies for delivering it. • Lack of senior executive confidence in the company‘s ability to manage non-financial performance to the extent of being able to maintain current and forecast future performance. • Scepticism at investors‘ interest in non-financial performance. • Concerns about impact on personal credibility of senior executives promoting messages that are not perceived by investors as core to the financial performance of the business. Important Findings: The blockages Investors • Inadequate evidence of casual link between non-financial and financial performance. • Lack of robust inter-company or sectoral frameworks for comparison of non-financial performance. • The relative importance of non-financial performance differs between risk and regulatory environments. • Investor expertise limited to assessment of non-financial performance related directly to the business strategy or leadership competence. • Lack of willingness to publicise basis of evaluating non-financial performance to protect proprietary analytical tools and approaches as a source of market differentiation, creating lack of transparency in investor methodologies. Collaborative Project on Valuing Non-Financial Performance OBJECTIVES What are we trying to achieve? (1) Company project (2) Investor project The company project helps companies to increase quality and efficiency of nonfinancial performance management, by: The investor project aims to: 1. 1. Identify the Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG) factors that the largest European investors considers most likely to add long-term enterprise value (“super factors”) 2. 3. 4. 5. Helping companies to better identify, measure and manage core drivers of non-financial performance; Overcoming challenges in engaging with various parts of businesses; Creating a more robust business case for driving CSR within companies; Improving the quality and focus of reporting and the link to company planning processes; Understanding – with regard to top management – how to identify and communicate the data that is most relevant to investors. 2. Develop a robust methodology for Measuring the “super factors” Objective 1. Overcoming the blockages Company project Investor project 2. Super-factors 6-10 (?) factors that, regardless of sector, companies and investors agree add long-term entreprise value COMPANY PROJECT PROJECT OVERVIEW 19 Corporate Participants from CSR Europe/EABIS network: 2011-2012: three-step improvement process Workshop #2 Workshop #3 Strategic Workshop #1 Integration Maturity Results linked to core business strategy and KEY Performance Indicators Delivering performance improvement through core management processes Coherence in measurement AND management of nonfinancial performance Reporting Workshop no.1: Management Maturity “Getting your measurement right & getting it used” Objective(s): To increase the level of maturity within companies by improving their capacity to measure and manage what is material to their business Process: Empirical Analysis: Company self-assessment Individual Conversations Output: Compare companies to identify common areas for improvement Analyze Best Practices & “best in class” tools 1.5-day Workshop Share opportunities /solutions for improvement Expected/Desired Outcome(s): Assist companies to better identify, measure and manage core drivers of non-financial performance Workshop no. 2: Management Integration “the degree to which CSR is linked to the core strategy & management processes of the business” Objective(s): To help companies link their CSR management and/or measurement to core strategic and management processes of the business Process: Output: Empirical Analysis: Questionnaire 1.5-day Workshop Identify best practices, challenges and common areas for improvement. Share opportunities /solutions for improvement Expected/Desired Outcome(s): 1. Overcoming challenges in engaging with various parts of the business; 2. Improving the quality and focus of reporting and the link to company planning processes. Workshop no. 3: Strategic “Closer to the holy grail – the link between Financial & Non-Financial Performance” Objective(s): To identify the key performance indicators within companies where the link between financial and non-financial performance can be validated Process: Output: All Company Participants (Wave One &Two) Collect individual company examples One-day Workshop Identify current linkages between FP & NFP Expected Outcome(s): 1. Creating a more robust business case for driving CSR within your company; 2. Understanding – with regard to top management – how to identify and communicate the data that is most relevant to investors. 3. Comparison of “Super factors” with the Delphi Investor Project „What happens in Brussels, Stays in Brussels“ All information shared during the CP VNFP Workshops remains confidential and sources will not be included in written material unless prior consent is obtained 4 CSR Europe National Partners will potentially replicate the VNFP project: Nordisk prosjekt H12 – V13 • Replikerer det europeiske prosjektet WS 1 og 2. • CSR Sweden er prosjektansvarlig, Ola Løhman er prosjektleder • Opp til 10 selskap får bli med – fra Sverige, Norge og Finland • 4 plasser er tatt, 4 er i beslutningsprosess • Det vil koste tid, innsats og penger å bli med Prosess Selvevaluering i en strukturert prosess starter så snart som mulig. Ola vil være selskapenes sparringpartner. Resultat fra selvevalueringen vil anonymisere hos CSR Europe, og danne grunnlag for sammenligning av ulike tilnærminger Workshop 1: 1,5 dager i slutten av oktober. Få frem nye forslag til ESG-drivere i selskapene Utfylling av spørreskjema utviklet av CSR Europe for å identifisere Best practice, utfordringer og forbedringsområder Workshop 2: 1,5 dager i slutten av november. Dele forslag til løsninger og forbedringer Konferanse i London 2013: Dele alle resultat fra de to europeiske prosjektene + de regionale prosjektene + Investorprosjektet Input / Output Forventet resultat: En ny forståelse for ESGfaktorer som verdidrivere – og derfor interessante rapporteringsindikatorer Økt strategisk relevans for samfunnsansvarsarbeidet En konkret kobling av ESGfaktirer til egen strategi og kjerneprosesser Et solid grunnlag for integrert rapportering Nødvendig innsats: 1 – 2 personer deltar i selve prosjektet Internt bør alle relevante miljøer engasjeres både i analysedel, utvikling og integrering i kjerneprosesser Åpenhet om egen virksomhet i Workshops 75.000 SEK dekker prosess, støtte + 2 WS m /kost og losji. INVESTOR PROJECT: PROJECT DELPHI PROJECT OVERVIEW 45+ Participants Asset Manager Group Metrics Group Asset Owner Group Consultants Group State Street Global Advisors Axa IM SG Corp & Investment Bank Aberdeen Asset Management F&C Management BofA Merrill Lynch Schroders BNP Paribas SEB Investment Management Goldman Sachs (GS Sustain) Royal London Asset Managers AWJ Capital Partners DB Climate Change Advisors WHEB AM DVFA / EFFAS SAM Research AG KKR ECPI Aviva West LB Cheuvreux CIC AM Zürcher Kantonalbank Railpen Investments Storebrand APG KLP, Norway DNB (Dutch Central bank) Nestlé Deutschland Pension Protection Fund Varma ERAFP PGGM (consultative role) AP3 (consultative role) Mercer Consultants Hymans Robertson Towers Watson Cambridge Associates Academics / Federations EABIS Universität Hamburg Context of Project Delphi • ESG has now become mainstream and is growing fast Strong demand from investors • Little consensus amongst institutional investors on ESG investment criteria • Data sets are short at present, but are getting longer every day. • Non-Financials (including ESGs) do account for substantial value. Which ones ? By how much? • Project intended to bring together the strands of research already carried out by asset managers and other market participants, agree basis for measurement and obtain validation from the large institutional investors. Deliverables • Agreed methodology for measurement and reporting • Short-list of ESG material factors • Recommended minimum set of KPIs which should be reported by corporates. Absolute value & intensity. • Suggestions for complimentary KPIs – sector specific • Framework as a recommendation for reporting by corporates and investors • Set of ESG super-factors, priority ranking and metrics that are validated by a cross-section of Europe's largest institutional investors.
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