SEISMIC ANALYSIS OF THE RC INTEGRAL BRIDGES USING PERFORMANCE-BASED DESIGN APPROACH INCLUDING SOIL STRUCTURE INTERACTION by Kianosh Ashkani Zadeh B.Sc.E. University of Isfahan, 1993 A THESIS SUBMITTED IN PARTIAL FULFILLMENT OF THE REQUIREMENTS FOR THE DEGREE OF MASTER OF APPLIED SCIENCE in THE FACULTY OF GRADUATE AND POSTDOCTORAL STUDIES (Civil Engineering) THE UNIVERSITY OF BRITISH COLUMBIA (Vancouver) October 2013 © Kianosh Ashkani Zadeh, 2013 Abstract Bridges in high seismic risk zones are designed and built to withstand damage when subjected to earthquakes. However, there have been cases of bridge collapse due to design flaws around the world in the last few decades. To avoid failure and minimize seismic risk, collapse issue should be appropriately addressed in the next generation bridge design codes. One of the important subjects that needs to be addressed in bridge design codes is Soil-Structure Interaction (SSI), especially when the supporting soil is soft. In this research, SSI is incorporated within a performance-based engineering framework to assess the behaviour of RC integral bridges. 3-D nonlinear models of three types of integral bridges with different skew angles are built. For each bridge type, two archetype models are constructed with and without considering the effect of SSI. CALTRANS spring and multipurpose dynamic Winkler models are employed to simulate the effect of soil in the SSI simulation. In this study, relative displacement and drift of the abutment backwall and pier columns are considered as engineering demand parameters (EDPs). Spectral acceleration of ground motions is chosen as the intensity measure (IM). Incremental dynamic analysis (IDA) is employed to determine the engineering demand parameters and probability of collapse using a set of 20 well-selected ground motions. Current study shows that for the integral abutment bridges considering soil structure interaction mostly demonstrate smaller relative displacement capacity/demand ratio. Therefore, neglecting SSI can result in overestimating relative displacement capacity of the structural components in this type of bridges. In addition, it is shown that SSI can cause an increase in ductility of the pier columns while it can cause a decrease in the ductility of the abutments. ii Collapse Margin Ratio (CMR) is considered here as a primary parameter to characterize the collapse safety of the structures. It is found that the probability of collapse of the SSI archetype models is higher than probability of collapse of their corresponding non-SSI models. Consequently, CMR value of the SSI archetype model is smaller than CMR value of its corresponding non-SSI models. iii Preface This thesis titled “Seismic analysis of the RC integral bridges using performance-based design approach including soil structure interaction” presents the research performed by Kianosh Ashkani Zadeh. This research was supervised by Dr. Ventura and co-supervised by Dr. Liam Finn and Dr. Mahdi Taiebat at the University of British Columbia (UBC). The research was carried out as a part of 'Soil Structure Interaction in Performance Based Design of Bridges' project at UBC sponsored and funded by Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada (NSERC). Analytical fragility fitting functions used in Chapter 4 are based on documentation and tools provided in Baker Research Group webpage, as described in the following paper: Baker, J. W. (2013). “Efficient analytical fragility function fitting using dynamic structural analysis.”Earthquake Spectra, (in review). The author of this thesis is responsible for reviewing the literature, developing models, conducting analysis, data processing, and interpreting the results. The author of this thesis is responsible for preparing the tables and figures. The manuscripts were drafted by the author of this thesis and finalized in an iterative process and discussed during SSI meeting with the thesis supervisor, Dr. Carlos Ventura and co-supervisors Dr. Liam Finn and Dr. Mahdi Taiebat. iv Table of Contents Abstract .......................................................................................................................................... ii Preface ........................................................................................................................................... iv Table of Contents ...........................................................................................................................v List of Tables ................................................................................................................................ xi List of Figures ............................................................................................................................. xiii List of Symbols ......................................................................................................................... xxiv List of Abbreviations .............................................................................................................. xxvii Glossary .................................................................................................................................... xxix Acknowledgements .................................................................................................................. xxxi Dedication ................................................................................................................................ xxxii Chapter 1: Introduction ................................................................................................................1 1.1 Overview and Motivation for Study ............................................................................... 1 1.2 Objective and Scope ....................................................................................................... 3 1.3 Outline............................................................................................................................. 7 Chapter 2: Modeling of the Bridge Structures............................................................................9 2.1 Archetype Models ........................................................................................................... 9 2.2 Sources of Uncertainty.................................................................................................. 11 2.2.1 Modeling Uncertainty ............................................................................................... 12 Structural Nonlinearity...................................................................................... 12 P-Δ Effect .......................................................................................................... 12 Soil Structure Interaction (SSI) ......................................................................... 13 Soil Effect behind the Abutment Backwall ................................................. 13 v Soil Effect around the Abutment and Pier Piles .......................................... 17 2.2.2 Ground Motion Uncertainty...................................................................................... 21 2.3 Structural Damping ....................................................................................................... 22 2.4 Additional Mass Assignment ........................................................................................ 22 2.5 Element Behavior - Bridge Type 1 (Model M1 & M2) ................................................ 22 2.5.1 Abutments - Bridge Type1 (Model M1 & M2) ........................................................ 24 Abutment Sectional Response - Bridge Type1 (Model M1 & M2).................. 25 2.5.2 Abutment Piles Bridge Type1 (Model M2) .............................................................. 25 2.5.3 Bridge Deck Slab and Pre-stress Precast Girders - Bridge Type 1 (Model M1 & M2) 27 Deck-girder Sectional Response - Bridge Type 1 (Model M1 & M2) ............. 29 2.5.4 Performance Criteria - Bridge Type 1 (Model M1 & M2) ....................................... 29 2.6 Element Behavior - Bridge Type 2 (Model M3 & M4) ................................................ 31 2.6.1 Abutments - Bridge Type2 (Model M3 & M4) ........................................................ 32 Abutment Sectional Response - Bridge Type2 (Model M3 & M4).................. 32 2.6.2 Bridge Deck Slabs and Pre-stress Precast Girders - Bridge Type 2 (Model M3 & M4) 33 Deck-girder Sectional Response - Bridge Type 2 (Model M3 & M4) ............. 34 2.6.3 Pier Columns - Bridge Type 2 (Model M3 & M4) ................................................... 35 Pier Columns Sectional Response - Bridge Type 2 (Model M3 & M4) ........... 36 2.6.4 Bridge Pier Pilecap and Pile Head - Bridge Type 2 (Model M3 & M4) .................. 37 2.6.5 Abutment and Pier Piles - Bridge Type 2 (Model M4) ............................................ 38 2.6.6 Performance Criteria - Bridge Type 2 (Model M3 & M4) ....................................... 38 vi 2.7 Element Behavior - Bridge Type 3 (Model M5 & M6) ................................................ 39 2.7.1 Abutments - Bridge Type 3 (Model M5 & M6) ....................................................... 40 Abutment Sectional Response - Bridge Type 3 (Model M5 & M6)................. 41 2.7.2 Bridge Deck Slabs and Pre-stress Precast Girders - Bridge Type 3 (Model M5 & M6) 42 Deck-girder Sectional Response - Bridge Type 3 (Model M5 & M6) ............. 43 2.7.3 Pier Columns - Bridge Type 3 (Model M5 & M6) ................................................... 44 Pier Columns Sectional Response - Bridge Type 3 (Model M5 & M6) ........... 44 2.7.4 Pier Pilecap and Pier Head - Bridge Type 3 (Model M5 & M6) .............................. 45 2.7.5 Steel Intermediate Diaphragm - Bridge Type 3 (Model M5 & M6)......................... 45 2.7.6 Performance Criteria - Bridge Type 3 (Model M5 & M6) ....................................... 46 Chapter 3: Analysis......................................................................................................................48 3.1 Eigen Value Analysis .................................................................................................... 48 3.1.1 Eigen Value Analysis - Bridge Type 1 ..................................................................... 48 Model M1.......................................................................................................... 48 Model M2.......................................................................................................... 50 3.1.2 Eigen Value Analysis - Bridge Type 2 ..................................................................... 51 Model M3.......................................................................................................... 51 Model M4.......................................................................................................... 52 3.1.3 Eigen Value Analysis - Bridge Type 3 ..................................................................... 53 Model M5 & M6 ............................................................................................... 53 3.2 Nonlinear Static Pushover Analysis.............................................................................. 54 3.3 Hazard Analysis ............................................................................................................ 59 vii 3.3.1 Vancouver Uniform Hazard Spectrum ..................................................................... 64 3.3.2 Input Ground Motions............................................................................................... 65 3.4 Incremental Dynamic Analysis (IDA) .......................................................................... 69 Chapter 4: IDA Results and Probability of Collapse of the Models .......................................71 4.1 Non-Simulated Collapse Mode IDA Results and Probability of Collapse - Model M1 & M2 73 4.2 Non-Simulated Collapse Mode IDA Results and Probability of Collapse - Model M3 & M4 79 4.2.1 Pier Columns Hysteretic Graphs - Bridge Type 2 (Model M3 & M4) ..................... 85 4.3 Non-simulated Collapse Mode IDA Results and Probability of Collapse - Model M5 & M6 89 4.3.1 Pier Columns Hysteretic Graphs - Bridge Type 3 (Model M5& M6) ...................... 93 4.4 Relative Displacement Capacity/Demand Ratio (λ) and Period-Based Ductility ( ) of The Archetype Models .............................................................................................................. 96 4.5 Percentage of the Failure Mode and Comparison of the All Obtained Probability of Collapses ................................................................................................................................. 100 4.5.1 Collapse Margin Ratio for the Model M1 & M2 .................................................... 102 4.5.2 Collapse Margin Ratio for the Model M3 & M4: ................................................... 104 4.5.3 Collapse Margin Ratio for the Model M5 & M6: ................................................... 105 4.5.4 Summary of the Obtained Collapse Margin Ratios: ............................................... 106 4.6 Proposed Design Procedures....................................................................................... 108 Chapter 5: Concluding Remarks ..............................................................................................111 5.1 Conclusion .................................................................................................................. 111 viii 5.2 Recommendations, Limitations and Future Works .................................................... 112 References ...................................................................................................................................114 Appendices ..................................................................................................................................117 Appendix A Significant Duration (5%-95% Arias Intensity) Acceleration Time History of the Selected Ground Motions ....................................................................................................... 117 Appendix B Fragility Fitting Functions for Use with Incremental Dynamic Analysis Data.. 122 Appendix C 3_D Schematic View of the Obtained IDA Results ........................................... 123 C.1 3-D Schematic View of the Obtained IDA Results - Model M1 & M2 ................. 123 C.2 3-D Schematic View of the Obtained IDA Results - Model M3 & M4 ................. 124 C.3 3-D Schematic View of the Obtained IDA Results - Model M5 & M6 ................. 125 Appendix D ............................................................................................................................. 126 D.1 Pier Column Hysteretic Plot - Total Column Drift Ratio vs. Total Base Shear - Model M3 & M4. ................................................................................................................ 126 D.2 Pier Column Hysteretic Plot - Column's Actual Drift Ratio vs. Total Base Shear - Model M3 & M4. ................................................................................................................ 130 D.3 Pier Column Hysteretic Plot - Column's Actual Drift Ratio vs. Total Base Shear - Model M5 & M6. ................................................................................................................ 134 Appendix E ............................................................................................................................. 138 E.1 Pier Column Hysteretic Plot - Column's Actual Drift Ratio vs. Base Moment - Model M3 & M4. ................................................................................................................ 138 E.2 Pier Column Hysteretic Plot - Column's Actual Drift Ratio vs. Base Moment) - Model M5 & M6. ................................................................................................................ 142 Appendix F Bridge Drawings ................................................................................................. 146 ix F.1 Bridge Type 1 ......................................................................................................... 146 F.2 Bridge Type 2 ......................................................................................................... 150 F.3 Bridge Type 3 ......................................................................................................... 154 Appendix G Site Classification for Seismic Site Response - NBCC2010 (Table . 159 Appendix H Deaggregation Charts - Soil Site Class C ( ) ......................... 160 H.1 Period 0.284 sec and Amplitude 0.86g ................................................................... 160 H.2 Period 0.335 sec and Amplitude 0.798g ................................................................. 161 H.3 Period 0.374 sec and Amplitude 0.757g ................................................................. 162 x List of Tables Table 1-1Assessment framework for performance based earthquake engineering - Source: G. Deierlein, 2004. ............................................................................................................................... 6 Table 2-1 Summary of the bridge types and archetype models are developed and used in this study .............................................................................................................................................. 10 Table 2-2 Summary of calculated stiffness of the bridge abutments due to the embankment passive pressure force resisting movement ................................................................................... 16 Table 2-3 Presents calculated parameters which obtained fitting a tri-linear curve to the derived p-y curves ...................................................................................................................................... 20 Table 2-4 Calibrating parameters for the nonlinear material model- Model M1 & M2 ............... 24 Table 2-5 Calibrating parameters for the elastic material model used in the pile elements ......... 26 Table 2-6 Required calibrating parameters for the elastic material model- Model M1 & M2 ..... 29 Table 2-7 Shows defined performance criteria for the model M1 & M2 ..................................... 31 Table 2-8 Required calibrating parameters for the elastic material model - Model M3 & M4 .... 34 Table 2-9 Calibrating parameters for the nonlinear material model used to model pier columns Model M3 & M4 ........................................................................................................................... 36 Table 2-10 Calibrating parameters for the nonlinear material model used to model pier heads and pilecaps- Model M3 & M4 ........................................................................................................... 38 Table 2-11 Shows defined performance criteria for the model M3 & M4 ................................... 39 Table 2-12 Dimensions of the steel T-section used as bracings in the intermediate diaphragm Model M5 & M6 ........................................................................................................................... 46 Table 2-13 Shows defined performance criteria for the model M5 & M6 ................................... 47 Table 3-1 Period and cumulative modal mass for the first 6 modes - Model M1 ........................ 49 xi Table 3-2 Period and cumulative modal mass for the first 6 modes - ModelM2 ......................... 50 Table 3-3 Period and cumulative modal mass for the first 6 modes - Model M3 ........................ 51 Table 3-4 Period and cumulative modal mass for the first 6 modes - Model M4 ........................ 52 Table 3-5 Period and cumulative modal mass for the first 6 modes - Model M5 & M6 .............. 54 Table 3-6 Summary of the obtained ultimate capacities for the abutment and pier column of the models ........................................................................................................................................... 58 Table 3-7 Summary of the performed Hazard analysis results ..................................................... 63 Table 3-8 Summary of the selected ground motion records ......................................................... 68 Table 3-9 Acceleration are applied to the restrained nodes in X & y directions .......................... 69 Table 3-10 Summary of the input/output frequencies of the performed IDAs ............................. 70 Table 4-1 Summary of the obtained failure modes performing IDA - Model M1 & M2............. 73 Table 4-2 Summary of the obtained failure modes performing IDA - Model M3 & M4............. 80 Table 4-3 Summary of the obtained failure modes performing IDA - Model M5 & M6............. 90 Table 4-4 Summary of the calculated relative displacement capacity/demand ratio (λ) and periodbased ductility (µT) using the obtained results from static pushover and incremental dynamic analysis .......................................................................................................................................... 97 Table 4-5 Summary of the percentage of failure for the failure modes defined as performance criteria in all the models .............................................................................................................. 100 Table 4-6 Summary of the calculated collapse margin ratios for median (50%), 10%, and 20% and for all models........................................................................................................................ 106 Table G-1 Site classification for seismic site response based on top 30 meter soil average properties - Source: NBCC 2010 (Table ................................................................... 159 xii List of Figures Figure 1-1 Left photo: Shows collapse of a 630m segment of the elevated Hanshin Expressway due to Kobe Earthquake Japan (1995) (Source: Wikipedia) .......................................................... 1 Figure 1-2 Interstate 35W bridge, which stretches between Minneapolis and St. Paul, was suddenly collapsed during rush hour due to design flaw on Aug.1 2007, caused thirteen people to die and 145 injuries. (Source: AP Photo/Pioneer Press, Brandi Jade Thomas, by permission). ... 2 Figure 1-3 PEER framing equation and example parameters for seismic shaking (Moehle, 2003)5 Figure 1-4 General framework of the study research ..................................................................... 7 Figure 2-1 3-D view of the developed bridge models .................................................................. 11 Figure 2-2 Soil separation due to the cyclic pressure on the embankment soil behind the bridge abutment backwall - Source: Thevaneyan K. David and John P. Forth (2011). ........................... 14 Figure 2-3 Shows effective abutment width for skewed bridges, Source: SDC 1.7 (2013) ......... 15 Figure 2-4 Response curve of a link used to simulate soil effect behind the abutment backwall 16 Figure 2-5 Shows assumed soil sub-layer around the piles and location of the assigned CALTRANS springs and SSI p-y links in the SSI models ........................................................... 17 Figure 2-6 The obtained parameters from Cone Penetration Test (CPT) for the chosen bore holes from the soil the soil investigation report- Source: H5M, 2009. .................................................. 18 Figure 2-7 Left: Developed p-y curves based on the assumed sub-layers of soil surrounding piles using API code. Right: Obtained p-y curve for sand layer around the piles using L-Pile Manual. ....................................................................................................................................................... 19 Figure 2-8 Shows backbone curve of the Winkler model used in the SSI p-y links - Source: SeismoStruct Manual .................................................................................................................... 20 xiii Figure 2-9 Illustrates implementation of inelasticity distribution along beam elements using fiber approach in SeismoStruct software (Source: SeismoStruct Manual) ........................................... 23 Figure 2-10 Abutment discretized pattern and reinforcement arrangement - Model M1 & M2 .. 24 Figure 2-11 Shows abutment moment curvature diagram and M-V interaction obtained using Reponse-2000 software - Model M1 & M2 .................................................................................. 25 Figure 2-12 Indicates piles local stiffness matrix-Source: SeismoStruct Manual ........................ 26 Figure 2-13 Deck-girder reinforcement arrangement and discretized pattern - Model M1 & M2 27 Figure 2-14 Hysteretic loop used to simulate the effect of the pre-stressing tendons in the models ....................................................................................................................................................... 28 Figure 2-15 Shows deck-girder moment curvature diagram and M-V interaction obtained using Reponse-2000 software - Model M1 & M2 .................................................................................. 29 Figure 2-16 Shows a typical structural performance and associated damage states (A.Ghobarah, 2004) ............................................................................................................................................. 30 Figure 2-17 Abutment discretization and reinforcement arrangement - Model M3 & M4 .......... 32 Figure 2-18 Shows abutment moment curvature diagram and M-V interaction obtained using Reponse-2000 software - Model M3 & M4 .................................................................................. 32 Figure 2-19 Abutment longitudinal strain (mm/m) - Model M3 & M4 ....................................... 33 Figure 2-20 Deck-girder reinforcement arrangement and discretized pattern - Model M3 & M4 33 Figure 2-21 Shows deck-girder moment curvature diagram and M-V interaction obtained using Reponse-2000 software - Model M3 & M4 .................................................................................. 35 Figure 2-22 Deck-girder longitudinal strain (mm/m) - Model M3 & M4 .................................... 35 Figure 2-23 Pier column reinforcement arrangement and discretized pattern - Model M3 & M436 xiv Figure 2-24 Shows pier column moment curvature diagram and M-V interaction obtained using Reponse-2000 software - Model M3 & M4 .................................................................................. 37 Figure 2-25 Pier column longitudinal strain (mm/m) - Model M3 & M4 .................................... 37 Figure 2-26 Shows discritized pattern of the pier pilecaps and heads - Model M3 & M4 ........... 38 Figure 2-27 Abutment discretization and reinforcement arrangement - Model M5 & M6 .......... 40 Figure 2-28 Shows abutment moment curvature diagram and M-V interaction obtained using Reponse-2000 software - Model M5 & M6 .................................................................................. 41 Figure 2-29 Abutment longitudinal strain (mm/m) - Model M5 & M6 ....................................... 41 Figure 2-30 Deck-girder reinforcement arrangement and discretized pattern - Model M5 & M6 42 Figure 2-31 Deck-girder moment curvature diagram and M-V interaction obtained using Reponse-2000 software - Model M5 & M6 .................................................................................. 43 Figure 2-32 Deck-girder longitudinal strain (mm/m) - Model M5 & M6 .................................... 43 Figure 2-33 Pier column reinforcement arrangement and discretized pattern - Model M5 & M644 Figure 2-34 Pier column moment curvature diagram and M-V interaction obtained using Reponse-2000 software - Model M5 & M6 .................................................................................. 44 Figure 2-35 Pier column longitudinal strain (mm/m) - Model M5 & M6 .................................... 45 Figure 2-36 Shows discritized pattern of the pier pilecaps and heads - Model M5 & M6 ........... 45 Figure 2-37 Shows intermediate diaphragm bracings in red color - Model M5 & M6 ................ 46 Figure 3-1 Mode shapes of the model M1for the first six modes ................................................. 49 Figure 3-2 Mode shapes of the model M2for the first six modes ................................................. 50 Figure 3-3 Mode shapes of the model M3 for the first six modes ................................................ 51 Figure 3-4 Mode shapes of the model M4 for the first six modes ................................................ 52 Figure 3-5 Mode shapes of the model M5 and M6 for the first six modes................................... 53 xv Figure 3-6 Obtained abutment pushover curves for all archetype models when abutment No.1(south abutment) is pushed along the deck direction ............................................................ 55 Figure 3-7 Obtained abutment pushover curves for all archetype models when abutment No.1 (south abutment) is pushed along and across the deck directions ................................................ 56 Figure 3-8 Obtained pier column pushover curves for all archetype models when the column No.1 is pushed across and across-along the deck directions ........................................................ 57 Figure 3-9 Seismic history of earthquake magnitudes in Canada - Source: Natural Resources Canada (NRC) ............................................................................................................................... 59 Figure 3-10 Demonstrates tectonic plates in southwestern Canada - Source: Natural Resources Canada (NRC) ............................................................................................................................... 60 Figure 3-11 Illustrates the contributed seismic zones in H& R model-source: EZ-FRISK.......... 61 Figure 3-12 Magnitude-Distance deaggregation spectral response @ 5% damping - horizontal component obtained from EZ-FRISK for the period 0.246sec ..................................................... 62 Figure 3-13 Shows mean hazard for spectral response at 5% damping - Source: EZ-FRISK software ......................................................................................................................................... 63 Figure 3-14 Target and H & R model uniform hazard spectra (50%ile) for soil site class C Source OPEN File 4459 (Geological Survey of Canada, 2003) ................................................... 65 Figure 3-15 Shows ground motion spectra along with the target spectrum, and the range of period of interest [T1-model M1 (0.246 sec) -T1-model M4, M5 & M6 (0.374 sec)] ................. 67 Figure 4-1 Shows relative displacements of a rocking element (abutment) ................................. 74 Figure 4-2 Shows obtained abutment rocking - Model M2 .......................................................... 75 Figure 4-3 Maximum relative displacement of the abutment along the bridge deck - Model M1 & M2 ................................................................................................................................................. 76 xvi Figure 4-4 Shows obtained probability of collapse for the archetype model M1 & M2 based on the fragility fitting functions illustrated in Appendix B................................................................ 77 Figure 4-5 Compares obtained probability of collapse for the archetype model M1 & M2 ........ 78 Figure 4-6 Maximum relative displacement of the abutment along the bridge deck - Model M3 81 Figure 4-7 Maximum relative displacement of the pier column across (x-direction) and along(ydirection) of the bridge deck - Model M3 ..................................................................................... 82 Figure 4-8 Left plot shows the obtained abutment rocking and right plot shows abutment nonsimulated collapse mode IDA results along the bridge deck for the model M4 ........................... 83 Figure 4-9 Shows obtained pier column actual relative displacement across (x-direction) and along (y-direction) of the bridge deck for the model M4 ............................................................. 84 Figure 4-10 Shows pier column total drift ratio (including column's rocking drift) across the bridge deck verses total base shear obtained from performed IDA - Model M3 & M4. .............. 85 Figure 4-11 Shows pier column actual drift ratio across the bridge deck verses total base shear obtained from performed IDA - Model M3 & M4. ...................................................................... 86 Figure 4-12 Shows pier column actual drift ratio across the bridge deck verses total moment obtained from performed IDA - Model M3 & M4. ...................................................................... 87 Figure 4-13 Shows obtained probability of collapse for the archetype model M3 & M4 based on the fragility fitting functions illustrated in Appendix B................................................................ 88 Figure 4-14 Compares obtained probability of collapse for the archetype model M3 & M4 ...... 89 Figure 4-15 Shows obtained actual relative displacement for abutment and pier column along and across the bridge deck respectively - Model M5 ................................................................... 91 Figure 4-16 Shows obtained actual relative displacement for abutment and pier column along and across the bridge deck respectively - Model M6 ................................................................... 92 xvii Figure 4-17 Shows pier column actual drift ratio across the bridge deck verses total base shear obtained from performed IDA - Model M5 & M6. ...................................................................... 93 Figure 4-18 Shows pier column actual drift ratio across the bridge deck verses total moment obtained from performed IDA - Model M5 & M6. ...................................................................... 94 Figure 4-19 Shows obtained probability of collapse for the archetype model M5 & M6 based on the fragility fitting functions illustrated in Appendix B................................................................ 95 Figure 4-20 Compares obtained probability of collapse for the archetype model M5 & M6 ...... 96 Figure 4-21 Shows effective yield displacement - Source FEMA P695 ....................... 98 Figure 4-22 Compares obtained probability of collapse for all the archetype models ............... 101 Figure 4-23 illustrates median collapse intensity (SCT) and the intensity at MCE-level ground motions (SaMT) for the model M1 & M2 .................................................................................. 103 Figure 4-24 Illustrates median collapse intensity (SCT) and the intensity at MCE-level ground motions (SaMT) for the model M3 & M4. ................................................................................. 104 Figure 4-25 Illustrates median collapse intensity (SCT) and the intensity at MCE-level ground motions (SaMT) for the model M5 & M6. ................................................................................. 105 Figure 4-26 Demonstrates the proposed design procedure when SSI effect needed to be considered in a non-SSI model ................................................................................................... 108 Figure A-1 Significant duration of Chi Chi, Superstition, Loma Prieta, and Northridge acceleration time histories with 5-95% arias intensity - Source: PEER Strong Motion Database 117 Figure A-2 Significant duration of Imperial Valley, Victoria- Mexico, Morgan Hill, and Duzce acceleration time histories with 5-95% arias intensity - Source: PEER Strong Motion Database ..................................................................................................................................................... 118 xviii Figure A-3 Significant duration of Cape Mendocino, Mammoth Lakes, N.Palm Springs, and Tabas acceleration time histories with 5-95% arias intensity - Source: PEER Strong Motion Database ...................................................................................................................................... 119 Figure A-4 Significant duration of San Fernando, Gazli, Managua, and Whittier Narrows acceleration time histories with 5-95% arias intensity - Source: PEER Strong Motion Database ..................................................................................................................................................... 120 Figure A-5 Significant duration of Coalinga, Westmorland, Kobe, and Spitak acceleration time histories with 5-95% arias intensity - Source: PEER Strong Motion Database ......................... 121 Figure C-1 Shows dispersion of the obtained IDA results for the archetype model M1 & M2 123 Figure C-2 Shows dispersion of the obtained IDA results for the archetype model M3 & M4 . 124 Figure C-3 Shows dispersion of the obtained IDA results for the archetype model M5 & M6 . 125 Figure D.1-1 Shows pier column total drift ratio across the bridge deck verses total base shear obtained from performed IDA using the Imperial Valley, Victoria-Mexico, Morgan Hill, and Duzce ground motions - Model M3 & M4. 126 Figure D.1-2 Shows pier column total drift ratio across the bridge deck verses total base shear obtained from performed IDA using the Cape Mendocino, Mammoth Lakes, N.Palm Springs, and Tabas ground motions - Model M3 & M4. .......................................................................... 127 Figure D.1-3 Shows pier column total drift ratio across the bridge deck verses total base shear obtained from performed IDA using the San Fernando, Gazli, Managua, and Whittier Narrows ground motions - Model M3 & M4. ........................................................................................... 128 xix Figure D.1-4 Shows pier column total drift ratio across the bridge deck verses total base shear obtained from performed IDA using the Coalinga, Westmorland, Kobe, and Spitak ground motions - Model M3 & M4 ......................................................................................................... 129 Figure D.2-1 Shows pier column actual drift ratio across the bridge deck verses total base shear obtained from performed IDA using the Imperial Valley, Victoria-Mexico, Morgan Hill, and Duzce ground motions - Model M3 & M4. ................................................................................ 130 Figure D.2-2 Shows pier column actual drift ratio across the bridge deck verses total base shear obtained from performed IDA using the Cape Mendocino, Mammoth Lakes, N.Palm Springs, and Tabas ground motions - Model M3 & M4. .......................................................................... 131 Figure D.2-3 Shows pier column actual drift ratio across the bridge deck verses total base shear obtained from performed IDA using the San Fernando, Gazli, Managua, and Whittier Narrows ground motions - Model M3 & M4. ........................................................................................... 132 Figure D.2-4 Shows pier column actual drift ratio across the bridge deck verses total base shear obtained from performed IDA using the Coalinga, Westmorland, Kobe, and Spitak ground motions - Model M3 & M4 ......................................................................................................... 133 Figure D.3-1 Shows pier column actual drift ratio across the bridge deck verses total base shear obtained from performed IDA using the Imperial Valley, Victoria-Mexico, Morgan Hill, and Duzce ground motions - Model M5 & M6. ................................................................................ 134 Figure D.3-2 Shows pier column actual drift ratio across the bridge deck verses total base shear obtained from performed IDA using the Cape Mendocino, Mammoth Lakes, N.Palm Springs, and Tabas ground motions - Model M5 & M6. .......................................................................... 135 xx Figure D.3-3 Shows pier column actual drift ratio across the bridge deck verses total base shear obtained from performed IDA using the San Fernando, Gazli, Managua, and Whittier Narrows ground motions - Model M5 & M6. ........................................................................................... 136 Figure D.3-4 Shows pier column actual drift ratio across the bridge deck verses total base shear obtained from performed IDA using the Coalinga, Westmorland, Kobe, and Spitak ground motions - Model M5 & M6. ........................................................................................................ 137 Figure E.1-1 Shows pier column actual drift ratio across the bridge deck verses total moment obtained from performed IDA using the Imperial Valley, Victoria-Mexico, Morgan Hill, and Duzce ground motions - Model M3 & M4. ................................................................................ 138 Figure E.1-2 Shows pier column actual drift ratio across the bridge deck verses total moment obtained from performed IDA using the Cape Mendocino, Mammoth Lakes, N.Palm Springs, and Tabas ground motions - Model M3 & M4. .......................................................................... 139 Figure E.1-3 Shows pier column actual drift ratio across the bridge deck verses total moment obtained from performed IDA using the San Fernando, Gazli, Managua, and Whittier Narrows ground motions - Model M3 & M4. ........................................................................................... 140 Figure E.1-4 Shows pier column actual drift ratio across the bridge deck verses total moment obtained from performed IDA using the Coalinga, Westmorland, Kobe, and Spitak ground motions - Model M3 & M4. ........................................................................................................ 141 Figure E.2-1 Shows pier column actual drift ratio across the bridge deck verses total moment obtained from performed IDA using the Imperial Valley, Victoria-Mexico, Morgan Hill, and Duzce ground motions - Model M5 & M6. ................................................................................ 142 xxi Figure E.2-2 Shows pier column actual drift ratio across the bridge deck verses total moment obtained from performed IDA using the Cape Mendocino, Mammoth Lakes, N.Palm Springs, and Tabas ground motions - Model M5 & M6. .......................................................................... 143 Figure E.2-3 Shows pier column actual drift ratio across the bridge deck verses total moment obtained from performed IDA using the San Fernando, Gazli, Managua, and Whittier Narrows ground motions - Model M5 & M6. ........................................................................................... 144 Figure E.2-4 Shows pier column actual drift ratio across the bridge deck verses total moment obtained from performed IDA using the Coalinga, Westmorland, Kobe, and Spitak ground motions - Model M5 & M6. ........................................................................................................ 145 Figure F.1-1 Abutment layout plan - Br. Type 1 ........................................................................ 146 Figure F.1-2 Abutment plan and side view - Br. Type 1 ............................................................ 147 Figure F.1-3 Abutment sectional elevation and RC detail - Br. Type 1 ..................................... 148 Figure F.1-4 Deck-girders general arrangement and deck-girder and abutment connection detail Br. Type 1 ................................................................................................................................... 149 Figure F.2-1 Bridge sectional view and typical abutment and pier pile layouts - Br. Type 2 .... 150 Figure F.2-2 Abutment layout plan, front and side elevation views - Br. Type 2 ...................... 151 Figure F.2-3 Abutment RC detail and pier pilecap and columns general arrangement - Br. Type 2 ..................................................................................................................................................... 152 Figure F.2-4 Pier pilecap and columns RC detail - Br. Type 2 .................................................. 153 Figure F.3-1 Bridge foundations and side elevation views - Br. Type 3 .................................... 154 Figure F.3-2 Abutment shear key, layout plan, and front and side elevation views and detail of bridge intermediate diaphragms - Br. Type 3 ............................................................................. 155 Figure F.3-3 Pier pilecap and columns concrete outline detail - Br. Type 3 .............................. 156 xxii Figure F.3-4 Pier pilecap and columns RC detail - Br. Type 3 .................................................. 157 Figure F.3-5 Abutment RC detail and end diaphragm detail - Br. Type 3 ................................. 158 Figure H.1-1 Mean Epsilon and Magnitude-Distance Deaggregation spectral responses @ 5% damping for the period 0.284 sec and amplitude 0.86g and soil class C- Source: EZ-FRISK ... 160 Figure H.2-1 Mean Epsilon and Magnitude-Distance Deaggregation spectral responses @ 5% damping for the period 0.335sec and amplitude 0.8g and soil class C- Source: EZ-FRISK ...... 161 Figure H.3-1 Mean Epsilon and Magnitude-Distance Deaggregation spectral responses @ 5% damping for the period 0.374sec and amplitude 0.757g and soil class C- Source: EZ-FRISK .. 162 xxiii List of Symbols Element x-section Modulus of elasticity Fy Soil yield strength fc Compressive strength ft Tensile strength Modulus of rigidity hdia* Effective height if diaphragm is not designed for full soil pressure hdia** Effective height if diaphragm is designed for full soil pressure Arias intensity & Moment of inertia about local axis 2 and 3 respectively Torsional constant K0 Initial stiffness Stiffness of abutment due to embankment's passive pressure force resisting movement behind the abutment backwall Length of a structural element (pile, abutment, etc.) P-Δ Geometrical non-linearity Pu Soil ultimate strength The design spectral response acceleration, expressed as a ratio to gravitational acceleration, for a period of The 5% damped spectral response acceleration, expressed as a ratio to gravitational acceleration, for a period of xxiv Period of a structure 1 Fundamental period of structure Base shear of the structure Time average 30 meter shear wave velocity kc Confinement factor Su Un-drained shear strength qt Resistance soil or tip resistance fs Sleeve friction reading Rf Friction ratio SCT Spectral acceleration correspond to median collapse SCT10 % Spectral acceleration correspond to10% probability of collapse SCT20 % Spectral acceleration correspond to20% probability of collapse SaMT Intensity at MCE-level ground motions correspond to fundamental period of a structure α Second segment coefficient of stiffness of Allotey and Elnagar nonlinear dynamic soilstructure interaction model β The stiffness ratio parameter in the SSI model which defines the stiffness of the 3rd segment in proportion to K0 βn Strength ratio parameter in the SSI model σ Stress or standard deviation ϒ Specific weight or Ramberg-Osgood parameter η Average ratio of the CMR@ median of SSI model to the correspond CMR@ median of the non-SSI model Maximum relative displacement of the structure at direction xxv Maximum relative displacement of the structure at direction Effective yield relative displacement ε Strain in structural analysis and Number of standard deviations by which an observed logarithmic spectral acceleration differs from the mean logarithmic spectral acceleration in hazard analysis εc Strain at peak stress λ Relative displacement capacity/demand ratio µ Period-based ductility or mean value Poisson's ratio w Width of the backwall or diaphragm for seat and diaphragm abutments ξ Rayleigh damping ratio Subscript MT Maximum Considered Earthquake (MCE) spectral acceleration at the period of the system, T. CT Spectral acceleration of the collapse level ground motions SSI Soil structure interaction Non-SSI Ignored soil structure interaction n% Value relates to n% probability of collapse Superscript ˆ Estimated value xxvi List of Abbreviations ACMR: Adjusted Collapse Margin Ratio ACMRmedian Adjusted Collapse Margin Ratio correspond to median (50%) ACMR10% or 20% Adjusted Collapse Margin Ratio correspond to 10% or 20% probability of collapse API: American Petroleum Institute CDF: Cumulative Distribution Function CMR: Collapse Margin Ratio CMRmedian Collapse Margin Ratio correspond to median CMR10% or 20% Collapse Margin Ratio corresponding to 10% or 20% probability of collapse CPT: Cone Penetration Test CSD: Caltrans Seismic Design Criteria DB: Displacement Base DV: Decision Variable EDP: Engineering Demand Parameter FB: Force Base FEMA: Federal Emergency Management Agency PBEE: Performance Based Earthquake Engineering IM: Intensity Measure IDA: Incremental Dynamic Analysis MCE: Maximum Considered Earthquake : NRC: Multiple Degrees of Freedom Natural Resources Canada xxvii NSC: Non-Simulated Collapse Modes NSERC PEER: Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada The Pacific Earthquake Engineering Research Center : Peak Ground Acceleration expressed as a ratio to gravitational acceleration PSHA: Probabilistic Seismic Hazard Analysis RC: Reinforced Concrete : Response Spectrum Method RTH: Response Time History Analysis SBT: Soil Behaviour/classification Type SC: Simulated Collapse Modes : Single Degree of Freedom : Seismic Force Resisting System(s) SSF: Spectral Shape Factor SSI: Soil Structure Interaction : Uniform Hazard Spectra xxviii Glossary A measure of the strength of a ground motion that determines the intensity of shaking by measuring the acceleration of transient seismic waves It is defined as the time-integral of the square of the ground acceleration: Displacement Base In the displacement base element formulation approach Formulation displacement shape functions are used corresponding for instance to a linear variation of curvature along the element. Therefore, DB formulation depends on the assumed sectional constitutive behavior. Epsilon (ε ) the number of standard deviations by which an observed logarithmic spectral acceleration differs from the mean logarithmic spectral acceleration of a ground-motion prediction (attenuation) equation Force Base Formulation In force base element formulation approach a linear moment variation is imposed. FB formulation is more accurate than DB as it does not depend on the assumed sectional constitutive behavior. The only approximation in this case is disserting number of the controlling section. xxix Lanczos Algorithm An algorithm that introduced by Hughes in 1987 for evaluation of the structural natural frequencies and mode shapes. Jacobi Algorithm An alternative algorithm to evaluate the structural natural frequencies and mode shapes using Ritz transformation. Least Square Method Minimizes the total square errors between the estimated probability of collapse and the observed probability of collapse over all of the Sa level Maximum Likelihood Method Counts for non-constant variance : The part of the structural system that has been considered in the design to provide the required resistance to the earthquake forces xxx Acknowledgements I would like to express my deepest gratitude to my academic supervisor, Dr. C.Ventura, for his outstanding guidance in research and generous advice in teaching and many other aspects offered by him. I feel truly honoured to have the opportunity of being his student. The completion of this thesis would have not been possible without his insightful comments and valuable feedback. My many special thanks to Dr. Liam Finn and Dr. Mahdi Taiebat, my co-supervisors, for their amazing support/advising/guidance through all the years of my studies. I am indebted to Mr. Don Kennedy, P.Eng, and Mr. Alfred Kao, P.Eng. for providing me with very helpful bridge documents and drawings. This research has been funded by Canadian Seismic Research Network (CSRN). Their generous support is graciously acknowledged. I would like to gratefully recognize research team at Soil-Structure interaction in performance Based Design of Bridges for their support, helpful discussions and joyful company. I am utterly thankful to my wife, Maryam, and my son, Mohammad, for their continual support, inspiration, and being there for me at hard times and sharing the happy moments throughout the years of studying and living in Vancouver. Words cannot express my appreciation to them. I am eternally grateful to my parents who always listened to me and shared a piece of advice on the different challenges I faced. Their love and comfort was present every moment and they taught me the path of success under God’s will, being patient and working hard to succeed while serving others. This degree and all my achievements would not be possible without their encouragements and continuous support. xxxi Dedication To my family for their unconditional love and support xxxii Chapter 1: Introduction 1.1 Overview and Motivation for Study Many bridges have been collapsed due to occurrence of devastating earthquakes and design flaws. So far, this matter resulting in numerous fatalities and huge financial loss. Figure 1-1 shows catastrophic failure of two bridge structures due to Kobe and Loma Prieta earthquake: Figure 1-1 Left photo: Shows collapse of a 630m segment of the elevated Hanshin Expressway due to Kobe Earthquake Japan (1995) (Source: Wikipedia) Right photo: Shows collapse of the Cypress Structure, the freeway approach to the Bay Bridge from Oakland due to Loma Prieta Earthquake (1989) (Source: Wikipedia). Based on results obtained from analytical study of the Hanshin Expressway, soil role in the collapse of the structure had been doubled: Initially, soil modified the seismic waves so that the frequency of the surface motion at the site became disadvantageous for the structure. Moreover, the compliance of soil and foundation increased the period of the system and moved it to a region of stronger response, i.e., increase of ductility demand on the piers exceeded 100% as compared to piers fixed at the base (G. Mylonakis et al., 2000). The Cypress Structure was built on loose soils that shook much more vigorously than surrounding regions on stronger ground. 1 On the other hand, a few bridge structures suddenly collapsed because of design flaw without being hit by any sever Earthquake. One of these bridges that are collapsed due to design flaw was Interstate 35W bridge. The picture portion of this bridge immediately after the occurrence of collapse is shown in Figure 1-2. Figure 1-2 Interstate 35W bridge, which stretches between Minneapolis and St. Paul, was suddenly collapsed during rush hour due to design flaw on Aug.1 2007, caused thirteen people to die and 145 injuries. (Source: AP Photo/Pioneer Press, Brandi Jade Thomas, by permission). To minimize seismic risk and to avoid bridge catastrophic failure issue in future, collapse issue should be sufficiently addressed in the next generation bridge design codes. One of the important factors that need to be investigated and effectively assessed and incorporated in the future code is soil structure interaction (SSI) of bridges, especially for event of strong earthquake when supporting soil is soft as presence of the soft soils can contribute to unexpected seismic demands to the bridge structures. This matter can happen in two ways: 2 Modifying the frequency content of the seismic wave such that the bridge base motion can increase the structural responses. Modifying dynamic parameters of the bridge structures - soil foundation (presence of the surrounding soil shifting the entire soil-structure system to a region of sensitive response). In addition, soil structure interaction may cause basement motions to differ from those of the free field. Furthermore, load distribution in members may be different when SSI is considered. This variation of load in members can lead to differential settlements and as a result crack propagation in the structural members of the bridge structures. In this study, performance based approach including the soil structure interaction is considered in investigation of the seismic performance of RC integral bridges. 1.2 Objective and Scope Creating a system that can lead to a desired performance in a efficient way is the main challenge not only in design of new bridges, but also in retrofitting the existing bridges. Many researchers believe that using performance-based earthquake engineering, important infrastructures facilities such as bridges can be designed with the better performance level, higher safety, and lower life-cycle costs associated with seismic risk. The main objective of this research is to assess nonlinear seismic response of three different types of the integral abutment bridges and to obtain their probability of the collapse 3 through performance-based earthquake engineering methodologies performing incremental dynamic analysis using SeismoStruct1 software (version 6.3.2). As it is mentioned in Section 1.1, in this research methodology adapted to investigate seismic performance of the RC integral bridges considering the soil structure interaction is relying on performance based approach. Although structural damage can be viewed in terms of the occurrence of 'excessive forces' or 'excessive deformations', performance-based approach is chosen to view the bridge structural damage due to the following reasons: 1) The performance assessment procedure follows a logical progression of steps such as: Seismic hazard characterization, simulation of structural response, and damage and loss modeling and assessment. 2) The results of each procedure are fully understandable through four well established output variables: Earthquake Intensity Measure (IM), Engineering Demand Parameters (EDP), Damage Measures (DM) , and Decision Variables (DV) 3) The performance-based approach has ability to enhance seismic risk decisionmaking through assessment and design methods that have a sound scientific base 4) Performance-based methodology can be employed in providing a rigid probabilistic framework for the next generation of seismic design codes and criteria 1 SeismoStruct is an award-winning Finite Element software here is used as a tool for predicting displacement behavior and other structural response of bridge models under static or dynamic loading. 4 The relationship between decision variable, engineering demand parameter, and damage and intensity measure in performance based earthquake engineering (PBEE) is introduced by Pacific Earthquake Engineering Research Center (PEER) and shown in Figure 1-3: Figure 1-3 PEER framing equation and example parameters for seismic shaking (Moehle, 2003) Assessment framework along with stereotype parameters for seismic shaking in performance based earthquake engineering (PBEE) for each process is illustrated in Table 1-1. 5 Table 1-1Assessment framework for performance based earthquake engineering - Source: G. Deierlein, 2004. Process Seismic Hazard Analysis Site→IM Output Variable IM: Intensity Measure Structural Analysis IM→EDP Damage Assessment EDP→DM EDP: Eng. Demand Parameter Analysis DM→DV Peak & residual interstory drift Floor acceleration Component forces & deformations DM: Damage Measure Loss & Risk Sa(T1) PGA,PGV Arias Intensity Inelastic Spectra Component damage and repair states Hazard (falling, egress, chemical release, etc. Collapse DV: Decision Variable Casualties Closure issues (post EQ safety) Direct $ loss Repair duration Disciplines Key Parameters Seismology; Geotechnical Engineering Structural and Geotechnical Engineering Foundation & structural system properties Model parameters Gravity loads Structural & Construction Engineering; Architecture loss modeling Structural and components HVAC & plumbing systems Cladding & partition details contents Construction Cost estimating; Loss modeling; Risk Management Occupancy Time of Earthquake Post Earthquake recovery resources Fault location & type Location & length of rupture (M_R) Site & soil condition As discussed earlier, this research seeks to determine seismic performance of the RC integral bridges through performance design approach including soil-structure interaction. However, this research focused damage assessment and loss and risk analysis are not considered. To assess the structural damage, 3-D nonlinear models of three types of integral bridges with different skew angles are constructed. For each bridge type, two archetype models are simulated with or without considering the soil structure interaction. In this study, relative displacement and drift of the abutment backwalls and pier columns are considered as engineering demand parameters (EDPs). In addition, spectral acceleration of ground motions is chosen as 6 intensity measure (IM). Incremental dynamic analysis (IDA), however, is used to determine the engineering demand parameters. To determine probability of collapse, IDA is performed for each archetype model using a set of 20 well selected and un-scaled ground motions. Probability of collapse and collapse margin ratio (10%, 20%, or median) for each bridge prototype are calculated using the results obtained through performing IDA. Finally, a design procedure is proposed when the SSI effects need to be considered assuming that the collapse margin ratio (10%, 20%, or median) for each bridge prototype were determined and provided in the future bridge design codes. A general framework for the methodology adapted in this research is illustrated in Figure 1-4. Main Objective Upstream Robust Bridge Model Type 1 IDA Probability of Collapse of The Archetype Models Type 3 Type 2 Non-SSI & SSI Models (M1 &M2) Non-SSI & SSI Models (M3 &M4) Downstream Non-SSI & SSI Models (M5 &M6) Proposed Design Procedure Figure 1-4 General framework of the study research 1.3 Outline This report is developed in five chapters. In chapter two, modeling of the bridge structures is described in detail. Eigen value, static pushover, and incremental dynamic analysis are discussed in chapter three. In the following chapter, IDA results and probability of collapse 7 curve for each archetype model are provided. In this chapter, collapse margin ratio (CMR) is considered as damage indicator for each model for different probabilities (110%, 20%, and 50%). The calculated CMR values are compared to each other. Lastly, summary of the work done in this study are presented in chapter five and it is followed by a proposed design procedure, limitations and problem for future work. 8 Chapter 2: Modeling of the Bridge Structures 2.1 Archetype Models To determine and compare the probability of collapse of the integral abutment bridges a total three different types of bridges is considered that here named: type one, type two, and type three. For each bridge type, two archetype models are defined: One with consideration of the soil structure interaction, and another archetype model without including SSI effect. Therefore, total six multi degree of freedom (MDOF) analytical models are developed: Model M1, M2, M3, M4, M5, & M6. Model M1 is a simplified model of a single span integral bridge with 30 degree skew angle. Model M2 is a SSI version of the model M1 considering the effect of the soil around the abutment piles assuming a soil sub-layer arrangement along the piles that simulated with SSI p-y links corresponding to each layer of soil based on the nonlinear dynamic SSI soil model which developed and introduced by Allotey and El Naggar2 in 2008. Model M3 is a simplified MDOF model of a three span integral bridge with 15 degree skew angle. Model M4 is SSI version of the model M3 considering the effect of the soil behind the abutment backwall using CALTRANS springs and soil around the abutment and pier piles assuming the same soil sub-layer arrangement and the SSI p-y links along the piles which is used in the model M2. Finally, Model M5 is simplified model of a two bonds semi-integral three span bridge with 6 degree skew angle. Here, it is called semi integral as vertical end edge of the pre-stressed girders in this bridge are connected to the abutment, but bottom of girders are supported by 2 Research associate dean, Geotechnical research director, and professor at department of Civil an Environmental Engineering University of Western Ontario, London - ON. 9 elastomeric rubber pad bearings to allow minor rotation and displacement of the girders. However, here for simplicity bearings are not modeled but effect of it was considered in the assigned damping ratio during performing analysis. Model M6 is SSI version of the model M5 considering just the effect of the soil behind the abutment backwall using CALTRANS springs as abutment and piers are rested on deep pilecap foundation without having piles. Detail of the above numeric bridge models is summarized in Table 2-1 and constructed prototype models are shown in Figure 2-1. Table 2-1 Summary of the bridge types and archetype models are developed and used in this study Bridge Type Span Length (m) Skewness Angle (°) Integral abutment with pilecap foundation and pre-stressed precast girder 38 Integral abutment bridge with pile foundation and total 9 Nos. pre-stressed precast girder Archetype Model Structural Feature M1 M2 Horizontal Radius (m) ρLong (%) ρTrans (%) SSI Feature 30° 1-4 0.4-1.0 N/A 38 30° 1-4 0.4-1.0 CALTRANS springs and Allotey –El Naggar nonlinear SSI p-y links 17-29-19 15° 1-4 0.4-1.0 N/A 1-4 0.4-1.0 CALTRANS springs and Allotey –El Naggar nonlinear SSI p-y links 1-4 0.4-1.0 N/A Type 1 M3 Integral abutment bridge with pier & abutment pile foundations and total 4 Nos. pre-stressed precast girders 1009.95 Type 2 M4 M5 Type 3 M6 Integral abutment bridge with pier & abutment pile foundations and total 4 Nos. pre-stressed precast girders Two bonds semi-integral bridge with common seat abutment, pier pilecap deep foundation, intermediate diaphragms, and total 8 Nos. pre-stressed precast girders Two bonds semi-integral bridge with common seat abutment, pier pilecap deep foundation, intermediate diaphragms, and total 8 Nos. pre-stressed precast girders 17-29-19 15° 27.5-37.5-27.5 6° 1009.95 CALTRANS springs 27.5-37.5-27.5 6° 1-4 0.4-1.0 10 Figure 2-1 3-D view of the developed bridge models 2.2 Sources of Uncertainty In this study, two major types of uncertainties exist: Modeling uncertainty and ground motion uncertainty. Modeling uncertainty, however, consists of three uncertainties: uncertainty due to the structural nonlinearities which inherited in the material properties of the structural components, geometrical non-linearity (P-Δ effect), and soil structure interaction effect (SSI). 11 The modeling and ground motion uncertainties are considered and discussed in the upcoming sub-sections. 2.2.1 Modeling Uncertainty Generally modeling uncertainty exists due to structural uncertainty, P-Δ effect, and soil structure interaction. The first one is considered in modeling structural components which have important role in the response of the structures, e.g., modeling structural components in Shear Force Resisting System (SFRS) using fiber approach illustrated in Chapter 2. The latter is considered by selecting nonlinear geometry option during Response History Analysis (RHA). Finally, soil structure interaction is considered by assigning a series of spring and links to the abutment backwall and abutment and pier piles which are discussed in detail in Section Structural Nonlinearity To minimise structural nonlinearity, elements which have important role in the overall structural response of the bridge structures are defined in the models using force-based formulation. However, some structural components such as shear key and wing walls are not modeled for simplicity. Methodology requires detailed modeling of nonlinear behaviour of archetypes. However, using appropriate limits on the controlling response parameter which illustrated in the element's sectional response sub-sections, collapse failure modes that cannot be explicitly modeled are evaluated and imposed to the models. P-Δ Effect Large displacements/rotations and large independent deformations relative to the frame element's chord due to cumulative gravity forces is known as P-Δ effect. Considering P-Δ effect in analysis is very important as small deformations relative to the element's chord may result in 12 larger progressive lateral displacements. P-Δ effects can be very significant for bridge structures with long and relatively flexible pier columns as flexibility of these columns is usually resulting in having a plastic flexural mechanism and as a result progressive larger lateral displacements. This increase in displacements can result in a loss of stability of the structure. In SeismoStruct, this effect can be captured through the employment of a developed total co-rotational formulation based on an exact description of the kinematic transformations associated with large displacements and three-dimensional rotations of the beam-column members. The implemented total co-rotational formulation results in correct definition of the element's independent deformations and forces and correct definition of geometrical non-linearity on the stiffness matrix (Correia and Virtuoso, 2006). Soil Structure Interaction (SSI) To consider soil structure interaction, effect of soil interaction behind the abutment backwall (model M2, M4 and M6) and around the abutment and pier piles (model M2 and M4) are considered using the CALTRANS springs and SSI p-y links provided in the software based on a dynamic Winkler model for nonlinear soil structure interaction respectively. Soil Effect behind the Abutment Backwall Bridge abutments attract large seismic forces, especially, in longitudinal direction. Soilabutment interaction can have a big effect on overall bridge response. However, as soil has limited ability to take tension, separation may occur at embankment behind the abutment backwall due to cyclic loading (gapping effect). This gap causes large compression stresses to develop in front of the structure and tensile stresses behind the structures. The gapping effect is demonstrated and shown in Figure 2-2. 13 Expansion of superstructure Contraction of superstructure Embankment Backfilling Separation due to the cyclic pressure on the soil over a time of period Superstructure in static position Embankment Soils experiences cyclic loading Figure 2-2 Soil separation due to the cyclic pressure on the embankment soil behind the bridge abutment backwall - Source: Thevaneyan K. David and John P. Forth (2011). Previous studies demonstrate that if the bridge is analyzed using a procedure that acknowledges backfill stiffness reduction, displacements at the piers are greater by 25%-75%, depending on soil properties (Thevaneyan K. David and John P. Forth, 2011). In this study, however, to account for the backfilling passive pressure force resisting movement at the bridge abutments CALTRANS springs are assigned to the abutment backwalls in the model M2, M4 & M6. Stiffness of the abutment due to passive pressure of backfilling behind it is obtained based on section 7.8.1-2 SDC 2013 as per eq. 2.1 and summarized in Table 2-2. h h K abut Ki w ( )or Ki w ( ) 1.7m 5.5 ft (eq. 2.1) 14 where, Ki is the initial stiffness of the embankment fill material behind the abutments, and based on section 7.81-1 SDC 2013 can be calculated as per equation below: (Ki 28.7kN / mm 50kips / in ) or ) m ft (eq. 2.2) in which, w is the projected width of the backwall or diaphragm for seat and diaphragm abutments respectively hdia* is effective height if diaphragm is not designed for full soil pressure hdia** is effective height if diaphragm is designed for full soil pressure In this study, effective height is chosen considering the abutment diaphragms are designed for full soil pressure. The above parameters are shown in Figure 2-3 for clarity. Figure 2-3 Shows effective abutment width for skewed bridges, Source: SDC 1.7 (2013) 15 Table 2-2 Summary of calculated stiffness of the bridge abutments due to the embankment passive pressure force resisting movement Models Ki W h Kabut (kN/mm/m) (m) (m) (kN/mm) M2 28.7 19.2 4.33 1404 M4 28.7 13.69 5.1 1178.54 M6 28.7 34.88 4 2355.43 An idealized link with linear behavior and an initial stiffness equal to 156 kN/mm, 294.63 kN/mm, and 294.43 kN/mm are assigned to the abutment backwall at end of intersection of each pre-stressed precast girder for the model M2, M4 and M6 respectively. Response curve of the implemented link is shown in Figure 2-4. Figure 2-4 Response curve of a link used to simulate soil effect behind the abutment backwall 16 Soil Effect around the Abutment and Pier Piles To account for soil effect around the abutments' and piers' piles, following soil sub-layer arrangement are considered around the piles based on an assumed soil sub-layer. These simplified sub-soil layer arrangement is shown in Figure 2-5. Figure 2-5 Shows assumed soil sub-layer around the piles and location of the assigned CALTRANS springs and SSI p-y links in the SSI models The above soil sub-layer arrangement is considered based on geotechnical recommendation report which was provided by H5M Company in the design stage of one of newly constructed bridges as a part of PORT MANN Highway 1 Project in Vancouver. The obtained parameters from Cone Penetration Test (CPT) for a chosen bore hole are shown in Figure 2-6. 17 Figure 2-6 The obtained parameters from Cone Penetration Test (CPT) for the chosen bore holes from the soil the soil investigation report- Source: H5M, 2009. in which, Su is un-drained shear strength in kPa, qt represents of resistance soil or tip resistance in bar, fs is sleeve friction reading in bar Rf is friction ratio and calculated as per eq. 2.3: (eq. 2.3) Vs is shear wave velocity in m/s, and SBT is a parameter that represents soil behaviour/classification type introduced by Robertson et al in 1986. 18 According to the above assumption, a p-y curve for each layer is derived based on the API code and L-Pile as they are shown in Figure 2-7. p-y curves 180 Stiff Clay - D=1m Soft Clay - D=3m Soft Clay - D=5m Soft Clay - D=7.5m 160 140 p-y curves - Sand Layer (D=10.85m) 9000 8000 7000 100 6000 80 p(kN/m) p(kN/m) 120 60 5000 4000 3000 40 2000 20 1000 0 0 0.05 0.1 y(m) 0.15 0.2 0 0 0.02 0.04 0.06 0.08 0.1 0.12 0.14 0.16 0.18 0.2 y(m) Figure 2-7 Left: Developed p-y curves based on the assumed sub-layers of soil surrounding piles using API code. Right: Obtained p-y curve for sand layer around the piles using L-Pile Manual. For simplicity, soil layers around the abutment and pier piles are considered identical for the model M2 and M4. For considering the soil effect around the piles in the model M2 & M4, a multi-purpose dynamic Winkler model for nonlinear soil structure interaction analysis is employed which developed by Nii Allotey and M.Hesham El Naggar. The backbone curve in this model is an adaptation of existing multi-linear approaches. In addition, features such as: loading and unloading rules, modeling of radiation damping and cyclic degradation, and slack zone for the analysis of shallow and deep foundation is considered in this model (N.Allotey & El Naggar, 2008). As the model shows in good agreement with the experimental results, it is incorporated in many software including SeismStruct. Schematic views of the loading and unloading curves of this model are shown in Figure 2-8. 19 Figure 2-8 Shows backbone curve of the Winkler model used in the SSI p-y links - Source: SeismoStruct Manual Fitting a tri-linear curve to each obtained p-y curve, the following parameters are obtained and defined in the models for pile links in each subdivided layer. Values of these parameters are presented in Table 2-3. Table 2-3 Presents calculated parameters which obtained fitting a tri-linear curve to the derived p-y curves Thickness Depth K0 Pu Fy Layer (m) (m) (kN/m) α β (kN) (kN) βn=Pu/Fy Fc/Fy Stiff Clay 2 1 11490.59 0.0969 0.0404 117.21 98.56 1.189 0.595 Soft Clay 2 3 15651.47 0.1313 0.051 289.31 208.31 1.389 0.458 Soft Clay 2 5 15814.1 0.1313 0.051 292.32 210.47 1.389 0.458 Soft Clay 3 7.5 20756.07 0.1313 0.051 383.67 276.24 1.389 0.458 Silty Sand 3.7 10.85 685185.18 0.3484 0.0599 27624.23 25900 1.067 0.714 20 in which, K0 is initial stiffness α is the second segment coefficient of stiffness of the nonlinear dynamic soil structure interaction model illustrated in Figure 2-8. β is the stiffness ratio parameter in the SSI model which defines the stiffness of the third segment in proportion to K0 Pu is soil ultimate strength Fy is soil yield strength βn is strength ratio parameter in the SSI model 2.2.2 Ground Motion Uncertainty To minimize the ground motion uncertainly, a set of 20 well selected ground motions is used in performing nonlinear response history analysis. The ground motions are selected in a manner that their ε(T1) is close to mean ε(T1) obtained during hazard analysis and listed in Table 3-7. These un-scaled ground motions are directly obtained from PEER strong motion database. However, to save the time, the significant duration of motion with more than %95 of arias intensity is used for each of them in performing incremental dynamic analysis (see Appendix A ). This estimation, however, expected to have a minimal effect on the obtained engineering demand parameters. This matter was investigated and verified by running a series of nonlinear response history analysis with different ground motions using both entire motion record and the above significant duration of them. Comparing the obtained results, it was found that this estimation had a minimal effect on the obtained engineering demand parameters for various motions as mainly peak acceleration of the motions were not truncated in the adapted significant duration. 21 2.3 Structural Damping A Rayleigh damping ratio (ξ) equal to 1%, 2%, and 2.5% is assigned for the bridge type 1 (model M1 & M2), bridge type 2 (model M3 & M4), and bridge type 3 (model M5 & M6) as bridge global damping in analysis respectively. No additional damping at the element level is defined in the models. 2.4 Additional Mass Assignment To count for additional bridge deck concrete slab and barriers, a distributed mass equal to 0.458 tone/m, 0.425 tone/m, and 0.425 tone/m is assigned along each pre-stressed girder for bridge type 1 (model M1 & M2), bridge type 2 (model M3 & M4), and bridge type 3 (model M5 & M6) respectively. In addition, an additional lumped mass of 0.925 tone/m is assigned to the abutments bridge type 3 (model M5 & M6) to count for abutment median bulk head. 2.5 Element Behavior - Bridge Type 1 (Model M1 & M2) For deck-girder and abutment section, Force Based (FB) inelastic frame element (inlfrmFB) is adapted as this type of element doesn't depend on the assumed sectional constitutive behavior. In SeismoStruct for FB elements, Gauss-Lobatto quadrature is employed. Generally a minimum number of three Gauss-Lobatto integration sections are required to avoid under-integration; however, such option will not generally simulate the spread of inelasticity in an acceptable way. To simulate spread of inelasticity in deck-girder and abutments, total 5 and 10 numbers of integration points are considered respectively as fallow: 5 integration sections: [-1 -0.655 0.0 0.655 1] x L/2 10 integration sections: [-1 -0.920 -0.739 -0.478 -0.165 0.165 0.478 0.739 0.920 1] x L/2 in which, L represents length of an element. 22 To present the cross-section behavior fiber approach is used in the SeismoStruct. In this approach each fiber is associated with a uniaxial stress-strain relationship. As a result, the sectional stress-strain state of beam-column elements can be obtained through the integration of the nonlinear uniaxial stress-strain response of the individual fibers. As material nonlinearity is implicitly defined by the material constitutive models, there is no need to introduce any element hysteretic response or previous moment curvature analysis. In the model M1 & M2, deck-girder and abutment section are subdivided to 150 and 200 fibers respectively. Integration sections and fibers in each section are shown schematically in Figure 2-9. Figure 2-9 Illustrates implementation of inelasticity distribution along beam elements using fiber approach in SeismoStruct software (Source: SeismoStruct Manual) 23 2.5.1 Abutments - Bridge Type1 (Model M1 & M2) Reinforced concrete rectangular section is used to model abutment with section height and width 22.17m and 1.3 m respectively. A uniaxial nonlinear constant confinement model (Con_ma) proposed by Madas in 1993 that follows the constitutive relationship proposed by Mander et al. [1988] and the cyclic rules proposed by Martinez-Rueda and Elnashai [1997] is employed as material model for the abutments in the model. In this material model, the confinement effects provided by the lateral transverse reinforcement are incorporated through the rules proposed by Mander et al. [1988] whereby confining pressure is assumed constant throughout the entire stress-strain range. Five model calibrating parameters are defined to fully describe the mechanical characteristics of the material are shown in Table 2-4. Table 2-4 Calibrating parameters for the nonlinear material model- Model M1 & M2 Parameter Value Compressive strength - fc 45 (MPa) Tensile strength - ft 2 (MPa) Strain at peak stress - εc 0.002 (mm/mm) Confinement factor - kc 1.2 Specific weight - ϒ 24 (kN/m^3) Discretization and reinforcement arrangement of the abutment are shown in Figure 2-10. Figure 2-10 Abutment discretized pattern and reinforcement arrangement - Model M1 & M2 24 Abutment Sectional Response - Bridge Type1 (Model M1 & M2) Abutment sectional responses are obtained using Response-2000 software. Obtained abutment Moment-Curvature and Moment-Shear interaction graphs are shown in Figure 2-11. AASHTO-99 M-V Interaction Moment-Curvature 42000.0 12000.0 Shear Force (kN) Moment (kNm) 35000.0 28000.0 21000.0 14000.0 9000.0 6000.0 Nu = -4600 kN Mu = 31226 kNm dv = 936 mm bv = 22170 mm 3000.0 7000.0 Phi = 1.00 sx = 111 mm Less than minimum reinforcement 0.0 0.0 9.0 18.0 27.0 36.0 45.0 54.0 0.0 0.0 Curvature (rad/km) 7000.0 14000.0 21000.0 28000.0 35000.0 42000.0 Moment (kNm) Figure 2-11 Shows abutment moment curvature diagram and M-V interaction obtained using Reponse-2000 software - Model M1 & M2 2.5.2 Abutment Piles Bridge Type1 (Model M2) Reinforced concrete circular section is used to model 12.7 m long abutment piles with section diameter 0.406 m. To consider the effect of casing and piles’ vertical and transversal reinforcements, a simplified uniaxial elastic material model with symmetric behaviour in tension and compression is chosen. Two model calibrating parameters required to describe the mechanical characteristics of the material are defined in Table 2-5. 25 Table 2-5 Calibrating parameters for the elastic material model used in the pile elements Material Parameters Value Modulus of elasticity - Es 200000 (MPa) Specific weight - ϒ 25 kN/m3 In this element class, elastic mechanical properties of the piles: are automatically calculated by the program and local stiffness matrix of the pile can be defined as per matrix shown in Figure 2-12. n3 (lies in 1-3 plane) Z (3) (1) (2) n2 n1 Y X 4EI2 1/L 0 2EI2 0 4EI3 0 0 0 2EI3 0 0 0 2EI2 0 0 0 0 2EI3 4EI2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 4EI3 0 0 EA 0 0 0 0 GJ Figure 2-12 Indicates piles local stiffness matrix-Source: SeismoStruct Manual 26 in which; is the length of the pile, is the pile x-section, is modulus of elasticity, & are moment of inertia about local axis 2 and 3 respectively, s the modulus of rigidity, obtained as where is the Poisson's ratio, and is torsional constant. Drawings of the bridge type 1 including abutment and piles layout arrangements are provided in Appendix F.1. 2.5.3 Bridge Deck Slab and Pre-stress Precast Girders - Bridge Type 1 (Model M1 & M2) Bridge deck slab and pre-stressed precast girders are modeled together. Reinforced concrete rectangular section is used to model them. Then total nine number of deck-girder elements are stitched together to model the bridge deck and precast girders. Section of the deck-girder and its discretized model are shown in Figure 2-13. Figure 2-13 Deck-girder reinforcement arrangement and discretized pattern - Model M1 & M2 27 In SeismoStruct software pre-stressed tendons cannot be assigned directly; however, prestressing effect can be considered using a non linear link (nlin_el) which its hysteresis loop is a simplified version of the Ramberg Osgood model. In this hysteretic loop no hysteretic dissipation is allowed (the same curve is employed for loading and unloading). This hysteretic loop is shown in Figure 2-14. Figure 2-14 Hysteretic loop used to simulate the effect of the pre-stressing tendons in the models Four parameters are defined in order to fully characterize this response curve: Yield strength ( Fy) calculated 5208kN for 20 numbers 270 grade 15.24 mm dia. tendons Yield displacement (Dy~ Du) Ramberg-Osgood parameter (ϒ) is considered 5.5 Convergence limit for Newtown-Raphson procedure (Β) is considered 0.001 In this model, a simplified uniaxial elastic material model with symmetric behavior in tension and compression is assigned as material of integrated Deck-girders. To fully describe the mechanical characteristics of the material, two calibrating parameters are defined in the model. These parameters are summarized in Table 2-6. 28 Table 2-6 Required calibrating parameters for the elastic material model- Model M1 & M2 Material Parameters Value Modulus of elasticity - Es 31522 (MPa) Specific weight - ϒ 24.5 (kN/m3) Deck-girder Sectional Response - Bridge Type 1 (Model M1 & M2) Deck-girder sectional responses are also obtained using Response 2000 software. Deck-girder Moment-Curvature and Moment-Shear interaction graphs are shown in Figure 2-15. AASHTO-99 M-V Interaction Deck-Girders' Moment-Curvature Diagram 1800.0 10000.0 1500.0 Shear Force (kN) Moment (kNm) 8000.0 6000.0 4000.0 1200.0 900.0 600.0 Mu = 8459 kNm dv = 1618 mm bv = 127 mm 2000.0 300.0 0.0 0.0 5.0 10.0 15.0 20.0 25.0 30.0 0.0 0.0 Phi = 1.00 Code Fe = 0.100 2000.0 Curvature (rad/km) 4000.0 6000.0 8000.0 Moment (kNm) Figure 2-15 Shows deck-girder moment curvature diagram and M-V interaction obtained using Reponse2000 software - Model M1 & M2 2.5.4 Performance Criteria - Bridge Type 1 (Model M1 & M2) Performance-based seismic design requires structures are design based on a damage state that loss of life or life threatening injury is prevented; however, it could sustain extensive structural and non-structural damage and be out of service for an extended period of time. To estimate potential collapse level, analysis was performed in a design level earthquake (2% in 50 year), and ultimate capacity of structural components is considered as collapse damage state. Different damage states for a typical reinforced concrete member are indicated in Figure 2-16. 29 Elastic Inelastic Collapse Behaviour Repairable Irreparable Severe Extreme Damage Lateral Load Vision 2000 IO Op LS CP NC Ultimate Capacity Yield of steel Reinforcement Concrete cracking IO: Immediate Occupancy OP: Operational CP: Collapse Prevention NC: Near Collapse Drift Figure 2-16 Shows a typical structural performance and associated damage states (A.Ghobarah, 2004) To obtain the ultimate capacity of the important structural components in the models Rsponse-2000 software is employed. Using the obtained sectional response for the abutment and deck-girder presented in section &, following target values are considered as performance criteria and introduced to model as the collapse prevention criteria. The above criteria with their correspond value are listed in Table 2-7. 30 Table 2-7 Shows defined performance criteria for the model M1 & M2 Collapse Prevention Criterion Element/core Targeting Value Action CP1 Abutment backwall curvature (rad/m) +/-0.10692 Stop CP2 Girders curvature (rad/m) +/-.01537 Stop CP3 Girders concrete strain (mm/mm) -0.0045 Stop CP4 Abutment backwall concrete strain (mm/mm) -0.0015422 Stop CP5 Girders steel rupture strain (mm/mm) +0.062 Stop CP6 Abutment steel rupture strain (mm/mm) +0.04877 Stop CP7 Abut. backwall shear force (kN) +/-14969.3 Stop CP8 Girders shear force approaching Abutments (kN) +/-14969.3 Stop CP9 Girders shear force (kN) +/-1820.09 Stop When a response exceeds the above specified targeting values, analysis is forced to stop. 2.6 Element Behavior - Bridge Type 2 (Model M3 & M4) Force based inelastic frame element (inlfrmFB) is use for deck-girders, abutments, pier columns, pier pilescap, and pier head as this element class doesn't depend on the assumed sectional constitutive behavior. Total five numbers of integration points are considered to simulate spread of inelasticity in deck-girders, abutments, and pier columns, pier pilecap and pier heads as fallow: 5 integration sections: [-1 -0.655 0.0 0.655 1] x L/2 in which, L represents length of an element. In the model M3 & M4, all integration sections of the above mentioned elements are subdivided to 150 fibers. 31 2.6.1 Abutments - Bridge Type2 (Model M3 & M4) Reinforced concrete rectangular section is used to model abutment with section height and width 14.171 m and 0.8 m respectively. Similar to the Model M1 & M2, Con_ma material is employed for the abutments. Similarly, the same calibrating parameters which previously introduced in Table 2-4 section 2.5.1 for the model M1 & M2 are used for these models. Abutment discretization and reinforcement arrangement are shown in Figure 2-17. Figure 2-17 Abutment discretization and reinforcement arrangement - Model M3 & M4 Abutment Sectional Response - Bridge Type2 (Model M3 & M4) Abutment sectional responses are obtained using Response-2000 software. Obtained Abutment Moment-Curvature and Moment-Shear interaction graphs are shown in Figure 2-18. Moment-Curvature AASHTO-99 M-V Interaction 12000.0 6000.0 5000.0 Shear Force (kN) Moment (kNm) 10000.0 8000.0 6000.0 4000.0 2000.0 4000.0 3000.0 Nu = -1100 kN Mu = 9113 kNm 2000.0 1000.0 dv = 649 mm bv = 14171 mm Phi = 1.00 sx = 217 mm Less than minimum reinforcement 0.0 0.0 20.0 40.0 60.0 Curvature (rad/km) 80.0 100.0 0.0 0.0 2000.0 4000.0 6000.0 8000.0 10000.0 12000.0 Moment (kNm) Figure 2-18 Shows abutment moment curvature diagram and M-V interaction obtained using Reponse-2000 software - Model M3 & M4 Abutment's principal tensile and compressive strains (mm/m) are shown in Figure 2-19. 32 Longitudinal Strain top -4.83 51.38 bot Figure 2-19 Abutment longitudinal strain (mm/m) - Model M3 & M4 2.6.2 Bridge Deck Slabs and Pre-stress Precast Girders - Bridge Type 2 (Model M3 & M4) Similar to the model M1 & M2, bridge deck slab and pre-stressed precast girders are modeled together. Reinforced concrete rectangular section is used to model them. Then total four number of deck-girder elements are stitched together to model the bridge deck and precast girders. Section of the deck-girder and its discretized model are shown in Figure 2-20. Figure 2-20 Deck-girder reinforcement arrangement and discretized pattern - Model M3 & M4 Likewise model M1 & M2, in these models the nlin_el non linear link is used to simulate effect of pre-stressing tendons. Four parameters are defined in order to fully characterize the response curve: 33 Yield strength ( Fy) calculated 4408.8 kN for 24 numbers 270 grade 12.7 mm dia. tendons Yield displacement (Dy~ Du) Ramberg-Osgood parameter (ϒ) is considered 5.5 Convergence limit for Newtown-Raphson procedure (Β) is considered 0.001 In these models, similar to the model M1 & M2 a simplified uniaxial elastic material model with symmetric behavior in tension and compression is assigned as material of integrated Deckgirders. Two model calibrating parameters are defined. These parameters are summarized in Table 2-8. Table 2-8 Required calibrating parameters for the elastic material model - Model M3 & M4 Material Parameters Value Modulus of elasticity - Es 33667 (MPa) Specific weight - ϒ 24.5 (kN/m3) Deck-girder Sectional Response - Bridge Type 2 (Model M3 & M4) Deck-girder sectional responses are also obtained using Response 2000 software. Deck- girder Moment-Curvature and Moment-Shear interaction graphs are shown in Figure 2-21. 34 AASHTO-99 M-V Interaction Moment-Curvature 8000.0 1200.0 Shear Force (kN) Moment (kNm) 6000.0 4000.0 2000.0 900.0 600.0 Mu = 5520 kNm 300.0 0.0 0.0 20.0 40.0 60.0 80.0 100.0 0.0 0.0 dv = 1310 mm bv = 127 mm Phi = 1.00 Code Fe = 0.100 800.0 Curvature (rad/km) 1600.0 2400.0 3200.0 4000.0 4800.0 Moment (kNm) Figure 2-21 Shows deck-girder moment curvature diagram and M-V interaction obtained using Reponse2000 software - Model M3 & M4 Deck-girder's principal tensile and compressive strains (mm/m) are shown in Figure 2-22. Longitudinal Strain top -1.66 29.87 bot Figure 2-22 Deck-girder longitudinal strain (mm/m) - Model M3 & M4 2.6.3 Pier Columns - Bridge Type 2 (Model M3 & M4) Reinforced concrete circular section is used to model 12 m pier column with section diameter 1.5m. In these models, Con_ma material model is employed for the Pier columns. Five model calibrating parameters are defined to fully describe the mechanical characteristics of the material are shown in Table 2-9. 35 Table 2-9 Calibrating parameters for the nonlinear material model used to model pier columns - Model M3 & M4 Parameter Value Compressive strength - fc 50 (MPa) Tensile strength - ft 0 (MPa) Strain at peak stress - εc 0.002 (mm/mm) Confinement factor - kc 1.2 Specific weight - ϒ 24 (kN/m^3) Pier Columns reinforcement arrangement and section digitization is shown in Figure 2-23. Figure 2-23 Pier column reinforcement arrangement and discretized pattern - Model M3 & M4 Layout plan of the pier columns and pilecaps are shown in Appendix F.2. Pier Columns Sectional Response - Bridge Type 2 (Model M3 & M4) Pier columns sectional responses are also obtained using Response 2000 software. Deck-girder Moment-Curvature and Moment-Shear interaction graphs are shown in Figure 2-24. 36 Moment-Curvature AASHTO-99 M-V Interaction 3000.0 6000.0 2500.0 Shear Force (kN) Moment (kNm) 5000.0 4000.0 3000.0 2000.0 2000.0 1500.0 1000.0 Nu = -2425 kN Mu = 5392 kNm 500.0 1000.0 dv = 1080 mm bv = 1500 mm Phi = 1.00 0.0 0.0 6.0 12.0 18.0 24.0 30.0 36.0 0.0 0.0 1000.0 2000.0 3000.0 4000.0 5000.0 6000.0 Moment (kNm) Curvature (rad/km) Figure 2-24 Shows pier column moment curvature diagram and M-V interaction obtained using Reponse2000 software - Model M3 & M4 Pier column's principal tensile and compressive strains (mm/m) are shown in Figure 2-25. Longitudinal Strain top -3.65 15.42 bot Figure 2-25 Pier column longitudinal strain (mm/m) - Model M3 & M4 2.6.4 Bridge Pier Pilecap and Pile Head - Bridge Type 2 (Model M3 & M4) Reinforced concrete rectangular section is used to model pier pilecap and pier head with section height and width 2.5 m X 10 m and 1.6 m X 13.202 m respectively. In these models, Con_ma material model is used as a material model for the Pier columns. Five model calibrating parameters are defined to fully describe the mechanical characteristics of the material are shown in Table 2-10. 37 Table 2-10 Calibrating parameters for the nonlinear material model used to model pier heads and pilecapsModel M3 & M4 Element Parameter Pier Head Pier Pilecap Compressive strength - fc 50 (MPa) 45 (MPa) Tensile strength - ft 0 (MPa) 0 (MPa) Strain at peak stress - εc 0.002 (mm/mm) 0.002 (mm/mm) Confinement factor - kc 1.2 1.2 24 (kN/m^3) 24 (kN/m^3) Specific weight - ϒ Digitization pattern of the pier pilecaps and heads are shown in Figure 2-26. Figure 2-26 Shows discritized pattern of the pier pilecaps and heads - Model M3 & M4 Reinforcement detail for the pier pilecaps and heads of the model M3 &M4 are provided in Appendix F.2. 2.6.5 Abutment and Pier Piles - Bridge Type 2 (Model M4) Abutment and pier piles are chosen identical to the abutment piles for the model M2 described in section 2.5.2. Layout plans of the abutment and pier piles can be found in Appendix F.2. 2.6.6 Performance Criteria - Bridge Type 2 (Model M3 & M4) Using the obtained sectional response for the abutments, deck-girders, and pier columns presented in section ,, and limit state values for these models are obtained. 38 These values are listed in Table 2-11as collapse prevention criteria and introduced to the model as performance criteria. Table 2-11 Shows defined performance criteria for the model M3 & M4 Collapse Prevention Criterion Element/core Targeting Value Action CP1 Abutment backwall curvature (rad/m) +/-.1281 Stop CP2 Girders curvature (rad/m) +/-.015 Stop CP3 Girders concrete strain (mm/mm) -0.0017 Stop CP4 Abutment backwall concrete strain (mm/mm) -0.006 stop CP5 Girders steel rupture strain (mm/mm) +0.03 Stop CP6 Abutment steel rupture strain (mm/mm) +0.09 stop CP7 Abutment backwall shear force (kN) +/-7416.6 Stop CP8 Girders shear force approaching Abutments (kN) < +/-7416.6 Stop CP9 Girders shear force (kN) +/-1443.02 Stop CP10 Pier curvature (rad/m) +/-.0442 Stop CP11 Pier concrete strain (mm/mm) -0.0036 Stop CP12 Pier steel rupture strain (mm/mm) +0.0873 Stop CP13 Pier shear force (kN) +/-449.32 Stop Incremental dynamic analysis is stopped when a response exceeds the above specified targeting values. 2.7 Element Behavior - Bridge Type 3 (Model M5 & M6) Similar to the model M3& M4, for deck-girders, abutments, pier columns, pier pilescap, and pier head section force based inelastic frame element (inlfrmFB) is adapted as this type of element doesn't depend on the assumed sectional constitutive behavior. Total five integration points are considered to simulate spread of inelasticity in deck-girders, and pier columns, pier 39 pilecap and pier heads; however, total 10 number of integration is considered for abutments as fallow respectively: 5 integration sections: [-1 -0.655 0.0 0.655 1] x L/2 10 integration sections: [-1 -0.920 -0.739 -0.478 -0.165 0.165 0.478 0.739 0.920 1] x L/2 in which, L represents length of an element. In these models, each integration section of deck-girders, pier columns, pier pilescaps, and pier heads is subdivided to 150 fibers. However, abutment integration sections are subdivided to 300 fibers to obtain more accurate results. 2.7.1 Abutments - Bridge Type 3 (Model M5 & M6) Reinforced concrete rectangular section is used to model abutment with section height and width 1.4 m and 35.07 m respectively. Similar to the previous models, Con_ma material model is employed for the abutments. Similarly, the same calibrating parameters which previously introduced in section 2.5.1for model M1 & M2 are used for these models. Mechanical characteristics of the material are summarized in the following table: Abutment discretized model and reinforcement arrangement are shown in Figure 2-27. Figure 2-27 Abutment discretization and reinforcement arrangement - Model M5 & M6 40 Abutment Sectional Response - Bridge Type 3 (Model M5 & M6) Abutment sectional responses are obtained using Response-2000 software. Obtained Abutment Moment-Curvature and Moment-Shear interaction graphs are shown in Figure 2-28. AASHTO-99 M-V Interaction 10000.0 Shear Force (kN) 8000.0 6000.0 4000.0 Nu = -2200 kN Mu = 14839 kNm dv = 659 mm bv = 35070 mm Phi = 1.00 2000.0 sx = 220 mm Less than minimum reinforcement 0.0 0.0 4000.0 8000.0 12000.0 16000.0 20000.0 Moment (kNm) Figure 2-28 Shows abutment moment curvature diagram and M-V interaction obtained using Reponse-2000 software - Model M5 & M6 Abutment's principal tensile and compressive strains (mm/m) are shown in Figure 2-29. Longitudinal Strain top -3.31 52.89 bot Figure 2-29 Abutment longitudinal strain (mm/m) - Model M5 & M6 41 2.7.2 Bridge Deck Slabs and Pre-stress Precast Girders - Bridge Type 3 (Model M5 & M6) Similar to the previous models, bridge deck slab and pre-stressed precast girders are modeled integrally and a reinforced concrete rectangular section is used to model them. In each bridge bond, four elements of the deck-girder are stitched together to model the bridge deck and precast girders. Reinforcing detail and discretized model of the deck-girder are shown in Figure 2-30. Figure 2-30 Deck-girder reinforcement arrangement and discretized pattern - Model M5 & M6 Likewise previous models, in these models the nlin_el non linear link is used to simulate effect of pre-stressing tendons. Four parameters are defined in order to fully characterize the response curve: Yield strength (Fy) calculated 4776.2 kN for 26 numbers 270 grade 12.7 mm dia. tendons Yield displacement (Dy~ Du) Ramberg-Osgood parameter (ϒ) is considered 5.5 Convergence limit for Newtown-Raphson procedure (Β) is considered 0.001 42 In these models, similar to the previous models a simplified uniaxial elastic material model with symmetric behavior in tension and compression is assigned as material of integrated Deckgirders. Two model calibrating parameters required for the material model are defined identical to those parameters in the model M3 & M4. Deck-girder Sectional Response - Bridge Type 3 (Model M5 & M6) Deck-girder sectional responses are also obtained using Response 2000 software. Deck-girder Moment-Curvature and Moment-Shear interaction graphs are shown in Figure 2-31. Figure 2-31 Deck-girder moment curvature diagram and M-V interaction obtained using Reponse-2000 software - Model M5 & M6 Deck-girder's principal tensile and compressive strains (mm/m) are shown in Figure 2-32. Longitudinal Strain top -1.73 29.32 bot Figure 2-32 Deck-girder longitudinal strain (mm/m) - Model M5 & M6 43 2.7.3 Pier Columns - Bridge Type 3 (Model M5 & M6) Reinforced concrete circular section is used to model 14m long pier column with section diameter 1.2m. In These models, material model and its calibrating parameters are identical to those are employed in the model M3 & M4. Pier Columns reinforcement arrangement and digitization model are shown in Figure 2-33. Figure 2-33 Pier column reinforcement arrangement and discretized pattern - Model M5 & M6 Pier Columns Sectional Response - Bridge Type 3 (Model M5 & M6) Likewise previous members, pier columns sectional responses are obtained using Response 2000 software. Deck-girder Moment-Curvature and Moment-Shear interaction graphs are shown in Figure 2-34. AASHTO-99 M-V Interaction Moment-Curvature 2400.0 3600.0 2000.0 Shear Force (kN) Moment (kNm) 3000.0 2400.0 1800.0 1200.0 1600.0 1200.0 800.0 Nu = -2425 kN Mu = 3380 kNm 400.0 600.0 dv = 864 mm bv = 1200 mm Phi = 1.00 0.0 0.0 5.0 10.0 15.0 Curvature (rad/km) 20.0 25.0 30.0 0.0 0.0 600.0 1200.0 1800.0 2400.0 3000.0 3600.0 Moment (kNm) Figure 2-34 Pier column moment curvature diagram and M-V interaction obtained using Reponse-2000 software - Model M5 & M6 44 Pier column's principal tensile and compressive strains (mm/m) are shown in Figure 2-35. Longitudinal Strain top -3.40 12.10 bot Figure 2-35 Pier column longitudinal strain (mm/m) - Model M5 & M6 2.7.4 Pier Pilecap and Pier Head - Bridge Type 3 (Model M5 & M6) Reinforced concrete rectangular section is used to model pier pilecap and pier head with section height and width 5 m X 12 m and 1.4 m X 11.614 m respectively. In these models, the same material model and its calibrating parameters are used are similar to those model and parameters are used for the pier pilecap in the model M3 & M4. However, model material is used for the deck-girder is employed for the pier head with the same calibrating parameters. Pier pilecap and pier head reinforcement arrangement and section digitization are shown in Figure 2-36. Figure 2-36 Shows discritized pattern of the pier pilecaps and heads - Model M5 & M6 2.7.5 Steel Intermediate Diaphragm - Bridge Type 3 (Model M5 & M6) A symmetric steel T section is used to cross-brace the girders at outer bays in the middle of the intermediate span as intermediate diaphragm in each bond as it is shown in red color in Figure 2-37. 45 Figure 2-37 Shows intermediate diaphragm bracings in red color - Model M5 & M6 Dimensions of the used T-section in these models are listed in Table 2-12. Table 2-12 Dimensions of the steel T-section used as bracings in the intermediate diaphragm - Model M5 & M6 Location Dimension (m) Bottom flange width 0.2 Bottom flange thickness .01 Top flange width 0.2 Top flange thickness 0.015 Web height 0.3 Web thickness 0.015 Drawings of the bridge type 3 are presented in Appendix F.3. 2.7.6 Performance Criteria - Bridge Type 3 (Model M5 & M6) Based on obtained sectional response for the abutments, deck-girders, and pier columns presented in section,, and, following target values introduced to model are 46 considered as performance criteria. The above criteria with their corresponding value are listed in Table 2-13. Table 2-13 Shows defined performance criteria for the model M5 & M6 Collapse Prevention Criterion Element/core Targeting Value Action CP1 Abutment backwall curvature (rad/m) +/-.1247 Stop CP2 Girders curvature (rad/m) +/-0.015 Stop CP3 Girders concrete strain (mm/mm) -0.0017 Stop CP4 Abutment backwall concrete strain (mm/mm) -0.005 stop CP5 Girders steel rupture strain (mm/mm) +0.03 Stop CP6 Abutment steel rupture strain (mm/mm) +0.09 stop CP7 Abutment backwall shear force (kN) +/-10609.5 Stop CP8 Girders shear force approaching Abutments (kN) +/-10609.5 Stop CP9 Girders shear force (kN) +/-1492.72 Stop CP10 Pier curvature (rad/m) +/-.056 Stop CP11 Pier concrete strain (mm/mm) -0.003 Stop CP12 Pier steel rupture strain (mm/mm) +0.09 Stop CP13 Pier shear force (kN) +/-241.43 Stop 47 Chapter 3: Analysis 3.1 Eigen Value Analysis Elastic frame elements are employed in the creation of the structural model in Eigen value analysis as this analysis is a purely elastic type of structural analysis. Therefore, in this type of analysis material properties are taken as constant throughout the entire computation procedure. In SeismoStrurct, efficient Lanczos algorithm introduced by Hughes in 1987 and Jacobi algorithms using Ritz transformation can be used for evaluation of the structural natural frequencies and mode shapes. However, in this study Lanczos algorithm is used to the following obtain bridge periods and mode shapes. 3.1.1 Eigen Value Analysis - Bridge Type 1 Model M1 Mode shapes of the model M1 are shown in Figure 3-1. 48 Figure 3-1 Mode shapes of the model M1for the first six modes The effective modal of a mode is the fraction of the total static mass (static inertia for rotation modes) that can be attributed to that mode. Period and cumulative effective modal masses for the first six modes of the model M1are presented in Table 3-1. Table 3-1 Period and cumulative modal mass for the first 6 modes - Model M1 Mode Period (sec) Ux (tone) Uy (tone) Uz (tone) Rx (tone) Ry (tone) Rz (tone) 1 0.246 0.00 0.00 426.16 0.13 0.25 165.04 2 0.151 72.13 178.21 426.16 1711.82 73.49 165.04 3 0.085 72.14 178.21 430.47 1712.50 74.49 5479.81 4 0.078 368.51 197.50 430.47 10607.49 319.72 5481.00 5 0.071 400.98 259.92 430.47 46987.32 343.69 5481.77 6 0.046 401.18 260.09 430.47 51202.42 12503.29 5481.85 49 Model M2 Mode shapes of the model M2 are shown in Figure 3-2. Figure 3-2 Mode shapes of the model M2for the first six modes Periods and corresponding cumulative effective modal masses for model M2 are presented in Table 3-2. Table 3-2 Period and cumulative modal mass for the first 6 modes - ModelM2 Mode Period (sec) Ux (tone) Uy (tone) 1 Uz (tone) Rx (tone) Ry (tone) Rz (tone) 0.284 430.20 1060.86 4.97 237.42 40.03 54.53 2 0.251 1547.98 1501.59 5.82 246.16 57.15 317.73 3 0.240 1548.94 1528.35 440.48 270.47 57.15 38344.37 4 0.199 1549.87 1528.86 486.91 274.72 57.38 441870.47 5 0.112 1559.86 1559.59 513.00 628.01 185.30 441924.50 6 0.081 1560.78 1562.32 532.19 819.19 225.32 443458.80 50 3.1.2 Eigen Value Analysis - Bridge Type 2 Model M3 Mode shapes of the model M3 are shown in Figure 3-3. Figure 3-3 Mode shapes of the model M3 for the first six modes Period and cumulative effective modal masses for model M3 are presented in Table 3-3. Table 3-3 Period and cumulative modal mass for the first 6 modes - Model M3 Mode Period (sec) Ux (tone) Uy (tone) Uz (tone) Rx (tone) Ry (tone) Rz (tone) 1 0.335 31.44 272.28 0.10 29001.41 286.91 2.15 2 0.240 853.15 273.39 0.10 29383.18 6586.26 203.98 3 0.233 861.33 273.90 0.78 29650.11 6653.75 564.93 4 0.201 861.48 273.94 162.21 29743.57 6653.97 572.14 5 0.119 865.58 1311.38 162.63 33186.20 6710.01 994.13 6 0.112 865.84 1315.99 162.65 33197.66 6710.89 94720.24 51 Model M4 Mode shapes of the model M4 are shown in Figure 3-4. Figure 3-4 Mode shapes of the model M4 for the first six modes Period and cumulative effective modal masses for model M4 are presented in Table 3-4. Table 3-4 Period and cumulative modal mass for the first 6 modes - Model M4 Mode Period (sec) Ux (tone) Uy (tone) 1 Uz (tone) 0.374 109.41 805.84 0.06 2 0.304 1511.26 856.97 3 0.296 1519.23 4 0.255 5 6 Rx (tone) Ry (tone) Rz (tone) 30635.75 920.60 34.43 0.08 32248.52 9962.26 34.45 872.29 0.62 32689.50 10008.76 9732.68 1520.09 1628.55 0.70 32856.96 10008.76 9893.57 0.209 1520.21 1628.63 93.11 32986.36 10009.21 348973.93 0.205 1520.28 1628.63 155.64 33034.62 10009.23 890950.94 52 3.1.3 Eigen Value Analysis - Bridge Type 3 Model M5 & M6 Mode shapes of the model M5 & M6 are identical as archetype model M6 is the SSI version of the Model M5 which the only SSI feature considered in this model is CALTRANS springs to simulate the effect of the soil embankment behind the abutment backwall. Mode shapes of these models are shown in Figure 3-5. Figure 3-5 Mode shapes of the model M5 and M6 for the first six modes Due to the reason mentioned in the above, model M5 & M6 have the identical period and cumulative effective modal mass. Periods and cumulative effective modal masses for these models are presented in Table 3-5. 53 Table 3-5 Period and cumulative modal mass for the first 6 modes - Model M5 & M6 Mode Period (sec) Uz (tone) Rx (tone) Ry (tone) 1 0.374 1.44 0.00 174.26 224.79 174.45 8.66 2 0.373 3.81 0.00 174.30 469.45 18720.24 9.35 3 0.350 1910.89 0.01 174.47 504.13 82508.92 2622.79 4 0.332 1910.89 0.01 174.47 504.31 82523.86 5202.91 5 0.229 1911.50 24.01 174.47 241648.75 82534.91 5277.63 6 0.225 1911.50 24.01 174.48 241649.77 82534.92 7382.27 3.2 Ux (tone) Uy (tone) Rz (tone) Nonlinear Static Pushover Analysis To determine ultimate capacity of the structures and quantify period-based ductility illustrated in Section 4.4, a series of static pushover analysis are carried out. To do this, forcebased pushover analysis with load control phase is performed for each 3D archetype models, i.e., abutment and pier column of the structures are pushed along and across the bridge deck respectively. In addition to the above load strategy, pushover load are applied in two directions simultaneously (along and across the bridge deck) using the same incremental step. The later applied load strategy is also conducted in static pushover analysis to compare the obtained capacity results in this way with the obtained demand from the incremental analysis provided in the next chapter as ground motion accelerations in IDA are applied in two directions to the restrained nodes in each model. The static pushover analysis is terminated by program automatically when the collapse occurs (until a structural responses reaches one of the collapse criteria defined in the performance criteria of the models). Obtained static pushover curves for the models when 54 abutment and pier column No.1 (the outer pier column of the fist span in bridge type 2 &3) are pushed in X, Y and X-Y directions are shown in Figure 3-6, Figure 3-7, and Figure 3-8. Figure 3-6 Obtained abutment pushover curves for all archetype models when abutment No.1(south abutment) is pushed along the deck direction 55 Figure 3-7 Obtained abutment pushover curves for all archetype models when abutment No.1 (south abutment) is pushed along and across the deck directions 56 Figure 3-8 Obtained pier column pushover curves for all archetype models when the column No.1 is pushed across and across-along the deck directions The last points shown on the Figure 3-6, Figure 3-7, and Figure 3-8 are not representative of analysis result. There is only used to represent the total base shear coresponding to the collapse level. The points previous the last points represent non-simulated collapse points that analysis is forced to stop. Obtained ultimate capacities for the abutment and pier column of the models are summarized in Table 3-6. 57 Table 3-6 Summary of the obtained ultimate capacities for the abutment and pier column of the models Element Abutment No.1 Pushing Direction Capacity Model Y Δy (mm) Pier Column No.1 X&Y Base Shear (kN) X Δy Base Shear Δx (mm) (kN) (mm) X&Y Base Shear (kN) Δx (mm) Base Shear (kN) M1 9.3 26884.2 0.84 13499.3 - - - - M2 8.5 31000 3.0 21500 - - - - M3 40.3 14658.3 10.5 6558.4 22.5 5635.5 15.5 5053.5 M4 45.3 14700 8.5 6900 34.1 6187.5 25.8 5625 M5 2.9 15258.2 2.9 15329 82.7 5475 58.6 5197.1 M6 2.8 15287.4 2.2 22630.7 78.5 5888.4 77.6 5432.4 in which, direction X & Y are across and along the bridge deck respectively. 58 3.3 Hazard Analysis The Pacific Coast is the most earthquake-prone region of Canada. In the offshore region to the west of Vancouver Island, more than 100 earthquakes of magnitude 5 or greater have occurred during the past 70 years. High concentration of earthquakes in the west coast is due to the following reasons: presence of active faults or breaks in the earth’s crust and tectonic plate movement. In this area, the tectonic plates can slide past one another, collide, or diverge. Likewise other part of the world that have these three plate movements together, there is significant earthquake activity in the west coast region of Canada. Concentration and magnitude of the Earthquakes that occurred in Canada are shown in Figure 3-9. Figure 3-9 Seismic history of earthquake magnitudes in Canada - Source: Natural Resources Canada (NRC) Earthquakes in southwestern British Columbia occur in three distinct source regions: 59 1) Relatively close to the surface in the North American Plate (continental crust) 2) Deeper in the sub-ducting Juan de Fuca Plate (oceanic crust) 3) Along the boundary between the North American Plate and the sub-ducting Juan de Fuca Plate (locked zone) Tectonic plates in south west of Canada are shown in Figure 3-10. Figure 3-10 Demonstrates tectonic plates in southwestern Canada - Source: Natural Resources Canada (NRC) In this study probabilistic seismic hazard is adapted from the Open File 4459 (2005) for city of Vancouver. However, a probabilistic seismic hazard analysis (PSHA) and deaggregation is also performed for the period of 0.246sec, 0.284sec, 0.335sec, and 0.374sec using EZ-FRISK software to obtain mean magnitude of the ground motions required for performing the response time history analysis. For the hazard analysis, damping ratio is considered 5% and soil site class is classified as class C based on Table NBCC 2010 (see Appendix G ) assuming that time average of the shear wave velocity for the top 30 m of the sub-soil layer of the site is 450 m/s. Two different models are considered in the analysis: H model and R model. The H model is used to consider relatively small source zones drawn around historical seismicity clusters, and the R model is used to consider larger regional zones in the analysis. H West and R West seismic 60 sources are considered to represent the tectonic region that include all the potentially active seismic sources that can contribute to the earthquake ground motions within 1000 km of city of Vancouver. Cascadian subduction zone is taken into account as a seismic source as it represent continental crest and it is relatively close to the surface in the North American Plate. Contributed seismic zones in H and R West model are presented in Figure 3-11. Attenuation equations used in the analysis were: Boore-Atkinson (NGA-2008), Campbell-Bozorgnia (NGA-2008), Zhao, et. al (2006, USGS 2008), Abrahamson-Silva (NGA2008), and Chiou-Youngs (NGA-2008). Figure 3-11 Illustrates the contributed seismic zones in H& R model-source: EZ-FRISK 61 Deaggregation is performed for the period of 0.246 sec, 0.284sec, 0.335sec, and 0.374sec at 5% damping. Obtained Magnitude-Distance deaggregation from PSHA for city of Vancouver for the period of 0.246sec is shown in Figure 3-12. Figure 3-12 Magnitude-Distance deaggregation spectral response @ 5% damping - horizontal component obtained from EZ-FRISK for the period 0.246sec Obtained epsilon deaggregation spectral response for the period of 0.246 sec at 5% damping is presented in Figure 3-13. 62 Figure 3-13 Shows mean hazard for spectral response at 5% damping - Source: EZ-FRISK software Overall, obtained Earthquake hazard analysis results for city of Vancouver are summarized in Table 3-7. Table 3-7 Summary of the performed Hazard analysis results Period (sec) Parameter 0.246 0.284 0.335 0.374 Amplitude(g) 0.9 0.86 0.798 0.757 Mean magnitude (M) 6.58 6.62 6.67 6.7 Mean Distance (km) 21.3 23.7 25.5 25.2 Mean Epsilon 1.25 1.27 1.25 1.21 Mean Hazard 0.000261633 0.00027283 0.000289151 0.000288606 Other deaggregation charts corresponding to the period 0,284sec, 0.335sec, and 0.374 sec are provided in Appendix H . 63 3.3.1 Vancouver Uniform Hazard Spectrum So far intensive studies have been made by experts for better understanding of seismic hazard and the relationships between structural damage and ground-motion intensities. Based on these investigations, adaption of 2% in 50 years (return period of 2,475 years) tends to be more closely related with the probability of structural collapse. Subsequently, this adoption is considered as the design level of hazard in many codes such as: 1997 NEHRP guidelines, IBC 2000 (Leyendecker et al., 2000), and 2005 edition of the Canadian seismic code (Heidebrecht, 2003). Based on the above matter, 50 percentile H & R model probabilistic seismic hazard estimates for the city of Vancouver with the hazard level of 2% probabilities in 50 year (return period of 2475) and when horizontal spectral acceleration 5% damped, is taken from the Open File 4459 (Geological Survey of Canada, 2003). However, average of them is considered as target uniform hazard spectrum. All the hazard spectra are shown in Figure 3-14. 64 Probabilistic Seismic Hazard Estimates - Vancouver (2%/50 year) 1 H Model (50%ile) R Model (50%ile) Average H & R Model (50%ile) 0.9 0.8 0.7 Sa(g) 0.6 0.5 0.4 0.3 0.2 0.1 0 0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 4 Period (sec) Figure 3-14 Target and H & R model uniform hazard spectra (50%ile) for soil site class C - Source OPEN File 4459 (Geological Survey of Canada, 2003) 3.3.2 Input Ground Motions To account for the uncertainties of the structural response due various range of motion intensities, a set of 20 numbers of un-scaled far field ground motion records are selected from PEER strong ground motions database. In this study, un-scaled ground motions are preferred to use due to two main reasons: First, scaling ground motions to match the target spectrum over a range may have an impact to the structural responses such as displacement. Second, here the strategy is to increase the acceleration intensity of ground motions in performing IDA until collapse is occurred. To avoid adjusting the collapse fragility curve to account for the spectral shape effect explained in introduction, these motions were selected in a manner that mostly they have positive 65 epsilon (ε) and their ε(T1) value is close to ε(T1) value of the target spectrum. This approach is used to account for the ground motion spectra shape characteristics to ensure an unbiased estimate of the collapse probabilities. Here, epsilon (ε) is defined as number of standard deviations by which an observed logarithmic spectral acceleration differs from the mean logarithmic spectral acceleration of a ground-motion prediction values at the fundamental period of the structures (J.W. Baker3, 2005). Spectra of the selected motions, target spectrum, and interested period range are shown in Figure 3-15. 3 Associate Professor at department of Civil and Environmental Engineering Stanford university. 66 Target and Ground Motion Hazard Spectra 3 UHS_Vancouver(2%/50) Cape Mendocino Chi Chi Coalinga 2.5 Duzce Imperial Valley Kobe 2 LomaPrieta Mammoth Lakes Sa (g) Morgan Hill Northridge 1.5 N.Palm Springs San Fernando Superstition 1 Tabas Victoria-Mexico Westmorland Whittier 0.5 Spitak Managua Gazli 0 Fundamental Period - Model M1 0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 Period (sec) 3.5 4 Fundamental Period - Model M6 Figure 3-15 Shows ground motion spectra along with the target spectrum, and the range of period of interest [T1-model M1 (0.246 sec) -T1-model M4, M5 & M6 (0.374 sec)] 67 Detail information of these ground motions are presented in Table 3-8. Table 3-8 Summary of the selected ground motion records No. Event PEER NGA No. Year Station Magnitude Mechanism 1 Chi-Chi- Taiwan 1503 1999 TCU065 7.62 Reverse-Oblique 2 Superstition Hills-02 727 1987 Superstition Mtn Camera 6.54 Strike-Slip 3 Loma Prieta 779 1989 LGPC 6.93 Reverse-Oblique 4 Northridge-01 1084 1994 Sylmar - Converter Staion 6.69 Reverse 5 Imperial Valley-06 180 1979 El Centro Array #5 6.53 Strike-Slip 6 Victoria- Mexico 265 1980 Cerro Prieto 6.33 Strike-Slip 7 Morgan Hill 451 1984 Coyote Lake Dam (SW Abut) 6.19 Strike-Slip 8 Duzce- Turkey 1617 1999 Lamont 375 7.14 Strike-Slip 9 Cape Mendocino 828 1992 Petrolia 7.01 Reverse 10 Mammoth Lakes-01 232 1980 Mammoth Lakes H. S. 6.06 Normal-Oblique 11 N. Palm Springs 529 1986 North Palm Springs 6.06 Reverse-Oblique 12 Tabas- Iran 139 1978 Dayhook 7.35 Reverse 13 San Fernando 77 1971 Pacoima Dam (upper left abut) 6.61 Reverse 14 Gazli- USSR 126 1976 Karakyr 6.8 Unkown 15 Managua- Nicaragua-01 95 1972 Managua- ESSO 6.24 Strike-Slip 16 Whittier Narrows-01 668 1987 Norwalk - Imp Hwy- S Grnd 5.99 Reverse-Oblique 17 Coalinga-05 412 1983 Pleasant Valley P.P. - yard 5.77 Reverse 18 Westmorland 319 1981 Westmorland Fire Staion 5.9 Strike-Slip 19 Kobe- Japan 1116 1995 Shin-Osaka 6.9 Strike-Slip 20 Spitak- Armenia 730 1988 Gukasian 6.77 Reverse-Oblique To minimize the analysis time, a significant duration of the above un-scaled ground motions which at least fulfill 95% of arias intensity is considered in performing incremental analysis. As it is discussed, this simplification did not result in missing the peak response 68 comparing to the case that entire duration of a ground motion record is used in analysis. Acceleration time history for the significant duration of these ground motions is shown in Appendix A . 3.4 Incremental Dynamic Analysis (IDA) In incremental dynamic analysis (IDA), structure subjected to a succession of transient loads (in this study acceleration time-histories) of increasing intensity until the structure reaches a collapse point. As Vamvatsikos and Cornell (2002) suggested, the median collapse intensity can be obtained through the concept of IDA. Consequently, here IDA is used to collect collapse data and to define a collapse fragility curve for each archetype model through a cumulative distribution function (CDF) which relates the ground motion intensity to the probability of collapse. In the performed IDA, both starting scaling factor and scaling factor step are considered 0.25. In addition, acceleration time histories are applied in both X & Y directions (along and across the bridge decks) to the nodes that were restrained in all directions and specified in Table 3-9. Table 3-9 Acceleration are applied to the restrained nodes in X & y directions Archetype Model Nodes M1 End node both abutment elements M2 Abutment Piles' toe M3 End node abutments and pier pilecaps M4 Abutments and piers piles' toe M5 End node of the abutment and pier pilecap elements M6 End node of the abutment and pier pilecap elements 69 Detail of the input ground motions frequencies and output frequencies of the performed IDAs are summarized in Table 3-10. Table 3-10 Summary of the input/output frequencies of the performed IDAs Archetype Model No Ground Motion M1 GM Time Step (Sec) M2 M3 M4 M5 M6 IDA Output Frequency 1 Chi Chi - Taiwan 0.005 1 8 6 6 6 6 2 Superstition 0.01 1 1 3 3 6 6 3 Loma Prieta 0.005 1 1 3 3 6 6 4 Northridge 0.005 1 1 3 3 6 6 5 Imperial Valley 0.005 1 1 3 3 6 6 6 Victoria-Mexico 0.01 1 1 3 3 6 6 7 Morgan Hill 0.005 1 1 3 3 6 6 8 Duzce 0.01 1 4 3 6 6 6 9 Cape Mendocino 0.02 1 1 3 6 6 6 10 Mammoth Lakes 0.005 4 4 3 3 6 6 11 N.Palm Springs 0.005 1 1 3 3 6 6 12 Tabas 0.02 1 1 3 6 6 6 13 San Fernando 0.01 1 1 6 6 6 6 14 Gazli-USSR 0.005 1 1 6 6 6 6 15 Managua 0.01 1 1 6 6 6 6 16 Whittier Narrows 0.005 4 4 6 6 6 6 17 Coalinga 0.005 1 1 3 3 6 6 18 Westmorland 0.005 1 1 6 6 6 6 19 Kobe 0.01 4 4 6 6 6 6 20 Spitak 0.01 4 4 6 6 6 6 70 Chapter 4: IDA Results and Probability of Collapse of the Models Collapse of bridges can lead to a large number fatalities and threatening injuries depending on importance level of the structures. Due to this matter, methodology of this study rely on quantifying probability of collapse of the structure equivalent to 'collapse prevention' rather than 'life safety' defined in FEMA 273/356 as performance levels. Therefore, the main focus here is on partial and global instability of the seismic-force resisting system, and nonstructural systems and their potential life-threatening failure are not addressed. In this study, non-simulated collapse modes are indirectly evaluated using alternative limit state checks on structural response quantities measured in the analyses (performance criteria). Performance criteria are employed when it was not directly possible to simulate deterioration modes contributing to collapse behavior of the seismic-force resisting system. Therefore, here identified potential deterioration and collapse mechanisms are addressed both through the explicit simulation of failure modes through nonlinear analyses and evaluation of “nonsimulated” failure modes using performance criteria illustrated and defined in the model description section. However, in Non-simulated collapse modes it is generally considered that initial occurrence of the failure mode will lead to collapse of entire of the structure. As it is indicated in the FEMA P695 (June 2009), non-simulated limit state checks may result in lower estimates of the median collapse comparing to the case that all the local failure modes directly simulated. Simulating all the local failure modes directly is ideal, but not practically possible. Therefore, a combination of simulating direct failure mode of the important components and non-simulated limit state checks is an optimal method for evaluating the effects of deterioration and collapse mechanisms, and it is used to capture local failure modes in the models. 71 Performing incremental dynamic analysis and considering abutment and pier column relative displacement as engineering demand parameters and spectral acceleration as an intensity measure, probability of collapse fragility curve for each prototype is provided. In providing the collapse fragility curves a function fits a lognormal CDF to observed probability of collapse data using optimization on the likelihood function for the data and least square method as illustrated in the Appendix B (J. W. Baker, 2013). These provided graphs are presented in the following sections. In addition, to obtain actual relative displacement for the abutment and pier column in the model M2 & M4, rocking of these elements is determined and graph of them are presented in the relevant sub-sections. 72 4.1 Non-Simulated Collapse Mode IDA Results and Probability of Collapse - Model M1 & M2 Obtained failure mode results at collapse level from the performed incremental dynamic analysis are summarized for the model M1 & M2 in Table 4-1. Table 4-1 Summary of the obtained failure modes performing IDA - Model M1 & M2 Archetype Model M1 Chi Chi - Taiwan Sa (g) 0.841 Superstition 1.448 Loma Prieta 1.208 Northridge 1.335 Imperial Valley M2 2.103 Girder shear force Sa (g) 0.824 2.5 3.621 Abutment shear force 1.241 2.25 2.717 Abutment shear force 1.419 1.75 2.336 Girder shear force 1.144 3 3.431 Victoria-Mexico 1.092 3.25 Morgan Hill 1.924 Duzce Ground Motion Collapsed Factor 2.5 Sa-Collapse Failure Mode Collapsed Factor 1.75 Sa-Collapse Failure Mode 1.443 Girder shear force 1 1.241 Abutment shear force 1 1.419 Girder shear force 1.523 0.75 1.142 Girder shear force Abutment shear force 1.022 1.25 1.278 Girder shear force 3.549 Abutment shear force 0.708 1.5 1.062 Abutment shear force 2.5 4.809 Abutment shear force 2.388 0.75 1.791 Girder shear force 1.008 3.5 3.527 Abutment shear force 1.321 1.75 2.311 Abutment shear force Cape Mendocino 0.778 3 2.334 Abutment shear force 0.861 2 1.723 Abutment shear force Mammoth Lakes 0.611 5.5 3.361 Abutment shear force 0.814 2.5 2.034 Girder shear force N.Palm Springs 1.131 3 3.394 Abutment shear force 1.332 1 1.332 Girder shear force Tabas 0.736 4.5 3.312 Abutment shear force 0.557 1.5 0.836 Abutment shear force San Fernando 1.937 1.5 2.906 Abutment shear force 2.266 0.75 1.700 Abutment shear force Gazli-USSR 1.061 2.75 2.918 Abutment shear force 1.200 1.25 1.500 Girder shear force Managua 1.116 4.5 5.022 Abutment shear force 1.140 1 1.140 Abutment shear force Whittier Narrows 0.370 5.75 2.126 Girder shear force 0.265 3.25 0.862 Girder shear force Coalinga 1.187 2.75 3.264 Abutment shear force 1.224 1.25 1.530 Girder shear force Westmorland 1.010 3.5 3.535 Abutment shear force 0.691 1.25 0.864 Girder shear force Kobe 0.426 7 2.985 Abutment shear force 0.420 3.5 1.469 Abutment shear force Spitak 0.353 9 3.181 Abutment shear force 0.408 6.75 2.754 Girder shear force 73 In SeismoStruct, actual relative displacement of an element (d2-2) that bottom node of it is not completely restrained cannot be obtained directly due to rocking of the element. At this case, to find actual relative displacement of an element (d2-2), relative displacement of the element due to rocking (d2-1) should be subtracted from the total relative displacement of the element (d2). This matter is shown in Figure 4-1. Figure 4-1 Shows relative displacements of a rocking element (abutment) Accordingly, to obtain abutment relevant displacement, abutment rocking along the deck is determined for the model M2 and deducted from the total relative displacement to obtain actual relative displacement of the abutment. Abutment rocking in the model M2 is shown in Figure 4-2. 74 IDA -Model M2 3 Chi Chi Superstition Loma Prieta Northridge Imperial Valley Victoria_Mexico Morgan Hill Duzce Cape Mendocino Mammoth Lakes N.Palm Springs Tabas San Fernando Whittier Narrows Coalinga Westmorland Kobe Gazli Managua Spitak Whittier Narrows 2.75 2.5 Sa (T1=0.284 sec) [g] 2.25 2 1.75 1.5 1.25 1 0.75 0.5 0.25 0 0 0.001 0.002 0.003 Abutment Rocking (rad) Figure 4-2 Shows obtained abutment rocking - Model M2 The last points shown on the figure are not representative of analysis result. There is only used to represent the Sa value of the collapse. The points prior to the last points represent non-simulated collapse points that analysis is forced to stop. 75 Non-simulated collapse mode IDA results for abutment of the model M1 and M2 are presented in Figure 4-3 IDA- Model M2 IDA-Model M1 Chi Chi Superstition Loma Prieta Northridge Imperial Valley Victoria_Mexico Morgan Hill Duzce Cape Mendocino Mammoth Lakes N.Palm Springs Tabas San Fernando Whittier Narrows Coalinga Westmorland Kobe Gazli Managua Spitak 5 4.5 Sa (T1=0.246 sec) [g] 4 3.5 3 2.5 2 1.5 1 0.5 0 0 0.001 0.002 Maximum Abutment Relative Displacement (m) 3 2.75 2.5 2.25 Sa (T1=0.284 sec) [g] 5.5 2 1.75 1.5 1.25 1 0.75 0.5 0.25 0 0 0.002 0.004 Chi Chi Superstition Loma Prieta Northridge Imperial Valley Victoria_Mexico Morgan Hill Duzce Cape Mendocino Mammoth Lakes N.Palm Springs Tabas San Fernando Whittier Narrows Coalinga Westmorland Kobe Gazli Managua Spitak Whittier Narrows Maximum Abutment Relative Displacement (m) Figure 4-3 Maximum relative displacement of the abutment along the bridge deck - Model M1 & M2 A 3-D Schematic view of the obtained IDA results which shows dispersion of the results for the model M1 & M2 is provided in Appendix C.1. 76 Based on the above obtained Non-Simulated Collapse Mode IDA results and using fragility function fittings which elaborated in Appendix B and a MATLAB code in which developed by Dr. J.W Baker for this purpose in 2013, fragility curves for the probability of collapse of the model M1 & M2 are plotted. These curves are shown in Figure 4-4. Fitted Fragility Curves - Model M2 1 0.9 0.9 0.8 0.8 0.7 0.7 Probability of collapse Probability of collapse Fitted Fragility Curves - Model M1 1 0.6 0.5 0.4 0.3 0.2 0.6 0.5 0.4 0.3 0.2 Observed Fractions of Collapse Using MLE Method Using Leaset Square errors Observed Fractions of Collapse 0.1 0 0.1 Using MLE Method Using Least Square Method 0 1 2 3 4 IM= Sa(T1=0.246 sec) [g] 5 6 0 0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 4 IM= Sa(T1=0.284 sec)[g] Figure 4-4 Shows obtained probability of collapse for the archetype model M1 & M2 based on the fragility fitting functions illustrated in Appendix B. 77 In MLE method (Maximum likelihood Method), a lognormal CDF fits to observed probability of collapse data using optimization on the likelihood function for the data while in the least square method sum of the squared errors are minimized. To compare the obtained probability of collapse for the archetype model M1 & M2, these curves are plotted together and presented in Figure 4-5. Probability of Collapse - Comparison 1 0.9 Probability of Collapse 0.8 0.7 0.6 0.5 0.4 0.3 Model M1 Model M2 0.2 0.1 0 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Sa(T1)[g] Figure 4-5 Compares obtained probability of collapse for the archetype model M1 & M2 78 As can be seen in Figure 4-5, probability of collapse of the model M2 has a significant shift to the left and has a smaller spectral acceleration for a specific probability of collapse. This results an increase in probability of collapse. 4.2 Non-Simulated Collapse Mode IDA Results and Probability of Collapse - Model M3 & M4 Obtained IDA results for the model M3 & M4 are summarized in Table 4-2. As it can be seen in this table, some of the failure modes in the model M4 comparing for their corresponding IDA in the model M3., i.e.; abutment shear force failure is changed to abutment confined concrete strain and steel rupture or abutment section failure mode or vice versa for the performed IDA with Chi Chi, Loma Prieta, Imperial Valley, Mammoth Lakes, Managua, and Spitak ground motions. 79 Table 4-2 Summary of the obtained failure modes performing IDA - Model M3 & M4 M3 M4 Archetype Model Ground Motion Sa (g) Collapsed Factor Chi Chi - Taiwan 0.804 2 SaCollapse (g) 1.609 0.75 Sa Collapse (g) 0.546 Abutment conf. conc. and steel strain Superstition Loma Prieta 0.904 1.215 1.25 1.5 1.116 1.053 0.75 1 0.837 1.053 Abut section curvature Abutment conf. conc. and steel strain Northridge Imperial Valley 1.078 1.186 Abutment shear force Abutment shear force 1.257 1.001 1 1.75 1.257 1.752 Abutment shear force Abutment conf. conc. and steel strain Victoria-Mexico 1.697 Abutment shear force 0.924 0.75 0.693 Unable to apply the next step load 2 3.75 Abutment shear force 1.748 1.25 2.185 Unable to apply the next step load 1.322 1.25 1.652 Abutment conf. conc. and steel strain 0.76 1 0.76 Abutment section curvature Cape Mendocino 0.97 0.75 0.728 Unable to apply the next step load 0.955 0.75 0.716 Unable to apply the next step load Mammoth Lakes 0.62 4 2.481 Abutment shear force 0.594 2 1.189 Abut section curvature N.Palm Springs Tabas 1.225 0.637 2.5 1.25 3.062 0.796 Abutment shear force Unable to apply the next step load 1.015 0.672 1.75 1.5 1.776 1.008 Abutment shear force Abutment conf. conc. and steel strain San Fernando 1.729 1.25 2.161 Unable to apply the next step load 1.845 0.75 1.384 Abutment shear force Gazli-USSR 1.234 1.75 2.16 Abutment shear force 1.298 1.5 1.948 Abutment shear force Managua 1.168 1 1.168 Abutment conf. conc. and steel strain 1.147 0.75 0.86 Abut section curvature Whittier Narrows 0.279 3.5 0.978 Abutment shear force 0.339 3 1.017 Abutment shear force Coalinga 1.023 2 2.045 Abutment shear force 0.992 1.5 1.488 Abutment shear force Westmorland Kobe 0.713 0.534 2.25 2.5 1.605 1.336 Abutment shear force Unable to apply the next step load 0.715 0.497 1.75 1.75 1.251 0.87 Unable to apply the next step load Unable to apply the next step load Spitak 0.501 2.5 1.253 Abutment conf. conc. and steel strain 0.447 2.5 1.118 Abut section curvature Sa (g) Collapsed Factor Abutment shear force 0.729 1.129 1.822 Unable to apply the next step load Abutment shear force 1.25 3 1.347 3.559 0.849 2 Morgan Hill 1.875 Duzce Failure Mode Failure Mode 80 Non-simulated collapse mode IDA results for the abutment and pier column of the model M3 are presented in Figure 4-6 and Figure 4-7 respectively. IDA-Model M3 4 Chi Chi 3.75 Superstition 3.5 Loma Prieta 3.25 Northridge Imperial Valley Sa (T1=0.335 sec) [g] 3 Victoria_Mexico 2.75 Morgan Hill 2.5 Duzce Cape Mendocino 2.25 Mammoth Lakes 2 N.Palm Springs 1.75 Tabas 1.5 San Fernando Whittier Narrows 1.25 Coalinga 1 Westmorland 0.75 Kobe 0.5 Gazli Managua 0.25 Spitak 0 0 0.001 0.002 0.003 0.004 0.005 Maximum Abutment Relative Displacement (m) Figure 4-6 Maximum relative displacement of the abutment along the bridge deck - Model M3 81 IDA-Model M3 IDA-Model M3 3.5 3.25 3 2.75 2.5 2.25 2 1.75 1.5 1.25 1 0.75 0.5 0.25 0 0 0.01 0.02 0.03 0.04 0.05 Maximum Pier Column Relative Displacement- X direction (m) Superstition 3.75 Loma Prieta 3.5 Northridge 3.25 Imperial Valley 3 Sa (T1=0.335 sec) [g] Chi Chi Superstition Loma Prieta Northridge Imperial Valley Victoria_Mexico Morgan Hill Duzce Cape Mendocino Mammoth Lakes N.Palm Springs Tabas San Fernando Whittier Narrows Coalinga Westmorland Kobe Gazli Managua Spitak 3.75 Sa (T1=0.335 sec) [g] Chi Chi 4 4 Victoria_Mexico 2.75 Morgan Hill Duzce 2.5 Cape Mendocino 2.25 Mammoth Lakes 2 N.Palm Springs 1.75 Tabas 1.5 San Fernando 1.25 Whittier Narrows Coalinga 1 Westmorland 0.75 Kobe 0.5 Gazli 0.25 Managua 0 0 0.005 0.01 Spitak Maximum Pier Column Relative Displacement- Y direction (m) Figure 4-7 Maximum relative displacement of the pier column across (x-direction) and along(y-direction) of the bridge deck - Model M3 82 Due to the reason illustrated in Section 4.1, abutment rocking for the model M4 is determined prior to obtaining the actual relative displacement of the abutment. Obtained abutment rocking and abutment non-simulated collapse mode IDA results for the model M4 are presented in Figure 4-8. IDA-Model M4 Chi Chi Superstition Loma Prieta Northridge Imperial Valley Victoria_Mexico Morgan Hill Duzce Cape Mendocino Mammoth Lakes N.Palm Springs Tabas San Fernando Whittier Narrows Coalinga Westmorland Kobe Gazli Managua Spitak 2.25 2 Sa (T1=0.374 sec) [g] 1.75 1.5 1.25 1 0.75 0.5 0.25 0 0 0.0005 0.001 0.0015 Maximum Abutment Rocking (rad) 2.5 Chi Chi Superstition Loma Prieta Northridge Imperial Valley Victoria_Mexico Morgan Hill Duzce Cape Mendocino Mammoth Lakes N.Palm Springs Tabas San Fernando Whittier Narrows Coalinga Westmorland Kobe Gazli Managua Spitak 2.25 2 1.75 Sa (T1=0.374 sec) [g] 2.5 IDA-Model M4 1.5 1.25 1 0.75 0.5 0.25 0 0 0.005 0.01 Maximum Abutment Relative Displacement (m) Figure 4-8 Left plot shows the obtained abutment rocking and right plot shows abutment non-simulated collapse mode IDA results along the bridge deck for the model M4 83 Similarly, to obtain pier column actual relevant displacement, pier rocking in both directions is considered for the model M4. Pier column's non-simulated collapse mode IDA results for the model M4 are presented in Figure 4-9. IDA-Model M4 IDA-Model M4 2.5 2.25 2 Sa (T1=0.374 sec) [g] 1.75 1.5 1.25 1 0.75 0.5 0.25 0 0 0.005 0.01 0.015 0.02 Maximum Pier Column Relative Displacement-X direction(m) 2.5 Chi Chi Superstition Loma Prieta Northridge Imperial Valley Victoria_Mexico Morgan Hill Duzce Cape Mendocino Mammoth Lakes N.Palm Springs Tabas San Fernando Whittier Narrows Coalinga Westmorland Kobe Gazli Managua Spitak 2.25 2 1.75 Sa (T1=0.374 sec) [g] Chi Chi Superstition Loma Prieta Northridge Imperial Valley Victoria_Mexico Morgan Hill Duzce Cape Mendocino Mammoth Lakes N.Palm Springs Tabas San Fernando Whittier Narrows Coalinga Westmorland Kobe Gazli Managua Spitak 1.5 1.25 1 0.75 0.5 0.25 0 0 0.005 0.01 Maximum Pier Column Relative Displacement-Y direction(m) Figure 4-9 Shows obtained pier column actual relative displacement across (x-direction) and along (y-direction) of the bridge deck for the model M4 A 3-D schematic view of the obtained IDA results for the model M3 & M4 is provided in the Appendix C.2 84 4.2.1 Pier Columns Hysteretic Graphs - Bridge Type 2 (Model M3 & M4) To compare pier column drift ratio of the model M3 & M4, hysteretic graph of the pier column No.1 for the both models are plotted at collapse level. The following figures show pier column total drift ratio (including column's rocking drift) of these models verses total base shear for Chi Chi, Superstition, Loma Prieta, and Northridge ground motions: 1.5 Model M3 Model M4 1 0.5 0 -0.5 -1 -1.5 -2 -0.4 -0.3 -0.2 -0.1 0 0.1 0.2 0.3 Pier Column Drift Ratio Across The Bridge Deck (%) Total Base Shear Along The Bridge Deck (kN) Pier Column No.1 Hysteretic Plot At Collapse Level - Loma Prieta 4 2 1.5 x 10 Model M3 Model M4 1 0.5 0 -0.5 -1 -1.5 -2 -0.4 -0.2 0 0.2 0.4 Pier Column Drift Ratio Across The Bridge Deck (%) Pier Column No.1 Hysteretic Plot At Collapse Level - Superstion Total Base Shear - Along The Bridge Deck (kN) 4 x 10 4 1 x 10 Model M3 Model M4 0.5 0 -0.5 -1 -1.5 -0.2 -0.15 -0.1 -0.05 0 0.05 0.1 0.15 Pier Column Drift Ratio Across The Bridge Deck (%) Pier Column No.1 Hysteretic Plot At Collapse Level - Northridge Total Base Shear Along The Bridge Deck (kN) Total Base Shear Along The Bridge Deck (kN) Pier Column No.1 Hysteretic Plot At Collapse Level - Chi Chi 4 1.5 1 x 10 Model M3 Model M4 0.5 0 -0.5 -1 -1.5 -2 -0.4 -0.2 0 0.2 0.4 Pier Column Drift Ratio Across The Bridge Deck (%) Figure 4-10 Shows pier column total drift ratio (including column's rocking drift) across the bridge deck verses total base shear obtained from performed IDA - Model M3 & M4. More hysteretic graph of the pier column total drift at collapse level for the model M3 and M4 are provided in Appendix D.1. However, drift due to rocking separated from the total pier column's drift to obtain the actual drift of the column. The results are shown in Figure 4-11. 85 1.5 Model M3 Model M4 1 0.5 0 -0.5 -1 -1.5 -2 -0.4 -0.2 0 0.2 0.4 Pier Column Drift Ratio Across The Bridge Deck (%) Total Base Shear Along The Bridge Deck (kN) Pier Column No.1 Hysteretic Plot At Collapse Level - Loma Prieta 4 3 2 x 10 Model M3 Model M4 1 0 -1 -2 -3 -0.4 -0.2 0 0.2 0.4 Pier Column Drift Ratio Across The Bridge Deck (%) Pier Column No.1 Hysteretic Plot At Collapse Level - Superstition Total Base Shear - Along The Bridge Deck (kN) 4 x 10 4 1.5 x 10 Model M3 Model M4 1 0.5 0 -0.5 -1 -1.5 -0.15 -0.1 -0.05 0 0.05 0.1 Pier Column Drift Ratio Across The Bridge Deck (%) Pier Column No.1 Hysteretic Plot At Collapse Level - Northridge Total Base Shear Along The Bridge Deck (kN) Total Base Shear Along The Bridge Deck (kN) Pier Column No.1 Hysteretic Plot At Collapse Level - Chi Chi 4 3 2 x 10 Model M3 Model M4 1 0 -1 -2 -3 -4 -0.4 -0.2 0 0.2 0.4 Pier Column Drift Ratio Across The Bridge Deck (%) Figure 4-11 Shows pier column actual drift ratio across the bridge deck verses total base shear obtained from performed IDA - Model M3 & M4. Figure 4-12 indicates pier column drift ratio of these models versus total base moment for the same ground motions: 86 Pier Column No.1 Hysteretic Plot At Collapse Level - Chi Chi Pier Column No.1 Hysteretic Plot At Collapse Level - Superstition 1500 2000 Total Moment - About Y axis (kN.m) Total Moment - About Y axis (kN.m) 2000 Model M3 Model M4 1000 500 0 -500 -1000 -1500 -2000 -0.4 -0.3 -0.2 -0.1 0 0.1 0.2 Pier Column Drift Ratio - X Direction (%) 1000 500 0 -500 -1000 -1500 -0.3 -0.2 -0.1 0 0.1 Pier Column Drift Ratio - X Direction (%) 0.2 500 0 -500 -1000 -0.15 -0.1 -0.05 0 0.05 0.1 Pier Column Drift Ratio - X Direction (%) 0.15 Pier Column No.1 Hysteretic Plot At Collapse Level - Northridge 2000 Total Moment - About Y axis (kN.m) Total Moment - About Y axis (kN.m) Model M3 Model M4 Model M3 Model M4 1000 -1500 -0.2 0.3 Pier Column No.1 Hysteretic Plot At Collapse Level - Loma Prieta 2000 1500 1500 1500 Model M3 Model M4 1000 500 0 -500 -1000 -1500 -2000 -0.3 -0.2 -0.1 0 0.1 Pier Column Drift Ratio - X Direction (%) 0.2 Figure 4-12 Shows pier column actual drift ratio across the bridge deck verses total moment obtained from performed IDA - Model M3 & M4. As it can be seen from the Figure 4-11 and Figure 4-12, there is a significant reduction of the pier column drift ratio for the model M4 which SSI features are considered in it. Pier column hysteretic graphs for the other ground motions also show significant reduction in the column's drift ratio for the SSI models. They can be found in the Appendices D.2 & E.1. 87 Based on the above obtained Non-Simulated Collapse Mode IDA results and using the above mentioned MATLAB code, fragility curve for the probability of collapse model M3 & M4 are obtained. These curves are shown in Figure 4-13. Fitted Fragility Curves - Model M3 Fitted Fragility Curves - Model M4 1 1 0.9 0.9 0.8 0.7 Probability of collapse Probability of collapse 0.8 0.6 0.5 0.4 0.3 0.2 0.6 0.5 0.4 0.3 0.2 Observed Fractions of Collapse Using MLE Method Using Least Square Method 0.1 0 0.7 0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 IM= Sa(T1=0.335 sec) [g] 4 4.5 5 Observed Fractions of Collapse Using MLE Method Using Least Square Method 0.1 5.5 0 0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 4 IM= SA(T1=0.374 sec) [g] Figure 4-13 Shows obtained probability of collapse for the archetype model M3 & M4 based on the fragility fitting functions illustrated in Appendix B. 88 The obtained probability of collapse for the archetype model M1 & M2 are plotted together for the purpose of comparison and presented in Figure 4-14. Probability of Collapse - Comparison 1 0.9 Probability of Collapse 0.8 0.7 0.6 0.5 0.4 0.3 Model M3 Model M4 0.2 0.1 0 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Sa(T1)[g] Figure 4-14 Compares obtained probability of collapse for the archetype model M3 & M4 4.3 Non-simulated Collapse Mode IDA Results and Probability of Collapse - Model M5 & M6 Obtained IDA results are summarized for the model M5 & M6 in Table 4-3. 89 Table 4-3 Summary of the obtained failure modes performing IDA - Model M5 & M6 M5 M6 Archetype Model Sa (g) Collapsed Factor Sa-Collapse (g) Sa (g) Collapsed Factor Sa-Collapse (g) Chi Chi - Taiwan Superstition Loma Prieta Northridge Imperial Valley Victoria-Mexico Morgan Hill Duzce 0.729 1.25 0.911 Abutment shear force 0.729 1.25 0.911 Abutment shear force 1.116 3.25 1.053 0.75 3.627 Abutment shear force 1.116 3.25 3.627 Abutment shear force 0.790 Abutment shear force 1.053 1 1.053 Abutment shear force 1.257 1 1.257 Girder conf. Concrete strain 1.257 1 1.257 Girder conf. Concrete strain 1.001 2.75 2.753 Abutment shear force 1.001 2.75 2.753 Abutment shear force 0.924 1.75 1.617 Abutment shear force 0.924 1.75 1.617 Abutment shear force 1.748 0.760 1.75 3 3.059 2.279 1.748 0.760 1.75 3 3.059 2.279 Girder conf. Concrete strain Abutment Conf. Concrete and Steel Strain Cape Mendocino 0.955 1.25 1.193 0.955 1.25 1.193 Unable to apply the next step load Mammoth Lakes 0.594 4.5 2.674 Girder conf. Concrete strain Abutment section curvature Unable to apply the next step load Abutment Conf. Concrete and Steel Strain 0.594 1.5 0.891 Abutment Conf. Concrete and Steel Strain N.Palm Springs 1.015 1.75 1.776 1.015 1.75 1.776 Girder conf. Concrete strain Tabas 0.672 1.25 0.840 0.672 1 0.672 Unable to apply the next step load San Fernando Gazli-USSR Managua Whittier Narrows Coalinga Westmorland Kobe Spitak 1.845 1.25 2.306 Girder conf. Concrete strain Unable to apply the next step load Abutment shear force 1.845 1.25 2.306 Abutment shear force 1.298 1.25 1.623 Abutment shear force 1.298 1.25 1.623 Abutment shear force 1.147 3.5 4.013 Abutment shear force 1.147 3.5 4.013 Abutment shear force 0.339 3.75 1.271 Pier column shear force 0.339 3.75 1.271 Pier column shear force 0.992 3.5 3.473 Girder conf. Concrete strain 0.992 3.5 3.473 Girder conf. Concrete strain 0.715 1.75 1.251 Abutment shear force 0.715 1.75 1.251 Abutment shear force 0.497 3.25 1.616 Abutment shear force 0.497 2.5 1.243 Abutment shear force 0.447 3.25 1.453 Abutment shear force 0.447 5.25 2.347 Abutment shear force Ground Motion Failure Mode Failure Mode 90 Non-simulated collapse mode IDA results for abutment and pier column of the model M5 are presented in Figure 4-15. IDA-Model M5 4.25 4 3.75 3.5 3.25 Sa (T1=0.374 sec) [g] 3 2.75 2.5 2.25 2 1.75 1.5 1.25 1 0.75 0.5 0.25 0 0 0.001 0.002 0.003 Maximum Abutment Relative Displacement (m) Chi Chi Superstition Loma Prieta Northridge Imperial Valley Victoria_Mexico Morgan Hill Duzce Mammoth Lakes N.Palm Springs Tabas San Fernando Whittier Narrows Coalinga Westmorland Kobe Gazli Managua Spitak Cape Mendocino Sa (T1=0.374 sec) [g] IDA-Model M5 4.5 4.25 4 3.75 3.5 3.25 3 2.75 2.5 2.25 2 1.75 1.5 1.25 1 0.75 0.5 0.25 0 Chi Chi Superstition Loma Prieta Northridge Imperial Valley Victoria_Mexico Morgan Hill Duzce Cape Mendocino Mammoth Lakes N.Palm Springs Tabas San Fernando Whittier Narrows Coalinga Westmorland Kobe Gazli Managua Spitak 0 0.05 0.1 0.15 Maximum Pier Column Relative Displacement (m) Figure 4-15 Shows obtained actual relative displacement for abutment and pier column along and across the bridge deck respectively - Model M5 91 Non-simulated collapse mode IDA results for abutment and pier column of the model M6 are presented in Figure 4-16. IDA-Model M6 IDA-Model M6 4.25 4 Superstition 3.75 Loma Prieta 3.5 Northridge 3 Imperial Valley 3.25 Victoria_Mexico N.Palm Springs 2 Tabas 1.75 San Fernando 1.5 Whittier Narrows Coalinga 1.25 Westmorland 1 Kobe 0.75 Gazli 0.5 Managua 0.25 Spitak 0 0 0.001 0.002 0.003 Northridge Victoria_Mexico Mammoth Lakes 2.25 Loma Prieta 3.75 3.5 Duzce 2.5 Superstition 4 Imperial Valley Morgan Hill 2.75 Chi Chi 4.25 Cape Mendocino Maximum Abutment Relative Displacement (m) Sa (T1=0.374 sec) [g] 3.25 Sa (T1=0.374 sec) [g] 4.5 Chi Chi 3 Morgan Hill Duzce 2.75 2.5 Cape Mendocino 2.25 Mammoth Lakes N.Palm Springs 2 Tabas 1.75 San Fernando 1.5 Whittier Narrows 1.25 Coalinga 1 Westmorland 0.75 Kobe 0.5 Gazli Managua 0.25 Spitak 0 0 0.05 0.1 0.15 Maximum Pier Column Relative Displacement(m) Figure 4-16 Shows obtained actual relative displacement for abutment and pier column along and across the bridge deck respectively - Model M6 A 3-D schematic view of the obtained IDA results for the model M5 & M6 showing dispersion of the results are provided in Appendix C.3 92 4.3.1 Pier Columns Hysteretic Graphs - Bridge Type 3 (Model M5& M6) To compare pier column drift ratio of the model M5 & M6, hysteretic graph of the pier column of the both models are plotted at collapse level. Figure 4-17 shows pier column drift ratio of these models verses total base shear and moment for Chi Chi, Superstition, Loma Prieta, and Northridge ground motions: 3 Model M5 Model M6 2 1 0 -1 -2 -0.4 -0.2 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 Pier Column Drift Ratio Across The Bridge Deck (%) Total Base Shear Along The Bridge Deck (kN) Pier Column No.1 Hysteretic Plot At Collapse Level - Loma Prieta 4 3 2 x 10 Model M5 Model M6 1 0 -1 -2 -3 -0.8 -0.6 -0.4 -0.2 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 Pier Column Drift Ratio Across The Bridge Deck (%) Pier Column No.1 Hysteretic Plot At Collapse Level - Superstion Total Base Shear - Along The Bridge Deck (kN) 4 x 10 4 4 x 10 2 0 -2 -4 -6 Model M5 Model M6 -8 -0.6 -0.4 -0.2 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 Pier Column Drift Ratio Across The Bridge Deck (%) Pier Column No.1 Hysteretic Plot At Collapse Level - Northridge Total Base Shear Along The Bridge Deck (kN) Total Base Shear Along The Bridge Deck (kN) Pier Column No.1 Hysteretic Plot At Collapse Level - Chi Chi 4 3 x 10 2 1 0 -1 -2 -3 -4 -1 Model M5 Model M6 -0.5 0 0.5 1 Pier Column Drift Ratio Across The Bridge Deck (%) Figure 4-17 Shows pier column actual drift ratio across the bridge deck verses total base shear obtained from performed IDA - Model M5 & M6. 93 Pier column drift ratio of these models versus total base moment for the same ground motions is shown in Figure 4-18. Pier Column No.1 Hysteretic Plot At Collapse Level - Chi Chi Pier Column No.1 Hysteretic Plot At Collapse Level - Superstition 1000 1500 Total Moment - About Y axis (kN.m) Total Moment - About Y axis (kN.m) 1500 Model M5 Model M6 500 0 -500 -1000 -1500 -0.6 -0.4 -0.2 0 0.2 Pier Column Drift Ratio - X Direction (%) Model M5 Model M6 500 0 -500 -1000 -1500 -1 0 -500 -1000 0 Pier Column Drift Ratio - X Direction (%) 0.5 Pier Column No.1 Hysteretic Plot At Collapse Level - Northridge 2000 Total Moment - About Y axis (kN.m) Total Moment - About Y axis (kN.m) 1500 Model M5 Model M6 500 -1500 -0.5 0.4 Pier Column No.1 Hysteretic Plot At Collapse Level - Loma Prieta 1000 1000 -0.5 0 0.5 Pier Column Drift Ratio - X Direction (%) 1 1500 Model M5 Model M6 1000 500 0 -500 -1000 -1500 -1 -0.5 0 0.5 Pier Column Drift Ratio - X Direction (%) 1 Figure 4-18 Shows pier column actual drift ratio across the bridge deck verses total moment obtained from performed IDA - Model M5 & M6. As it can be seen from the above figures, pier column drift ratio for the both models are almost identical as the only SSI feature is considered in these models was CALTRANS springs to simulate the effect of the soil behind the abutment backwalls. Pier column hysteretic graphs for the rest of the ground motions can be found in the Appendices D.3 and E.2 respectively. 94 Based on the above obtained non-simulated collapse mode IDA results and using the above mentioned MATLAB code, fragility curve for the probability of collapse model M5 & M6 are obtained. These curves are shown in Figure 4-19. Fitted Fragility Curves - Model M6 1 0.9 0.9 0.8 0.8 0.7 0.7 Probability of collapse Probability of collapse Fitted Fragility Curves - Model M5 1 0.6 0.5 0.4 0.3 0.2 0.5 0.4 0.3 0.2 Observed Fractions of Collapse Using MLE Method Using Least Square Method 0.1 0 0.6 0 1 2 3 4 IM= Sa(T1=0.374 sec) [g] 5 6 Observed Fractions of Collapse Using MLE Method Using Least Square Method 0.1 0 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 IM=Sa(T1=0.374 sec) [g] Figure 4-19 Shows obtained probability of collapse for the archetype model M5 & M6 based on the fragility fitting functions illustrated in Appendix B. 95 The obtained probability of collapse for the archetype model M5 & M6 are plotted together for purpose of comparison and presented in Figure 4-20. Probability of Collapse - Comparison 1 0.9 Probability of Collapse 0.8 0.7 0.6 0.5 0.4 0.3 Model M5 Model M6 0.2 0.1 0 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Sa(T1)[g] Figure 4-20 Compares obtained probability of collapse for the archetype model M5 & M6 4.4 Relative Displacement Capacity/Demand Ratio (λ) and Period-Based Ductility ( ) of The Archetype Models Based on the presented static pushover and IDA results, relative displacement capacity/demand ratio (λ) and period-based ductility of the models are calculated and summarized in Table 4-4. 96 Table 4-4 Summary of the calculated relative displacement capacity/demand ratio (λ) and period-based ductility (µT) using the obtained results from static pushover and incremental dynamic analysis Abutment Pier Column Element Model (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) M1 0.84 1.3 0.84 1 0.65 - - - - - M2 3.0 2.0 3.0 1 1.5 - - - - - M3 10.5 3.5 3.3 3.2 3 22.5 15.5 8.8 2.6 1.45 M4 8.5 6.6 3.5 2.4 1.3 34.1 25.8 11 3.1 1.32 M5 2.9 2.2 2.9 1 1.32 58.6 116 37 1.6 0.5 M6 2.2 2.2 2.2 1 1 77.6 116 38 2.04 0.67 in which, x & y directions are across and along the bridge deck respectively, and are ultimate relative displacement in y direction of the abutment obtained from the static pushover and incremental dynamic analysis when the elements is pushed in x & y directions respectively, and are ultimate relative displacement in x direction of the pier column obtained from the static pushover and incremental dynamic analysis when the elements is pushed in x & y directions respectively, and is period-based ductility for an archetype model and obtained as follow: For abutments: (eq. 4.1) 97 For pier columns: (eq. 4.2) where, is effective yield relative displacement in x and y direction for pier columns and abutments respectively and it is defined as per Figure 4-21: Figure 4-21 Shows effective yield displacement - Source FEMA P695 is the calculated relative displacement capacity/demand ratio for the specified model and element and obtained as follow: For abutments: (eq. 4.3) For pier columns: (eq. 4.4) As it can be seen in Table 4-4, it seems that capacity/demand ratio of the SSI models is mainly less than the capacity/demand ratio obtained for their corresponding non-SSI models. 98 It can be concluded that considering soil structure interaction mostly resulted in having smaller relative displacement capacity/demand ratio. As a result, neglecting SSI features in the numeric models can result in overestimating relative displacement capacity of the system and structural components in the non-SSI models. However, abutment relative displacement capacity/demand ratio of the model M2 (1.5) is very larger than capacity/demand ratio obtained for its corresponding non-SSI model M1 (0.65). In this particular case, relative displacement capacity/demand ratio of the SSI model is more than the non SSI model for the single span integral bridge (bridge type 1). Therefore, it can be interpreted that soil structure interaction at this case is in the favor side and resulted in having larger capacity/demand ratio for the bridge abutments. In addition, period-based ductility of the pier columns in SSI model is significantly increased comparing to their corresponding non-SSI model. For instance, period-based ductility of the pier columns in archetype model M4 and M6 is increased about 120% and 127% respectively comparing to their corresponding non-SSI model (M3 & M6). However, periodbased ductility of the abutment in archetype model M4 shows a 25% decrease comparing to its corresponding non-SSI model (M3). In general, it can be concluded that period-based ductility of the pier columns increases by 125% while period-based ductility for abutments decreases by 25% in SSI models. In other words, soil structure interaction causes ductility demand increases for the pier columns up to 125% and decreases for the abutments maximum by 25%. 99 4.5 Percentage of the Failure Mode and Comparison of the All Obtained Probability of Collapses Based on the presented IDA results, percentage of the failure modes are calculated and summarized in Table 4-5. Table 4-5 Summary of the percentage of failure for the failure modes defined as performance criteria in all the models Percentage of Failure Archetype Model Failure Mode M1 M2 M3 M4 M5 M6 Abutment shear force 85% 40% 60% 30% 55% 55% Abutment conf. concrete or steel strain 0 0 15% 20% 5% 10% Abutment section curvature 0 0 0 25% 5% 0 15% 60% 0 0 0 0 Girder conf. concrete or steel strain 0 0 0 0 20% 20% Girder section curvature 0 0 0 0 0 0 Pier shear force - - 0 0 5% 5% Pier conf. concrete or steel strain - - 0 0 0 0 Pier section curvature - - 0 0 0 0 Unable to apply the next step load 0 0 25% 25% 10% 10% Girder shear force As can be seen in Table 4-5, percentage of abutment shear force failure decreases in SSI model that include piles and effect of soil surrounded piles are considered in their models (model M2 & M4). In regards girder, only model M2 among the SSI models has an increase in shear force failure. In addition, based on the percentage provided in the above table majority of failure 100 modes are forced base and the pier column shear force failure is occurred in the model M5 and M6 that have slender pier columns comparing to the model M3 & M4. In general, it seems that support elements (abutments) having less force failure in the SSI model while non-supported elements (girders) showing more force failure comparing to their corresponding non-SSI models. The only girder confines concrete strain and steel rupture failure is observed for the model M5 & M6 (20%) which have a massive gravity abutment support. All the obtained probability of collapse of the archetype models are graphed to together for comparison and presented in Figure 4-22. Probability of Collapse - Comparison All The Models 1 0.9 Probability of Collapse 0.8 0.7 0.6 0.5 Model M1 Model M2 Model M3 Model M4 Model M5 Model M6 0.4 0.3 0.2 0.1 0 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Sa(T1)[g] Figure 4-22 Compares obtained probability of collapse for all the archetype models 101 Based on the obtained collapse fragility curves shown in Figure 4-22, probability of collapse for the SSI model has an increase for a specific spectral acceleration comparing to its corresponding non-SSI model. Collapse Margin ratio (CMR) is a primary parameter used to characterize the collapse safety of the structures. CMR is defined as ratio between the median collapse intensity (SCT ) and the intensity at MCE-level ground motions (SaMT) where MCE intensity itself is obtained from the response spectrum of MCE ground motions at the fundamental period, T1 (FEMA P695, June 2009). ^ CMR S CT / SaMT (T1) (eq. 4.5) Assuming that shear wave velocity of the top 30 m of the site sub-layer soil is larger than 360 m/s and smaller than 750 m/s which is equivalent to soil site class C based on NBCC 2010 (see Appendix G ), collapse margin ratio for 10%, 20%, and 50% (median) are calculated and presented in the following sub-sections. 4.5.1 Collapse Margin Ratio for the Model M1 & M2 Collapse margin ratio for the model M1 & M2 are obtained as they are shown in Figure 4-23 and the following calculation: 102 Uniform Hazard Spectra (UHS) 2%/50 year-Vancouver Fragility Curve - Model M1 1 SaMT 1 50%ile Average H & R Model 0.9 0.9 0.8 0.7 0.7 Probability of Collapse 0.8 Sa(g) 0.6 T1=0.246 sec 0.5 0.4 0.3 0.6 0.5 0.4 0.3 0.2 0.2 0.1 0.1 0 0 0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 Period (sec) 3 3.5 4 0 1 2 4 5 6 7 Fragility Curve - Model M2 1 0.9 0.9 50%ile Average H & R Model SaMT 0.8 0.7 0.7 Probability of Collapse 0.8 0.6 0.5 T1=0.284 sec Sa(g) SCT Sa(g) Uniform Hazard Spectra (UHS) 2%/50 year-Vancouver 1 0.4 0.3 0.2 0.6 0.5 0.4 0.3 0.2 0.1 0.1 0 3 0 0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 Period (sec) 3 3.5 4 0 0.5 1 1.5 SCT 2 2.5 Sa(g) 3 3.5 4 4.5 Figure 4-23 illustrates median collapse intensity (SCT) and the intensity at MCE-level ground motions (SaMT) for the model M1 & M2 ^ CMR S CT / SaMT (T 1) ^ CMR _ M 1 S CT / SaMT (T1 0.246 sec) 3.218 / 0.8975 3.58 ^ CMR _ M 2 S CT / SaMT (T 1 0.284 sec) 1.669 / 0.855 1.952 103 4.5.2 Collapse Margin Ratio for the Model M3 & M4: Collapse margin ratio for the model M3 & M4 are obtained as they are shown in Figure 4-24 and the following calculation: Uniform Hazard Spectra (UHS) 2%/50 year-Vancouver Fragility Curve - Model M3 1 1 50%ile Average H & R Model 0.9 0.8 0.8 0.7 0.7 Probability of Collapse SaMT 0.9 0.5 T1=0.335 sec Sa(g) 0.6 0.4 0.3 0.2 0.5 0.4 0.3 0.2 0.1 0.1 0 0.6 0 0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 Period (sec) 3 3.5 4 0 1 2 Uniform Hazard Spectra (UHS) 2%/50 year-Vancouver 5 6 1 50%ile Average H & R Model 0.9 0.9 0.8 0.8 SaMT 0.7 Probability of Collapse 0.7 0.6 0.5 T1=0.374 sec Sa(g) 4 Fragility Curve - Model M4 1 0.4 0.3 0.2 0.6 0.5 0.4 0.3 0.2 0.1 0.1 0 3 Sa(g) SCT 0 0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 Period (sec) 3 3.5 4 0 0.5 1 1.5 SCT 2 2.5 Sa(g) 3 3.5 4 4.5 Figure 4-24 Illustrates median collapse intensity (SCT) and the intensity at MCE-level ground motions (SaMT) for the model M3 & M4. 104 ^ CMR S CT / SaMT (T 1) ^ CMR _ M 3 S CT / SaMT (T 1 0.335sec) 1.896 / 0.798 2.376 ^ CMR _ M 4 S CT / SaMT (T 1 0.374sec) 1.390 / 0.757 1.836 4.5.3 Collapse Margin Ratio for the Model M5 & M6: Similarly, collapse margin ratio for the model M5 & M6 are obtained based on the following calculation and shown in Figure 4-25: Fragility Curve - Model M5 Uniform Hazard Spectra (UHS) 2%/50 year-Vancouver 1 1 50%ile Average H & R Model 0.9 0.9 0.8 0.8 SaMT 0.7 Probability of Collapse 0.7 0.5 T1=0.374 sec Sa(g) 0.6 0.4 0.3 0.2 0.5 0.4 0.3 0.2 0.1 0.1 0 0.6 0 0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 Period (sec) 3 3.5 4 0 1 2 Uniform Hazard Spectra (UHS) 2%/50 year-Vancouver 5 6 7 5 6 7 Fragility Curve - Model M6 50%ile Average H & R Model 0.9 0.9 0.8 0.8 0.7 0.7 Probability of Collapse SaMT 0.6 0.5 T1=0.374 sec Sa(g) 4 Sa(g) 1 1 0.4 0.3 0.2 0.6 0.5 0.4 0.3 0.2 0.1 0 3 SCT 0.1 0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 Period (sec) 3 3.5 4 0 0 1 2 SCT 3 4 Sa(g) Figure 4-25 Illustrates median collapse intensity (SCT) and the intensity at MCE-level ground motions (SaMT) for the model M5 & M6. 105 ^ CMR S CT / SaMT (T 1) ^ CMR _ M 5 S CT / SaMT (T1 0.374sec) 2.075 / 0.757 2.741 ^ CMR _ M 6 S CT / SaMT (T 1 0.374sec) 1.986 / 0.757 2.623 4.5.4 Summary of the Obtained Collapse Margin Ratios: Likewise, CMR 10% & CMR20% obtained for all archetype models. Calculated collapse margin ratios for 10%, 20%, and median and for all archetype models are summarized in Table 4-6. Table 4-6 Summary of the calculated collapse margin ratios for median (50%), 10%, and 20% and for all models Model T1 (sec) SCT 10% SCT 20% SCT @ Median SMT @ T1 [g] [g] [g] [g] CMR10% = SCT10%/ SMT@ T1 CMR20% = SCT20% / SMT@ T1 CMR@ Median = SCT@ Median / SMT@ T1 M1 0.246 2.594 2.864 3.461 0.902 2.876 3.175 3.837 M2 0.284 1.187 1.334 1.669 0.855 1.388 1.560 1.952 M3 0.335 1.125 1.344 1.896 0.798 1.410 1.684 2.376 M4 0.374 0.942 1.077 1.390 0.757 1.244 1.423 1.836 M5 0.374 1.209 1.448 2.075 0.757 1.597 1.913 2.741 M6 0.374 1.108 1.350 1.986 0.757 1.464 1.783 2.623 0.51 0.77 0.96 In the last column of Table 4-6, average of the obtained CMR@ median of SSI and non-SSI model (η) is presented. The application of this ratio is explained in Section Error! Reference source not found.where a design procedure is proposed. In addition, averaging of the entire obtained η ratio for the archetype models, η ratio for the integral bridges is obtained 0.75. In general, as it is shown in Table 4-6, obtained CMR value of the SSI archetype model is 106 consistently smaller than the CMR value which obtained for the corresponding non-SSI archetype model. In contrast, probability of collapse of a SSI archetype model is greater than probability of collapse for the same model when the SSI features are not considered for a specific spectral acceleration. In general, it can be concluded that soil structure interaction causes an increase in probability of collapse and a decrease in CMR for a specified intensity measure (Sa (T1)). 107 4.6 Proposed Design Procedures Assuming that collapse margin ratio (10%, 20%, or 50% (median)) and η ratio for each bridge prototype are pre-determined and provided in the future bridge design code, a design procedure when the analysis to be carried out using a non-SSI model when the SSI effects is required to be considered is suggested in Figure 4-26. Start Develop non-SSI model of a structure implementing required performance criteria Perform IDA using sufficient nos. of suitable ground motions Calculate the CMR of the non-SSI model (CMRnon - SSI) Estimate CMR of non-SSI model CMRSSI,est=η X CMRnon-SSI CMR SSI,est ≥ CMRSSI No Enhance the design until obtaining CMRSSI,est ≥ CMRSSI considering the most frequently failure mode in the analysis Yes Model is reliable Figure 4-26 Demonstrates the proposed design procedure when SSI effect needed to be considered in a nonSSI model 108 Based on the proposed procedure, designers need to run IDA for a non-SSI archetype with sufficient number of the well selected ground motions. It is ideal if the collapse simulated for all the seismic resisting structural components in the non-SSI model to minimise uncertainties. However, creating fully simulated collapse model is almost impossible. As a result, designers are advised to obtain appropriate performance criteria through investigating sectional response of the main structural components and determining and implementing of the required limit states in the analytical models. Running the IDA, median collapse margin ratio for the non-SSI models can be obtained as it is illustrated in the previous sections. After obtaining the CMRnon-SSI, designers should apply scale factor, η, specified in the code for the specific required bridge archetype to obtain an estimate collapse margin ratio (CMRSSI-est) and compare this value to the corresponding value of collapse margin ratio provided in the code for the SSI version of the same archetype model (CMRSSI). If the obtained estimated CMR value is larger than CMRSSI value in the code for that type of bridge, the designed model is reliable. Otherwise, considering the most failure modes in the non-SSI model and enhancing the relevant structural component(s), designers need to re-run IDA to obtain a new CMR value and repeat the procedure until obtaining CMRSSI-est value greater than the corresponding CMRssi value specified in the code. For instance, based on Table 4-6, CMRnon-SSI, η, and CMRSSI-est value for the integral bridge are obtained 2.985, 0.75, and 2.238 respectively. In this way, CMRSSI value for the integral bridge in the code is obtained 2.238. If the obtained CMRSSI-est value through performing IDA using a non-SSI model of an integral bridge is larger than this value in the code, the analytical model is considered reliable. Otherwise, the non-SSI model should be modified based on the observed failure modes by 109 enhancing the failure structural components and the above procedure need to be repeated until obtaining CMRSSI-est value greater than CMRssi value specified in the code. Performing IDA with appropriate number of ground motions can be time consuming; however, defining the appropriate performance criteria for the important structural components in the model such as shear force resisting systems, designers are able to find out the most collapse prone failure modes and by modifying the relevant structural components designers can reach the target CMR in the code with less effort and minimum number of iteration. As mentioned, considering soil in the analytical models can be very complex and cumbersome, especially if there is possibility of liquefaction in the sub-layer soil. In addition, performing IDA is time consuming process. However, the above approach can be a useful and efficient way in modeling of the important structures and it allows designers to implement the soil structure effect in the non-SSI model of this type of structures. 110 Chapter 5: Concluding Remarks 5.1 Conclusion The main conclusion of this thesis has indicated that including the soil structure interaction effect in the numerical model leads to having smaller relative displacement and drift ratio in structural components. This result is based on the obtained results presented in Section 4.2.1 and 4.3.1 and Appendix E In addition to the above matter, period-based ductility ( ) of the pier columns in the SSI model is significantly increased compared to their corresponding non-SSI model, as seen in Table 4-4. For instance, period-based ductility of the pier columns in archetype model M4 and M6 is increased about 120% and 127% respectively comparing to their non-SSI corresponding model (M3 & M6). While, period-based ductility of the abutment in archetype model M4 shows a 25% decrease comparing to its corresponding non-SSI model (model M3). In general, for integral bridges it can be concluded that period-based ductility of the pier column increases by 125% in the SSI model while it decreases for the abutment by 25%. In other words, when soil structure interaction is considered in the numerical model, abutments function up to 25 % less ductile instead pier columns function up to 125 % more ductile. On the other hand, for some cases calculated relative displacement capacity/demand ratio ( ) for the abutments and pier columns for the SSI analytical models is smaller than the same value obtained for their corresponding non-SSI model, as shown in Table 4-4. This matter can result in overestimating displacement capacity of the main structural components in the non-SSI models. 111 As discussed in Chapter 4 and shown in Figure 4-22, probability of collapse (regardless of the hazard level) increases for the archetype models that include soil structure interaction features. As shown in Table 4-6, this matter results in obtaining a smaller CMR value for the SSI models comparing to their corresponding non-SSI models. In conclusion, based on the obtained relative displacement capacity/demand ratio ( ), period-based ductility ( ) for both the abutment and pier structural components, and the fragility collapse curves and the collapse margin ratio (CMR) for the studied models, it can be concluded that neglecting the SSI effects on a integral abutment bridge numerical model will be less conservative. 5.2 Recommendations, Limitations and Future Works At present, soil structure interaction is not sufficiently addressed in most bridge design codes. On the other hand, consideration of the SSI features in the analytical models is extremely difficult for most design engineers due to its complexity. Therefore, it is appropriate if researchers in any bridge code review committee investigate SSI effect for a wide range of bridge prototypes and implement their findings in to the future versions of the bridge code as reference for designers. The collapse fragilities, CMR values, and other data presented in this study (e.g. periodbased ductility) are based on the assumptions and simplification made for the archetype models. Consideration of all the complexities in the models is not practically possible. However, extra care was taken in making assumptions and simplification of the models. As discussed, a great effort is made during modeling of the prototype bridges to reflect the behavior of the real structures and to obtain an accurate response of the structures from nonlinear response analysis. 112 Due to the time limitation, only three type of the various integral abutment bridge prototypes and a total six archetype models for the soil site class C are studied. However, for the purpose of comparison, different type of bridges and different soil site classes need to be investigated to understand the impact of considering soil structure in the numerical model. In this study, CALTRANS springs and the nonlinear links developed by Allotey and El Naggar (2008), implemented in SeismoStruct, are employed to consider effects of soil behind the abutment backwall and around the piles, respectively. Nevertheless, to obtain more accurate results, it is more appropriate if continuum model of the soil is considered using more sophisticated FEA software (e.g OpenSees and Abaqus). 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World Academy of Science, Engineering and Technology, pp. 769-774. 116 Appendices Appendix A Significant Duration (5%-95% Arias Intensity) Acceleration Time History of the Selected Ground Motions Chi Chi Tiwan -Significant Duration (5-95% Arias Intensity) Superstition-Significant Duration (5-95% Arias Intensity) 0.6 0.6 Superstition 0.4 0.4 0.2 0.2 Acceleration (g) Acceleration (g) Chi Chi Tiwan 0 -0.2 -0.4 -0.6 -0.8 0 -0.2 -0.4 -0.6 0 5 10 15 20 Time (sec) 25 -0.8 30 0 5 10 Loma Prieta-Significant Duration (5-95% Arias Intensity) Northridge-Significant Duration (5-95% Arias Intensity) 1 1 Loma Prieta Northridge 0.5 Acceleration (g) Acceleration (g) 0.5 0 -0.5 -1 15 Time (sec) 0 -0.5 0 2 4 6 8 Time (sec) 10 12 -1 0 2 4 Time (sec) 6 8 Figure A-1 Significant duration of Chi Chi, Superstition, Loma Prieta, and Northridge acceleration time histories with 5-95% arias intensity - Source: PEER Strong Motion Database 117 Imperial Valley- Significant Duration (5-95% Arias Intensity) Victoria-Mexico- Significant Duration (5-95% Arias Intensity) 0.4 0.6 Imperial Valley Victoria-Mexico 0.4 Acceleration (g) Acceleration (g) 0.2 0 -0.2 0.2 0 -0.2 -0.4 -0.4 -0.6 -0.6 0 2 4 6 Time (sec) 8 -0.8 10 Morgan Hill- Significant Duration (5-95% Arias Intensity) 0 2 4 6 Time (sec) 8 10 Duzce- Significant Duration (5-95% Arias Intensity) 0.8 0.6 Morgan Hill Duzce 0.6 Acceleration (g) Acceleration (g) 0.4 0.4 0.2 0 -0.2 0.2 0 -0.2 -0.4 -0.6 0 1 2 3 Time (sec) 4 5 -0.4 0 5 10 15 Time (sec) Figure A-2 Significant duration of Imperial Valley, Victoria- Mexico, Morgan Hill, and Duzce acceleration time histories with 5-95% arias intensity - Source: PEER Strong Motion Database 118 Cape Mendocino- Significant Duration (5-95% Arias Intensity) Mammoth Lakes- Significant Duration (5-95% Arias Intensity) 0.6 0.3 Mammoth Lakes 0.4 0.2 0.2 0.1 Acceleration (g) Acceleration (g) Cape Mendocino 0 -0.2 -0.4 -0.6 -0.8 0 -0.1 -0.2 -0.3 0 5 10 Time (sec) 15 -0.4 20 N.Palm Springs- Significant Duration (5-95% Arias Intensity) 0.6 0 2 4 6 Time (sec) 8 10 Tabas- Significant Duration (5-95% Arias Intensity) 0.4 N.Palm Springs Tabas 0.3 Acceleration (g) Acceleration (g) 0.4 0.2 0 0.2 0.1 0 -0.1 -0.2 -0.2 -0.4 0 2 4 Time (sec) 6 -0.3 0 5 10 15 Time (sec) Figure A-3 Significant duration of Cape Mendocino, Mammoth Lakes, N.Palm Springs, and Tabas acceleration time histories with 5-95% arias intensity - Source: PEER Strong Motion Database 119 San Fernando- Significant Duration (5-95% Arias Intensity) Gazli-USSR- Significant Duration (5-95% Arias Intensity) 1 Gazli-USSR 1 San Fernando Acceleration (g) Acceleration (g) 0.5 0 -0.5 -1 -1.5 0 4 6 8 Time (sec) Managua- Significant Duration (5-95% Arias Intensity) 0.2 0 -0.2 -0.4 -0.5 0 2 4 Time (sec) 6 8 Whittier Narrows- Significant Duration (5-95% Arias Intensity) 0.2 Whittier Narrows 0.1 Acceleration (g) Acceleration (g) Managua 0 -1 2 0.4 0.5 0 -0.1 -0.2 0 5 10 Time (sec) 15 -0.3 0 2 4 6 Time (sec) 8 10 Figure A-4 Significant duration of San Fernando, Gazli, Managua, and Whittier Narrows acceleration time histories with 5-95% arias intensity - Source: PEER Strong Motion Database 120 Coalinga- Significant Duration (5-95% Arias Intensity) Westmorland- Significant Duration (5-95% Arias Intensity) 1 0.6 Coalinga Westmorland Acceleration (g) Acceleration (g) 0.4 0.5 0 0.2 0 -0.2 -0.5 0 1 2 3 Time (sec) 4 -0.4 5 0 2 4 Time (sec) 6 Kobe- Significant Duration (5-95% Arias Intensity) Spitak- Significant Duration (5-95% Arias Intensity) 0.4 0.2 Kobe Spitak 0.2 Acceleration (g) Acceleration (g) 8 0 -0.2 -0.4 0 5 10 15 0.1 0 -0.1 -0.2 0 Time (sec) 5 10 15 Time (sec) Figure A-5 Significant duration of Coalinga, Westmorland, Kobe, and Spitak acceleration time histories with 5-95% arias intensity - Source: PEER Strong Motion Database 121 Appendix B Fragility Fitting Functions for Use with Incremental Dynamic Analysis Data of collapse at Sa level Sa i total number of record ^ ln Sai ln Sa^ P(C | Sai )observed 1 ^ ^ ln Sa P(C | Sai )observed # (eq.B-1) Least Square Method: Minimizing the total square errors between the estimated probability of collapse and the observed probability of collapse over all of the Sa level: ^ ln Sa ^ , ln Sa min , i P(C | Sai )observed P(C | Sai ) pred 2 ln Sai μ ln Sa min , i P(C | Sai )observed 1 ln Sa 2 (eq.B-2) Maximum Likelihood Method: To account for non-constant variance, this method can be applied (Rice, 1955): ^ ln Sa , ^ ln Sa N ni ni ln Sai μ ln Sa ln Sai μ ln Sa max , i 1 ln Sa ln Sa (eq.B-3) in which ni is the number of collapse observed at Sa level Sai, and N is the total number of records analyzed at level Sai 122 Appendix C 3_D Schematic View of the Obtained IDA Results C.1 3-D Schematic View of the Obtained IDA Results - Model M1 & M2 IDA Results Along The Bridge Deck - Model M1 & M2 4 x 10 3 2 1.5 1 0.5 6 5 4 Abut -3 x 10 men t Rel 1.5 ative Disp lacem 2 1 1 ent ( m) 0.5 0 (T 1 3 2 )[g ] 0 2.5 Sa Total Base Shear (kN) 2.5 M1-Chi Chi M1-Superstition M1-Loma Prieta M1-Northridge M1-Imperial Valley M1-Victoria-Mexico M1-Morgan Hill M1-Duzce M1-Cape Mendocino M1-Mammoth Lakes M1-N.Palm Springs M1-Tabas M1-San Fernando M1-Gazli M1-Managua M1-Whittier Narrows M1-Coalinga M1-Westmorland M1-Kobe M1-Spitak M2-Chi Chi M2-Superstition M2-Loma Prieta M2-Northridge M2-Imperial Valley M2-Victoria-Mexico M2-Morgan Hill M2-Duzce M2-Cape Mendocino M2-Mammoth Lakes M2-N.Palm Springs M2-Tabas M2-San Fernando M2-Gazli M2-Managua M2-Whittier Narrows M2-Coalinga M2-Westmorland M2-Kobe M2-Spitak Figure C-1 Shows dispersion of the obtained IDA results for the archetype model M1 & M2 123 C.2 3-D Schematic View of the Obtained IDA Results - Model M3 & M4 IDA Results Along The Bridge Deck - Model M3 & M4 4 x 10 3 Total Base Shear (kN) 2.5 2 1.5 1 0.5 4 3 0 10 2 8 -3 x 10 Abut 6 men t Rel ativ 4 e Dis 1 place 2 0 m en t ( m) -2 0 S ] )[g 1 T a( M3-Chi Chi M3-Superstition M3-Loma Prieta M3-Northridge M3-Imperial Valley M3-Victoria-Mexico M3-Morgan Hill M3-Duzce M3-Cape Mendocino M3-Mammoth Lakes M3-N.Palm Springs M3-Tabas M3-San Fernando M3-Gazli M3-Managua M3-Whittier Narrows M3-Coalinga M3-Westmorland M3-Kobe M3-Spitak M4-Chi Chi M4-Superstition M4-Loma Prieta M4-Northridge M4-Imperial Valley M4-Victoria-Mexico M4-Morgan Hill M4-Duzce M4-Cape Mendocino M4-Mammoth Lakes M4-N.Palm Springs M4-Tabas M4-San Fernando M4-Gazli M4-Managua M4-Whittier Narrows M4-Coalinga M4-Westmorland M4-Kobe M4-Spitak Figure C-2 Shows dispersion of the obtained IDA results for the archetype model M3 & M4 124 C.3 3-D Schematic View of the Obtained IDA Results - Model M5 & M6 IDA Results Along The Bridge Deck - Model M5 & M6 4 x 10 12 8 6 4 2 5 4 0 3 2.5 Abut -3 x 10 2 2 men 1.5 t Rel ative 1 Disp lacem ent ( 0.5 m) 1 0 0 (T 1 )[g ] 3 Sa Total Base Shear (kN) 10 M5-Chi Chi M5-Superstition M5-Loma Prieta M5-Northridge M5-Imperial Valley M5-Victoria-Mexico M5-Morgan Hill M5-Duzce M5-Cape Mendocino M5-Mammoth Lakes M5-N.Palm Springs M5-Tabas M5-San Fernando M5-Gazli M5-Managua M5-Whittier Narrows M5-Coalinga M5-Westmorland M5-Kobe M5-Spitak M6-Chi Chi M6-Superstition M6-Loma Prieta M6-Northridge M6-Imperial Valley M6-Victoria-Mexico M6-Morgan Hill M6-Duzce M6-Cape Mendocino M6-Mammoth Lakes M6-N.Palm Springs M6-Tabas M6-San Fernando M6-Gazli M6-Managua M6-Whittier Narrows M6-Coalinga M6-Westmorland M6-Kobe M6-Spitak Figure C-3 Shows dispersion of the obtained IDA results for the archetype model M5 & M6 125 Appendix D D.1 Pier Column Hysteretic Plot - Total Column Drift Ratio vs. Total Base Shear - Model M3 & M4. Pier Column No.1 Hysteretic Plot At Collapse Level - Imperial Valley Pier Column No.1 Hysteretic Plot At Collapse Level - Victoria-Mexico 2 4 Model M3 Model M4 1.5 1 0.5 0 -0.5 -1 -1.5 -0.4 -0.3 -0.2 -0.1 0 0.1 0.2 0.3 Pier Column Drift Ratio Across The Bridge Deck (%) Total Base Shear - Along The Bridge Deck (kN) Total Base Shear Along The Bridge Deck (kN) 4 x 10 Pier Column No.1 Hysteretic Plot At Collapse Level - Morgan Hill 1 0 -0.5 -1 -1.5 -2 -0.2 -0.15 -0.1 -0.05 0 0.05 0.1 0.15 Pier Column Drift Ratio Across The Bridge Deck (%) Pier Column No.1 Hysteretic Plot At Collapse Level - Duzce 4 x 10 Model M3 Model M4 1 0.5 0 -0.5 -1 -1.5 -0.3 -0.2 -0.1 0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 Pier Column Drift Ratio Across The Bridge Deck (%) Total Base Shear Along The Bridge Deck (kN) Total Base Shear Along The Bridge Deck (kN) 1.5 Model M3 Model M4 0.5 4 2 x 10 1 x 10 Model M3 Model M4 0.5 0 -0.5 -1 -0.15 -0.1 -0.05 0 0.05 0.1 0.15 0.2 Pier Column Drift Ratio Across The Bridge Deck (%) Figure D.1-1 Shows pier column total drift ratio across the bridge deck verses total base shear obtained from performed IDA using the Imperial Valley, Victoria-Mexico, Morgan Hill, and Duzce ground motions - Model M3 & M4. 126 4 1 x 10 Model M3 Model M4 0.5 0 -0.5 -1 -1.5 -0.1 -0.05 0 0.05 0.1 Pier Column Drift Ratio Across The Bridge Deck (%) Total Base Shear - Along The Bridge Deck (kN) Total Base Shear Along The Bridge Deck (kN) Pier Column No.1 Hysteretic Plot At Collapse Level - Cape Mendocino Pier Column No.1 Hysteretic Plot At Collapse Level - Mammoth Lakes 4 2 x 10 1.5 1 0.5 0 -0.5 Model M3 Model M4 -1 -0.15 -0.1 -0.05 0 0.05 0.1 0.15 0.2 Pier Column Drift Ratio Across The Bridge Deck (%) x 10 Model M3 Model M4 1 0.5 0 -0.5 -1 -1.5 -2 -2.5 -0.2 -0.1 0 0.1 0.2 Pier Column Drift Ratio Across The Bridge Deck (%) Pier Column No.1 Hysteretic Plot At Collapse Level - Tabas Total Base Shear Along The Bridge Deck (kN) Total Base Shear Along The Bridge Deck (kN) Pier Column No.1 Hysteretic Plot At Collapse Level - N.Palm Springs 4 1.5 4 1.5 1 x 10 Model M3 Model M4 0.5 0 -0.5 -1 -0.2 -0.15 -0.1 -0.05 0 0.05 0.1 0.15 Pier Column Drift Ratio Across The Bridge Deck (%) Figure D.1-2 Shows pier column total drift ratio across the bridge deck verses total base shear obtained from performed IDA using the Cape Mendocino, Mammoth Lakes, N.Palm Springs, and Tabas ground motions Model M3 & M4. 127 1.5 1 0.5 0 -0.5 -1 -1.5 -2 -0.3 Model M3 Model M4 -0.2 -0.1 0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 Pier Column Drift Ratio Across The Bridge Deck (%) Total Base Shear Along The Bridge Deck (kN) Pier Column No.1 Hysteretic Plot At Collapse Level - Managua 8000 6000 4000 2000 0 -2000 -4000 -6000 -8000 -0.2 Model M3 Model M4 -0.15 -0.1 -0.05 0 0.05 0.1 0.15 Pier Column Drift Ratio Across The Bridge Deck (%) Pier Column No.1 Hysteretic Plot At Collapse Level - Gazli Total Base Shear - Along The Bridge Deck (kN) 4 x 10 4 2 x 10 1.5 1 0.5 0 -0.5 Model M3 Model M4 -1 -1.5 -0.2 -0.1 0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 Pier Column Drift Ratio Across The Bridge Deck (%) Pier Column No.1 Hysteretic Plot At Collapse Level - Whittier Narrows Total Base Shear Along The Bridge Deck (kN) Total Base Shear Along The Bridge Deck (kN) Pier Column No.1 Hysteretic Plot At Collapse Level - San Fernando 4 1.5 x 10 1 0.5 0 -0.5 -1 -1.5 -2 -0.4 Model M3 Model M4 -0.2 0 0.2 0.4 Pier Column Drift Ratio Across The Bridge Deck (%) Figure D.1-3 Shows pier column total drift ratio across the bridge deck verses total base shear obtained from performed IDA using the San Fernando, Gazli, Managua, and Whittier Narrows ground motions - Model M3 & M4. 128 4 2 x 10 Model M3 Model M4 1.5 1 0.5 0 -0.5 -1 -0.2 -0.15 -0.1 -0.05 0 0.05 0.1 0.15 Pier Column Drift Ratio Across The Bridge Deck (%) Pier Column No.1 Hysteretic Plot At Collapse Level - Westmorland Total Base Shear - Along The Bridge Deck (kN) Total Base Shear Along The Bridge Deck (kN) Pier Column No.1 Hysteretic Plot At Collapse Level - Coalinga 4 1 x 10 Model M3 Model M4 0.5 0 -0.5 -1 -0.2 -0.15 -0.1 -0.05 0 0.05 0.1 0.15 Pier Column Drift Ratio Across The Bridge Deck (%) Total Base Shear Along The Bridge Deck (kN) Total Base Shear Along The Bridge Deck (kN) Pier Column No.1 Hysteretic Plot At Collapse Level - Kobe 4 2 1.5 x 10 Model M3 Model M4 1 0.5 0 -0.5 -1 -1.5 -0.5 0 0.5 Pier Column Drift Ratio Across The Bridge Deck (%) Pier Column No.1 Hysteretic Plot At Collapse Level - Spitak 4 x 10 1 Model M3 Model M4 0.5 0 -0.5 -1 -1.5 -0.3 -0.2 -0.1 0 0.1 0.2 Pier Column Drift Ratio Across The Bridge Deck (%) Figure D.1-4 Shows pier column total drift ratio across the bridge deck verses total base shear obtained from performed IDA using the Coalinga, Westmorland, Kobe, and Spitak ground motions - Model M3 & M4 129 D.2 Pier Column Hysteretic Plot - Column's Actual Drift Ratio vs. Total Base Shear - Model M3 & M4. 4 3 x 10 Model M3 Model M4 2 1 0 -1 -2 -3 -0.25 -0.2 -0.15 -0.1 -0.05 0 0.05 0.1 Pier Column Drift Ratio Across The Bridge Deck (%) Pier Column No.1 Hysteretic Plot At Collapse Level - Victoria-Mexico Total Base Shear - Along The Bridge Deck (kN) Total Base Shear Along The Bridge Deck (kN) Pier Column No.1 Hysteretic Plot At Collapse Level - Imperial Valley 4 3 x 10 2 1 0 -1 -2 Model M3 Model M4 -3 -0.2 -0.15 -0.1 -0.05 0 0.05 0.1 0.15 Pier Column Drift Ratio Across The Bridge Deck (%) Total Base Shear Along The Bridge Deck (kN) Total Base Shear Along The Bridge Deck (kN) Pier Column No.1 Hysteretic Plot At Collapse Level - Morgan Hill 4 1 x 10 0.5 0 -0.5 -1 -1.5 Model M3 Model M4 -2 -0.2 -0.15 -0.1 -0.05 0 0.05 0.1 0.15 Pier Column Drift Ratio Across The Bridge Deck (%) Pier Column No.1 Hysteretic Plot At Collapse Level - Duzce 4 x 10 1.5 1 0.5 0 -0.5 -1 -1.5 Model M3 Model M4 -2 -0.1 -0.05 0 0.05 0.1 0.15 Pier Column Drift Ratio Across The Bridge Deck (%) Figure D.2-1 Shows pier column actual drift ratio across the bridge deck verses total base shear obtained from performed IDA using the Imperial Valley, Victoria-Mexico, Morgan Hill, and Duzce ground motions Model M3 & M4. 130 2 1.5 Model M3 Model M4 1 0.5 0 -0.5 -1 -1.5 -0.1 -0.05 0 0.05 0.1 Pier Column Drift Ratio Across The Bridge Deck (%) Total Base Shear Along The Bridge Deck (kN) Pier Column No.1 Hysteretic Plot At Collapse Level - N.Palm Springs 4 x 10 4 3 Model M3 Model M4 2 1 0 -1 -2 -0.15 -0.1 -0.05 0 0.05 Pier Column Drift Ratio Across The Bridge Deck (%) Pier Column No.1 Hysteretic Plot At Collapse Level - Mammoth Lakes Total Base Shear - Along The Bridge Deck (kN) 4 x 10 Total Base Shear Along The Bridge Deck (kN) Total Base Shear Along The Bridge Deck (kN) Pier Column No.1 Hysteretic Plot At Collapse Level - Cape Mendocino 4 1.5 x 10 1 0.5 0 -0.5 -1 -1.5 Model M3 Model M4 -2 -2.5 -0.02 -0.01 0 0.01 0.02 0.03 Pier Column Drift Ratio Across The Bridge Deck (%) Pier Column No.1 Hysteretic Plot At Collapse Level - Tabas 4 x 10 2.5 2 1.5 Model M3 Model M4 1 0.5 0 -0.5 -1 -1.5 -0.06 -0.04 -0.02 0 0.02 0.04 0.06 Pier Column Drift Ratio Across The Bridge Deck (%) Figure D.2-2 Shows pier column actual drift ratio across the bridge deck verses total base shear obtained from performed IDA using the Cape Mendocino, Mammoth Lakes, N.Palm Springs, and Tabas ground motions - Model M3 & M4. 131 3 Model M3 Model M4 2 1 0 -1 -2 -3 -0.1 -0.05 0 0.05 0.1 Pier Column Drift Ratio Across The Bridge Deck (%) Total Base Shear Along The Bridge Deck (kN) Pier Column No.1 Hysteretic Plot At Collapse Level - Managua 4 1.5 x 10 1 Model M3 Model M4 0.5 0 -0.5 -1 -1.5 -0.1 -0.05 0 0.05 0.1 Pier Column Drift Ratio Across The Bridge Deck (%) Pier Column No.1 Hysteretic Plot At Collapse Level - Gazli Total Base Shear - Along The Bridge Deck (kN) 4 x 10 4 3 2 x 10 Model M3 Model M4 1 0 -1 -2 -0.2 -0.1 0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 Pier Column Drift Ratio Across The Bridge Deck (%) Pier Column No.1 Hysteretic Plot At Collapse Level - Whittier Narrows 4 x 10 3 Model M3 2 Model M4 Total Base Shear Along The Bridge Deck (kN) Total Base Shear Along The Bridge Deck (kN) Pier Column No.1 Hysteretic Plot At Collapse Level - San Fernando 1 0 -1 -2 -3 -4 -0.4 -0.3 -0.2 -0.1 0 0.1 0.2 0.3 Pier Column Drift Ratio Across The Bridge Deck (%) Figure D.2-3 Shows pier column actual drift ratio across the bridge deck verses total base shear obtained from performed IDA using the San Fernando, Gazli, Managua, and Whittier Narrows ground motions Model M3 & M4. 132 4 4 x 10 Model M3 Model M4 3 2 1 0 -1 -2 -0.2 -0.15 -0.1 -0.05 0 0.05 0.1 0.15 Pier Column Drift Ratio Across The Bridge Deck (%) Pier Column No.1 Hysteretic Plot At Collapse Level - Westmorland 4 x 10 3 Model M3 2 Model M4 Total Base Shear - Along The Bridge Deck (kN) Total Base Shear Along The Bridge Deck (kN) Pier Column No.1 Hysteretic Plot At Collapse Level - Coalinga 1.5 1 Model M3 Model M4 0.5 0 -0.5 -1 -1.5 -0.1 -0.05 0 0.05 0.1 0.15 Pier Column Drift Ratio Across The Bridge Deck (%) Total Base Shear Along The Bridge Deck (kN) Total Base Shear Along The Bridge Deck (kN) 4 0 -1 -2 -3 -0.2 -0.15 -0.1 -0.05 0 0.05 0.1 0.15 Pier Column Drift Ratio Across The Bridge Deck (%) Pier Column No.1 Hysteretic Plot At Collapse Level - Spitak Pier Column No.1 Hysteretic Plot At Collapse Level - Kobe x 10 1 4 2 1.5 x 10 Model M3 Model M4 1 0.5 0 -0.5 -1 -1.5 -2 -0.1 -0.05 0 0.05 0.1 Pier Column Drift Ratio Across The Bridge Deck (%) Figure D.2-4 Shows pier column actual drift ratio across the bridge deck verses total base shear obtained from performed IDA using the Coalinga, Westmorland, Kobe, and Spitak ground motions - Model M3 & M4 133 D.3 Pier Column Hysteretic Plot - Column's Actual Drift Ratio vs. Total Base Shear - Model M5 & M6. 4 4 x 10 3 2 1 0 -1 -2 Model M5 Model M6 -3 -4 -0.6 -0.4 -0.2 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 Pier Column Drift Ratio Across The Bridge Deck (%) Pier Column No.1 Hysteretic Plot At Collapse Level - Victoria-Mexico Total Base Shear - Along The Bridge Deck (kN) Total Base Shear Along The Bridge Deck (kN) Pier Column No.1 Hysteretic Plot At Collapse Level - Imperial Valley 4 4 x 10 3 2 1 0 -1 -2 Model M5 Model M6 -3 -0.5 0 0.5 1 Pier Column Drift Ratio Across The Bridge Deck (%) Total Base Shear Along The Bridge Deck (kN) Total Base Shear Along The Bridge Deck (kN) Pier Column No.1 Hysteretic Plot At Collapse Level - Morgan Hill 4 2 1 x 10 Model M5 Model M6 0 -1 -2 -3 -4 -0.4 -0.3 -0.2 -0.1 0 0.1 0.2 0.3 Pier Column Drift Ratio Across The Bridge Deck (%) Pier Column No.1 Hysteretic Plot At Collapse Level - Duzce 4 x 10 3 2 1 0 -1 -2 -3 Model M5 Model M6 -4 -0.4 -0.3 -0.2 -0.1 0 0.1 0.2 0.3 Pier Column Drift Ratio Across The Bridge Deck (%) Figure D.3-1 Shows pier column actual drift ratio across the bridge deck verses total base shear obtained from performed IDA using the Imperial Valley, Victoria-Mexico, Morgan Hill, and Duzce ground motions Model M5 & M6. 134 Pier Column No.1 Hysteretic Plot At Collapse Level - Mammoth Lakes 4 3 Total Base Shear - Along The Bridge Deck (kN) Total Base Shear Along The Bridge Deck (kN) Pier Column No.1 Hysteretic Plot At Collapse Level - Cape Mendocino x 10 Model M5 Model M6 2 1 0 -1 -2 -0.4 -0.2 0 0.2 0.4 Pier Column Drift Ratio Across The Bridge Deck (%) 4 4 x 10 3 2 1 0 -1 -2 -3 Model M5 Model M6 -4 -1 -0.5 0 0.5 1 Pier Column Drift Ratio Across The Bridge Deck (%) Total Base Shear Along The Bridge Deck (kN) Total Base Shear Along The Bridge Deck (kN) Pier Column No.1 Hysteretic Plot At Collapse Level - N.Palm Springs 4 4 x 10 3 2 1 0 -1 -2 Model M5 Model M6 -3 -4 -0.4 -0.2 0 0.2 0.4 Pier Column Drift Ratio Across The Bridge Deck (%) Pier Column No.1 Hysteretic Plot At Collapse Level - Tabas 4 1.5 1 x 10 Model M5 Model M6 0.5 0 -0.5 -1 -1.5 -0.15 -0.1 -0.05 0 0.05 0.1 Pier Column Drift Ratio Across The Bridge Deck (%) Figure D.3-2 Shows pier column actual drift ratio across the bridge deck verses total base shear obtained from performed IDA using the Cape Mendocino, Mammoth Lakes, N.Palm Springs, and Tabas ground motions - Model M5 & M6. 135 4 3 2 1 0 -1 -2 Model M5 Model M6 -3 -4 -0.4 -0.2 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 Pier Column Drift Ratio Across The Bridge Deck (%) Total Base Shear Along The Bridge Deck (kN) Pier Column No.1 Hysteretic Plot At Collapse Level - Managua 4 4 x 10 3 Model M5 Model M6 2 1 0 -1 -2 -3 -4 -0.4 -0.2 0 0.2 0.4 Pier Column Drift Ratio Across The Bridge Deck (%) Pier Column No.1 Hysteretic Plot At Collapse Level - Gazli Total Base Shear - Along The Bridge Deck (kN) 4 x 10 4 3 x 10 2 1 0 -1 -2 Model M5 Model M6 -3 -0.5 0 0.5 Pier Column Drift Ratio Across The Bridge Deck (%) Pier Column No.1 Hysteretic Plot At Collapse Level - Whittier Narrows Total Base Shear Along The Bridge Deck (kN) Total Base Shear Along The Bridge Deck (kN) Pier Column No.1 Hysteretic Plot At Collapse Level - San Fernando 4 3 2 x 10 Model M5 Model M6 1 0 -1 -2 -3 -4 -0.8 -0.6 -0.4 -0.2 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 Pier Column Drift Ratio Across The Bridge Deck (%) Figure D.3-3 Shows pier column actual drift ratio across the bridge deck verses total base shear obtained from performed IDA using the San Fernando, Gazli, Managua, and Whittier Narrows ground motions Model M5 & M6. 136 6 4 2 0 -2 Model M5 Model M6 -4 -1 -0.5 0 0.5 1 Pier Column Drift Ratio Across The Bridge Deck (%) Total Base Shear Along The Bridge Deck (kN) Pier Column No.1 Hysteretic Plot At Collapse Level - Kobe 4 4 x 10 3 2 1 0 -1 -2 -3 Model M5 Model M6 -4 -0.8 -0.6 -0.4 -0.2 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 Pier Column Drift Ratio Across The Bridge Deck (%) Pier Column No.1 Hysteretic Plot At Collapse Level - Westmorland Total Base Shear - Along The Bridge Deck (kN) 4 x 10 4 3 x 10 2 1 0 -1 -2 Model M5 Model M6 -3 -1 -0.5 0 0.5 1 Pier Column Drift Ratio Across The Bridge Deck (%) Pier Column No.1 Hysteretic Plot At Collapse Level - Spitak Total Base Shear Along The Bridge Deck (kN) Total Base Shear Along The Bridge Deck (kN) Pier Column No.1 Hysteretic Plot At Collapse Level - Coalinga 4 3 x 10 2 1 0 -1 -2 -3 -4 Model M5 Model M6 -5 -0.2 -0.1 0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 Pier Column Drift Ratio Across The Bridge Deck (%) Figure D.3-4 Shows pier column actual drift ratio across the bridge deck verses total base shear obtained from performed IDA using the Coalinga, Westmorland, Kobe, and Spitak ground motions - Model M5 & M6. 137 Appendix E E.1 Pier Column Hysteretic Plot - Column's Actual Drift Ratio vs. Base Moment - Model M3 & M4. Pier Column No.1 Hysteretic Plot At Collapse Level - Imperial Valley Pier Column No.1 Hysteretic Plot At Collapse Level - Victoria-Mexico 1500 2000 Total Moment - About Y axis (kN.m) Total Moment - About Y axis (kN.m) 2000 Model M3 Model M4 1000 500 0 -500 -1000 -1500 -2000 -0.25 -0.2 -0.15 -0.1 -0.05 0 0.05 Pier Column Drift Ratio - X Direction (%) Pier Column No.1 Hysteretic Plot At Collapse Level - Morgan Hill 0 -500 Model M3 Model M4 -1000 -0.05 0 0.05 0.1 0.15 0.2 Pier Column Drift Ratio - X Direction (%) 0.25 Pier Column No.1 Hysteretic Plot At Collapse Level - Duzce Total Moment - About Y axis (kN.m) Total Moment - About Y axis (kN.m) 500 1500 Model M3 Model M4 1000 500 0 -500 -1000 -1500 -2000 -0.2 1000 -1500 -0.1 0.1 2000 1500 1500 -0.15 -0.1 -0.05 0 0.05 0.1 Pier Column Drift Ratio - X Direction (%) 0.15 1000 Model M3 Model M4 500 0 -500 -1000 -1500 -0.15 -0.1 -0.05 0 0.05 Pier Column Drift Ratio - X Direction (%) 0.1 Figure E.1-1 Shows pier column actual drift ratio across the bridge deck verses total moment obtained from performed IDA using the Imperial Valley, Victoria-Mexico, Morgan Hill, and Duzce ground motions - Model M3 & M4. 138 Pier Column No.1 Hysteretic Plot At Collapse Level - Cape Mendocino 2000 Total Moment - About Y axis (kN.m) Total Moment - About Y axis (kN.m) 1500 Model M3 Model M4 1000 500 0 -500 -1000 -1500 -0.06 -0.04 -0.02 0 0.02 0.04 Pier Column Drift Ratio - X Direction (%) Model M3 Model M4 1000 500 0 -500 -1000 -0.15 -0.1 -0.05 0 0.05 0.1 Pier Column Drift Ratio - X Direction (%) 0.15 Pier Column No.1 Hysteretic Plot At Collapse Level - Tabas 1500 Total Moment - About Y axis (kN.m) 1500 Total Moment - About Y axis (kN.m) 1500 -1500 -0.2 0.06 Pier Column No.1 Hysteretic Plot At Collapse Level - N.Palm Springs Model M3 Model M4 1000 500 0 -500 -1000 -1500 -0.08 Pier Column No.1 Hysteretic Plot At Collapse Level - Mammoth Lakes -0.06 -0.04 -0.02 0 0.02 0.04 Pier Column Drift Ratio - X Direction (%) 0.06 1000 Model M3 Model M4 500 0 -500 -1000 -1500 -0.06 -0.04 -0.02 0 0.02 Pier Column Drift Ratio - X Direction (%) 0.04 Figure E.1-2 Shows pier column actual drift ratio across the bridge deck verses total moment obtained from performed IDA using the Cape Mendocino, Mammoth Lakes, N.Palm Springs, and Tabas ground motions Model M3 & M4. 139 Pier Column No.1 Hysteretic Plot At Collapse Level - San Fernando Pier Column No.1 Hysteretic Plot At Collapse Level - Gazli 1500 2000 Total Moment - About Y axis (kN.m) Total Moment - About Y axis (kN.m) 2000 Model M3 Model M4 1000 500 0 -500 -1000 -1500 -0.1 -0.08 -0.06 -0.04 -0.02 0 0.02 Pier Column Drift Ratio - X Direction (%) Pier Column No.1 Hysteretic Plot At Collapse Level - Managua 0 -500 -1000 -1500 -0.2 -0.1 0 0.1 Pier Column Drift Ratio - X Direction (%) 0.2 Pier Column No.1 Hysteretic Plot At Collapse Level - Whittier Narrows Total Moment - About Y axis (kN.m) Total Moment - About Y axis (kN.m) 500 2000 Model M3 Model M4 500 0 -500 -1000 -1500 -0.1 Model M3 Model M4 1000 -2000 -0.3 0.04 1500 1000 1500 -0.05 0 0.05 Pier Column Drift Ratio - X Direction (%) 0.1 1500 1000 500 0 -500 -1000 -1500 -0.2 Model M3 Model M4 -0.1 0 0.1 0.2 Pier Column Drift Ratio - X Direction (%) 0.3 Figure E.1-3 Shows pier column actual drift ratio across the bridge deck verses total moment obtained from performed IDA using the San Fernando, Gazli, Managua, and Whittier Narrows ground motions - Model M3 & M4. 140 Pier Column No.1 Hysteretic Plot At Collapse Level - Coalinga Pier Column No.1 Hysteretic Plot At Collapse Level - Westmorland 1000 2000 Total Moment - About Y axis (kN.m) Total Moment - About Y axis (kN.m) 1500 Model M3 Model M4 500 0 -500 -1000 -1500 -2000 -0.15 -0.1 -0.05 0 0.05 Pier Column Drift Ratio - X Direction (%) 0 -500 -1000 -0.15 -0.1 -0.05 0 0.05 0.1 Pier Column Drift Ratio - X Direction (%) 0.15 2000 Total Moment - About Y axis (kN.m) Total Moment - About Y axis (kN.m) 500 Pier Column No.1 Hysteretic Plot At Collapse Level - Spitak Pier Column No.1 Hysteretic Plot At Collapse Level - Kobe Model M3 Model M4 1000 500 0 -500 -1000 -1500 -0.15 Model M3 Model M4 1000 -1500 -0.2 0.1 2000 1500 1500 -0.1 -0.05 0 0.05 Pier Column Drift Ratio - X Direction (%) 0.1 1500 Model M3 Model M4 1000 500 0 -500 -1000 -1500 -0.1 -0.05 0 0.05 Pier Column Drift Ratio - X Direction (%) 0.1 Figure E.1-4 Shows pier column actual drift ratio across the bridge deck verses total moment obtained from performed IDA using the Coalinga, Westmorland, Kobe, and Spitak ground motions - Model M3 & M4. 141 E.2 Pier Column Hysteretic Plot - Column's Actual Drift Ratio vs. Base Moment) - Model M5 & M6. Pier Column No.1 Hysteretic Plot At Collapse Level - Imperial Valley Pier Column No.1 Hysteretic Plot At Collapse Level - Victoria-Mexico 1500 Total Moment - About Y axis (kN.m) Total Moment - About Y axis (kN.m) 2000 1500 1000 500 0 -500 Model M5 Model M6 -1000 -1500 -1 -0.5 0 0.5 Pier Column Drift Ratio - X Direction (%) Model M5 Model M6 -500 -0.1 0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 Pier Column Drift Ratio - X Direction (%) 0.5 1500 Total Moment - About Y axis (kN.m) Total Moment - About Y axis (kN.m) 0 Pier Column No.1 Hysteretic Plot At Collapse Level - Duzce Pier Column No.1 Hysteretic Plot At Collapse Level - Morgan Hill Model M5 Model M6 500 0 -500 -1000 -1500 -1 500 -1000 -0.2 1 1500 1000 1000 -0.8 -0.6 -0.4 -0.2 0 0.2 Pier Column Drift Ratio - X Direction (%) 0.4 1000 Model M5 Model M6 500 0 -500 -1000 -0.4 -0.3 -0.2 -0.1 0 0.1 0.2 Pier Column Drift Ratio - X Direction (%) 0.3 Figure E.2-1 Shows pier column actual drift ratio across the bridge deck verses total moment obtained from performed IDA using the Imperial Valley, Victoria-Mexico, Morgan Hill, and Duzce ground motions - Model M5 & M6. 142 Pier Column No.1 Hysteretic Plot At Collapse Level - Cape Mendocino Pier Column No.1 Hysteretic Plot At Collapse Level - Mammoth Lakes 1500 1000 Total Moment - About Y axis (kN.m) Total Moment - About Y axis (kN.m) 1500 Model M5 Model M6 500 0 -500 -1000 -0.4 -0.3 -0.2 -0.1 0 0.1 0.2 Pier Column Drift Ratio - X Direction (%) -500 -1000 -0.3 -0.2 -0.1 0 0.1 0.2 Pier Column Drift Ratio - X Direction (%) 0.3 1000 Total Moment - About Y axis (kN.m) Total Moment - About Y axis (kN.m) 0 Pier Column No.1 Hysteretic Plot At Collapse Level - Tabas 2000 Model M5 Model M6 1000 500 0 -500 -1000 -1500 -0.6 Model M5 Model M6 500 -1500 -0.4 0.3 Pier Column No.1 Hysteretic Plot At Collapse Level - N.Palm Springs 1500 1000 -0.4 -0.2 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 Pier Column Drift Ratio - X Direction (%) 0.8 Model M5 Model M6 500 0 -500 -1000 -0.1 -0.05 0 0.05 Pier Column Drift Ratio - X Direction (%) 0.1 Figure E.2-2 Shows pier column actual drift ratio across the bridge deck verses total moment obtained from performed IDA using the Cape Mendocino, Mammoth Lakes, N.Palm Springs, and Tabas ground motions Model M5 & M6. 143 1500 1000 Model M5 Model M6 500 0 -500 -1000 -1500 -0.6 -0.4 -0.2 0 0.2 Pier Column Drift Ratio - X Direction (%) Pier Column No.1 Hysteretic Plot At Collapse Level - Gazli Total Moment - About Y axis (kN.m) Total Moment - About Y axis (kN.m) Pier Column No.1 Hysteretic Plot At Collapse Level - San Fernando 0.4 Total Moment - About Y axis (kN.m) Total Moment - About Y axis (kN.m) 1000 Model M5 Model M6 500 0 -500 -1000 -1500 -0.4 -0.2 0 0.2 Pier Column Drift Ratio - X Direction (%) 0.4 1000 Model M5 Model M6 500 0 -500 -1000 -1500 -0.5 0 Pier Column Drift Ratio - X Direction (%) 0.5 Pier Column No.1 Hysteretic Plot At Collapse Level - Whittier Narrows Pier Column No.1 Hysteretic Plot At Collapse Level - Managua 1500 1500 2000 1500 Model M5 Model M6 1000 500 0 -500 -1000 -1500 -0.8 -0.6 -0.4 -0.2 0 0.2 0.4 Pier Column Drift Ratio - X Direction (%) 0.6 Figure E.2-3 Shows pier column actual drift ratio across the bridge deck verses total moment obtained from performed IDA using the San Fernando, Gazli, Managua, and Whittier Narrows ground motions - Model M5 & M6. 144 Pier Column No.1 Hysteretic Plot At Collapse Level - Coalinga Pier Column No.1 Hysteretic Plot At Collapse Level - Westmorland 1500 2000 Total Moment - About Y axis (kN.m) Total Moment - About Y axis (kN.m) 2000 Model M5 Model M6 1000 500 0 -500 -1000 -1500 -1 -0.5 0 0.5 Pier Column Drift Ratio - X Direction (%) 0 -500 -1000 -0.5 0 0.5 Pier Column Drift Ratio - X Direction (%) 1 1500 Total Moment - About Y axis (kN.m) Total Moment - About Y axis (kN.m) 500 Pier Column No.1 Hysteretic Plot At Collapse Level - Spitak 1500 Model M5 Model M6 500 0 -500 -1000 -1500 -0.5 Model M5 Model M6 1000 -1500 -1 1 Pier Column No.1 Hysteretic Plot At Collapse Level - Kobe 1000 1500 0 Pier Column Drift Ratio - X Direction (%) 0.5 1000 Model M5 Model M6 500 0 -500 -1000 -1500 -0.4 -0.2 0 0.2 Pier Column Drift Ratio - X Direction (%) 0.4 Figure E.2-4 Shows pier column actual drift ratio across the bridge deck verses total moment obtained from performed IDA using the Coalinga, Westmorland, Kobe, and Spitak ground motions - Model M5 & M6. 145 Appendix F Bridge Drawings F.1 Bridge Type 1 Figure F.1-1 Abutment layout plan - Br. Type 1 146 Figure F.1-2 Abutment plan and side view - Br. Type 1 147 Figure F.1-3 Abutment sectional elevation and RC detail - Br. Type 1 148 Figure F.1-4 Deck-girders general arrangement and deck-girder and abutment connection detail - Br. Type 1 149 F.2 Bridge Type 2 Figure F.2-1 Bridge sectional view and typical abutment and pier pile layouts - Br. Type 2 150 Figure F.2-2 Abutment layout plan, front and side elevation views - Br. Type 2 151 Figure F.2-3 Abutment RC detail and pier pilecap and columns general arrangement - Br. Type 2 152 Figure F.2-4 Pier pilecap and columns RC detail - Br. Type 2 153 F.3 Bridge Type 3 Figure F.3-1 Bridge foundations and side elevation views - Br. Type 3 154 Figure F.3-2 Abutment shear key, layout plan, and front and side elevation views and detail of bridge intermediate diaphragms - Br. Type 3 155 Figure F.3-3 Pier pilecap and columns concrete outline detail - Br. Type 3 156 Figure F.3-4 Pier pilecap and columns RC detail - Br. Type 3 157 Figure F.3-5 Abutment RC detail and end diaphragm detail - Br. Type 3 158 Appendix G Site Classification for Seismic Site Response - NBCC2010 (Table Table G-1 Site classification for seismic site response based on top 30 meter soil average properties - Source: NBCC 2010 (Table Other soils include: a) Liquefiable soils, quick and highly sensitive clays, collapsible weakly cemented soils, and other soils susceptible to failure or collapse under seismic loading. b) Peat and/or highly organic clays greater than 3 m in thickness. c) Highly plastic clays (PI > 75) with thickness greater than 8 m. d) Soft to medium stiff clays with thickness greater than 30 m. 159 Appendix H Deaggregation Charts - Soil Site Class C ( H.1 ) Period 0.284 sec and Amplitude 0.86g Figure H.1-1 Mean Epsilon and Magnitude-Distance Deaggregation spectral responses @ 5% damping for the period 0.284 sec and amplitude 0.86g and soil class C- Source: EZ-FRISK 160 H.2 Period 0.335 sec and Amplitude 0.798g Figure H.2-1 Mean Epsilon and Magnitude-Distance Deaggregation spectral responses @ 5% damping for the period 0.335sec and amplitude 0.8g and soil class C- Source: EZ-FRISK 161 H.3 Period 0.374 sec and Amplitude 0.757g Figure H.3-1 Mean Epsilon and Magnitude-Distance Deaggregation spectral responses @ 5% damping for the period 0.374sec and amplitude 0.757g and soil class C- Source: EZ-FRISK 162
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