ACMC/SAMPE Conference on Marine Composites Plymouth, 11-12 September 2003 (ISBN 1-870918-02-9) APPLICATION OF OPTICAL FIBRE SENSORS FOR MARINE STRUCTURAL MONITORING Crispin Doyle and Chris Staveley Smart Fibres Ltd, C3, Centennial Court, Easthampstead Road, Bracknell RG12 1YQ, United Kingdom Email: web: ABSTRACT This paper addresses issues relating to structural monitoring in composite-hulled craft using optical fibre sensors. Fibre optic sensors are attractive for a wide range of structural load monitoring applications. Due to their small size, they can be readily embedded into composite materials. Other advantages include their multiplexing capability and immunity to electro-magnetic interference. Results from an installation of fibre-optic sensors in a 38 m free-standing composite yacht mast are presented, demonstrating the potential of this technology in a maritime environment. INTRODUCTION As in many other fields of engineering, the advantageous properties of Advanced Fibre-Reinforced Composites (AFRC) have encouraged their use in structural marine applications. However, AFRC structures have traditionally been more costly than steel or aluminium and this has tended to restrict their use to smaller vessels, leisure and competition craft. Much of this cost has been from relatively labour-intensive production processes which meant that larger vessels were for special applications only, such as minesweepers, which are some of the largest ship hulls made entirely from glass-fibre reinforced plastic (GFRP). Newer production processes, such as lower-cost variants of resin infusion employing some flexible tooling, enable large, high-quality AFRP components to be built at much reduced cost. Still, the use of composites for the structures of bigger vessels is relatively new. In-service monitoring may be the key to gaining confidence and overcoming the relative lack of experience of long-term performance. The availability of accurate, real-time strain and load information from composite ships’ structures under real loading conditions can help naval architects and engineers to refine their designs to make more efficient use of the particular mechanical properties offered by fibre-reinforced composites. Moreover, the availability of strain measurement technology that is cheap and reliable enough to ‘fit and forget’, rather than expensive equipment suitable only for shortterm testing, offers the possibility of continuous Structural Health Monitoring (SHM) of a vessel. This could potentially lead to improved safety and reduced operating costs by providing advance warning of structural deficiencies and allowing conditionbased maintenance to be implemented. One such system available currently is HULLMOS (HULL MOnitoring System). It is an integrated strain and motion (acceleration) measurement system offered for SHM on large ships, bulk carriers for example [1]. The equipment consists of one or more ACMC/SAMPE Conference on Marine Composites Plymouth, 11-12 September 2003 (ISBN 1-870918-02-9) sensitive, low-frequency accelerometers to record the motion of the ship and powered long-gauge (100 mm or 1700 mm) strain sensors. The transducers are large and unwieldy, but appropriate to the scale of the monitoring application. Sensors are bolted on to attachment plates welded to the hull or deck and connected with shielded cables to a data acquisition and processing unit on the bridge. Drawbacks are that a significant part of the cost of this system is in the installation and the long runs of power and signal cable that are needed. Furthermore, the attachment method does not lend itself to composite structures. An alternative to conventional electrical sensors is provided by devices based on optical fibres. More than twenty years of research has demonstrated that optical fibre sensors (OFS) have certain properties which give them the potential to be smaller, lighter, more robust and more sensitive than other types. The particular features that suggest their application for strain monitoring in composite-hulled ships are: a) small size, small enough to be embedded in the structure during manufacture without unduly affecting its mechanical properties [2], [3]. b) operation unaffected by water, c) resistance to corrosion, d) resistance to electromagnetic interference (EMI), enabling long cable runs without the need for signal conditioning or heavy shielded analogue cables and e) ability to be multiplexed i.e., to operate many sensors, typically up to around 100 but in some cases many more, on a single optical fibre. Optical fibre sensors and systems have tended to be more expensive than existing strain gauges, resistance strain gauges (RSG), for instance. However, the relative cost of OFS per sensor is reduced as the sensor count goes up (by making use of the multiplexing advantage) and if long leads are needed. Cross-over of technology and expertise from the telecommunications industry is an important support for the development of OFS and will enable costs to come down further in the future. Optical Sensors Many different types of OFS exist, working on many different principles: intensity modulation, interferometry, polarization effects, refractive index changes, reflectometry and so on. One relatively mature type which appears to be particularly attractive for use in SHM of composites is the Fibre Bragg Grating (FBG). An FBG is a periodic modulation of the refractive index in the core of an optical fibre which forms a wavelength-selective mirror having maximum reflectivity at the Bragg wavelength , given by: =2neff where neff is the effective refractive index of the mode propagating in the fibre and is the FBG period. Equation (1) implies that the reflected wavelength is affected by any variation in the physical or mechanical properties of the grating region. For example, strain on the fibre alters and neff, via the stress-optic effect. Similarly, changes in temperature lead to changes in neff via the thermo-optic effect and in an unconstrained fibre, is influenced by thermal expansion or contraction. This situation is expressed in Equation 2, where the first term on the RHS gives the effect of strain on and the second describes the effect of temperature. ACMC/SAMPE Conference on Marine Composites Plymouth, 11-12 September 2003 (ISBN 1-870918-02-9) (1-) + (+ξ)T (2) where is the change in Bragg wavelength, and are respectively the photoelastic, thermal expansion and thermo-optic coefficients of the fibre, is the change of strain and T is the temperature change. For a typical grating written in a silica fibre and with B ≈ 1550 nm, sensitivities to strain and temperature are approximately 1.2 pm/ and 10 pm/°C respectively. To use an FBG as a sensor, it is illuminated by a light source with a broad spectrum and the reflected wavelength is measured and related to the local measurands of interest. Shifts in the Bragg wavelength can be monitored by using an interferometer, optical filters or a narrowband swept light source and because information about the measurands is encoded in the wavelength of the reflected light, FBG sensors are immune to drifts and have no down-lead sensitivity. Multiple gratings in a single fibre can be addressed by Wavelength-Division Multiplexing (WDM), in which each FBG has a different wavelength, or Time-Division Multiplexing (TDM), in which a pulsed light source is used and sensors are identified by the time of arrival of their reflections. Spatial multiplexing, i.e., separating FBGs on different fibres is another way to increase the number of sensors that a single unit can address. Marine Applications of Optical Sensors The greatest interest in fitting OFS to ships has been shown by the military, particularly by the US Navy, who hope to use SHM to improve maintenance programs and increase the operational availability and survivability of their ships. Resistance strain gauges have been fitted to some ships to prove the validity of computer models of damage accumulation, but current work is on systems based on OFS. Immunity to EMI and drift, multiplexability and compatibility with shipboard fibre-optic data networks are seen as important advantages of OFS. A WDM system based on a dispersive spectrometer has been trialled on a propeller from an LPD17 amphibious assault ship [4]. Four arrays of 6 gratings were affixed to the structure and strains were recorded during a series of static and low-frequency dynamic loading tests. These authors also used an improved FBG system during rough sea trials on the experimental British trimaran RV Triton [5]. Fifty-one sensors multiplexed onto four fibres were installed, with co-located resistance strain gauges (RSG). The intrinsic cross-sensitivity of FBG to strain and temperature was overcome by mounting them in pairs in a so-called ‘Flat Pack’ configuration, in which two FBGs were carried between polymer films, one intimately bonded for strain transfer and the other, loose in a cavity formed in a piece of photo-etched brass, responding to temperature only. This enabled a temperature-compensated FBG strain gauge to be handled and fitted in much the same way as a conventional RSG. The packaged FBG were installed in the same time as RSG, but were much quicker to set up and troubleshoot and needed fewer, much less bulky cables. The authors emphasised the importance of planning and preparing sensor arrays in the laboratory before performing such a complex installation. ACMC/SAMPE Conference on Marine Composites Plymouth, 11-12 September 2003 (ISBN 1-870918-02-9) The US and Norwegian Navies have carried out joint research on OFS for composite ships under the Composite Hull Embedded Sensor System (CHESS) programme. Results from the first sea trial carried out during this work are presented in Kersey et al. [6]. Three arrays, each of four FBG, were used to measure transient hull strains in a prototype Surface Effect Ship (SES), a catamaran minehunter made from GFRP. Sensor arrays were mounted on the inside skin of the GRP/foam sandwich hull skin. A combination of WDM and interferometry was used to address the gratings, giving strain resolution of better than 1 at a 2.5 kHz sampling rate. One array was addressed at a time by manually selecting the appropriate connectorised cable. Data were recorded under different sea state conditions, from SS0 to SS6. At low sea states (SS0 to 2) RMS strains of 5 to 30 were measured, but transients of up to 1000 were noted at SS5/6. The authors noted that these transients had rise times of 0.01 s or more, indicating that a sampling rate of 200 Hz was adequate for monitoring events such as wave slamming. The same system was employed during simulated wave slamming experiments [7]. Sixteen FBG were multiplexed on three fibres and used to make dynamic measurements at 1 or 2 kHz on a GFRP panel impacting flat on water surface. The wavelength-division scheme limited the strain range per sensor to ±2300 for a 4grating array and between ±670 and ±1200 for an 8-grating array. This turned out to be insufficient for some of the tests. Nevertheless, the authors concluded that FBG provided a definite weight and convenience advantage over conventional electrical strain gauges, due solely to the multiplexing of sensors and the light weight of optical fibre vs. analogue copper wire. Further, it was thought that valuable experience had been gained which could be put to good use in implementing a full-scale installation on an operational vessel. Improved hardware was installed in another GFRP-hulled fast SES, the patrol boat KNM Skjold, and strains measured under operational conditions were compared to an FE model of the vessel and design rules prescribed by Det Norske Veritas (DNV) [8]. The strain data showed the DNV recommendations to be sometimes conservative and sometimes to underestimate loads, a useful result which demonstrates the value of SHM and could aid in the understanding of the behaviour of SES, which can be difficult to reproduce numerically or in scale model trials. In a parallel paper, the authors concentrate more on details of the sensor interrogation scheme [9]. They describe a method for increasing the effective strain range per channel by taking advantage of a priori knowledge derived from extensive FEA about the relative amplitudes and phases of strain at different locations. In all of the works discussed above, the same advantages are quoted for OFS over RSG, namely: EMI immunity resulting in higher SNR, corrosion resistance, multiplexing to allow higher sensor counts with greatly reduced cable requirements and suitability for fire rating/explosive environments. ACMC/SAMPE Conference on Marine Composites Plymouth, 11-12 September 2003 (ISBN 1-870918-02-9) SMART FIBRES’ EXPERIENCE: SMART MAST INSTALLATION AND DEMONSTRATION The data presented here are from sea trials that were carried out on the 27 m yacht Jacquelina, which has a free-standing 38 m CFRP AeroRig® mast and boom fitted with FBG arrays. Sensor Locations Figure 1. Schematic diagram of a typical optical fibre sensor layout on an AeroRig®. Fibre positions within the cross-section of mast and boom are also shown. Figure 1 shows sensor locations for the Jacquelina. Twelve optical fibres were embedded in the mast, eight carrying arrays of four FBG to measure strains of ± 3500 and four with single FBGs to measure strains of up to ± 15000 A further eight arrays of low-range FBG were embedded in the boom. All the optical fibres were placed between two unidirectional plies parallel to the fibre direction to minimise perturbation of the host material. They exited through protective plastic tubing at the base of the mast, were spliced onto Kevlar-jacketed fibres and terminated with standard telecommunications connectors. Embedding the FBG in the mast rather than bonding them on the surface serves to protect them from damage and avoids the ACMC/SAMPE Conference on Marine Composites Plymouth, 11-12 September 2003 (ISBN 1-870918-02-9) problem of loss of strain sensitivity caused by moisture-induced debonding. It is also possible to use embedded sensors to monitor temperature changes and residual strain build-up during cure. The maximum bending loads were expected to be at the base of the mast and they were calculated from estimated wind loadings on the sails and the mast itself. The combination of point and distributed loads can be estimated from wind tunnel testing, but this can never exactly reproduce real sailing conditions, hence certain assumptions have to be made about the loads on the mast. Therefore, similar to reference 8, data from strain sensors were to be used to provide real feedback to test the validity of design assumptions. Optoelectronic Hardware The Smart Fibres Optical Fibre Strain Sensor Systems (OFSSS) combine wavelengthdivision and spatial multiplexing. A schematic diagram of a representative unit is given in Figure 2 below. Each of 4 channels is addressed simultaneously by a single swept source, consisting of a broadband superluminescent diode and a scanning Fabry-Pérot filter and light reflected from the FBGs is picked up by photodetectors. The scan generator signal determines the position of the scanning filter and hence the wavelength of light that is output at a particular time, therefore by relating the timing of the reflected light pulses to the scan generator signal, the Bragg wavelengths of all of the sensors can be derived during a single scan. Depending on the equipment used, a full wavelength sweep takes between 2 and 0.004 seconds and a single channel may have up to 128 FBG. Converting Bragg wavelengths to strain, data presentation and storage are performed by an embedded PC. The equipment used in the trials presented here had a resolution of 10 , but in newer units this is improved to 1 . e h 1 b a d t1 2 3 4 t2 t3 t4 I 1 time g c f 1 Figure 2. Schematic and operating principle of WDM equipment. Key: a) light source, b) scanning filter, c) scan generator, d) coupler network for channels 1-4, e) FBG arrays, f) photodetectors, g) processor and h), time-varying output of the detector on channel 4, showing times ti converted into Bragg wavelengths i. Three data sampling and display options were available, a real time strain overview with, averaged strain data overlaid on a representation of the mast on a lap top computer, continuous long-term monitoring with peak strain data recorded at 5 Hz for later analysis and a ‘Black Box’ option of 5 minutes’ worth of storage at 100 Hz. ACMC/SAMPE Conference on Marine Composites Plymouth, 11-12 September 2003 (ISBN 1-870918-02-9) Sea Trials of the Smart Strain Sensor System Sea trials of the Jacquelina ‘Smart Mast’ installation occurred in wind strength force 4 to 6 with a moderate to rough sea state. The sea trial ran through various sailing procedures including tacking and reefing. 1200 1000 Strain (microstrain) 800 600 400 200 0 -200 -400 -600 -800 -1000 24:30 24:45 25:00 25:15 25:30 25:45 26:00 Time (MM:SS) Figure 3. Comparison between video footage and optical strain sensor record during a tacking manoeuvre. Optical strain sensor readings in the mast during tacking are presented in Figure 3. Peak strains of around 1000 were recorded from which operating levels of stress can be determined. The results show good correlation between pairs of sensors located opposite each other on port and starboard sides of the mast. As the tacking manoeuvre is completed, the plot becomes inverted as load is applied from the reverse side. The still images from the video footage at the top of the Figure follow the progress of the manoeuvre. From left to right, the images show respectively the boom on the starboard side, then aligned centrally along the boat and finally to the port side. The video was shot looking forward in the direction of travel from a position just behind the helm. The relative position of the boom can be judged using the fixed canopy framework as a reference. ACMC/SAMPE Conference on Marine Composites Plymouth, 11-12 September 2003 (ISBN 1-870918-02-9) 500 400 Strain (microstrain) 300 200 100 0 -100 -200 -300 -400 -500 35:00 35:15 35:30 35:45 36:00 36:15 36:30 36:45 37:00 Time (MM:SS) Figure 4. Strains due to wave slamming. Optical strain sensor readings in the mast during wave slamming events are depicted in Figure 4. Each wave event is indicated by a corresponding strain peak with good mirroring between FBG tension and compression pairs. Strain maxima were found to coincide with the impacts of waves on the vessel as recorded by video camera. SUMMARY Structural health monitoring offers important benefits to ship builders, owners and operators. Information about the response of a vessel under real loading conditions can be used to refine design guidelines. Of particular relevance to the marine applications of AFRP, the ability to test new materials and construction techniques may support their introduction and proliferation. A reduction in ownership cost results from the ability to implement a condition-based maintenance schedule and increased safety follows from the ability continuously to monitor structural integrity. An important requirement for effective SHM is an accurate, reliable, affordable strain data and OFS have been demonstrated to fulfil this need, even in the demanding marine environment. The trials conducted with sensors in a CFRP mast confirm that FBG are particularly suited for use with composite materials. ACKNOWLEDGMENTS The authors acknowledge the help and support of former employees of Smart Fibres Ltd and the MAST consortium: British Aerospace Military Aircraft and Aerostructures, British Aerospace Sowerby Research Centre, Carbospars Ltd., Pendennis Shipyard Ltd, Aston University and Egli Consultants Ltd. MAST was part funded under the UK DTI/EPSRC LINK Photonics Programme (Project. No.: YAG/08/02/1054) REFERENCES 1. HULLMOS, offered by R. 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