Jones,M. H. (1988,August). The effectsof a small examineesample sizeon the precisionof measurementfor testsdevelopedbv four different item-selectionstratesies.Dissertation.Florida State University,Tallahassee, Florida. I I I I I I I I I T t I I I I I I t I Abstract This selection study sought procedure tarhere small procedures utilizing examinee evaluated (c) dornain sarnpling, referenced, the 24o items. Each data serected set item was used to simulated responses Three matrix and or data item crassical, i selection; and (b-values). of a data matrix Looo examinees of responses to data were drawn. of associated sets coefficients create 1"2 sets the correlations; logits program contained selection random item examinees and their 24o items. resurts utilizing From this The item phi utirizing itern situations biseriar utilizing best testing (a) nodified and point criterion A computer the sampres exist. were (b) (d) Rasch nodel, determine to use in mastery p-varues containing to 50 randomly responses were used for to computing statistics for procedures were evaluated arr test each itern selection procedure. rtem test serection information, misclassification percentage with-each correct standard rate, score. error of the and accuracy Test t-1 of the to terrns of estirnate, informatj_on itern was computed according in domain associated a three parameter ,, 'i " I t I I t I I I J I t I T I item response theory The results (IRT) model. show that referenced procedures which, a given for parameter three However, can not way to were effective cut-off ability effectively utilize rndeed, item selection score procedures this than which produced I T a three items random iten reason the random item reconmended for mastery samples exist. rLL of item biased high indices as estimates of 'roptimal, of the item higher accurate selectj.on in which no procedures As a result generally is with selection of the model 50 there identified selection tests by a parameter used statistical and less t I I for alr itens information. score. estimates serecting would be identified produced correct rates the at high of the selection, misclassification estimates the all domain percentage donain and criterion from sample sizes (Rasch model included), biased score, scores be generated information. the classical model as having since a bases for the domain score procedure. procedure smarr was examinee For t I t I t I t I I t t t T I t T I I I, Table of Contents Chapter L. Introduction Introduction Purpose of Study .....1 .......9 Chapter 2 Review of the Literature ..11 Mastery Testing 11 Reliability of Mastery Decisions ....L2 Test Size and Classification Accuracy ....j_5 Item and Test Infonnat,ion Curves . . . .16 using Traditional rtem statistics to Focus Measurement Information .....2o Strengths and Weaknesses of Conventional and IRT Optinral ftem Selection Strategies ...27 Interpretation of Domain Score Estimates ......30 Studies Comparing fRT to Other Test Developrnent, Procedures ......38 Chapter 3 Methodology .....4g Introduction ....48 Definitions of Item Selection Techniques ......50 Estabrishing rtem selection criteria For The Modified Classical Technigue ..5L Data Generating program ...53 Program For Selecting ltem and Subject Samples .....54 Exan lt,em pool .......54 fest Length and Subject Sarnple Size ......55 Test ltem Selection .......87 Dependent Measures ...60 Procedures For Judging The Results .......63 Chapter 4 Results Test Information and Standard Errors Misclassif ication Rates Accuracy of Domain Score E s t i n a t e s Chapter 5 Discussion Overview. l-v of Estimates . .56 ..66 ...74 .......89 I I t I I I I I I I I I I t I I t t t Measurement Precision For smalr sarnple conditions .......94 Measurement Precision For Large Sample Conditions.. ......97 Accuracy of Domain Score Estj-mates and Classificati.on Accuracy ..... ...99 procedures be Used Should Traditional Item Selection to Sinulate IRT ltem Selection procedures .....9g Maximizing The Percentage Correct Domain Score Accuracy ..... ...L02 Chapter 6 Conclusions References and Suggestions for Future Research . . . LO3 LO7 Appendix L Appendix 2 1,t7 I I t .l I I I I t I I I I l I I t t t I Chapter I Introduction The purpose selection of this study methods in terms maximizing test conditions involving of information was to their at compare various effectiveness a cutoff score item in under small examinee sample sizes (i.e., there has been a proliferation of N = 5O). In recent mastery years programs testing in licensure, and personner areas, mastery/nonmastery test the scores have serious examinees. For this classifications is This guestions which cutoff 1958). the to it is is of j-nforrnation. that the the of that standard point is measurement (Novick, techniques error of as low as by selecting can be used to Most of from accurate There are many itern selection literature 1ives critical that accomplished interest derived as possible. cutoff concentrate score on the achieving insure (sEE) around the possible. the reason rn each of these classifications inpact means of crassifications estimate selection. be as accurate The primary professional education, test inforrnation 1969; around Birnbaum, methods discussed focus measurement described are based j_n I I t 2 on a statistical identifying I providing I test index iterns which measurement statistical index development that is are optimal associated t models commonly used today. and/or test I theory, I I I t I development referenced. each of theoretical The objective be easily is sirnplest IRT model, selected which (theta t measurement I I are However, it sufficiently up entirely Therefore, I 1 I as possible an item Item test development a one parameter of the at iterns the enable with one t1pically response the generate the models are the a test have difficurty ability the should values cutoff that score. itern pools cornposition of tests same difficulty selects cutoff to In the To maximize score, of can (IRT) items close score. level to a cutoff theory model, a cutoff ability to items cutoff study. and scoring. values that unrealistic to the present if response with and/or SEE around test large of approaches associated reducing information is response and domain technique have difficulty to item referenced, the major models of level) identical are; four measurement in the used for be cornposed of one of the investigated achieved approach level approaches of each These theoretical development rnodels is purpose the theoretical and/or criterion test in Further, with One itern selection these for information. approaches classical, the user assists iterns that made value. are as crose point. are we1l adapted to the task of I t I 3 item selection classical at the models, item t same scale I decreases so does the estimates (see t e.g. parameter estimates t t I t even though serious I is I I I I I they not always estabrish length on the from for smalr test accurate of an and sample size itern parameter of 19g2). However, samples rnight purposes construction enough for is to a rarge the score deverop a large pool examinees Lord moders for the purpose no recommendations than has shown that 1960) is sample sizes the of about to is the in testing. examinees 1OO. estimating what areas number of one pararneter superior between 1oo to there This and personnel the srightly items, from which incidence ricensure, areas domain of of estimates. row examinee may be less (1983) (Rasch, of poor a rather apprications an adequate itern parameter low incidence presents deveropment typically professionar t,ested per year sampre size many test there accurat,e education, for test adeguate for case in many of noder are reported Hambreton & cook, not unrike The disadvant,ages precision derived of from which rn these that have, purposes. while content as the are obstacle I statistics information The probrem because, l I I are that useful generating because they as examinee abilities. rRT approach provide cutoff 2oo. to when examinee samples are below 100. other examineesr However, rRT model to Rasch use, rRT true score Lord offers if any, The literature is I t t I I I I I t I I I I I t I t I I 4 silent with regard useful for purposes ability to whether estinates of optirnal inclusion includes item in iten that r. is this reason for poo1. it However, used by these optimal' the entirery cutoff, the than correlations the purpose of to valuesrf for That is, if rater would not with high item around items. rndeed, ,crassical itern test were more useful be a information that: a test programs have some usefurness items ,non and that selecting stated values inappropriate more optirnal focusing argue a given from rRT computer for for are most circumstances randomry (discriminations) strategy strong, scales (1993) term itern statistics allow rn general, the descriptor. under sinpry items and crassical between that may be too will low correlation A third p, itern statistics have access discrinination selection. with with optirnar itens mode1, which unfortunately, believed Hambreton and de Gruijter item optimal difficulty, classicar approach for be even though such as iten a connection inappropriate. selection, classical selecting authorsr use of identifying crassical is does not crassical the the rnight be a better developer selection Harnbleton and de Gruijter trinappropriatert then not and items. for is statistics there persons itern use in tests discrimination, statistics Rasch model may stirl rnight be unacceptable. A second model for for the in itern score than it,ems (p.356). optimal item selection wourd be \J''\ I t t I I I I I t I I I I I I I t I I 5 to use one of the criterion (1987) discrinination reference review procedures: (cRT). testing four indices phi the (b) difficurties passing B-index- (i.e., of the phi as a sorution to from differences phi coefficient (d) agreement the functions derived through rtem by which infomation (1969) measurement info:mation (theta) particularly strategies for because they Gruijter indices (1993) for this response (rrFs) resulting is the on a test as information theory formulas as was evaluated. were first proposed as the by an iteur at The iten infor:mation optirnal measures of power at cut-of f scores. consider rrFs superior (1959) agreement provided measuring max- coefficient. used iten offer reason. value of and can be interpreted useful dj.scrirnination This each cRT procedure leveI. of phi range and outcomes authors iteur phirzphi by cureton naxinum phi functions by Birnbaun ability in item the (c) probability on a given study of exaninees test. totals. the rn this between item proposed index by the statistic- outcomes standard the in rnarginal divided between correct) restriction a whole. the difference failing serection performance test proportion and exaninees a nodification between the iten correlation exami.nees I itern and dichotonized with shannon and cliver criterion-referenced (a) phi- outcomes- associated anount a specific functions itern of are selection itern Hanrbreton and de to conventional t I I I t I I I t I I I I I I I I I I 6 The results showed that of the some of study the CRT statistics produced high correlations function (IIF) used in indicate that resurts reasonable alrow the statistics for that index Several studies, crassically was the item item for short reasonabre to do not require present there selection produced rrFs. This optirnal selection strategy item purposes selection. procedures. assume that lirniting are not rerative 20 to most appried test sizes any studies in which to the a studies (i.e., studies testing 2o or of rt 30 items. optirnal test factor that has not been studied, is situations sizes At item were used. Another 50 various were used. comparing realistic an rRT these rnslead, 30 itens amount of to size comparing and through of realistic of resurt the A weakness of the CRT investigated can be gained that length, strategies for do not conventional may be the (1987), selection relatively may be Hambleton and Cook (L979) to use tests i-tems or more) the with choice These indices coefficient based approach. fairure optimal of precision based optirnal theory. of coefficient and Arrasrnith measurement information when circumstances correlation discrirnination Hanbreton phi the phi the item response rRT procedures. median rank suggests the rfFrs (L987) investigated cRT discrimination compared, highest with iten substitutes use of by Shannon and Cliver I I I I I I I I I I I I I I t I I il 7 affects the measurement strategiies, is particularly the decreases it also of of subject is selection conventionar area stability as the Therefore, of optirnal examinee sample size. important known that item accuracy important to selection a because parameter it is estimates decreases. detennine functions in how an rRT relation techniques referenced) is investigation rRT iten itern selection and criterion This sample size strategy itern to (e.g., more classical in situations from studies invorving samples is where a smarr (i.e., rnformation test sizes complete and small the performance Further, the examinee research of developers base regarding optimar resurts itern wirl method to of strategies. be of the advantages from one test assistance to test and deveropnent another. A fourth iten selection t'he domain sarnpling one sirnpry fashion rerative clearly switching realistic needed to the selection who are weighinE disadvantages is gleaned serect iterns from the content model. in This selected behavior make up the to model requires rn this represent domain. (Popham and Husek, r-969; Harnbleton, and coulson, Nitko, l97g; being random approach important used, that a random or stratified domain. are pri-marily that mode1, currentry items crasses of Many researchers swaminathan, 1984) have stated that Algina in domai_n I I I I t I referencing serecting the an optirnal weaken the serecting takes application set of of items int,erpretability this model an inplicit item of for item position I more important accuracy which is gained t position raises accuracy is I I I t I I I t I I I I iten Hanbleton a cut-off sizes derTeroper domain the item measurement serection. itern serection (de Gruijter such a verses random both, random item were used, 100) ltrere large parameter terms the Tests for optimar subject enough to of rates selection. estimates. question selection strategy 100. achieve information iteur selection and smarl relatively stable did address rate, of were used (i.e., not at of various relatively N > Rasch the domain score a random itern an optiural where exaninee information tests sample sizes Because domain sarnpling settings for Although compares to circumstances I9g3; these studies of how the misclassification sEE and test test (rRT) These studies accuracy, used in in B-2o items). through & Harnbleton, 1993; Haladyna & Roid., 1983) question this (i.e., through studies and misclassification constructed than test of how much measurement by optinal & de Gruijter, investigated under By selection. Several tests than by optinal question the accurate is gained domain score. selection that for would theoretically the representation the statistics samples rRT strategy are moders are where examinee sample sizes smaller freguently are less than I I I I I I t I I I I I I I I t I I I 9 100 this research Of the studies comparisons various for using test interpreted the rRT procedures characteristic estimate relative tneasured by the This the thus that taken estimate of the of the to from the (i.e. in observed of terms similar items reviewed the certification, the the rittle an unbiased is score donnain. research study ratter known with other itern of observed focuses those encountered professional in (i.e., teacher licensure, is since regard serection scores to domain scores. low examinee incidence to from accuracy estimates) is domain score obserrred utilized compare with of score, the with Study The present involving a be associated moder, when the a domain score, domain score Purpose produces can be contrasted rn this domain score how rRT procedures procedures method domain being domain score rnodel. studies of This (1984) ability estimate based on a random sample of the method. derived appropriately latent for IRT procedure. version estimate, were tlpicarly should the rates domain score and swaminathan to domain sanpling definition in which the curve rRT dornain score another none of far, proced.ures, by Harnbleton domain score with reviewed selection estimates described needs to be addressed. were made of the misclassification itern the question on settings N's < LOO) content area and personnel € I I I I I I I t I I T I I I t I t t I 1,0 testing. for The test the study 50 itens), are: at underlying 2. of questions ability the (e.g., 24O items. were addressed.: and point biserial selecting items cut-off score the sEE, test of dornain score accuracy such as classical, and the in accuracy classification size used to focus a given with distribution? differences functions, pool item of reasonable be used for a specified of Given a srnall examinee sample size the for test criterion (n = 50), what information estimates development referenced., and strategies domain sampring, Rasch model? 3, How do the compare with statistics, results resurts used to large 4. optimal (a) a test should infonnation use of size What range of p-values correlations are and the (b) an itern pool The following L. size found derived select and accuracy number 2 (above) from tests itens, in whieh hrere derived the item through the examj_nee samples. How does focusing item in selection of affect test inforrnation through the misclassification domain percentage correct score rate estimates? I I I I I I I I I I I I I t I I Chapter Review of This to study increase iten of topics: mastery decisions, the test conventional strengths samples reliability of to This of measurement comparing rRT to a begins using to focus curves, and rRT optinal of domain by a more detailed other test development procedures. Masterv Testing As Berk terms like (1983) points domain-referenced LL out it test, i-s not with information, inforrnation and interpretation was followed a following indices conventional is to use in accurdcy, itern and test I I I focus using classification discrimination strategies, studies of how IRT, study the and classification and weaknesses estimates. This with test there are best exist. testing, referenced selection mastery procedures, dealing information, know more about Additionally, selection statistics measurement review in literature size criterion score need to information itern where small a review iteur the CRT, or d.omain sampling, situation using Literature statistics. know which classical, the fron measurement conventional need to resurts II uncommon to objectives-referenced find I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I L2 test, competency-based test, and criterion-referenced in the to the .literature. meaning of the the purposes rrMastery tesLing testing in which mastery score is of this above which he is donrt is above the mastery nastery us what the tests informative but referenced testst' The general to d5-rectly (Hills, falls into threshord constructed interpretable estimation. to yield call from the create terms of score that test he of this more criterion- 9 7 l r. testingr that are performance specified L97L, p. which rr a test as: measurements, 653). a dozen different of criterion (b) The other can do except we will or Decisions one of three has its and appropriate statistics referenced categories squared-error Each index and disadvantages person a cut-off as successful as fairing. was defined to in of l{asterv loss, regarded 1981, p. testing definition important, rfcriterion-referenced term reliability the as follows: keep them separate There are more than measuring is score. standardsrr (Glaser & Nitko, Reliabilitv is much more difficult encompasses mastery deriberately testing as criterion-referenced. one is regarded revels teII of one score mastery rnay be some guestion study a subtype test, used interchangeably terrn mastery only and below which type test Because there used for not proficiency test, of lossr tests. reriability, or (c) own associated applications. for Each (a) donain seore advantages I I t I I t t I I I I I 1_3 The threshold dichotornous It assumes the are equalry this type Novick, L973). examinees (i.e., pass or fail) The squared score. The sguared mastery or nonmastery deals that with losses I I I I instructional the along .tests of individual along the of the classified there is mastery-nonmastery, however, teacher another on the The dornain score a concern the score estiuration rn approach and assurnes and nonmastery are most useful for rn licensure not of The statistics of mastery-nonmastery typically degree this mastery serious. cutoff continuum. approach, where the continuum. from the the score farse approach a score based on the of measurenent, with situations is reflect loss equally this perspective & percentage scores deviations associated degree nonmastery) (Hanbleton the 1oss approach consistency with all An example of index reflects threshold are not associated with the size. who were correctly error devi-ations the with exists. . squared to of or score and false po the index a test of mastery associated mastery is This taking contrast losses regardless function a based on a cutoff (false serious of t I an objective misclassifications assumes that classification of usually function qualitative nonmastery decisions l loss in is concerned each student and certification with statistic degrees does offer precision. statistics deal with of I I I I I L4 estiraating are d.own into two, specific. t t t I of confidence intenrals The group individual true error of progress to the extent and group ic are can be used to are form obsenred averages calculated the use of smaller sub-sampres produce the rarely is over of the all of computers. of simulated on the item domai.ns are rn this regrard, finite item study as well (i.e., For example, by sinply differs this domain as differences where exarnineesr crassification obserrred score, can be By using domain scores. can be obtained domains domain, responses estimates. total and sarnple domain based on their content From a finite dourain score scores needed, for specifying but one of observred scores. 1982). large available, t1pically some finite & Haladyna, can be calculated misclassification are accuracy that through instances can be broken statistics has been nade in can sinurate population or mastery specif statistics above the researchers scores) score each ind,ividuals statistics (Roid technique that specific specifiable drawn to a domain which statistics specific nentioned estirnates donai.ns off individuar domain scores procedures Hoi*ever, within tested. since naking adequacy around specific individuals the standard iterns any cut The individual score. I of Domain score I I I t of standard. t I I I proportion known independent estirnates t the between the summing the (pass/fail), fron their true I I I I I 15 classification based on their accuracy of the observed scores correct) can be evaluated deviations of obsenred scores then taking I I I I test I I I I I I I I when using length i,s directly errors and, Aqcur acy the matter related that are tolerable of specified upper linit on test the lengths certification, practicar faI1 of most of the tests few tests within items simply acceptable reliabilities o f th e studies Hanbleton & de Gruijter, serection methods for of less than 30 i.tems. shourd utilize with test testing ( e.g., contain situations. ress than 5o Hanbleton & Cook, LgT g is believed that very fewer than 50 items. mastery sizes 200 itens. of generating 1983) investigating rt suggests and occupational the range of 50 to these realms will involve in teacher because of the difficulty test H ow e ve r, a l l within can which set the experience personner selection, licensing, users. situations tirne parameters size. a is very 1arge. mastery testing the reality to test of urisclassification the size of the test Ilowever, most appried of determining to the number of very low probabirities be achieved if of applied as percentage from the domain score, a mastery test classification that the an average. t obviousry (expressed simirarty by surnming the absorute T e st S i ze a n d C l a ssification t donain score. optinral have utilized, that future are more realistic itern tests studi_es in terms I I I I I I I I t t I T I I I I I I I L6 Item and Test Infonnation Curves Birnbaum (1969) defined j.nversely quantity the confidence the notion proportionar interval of infornation to the squared rength around an estimate as a of of an e xa mi n e e ts a b i l i ty. Generally, tests where information is vary from one another focused within regdrd the test varies with the abirity level Because the information varies scale information to the next, it informati.on curves reliability estimates in test the test. currre within rn this a single test measured by the test. from one point has been suggested should in terms of replace that on the test test the use of classical and standard errors of measurement score interpretation. stated mathematically, the test information currre appears as follows: n I(O) = Pg'2 g=L rn this a b i l i ty l e ve l probability w i th expression a b i l i ty PgQg the amount, of information i s e xpr essed as I( O) of a correct re ve l at an and pg is the answer to itern g by an examinee or eg is egual to l- pg; and p' g is t he I I I I I I I I I I I I t I I I I t I L7 slope of the item characteristic The guantity presented represents contributes level. which the to the total The prot at all is ability of the levels infornation that inforrnat,ion at a given information is referred curve. when the and plotted for test called the test curves, information one to detenrtine level measure test measuring ability the items item with of test test off. The test of test the construction information infornration at a given paraneter items of the difficulty level. However, are considered and therefore it nod.ers, curve and the cond.itional the information alrow by sirnply curltre d,epends on the slope curve at a cut-off information curves level scores at each abirity number of items with is one can directly the two and three discriminating, informati.on plot which each abirity ability itern characteristic in the one parameter equally with a given are sum:ned. The itern infornation information of the test i.nformation particular variance for by an itern curves the resulting specifically, the height level. test abirity to as the item curve. the accuracy is estimated. o. item g contributed. information items, and the resulting revel sumrned in the equation information alr curve at ability the height is of the dependent on the varues crose to the cut- curve and the particular provides of mastery must be focused. to be tests is particularly type useful where measurement Many excerlent discussions in I I I I I t I I I T I I I I I I I I I L8 of information curves (Hambleton & can be found S w a r n j . n a t h a n ,1 9 8 5 ; L o r d , I 9 8 O ; L o r d , 1 9 7 7 ; Wright, L977i Birnbaurn, 196g). The procedure for the test focus measurement infornation involves four 1. basic Describe steps fu n cti o n . infornration function. will select fill 3. 4- continue function h i g h e st and three the.tar get functions that areas under the t,arget for test items until approximates iterns. the test the target information be noted that, iterns which are optinal i n i nfonnat,ion) a given cut- off for The rerationships without of using can be the iten three serection will (see Although the vary models the basic item item parameters have been shown by nany researchers parameter rn all test degree. data. for carcurate the serected H a mb l e to n & S waminathan, L986) . procedures test information or estimated and information same. 1977) z identified infonnation e . 9 ., filr selecting function should generally iten function to a satisfactory rt and each item is added to the test, information information ( i - e ., items with curve to function. After the test (Lord, sinple Lor d ( Lg77) cal1s this up the hard to informati.on fairly the shape of the desired i n fo rma ti o n 2- is information for the one, two concepts moders the b-value are the estimates the point I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I L9 on the ability scale where an item is maximally discriminating. However, for moders the addition estinate the two and three of the a-value of the arnount of discrimination at the b-value. one would select items with which have the highest the three of the a-value above zeto. A function function is test si n ce r(0 ) to ability and which is the when the c-value procedures root standard their information (sEE). estimation 0,s, of the is the This information. deviation For exarnple, if of errors one were to give identical of a Ors, and use the standard deviation of would be the SEE. va ri es As t'he inforrnation ar ong the o scaler increases, alternative so will the sEE decreases. concept of sEE in rRT (Hanbleton more viabre nodel, ability item selection to the test of the ability to estimate focused the same. related abirity. at that and the b-value egual to r/square those estimates is moder tend.s to distort to a group of examinees with the test an cut-off The c-value However, the The sEE is the expected estimated b-values parameter would remain basically error which a given for a-varues. added with standard for For exampre, in a two parameter choose items which are optirnal rises provides parameter the s EE. This & swaminathan, 1983) is a to the crassical function: I I I I I t I I I I I I I I I I I I I 20 oe : ox [Pxx (1-pxxt11L/2 This function over the ability the act represents levels. of averaging of true and error coefficient, the standard errors sarnejirna (L977), errors concludes that and assurning the scores is unreasonabre, and the classical averaged ind.epend,ence and that standard, error itrs of measurement are unpalatable. using Tradif;ionar rtem statistics to Focus Measurenent Infonqation Richardson (i.936) showed that if differentiate examinees below a given those above it, without rnaking distinctions examinees in the two groups, should be of a difficulty correctly by half interest. build build alr level rn other items a test difficulty words if of thirty composed of lever. since enough items of precisely developer d e si re d will items such that a test revel. 196L; Henrysson, to in the test they are rnarked level developer percent wants to difficulty helshe items which have a thirty it of between examinees capable witl be unlikely the desired have to use some items d i fi cu l ty item serection the from among the examinees at the ability an exam to discrininate passing one wants to abirity level other of wourd percent to have lever, the test above and below the author s ( e.g., L97L) have arso discussed Davis, the subject focus measurement information. The of I I t I t T 2L basic procedure values to select of interest. interest biserial To date there what specific I I I out that given scale cut focus those with high point t I I I I I I I I items that serecting (e.9., by these sources is to use p- Then, of the items use in order t offered information falling at the area in the area of the best discrimination correlations). have not been any studies ranges of p-values and point investigating bi-serials to maximize the measurement information score. there Hambleton and de Gruijter is not a relationship inappropriate for this reason, as an optirnar However in two other between the underling crassical They statistics itern serection studies, Hambreton and cook (Lg7g) (!gg7) | the authors specified and point correlations discussed particular to select by the authors there is cut-off Arthough was to point. score albeit used a biserial the apparent some relationship the dornain abirity d i re ct items. range of p-values at a particular that test are method. and Hambleton and Arrasmith range of p-values at a (19g3) point of the domain scores and the p-values. conclude that, to intent was not of using focus test rntuition it information would suggest between the p-value not a mathematicarry study a mathematical and re l a ti o n sh i p . rn the next relat,ionship itern statistic, will section of this be shown between another the phi coefficient a conventional and the rRT test I T I I I I I I I I 22 inforrnation similar for correlation, other at the cut-off relationship established with the p-value IRT statistical related test score. information and these conventionar Schnidt point Arthough a can not be biserial statistics are related concepts. (1,977) shows that to the p-value the b parameter in the following yz (1-c) is way: KR-20 b dpq where t I I I I I I I I function d = d-value, the point biserial item-test correlation p = p-value, answering the the proportion of examinees correctly item g=l-p K.R. 20 = Kuder-Richardson y = th e h e i g h t t h at of the ar ea under the N( 0,1,) function z = the z-score the upper portion function 20 reliability of the N( Or L) cur ve at the z scor e cu ts p r p ro p o rtion frequency formula that cuts off pr proportion of the area under the N(0r1) in frequency to I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 23 c = the c-va1ue (itern pseudo chance level) p '= p - c 1 Schmidt biserial shows that the correlation a parameter is in the following related to the p oi nt complex way: dpq a ( KR- 20) ( t - c) 2y2- a2pq These formulas mathematical demonstrate relationship measures of difficulty biserial correration) d i ffi cu l ty e mp i ri ca l rf this biserial (p-value) rerationships ( e.g., and these statistical assumption informatj.on a statistical and discrimination is true it is berieved cor r elational) at a given cut-off that Giv en an between iter n measures can be shown. then the p-value in identifying (point of ( a- value) . could be used in a manner sirnilar and the a-value is between conventional and discr inination re l a ti o n sh i p infonnation there and the rRT corollaries (b -va l u e ) these mathematical that itens score. that and point to the b-value wirl focus I I I I I I I I 24 The theoretical shows that work by Richardson measurement information the use of classical The question that statistics purpose of focusing Because there values information information t qtrestion I I I I I I I I I I the it item the relation that research informat,ion of p-varues function traditional empirical or mathematicar item statistics ways to test regarding this indices, (rrr) as criterion reviewed c orre l a ti o n , w i th the r r F' s coeffj,cient. The authors the the phi that proportional was explained B index, using Lggt) . ( m edian r =.96) posturated. this is conventionar phi over phi of the rank was the phi finding based on approxirnately This approximate relat,ing A study item information the highest coefficient to the rrF. by first has been shown of effectiveness. the one with to unknown, there evaruated, four phi, biserials in which an relationship max, and the agreement statistic, functions and point j.9g6i van der Linden, & S u b ko vi a k, itern discrinination fact the and point at present is L987 by shannon and criver indices into of using p-values is believed for at a cut score. the purpose of maximizing are other in are ways to is warranted. while ( H a rri s there has not, been any research for through to make item selections. of these itern statistics maximize the effectiveness biseriar can be focused rernains is whether maximize the effectiveness (l_93G) clearly rerationship rrF to the B index and the I I t I I I I 25 p h i co e ffi ci e n t. IIF 82 and PiQi where Pi = the proportion fIF approximately rn this context O represents This was acconprished. relations relation. the covariance itern and test scores , uT ) = piT - pipt. and u1 : Cov (ui The of ut = p1eg, so B can be expressed as: t I I I I I I I a proportional by derineating between the binary expressed as, oi variance of examinees who answer item and ei = 1 - p. i correctly t I I I approximately cov ( ui, _ u1' ) l= var (ur) This equation line predicting u1 The nurnerator equation to ability. the slope of the regression from the binary of the information below is defined squared derivative respect represents abiJ-ity measure uT. function in the by Birnbaum (i-968) as the of the item response function with t I 26 I I I I I I I I I IIO,u1J : Pi(o) [L - Pi(o)J since P1(o) is the regression the continuous equation ability of the itern score on measure o, the numerator above is the squared slope regression. Therefore information can be replaced s ub sti tu te d a s a n e s tim ate The rrF of the the squared slope with for in the item ability the 82 and p1 can be of pi( O) . can then be related to phi because phi and B are related: t t t I I I I I IP'i (o) ] 2 82=02 P i Qt then beeause Prer PrQr is constant for test: 82 PiQi 02 all items in a I t 27 I therefore: t I I I I t t I I I I I I I I I the fIF approximately The mathenatically direct relationship between the phi suggest the phi that present tests there through tests test and the items. that error produced through thaL are developed. there and t,est for coefficient have not been compared the crassification of the estirnate well However, at to those specificalry, rrr. confirming the use of the phi in measurement precision any studies strong wourd perform optimal rRT procedures. standard coefficient have not been any studies developed through comparable and empirically coefficient the purpose of serecting 02. accuracy, inforrnation of the use of IRT and phi c oe ffi ci e n ts. Strengths and Weaknesses of Conventional fRT Optinal ltem Selection The concepts their Strateoies of strong and weak are relative use must be accompanied by a reference which a comparison reference technology, point for can be made. the applied 1970fs and perhaps still to as crassical of testing rRT the testing through itern statistics group dependent itern statistics, from theory, dominates the L980rs. the weaknesses of conventional are, rn the case of world and point comparison is the standard sometimes referred which dominated cited and the Briefry, commonry test dependent I I I I t I I T t I I I T I I I I T t 28 ability estimates, and a single measurement error exi.sting statistic in a test representing for (Lord & Novick, Marco, 1977; Harnbleton, Swaminathan, Cook, Eignor G i ffo rd , avoid L 9 7 9 ). T he use of an r RT moder allows these pitfalls by generating and measures of the precision estimation at different rRT is especially contribution for classical testing of any item to test this to the test can be deterrni.ned independentry with items technology, reliability test information classical values test in the test. task because the information of independently point measurement philosophy. of alr rndeed, the of focusing is not alien to the the use of p- index were being long before items. the exact contribution However, the concept and discrirnination function test or the error at a cut off information of ability of the other measurement can not be determined other the us er to levels. usefur of each iten & itern and sample free statistics ability IgGg; used to rRT was popular focus (Richardson, r.e36). The benefits without of using some disadvantages. disadvantages according an rRT approach d,o not come The four to Hambleton and swaminathan ( L 9 8 5 ) a re ; me e ti n g dir nensionality identifying the model that needs for large prograns, securing best samples, using highly most comnonly cited assum ptions, fits the data, conplicated trained technical rneeting the computer staff to I I t I t I I I I I I I 29 interpret the results, The disadvantages optinal item serection statistical procedures criterion referenced dj.sadvantages The following classicar in general do not apply utirized with are conceptually associated with rndeed, to the is the makes conventional approaches four the rRT approach. approaches do not require it and approaches appealing. referenced) pararlel to the the rRT approach that advantages that and criteri.on an rRT approach to in the crassical statistical are four (i.e., offer which disadvantages (a) The conventionar complex statistical analysis to prove the data is unidimensionar. (b) The conventional model that by the purposes test is rather data. chosen is determined than the nature data occurring for indicates then a three conventionar coefficient of numbers. that of the candidate For exampre, from an rRT perspective (c) srnall sample sizes I with approaches. the more conventionar I t to lay associated associated t I results i n d i vi d u a l s. response t t and explaining at least that parameter approaches. The point could be calculated rn contrast, it looo subjects (d) The general response if candidate guessing is model is warranted. do not present computer prograrn LoGrsr for parameters. extensive of the for as serious biserial three a probrem and phi bivariate pairs is reconmended (Lord, 19go) and 30 items be used for carculating public the rRT itern and abitity and test deveropers I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 30 have more farniliarity with conventional procedures computing iten statistics Interpretation of Domain Score Estirnates and total scores. rn L969 Popham and Husek published rrlmplications articre of Criterion they referenced discussed The authors point test referenced out that exanineets rn this between norm approaches to testing. one of the central score variability constructor differences For the norm referenced is very inportant wants to be able to evaluate performance titred Referenced Measurenentrt. In this is the use of score variability. procedure, an article the distinctions and criterion for in relation to all because the an other exarninees. case the amount and the type of discriminations item makes becomes important. s t ati sti ca l i n d i ce s correrations) Therefore, ar e used ( e.g. in order to evaluate point an certain biser iar the d,iscrimnation power each item exhibits. rn the case of criterion are typicarly constructed from a large or instuctional pool referenced by selecting of items that rnaterial. measurement accuary measurement, test a subset represent a dornain of task Each items I irnportance of the test is deterrnined importance of the instuctional represents and not the amount, and the type discriminations discrinination it produces. indices, of items naterial Therefore to increase to the by the or task it of the use of item score variability, nay I I I I I I t I I I I I I I I I I I I 3l_ reduce the interpretabirity would occur if the items not representative This position Hanbleton; is of the test chosen through of the rarger This itern anarysis item group supported by other Swaminathan; Algina scores. (dornain). researchers, & Coulson, were (e.g. LgTg; Berk, r - e 8 0 ). Early in the L98Ors researchers d e Gru i j te r, 1 9 8 3 ; H aladyna & Roid, investigating how rRT procedures item performance on criterion compared several traditional to item response theory purpose of score- As a resurt focusing (Harnbleton & 19g3) began might, be used to evaluate referenced item tests. item discrimination indices inforrnation for indices measurement infornation of their They research at a cut-off findings, these researehers proposed the use of rRT measures of inforrnation to that and more specifically review arises the has typically the related that ill-defined test reveals that criterion terminology. the reasoning items without scores. apparently A this addressed and debated. has been lost surrounded which depend on score of the test has yet to be directly Perhaps the question however, selecting interpretability of the riterature question is how can rRT procedures, rRT procedures be used for destroying item improve measurement accuracy. The question variability, the behind in the confusion referenced rt testing that and is believed, the suggested use of I I iteur information of a rrdomain scoret definition I to make item selections IRT applications t,o criterion specifically, correct I of score rRT arlows on a large when the test items a proportion or infinite domain of items which have been optimal Swamj.nathan, (t-994) state used in tests. one to estimate (d.ornain score) to provide is normally refereneed iterns from a smalr subset selected as it is based on the discrimination. Harnbreton and the following: incruded in the test area are a I representative I I sample of test items of items measuring the ability, characteristic function estimates meaningful into problern arises, the associated transforms however, from the domain test the abirity score domain score estimates. if A a non-representative I sample of test a itenrs measuring items is drawn from a pool an ability sample may be drawn to, I I a r ability scale. derived from such a non-representative in some region The test items does provide Such a exampre, irnprove decision accuracy of interest characteristic a way for sample of test converting ability to domain score estimates. estimates do not depend upon the choice representative serection characteristic wilr on the function estimates the test r for interest. naking domain score estimates a of of test whire score ability of items, the be biased due to the non- of test function items. for However, if the total pool I I I I I I I I I I I I I t t I I t I 35 random or stratified larger pool random selection of i"tems. The score resulting conpretely unambiguous. 90 percent correct representing the desired percentage has mastered.. rt derived The abitity and difficult matter, abirity dimension would probably for items example, increased and or certification interpret,. rf defined anatomy of the be is one the set foot, of then the have some relation to the schema like Howeverr 65 the number of subject then the meaning of the ability dimension becomes more complex because certain areas night score what interpretation in terms of some taxonomic of Gagne or Bloom. areas is domain ability narrowly subject that second score estirnate, to are drawn out of a single of the this aimJnsion which the items define which is etherear level is with just to a d,omain ability "licensure of the knowredge by popham and Husek. to specify from a typical then one d.oes from the domain Ecore offered is difficult a user rnay give items rt where an rRT derived correct the d.omain of items, of the percent would appear to diverge items i_tems were a knowredge domain, estimate of cRT test test. the sample of the larger domain the subject estimate an exarninee earned a score of However, if have an unbiased type rf from a is not one does not know which examinee missed. representative of items systematicarly areas and by chance produce subject more complex than other items with p-values all t I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 36 centered at a particular would be diffieult to ability interpretable performance standards. rnight argue that would tend to violate underlying will second type continue and thus occurs it score could the second type of unidimensionality rRT theories, the use of rRT procedures. procedures this in terms of any specified Many rRT theorists assumptions rf imagine how an ability be directly CRT tests lever. thus However, it contraindicating is likery to be used on cRT test open the way for that rRT of the mis-interpretation of the domain score estirnates. The difference interpretations that importance for this focuses study cut-off point on increasing from consideration must necessarily be derived the effect at a cut-off estirnate score. rn this point that specificarry, measurement accuracy at a where smalr examinee The sm all samples used of the d,omain score estimates from percentage way information focusing correct wilr be greaned measurement information has on the accuracy of a domain score calculated from the percentage As previously because with and abirity the use of rRT estimat,es Therefore, observed scores. study. situations n = 50) . (i .e . correct to a domain score has the purposes of this domain abilities. regarding can be given in testing s a mp l e s e xi st eliminate in the percentage simulated mentioned, this data a rarge correct obserrred can be accomplished subject by iteur poll I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 37 can be created and smaller can be drawn for samples of subjects estimating the known population parameters. The accuracy be evaluated both in terms of classification (pass/fail), and absorute (i.e. especially (1987). have a high rn their accuracy. (i .e . number correct a test to with identify determining what effect on the classification percentage of items wourd (from a May 6, 19gg) using a of the dornain score. score the domain score wourd of the present focusing are interpreted of the be answered correctly. accuracy of study wirl be in measurement aecuracy has domain score estimates as an estimate of the examinees wourd answer correctry they were to given aIl are The author s in terrns of the percentage importance when the estimates that cun/e would not be available in the domain which could once again the reconmend the when rRT procedures conversation domain ability be by shannon and items s r nall sample sizes) . characteristic will itern i.nformation score as the estimate have to be reported analysis of the study rRT perspective) recommend (personal items can from the donain score stud,y the authors coefficient parameter to estimate in right correlation n o t fe a si b l e since deviation gai,ned from this irnportant use of the phi three of the domain score estimate score on the item pool). The information cliver and items items in the item pool. if I I I T I I I I I I I T I t I I I I I 38 Studies Comparingr IRT to Other Test Development procedures studies contrasting IRT item selection referenced for strategy and other rimited. the measurernent accuracy to classical, item selection domain strategies are rn L979 Harnbleton and cook used sirnulated 200 items and 200 subjects selectj.on techniques. score information selection totarry to compare five ability selected levers. were (a) Random- items at random; (b) standard- items with b e tw e e n .30 and .20 wer e ser ected. items within this difficulty- range, only pararreters the thirty test items that provided ability lever provided First the level an iten provided across three ability at o.o. at +r.0 This was repeated until (e) Maximum Information- level. itens averaging by each of the items l.0, method at an that The third and then go to step thirty involved levels of o. o an item was serected Then an item was selected the maximum information i-nformation provided the maximum amount of information of -r.0. item (c) Middle (d) up and down- this step process. step was to select one. that of the the highest at an abirity from the pool; a three items with were choseni maxj.mumamount of inforrnation were selected item The item d i f fi cu l ti e s discriminations data Tests were compared in terms of at five strategies serected invorved of an 0.0, were selected. the in the pool and. r.0. The items I I I I I I T I I I I I I I I I I I I 39 with the highest average across the three ability levers were selected. In the results surprisingly, of this levels nethod provided of the roughly information ability All procedures revel below -L.0. two adjacent ability method. rnethod in addition amount of information amounts of to at the cutoff inforrration at the The up and down method of the random method. at 0.0, However, this methods at abirity at almost method method at revers amount of information other of of the ability surpassed. the standard revels. method at the revers classicar as much at the center surpassed the classical appreciabre item the only method that The rrmaximuminformationrr information A reflection 0.0 was the rniddre difficulty the least surpassed all +1-.0- that the greatest exception .o). at the shape of the The rniddle difficurty provided provided (i.e., approach provided In fact, infornation abirities and at the upper revels of interest. providing for as the maximum infonnation for also this not The standard/classical normal distributional the distribution presented of interest. distribution Interestingly information amount of maximum information center of ability Ievels the randorn method, produced the smallest at the ability pool. study, revels with the method of -i-.0 and rnethod provided the same revel as the up and down of .-L and *l- but was egual and surpassed by the middle difficurty to the rnethod I I I I I I t I I I I I I I I I I I I 40 for the level of O.O. In summdry, the random method, which would most closery correspond poorly fared approach did to the d,omain referenced.approach, at the theta levels surprisingly wel1, studied. The crassical egual to or better the two rRT based approaches at the center and was surpassed The difference information only with approach and 35 for rn light selection this of this night study. 1-. of 0.0 was five a value the rniddre comparing there are a few questions Given the fact that alternative it,ern a to the purposes at the center approach was only been set of in surpassed Assuming that in infor:nation lever information r niddle difficulty) , w hat have been had the test the test lengths remained at 30 what would happen to the differences the parameter ability at 50 or 60 it,ens? rRT based procedures if test approach. ask which are rerevant wourd the difference items, procedure. study b y o n e rR T b a se d a p pr oach ( i.e., 2- of o.o They are: the crassical lengths of 40 for the classical strategies, researcher by the rnid,dre difficulty at the level points revel than and the crassicarly estimates between the based procedures had been based on sample sizes o f l e ss th a n L OO? rn L983 Hambl-eton and de Gruijter study with three prinary objectives. conducted a similar First, to consider T I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 4L the inappropriateness criterion clarify offer of crassical referenced test that statistics itern selection. the rRT itern selection two exanples iten second, to procedure. highlight in Finally, to the ad.vantages of an rRT method. The authors to a classical p-value, out that the authors i te rn s a t th re e .60 and five accurate effective provide that to show with is that is a relationship index (b-pararneter) value). Further, parameter) b i se ri a r). although there is difficurty the author s fail relationship classical items. is a (a- index (point out that between the scale the itern statistics rn fact, (p- index to point and the item difficulty optirnar statistics index there discrirnination is not an exact in selecting what the between rRT difficulty does not show that such that does not The example is regard to classical and the classicar .80, rn the level between the rRT discrimination domain score scale useful cut-off 1.0, the dornain score estimate and classicar it F i n a rl y rerationship each. are not on the same scale. exarnple fails relationship r evels domai.n score estimates. and the p-values there subjects To example using difficulty at the correct in demonstrating index, from domain scores. a sinple differ ent disadvantage the item difficulty scale groups of twenty example the p-value produce the primary approach is that is on a different illustrate, three point can be the results I I I I I I I I I I I t I I I I I I I 42 of a L979 study by Hambleton and cook, previously show this quite c1ear1y. ( 1 9 8 3 ) a rti cl e study. the authors of misclassificat,ions a crassical for approach. selection strategy expected the resurts to be superior optinal probabilities item selection the authors strategy using of the L97g did not generate rnstead randorn itern selection i t e n s) The Harnbleton and de Gruj-jter d o e s not m ention the r esults rn fact with simulated for tests compared a an rRT optimal data. of various differ ent data for only sizes cut- off item As would be showed the one parameter a n d a t se ve ral cited, rRT approach g-20 (i.e., scor es ( i.e., -75, and .80) when itern poors are homogeneous with t'o discrimination. this study important still The conclusion is that misclassifications A similar the same year therefore preset stud.y in that the true The results of the previous A third is which score scaLe. by the same authors in from the data was used and of misclassification This study differed were estimated, realistic. possible The study differed probabilities from when it from an abirity simulated regard regarding study was conducted (i-983). ideal test criteria as derived could be computed. parameters is to produce the shortest meets certain previous an rRT strategy one can derive .65, also in that itern thus rnaking the study more errere generalry congruent with those study. study was conducted in i.983 by Haladyna and I I t I I I I I t I I I T I t I I I I 43 Roid, which was very reviewed. rn this to the other simirar study the authors used, a one parameter model (Rasch Moder) to focus information score for a criterion referenced two studies test at a cut-off on dentar health. once again a random sarnpling moder was used for purposes. cited This in that accuracy study differed an ad,ditional was carculated derived. from the other for the domain score estirnates This measure was the average absorute The domain score ratio for this items created study for was defined as a large The study utilized of the AAD to the sD of the deviations rnodel. The authors relative accuracy felt that through believes could that between a dornain ability percentage correct this type score test from a rear previous area ohe step development test. studies to the from the However, of comparison differences and a domain score. In 1985, Hambleton and Arrasmith, several procedure be judged. because of the conceptual t'hat exist in this this of the domain score estimates the present, author research in order a model to the randorn sanpling Rasch and the random procedures inappropriate deviation from the domain score. the study. compare the one parameter is studies measure of measurement (AAD) of the domain score estimate poor of comparison further strategies using procedures in this area, carried the by comparing based on items taken similar to some of the the researchers defined a I I I I I I t I I I I I I I I I t I I 44 finite domain of a smarrer test the previous (itern pool) items by selecting studies items from the poor. rr content rRT approaches optirnal to deal with may arise rather the cut-off score subject is correct for scores correct increasing evaluate when using the content rndeed, (dornain score estimates) the finite crassification score perspective. the final specifications studies, rRT procedures did to not mention representation, of the domain percentage there between the percent the case in previous at to address the possibility the accuracy score estimate. scores for procedure that the content However, the authors t,o increase the differences which committee. representation information. the reason For this to the constraint study was the first of low content validity which provided. maximum information of the exam must follow This by the based. upon statisticar, consideration. approved by a content which a nehr approach carled approach was created when items are selected items were selected focus included the problem of content than content version rRT based strategies. optiural. rl The content authors As with the random method and the crassical approach were compared to several However, the and then deveroped was no anarysis correct of observed and the domain percent popurat,ion defined. the authors accuracy As was choose to in terms of an rRT domain I t t t I I t I t I t I I I I I I I t 45 The classiqal h a d (a ) p -va l u e s approach involved b e tween .40 and .BO; and ( b) the highes t avai-1ab1e classicar b i se ri a l iten discrimination co rre l a ti o n s ) . in cornpliance with For this The authors ninirnize study stated tests that different sub-areas the large nurnber of different contained this within the nursing residuals. parameter model for better fit. fit well shape of the examinee popuration studies in that optirnal more i.nformation practically when cut-off distribution. of chose to use the did produce scores selected for The distributional was not nentioned. study were sirnilar exams provided three to previous to four times in improvement in crassification accuracy based on domain abirity produced decision the based on analysis than the exams and resulted significant Lz rRT moders the stud.y because it The cut-off of this alr to Despite suggesting The authors study were Gs?, 7az and 75t. The findings across fierd. subtests, short The 249 items distributed o n e ,tw o a n d thr ee) a slightly test. of more than one dirnension, the standardized items were used. was kept the criterion test three twenty the exam length criterion ( i .e ., the exam had to be blueprint. of only with (point index Additionar ly, the test the overlap possibility j,tems that selecting accuracy scores. classical exams comparable to rRT based exams scores were near the center However, they fared less of the werr when cut-off I I I I I t t I I I I I 46 scores were not near the center new finding mentioned of the distribution. by the authors was that when cut-off scores were near the center of the distribution, overlap the rRT exam was high. of the content opposite with was found when cut-off A the The scores were not near the c en te r. The findings do not seem to procedures of the studies indict as being selection. rndeed, the traditional the crassical procedure c on si ste d o f re ra ti vely considering that tests iterns). rt gaps between the crassical procedure procedure if wourd be reduced say 50 items. item selection criteria for I I I I T I more crosely rerated distribution had been used for n o d i fi e d to ( i.e., that and the best rRT of the procedure results for p-values would the which were to the upper end of the ability lhe cut off of 7sz, more would have been obtained.. selection range should to e n co mp ass the values .G5 to have been .95 instead .80. Also missing the were more mod.ifications For exampre, if classifications Perhaps the p-value produced is berieved sizes produce even more favorable approach. itern utilized the crassical t accurate test Further, probably classical optirnal sr na11 num ber s of items and thirty section item selection for results realistic, in this inappropriate favorable between eight reviewed from the studies reviewed. was the of .40 I I 47 I evaluation I rerationship t I t I t I I I t I I I I t I of the phi coefficient items with with and cliver, to perfonn quite of the stud,ies cited all ability domains. by shannon would be expected reviewed. discussed are given t,o domain scores. the estimates consequentry, effects, percent,age correct Given the strong identified which evaluated evaluated information, the purpose of well. that scores, test item information none of the studies duel definitions what information. (L997) the phi coefficient Finally, as to high for has on estimates rndeed, of domain in terms of latent Do evaruations the selection score. estimates the were made of items to increase of the domain I T I I t I I I I I I I I I t I I I I Chapter III Methodology Introduction The purpose of this study was to examine the differences that traditionar approaches to maximizing information at a particurar for exist between the results measurement score pointr competency or mastery examinat,ions. this study exist focused on the differences among these deveropersr are based on small methodological ds should be done specifically, in resurts that approaches when the parameter needed to guide the test items, of rRT and more outline serection sampre sizes. that was forlowed rnay estimates, of test The general for this study is as follows: 1through A siurulated itens exarninee iten information correlations off scoresi rtem inforrnation in this expected pool was estabrished the use of a computer program d.esigned to generate simulated 2- item by subject functions poor. The rerationship functions and p-values was determined to yield were calcurat,ed between the items' and point in order maximum infonnation biserial to select items at the chosen cut- scorei 3. A second sirnulated 48 for itern by subject pool al1 I I I I I I I I I l I I t t I I I I I 49 (identical in size to the first) was established, from which random samples of 50 examineesr responses were drawn for use in calculating biserial item b-values, correlations, 4. and phi Using the test selection chosen by each serection the rrrandom selectionr point coefficients; statistics methods (described p-values, associated below), method. with 50 test items were Note that method were simply the items used for randomly selected; 5. The second simulated arso used to construct selection examinees by 240 items, will The test serve ( i .e . of the by each of the data rnatrix carculation for 50 item test of Looo of the item produced in these ideal point, itern conditions evaluating the developed. under adverse sma l l sa mp l e s ) conditions; 6. Finally, the effectiveness deveLopment technigues s E E rs, me a n te st rate the full for as a reference performance by itern pool was a 50 item test methods utirizing statistics. subject r/as evaluated i n for m ation and average absolute scores, for deviations These methodorogicar sections, misclassification each technigue. steps are further itern serection techniques the complexity of the rnodified the mean (AAD) from the d.omain through beginning test by comparing functions, the t,ests developed the forlowing of the four with to be studied. classical delineated definitions Next, in of the because of approach, a I I I I t I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 50 detailed given. description This will generating for be followed conputer distributj.onal created of the procedures by the program. the length item selection This this forlowed procedures and of the parameters a rat,i-onale will and the size is of the data study itern and abirity Next, of the test samples to be used. the by a description program used for shape of the to be used are be given of the subject by a description and the procedures for generating the random sampres of examinee response patterns. Finally, to evaluate techniques results the dependent measures that the effectiveness are defined and the procedures of Item Selection The itern serection criterion referenced, Each are operationally 1. Modified varues and point score. defined classical the biserial were identified information criterion were examined in classical, and random. as follows: items are selected correlations approach slightly high 2. judging for item response theory, This approach deviates classical that to as modified to maximize measurement, precision with item selection Technicrues techniques study lrere referred values were used are described. Definitions this of the four of cutoff from the traditional specific which identify functions referenced which are expected at a particurar in that apriori using p- at the cut-off - the iterns with ranges of pthe items score. the highest 5L passing or failing failing status for inclusion on the test for Iten response theory highest item information - the items yielding functions to the one parameter These terrns were be given section that Establishing Classical Itern Selection Rasch model were selected. each item at a cut-off to p-values amount of inforrnation item information biseriar values the modified definition further Criteria in the For The Modified values, that ability (high biserial to low) itern information in terms plots two bivariate values biserial by p-values values. varues to be used'in procedure. in correlations. AIl of the The sorted and point the items for are presented were also used in determining classical .5 was calculated p-values associated procedure the and biserial The information were used in serecting classical by point of responses of produced at the cut-off. Appendix 2 contains information of the simulated and point L. rnodified at random. 24O items was created. items were rank ordered plots at the chosen cutoff Technique 1000 examinees to addition the follows. A data pool consisting I I I I examinees were selected Random - items were selected 4. for all or in the test. 3. according I I on the item and passing status in Appendix representing and item These bivariate the range of p-values serecting items for These data were derived the 7 I I I I I I t I I I I I I I I I I I I l,c,l ,l i i)i A t] s3 i'$* I fz second data pool was in how the a, b, and c parameters appeared for given each item. In other a, b, and c values wordsr dD item with pool did not frorn the first necessarily have an id,entical Differences in the two itern poors were also manifested the differences information and for p-values biserials and inforrnation and the correration v a lu e s point i n cre a se d to From this pool of information correlations three for itens and biserial tests were calcurated. correlations represent,ing Data Generating The test through generates output values increased, to and point biserial this and point biserial The ranges of p- determined from the first itern selections selection by for technigue. program items used in this , L973) . This study hrere simulat,ed FORTRANcornputer program examinee response data The user contrors examinee sarnple size, abilities, and the use of a computer proetram, DATAGEN(Harnbreton 6r Rovinelli rnodels - and random samples of 50 subjects pool were then used to make the three p-values .75. 24a iteurs were drawn and the p-varues values for by For the second item poor the correration between iten -.24 between the correlations values information. mate in the second group. from logistic the nurnber of test the distribution and the distribution frorn the program includes, test items, of examinee of itern pararneters. examinee response The | . ,\'l i, I t I I I I I I 54 patterns, item parameters, for ability subject TORTRANcomputer program. items by itern matrix or subjects the responses which automatically items produces selectionrt by Kernit selected. record from a a quantity The user of examinee which rists the also selection be used for items for rnethod. Rose at the Florida generating the the rrrandom The prog,ram was written state university conputing Center. Exam Item Pool DATAGENwas used to generate of the 24o items the three is described parameter discrimination of The program also a sunmary report of 50 test iten the which were selected. program will random selection this to be serected specifying of the output is produced. and subjects This or, with specifying of; to be randonly format 50 pool was accomplished subset of j.tems or subjects specific I I I I I I I a separate Samples of itern responses for proEram the user has the option controls I ltern and Subject from the 1OOOsubject through and item information .5. The random selection subjects item parameters, from -3 to +3 ad.vancing in ranging Program For Selecting t I of on the statistics examinee abilities, levels incrernents larger t descriptive logistic a 24o item pool. by the test (a) , i-tem difficulty Each iteur parameters model: item (b) , itern pseudo- in I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 55 chance level iten (c). statistics values that The average and range of varues of the in the pool were chosen to correspond are characteristic competency deternination. of mastery The range of to examinations for itern parameter values were B, -2.00 to 2.00; A, .L9 to 2.OOi C, .OO to .2O. The ability negatively scores were drawn from a slightly skewed distribution approximately deviation 1.0. was generated it' represents encountered the generar with distributional type parameters produced statistics. biserial for the responses Because itern scores it skewed study because shape that test used for is licensure purposes. From these specifications generated. A slightly the present for most mastery and certification ability a mean of .3 (raw score mean = 139) and standard of approximately dist,ribution with latent for trait looo examinees lrere and total scores was possibJ.e to compute conventional such statistics correlations, would include and phi item score and the pass-fail item and were item p-values, coefficients point between each score on the total test. Test Length And Sub-iect Sarnple Size Ideally, mastery tests, minimum competency testing to produce reriabre the examinees. such as those common to programs, should be long enough scores yet not long enough to fatigue Harnbleton and Arrasmith rra common characteristic of credentialing (Lgg7), state that exams is their I t I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I t I 56 unusual length. Exams with found in practice.rf excessive 200 to 5oo items are regularry point These authors lengths out that are d.efended. by exam deveropers grounds that since cornpetency exams are rarely tested, extra items that are found following from exam scoring lengths that without smaller fear can be elininated. of shortening where the psychornetric not be acceptable. are not clear as to why smaller believed the authors the exam properties These authors is better were referring justifying the need for smaller states test nay affect that pilot- exams would be an improvement. that fatigue on the are needed. so the bad iterns that exam ad.ministrations to tbe point exam scores will such exams. suggest The authors but to of it is fatigue cronbach as (Lg84) | the effort lever (Harnbleton & Arrasrnith, L9g7 i of examinees. Previous studies, Hambleton & de Gruijter, r.983; Harnbleton & cook, atternpted the effectiveness optinar to dernonstrate item selection selection strategies over other using test thirty itens. length would not provide for rntuiti.on most mastery be realistic. testing suggests of rRT based traditionar sizes item between eight, and that tests adequate content of such short representation programs and therefore rndeed from a fatigue LgTg) standpoint would not there is sinply no reason to want to limit a test thirty items. could be completed in an Tests of this size to only twenty or I I I I I I I I I I t I I I T I I t I 57 hour or less Therefore even allowing two rninut,es per iten. gi.ven the need. to reduce tests arrow reasonable cont,ent representation measurement accuracy, the use of appear more congiruent with testing study programs. tests this study sarnple size the sample size involving fifty for of fifty because it is believed. item tests would rnastery has been selected to reasonabry for represent in many competency exams This belief obser:r,rations of the present seven years of applied adequate the purposes of this of fifty encountered that items were used.. low examinee incidence. professional and/or the goars of applied Therefore, consisting A subject to sizes test is based on author through devel0pment experience. Test ftem Select,ion The folrowing in generating selection 1. the derineates fifty the steps that item tests for were forlowed each of the itern strategies. A 24O itern test DATAGENFORTRANprogram. pool was generated using The subject sample size the was L000. 2- From the 24a by Looo itern subject scores a random sampre of 50 subjects random selection of subjects FORTRANcomputer program. response patterns data fiIe. was selected. This program writes step al1 of item The was accomprished through of the subjects For this matrix selected a the to a separate 24o items were maintained I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 58 and only the subjects were randomry sampred. generated in this situation where the test step wilr item bank on a small total response of BrcAL, must pilot developer sample of subjectsr difficurty a one pararneter The procedures all for (c) Modified the point for optirnal selected 50 items at the cutoff ability the range of from the 50 by the (d) criterion p-values findings of and of the first referencedphi each item score and the pass fair all tevel to which $rere used to serect which have the highest coefficients score. pass/fail the nurnber correct rn order items were between score on the totar procedures a number correct status and (b) rRT- items hrere selected items was deterrnined examinee scores for correrat,ions each of the item selection correlations phase of the study. item (a) Random- a randorn sample of classical- biserial biserial selecting are as forlows: the information the to items. items was selected. naximize rnodified FORTRANcomputer program hras point by 24o items pool strategies fifty for of A version items was used to generate p-values, correlati.ons subjects rRT Rasch model, Another the itern parameters. were generated. itern parameters the or adninister data varues. 4- test by Z4O iterns matrix used to generate the phi testing From the 50 subjects acconmodate 24o test Note, an applied itern bank in to establish 3. .5- simulate The data test. were reported to candidate scores corresponding as I t I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 59 to an ability test of characteristic subjects matrix. items correct rrFts curve for through the use of the 24o iterns by j_ooo the total This varue was d.etermined to be L44 or 60 percent. Note that the .5 was deternined the sEE varues which are derived produced by DATAGENare not estimates population values. based upon the selection These known sEE values items selected techniques. estimating Therefore, rn other dDy error in each computation word.s, the only item involved variable that changed of the sEE was the items selected. interject,ed through of the sEE because the the estirnation each item selected should in in item serection There is not any error number of tests but known are computed by each of the the sEErs $ras due to error technique. for by surnming is known, after rt this stable inforrnation is believed produced by each serection produce reasonably point a small technigue estimates of the sEE v a ri a ti o n . B IC A L (Me a d , Wr ight, & Bell, LgTgl, a one par amet er rRT computer program based on the Rasch modeI, L 96 0 , L 9 6 6 ) w a s u se d to car culate used in selecting items for (Rasch, the difficulty the rRT strategy. values The one parameter model has been shown, (Lord I Lgg3) to be superior to more general a r e i n vo rve d . findings d e Gr uijter are correct models when smarl sample sizes ( 1986) points except when guessing out that Lor drs is a probrem. I I I I I t I I I I I I I I I I I t I 50 The nature of the types this is study extensive siurulating giuessing. guessing index) (e.g., of tests negativery d.o not typicalry For this was allowed skewed) exhibit reason c-value (pseudo- to vary between o and .2o. Dependent Measures The primary four focus item selection referenced, c o n d i ti o n s rRT' of this study was to compare how models; nodified classical, and random serection i n vo l vi n g crit,erion perform (N : smalr sam pr e size under 50) . Four dependent measures were gathered. The first dependent measure was the test infonnation functions which were computed from item generated by DATAGEN. The average inforrnation were calculated L000 exaninees fits. based on the total generated in this considered stated, the manner wilr, population comparing the various values be and used as the standards for function methods. (rrFs) and the error concepts based on item response theory used for two of the dependent measures in this is believed that comparisons i.s appropriate rRT offers certain (sEEs), which are measurement mathematics, the use of rRT statistics statistics rnodel purposes, standard of estimate of estimates practicar item selection The itern inforrnation functions parameter information for varues population subject and assuming the three As previously information for the present werl suited for were study. rt rnaking study because to the task of T I I I I I I I I I I I t I I I I I I 6L making comparisons of measurement accuracy. the calculation of an estimate For example, of the standard error at a cut-off, which can be accomprished by an rRT approach was of great assistance the in deterrnining item selections Additionally, that made through by generating the assumptions known to fit, s ta ti sti cs a high (e .g ., selection the effectiveness each serection of method. LOoo examinee responses such of a three rRT particuLar degree of accuracy is are assured for sEE) used to m ake compar isons of item procedures based on only 50 examinees. The second dependent measure was the mean standard error of ability tests composed by each item serection of three estirnate sEErs derived used in order cut-off into off score- errors strategies score. feII ability might revel the 1oo subjects occur only of due for .5. rn other closest to the which encompassed the cut- words, their on either the entire erosest used, had raw scores which arr a range of 19 points 100 subjects that were made by each of the test for subjects minus nine points L44 for The mean dependenL measure was the number of miscrassification generation these three repli.cations The sEgrs were calculated at the hypothetical The third for strategy. from the three to observe d,ifferences to sampring alone. abilities (sEE) generated domain of scores were prus or side of the cut-off 24a items. to the cutoff point of A subgroup of the score were used for t I I I I I I I I t I I I I I I I I I 62 evaluating misclassifications for majority of misclassificat,ions subjects occure within that it wourd be easier fluxuations selection procedures or fail) if population was berieved the relative with the item subgroup were used. each simulated score for was set ability revel correct score corresponding calculated .5. using The fourth deviation at the of 24O iten (pass examinee in the 24o item test deterrnining and each An approximation to a theta correct curi\re for the rnatrix. closest information of the once again to the cut-off were in the particurar of misclassifications purpose of this the use of conventionar from the domain score estimate. the amount of error scores where the najority to maximize test an .5 was a measure of the accuracy the Loo subjects Another score nearest dependent measure was the average absorute This represents used to evaluate of characteristic by :.oOO subject or of the number of the domain score estimaLe for passing percentage integer the test domain percentage varues the in each random sample (N=50) who t,ook a 50 itern score. (b) rt (a) The measure the classification (N:1000) who took the The cut-off total for associated a smaller this exist group. to evaruate was determi.ned for exaninee that in rnisclassifications To accomplish test- this two reasons. occurred. study was to investigate at a cut-off score through itern statistics ways under conditions I I I I I I I I I I t I I I I I I I I 63 i n w h i ch l a rg e su b j ect regard itern selection all the determine sample sizes. procedures each procedure. inforrnation selection i n for mation, In addition per cent to examinee samples) the results investigation performance of this of the itern selectj.on sample conditions. runs for rt the stabitity of the previous the relatj-ve procedure, the use of used earrier were not was used. studies (Harnbreton & cook, L9g3; Harnbleton & l_996; Shannon & Cliver, procedures reveared ];ggT) investigating that the authors not utilize any parametric or nonparai:netric tests statistical significance. However, the reason for using any statistical believed that tests parametric large proced.ures smarl population L979; Hambleton & de Gruijter, item selection (i.e., of the itern statistics, necessary because the total A review iten additional should be noted that each selection of general conditions j.n evaluating $rere herpful performance of conventionar ideal above of m iscr assificatio n the rerative about the performance procedures to evaluate than smalr The same depend,ent measures mentioned and AAD) were used to evaluate Arrasmith, r n this were conpared to because of reasons other sE E , te st nultiple ( N=1000) . the one which should be used when rRT methods are not feasible ( i .e . sampr es exist were not given. stat,istical tests It did of not is of significance I I I I I I I t I I I t 64 were not used because certain tests would have been violated. of inferences procedure of variance would have been guestionabre given that the (e.g., information) were not normal. the nonparametric procedures night population values naking rt for This assessing is probably from one appried therefore estabrished important computation did not establish the practical wise since importance the decision is needed wirl situation that so that item serection that the need for the authors how much measurement precision deal fact to a population. values the results. the were known elininated is also noted that threshord Although have been applicable inferences t I I or analysis the validity of the dependent vari.ables I t from a t-test For exanple, to such distribution test I I assumptions rerating to the next. is benchrnarks or standards be performance of a great vary rt relative of of the various proced,ures can be judged by researchers and developers. The design of of the present information upper and lower values realistically and their study provided for the varues which served as the of measurement precision that could be expected given the exarninee population it,em responses. by the construction The upper value was established of the rrbestrr 50 itern test using information three paramet,er rRT rnodel utilizing values for items derived possible through the totar the 24o x l_ooo I I t I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 65 item by subject itern tests constructed tn addition precision which will precision poo1. The rower value was set by the 50 through to upper and rower values some interirn varues wirr serve as reference of smalr sample test example the mean sEE for test random item selection. of measurement also be established. points for judging ad.rninistrations. the 50 itern modified the For classical can be compared to the upper and, rower values may also but be compared to the sEE produced by the best itern test produced by tfr.e rnodified utilizing the totar population classical procedure of subjects. 50 it t I I t I I I I I I I I T I t I I t I Chapter IV Results Test Information and Standard 1- presents Table each of the three the of Estimates Errors 50 item tests procedure. The data showed that selection procedures, with produced peaked in shape. with regard around the cut-off The range of developed'by variability ability values L2 ability for the phi, procedures rnodified was little values or at The differences and the minimum 1.9, 4.8 and L.3 Rasch rnodel and random respectively. information procedure was basically provide tests at the cut-off shown. levels classical, the three there values generated were L.7, The form of the selection for values between the maximum i-nformation information which was focused showed that in the information varied .5. Level of each procedure any of the other procedure information information of the item which were distributions However, each selecti-on to the amount of all of the random the exception inforrnation by by each item constructed selection procedure, generated values information flat procedures. function relative for the random to the other item However, the random procedure more i,nformation extremes of the abitity than any other distributions. 66 procedure, did at the I I I I I I I I I I I I t 67 Tabte I Information Vatues at iline Abitity Procedure Abitity tevets Setection T e s t# I I I I - 3 . 0 - ? . 5 - 2 . 0 - , t. 5 - 1 . 0 0.0 .5 1.0 1.5 Procedrre Phi Md.cts. Rasch Randon I t Levets For Three 50 ltem Tests DevetoDedbv Fach Salmrim 2.0 3.0 1 .0 .2 .9 3.3 9 . 9 1 8 . 9 29.7 40.6 43.2 27.3 11.6 4.4 1.7 2 .0 .1 .5 ?.3 8 . 2 1 7 . 3 29.7 41.0 41.2 26.3 11.7 4.5 1.7 3 .1 .2 I .'t 3 . 9 1 0 . 5 1 9 . 8 32.0 42.3 41.9 26.8 11.6 3.9 1.3 1 .2 .4 .7 1.6 4 . 2 1 1 . 8 26.2 41.7 46.4 8.'l 11.8 1.3 1.6 2 .1 .2 .4 1.0 3.1 9 . 8 24.7 41.3 16.7 31.7 14.4 5.4 1.9 3 .1 .1 .4 1.4 4.5 12.5 27.5 42.6 47.1 30.5 12.7 4.6 1.7 I .3 .4 .6 1.1 2.0 4.7 11.2 A.1 28.6 19.7 10.4 5.4 2.9 2 .2 .3 .6 1.1 ?.1 5 . 4 14.9 27.1 28.3 't8.0 9.2 4.7 2.6 3 .3 .4 .7 't.l ?.2 5 . 8 16.2 ?7.9 27.1 17.',1 9.0 4.8 2.6 1 1.3 3.3 10.2 4.4 1.9 2 1.5 4 . 2 1 1 . 1 1 5 . 6 1 3 . 3 1 1 . 1 1 1 . 3 1 5 . 0 20.9 18.2 11.4 5.5 2.2 3 .7 2.0 20.2 14.3 2.4 7.4 ',t1.4 1 2 . 3 1 1 . 6 1 1 . 5 1 6 . 3 z',t.9 18.0 6.0 12.4 1 5 . 3 1 4 . 3 1 3 . 0 1 5 . 1 1 8 . 9 Note. ild.Cts. is the abbreviation for rpdified ctassicaI procedure. ;* 2.5 Z* T: tl A-12' '::: L.l { 3* 1 .: 1{ q I L'/ ' ! ''-s t* /l* \ 6.2 I t t I t I I I I l I I I I I I I I I 58 Table 2 provides the three provides replications other reference points. used. These values represent given the present values composed through and the total be achieved for in the bank is the maximum inforrnation the best the use of a three examinee popuration, represent item information bank of Z4O items. for for which may be used as are accrued when every information values values values two and also At the top are the test that test shown in table inforrnation values possible the average inforrnation the highest the 50 item test, parameter rRT model are presented. information a 50 itern test Next, generated values These that could from the present itern bank. Presented the three for tests next are the average inforrnation at various each of the three item parameters tests inforrnation under conditions to calculate levels. for rtem selection was acconplished (traditional from 50 randomly serected displays ability varues by utilizing and rRT) which were d.erived examinees. varues Finalry, for each serection where the total looo subjects item parameters/statistics. this table procedure were used I I I T I I I I I I t T I I I I I I I 69 Tabte 2 Comparisonof AveraEe lnformation Vatues For Three Tests Generated Bv Each Selection proeertrrne UtitizirE Smatt Sdnotes (tl = 501 To Information vatr.resFor a Sinote Test GeneratedBv Each Setection Procedure Utitizim Larse Samptes(N = 1000\ AbiLity tevel,s Setect i on !! -3.0 -2.0 -1.5 .5 0.0 .5 1.0 1.5 2.0 62.7 74.5 89.3 t!6.1 61.4 2.5 3.0 Procedure Total Bank nla 5 . 4 1 5 . 5 38.0 57.7 & . 6 63.3 30.4 13.2 3 Para. 1000 .0 .1 .3 1.1 4 . 0 1 3 . 0 30.2 47.3 51.5 31.5 12.1 Phi 50 .0 .2 .8 3.2 9.5 18.7 30.4 41.3 42.1 26.8 1 1. 6 12.8 4.74 Phi 1000 .0 .1 .7 2.5 7.5 17.4 32.3 16.0 47.8 28.9 11.1 3.5 1.1 Itld.Cts. 50 .1 .2 .5 1.3 3 . 9 1 1 . 3 26.1 41.9 46-7 26.8 13.0 4.8 1.74 lild.Cts. 1000 .0 .1 .5 1.5 4.4 12.3 27.7 42.2 41.9 24.8 10.3 3.8 1.5 Rasch 50 .3 .4 .6 1.1 2.1 5.3 14.1 26.0 28.0 18.3 9.5 5.0 Z.7a Rasch 1000 .3 .4 .7 1.2 2.4 6.1 15.5 25.4 23.1 15.1 8.1 4.2 2.4 nla 1.2 3.2 8 . 2 1 3 . 0 13.6 12.3 1'f.9 15.4 ?0.6 18.8 11.9 Random 3.9 5.35 6.54 Note. l{d. Cts. is the abbreviation for rpdified ctassicat, 3 para is the abbreviation for the three parameter nodet. "N.rrb".s in the ror represent the average information values for three tests. 1.3 I t t 70 Review of the information 2 shows that a total varues at the top of table information t accrued at the cut-off rn contrast the three I I I I I I I I l I I information varue at the cut-off fifty was able to capture tot,al information p e rce n t (i .e . selection of 47.3 when the best Thus, the three approximatery 63.4 percent utilizing 5 o /2 4o) of the item s. model with parameter model of the onry about 2t r n tur n, com par ison the traditional item procedures indicates produced information values at the cut,-off were a maximum of 6 information points from the maximum procedures information This that includes traditional the 50 were used. that information a 3 parameter words, or modified and capture p e r ce n t (i .e . rnodel. that test. composed through classicar that of the information g7 Further, be captured with only 5 needed to pr oduc e The one parameter points the one parameter 53.6 percent one item selection 2L.g information Therefore approximately iten the data indicates could estirnates. (Rasch) was a maximum of captured tests 5 0 /L 0 00) of the subjects parameter a fifty nrod.el would produce. of the infonnation 3 parameter for over 97 percent percent I the traditional in which examinee samples of onry rn other could use the phi procedures that could be achieved. for procedures t I model produced an at the cut-off, of t'he 3 parameter of 74.5 was .5 when a1r 24o items were used.. parameter items were used. the three t of value of the total moder berow the model only I t I I I I I I I I I I I t I I I I I 7L information possible comparisons representing obtained off. large differences at, the various for values between proced.ures examinee sampre conditions, The difference cut-off a 50 itern test. of information large relatively for in information ability 1evels, show some values including between the information the phi and the rnodified values classical l-5.8. The differences procedure between the modified in the information the Rasch model (IRT) procedure, (traditional) as the difference utodified crassical for phi procedures as large also was four between the phi procedures. comparison similar to five of the sample conditions small absolute 5 . 3, .3 a n d -6 fo r rnoder procedures other and the differences were procedures values for srnarr absolute rn general, the tests showed at the cut-off s/ere arso found at ability ability. and varues. r nodified classical, respectively. functions between rarge in the information the phi, values varues the same procedure for inforrnation than the cut-off informatj.on information differences in test in information times sarnple conditions. small differences between and modified found between Rasch model and the other the small 2O.7 and the Rasch model proced,ure was Thus, the differences crassical at the procedures crassicar a n d th e p h i a n d R a sch r nodel pr ocedur es wer e 4.L, respectively. the cut- The were and Ras c h differences levers the test composed through the I I I I I I I I I I I I t I I I I I I 72 use of smarl sample sizes generated by the procedure. rt large should were very crose to the functions sampre size be noted that model computer program using produced run. small an average inforrnation was .6 points rt above the value appears that fluctuations tests this the runs of the Rasch samples actually value at the cut-off produced by the is a resurt in the results d.erived small fact that Table 23-L whereas the other large of simple sampre chance This belief i. shows that sarnple runs produced which from the Rasch moder runs on the smalr examinee samples. on the any given for is based one of the Rasch rnodel an information value of onry two Rasch model runs produced values of 27.L and 22.9. The distribution procedure of information disprays lower of the dist,ribution abillties lower test rerative near the cut-off. infor:nation values inforrnation to the distribution for Note that the total bank. direction the values of inforrnation information from that than the totar distributional at difficulty point. test shape to that values values for of j_.0 and Random of 50 items should produce information which are smaller sirnilar values 24o items in the bank peak at a value decrease in either serection at the extremes This phenomenon can crearry be seen by examining the total the random is expected due to the items with at the ends of the continuum. for inforrnation This for values but which of the total values show a bank. I I I I I I I I I I 73 rndeed, values that for is the exactly 3 randomly generated The peak of the distribution L.0 and decreases ability with information errors of .s, created a reflection of end of the of by the of the underrying of the estimates which were produced by tests item serection procedures, (sEE), at the representing are displayed 3. Table 3 t I I Six I I I I I either level of item information. The standard various are averaged. Thus, the distribution random procedure was simply cut-off, information is at the ability. around the cut-off distribution tests movement toward distribution. Standard t what occurs when the at the Errors of Cut-off Different for Item the Estimates Tests Composed by Selection procedures Selection Procedure Total fsEE'l Bank .L16 3 Parameter .L4S Phi . L55 Md.Cls. . L54 Rasch .L96 Random .254 the in Tabre I I I I I I t I I I t I I I I I I t I 74 These values deviation represent of ability same abirity the expected scores if and were given Analysis traditional item selection increase in the sEErs relative increase of this i.ncrease parameter model. M i scl a ssi f i ca ti o n since procedures shows that to the three in the sEE relative to the three Rates represented raw scores to percentage ability scores could not be calculated. ability measurement availabre transformation samples is other on a per centage of item s cor r ect) transformed smarl parameter produced a 37 percent Because of the smarl sample sizes deal with the prod.uced a 7 percent domain scores are typically study scores- information The proced,ure produced a 43 s ca l e o f 0 to i .o o (i.e. present produced by each the BrcAL procedure in the sEE. percent Looo examinees had the a test procedure. model. utirizing alr standard. to test th e correct involved rn fact, developers the onry who must some form of raw score than nonlinear rRT transformations ( e .g p e rce n ta g e co rr ect) . Table 4 presents of the three conditions that tests and for the miscrassification developed under small each itern selection the miscrassification serection procedure errors h/ere derived rates from the each examinee sample procedure. listed for for Note each item Loo examinees I t I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 75 closest to the cutoff m o st d i ffi cu l t ratio score. That is, to classify. Because of this of miscrassifications a p p e a rs to b e ve ry high The reader should examinees will to correct ( e.9. to cor r ect fact in some cases ) . the ratio of classifications be much srnaller the classi.fications 50 per cent keep in rnind that m i scra ssi fi ca ti o n s the l-oo subjects than the ratio for all for the 1oo0 subgroup used. Frorn the data table not a great deal 4 it can be seen that of variability among the total misclassification difference rates rates the phi, procedures modified table item serection it The and smallest each procedure was 5, 7, 3 and classical, Rasch model and random misclassifications all That is, selection the optimar showed a sirnilar vir tually were of the farse was found for misclassifications can also be seen that strategies m iscl a ssi fi ca ti o n s. random iten for was respectively. From this opposite a given procedure. bettreen the largest misclassification 7 for for there all fail the misclassification procedure. That is, were of the false pattern of of the type. The errors of the most of the pass type. I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I t I I 76 Table 4 Misclassification Rates For Each of Three Tests Develorred M isclassifications Procedure Test # Phi Md.Cls. Rasch Random Note. simulated pass False 38 37 L 2 37 36 L 3 33 30 3 L 43 43 0 2 50 50 0 3 48 48 0 l_ 50 50 0 2 47 46 L 3 46 46 L 1 37 2 35 2 39 6 33 3 32 6 26 procedure from a sample size subjects score. is based, on itern parameters of 50 examinees. being classified scores at or within cut-off Fa1se Fail 1 Each selection calculated true TotaI plus by each test or minus g points The 1oo all have of the I I I I I I I I I I I I t I I I I I I 77 A summary of the data in table 4 showing the compiration of the average misclassification three composed by each optirnal tests procedure under small table Additionally, 5. misclassification optinal rates itern select,ion conditions. this rates for each test through for rate procedure, three difference in totar was L0. represents errors that and L0 percent model procedure the phi The between the The each misclassification procedure than the modified fewer rniscrassifications for classicar and the Rasch model procedure L examinee who was misclassified. misclassifications score. total procedure was three. shourd be noted that can be stated off classicar the item by the modified rnisclassification between the phi rt tests sample conditions had the smallest folrowed for parameter model, and BICAL. and the modified difference the three rates used under large procedure misclassification phi the parameter model and the three rate sample random itern selection. procedures shows the phi developed by each provides Review of the misclassification selection is presented. in under large table the average misclassification developed the t,able the procedure Finally, misclassification for for item serection sampre conditions this rate the Loo subjects Therefore had 3 percent classical fewer procedure than the Rasch closest to the cut- it I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 78 Table 5 comparison of Average Miscrassification Rates For Three smal1 sarnple Tests Generated By Each serection To Bates For Sinqle Larcre Sample Tests Mi.sclassif Procedure n procedure TotaI False ications FaiI Fa1se Pass 3 Param. L000 42 4L l_ Phi L000 36 35 t- Phi 50 36 34.3 L.6 Md.CIs. l_000 39 38 L Md.C1s. 50 47 47 0 Rasch L000 49 47 2 Rasch 50 47 .6 47.3 .3 Random n/a 36 4.6 3L.3 Note. 3 Pararn. is the abbreviation Note. The rnisclassifications drawn from the tot,al population for hrere based on Loo examinees of looo subjects. examinees drawn had domain (percentage) the domai-n cut-off su b j e cts cl a ssi fi e d 3 parameter model. score of 60 percent. The j_oo scores crose to of the l-00 5L passed. and 49 failed.. I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I T I I 79 The dat,a in this procedures selection misclassification with rates random procedure. approxirnately table shows that also the lowest total phi procedure are.the These two procedures the same total misclassifications. the item and the produced number (n = 36) of The procedure that was second in terms of the fewest number of misclassifications modified classical s u b j e cts. classical procedure using T h e th re e par am eter the total i-OOO ( n = 1OOO) , r nodified (n: 50), Rasch model (n = 50), Rasch model (n = L000), lrere tbird, fourth, fifth From the data in table 5 it rate the phi procedure misclassification unaffected was the by small for and sixth appears as though the sample sizes. That is, ( n = 36) for m i scl a ssi fi ca ti o n rate was the same rate (n = 36) as that same can not be said for sample condition is relat,ively the average the sm all sar nple si z e for the rnodified which produced a 25 percent respectively. difference the large. classical The procedure between the large and the average of the small sample c on d i ti o n s. In sumrnary, the data in tables there is generally rates for optimal littre for small variabirity item selection smal1 examinee sampres. 4 and 5 shows that Further, procedures rates for large involving rniscrassification exarninee sample procedures rnisclassification in misclassification rates are comparabLe to the exami-nee sampres. From I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 80 the data optinal in these itern selection prinariry false procedures fails total while for that passes. false this items ratter rn order finding selected to the by each item Finally, the reader the magnitude of the miscrassification 1000 subjects Table procedure is much ress than that, for used for 6 presents compiling the table the averagle p-value bank and the average p-value produced by each of the large tended to produce produced by each itern serection of l-00 subjects the the random itern select,ion for the be seen that procedure was calculated. cautioned errors procedures the reasons average p-values selection it, can also produced prirnariry investigate is tables for for the the subset varues. for the item each of the tests item serection procedures using examinee sarnples. Note that procedures shown represent whole popuration Therefore, the study the p-values the values strategies varues relative calculating are stabre were replicated that the optirnar the values is used for of the data reveals selection for using item selection obtained when the item parameters. and wourd not change if the same data. in general the optimar tended to select to the average p-value items with for rnspection item lower p- the item bank. t 8L I I I I I I I Table Averaqe P Values Selected For Items by Each Procedure Average P value Procedure Total t I I I I I I I I I I 6 Bank .57I 3 Parameter .472 Phi .494 Md.Cls. .49L Rasch .481_ Randorn .60La Randorn L .505 Random 2 .587 Random 3 .5r.L Note. p-value a represents for generated the mean the three through tests random item se l ection. rt is believed procedure present variance that the reason the modified tended to select i-tems with row p-varues data set is based in the relat,ionship has with the point biserial classical that correlation. for item the I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I B2 Specifically, the upper lirnit correration for The point biserial an itern is for incidence correrations for item. Therefore, there high point biserial p-varues crose to will .5 than any j-tem p-va1ues. other This does not mean that automaticatry regard a higher point which the dichotomous variable s y ste ma ti ca l l y rf item with a p-value examinee test of of .5 value rn this coefficient, a given p-va1ue is affected va ry. biserial or lower p-value. the vaLue of the correlation item with a p-value an itern with have a rarger than an item with with .5. of items with items with of the can reach a maximum only an item is be a greater biserial set by the p-value correlation when the p-varue will of the point for an by the degree to and the continuous the scor e ( i.e. variable r or o) of the .5 does not systematicarly scores then a row correlation vary wilr be produced. For the modified the highest point classicar biserial correrations between the range of .3 to in the tests. it highest biserial p-values procedure .5o. since is known that This resulted and p-varues wilt the items with with the classical iterns around the p-value in a test .49 which was considerably incrusion tend to be items with around .5 the modified tended to select the items with .7, were chosen for correlations centered procedure of an average p-value lower than the mean p-value of for t 83 I I I I I I I t the itern bank which was .57g. bias torarard falsely It failing out that test inforrnation. into this range of p-values inclusion with fail to the resurt (1 9 G1) pr ovides why iterns with t examinees capable of passing I I I I I inforrnation of p-varues p-values at low abirities tend to have higher Lindquist difficulty states tif iterns than to about the correrations in one to understand tend to have higher and items with low p-values at high abilities. we want to discriminate between an item at the 3o percent 1eve1 and those not capable of doing so, w€ are 1-00 examinees this or 2 ' L00 discriminations useful falring rather a discussion have to emproy an item of 30 percent there relationship case. which helps inforrnation that .3 to would have been a test and biserial to mastery tests high than selecting pass candidates falsery I I I I apprication ( i.e., case items between been used for them as in the present L i n d g u i st relationship rn this cut-off Had the subset of items in a test, a tendency falsely other would have produced the highest with for a different, then a range of p-values .7 would have been designated. .99 if exam ple, gO/24O item s s co re h a d b e e n u se d, for .55 to was a systematic candidates. should be pointed 33.3? correct,) The resurt discriminations., to rRT applications. itern wirl difficulty lever. make only 3o x 70, in the sampre, but they wirr This concept is very rf be familiar For example, in the one parameter I I I t I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 84 model one selects corresponding order items at the difficulty to the ability to make useful at the cut-off p-values nature lower c oe ffi ci e n t. computation is a particular case of the product Like the point correlation coefficient the phi coefficient -L to +1. These lirnits variabres is, (e.9. the percentage passing of subjects of subjects Ferguson (L983) st,ates that asymmetriear, that is, (i .e. the two an item is the test is passing passing That .7 and .7. when these variabres does not equal the proportion t h e sca l e l i n i ts when the are the same. passing the proportion moment has a range of and failing passing biser i al biserial can only be obtained the item and the test) the percentage score) the point like coefficient. of subjects items of the correlation correlation proportions in is based in the (itern score and, test T h e p hi coefficient, correlation, tended to select than than the average of the two variables which are used for of interest discrirninations. The reason the phi coefficient with level are the item the test then one of - i,, + 1) r nay be r eached but not b o th . rn general test will affect given p-value. proportion off the proportion the lever since passing score will of candi.dates passing of correlation the cut-off the test cause the phi it for an item of a score affects can be said that coefficient the the the cut- of a given item I I I I I I I I I t I I I I I I I I I 85 to vary. that For example, if the proportion the phi coefficient generally also phi passing for coefficients, p ro ce d u re , used then there of such .6 then .6 wirl data set was such that for with a cut-off of the L44 iterns, items which had p-values As was the case with had a cut- off the modified of Bo/24o items bee n would have been a tendency an average p-varue higher frorn .3 to items at the rever below the mean p-value. with increases of the present tended to be associated c l assi ca l score is varied increase. The nature highest the cut-off to select items which would have been systematicarly than the average p-value. Like utilize the optinal itern serection product-moment correlations also selected items with this occurred i.s complex but that item variability positive greater way. The greater item can be maximized. increases, increases. due to the test infornation the itern variability the discriminations fact in a the made by an when the discrimination of an item the srope of the itern characteristic curve also As the slope of the curve increases the information for the curve inflexion The items with c l a ssi ca r The reason why is primarily affects which the rRT procedures low p-values. also the chance that procedures the range of theta point (i.e. the greatest, levers so does located near b-value). discrirnination se n se w e re those near a p- value of in a .5. Given I I t I I I 1 85 t h e ra th e r between item information discrimination values items with values parameter items that is not surprising information .47. produced an average p-vaIue o f fa l se I c o rre ct, the other t would have been higher for items selected t above the mean of the itern poor. T t Inspection than the average p- relative percentage to their itern selection of - L.0, would have been a test then the rRT procedures that in the produced p a ss m isclassifications. of the data in table produced tests with 6 shows that procedures correct Therefore observed scores domain scores. in the average p-varues produced by the random proced,ure typically higher large through to the opt,imar itern selection random procedure Given that than the average p-value T T I I .4g. optimal of r evel bank. fa l se selected. score been set at go items w h i ch i s an ability The result of fails. had the cut-off averagie p-values at p- both Rasch model and the three As is the case with procedures the by the three of were much lower find occurred model produced a correspondingly p r o p o rti o n contrast to The Rasch moder procedure in the bank, p r ima ri l y also The items selected average p-varues parameter I and classical model produced an average p-value approximately these it ( .25) r elationship values the highest of around .5. values I stro n g cor r elational the tests generated for examinees I I t I I I I l, I t I t I t I I I I I 87 To gain values it for insight the process by which mean p- into are produced by the random item selection is helpfur to examine various the population sampling distribution from the finite standard distribution which the and the theoretical of 24a items. of the population The mean and of p-varues from samples of 50 items were drawn was calcurated be .578 and .25o respectively. distribution From the central frorn .Lo3 to rimit theorem it asymptotically. population is known that sarnpring distribution approach a normal distribution of the sampling .g7o) and the uniform. shape of the theoretical increases to The range of the p-varue was .967 (i.e., shape was approximately wirl as the number of sampres It distribution the is also known that will the mean approach the mean of the as the number of samples increases asynptotically. sanpring statistics of means which would be prod.uced population deviation d,escriptive proced.ure The standard. deviation distribution carcurated of means for to be .03L5. distribution of the theoretical the present data was The range of the sarnpring was found to be .677 (i.e., from .236 to .eL3). Given this that information it, can be seen from table the means of the three approximately deviations .3 standard samples ranged from deviations to i- standard above the mean of the theoretical sampring 6 I I I I distribution. t s a mp l e o f me a n s w a s .GOL and not I I t I 88 Given that combinations of be very large - 2 3 6 to the number of possible 24o itern p-vaIues, (i.e., .9 L 3 , i t z4al/sol taken 50 at a time, x i,9o!) and could vary from i s not sur pr ising the mean of a s m al l that .579. Accuracv of Domain Score Estimates For an additional accuracy perspective of the percentage correct produced by each item selection absorute deviation on the measurement domain score estimates procedure, the average (AAD) of the domain score estirnates from the dornain score was calcurated for The L00 subjects to the cut-off with scores closest each procedure. I were used for group of subjects which were used to calcurate I rnisclassification rates I I I I I I I I would calcuration of the AAD. This was the same the for each item serection The same groups of subjeets were used to allow evaluation of the relative in the scores, misclassifications presents deviations s c o re s. amounts of error which in turn, resulted found in tabres the means and standard between domain scores score procedure. for that occurred in the 4 and 5. deviations Table I of the absolute and estirnated domain I I I I I I I 89 Table Means and Standard Deviations (True I t t I I Scores) Phi Md.C1s. I t t Rasch Random Note. and Estinated Test # of Absolute S. D. 1 8.8 4.8 2 8.8 5.0 3 6.0 4.O L LL.7 5.7 2 L5.5 5.5 3 t2.6 5.6 l_ l_5.9 5.5 2 l _ 3 .1 6.2 3 L2.L 5.2 L 5.1_ 3.6 2 3.8 2.7 3 4.3 3.8 on a percentage L0O points. Domain Scores Mean The means and standard represented to Deviations Between Dornain Scores Procedure t I I I 8 deviat,ions score scale are of O I I I t I I I I I I t I t I I I I I I 90 Review of the table procedure produced the lowest deviations. accuracy rn general, 3 .8 , va l u e s o b tained and random procedures procedures was little deviation varues lower selection procedures. average absolute the 50 iterns selected of That is, examinee samples. not produce higher of than the rnean correct than the domain scores. data shown in tabre 9 along with item serection did in percentage higher A summary of the accuracy comparison with the itern the averagie p-values were slightly scores which were generalry in table rndeed, zero was due to the nature itern bank which resurted presented rower than the produced mean and standard the randorn procedure of the sampres drawn. 3.g, The random and phi than any of the other deviations and Rasch model procedure. crassical consistently in the each pr ocedur e wer e 2.g, ur odified classicar , random procedure that variation any of the produced values Rasch model or modified The fact for respectively. consistentry the random between the rargest for th e phi, that in terms of absolute errors there The differences a n d L .8 fo r of the reveals between the replications procedures. s ma rl e st varues other pertinent proced,ures using g is data for large I T I I I I 9L Tab1e 9 Means and Standard Deviations t I 3 Para. Phi I I I t I t I S. D. L000 L2.4 5.L 1_000 8.5 4.7 50 7.8 4.64 Md.Cls. 1000 9.4 4.7 Md.CIs. 50 L3.2 5.64 LO.7 5.3 L3.7 5. 6a 4.4 3.34 l_000 Rasch 50 Random Note. n/a Means and standard represented averag:es of 8. deviations on a percentage a Means and standard table Scores) Mean Rasch I I (True Domain Scores For Various Phi t Absolute Item procedures Procedure I of Between Domain Scores and Estimated Selection Deviations the three score deviations values are scale. represent displayed in the t I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 92 From this selection absolute table procedure deviations dornain scores deviations. the phi procedure procedure estimates. can be seen that crearly the item produced the lowest mean of estimated. dornain scores in addition This the optimaL it includes to the smalrest the three utilizing the total item selection procedures produced the most accurate frorn the standard parameter moder and j-ooo subjects. presented of the phi domain score. I I I I I I I I I I I I procedures t discrimination I I I t I t Chapter V Discussion Overview The riterature for on optirnal mastery testing silent with regard. to which are most effective with smalr examinee sampres. However, there selection studies have been numerous studies in which rarge re vi e w e d (e.g. Haladyna & Roidr procedures ( e.9 . is citing score. into question item serection by recent (e.g. at according to the calculations identifying selection (shannon and cliver; referenced the phi coefficient) items which have high derived are very information from Locrsr (i.e. IRT program). The purpose of the present in the literature as the cut- advantage has been calred criterion effective parameter on the same scare findings L987) which show certain three procedures the advantage of having a m ea s ur e of this indices 19g3, reconmend the use of rRT which is The value item of the Har nbleton & de Gr uijter ; over traditionar cl a ssi ca l ), in optinal sarnples were ut,ilized. L983) all of i.tern infonnation off procedures item selection regarding procedures the efficacy where small 93 study was to firl a void of optinar samples exist. item Further, a I I I I I I I I I I I I t I I I I I I 94 this study investigated the effect optirnal itern selection correct score produced. rn brief traditionar nodified of this item serection procedure and are effective precision. However, the findings large it,em selection score estirnates procedure sections produce unbiased wirl will interpret the the use of a phi measurement also show that procedure bias and that certain specificalry at focusing examinee sarnple size will correct study show that procedures, coefficient of any optimal forms of have on the d.omain percentage the results classical which alr with a small or the domain percentage only the random item est,imates. and evaruate the use The next three the irnplications of these major findings. M e a su re me n t P re q i si o n Of the four evaruated item selection under conditions samples, the rnodified produced the highest lowest standard point. For Sm all Sam nle Conditions Relative errors i.nvolving classical levels strategies, srnarl examinee and the phi proced.ures of test information of the estimates to these two which were at the cut-off procedures the Rasch model and randorn procedures demonstrated. considerably measurement precision at the cut-off. procedure produced consistently precision across the errtire rneasured. and the less The Rasch model lower measurement spectrum of abilities However, the random procedure produced higher I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I ,95 measurement precision one point and cliver item the phi functions support capable of producing These results findings score. a hypothesis high test information do not support are ineffective is true for items that that crassical provide high The phi referenced still test with effectively informati.on coefficient, classical test iter n information estim ate in have the ( i.e., p- on the domain score the point biserial can, under modified identify items that at a cut-off will . which is considered item discrinination of item difficulty (i-9g3) and statistics is not defined these two statistics circumstances, at a cut-off t,ests. sca1e, when used together correlation are the general at focusing d i sa d va n ta g e o f u si ng a difficulty value) study procedures classicar statistics it the of the present a n d H a mbleton ( t- 993) , that while Further, of Hambreton and deGruijter referenced are comparable as measures of d e Gru i j te r criterion of shannon the phi coefficients and the rnodified conclusions the power at a passing clearly score. supports (L997) that discrirnination that study inforrnation results beyond approxirnately above and below the cut-off. The present to at abilities a criterion index overcomes the probrern and person ability incompatibility. The phi coefficient by correlating examineesr pass or fail scale avoids status this problem on each I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I t I 96 item with their the test. This rerative is not true no direct is affected When the cut-off data rnatrix, the crassical relationship s co re sca l e . identify information iterns with scotre through high the calculation is berieved procedure attributed to that identify in that an the user can at a unigue cut-off the failure to two factors. which have offer s of a single items with a score or the domain T h u s, the phi coefficient statistics for also vary. statistics advantage over classical rt wirr to the cut-off on by the cut-off score is varied, the phi coefficient for point to the cut-off The phi coefficient score value. given status item statistic. of the Rasch moder high informati.on can be (a) The data did not fit the assumptions of the one parameter rnodel, such as, uniform discriurination information parameter of items and no guessing. of the items was calculated examinee sample size appear to cause serious the itern pararneters Iarge for with by the fact information regard varues This when the itern number) for sample conditions items serected that (n = 50) used did not to estimating because there sample conditions. item identification large errors (b-values) between the and small supported based on the three rnoder and not on the one pararneter model. The small difference (b) The generated finding by the is also numbers (i.e. the items selected r,rere compared to the in the small was littre iten sampre conditions, in the numbers it was I I I I I I I I I I I I I t I I I I I 97 found that, selected oD the average 70 percent were conmon to both the large conditions. radically Therefore, items and sma1I sampre the sma1l samples did not seem to change the subset of items selected sarnple conditions. concluded that prohibit of the For this reason it examinee sample sizes the Rasch moder procedure information iteurs in situations under }arge can not be as small as 50 from identifying where the data high fits the assumptions of the one parameter model, a Rasch score scale is used, and information is defined in terms of the one paramet,er model. Measurement Precision rn general small For Large sample conditions the findings of this examinee sampre conditions examinee sample conditions. sample estimate larger infornat,ion produced with varues than any of the three from 50 to sample test phi procedure was larger in would infornation information estimate than the modified information population represent varues the as 1OOO. since finding rarge case the This would mean that procedure by seven percent. values for to this rn this to (n = l-ooo) produced. > 7 percent from o to 7 percent samples increased The large coefficient. smarr samples. user would gain were also valid The exception be in the case of the phi large study relating the classicar these large would be expected to generalize for values sample test this to sirnirar data I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 98 sets. Therefore, preferred over examinee the the samples phi procedure modified of would also be procedure classical for 1_OOOor more. Accuracv The random item selection highest level estinate. of accuracy The optinal average absorute procedure with items deviation regard to the domain score serection procedures minor acguired compared to estimates, through losses optinat in accuracy The gains information. more than offsets The classification item serection procedures in test item selection is of dornain score because the acconpanying bias items selected produced varues which were two to three tirnes as high as the random procedure. information produced the in difficulty of any increase in test accuracy the optirnal showed rosses for ranging from 0 to L8 percent. The primary obstacre to using traditional select,ion procedures parameter rRT item selection way to report This simulating procedure is that there ability is no scaIe. problem because the ad.vantages of item information, c l a ssi fi ca ti o n the two or three scores in terms of the latent is a serious increasing for item a ccu racy, such as increasing can onr y be r ear ized if scor es I I t I I I I I I I I I I t I I I I I 99 are reported on an rRT ability rRT item serection gained through procedure using scare. the By simulating advantages scores are reported the results increase selection only study information through procedure, serves percentage correct that increase iten who consider referenced in higher these findings find,ings of previous at a cut-off accuracy of ability show that will scores procedure the use of a to simulate is not advised. tests must understand of rRT ability correct domain-referenced mentioned, two different The f irst there an rRT Test developers the use of such proced.ures for As previously tests. of the domain information study procedure the domain percentage describe test of this between estimates traditional the use of any item the general item selection selection to IRT procedures. The results traditional rnd.eed than random item selection, the classification through when scale. should be noted that increasing verses show that, seeking score which results rt phi), are rost correct the accuracy in any way dispute studies derived other to decrease misclassification. do not on a percentage of the present test which are a non rRT approach (e.g. an rRT model, such as ease of cornputation, the criterion is a difference scores and estimates scores associated with testing. popham and Husek (r-969) types of criterion type is d.eterministic referenced in nature and of I I I I highly t l- scale. I I I I I I I I I I I I I I L00 unidirnensional, Iike measures of intelligence. use of an IRT derived domain ability for because the score represents this type of test dominant underlying ability The second type score is well stratified random sample of items that represent the O to a randon or is items suited on a familiar represented of test The from a large some performance group of criterion. It is the second type which is most conmon in certification licensure testing. For this selection procedure is particularly will provide correct type of test an unbiased estimate the random item suited scenario of the domain percentage in trying estimate of a dornain percentage a domain of the danger illustrates involved to use a domain ability items derived correct fron score as an score. several are shown to be sufficiently unidirnensional of IRT application. assume that areas produced Further items with From an IRT perspective mastery/non-mastery composed of ability Ievel subject purposes for these areas, subject determination on the cut-off the ideal test one ability for would be one which was items which $rere drawn from the cut-off level. were all developed Assune narrow ranltes of b-va1ues, of which happened to be centered level. because it score. The following that well and If items representing frorn one subject the cut-off ability area then the test from the itern pool would be composed of the I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 10L items from only one subject of the domain ability of estimating procedure designated content area. the resulting resulting from a test optirnal) a content optirnal conducted. fashion be rt is believed correct which would be inplied by approach untir further study wourd contraindicate this to content. items with in situations domain percentag:e correct non- p-values that the same where items with from clusters The result all than the average p-value would suggest are serected is which utilized tended to serect rntuition research study found that procedures, phenomenon would occur estimate of how to can the scores in this scores? which were on the average lower according from interpretation indices, information items the specifically, in the domain. information that random itern selection statisticar would draw a of both domain percentage of the present a dual that constructed scores and donain abirity attenpting score. an item sarnpling scores arises. as estimates in terrns Hambleton and once again the guestion interpret estimate biased abirity possibility, this number of the highest each subject resurts correct (L997) recommend using (i.e., interpreted The resurting score rnight be very the percentage To account for Arrowsmith area. of high items grouped would be estimates of scores which would tend to under the examineesr domain percentage Thus one would have to exerci-se great correct caution with score. regard I I I I t I I I I I I I I I I I I I I LO2 to rnaking dual interpretations. Maximizincr The percentage The resurts value, for sampling of this tests correct study Domain score Accuracy show that deveroped through procedure, deviated the random itern from the mean p-value itern bank the result was a systematic Further, ind.icate the results that deviations from the mean p-value systematic bias deviation mean p-varues passes. false that wourd seem that content is effort adeguately present which were range of referenced insure test, that the as the distribution The alternative it of could in which dornain percentage be correct are produced which are radicarly data set the lowest through would have resulted For example, in the mean p-value that value being generated could random sarnpring was .236, in rarge numbers of farse miscrassifications. stratified the second in the tlpical be nade to from the domain scores. been generated for Given the large as welr sampled. an unhappy situat,ion different in a large For exarnpte a positive a eriterion should of p-varues score estimates result wourd be inherent for the sma11 in misclassifications sampling distribution distribution will for in the scores. , ol- from the rnean p-varue random sample resulted almost entirery bias rerativery in crassification. of only when the mean p- Arthough the probability is very srnall, item sarnpling is not used. it have which fail of this is possible if t I t Chapter VI I t t I I I I I I I I I I I I I Conclusions and Suggestions Future The results a modified quite off classical effective score, of this study proced.ure or a phi iten itern selection can identify high item i-s one twentieth coefficient that, That is, information rRT model phi and items when only these procedures for can an examinee sarnple that of the rninimal sample size use with Locrsr, used computer program for cut- these (i.e. information can be a given for Further, procedures the size the use of either by a 3 parameter high Lr000) recommended for widely items information. 50 examinees are used. identify show that would be identified traditional crassicar) Research at serecting as having high for (i.e. which is the most the three parameter rRT model. However, the prirnary information increase increases increases, scale at a cut-off score for the crassification the classification but only for such as those for increasing accuracy. As test accuracy of test scare. test a mastery test scores reported such as the rRT theta can not be generated reason is to inforrnation scores also on an abirity since ability scores from smalr examinee sample sizes, concerned in this 103 study, there is no way to I t I I t I I I I t t t t t I I I I I LO4 effectively utilize focused through procedures. the test traditional can not be effectively measurement information For mastery situations for tests the test developer estimates of rRT ability is, at present, tests Thus, the test offer should optirnal some hope for correct traditionar classification with ability will trait, procedures the obstacle only be useful scores from small if the in smalr rRT itern parameter estimation. procedures estimating score. procedures. underlying item selection dealing score. be used to produce who wish to evaluate in terms of some 1atent samples pose for for correct of examinees, who are being tested traditional which is to only a random or stratified itern selection developers there score estimates. prod.uce the great,est of any of the For test groups However, smalr sample conditions procedure will or are desired. of the domain percentage procedures abilities scores, of the domain percentage randorn itern serection accuracy correct whether assembler has only one choice, under these circumstances lhese exarninee sample no way to produce ability use an estimate the estimate test. large scores, involving focus must decide of domain percentage nastery item serection used to involving might be itern selection mastery estimates for that the use of trad.itionar Therefore, procedures inforrnation the studied that small However, some method. sarnpres can be I I t I I I I I t I L05 found. In this regard perforrn night when data has been edited parameter nodel terns log abilities. of there and is the model items conditions, selected verses gathered from findings provide t error I accuracy tests in for that suggest values Rasch further itern sample parameters conditions. research These the use into sample conditions. research is needed to explore (e.9. the measurement precision classification estimated small from developed using small further one cornposed using derived impetus of the estirnate) ways standard the and at the same time maximizing accuracy and the domain score estimate in terms of domain pe,rcentage correct t rnay be possible I I I ability I l I use of a random or stratified provides data examinee sample of the Rasch mod,e1 for of maximizing The present for tests large Finally, are the fit between the information parameters item to scores and candidate difference little procedure is unknown how the BICAI it to achieve a reasonable a selection strategy scores. that compromise between accuracy score estimates and domain percentage It of correct score estimates. 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L6L 0.304 236 0.924 0.485 9L 0.92].. 0.5L4 L95 0.427 o.L77 L96 0.634 0.L55 L22 0.925 o.507 L16 0.518 0.188 39 0.514 0.185 59 0.556 0.1 48 26 0.504 0.164 24 0.709 0.251 2 0.759 0.21_8 66 0.696 o.181 6L 0.936 o.434 161 0.934 o.4L7 230 0.94L 0.4L5 L0 0 . 7 4 0 o . L94 l_65 0.2L0 o.244 226 0.932 o.444 67 0.568 o.227 3 0.72L 0.176 Lg3 0.763 o.L77 L62 0.920 0.485 L89 0.93s o.432 LL0 0.L23 o.322 L35 0.914 0.519 29 0.923 o.475 6 0.924 o.479 L46 0.5L0 0.156 2L0 0.914 0.498 50 0.486 0. L92 131_ 0.l_57 o.277 L39 1 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I t I I LL2 INF. P-VAL. NUM. 0. 05 0. 05 0. 05 0. o5 0.05 0. 05 0.05 0.06 0.06 0. o6 0. 06 o. o6 o.06 o. 06 o.06 0.06 0.05 0. 07 o. 07 0.07 0.07 0.07 o. 07 0. 07 o. 07 o. 07 0. 07 0.07 0.07 o. 08 0. o8 0.08 o.09 0.09 0.09 0. 09 0. 09 Pbi" 0.902 0.509 o.792 o.22l. 0.939 0.370 0.908 0.502 0.91L 0.539 o .382 o.209 0.485 o.220 0.125 0.353 o.927 o.329 0.9LL 0.467 0.821 0.239 0.800 o.278 0. 660 0.283 0.930 0.340 0.578 o.2t4 0.912 0.392 0.357 0.30L 0. r.56 0.365 0.365 o.267 0.291 o.299 0.855 0.288 0.913 0.405 0.905 o.327 0.895 0.307 0.438 o.L79 o.529 0.305 0.706 0.205 0.905 0.360 o.480 0.208 0.250 0.329 0.891_ o.347 0.895 0.362 o. l_88 0.334 0.405 o.270 0.826 0.325 0.891 o.444 o.3L2 o.274 o. o9 0.454 0.245 0. l_o0.280 o.294 0. 10 0. 504 4.252 0. L0 o.294 0.3L7 0. L0 0.459 o.296 o. l_oo. 335 o.264 0.10 0.88L 0.535 0. l_0 o.443 o.229 ITEM L68 87 63 9 L49 18L L82 L26 77 237 L32 37 55 L70 40 25 83 84 82 l_63 60 ].-76 90 165 L27 L8 L43 47 L42 74 72 222 5L 159 2L7 128 L4 45 Lt 3 L87 L14 145 L78 120 64 I I I I t I I I I I I I I I I I I t I L13 INF. 0.10 0.10 0. L0 0. 10 0.1L 0. L1 0.11 0.1L P-VAL. Pbis rTEM NI'M. o . L 2 9 0 . 3 0 5 L57 o . 6 8 2 0 . 3 1 0 L64 o.757 0. 357 44 o.567 0. 308 2L8 o . 3 7 9 o . 2 8 9 r-L8 o.872 0.41L L88 0.834 0.353 94 o . 7 L 8 0 . 3 6 0 LO2 0.864 o.37 4 105 0 . 1 ,r. 0 . 5 9 9 0 . 3 2 8 7 o.12 o.352 o.255 144 o.L2 o.872 0.515 88 0 . t 2 0 . 8 5 6 0 . 6 0 0 L92 o.L2 0.364 o.294 229 o.r2 0.843 o.371 92 0. L2 0.829 0.345 103 0. L2 0.883 0.5L7 L08 o.t2 0.313 0. 371 L40 0. r-2 o.435 0.321 Lt7 o . L 3 0 . 1 1 2 o . 2 9 6 l_07 0 . 1 3 0 . 8 5 8 0 . 5 6 8 225 0. 13 0. 578 0. 343 198 0.13 0.336 o.282 22 0. 13 4.362 0.3L9 7L 0 . L 3 0 . 8 1 _ 0 0 . 3 9 6 239 0 . 1 3 o . 8 3 2 o . 3 4 2 2L9 0 . 1 3 o . 8 5 9 o . 4 9 7 22L 0. 13 o.408 o.326 169 o. 13 o.7 42 0.384 46 0. L3 0.32L 0. 370 L90 o. l_4 o.446 0.31_3 43 o. l_4 o.851_ 0.555 58 0 . L 4 o . 8 2 6 o . 4 6 4 2L3 0. L4 o.L77 o.379 23 0 . L 5 o . 3 0 9 0 . 3 0 4 L67 0 . 1 5 0 . 3 5 1 _o . 3 L 2 20 0 . 1 _ 54 . 2 7 5 o . 2 7 8 L 7 4 0. L5 0.730 o.327 l_54 0. r.5 o.769 0.375 34 0 . 1 5 0 . r " 1 , 2 o . 3 7 9 194 0. r.5 o.439 o.324 L I I I I I I I t I I I I I I I I I t I Ll_4 INF. P-VAL. Pbi= ITEM Nmd. 0. L5 0.242 0.319 11_5 0. L5 0.842 0.607 199 0 . 1 _ 60 . 7 3 5 0 . 3 6 0 95 0. L5 0.867 0.525 202 0.17 0.550 0.383 LL2 0. 17 0.789 0.415 203 o.L7 0.823 o.447 L2L o. L8 0.270 o.442 23L 0.18 0.75L o.447 35 0.L8 0.833 0.579 49 0. L8 0.355 0.378 t-41 0.L8 0.429 0.335 L0L o.18 0.832 0.463 209 o.19 0.354 o.284 27 0. l_9 0.539 o.317 48 0.L9 0.596 0.393 68 o.20 0.676 o.4L8 42 0.20 0.228 0.480 L84 0.20 0.731 o.464 206 0.20 0.11_5 0.387 L3 0.2L 0.836 0.507 73 o.2L O.799 o.464 185 o.22 0.346 0.337 238 o.22 0.71L 0.484 53 4.23 0.373 0.352 21.2 o.23 0.820 0.622 233 0.23 0.8L9 o.627 80 o.25 0.57 4 0.399 180 o.25 0.463 0.34s 234 0.25 0.494 0.4L5 LL 0.25 0.307 0.380 8L o.25 0.8L3 o.597 32 o.26 0.624 0.387 79 o.27 0.803 0.582 L55 o.27 0.796 0.643 191 o . 2 7 0 . 3 5 5 0 . 3 1 _ 8L 8 3 o.27 0.824 o.574 L48 o .29 0.27 4 o .47 6 t_5 o.29 0.777 0.585 220 0.30 0.424 0.357 L55 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I t_L5 INF. P-VAL. Pbi= 0.31 0.3L o.32 0.34 0.34 0. 35 0.36 0.36 0.36 0.36 0.36 o.37 0.37 o.37 o.37 0.37 0.38 0.38 0.40 0.40 o.42 o.42 o.42 o.42 o.44 0.45 0.45 0.45 0.45 o.46 0.48 0.48 0.49 0. 50 0.50 0.5L o.52 0.52 0.53 0.54 0.57 0.57 0.59 0.60 0.7L6 0.48L 0.377 0.433 0.143 0.484 0.238 o.495 0.380 o.422 0.591_ 0.520 0.7 40 0.519 0.7 46 o.55L 0.227 0.4L5 0.308 0.399 0.687 0.500 0.2]-6 0.455 0.634 0.554 0.7 46 0.503 0.387 o.4L7 0.545 0.483 0.394 o.447 0.786 0.639 0.757 0.545 0.494 0.405 0.2].4 0.456 0.461 o.486 0.778 0. 6L8 0.447 o.427 0.779 o.649 0.303 o.420 0.47L 0.491 0.543 0.558 0.752 0.620 0.325 0.485 0.59L 0.s12 0.796 0.594 0.327 o.494 0.7 65 0.693 0.346 0.485 o.4L1 o.495 0.477 0.537 0.362 o.492 0.325 o.467 0.298 0.458 0. 654 0.552 0.349 0.465 0.7L3 0.639 0.669 0.605 ITEM NT'M. 33 7A L24 235 85 54 200 16 75 38 L50 204 56 I 57 L86 78 l_58 3.LtL77 62 224 l_33 93 130 28 208 4L L75 L7 2L4 L37 119 100 36 97 L9 232 zLL A7L 4 L52 109 L29 I I I I I I t I I I I I I I I I I I I INF. P-VAL. 0.50 0. 61 0.61 o.62 0.63 0.54 0.59 o.72 o .72 0.75 0.75 o.76 0.78 o.85 0.89 0.91 l.02 L.22 L.31 t.37 L.37 L.46 L.57 L.50 L.62 L.74 L.97 2.L4 0.329 0.269 0.490 0.437 0.735 0.731 0.689 0.758 0.520 0.695 0. 650 0.50L 0.369 0.684 0.678 0.654 0.595 0.614 0.398 o. 500 0.536 0.633 0.438 0.464 0.381 0.526 0.507 0.516 Pbi= ITEM NUM. 0.485 86 0.503 Los o.497 L2 0.481 2L 0.662 L97 0.681_ 228 0.582 65 0.586 5 o.47L LsL o.692 2L6 0.604 138 0.541 89 0.548 69 0.528 201_ 0.607 240 0.538 ]-47 o.646 96 o.697 76 o.587 153 0.645 160 0.535 135 0.580 52 0,503 L04 0.660 L72 o.622 L34 0.599 207 o.678 223 0.654 L23 Appendix 2 Test Information p-va1ue Test Information I I I t I I I I t I I I I t I I I I t
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