S Sample e Renew wal Ma aterials PU URPOSE The purpose p of the Renewal Materials is to ensure that program ms continue to meet all Candiidacy Requirem ments. For mo ore information,, visit th he NAEYC Aca ademy website e and click on Pursuing P Accre editation or Rea accreditation. INS STRUCTIO ONS Use this form to doccument all requ uired informatio on, including requested docum mentation ONL LY; do not subm mit additional in nformation (i.e. award ds, handbooks, photographs, etc.) which ma ay be reviewed d during the site e visit for renew wal. acilitate timely y processing of o your materia als, please do o not staple, do o not place pa ages in plastic c sleeves, and d do not spiral To fa bind or collate matterials into no otebooks or binders. gram Information (Pages 2-3) Prog Section 2: ensing/Regulation (Pages 4-5 5) Lice Section 3: gram Schedule e (Pages 6-7) Prog Section 4: oup Information n (Pages 8-10) Gro Section 5: gram Administrator (Pages 11-15) Prog Section 6: aching Staff Qu ualifications (Pa ages 16-17) Tea Section 7: al Questions (P Pages 18-19) Fina Section 8: hts and Responsibilities (Pag ge 20) Righ Section 9: es for NAEYC Accreditation A (P Page 21) Fee Section 10: Payyment Information (Page 22) SA Section 11: M PL Section 1: E TAB BLE OF CONTENT C S bmission Instructions (Page 22) Sub © 2010. National Association for f the Educa ation of Young g Children. All A rights reserrved. Progra am ID #: Sample Renewal Materials, M P Page 2 of 22 2 Sec ction 1: PROGRAM P M INFORM MATION Prog gram Identification Progrram Name: Legal name to appearr on all correspon ndence and officiial documents fro om NAEYC, inclu uding the NAEYC C Accreditation Certificate. C Progrram ID#: Secondary Conta act The Designated D Prog gram Administra ator is responsib ble for receiving written n correspondencce regarding the program's p accred ditation and can update e NAEYC with ch hanges to progra am information. See Clarification n on Progra am Administratorr for more inform mation. The Seco ondary Contact will be copied on n all corresponde ence regarding the progra am's accreditatio on and can updatte NAEYC with changes c to program information. i Name e: Name: Title: Title: Phone: ( ) - Fax: ( ) - Phone: ( ) - Faxx: ( ) - Email: Additional Con ntacts M PL Emaill: E Designated Pro ogram Adm ministrator Additiional Contacts are a authorized to o receive confide ential programma atic information frrom NAEYC. Prrograms may nam me up to three (3 3) additional contaccts. Name e: Title: Na ame: Name: Title: Title: Multtiple Progra ams within n the Same Facility NAEY YC Accreditation is granted to the overall program m, and will not be granted to indiviidual classroomss within a program m. Throughout the t NAEYC Accred ditation process, all eligible group ps a program serrves must be rep ported and may be b observed duriing a site visit. This T includes grroups within the prrogram that ope erate during the e summer and after-school care e groups. SA A grou up can only be exxcluded from a program’s p NAEY YC Accreditation if i it is part of a se eparate program that has a separrate public identiity. A program pursuiing NAEYC Accrreditation must notify NAEYC of all a separate prog grams that operatte within its faciliity and be able to o demonstrate a separate budge et, administration n, license and/or other criteria. Co omplete the inforrmation below to o inform NAEYC of other program ms that operate within w your progra am’s facility. My prrogram is the only o program th hat operates within its facility. Yes No NOTE E: If “yes” is checked above, and your y program offfers a summer ca amp option or affter-school care groups, g these gro oups must be rep ported and may be obsserved during a site s visit. In add dition to my pro ogram, one or more programss operate within the same faccility. Yess No If yes, use the space e below to list other o programss that operate within w your program’s facility and describe how h other existing programs are se eparate from yo our program. Include I relevan nt information about a how all other o existing programs have a separate nam me, budget, admin nistration, and//or license from m your program m. If nece essary, you may attach an additio onal page to con ntinue your descrription of separatte programs that operate within your y program’s fa acility. Security Cleara ance Is a security s clearan nce required up pon entry to the e program? No Yes – If yes, provide e the name and d phone numbe er for the prope er authority outsside of your pro ogram below. If yes, a security cleara ance must be giv ven prior to an an nnounced or una announced site visit, v please proviide the name and d phone numberr for the proper authorrity outside of your program. Name e: Email: Relationship to prog gram: Phone: ( ) - © 2010. National Association for f the Educa ation of Young g Children. All A rights reserrved. Progra am ID #: Sample Renewal Materials, M P Page 3 of 22 2 Sec ction 1: PROGRAM P M INFORM MATION Continued C Prog gram Addre ess Contact information wiill be posted on the t NAEYC webssite when a program achieves NA AEYC Accreditattion. Stree et Address: Suite/dept/floor: City: State: County: Country: Phone: ( ) - Fax: ( Emaill: Website e: Zip p: ) - Mailling Addres ss E To be used for written correspondence e to the program. Sa ame as program m address Stree et Address: State: County: Emaill: M PL City: Suite/dept/floor: Country: Phone: ( Billing Address s Zip p: ) - To be used for invoice es sent to the pro ogram. Sa ame as program m address Attention: Same as mailing m address This in ndividual must allso be listed as th he Designated Program P Administrator, Secondary ry Contact, or an Additional Conta act on page 1. SA Organ nization Name (if different tha an program nam me): Stree et Address: City: Suite/dept/floor: State: County: Country: Emaill: Phone: ( Zip p: ) - Fax: ( ) Ship pping Addre ess To be used for the ship pment of all NAE EYC Accreditation Materials. Sa ame as program m address Same as mailing m address Same as billing addrress Stree et Address: Suite/dept/floor: No P.O O. Boxes acceptted City: State: County: Country: Emaill: Phone: ( Zip p: ) - © 2010. National Association for f the Educa ation of Young g Children. All A rights reserrved. Progra am ID #: - Sample Renewal Materials, M P Page 4 of 22 2 Sec ction 2: LICENSIN L NG/REGUL LATION Lice ensing/Regu ulatory Sta atus (Includ des program ms that are e license ex xempt) Progra ams must be reg gulated by the ap ppropriate licensin ng/regulatory bo ody or in process of obtaining a liccense in order to o become an App plicant for NAEY YC Accreditation. Define the licen nsing/regulation status based on the four options below. O Option 1: My program is lic censed. Apprropriate licensing g bodies refer to state licensing agencies. a My program is lice ensed by: State e: with a: Agency: Full Licen nse Tempora ary License Provision nal License Other: My program is lice ense-exempt, but b voluntarily liicensed. No Yes Yes – if yes, indica ate expiration date: Lice ense Number: E My program’s licen nse expires. N No Phone: ( ) - Sp pecialist Name e: M PL OR O Option 2: My program p is regulated. Apprropriate regulato ory bodies refer to o public agenciess such as a boarrd of education or o the military. My program is reg gulated by: My program’s regu ulation expires.. No Y – if yes, indicate expiration Yes n date: OR O Option 3: My program p is lic cense-exempt,, eligible for licensure, and began the app plication proc cess to becom me licensed. The e application pro ocess for licensure was begu un in: Month: Agency: SA With h: State: Year: Untill the program be ecomes licensed, I verify that: 1) The progra am administratorr has reviewed th he state’s licensin ng requirements; 2) The Board d chair/president or owner has reviewed the state’s licensing requ uirements; 3) My program is voluntarily in i compliance witth the state’s lice ensing requireme ents; and 4) Upon regisstration of childre en in the program m, my program provides families with a copy of th he state’s licensin ng requirements,, informs families that the program is s license-exemptt, and informs families that the prrogram is volunta arily in compliancce with the state’s licensing requirements. OR O Option 4: My program p is lic cense-exempt,, and legally prohibited p from m licensure. I verrify that: 1) The progra am administratorr has reviewed th he state’s licensin ng requirements; 2) The Board d chair/president or owner has reviewed the state’s licensing requ uirements; 3) My program is voluntarily in i compliance witth the state’s lice ensing requireme ents; 4) Upon regisstration of childre en in the program m, my program provides families with a copy of th he state’s licensin ng requirements,, informs families that the program is s license-exemptt, and informs families that the prrogram is volunta arily in compliancce with the state’s licensing requirements; 5) The progra am has documen ntation of fire and d health inspectio ons; and 6) The progra am will have com mpleted a crimina al background ch heck on all staff and a have complie ed with state and d federal law con ncerning backgroun nd checks. In ad ddition, the progra am employs no individual i convictted of a crime invvolving sexual ab buse or child abu use or neglect. © 2010. National Association for f the Educa ation of Young g Children. All A rights reserrved. Progra am ID #: Sample Renewal Materials, M P Page 5 of 22 2 Sec ction 2: LICENSIN L NG/REGUL LATION Continued C Repo orting on Licensing/R L Regulatory Status, S Crittical Incide ents, and Major M Chang ges NAEY YC-Accredited pro ograms and prog grams that have submitted an Ap pplication (Step 2) 2 for NAEYC Acccreditation are re equired to update e NAEYC of criticall incidents, suspe ension or revoca ation of license orr regulatory statu us, and major changes according g to the following timeframes. To o meet upcoming g Candid dacy and site vissit requirements for f NAEYC Accre reditation, a progrram must mainta ain good standing g in its licensing or regulatory sta atus by having no o seriou us issues of nonccompliance within n the last year orr since its last insspection. NO OTIFY WITHIN N 72 HOURS S REP PORT WITHIN N 30 DAYS Progra am staff must sub bmit the 72- Hou ur Notification forrm if the program m experiiences any of the e following critica al incidents that may m impact progra am quality status: Program staff s must inform m NAEYC of all major m programma atic changes using the Self Report form m. Any suspension s orr revocation in n program’s license or regulatory status Example es of major ch hanges include e, but are not limited to: • • om any cause The death of any child fro njury to any chilld that results in the child bein ng A critical in admitted to o a hospital Em mergency Room m for treatment (whether trransported by the Emergencyy Medical Response team, program m, parent, or oth her individual) Any unusual incident invo olving a lack of supervision ut not limited to o a child being left unattended d (such as bu or leaving the t facility alon ne) Any suspeccted physical or o psychologica al abuse of a child at the e program or by y an individual that the child met m through the e program. Change in own nership or vend dor New designate ed program administrator Change of location Change to the e physical facilitty or ground (due to damage,, renovations, etc.) e Incorporation of o a new age category c that was w not previously servved Court order orr legal action Change in gen neral program information i Change in the e primary or seccondary contacct for the program or rellated contact in nformation Merge with an n existing progrram • M PL • • • • • • E d or could ha ave compromised the Any incident that did essen ntial health orr safety of any y child, such as a but not limite ed to: • • • • List the date(s) in whicch your program submitted all app plicable 72-Hourr Notification and/ d/or Self Reports to NAEYC within n the past 12 mo onths. If your progra am has experiencced any of the in ncidents or chang ges noted above,, appropriate nottification must be e submitted imme ediately. SA 72-Ho our Notificatio on Form(s) Submitted Dates off Self Report Form(s) F Subm mitted Datess Submitted: Dates Su ubmitted: N/A - My program has not submitted any 72-H Hour Notificatio on formss in the past 12 months. N/A - My program has h not submittted any Self Re eport forms in the past 12 months. © 2010. National Association for f the Educa ation of Young g Children. All A rights reserrved. Progra am ID #: Sample Renewal Materials, M P Page 6 of 22 2 Section 3: PROGRAM P M SCHEDU ULE Prog gram Closu ures My program m operates le ess than 12 months/year. m My program op perates 12 mo onths/year. • OR The prrogram begins serving chilldren on The prrogram ends on / / . • / / . Indicate e the dates your program will be closed for the ne ext 12 months. Begin B with the cu urrent month and d place an X overr the dates in eacch month in whicch your prrogram will be clo osed. Month h Dates s Closed Select the current montth Yearr 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 1 13 14 15 17 18 19 2 20 21 22 2 23 24 25 26 27 28 2 29 30 31 16 20 Ch heck if program m is closed for the t entire montth 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 1 13 14 15 17 18 19 2 20 21 22 2 23 24 25 26 27 28 2 29 30 31 E 1 16 20 Ch heck if program m is closed for the t entire montth 17 2 3 4 5 6 7 18 19 2 20 21 22 2 23 8 9 10 11 12 1 13 14 15 24 25 26 27 28 2 29 30 31 M PL 1 16 20 Ch heck if program m is closed for the t entire montth 1 17 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 1 13 14 15 18 19 2 20 21 22 2 23 24 25 26 27 28 2 29 30 31 16 20 Ch heck if program m is closed for the t entire montth 1 17 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 1 13 14 15 18 19 2 20 21 22 2 23 24 25 26 27 28 2 29 30 31 16 20 Ch heck if program m is closed for the t entire montth 1 17 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 1 13 14 15 18 19 2 20 21 22 2 23 24 25 26 27 28 2 29 30 31 16 20 SA Ch heck if program m is closed for the t entire montth 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 1 13 14 15 17 18 19 2 20 21 22 2 23 24 25 26 27 28 2 29 30 31 16 20 Ch heck if program m is closed for the t entire montth 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 1 13 14 15 17 18 19 2 20 21 22 2 23 24 25 26 27 28 2 29 30 31 16 20 Check if program is closed for th he entire month h 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 1 13 14 15 17 18 19 2 20 21 22 2 23 24 25 26 27 28 2 29 30 31 16 20 Check if program is closed for th he entire month h 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 1 13 14 15 17 18 19 2 20 21 22 2 23 24 25 26 27 28 2 29 30 31 16 20 Check if program is closed for th he entire month h 1 17 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 1 13 14 15 18 19 2 20 21 22 2 23 24 25 26 27 28 2 29 30 31 16 20 Check if program is closed for th he entire month h 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 1 13 14 15 17 18 19 2 20 21 22 2 23 24 25 26 27 28 2 29 30 31 16 20 Check if program is closed for th he entire month h Note th hat NAEYC will not n conduct site visits v on Federal Holidays, includiing New Year’s Day, D Birthday of Martin Luther Kin ng, Jr., Washington’s Birthday, Memorrial Day, Indepen ndence Day, Labor Day, Columbu us Day, Veteranss Day, Thanksgivving Day, and Ch hristmas Day. Fo or more informattion on Federal Holidayys, refer to the U.S. U Office of Pers sonnel Managem ment. © 2010. National Association for f the Educa ation of Young g Children. All A rights reserrved. Progra am ID #: Sample Renewal Materials, M P Page 7 of 22 2 Sec ction 3: PROGRAM P M SCHEDULE Contiinued Hou urs of Operation Indicate the days of the week your prog gram operates and a time of day your y program ope ens and closes each e day. Prrogram is open 24 hours/day, 7 days a weekk Days Open Monday Tuesday Wednessday T Thursday Friday Saturday Sundayy Open ning Time : : : : : : : a.m. a.m. a.m. a.m. a.m. a.m. a.m. p.m. p.m. p.m. p.m. p.m. p.m. p.m. Closiing Time : : : : : : : a.m. a.m. a.m. a.m. a.m. a.m. a.m. p.m. p.m. p.m. p.m. p.m. p.m. p.m. Age e Categories Served d E Each age a category serrved by the progrram must be rep presented in at le east one group on n the day of the site s visit. For exxample, if a progrram serves infantss and toddler/two os, the NAEYC Assessor A must ha ave the opportun nity to observe att least one group p containing infan nts and one grou up containing toddle ers/twos on the day d of the site vis sit. Comp plete the following g chart to identify y the age categories served by yo our program and d when each age category is in se ession. My program M PL NAE EYC Defined Age A Categorie es (Age e ranges for each h of the age cate egories overlap for program p flexibilityy. Programs can n choose the age category that ap pplies to children whose ages fall within w the overlap pping portion of the t age rang ges.) Infa ant: birth - 15 months SA Tod ddler/Two: 12 - 36 mon nths My progra am NEVER serves this age cate egory. Pre eschool: 30 0 months - 5 years Kin ndergarten: enrolled in a public or private p kinde ergarten SOMETIM MES serves this age e category. My program M A ALWAYS serrves this age category. C Check ONE of the t appropriate e boxes for eacch age categoryy: Indica ate all timefram mes during whicch infants are NOT servved: Indica ate all timefram mes during whicch toddle ers/twos are NO OT served: Indica ate all timefram mes during whicch preschoolers are NO OT served: Indica ate all timefram mes during whicch kinderrgartners are NOT N served: NOTE E: Children within n all eligible grou ups a program se erves must be rep ported. This inc cludes children from groups th hat operate duriing the summerr and after-school care e groups. Add ditional Infformation Note any a special circumstances rega arding your progrram’s schedule that t may affect th he scheduling of a site visit. Do no ot exceed the spa ace provided. © 2010. National Association for f the Educa ation of Young g Children. All A rights reserrved. Progra am ID #: Sample Renewal Materials, M P Page 8 of 22 2 Sec ction 4: GROUP G IN NFORMAT TION Sum mmary of Groups Pleasse report on all elligible groups your program serve es. Refer to Clarrification on Grou ups to determine e how many grou ups your program m serves and the age categories c that ap pply to each grou up. Direct questiions about how to t report on group ps within your prrogram to 1-800--424-2460, option n 3, option 1. # of # of Part Da ay Groups F Day Group Full ps (meet for <5 hrs) (meet for ≥5 hrs)) Infan nt Group(s) Todd dler/Two Group p(s) Prescchool Group(s)) Kinde ergarten Group p(s) Mixed d Age Group(ss) Total # of Grou ups E Age Catego ories M PL TOTAL of all groups: Do any children in this t program sp peak languagess other than En nglish? No o Yes – The T children sp peak: If yess, how much tim me do the child dren in this prog gram typically speak s a langua age other than English? all of th he time most of o the time sometiimes never Sate ellite Locattions SA Only complete c this section if any of the e groups are hou used in a satellite e location. A pro ogram with sate ellite location must m meet the following f criteria: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Havve no more tha an 2 satellite loccations Loccation is within 5 mile radius The e satellite locattion/s enroll 60 or fewer childrren One e Program Adm ministration One e Budget One e Public Identitty Sate ellite Site Address A 1 Stree et Address: City: Suiite/dept/floor: State: Zip p: Sate ellite Site Address A 2 Stree et Address: City: Suiite/dept/floor: State: © 2010. National Association for f the Educa ation of Young g Children. All A rights reserrved. Zip p: Progra am ID #: Sample Renewal Materials, M P Page 9 of 22 2 Sec ction 4: GROUP G IN NFORMAT TION Continued Comp plete the followin ng page with info ormation about ea ach of the eligible e groups your prrogram serves. Make M a copy of the t following pag ge and complete for ad dditional groups served at your program. Gro oup Name Gro oup Address s This group is locate ed in: T main facilitty listed as the site address The S Satellite Site 1 S Satellite Site 2 E Age e Categorie es Served by b this Grou up Pleasse check ALL th hat apply: T Toddler/Two P Preschool K Kindergarten M PL Infant Num mber of Tea aching Staff Members s Present in n this Grou up NAEY YC defines teach hing staff by the roles r the fill withiin the group. Ple ease refer to the Definition of Tea aching Staff for more m information. Num mber of teacherss: Num mber of assistan nt teacher-teac cher aides: SA Gro oup Characteristics Numberr of other adultts (if any): How often arre they present? What is their role? Do any a children enrolled in this grroup have any of the following g diagnosed sp pecial needs? If yess, please indicate e the number of children. c O Orthopedic han ndicaps: S Speech & langu uage: N Neurological dissorders: D Down Syndrom me: L Learning disabiilities: A ADHD: H Hearing impairm ment: Autiism, spectrum disorders: Men ntally disabled//Developmenta ally Delayed: Maintenance care diseases (diab betes, HIV): Visu ual impairment: Beh havioral: Other, specify: © 2010. National Association for f the Educa ation of Young g Children. All A rights reserrved. Progra am ID #: Sample Renewal R Ma aterials, Pa age 10 of 22 2 Sec ction 4: GROUP G IN NFORMAT TION Conttinued Place an X in the P e box during the hours h that the grroup begins and end each day; se erves meals or s snacks; takes na aps/rest; and uses the playground d or a gross moto or activity room. Group p Name: 6 AM 7 AM 8 AM 9AM 10 AM 11 1 AM 12 PM 1PM 2 PM 3 PM 4 PM P 5 PM Mon nday Exam mple: Meals X X X Begin n/End Time* Meals N Nap/Rest Tues sday (if differrent than abov ve) Meals N Nap/Rest Playg ground/Gross Motor M PL Startt/End Time* E Playg ground/Gross Motor Wed dnesday (if diifferent than above) a Startt/End Time* SA Meals N Nap/Rest Playg ground/Gross Motor Thurrsday (if diffe erent than abo ove) Startt/End Time* Meals N Nap/Rest Playg ground/Gross Motor Frida ay (if differen nt than above)) Startt/End Time* Meals N Nap/Rest Playg ground/Gross Motor *Startt/End Time is not n applicable and a can be left blank if group is in operation 24 hours/day. © 2010. National Association for f the Educa ation of Young g Children. All A rights reserrved. Progra am ID #: 6 PM 7 PM Sample Renewal R Ma aterials, Pa age 11 of 22 2 Sec ction 5: PROGRAM P M ADMINISTRATO OR For asssistance comple eting pages 11-1 15, refer to criteriia 10.A.02 and 10.A.04 in TORCH H as well as the Candidacy Requ uirements on the e Academy websiite. Name of Designate ed Program Adm ministrator: Progrram administrator qualifications (10.A.02) must be e met as part of the t Candidacy Requirements. R Wh two or more individuals sharre program When admin nistrative responssibilities, at leastt one person musst meet the qualiifications outlined d in criterion 10.A A.02 and is conssidered the designated program admin nistrator. There are a three differen nt ways that a pro ogram administra ator can meet 10 0.A.02. Indicate how h the (designa ated) program ad dministrator meetss the qualification ns as outlined in Criterion 10.A.0 02 by completing form A, B, or C. Complete only ONE form. If form m A or B are com mpleted, you must attach documen ntation, for example a copy of the degree com mpleted specifyiing discipline an nd/or transcriptts. A Has at least a baccalaurea A. ate degree with h 24 credits in ECE, E CD, ElEd d or EC Spec Ed E AND 9 credits in administra ation, leade ership, or mana agement. (Com mplete FORM A on page 12 2 and attach do ocumentation n; do not comp plete FORM B or C.) B Has plan in place to meet the B. t qualifications outlined in Option O A within n 5 years. (Com mplete FORM B on page 15 5 but no docu umentation ne eeds to be atta ached; do not complete FOR RM A or C.) E C Meets the alternative pathw C. way – must document a total of 100 points across a all 3 cattegories: educa ation, administrrator experience and rele evant training or o credentials. (Complete FO ORM C on pag ges 13-14 and attach docum mentation; do not n complete FORM A or FORM B.) Form mA M PL Use th his form ONLY to o document that the designated program p adminisstrator has at least a baccalaurea ate degree with 24 2 credit-bearing hours of specia alized college-levvel course work in early childhoo od education (EC CE), child develop pment (CD), elem mentary educatio on (ElEd), or earlly childhood specia al education (EC C Spec Ed) that addresses a child development d and d learning from birth through kind dergarten AND 9 credit-bearing ho ours of specia alized college-levvel course work in administration n, leadership, or management. m D Documentation t support FORM A must be attached and to imme ediately follow FORM F A. Bacca alaureate Degre ee or Higher: Lis st the baccalaure eate degree or hiigher degree recceived below. Ind dividuals who ho old an international degree must submit an evaluation and a verification of o US equivalenccies. Attach a co opy of the degre ree and/or transcripts showing completion and d discipline imme ediately followin ng this page. D Degree Name of o College/University Date Major SA Crediit Hours: List the e courses that co omprise the 24 crredits in ECE, CD D, ElEd, or EC Spec S Ed and/or th he 9 credits in ad dministration, lea adership, or mana agement. This ma ay include course ework obtained as a part of the deg gree or courses completed separrately. If it is ap pparent that the degree listed above e is in administr tration/managem ment (for examp ple an MBA), yo ou do not need to t list the 9 cred dits in administrration. If the de egree is in ECE, E, CD, ElEd, E or EC Spec Ed, then you do d not need to list l the 24 crediits in ECE. If the e degree is not in n administration, leadership, or management, m ECE, CD, ElEd, or EC C Spec Ed (for ex xample Psycholo ogy), you would need n to list 24 cre redits in ECE and d 9 credits in adm ministration, lead dership, or mana agement. Attach h a copy of the relevant r transcrripts immediately following this s page. Please highlight applic cable courses on o the transcript. C Credits Cours se name C College/Univer rsity State Date com mpleted END OF FORM A— —Insert docum mentation for Form F A HERE and proceed to page 15. © 2010. National Association for f the Educa ation of Young g Children. All A rights reserrved. Progra am ID #: Sample Renewal R Ma aterials, Pa age 12 of 22 2 Sec ction 5: PROGRAM P M ADMINISTRATO OR Continued Form mB Use th his form ONLY to o document that the designated program p adminisstrator has a plan n in place to have e at least a bacccalaureate degree e with 24 credits in EC CE and 9 credits in i administration,, leadership, or management m with hin five years. No N additional do ocumentation to o support Form B is needed. SA M PL E Desccribe Plan: Do no ot exceed the spa ace provided and d do not attach additional a informa ation. END OF FORM B— —No additiona al documentattion needs to be b attached fo or Form B. Prroceed to page e 15. © 2010. National Association for f the Educa ation of Young g Children. All A rights reserrved. Progra am ID #: Sample Renewal R Ma aterials, Pa age 13 of 22 2 Sec ction 5: PROGRAM P M ADMINISTRATO OR Continued Form mC Use this th form ONLY to t document thatt the designated program p adminisstrator has met an a alternative patthway to achieve e the educationall qualifications off a prog gram administrattor. Documenta ation to supportt Form C must be b included imm mediately follow wing Form C. For asssistance comple eting Form C, refer to the Alterna ative Pathway to Achieve Educatitional Qualificatio ons of a Program m Administrator Form mal Education: List L degrees comp pleted. Attach a copy of the deg gree and/or transcripts showing co ompletion and diiscipline. Individ duals who hold an intternational degre ee must submit an a evaluation and d verification of US U equivalenciess. You must be able a to document educational exp periences equalling a minimum of o 50 points and a maximum of 70 0 points for formal education, usiing the following values: Baccalaureate degre ee or higher in ea arly childhood ed ducation, child de evelopment & fam mily studies, earl rly childhood special education, ation that encomp passes developm ment and learning of children birth h through kinderrgarten; but lackin ing 9 credit or ellementary educa hourrs in leadership, management an nd/or administratiion 65 po oints Baccalaureate degre ee or higher in ed ducational leadership, management or a related field f (human servvices administrattion, business ministration, organ nizational develo opment, public ad dministration) bu ut lacking 24 cred dit hours that enccompass develop pment and adm learn ning of children birth b through kind dergarten 60 po oints Baccalaureate degre ee or higher in ECE-related field (social work, psyychology) withou ut 24 credit hourss that encompasss development dren birth through h kindergarten an nd without 9 cred dit hours in leade ership, managem ment, and/or administration and learning of child 55 po oints Asso ociate degree in ECE/CD 50 po oints Baccalaureate degre ee or higher in an ny other field M PL De egree Name of Co ollege/Univers sity Points claimed: E 70 po oints Sttate Datte Major Atta ach a copy of the degree an nd/or transcrip pts showing completion and d discipline imm mediately follo owing this pag ge. 50 po oints 40 po oints 30 po oints 25 po oints 15 po oints SA Expe erience: List relevant work experiience here. You must m be able to document d work experiences e equ ualing a minimum m of 15 and a maxximum of 50 pointss using the follow wing values: At le east 5 years expe erience as a prog gram administrattor that includes leading a progra am through and maintaining m NAE EYC Accrreditation for at le east 2 years At le east 3 years expe erience as a prog gram administrattor that includes successfully leading the program m through the NA AEYC Accrreditation proces ss (at least 12 mo onths prior to vissit) At le east 3 years expe erience as a prog gram administrattor in an NAEYC C-Accredited prog gram that include es maintaining acccreditation without a lapse At le east 5 years expe erience as a prog gram administrattor in a program not accredited by b NAEYC At le east 3 years expe erience as a prog gram administrattor in a program not accredited by b NAEYC Adm ministrative Position Points claimed: Prrogram Name City, State Date hire ed e ended Date (MM/YYY YY) (MM M/YYYY) No additional a doc cumentation related r to expe erience is required. © 2010. National Association for f the Educa ation of Young g Children. All A rights reserrved. Progra am ID #: NAEYC Accredited? Sample Renewal R Ma aterials, Pa age 14 of 22 2 Sec ction 5: PROGRAM P M ADMINISTRATO OR Continued Form m C Contin nued Relev vant Training/Crredentials: List relevant training g/credentials rela ated to early child dhood education,, child developme ent, early childho ood special educa ation, elementaryy education, prog gram administrattion, leadership, or management.. You must be able to document a minimum of 5 points and a maxim mum of 35 pointss in relevant train ning/credentials outside o of the forrmal education lissted on page13. Please list only training/cred dentials requiired to meet the e alternative patthway for Candiidacy. Documen ntation must be attached. List of o Relevant Cred dits: One college e credit equals fo our points. Docu umentation mus st be attached. Course name College/Un niversity Sttate Date completed M PL E Cre edits List of o Relevant Traiining Hours: Four contact hours of training within n the past 5 yearrs equals one point. Contact hourrs refer to training g hours, rather than hours h working in a classroom witth children. Docu umentation mus st be attached. Sp ponsoring ins stitution/progrram To otal time (hours) in training witth instructorr SA Name of Training T Relev vant Credentials s: State directorr credentials thatt are NAEYC app proved equal 35 points. p Docume entation must be attached. Do yo ou have a state e director or ad dministrator’s credential? c Points claimed: No Yes- Iff yes, from wha at state? Attach a copy c of any crredits, training g, or credentia als listed on page p 14. END OF FORM C— —Insert docum mentation for Form F C HERE E and proceed to page 15. © 2010. National Association for f the Educa ation of Young g Children. All A rights reserrved. Progra am ID #: Date completed Sample Renewal R Ma aterials, Pa age 15 of 22 2 Sec ction 5: PROGRAM P M ADMINISTRATO OR Continued Add ditional Adm ministrative e Staff (Optional) Pleasse provide additio onal information about any other administrative sttaff and their role es at your progra am, which you be elieve assist in prroviding context aboutt the program’s operations. o (This s question is optiional because NA AEYC does not have h requiremen nts for the qualificcations of these staff.) s SA M PL E © 2010. National Association for f the Educa ation of Young g Children. All A rights reserrved. Progra am ID #: Sample Renewal R Ma aterials, Pa age 16 of 22 2 Sec ction 6: TEACHIN T NG STAFF QUALIFIICATIONS S Des scription off Profession nal Develop pment Plan n Checkk all relevant types of professiona al development for f teaching stafff that is supporte ed by the program m and describe th he overall plan in n one or two sente ences. E Education progrrams T Training programs T Tuition reimburssement In n-service training M Mentoring A Attendance at conferences c O Other SA M PL E Desccribe Plan: Do no ot exceed the spa ace provided and d do not attach additional a informa ation. The e National Registry R Alliance (TNR RA) M program is located in OK, MO, ME, or WI My W and has attached documen ntation from The National Reg gistry Alliance (TNRA) ( on the desig gnated adminisstrator and/or te eaching staff qu ualifications. NAEYC N has permission to sha are our program m’s contact info ormation with TNRA A. © 2010. National Association for f the Educa ation of Young g Children. All A rights reserrved. Progra am ID #: Sample Renewal R Ma aterials, Pa age 17 of 22 2 Section 6: TE EACHING STAFF QUALIFIC Q ATIONS Continued C Complete e a copy of page e17 for each teac ching staff memb ber. Teachin ng Staff Name: Group Name: If teachiing staff memb ber works with other o groups, please p list: Job Title e (Choose one of o the following): Tea acher (primary responsibility r for a group of childrren) Tea acher Assistantt/Aide (works unnder the direct suupervision of a teeacher) Docum mentation of o Teaching g Staff Edu ucational Qualification Q ns 1. Attach h documentation immediately follo owing this page for fo each teaching staff member sh howing all relevan nt educational qua alifications listed. 2. Chec ck the box(es) ne ext to all evidence e you are submittting. 3. Circle e the letter(s) off all options the te eacher fully meetss in the “Option” column. c Highligh ht information as indicated. i Teachin ng Staff Memb ber has this qu ualification: Must Pro ovide this doc cumentation: (check ( all that ap pply) Equivale ent of an AA de egree in ECE Equivale ent of a BA deg gree in ECE a copyy of the transcrript that specifie es major and reflects that the degre ee was earned (highlight major) r)AND/OR a copyy of the diplom ma that lists the major field of study s F M PL Associa ate’s degree (AA A) OR Baccala aureate degree e (BA) or higherr in • Early Childhood Edu ucation (ECE), • Child Development (CD), • Eleme entary Educatio on (El Ed), OR R • Early Childhood Spe ecial Ed ( EC Spec S Ed ) C Always su ubmit the CDA (iff the teaching sta aff member has earned e it) in addition to o other qualificatiions/credentials. E A curren nt Child Develo opment Associa ate (CDA) credential awarded byy the Council fo or Professional Recognition Circle Optio on: a copyy of the CDA credential c award ded by the Cou uncil for Professio onal Recognitio on H I J SA • AA de egree or higherr in a non-ECE E related field AND • at lea ast 3 years expe erience in an NAEYC N Accre edited program. Transcrip pts documentin ng (highlight creddits): at leasst 60 college/university creditts INCLUDIING at least 30 creditss in ECE, CD, El Ed, or EC Spec S Ed* a copyy of the diplom ma reflecting tha at the degree was w completed AND a copy of a tra anscript reflecting a BA degree in any discipline e, WITH at least 36 creditss in ECE, CD, ElEd, or ECSpecE Ed*. (highlight crredits) a copyy of the degree e OR a tran nscript that refle ects the degree was w earned AND a resume e or letter that includes the program name, location n, length of emp ployment, role constituting 3 years of experience, e an nd note that the e program was//is accredited by NAEY YC during employment. a copyy of the degree e OR a tran nscript that refle ects the degree was w earned AND a resume e or letter that includes the program name, location n, length of emp ployment, and role constituting 3 years of experience; e AN ND docume entation of 30 contact hours h of relevan nt training from m the last 3 years. a transcript documen nting 12 ECE* credits (highlighht credits) OR docum mentation from a college/university that wou uld grant a minim mum of 12 credits for a specifie ed training prog gram OR militarry training modules. • AA de egree or higherr in non-ECE re elated field AN ND • at lea ast 3 years expe erience in a no on-accredited progra am, AND • at lea ast 30 contact hours h of training g CDA cre edential equiva alent as defined d by NAEYC ass at least 12 college credits in ECE, CD D, El Ed, or EC C Spec Ed d Working g on an AA deg gree or higher degree d in ECE, CD, El Ed, E or EC Spe ec Ed Working g on the equiva alent of an AA degree d or highe er in ECE, CD, El Ed, or EC Spec Ed Working g on the CDA credential c awarrded by the Council for Professional Recognition Working g on the equiva alent of the CDA A credential (a as defined by NAEYC as 12 credits) None off the above qua alifications app ply. K D “Working on” o means some e evidence of edu ucational progresss must be within one e year of the Candidacy Due date e. This can includ de work scheduled d to begin less than 1 year followiing the Candidaccy Due date. Acceptable documentation n that is dated wiithin one year of the Candidacy Due date includes i one or more m of the follow wing: copy of o an applicatio on copy of o grade reportt copy of o transcript letter from f an adviso or CDA preparation p cou urse flyer receipt of tuition paym ment, militaryy training modu ules. course e description fro om a course catalog E G A B Optionss A and B a are available e to assista ant teache er/ teache er aides o only NONE No ad dditional docum mentation is included. *ECE = Early E Childhood d Education; CD D = Child Develo opment; ElEd = Elementary Ed ducation; EC Spe ec Ed = Early Childhood C Speciial Education All colle ege credits and degrees d must be b from a region nally accredited d institution of higher h education n. The U.S. Deptt. of Education maintains m a listing g of recognized accredited insstitutions of higher education at http://ope.ed.gov/ h v/accreditation. In nternational degrrees must be veri rified through a process of matchiing US equivvalent degrees. © 2010. National Association for f the Educa ation of Young g Children. All A rights reserrved. Progra am ID #: Sample Renewal R Ma aterials, Pa age 18 of 22 2 Sec ction 7: PROGRAM P M SELF-A ASSESSMENT REPORT Sou urces of Eviidence Info ormation The Sources S of Evidence for all Criteria C have be een updated ass of September 2008. Programs that submitt Renewal Mate erials must organ nize their evide ence according g to the 2008 Sources of Evidence as listed below. 2008 8 Sources of Evvidence • • • • • Program Portfolio Classroom Portfolios s Teach hing Staff Survey Family Survey Obserrvable Criteria Insttructions Notes: M PL E To co omplete Sectio on 8: Program Self-Assessme S ent Report, all Sources S of Evid dence created during Self-Assessment shou uld be comp plete with labeled pieces of ev vidence or com mpleted summa ary forms. Refe erence your co ompleted Sourcces of Evidence e to answer the fo ollowing questions. Not all criteria apply to alll age categorie es. If you do not serve the ag ge category to which w the criterion applies, ch heck the ve on to the next question. appropriatte box and mov • Do not excceed the space e provided as you y complete each question. Doing so will decrease d the user-friendlinesss of these Candidacyy Materials. • Do not atta ach evidence to o these materia als. Simply rep port on the evid dence that you have collected d throughout yo our program’s formal Self-Assessment. SA • © 2010. National Association for f the Educa ation of Young g Children. All A rights reserrved. Progra am ID #: Sample Renewal R Ma aterials, Pa age 19 of 22 2 Sec ction 7: FINAL F QU UESTIONS S Do no ot exceed the spa ace provided. M PL E Whatt information do oes NAEYC ne eed to know to conduct an accurate assessm ment of your prrogram (for exa ample, any uniq que chara acteristics of th he facility, progrram, enrolled children, c or com mmunity) when reviewing you ur Renewal Matterials and duriing the site visit? ? SA Are there any criterria with which your y program ca annot comply because b the prrogram is subje ect to a governmental rule tha at does not w you to meet itt? If so, please specify the critteria (letter and d number) and attach docume entation of the regulation thatt prohibits allow meetting the expecta ation of the critterion. Do no ot exceed the spa ace provided. © 2010. National Association for f the Educa ation of Young g Children. All A rights reserrved. Progra am ID #: Sample Renewal R Ma aterials, Pa age 20 of 22 2 Sec ction 8: RIGHTS R AND A RESP PONSIBIL LITIES Prog gram Rightts Rightt: Rightt: Rightt: Prog gram Respo onsibilities s Resp ponsibility: To understand the NAEYC Accreditation pro T ocess and acce ess the most current c versionss of the NAEYC C Early C Childhood Prog gram Standard ds and Accredittation Criteria and a related asssessment tools and resourcess. F information For n about the NA AEYC Accredita ation process, visit v the NAEYC C Academy We ebsite frequenttly and read m monthly Accred ditation e-Upda ates and bi-ann nual Accreditation Updates. F current verrsions of the NA For AEYC Early Ch hildhood Progra am Standards and Accreditattion Criteria and related a assessment tools and resources, visit TORC CH. T Update NAE To EYC of program mmatic change es and critical incidents accorrding to the app propriate timefrrames. • Report ma ajor programma atic changes within w 30 days using u the Self Report R form. • Notify NAE EYC of critical incidents that may m impact pro ogram quality status s within 72 2 hours using th he 72 Hour Notification n form. • Inform NA AEYC of update es to contact information for th he primary and d secondary contact of your program to ensure open communica ation between the program an nd NAEYC. Ch hanges to conta act information should be reported as a soon as posssible with the Self S Report form m. T notify NAEY To YC immediatelyy if Candidacy Requirements reported on within these Ren newal Materialss are no longerr m met. Failure to o meet Candida acy Requireme ents may affectt a program’s ability a to move forward f in the renewal r p process and/orr maintain statu us as a currently NAEYC-Acccredited program. T retain a cop To py of all forms submitted s to NA AEYC and reta ain documentattion verifying th he date of all su ubmissions. P Postmark docu umentation is acceptable a for submissions s byy mail and a co opy of sent e-m mail with date an nd time stamp i information is acceptable a for e-mail submisssions. C Completed Renewal Materials and paymentt must be subm mitted by the du ue date chosen n. If a program fails to submit t Renewal Materials the M and fe ee by the selectted due date, then the progra am will be withd drawn as an Ap pplicant for N NAEYC Accred ditation. If with hdrawn, a progrram can re-app ply by submittin ng a new Appliccation and fee.. SA Resp ponsibility: E Rightt: pport from NAE EYC. To receivve professional and timely sup • Phon ne - (800) 424-2 2460, option 3,, option 1. Mon nday - Friday, 9:00 9 AM to 5:0 00 PM ET • Email - accreditatio on.information@ @naeyc.org • Accre editation Progrram Support Re esources To receivve information from f the NAEY YC Academy regarding update es on the NAEY YC Accreditatio on system, policies, and procedure es. • Montthly Accreditation e-Updates emailed e to prim mary and secon ndary contacts provided to NA AEYC. • Bi-An nnual Accredita ation Updates mailed m to progrram mailing address provided d to NAEYC. To accesss current, accu urate informatio on about the NA AEYC Accredittation process and the NAEYC Early Childhood Program Standardss and Accredita ation Criteria, including relate ed assessment tools and reso ources. • NAEY YC Academy Website W • TOR RCH To provide feedback to the NAEYC reg garding the NA AEYC Accredita ation process and a the NAEYC C Early Childho ood Program Standardss and Accredita ation Criteria. • Subm mit Feedback on o the Accredita ation System • Subm mit feedback on n the accreditation criteria via a TORCH Criteria Feedback and a TORCH Discussions AEYC Accredittation process at any time. To withdrraw from the NA M PL Rightt: Resp ponsibility: Resp ponsibility: Resp ponsibility: Sign nature I have read an nd understand my program’s rights and resp ponsibilities. I verify that the e information submitted s in thiss form is accurrate. If false orr misleading infformation is evver provided to the NAEYC Academy, I un nderstand that my program’s pursuit of NAE EYC Accreditatiion will cease and/or a my prog gram’s current accreditation a may be revoke ed. I understand that t failure to fu ully complete th he Renewal Ma aterials, provide e the necessarry documentation as it relatess to the educational qu ualifications forr Candidacy, an nd/or maintain the Candidacyy Requirementss may result in my program’s denial of Renewal Mate erials. I understand that t the program m must notify the t NAEYC Aca ademy of all sttaff changes prrior to a visit. (T This includes changes c in the program administrator designated in 10.A.0 02 or teaching staff). ________ ____________ ____________ _________ ________ ____________ ____________ ______ Signature Title © 2010. National Association for f the Educa ation of Young g Children. All A rights reserrved. Progra am ID #: Sample Renewal R Ma aterials, Pa age 21 of 22 2 Se ection 9: FEES FOR NAEYC C ACCRED DITATION N The e Renewal Matterials fee is nonrefundable. This s form will nott be processed until NAEYC C receives the e applicable fe ee. Renewa al Materialls Level L 1 Level 2 Lev vel 3 Level 4 (1 10 to 60 (61 to 120 (121 to 240 (241 to 360 children) children) children) children) $950 $1,275 $1,400 $1,550 Every additional 120 children add $125 $ Currrently, NAEYC has h a scholarship p fund available to t programs in fin nancial need. If your y program is interested, pleasse review the sch holarship requ uirements. E The accreditation fee e is calculated ba ased on the num mber of children enrolled e in a prog gram at the time this t form is subm mitted. If the num mber of children chan nges for a defined portion of the year y (for example e, altered progra am operation duriing the summer), the program sh hould report the number n of child dren that typicallyy applies through hout the majority of the school year. Programs willl be billed for sup pplemental fees (according to the e chart above) if pro ogram enrollmen nt is inaccurately reported during the accreditation n process. M PL erence the follow wing rules to determine the numbe er of children tha at determines the e accreditation fe ee for your progra am. Refe • • Each child d is only counted once. • For progra ams with hourly care c or drop-in ca are groups in which the total num mber of children enrolled e in the gro roup exceeds the e maximum licensing capacity c of the grroup, only the ma aximum licensing g capacity of the group is counted d. Add the maxim mum licensing ca apacity of any drop-in carre groups to the total number of children, c if appliccable. Each child d of eligible age (birth (b through kindergarten) that iss part of an eligib ble group is coun nted. All eligible groups MUST be included in your progrram’s NAEYC Ac ccreditation. Note e that groups are e not eligible if mo ore than 50% of the children are school age (firstt grade and beyond). Age A Category Number of Children C Enrolled In nfant (birth to 15 1 months) SA Toddler/Twos T (1 12 to 36 month hs) Preschool P (30 months m to 5 yea ars) Kindergarten K (p public or private e) TOTAL Num mber of Childrren: © 2010. National Association for f the Educa ation of Young g Children. All A rights reserrved. Progra am ID #: Sample Renewal R Ma aterials, Pa age 22 of 22 2 Sec ction 10: PAYMEN NT INFOR RMATION Choosse ONE method of payment and include applicab ble information be elow. Check Check Number: Name e on Checking Account: Attach h check to this form If checck is sent under separate s cover, program p ID num mber or other iden ntifying informatio on must be includ ded on the checkk. Purc chase Orde er Purch hase Order Num mber: Name e on Purchase Order: E Attach h purchase orde er to this form. If purcchase order is se ent under separate cover, program m ID number or other o identifying information musst be included on the purchase orrder. V VISA MassterCard Credit Card Numberr: M PL Cred dit Card Amex Credit Card Expiration Date: Montth: Ye ear: Name e on card/checking account or o purchase ord der holder: Card billing addresss: City: Country: SA Signa ature: State: Zip p: Progra ams who do not wish to provide their t credit card information i at thiis time may pay by b phone, 1-800 0-424-2460, optio on 3, option 1. Sec ction 11: SUBMISS SION INS STRUCTIO ONS Mail completed c forrm with payme ent to: NAEYC Academyy P.O O. Box 96036 Washington, D.C. 20090 0-6036 NAEY YC accepts the postmark date as the submission date. NAEYC re ecommends thatt programs obtaiin written confirm mation of receipt of all forms sentt to NAE EYC P.O. Boxess. Please discus ss tracking option ns with your locall Post Office. NA AEYC is not able e to sign for mate erials that are delivered to a P.O. Box byy an individual co ourier such as UPS U or FedEx. Copy this form for your program’s reco ords before subm mission. NAEYC will not return th his form to the pro ogram. © 2010. National Association for f the Educa ation of Young g Children. All A rights reserrved. Progra am ID #:
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