Please Note: Attachments are not included with this sample document. All applicable attachments will be required during the accreditation process. ACCME Performance-in-Practice Structured Abstract A tool for preparing and demonstrating compliance through performance-in-practice Instructions: Complete this form for each activity selected for the ACCME’s performance-in-practice review. Complete all sections applicable for the activity, and assemble attachments, marking each attachment with the appropriate number. If submitting material electronically, assemble a single PDF file that includes this form and the required attachments with each attachment bookmarked. Submit the abstract/attachments to the ACCME as instructed. ACCME Provider ID: 0000000 Activity Title: XYZ Annual Scientific Meeting Activity Date (mm/dd/yyyy): 3/15/2014 Provider Name: Activity Type: XYZ Medical Specialty Society Course Providership: Commercial Support Received: Direct Yes 1) Early-practice physicians struggle to apply clinical reasoning to management of challenging cases. 2) We have implemented a new virtual library. (No one knows how to use it!) 3) Our members have difficulty integrating information from new research to State the professional practice gap(s) of your learners on which clinical practice. the activity was based (maximum 100 words). (C2) 4) Physicians do not have adequate time to train on integrating new technology into their practice. 5) As a specialty, we continue to struggle to apply evidence-based medicine to improve clinical practice. need to understand the features of our new virtual library Knowledge need and/or State the educational need(s) that you need for strategies to approach challenging cases as well as strategies to determined to be the cause of the Competence need and/or integrate new knowledge and technology to practice professional practice gap(s) (maximum 50 words each). (C2) Performance need and/or need to integrate evidence-based information into patient care This meeting was designed to provide new strategies for learners across State what this CME activity was designed to change in terms of several specialty-specific clinical areas so that they can access and integrate learners’ competence or performance or patient outcomes new information, treatment protocols, and therapies within their scope of (maximum 50 words). (C3) practice and apply that information to patient care. This multi-format meeting uses lectures, panel Q&A, group demonstrations, Explain why this educational format is appropriate for this poster presentations, technology labs, and small journal groups to teach activity (maximum 25 words). (C5) strategies then reinforce learning via practice. Sa m ple Do cu Indicate the desirable physician attribute(s) (i.e., competencies) this activity addresses. (C6) ACGME/ABMS Competencies Institute of Medicine Competencies Patient Care and Procedural Skills Medical Knowledge Practice-based Learning and Improvement Interpersonal and Communication Skills Professionalism Systems-based Practice Provide patient-centered care Work in interdisciplinary teams Employ evidence-based practice Apply quality improvement Utilize informatics me nt Interprofessional Education Collaborative Competencies Values/Ethics for Interprofessional Practice Roles/Responsibilities Interprofessional Communication Teams and Teamwork Other Competency(ies) (specify): For all INDIVIDUALS IN CONTROL OF CONTENT for the activity … Complete the table below. If you have this information already available electronically, then simply include it as part of Attachment 2. For each individual in control of content, list the name of the individual, the individual’s role (e.g., planner, editor, content reviewer, faculty) in the activity, the name of the ACCME-defined commercial interest with which the individual has a relevant financial relationship (or if the individual has no relevant financial relationships), and the nature of that relationship. (Note: please ensure that when you are collecting this information from individuals, that you are using the most current definitions of what constitutes a relevant financial relationship and ACCME-defined commercial interest.) (C7 SCS 2.1, 2.2, 2.3) Name of individual Individual’s role in activity Name of commercial interest Nature of relationship Example: Jane Smythe, MD Course Director None --- Example: Thomas Jones Faculty Pharma Co. US Research grant Rob Forrest, MD Planning Committee Chair, Presenter None N/A Jill Rhoades, MD Planning Committee, Presenter None N/A ©2014 by the Accreditation Council for Continuing Medical Education; all rights reserved ACCME ® Example 5 Performance in Practice Structured Abstract For non-commercial educational use only Page 1 of 3 650_20140918 Sameer Patel, MD Planning Committee, Presenter None N/A Mike Walters, MD Planning Committee ABC Medical Device, Inc. Speakers' Bureau Anita Mann, DO Planning Committee, Presenter Pharma Co, US Speakers' Bureau Richard Richards, MD Planning Committee None N/A Melissa Mitchell, M.Ed. Planning Committee (Staff) None N/A C.J. Singh Planning Committee (Staff) None N/A Devon VanBuren, DO Poster Reviewer ABC Medical Device, Inc. Stockholder Joan DeSarno Poster Reviewer East Coast Pharma Research Grant Gerardo Juarez, MD Poster Reviewer None N/A Linda Thomas, MD Poster Reviewer None N/A *See attached list Presenters & Authors (If there are additional individuals in control of content for the activity, please attach a separate page using the same column headings.) If the activity was COMMERCIALLY SUPPORTED … Complete the table below. If you have this information already available electronically, then simply include it as part of Attachment 8. List the names of the commercial supporters of this activity and the $ value of any monetary commercial support and/or indicate in-kind support (C8 SCS 3.4-3.6). Sa m Name of commercial supporter Example: XYZ Pharma Company ple Amount of monetary commercial support $5,000 In-kind Example: ABC Medical Device Company XYZ Pharmaceutical West Coast Pharma National Pharma, Inc. XYZ Medical Devices, LLC ABC Diagnostics ☐ ☒ $15,000.00 $15,000.00 Do $10,000.00 $8,000.00 cu me (If there are additional commercial supporters, please attach a separate page using the same column headings.) nt ATTACHMENTS Please Note: Attachments are not included with this sample document. All applicable attachments will be required during the accreditation process. Attachment 1 Attachment 2 Attachment 3 Attachment 4 Attachment 5 Attachment 6 The activity topics/content, e.g., a genda, brochure, program book, or a nnouncement. (ACCME Definition of CME) The form, tool, or mechanism used to identify relevant financial relationships of a l l i ndividuals i n control of content. (C7 SCS 2.1) (NOTE: See instructions on page 1 – i nclude table or a ttachment with relevant fi nancial relationships of a ll i ndividuals i n control of content for this a ctivity.) Evi dence that you i mplemented your mechanism(s) to resolve conflicts of interest for a l l individuals in control of content prior to the start of the activity. (C7 SCS 2.3) The di sclosure information as provi ded to l earners about the relevant financial relationships (or a bsence of relevant fi nancial relationships) that each individual i n a position to control the content of CME di sclosed to the provider. (C7 SCS 6.1-6.2, 6.5) The da ta or information generated from this a ctivity a bout changes a chieved in l earners’ competence or performance or pa ti ent outcomes. (C11) The ACCME a ccredi tation statement for this a ctivity, as provided to learners. (Appropriate Accreditation Statement) If the activity was COMMERCIALLY SUPPORTED … The i ncome and expense s tatement for this activity that details the receipt a nd expenditure of all of the commercial Attachment 7 s upport. (C8 SCS 3.13) Attachment 8 Ea ch executed commercial s upport a greement for the a ctivity. (C8 SCS 3.4-3.6) ©2014 by the Accreditation Council for Continuing Medical Education; all rights reserved ACCME ® Example 5 Performance in Practice Structured Abstract For non-commercial educational use only Page 2 of 3 650_20140918 Attachment 9 The commercial support disclosure information as provided to learners. (C7 SCS 6.3-6.5) Note: If this activity is an enduring material, journal-based CME, or Internet CME, please include the actual CME product (or a URL and access code – if applicable) with your performance-in-practice. Sa m ple Do cu ©2014 by the Accreditation Council for Continuing Medical Education; all rights reserved ACCME ® Example 5 Performance in Practice Structured Abstract For non-commercial educational use only me nt Page 3 of 3 650_20140918
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