AS tomic pectroscopy November/December 1998 Volume 19, No. 6 Special Issue on Sample Decomposition In This Issue: High Pressure Ashing The High Pressure Asher: A High-Performance Sample Decomposition System as an Alternative to Microwave-Assisted Digestion R. Thomas White, Jr., Peter Kettisch, and Peter Kainrath............................................187 A Simple Closed-Vessel Nitric Acid Digestion Method for a Polyethylene/Polypropylene Polymer Blend Kerry D. Besecker, Charles B. Rhoades, Bradley T. Jones, and Karen W. Barnes.......................................................................................................193 The Effect of Digestion Temperature on Matrix Decomposition Using a High Pressure Asher Meredith M. Daniel, James D. Batchelor, Charles B. Rhoades, Jr., and Bradley T. Jones...............................................................198 Determination of Arsenic and Selenium in Foodstuffs: Methods and Errors P. Fecher and G. Ruhnke ................................................................................................204 Determination of Lead and Cadmium in Food Products by GFAAS C. Blake and B. Bourqui ..................................................................................................207 Determination of Trace Element Contaminants in Food Matrices Using a Robust, Routine Analytical Method for ICP-MS P. Zbinden and D. Andrey ..............................................................................................214 Microwave Digestion Interferences in ICP-OES by Organic Residue After Microwave-Assisted Sample Digestion G. Knapp, B. Maichin, and U. Baumgartner ..................................................................220 Microwave-Assisted Digestion of Plastic Scrap: Basic Considerations and Chemical Approach Miachel Zischka, Peter Kettisch, and Peter Kainrath ...................................................223 ASPND7 19(6) 187–228 (1998) ISSN 0195-5373 AStomic pectroscopy is printed in the United States and published six times a year by: The Perkin-Elmer Corporation ■ 761 Main Avenue, Norwalk, CT 06859-0226 USA ■ Tel: 203-761-2532 • Fax: 203-761-2898 Editor Anneliese Lust E-mail: Technical Editors Frank F. Fernandez, AAS Eric R. Denoyer, ICP Guest Editors Karen W. Barnes Peter Kainrath SUBSCRIPTION INFORMATION: Atomic Spectroscopy P.O. 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Anneliese Lust Editor, Atomic Spectroscopy The Perkin-Elmer Corporation 761 Main Avenue Norwalk, CT 06859-0226 USA Perkin-Elmer is a registered trademark and GemTip and Optima 3000 are trademarks of The Perkin-Elmer Corporation. ELAN is a registered trademark of MDS Inc., a division of MDS Inc. HPA-S High Pressure Asher is a trademark of Anton Paar, Graz, Austria. Hewlett Packard is a registered trademark of Hewlett Packard Corporation. Milli-Q is a trademark of Millipore Corporation. Rainin is a registered trademark of Rainin Instrument Co., Inc. Teflon is a registered trademark of E.I. duPont de Nemours & Co., Inc. Registered names and trademarks, etc. used in this publication even without specific indication thereof are not to be considered unprotected by law. The High Pressure Asher: A High-Performance Sample Decomposition System as an Alternative to Microwave-Assisted Digestion R. Thomas White, Jr., White’s Technical Resources LLC, Pfafftown, NC 27040 USA Peter Kettisch, Anton Paar GmbH, Graz, Austria Peter Kainrath, Bodenseewerk Perkin-Elmer GmbH, Postfach 10 17 61, Überlingen, Germany INTRODUCTION The two significant sample preparation innovations that were considered leading-edge technologies in the 1980’s are microwave sample preparation systems and the high pressure asher (HPA) system, designed by Knapp (1,2). The HPA was a unique sample preparation system, especially in the early 80’s, because it offered rapid and complete decomposition of organic materials. Decomposition of samples occurred in closed quartz vessels at desired reaction temperatures up to 320°C under a pressure of 130 bar (1920 psi) (3–5). In comparison to other sample preparation techniques during that time, the HPA was in a class of instruments challenged by few. Since that time, there have been numerous methods developed and documented in the literature using HPA technology which encompasses both a broad range of sample sizes and difficult-to-prepare matrices (1,7,8). •High temperature for rapid, more complete reactions. Chemical rates roughly double for each 10°C temperature increase. To achieve temperatures above the normal boiling points of acids, it is necessary to work under pressure, i.e., in a closed vessel. The higher the pressure capability of a digestion vessel, the higher the possible temperature and the usable sample amount. Ideal materials for digestion vessels are quartz glass, some fluor polymers (PTFE, PFA), and glassy carbon. In gastight, closed vessels, the danger of contamination or analyte loss is quite low, and smaller amounts of reagents are required; briefly: systematic errors are minimized (2). The HPA Concept Reaction vessels In the HPA-S High Pressure Asher™ system (Perkin-Elmer/Paar) This paper discusses high pressure digestion and points out the differences of these procedures in comparison to microwave-assisted digestion. The basic principle for a successful wet chemical digestion has always depended on the following influences: •Appropriate consideration of chemistry using small volumes of high-purity acids or acid mixtures. •Resistant reaction vessels made of temperature-stable and pressure-resistant pure materials. Fig. 1. The HPA-S digestion principle. AS Atomic Spectroscopy Vol. 19(6), November/December 1998 187 (Figure 1), various vessels made of quartz glass or glassy carbon may need to be used. Both materials are characterized by high-temperature resistance and purity. They are gastight, pressure-tight, and easy to handle without elaborate tools. The original HPA quartz reaction vessels were available in 10-, 30-, and 70-mL sizes. A 70-mL vessel could accommodate a 1.0-g sample of ground plant tissue requiring 5 mL concentrated HNO3 and 1 mL HCl for complete sample decomposition. The vessels designed for the new HPA-S come in sizes and materials to accommodate most any sample as shown in Table I. For decompositions requiring HF, glassy carbon vessels (20 mL) are used instead of quartz for sample preparation. The quartz vessels are graduated, allowing dilution within the digestion vessel without transfer of Vessel volume 90 mL TABLE I Reaction Vessels for the HPA-S System Material No. of Weight of Typical vesselsa sample applications maximum Quartz 5 Investigation of foodstuffs, petrochemistry, environmental analysis 50 mL Quartz 7 0.8 g Standard vessel for multiple applications 15 mL Quartz 14 0.2 g Medical, pharmaceutical, or 21 biological, forensic microsamples 20 mL Glassy carbon 6 0.2 g For reactions with HF: geology, materials research a Maximum number of vessels in heating block per digestion process. liquids or danger of contamination. This permits work using the “onepot-principle,” whereby all steps can be performed in one vessel, fulfilling another requirement for trace metal determination (6). Vessel seal Lids made from the same material as the vessels and a strip of analytically-pure PTFE tape complete the vessel assembly. A wrapping aid has been developed for the HPA-S system that makes vessel sealing very reproducible. A specially produced low-blank PTFE tape is used to seal the vessel. The first step to seal a vessel for the HPA-S requires that a strip of PTFE tape be placed over the opening of the vessel to provide a seal between the quartz lid and vessel. A 3-mm hole is punched into the PTFE tape with a suitable tool. This prevents the formation of condensation between the lid and sealing film and provides, if necessary, a means for reaction gases to escape without loss of sample. Reaction gases will normally vent from the sample vessels during the slow depressurization of the autoclave at the completion of a digestion program when internal vessel pressure exceeds the (decreasing) external pressure. A quartz lid is put on top of the vessel and a weighted plunger on the wrapping aid tool 1.5 g holds the lid in position as two or three coils of the PTFE tape are wound around vessel neck and lid. This method results in an inexpensive, safe, disposable seal. The unit is electrically heated to reach a programmed temperature. At reaction temperatures of 320ºC maximum, the digestion reaction produces pressure within the vessels, equivalent to the sum of the vapor pressure of the acid(s) and the partial pressures of the reaction gases. The nitrogen pressure of the autoclave keeps the vessels hermet- Fig. 2. Heating blocks. 188 ically sealed and prevents their rupture for any required time, even at maximum temperature. By a simple exchange of the heating block unit and the vessels, the instrument can be fitted ideally to different application tasks and to the required vessel volumes. The sample size determines the vessel volume required as shown in Table I. The analyst using the HPA-S system should expect: • Minimum acid requirements • Minimum organic residue • Complete sample mineralization • No loss of elements • Minimal contamination • Automated sample preparation • Maximum operator safety Heating block inserts The heating blocks very closely embrace the bottom part of the vessels for good heat transfer in the range of the digestion solution. There is a strong vertical temperature gradient in the vessel, which favors mixing of the sample and reagent by convection (Figure 2). Vol. 19(6), Nov./Dec. 1998 The sealed vessels in the heating block unit are placed into the autoclave of the HPA-S system. The autoclave is closed with a pressure-tight cover within a few seconds by means of a quick-fit bayonet seal. It is very user-friendly and safe from user error and spontaneous reactions. The high safety standard of the entire instrument is verified by the “GS” seal of approval (Geprüfte Sicherheit” = Certified Safety), awarded by the German TÜV agency (Technical Surveillance Agency). The HPA-S fulfills all requirements of the instrument safety law and of the German regulatory requirements for autoclaves. During the digestion process, the vessel is placed in the heating block, located within a heatable pressurized container (autoclave) filled with nitrogen to 100 bar. As the autoclave is pressurized, the pressure on the exterior of the vessel and lid forms a tight seal to protect the sample from potential sources of contamination during sample decomposition. Heating Heating of the autoclave takes place electrically with an input of 1600 W. This input is sufficient for heating the unit from ambient temperature to 250°C within 20 minutes. A total of approximately 40 minutes is required to attain 300°C; the maximum temperature is 320°C (Figure 3). Typically, microwave digestion systems cannot attain temperatures high enough to reduce residual carbon to very low levels because of pressure limitations. Investigations have shown that the 300–320°C temperature allows the organic substances to achieve solutions that are practically free from residual matrix for voltammetry (7), ICP-MS, cold vapor, and hydride AAS. Complete sample mineralization is important for interference-free measurements and to avoid systematic errors (8). Due to the high temperature, it is possible to digest organic samples with pure nitric acid; thus, the use of perchloric acid is not required (Figure 3). Digestions are uniform due to even radial temperature distribution in the heating blocks of the HPA-S, achieved by the concentric arrangement of the heating source in the round pressure chamber. Highest uniformity of the temperature from one vessel to the other and from one run to the next is an essential condition for good analytical reproducibility. Temperature programs The built-in program controller permits storage of several temperature programs of any given length with up to 16 segments each (ramps, holding times). In practical application it has been shown that three to four simple programs are usually sufficient for achieving optimum digestion with any type of sample. The choice of heating temperature and maximum temperature depends on the reaction behavior of the sample, the sample weight, and the vessel volume. Fig. 3. Residual carbon content. 189 When using different vessel volumes, it is merely necessary to proportionally convert the sample weights as needed. Temperature profiles suggested for organic samples (Figure 4) almost always begin with a moderate heating ramp in the range of 80 to 140°C. In a second program step, the sample and intermediate products are digested at high end temperatures. Inorganic inert samples on the other hand often may be digested with full heating power in a one-step program. Applications for using the HPA-S system Table II lists only the most characteristic of applications for use with the HPA-S system together with their respective sample amounts, vessel size, maximum temperature, and total digestion time. Sample amounts are always given as dry weights. The complete methods collection for the HPA-S system is available (9). It includes information on the recommended reagents and their amounts, exact temperature programs, expected digestion results, and tips regarding appropriate sample preparation and after-treatment procedures of a wide variety of other sample materials from all fields of analytical chemistry. The following examples show the use of the HPA-S system in selected fields of elemental trace analysis. Food SRMs Samples (Table III): 0.35 g NIST SRM 1586 Rice Flour Fig. 4. Typical reaction process. TABLE II. HPA-S Digestion Parameters Sample weight 1.2 g 1.2 g 1.0 g 0.9 g 0.8 g 0.8 g 0.5 g 0.5 g 0.5 g 0.4 g 0.4 g 0.4 g 0.4 g 0.3 g 0.3 g 0.3 g 0.3 g 0.2 g 0.2 g 0,2 g 0.2 g 0.1 g 0.1 g 0.1 g 0.1 g 0.2 g 0.2 g 0.1 g 0.1 g 0.1 g GC = Glassy carbon. Sample Vessel maximum Time total Time Wheat grains Vitamin pills Tobacco leaves Soya lecithin Filter dusta Slaga Lubricating oil Cr-Ni steel Wood Bovine liver Chocolate Soila Sewage sludgea River sedimenta Hair Muscle tissue PVC PP Coal Paint pigment Automotive catalyst Ferrochromium Rh, Ru, Ir Whole blood Pharm. agents Ni-Nb alloy River sediment (full digestion) TiO2, ZrO2 Various rocks Bauxite 90 mL 90 mL 90 mL 90 mL 90 mL 90 mL 90 mL 90 mL 50 mL 50 mL 50 mL 50 mL 50 mL 50 mL 50 mL 50 mL 50 mL 50 mL 50 mL 50 mL 50 mL 50 mL 50 mL 15 mL 15 mL 20 mL GC 260ºC 280ºC 260ºC 260ºC 320ºC 300ºC 300ºC 220ºC 250ºC 260ºC 290ºC 280ºC 240ºC 220ºC 250ºC 250ºC 300ºC 320ºC 280ºC 250ºC 280ºC 280ºC 280ºC 280ºC 320ºC 220ºC 1.5 h 2h 1.5 h 1.5 h 2h 2h 2.5 h 1.5 h 2h 1.5 h 2h 3h 2h 2h 2h 2.5 h 2.5 h 4h 2h 3h 3h 3h 3h 2h 3h 2h 20 mL GC 20 mL GC 20 mL GC 20 mL GC 260ºC 240ºC 220ºC 260ºC 3h 3h 2h 6h a = Leaching by aqua regia. 190 0.35 g NIST SRM 1577 Bovine Liver 0.35 g BCR SRM 151 Skim Milk Powder Vessels: 50-mL quartz Reagents: 2 mL HNO3 Temperature: 270°C for 2 hours These materials were analyzed for Pb and Cd, which are the two elements most frequently determined in food analysis. The standard reference materials (SRMs) were selected, so that the Pb and Cd contents were determined over a range of two to three orders of magnitude from very low element concentrations (10). HNO3 / HCl - Extract of Sewage Sludge Sample (Table IV): 0.3 g sewage sludge, dry (SRM BCR 144 and 146) Vessels: 50-mL quartz Reagents: 4 mL HNO3 + 1 mL HCl Temperature: 220°C for 2 hours Even though it is not really a typical HPA-S application, this example Vol. 19(6), Nov./Dec. 1998 TABLE III Pb and Cd Determination in Food Samples from the field of environmental analysis shows the good element recovery rates. (values given are 3 sigma) Reference material Rice Flour NBS-SRM 1586 Bovine Liver NBS-SRM 1577 Skim Milk Powder BCR-RM No. 151 Pb (ng/g) Measured Certified 54 ± 10 45 ± 10 Cd (ng/g) Measured Certified 30 ± 5 29 ± 4 380 ± 40 340 ± 80 300 ± 40 270 ± 40 2060 ± 100 2002 ± 26 110 ± 10 101 ± 8 Vessels: 20-mL glassy carbon TABLE IV Analysis of BCR 144 and BCR 146 Sewage Sludge Element Co Cr Cu Hg Pb Zn Sewage sludge Measured (µg/g) 9.2 482 716 1.62 487 3228 BCR 144 Certified (µg/g) 9.06 ± 0.6 494 ± 61 713 ± 26 1.49 ± 0.22 495 ± 19 3143 ± 103 Sewage sludge Measured (µg/g) 11 790 914 10.4 1250 4056 BCR 146 Certified (µg/g) 11.8 ± 0.4 769 ± 79 934 ± 24 9.5 ± 0.76 1270 ± 28 4059 ± 90 TABLE V Analysis of RM Soil 1 Element Cu Hg Ni Zn Full Digestion of Soil Sample Sample (Table V): 0.1 g soil, RM Soil 1 Measured (µg/g) 30 0.124 40 226 Certified (µg/g) 30 ± 5 (0.13) 45 ± 8 223 ± 10 191 Reagents: 2 mL HNO3 + 1 mL HF Temperature: 280°C for 2 hours This is an example of the use of glassy carbon vessels which are suitable for all applications using hydrofluoric acid. For complete recovery of the elements after HF digestion, it is often necessary to perform additional treatment of the samples after digestion. For complexing the hydrofluoric acid, about 6 mL cold-saturated boric acid per mL HF is added to the digestion solution which is then briefly heated again. This will dissolve sparingly soluble fluorides and the elements are made accessible for subsequent determination. Evaporation of the hydrofluoric acid, with its inherent risk of errors, is unnecessary. Digestion of Platinum Metals Sample: 0.1 g Rh, Ru, Ir (powder or structured material) Vessels: 50-mL quartz Reagents: 12 mL HCl + 0.7 g KClO3 REFERENCES Temperature: 280°C for 3 hours This is an application which, in the field of noble metalS analysis, can replace the powerful but inconvenient Carius tube digestions. Using a gas phase reaction, the potassium chlorate located in an insert vessel will release chloric acid, which converts the noble metals Rh, Ru, and Ir into soluble chlorides (Figure 5). This reaction requires very precise temperature control and distribution within the vessels. In the HPA-S, this is performed in the open heating blocks. In the same way, ferrochrome and other refractive metals or alloys, which will decompose very slowly or not at all in aqua regia, can be dissolved with this method. CONCLUSION This HPA-S system provides robust, reproducible decompositions for a wide variety of sample types. It is safe and easy to use. These features have made it the preferred decomposition tool in many laboratories. Fig. 5. Gas phase digestion. 192 1. G. Knapp and A. Grillo, Am. Lab. 4, 76 (1986). 2. G. Knapp, Microchim. Acta 2, 445 (1991). 3. T. White, J. Assoc. Off. Anal. Chem., 72 (1989). 4. G. Knapp, Trends in Anal. Chem. 3, 182 (1984). 5. G. Knapp, Intern. J. Environ. Anal. Chem. 22, 71 (1985). 6. P. Tschöpel, Labor 4, 9 (1988). 7. P. Schramel, S. Hasse, and G. Knapp, Fresenius’ Z. Anal. Chem. 326, 459 (1987). 8. M. Würfels, E. Jackwerth, and M. Stoeppler, Fresenius’ Z. Anal. Chem. 329, 459 (1987). 9. HPA-S List of Applications (B25ia01b), Anton Paar GmbH, Graz, Austria, Tel: +44 316 257 360 Fax: +43 316 257 257 e-mail: 10. I. Ciurea, Y. Lipka, and B. Humbert, Mitt. Geb. Lebensm. Hyg., 77 (1986). A Simple Closed-Vessel Nitric Acid Digestion Method for a Polyethylene/Polypropylene Polymer Blend Kerry D. Besecker, Charles B. Rhoades, Jr., and Bradley T. Jones Department of Chemistry, Wake Forest University Winston-Salem, NC 27109 USA and Karen W. Barnes The Perkin-Elmer Corporation 761 Main Avenue, Norwalk, CT 06859 USA INTRODUCTION Polymers that have high strength are typically resistant to elevated temperatures. Therefore, wet digestion methods for trace metal determination performed on such samples must include a rigorous sample preparation step. In most cases, this includes a microwave digestion procedure (1–3). For example, one of these procedures specifies that a 0.5-g sample of polyethylene is transferred to a closedvessel acid digestion bomb. Three milliliters of concentrated nitric acid is added to the vessel, followed by an additional 8.0 mL of concentrated sulfuric acid. Microwave power is applied for a 15-minute period. The sample is allowed to cool, and then an additional 5.0 mL of nitric acid is added. A second heating stage is applied, the sample is allowed to cool, diluted with water, and analyzed by ICP or AAS techniques. A similar method for the digestion of poly(vinyl chloride) has also been reported (4,5). Samples were digested using H2O2. Polymeric circuit boards were analyzed for trace metals on the surface by immersing the board in a mixture of hot HNO3 and HCl, followed by plasma OES analysis (6). Inductively coupled plasma optical emission spectrometry (ICP-OES) methods for trace metal determination are advantageous due to their low detection limits and fast analysis times (7–10). The AS Atomic Spectroscopy Vol. 19(6), November/December 1998 ABSTRACT A simple, high pressure asher digestion method was developed for a polyethylene/ polypropylene polymer blend. A 0.15-g sample has been digested in 2.5 mL nitric acid in a quartz closed vessel under high pressure and high temperature. The digestate was then filtered and analyzed by inductively coupled plasma optical emission spectrometry (ICP-OES). Twentythree elements were determined in the sample. Detection limits were in the low parts-per-billion range, and precision was better than 5% relative standard deviation for most metals. The accuracy of the method was determined by performing spike recoveries for 11 test elements. Recoveries were in the 90–100% range for all elements. The digestion technique eliminated the need for the harsh acid mixtures (including H2SO4 + HNO3 and H2O2) that are routinely used for polymer samples. effectiveness of ICP-OES methods is further increased when analyzing samples with minimal dissolved solids and residual carbon. Closed vessel high pressure asher digestion technology maximizes sample decomposition by heating at elevated pressures (11–15). The decreased time for sample digestion, coupled with the ability to control reaction parameters, makes HPA digestion an excellent means of sample preparation for ICP-OES determinations. 193 Digestion systems capable of operating at elevated pressures allow the decomposition of samples without time-consuming predigestion steps. The process of developing HPA digestion procedures is streamlined by system control of reaction parameters such as temperature and pressure. Customized programs can be developed for specific sample matrices utilizing multi-stage programs and temperature ramping capabilities. A further advantage of highpressure, closed-vessel systems is the ability to decompose the sample matrix with a minimal amount of acid. The digestion may also be accomplished with a single acid as opposed to a mixture of acids. Limiting the amount and types of acids used in sample preparation reduces the dilution of the analytes in the final solution, reduces the risk of contamination, and may reduce the possibility of matrix interferences in axial ICP-OES measurements. Obviously, the goal of previous efforts has been the development of a method for the complete dissolution of the polymer sample. Such a technique would ensure that trace amounts of metals were not somehow permanently “bound” in an inorganic or organic matrix and therefore not detected during the analysis of the analytical solution. The aim of the present work was to develop a simple sample preparation procedure for the analysis of a polymer sample by ICP-OES. The procedure requires only nitric acid and a closed vessel HPA digestion system. The technique is much easier than those previously reported, safer since harsh acid mixtures are avoided, and less prone to sample contamination. The accuracy of the technique is demonstrated by recovery data observed for spiked real samples. EXPERIMENTAL Instrumentation Inductively Coupled Plasma Optical Emission Spectrometer Perkin-Elmer Optima 3000™ DV ICP-OES (16) using the axial configuration. Table I shows the operating parameters. The samples were atomized with a GemTip™ crossflow nebulizer assembly. A Rainin® Dynamax peristaltic pump, Model RP-1, was used with a pump speed of 31.19 RPM. A Perkin-Elmer AS-90 autosampler was used. Table II shows the wavelengths and background correction points. High Pressure Asher HPA-S High Pressure Asher™ (17) (Perkin-Elmer/Paar) digestion system, equipped with an autoclave and microprocessor control unit. The autoclave can hold seven 50-mL quartz, five 90-mL quartz, fourteen 15-mL, or twenty-one 20-mL glassy carbon vessels for acid digestion of samples at temperatures up to 320°C and pressures up to 130 bar. The microprocessor control unit allows for programming, storage, and selection of up to four digestion programs and controls the autoclave during the sample digestion. Quartz vessels with a 50-mL volume were used for the digestions. Reagents Nitric Acid Optima grade (Fisher Scientific, (Pittsburgh, PA USA). Calibration Standards SPEX Certiprep (Metuchen, NJ USA), Custom Multielement ICPgrade Standards, diluted to produce working solutions with 10% HNO3 by volume. Preparation of Sample The polyethylene/polypropylene blend samples (0.15 g) were accurately weighed into clean, dry HPA-S quartz vessels. HNO3 (2.5 mL) was added using an Optifix Basic dis- penser (EM Science, Gibbstown, NJ USA). Ultrapure Teflon® tape was placed over the opening of the vessel and smoothed. A quartz lid was placed on top of the tape. Teflon tape was then wound three more times around the lid and the top of the vessel. This wrapping technique provides for optimum tightness and minimal risk of contamination. The optimized digestion program was employed for the polymer sample being analyzed. The final program for the polymer sample is shown in Figure 1. Upon completion of the digestion step, the heating block with the samples was removed from the autoclave, then the vessels were removed. The Teflon and the quartz lids were slowly removed from the fume hood, allowing the nitrogen oxide to escape slowly. A small amount of 18MΩ, deionized, distilled water (dd H2O) was added to each vessel to facilitate the removal of any dissolved gases. The samples were quantitatively transferred into 25-mL volumetric flasks and diluted TABLE I ICP-OES Operating Parameters Parameters Setting RF power 1360 W Auxiliary Ar gas flow 0.5 L/min Nebulizer flow 0.70 L/min Plasma flow 15 L/min Sample flow rate 1.60 mL/min Wash time 30 sec Sample read delay time 50 sec Processing mode Area Background Manual selection of points Replicate measurements 3 1 – Step to 80°C 2 – Ramp to 160°C over 30 minutes 3 – Step to 280°C and hold for 90 minutes 4 – Step to 0°C and end Fig. 1. HPA-S digestion program for polymer sample. 194 Vol. 19(6), Nov./Dec. 1998 with dd H2O. The solutions were filtered with Nalgene 0.45 µm, 115mL disposable filters to remove any particles that could disrupt the nebulizer flow. The solutions were then transferred to ICP-OES sample vials for analysis. Method Development The HPA-S program used for digestion of the polymer samples involved optimization of several parameters: time, temperature, sample size, and acid volume. These factors contributed to the total digestion of the sample and the pressure inside the vessel. The system controls the external pressure at 130 bar by filling the autoclave with nitrogen. Thus, the inside pressure of the vessels can reach nearly 130 bar without risking any loss of sample. TABLE II Emission Wavelengths, Background Correction Wavelengths Relative to Emission Wavelengths, Points per Peak, and Processing Mode for Each Element Determined Element Emission Background Process Points Element Emission Background Process Points Wavelength Correction Mode per Wavelength Correction Mode per (nm) Relative to Peak (nm) Relative to Peak (nm) (nm) Ag Al 328.068 396.152 –0.036 +0.050 Area Area 1 2 Mo Na 202.030 589.592 As 188.979 Area 2 Ni 231.604 Au 242.795 +0.018 –0.012 –0.020 Area 1 P 177.428 B Ba 249.773 233.527 Area Area 2 1 Pb Pd Be Bi Ca 313.042 223.061 317.933 Cd –0.022 –0.060 +0.062 –0.025 Area Area 2 2 Area 1 Area 1 220.353 340.458 –0.020 +0.020 –0.025 –0.040 Area Area 2 1 Area Area Area 1 1 1 Pt 265.945 –0.025 Area Sb 217.581 2 Area 2 Sc 361.384 Area 1 Co 228.616 +0.025 Area 2 Se 196.026 Area 1 Cr 205.552 –0.023 Area 2 Si 288.158 Area 1 Cu Eu Fe K 324.754 381.967 259.940 766.491 Area Area Area Area 2 1 1 2 Sn Sr Te 189.933 407.771 214.281 Area Area Area 1 1 1 La 379.478 Area 1 Tl 276.787 –0.017 Area 1 Li 670.781 Area 2 V 292.402 –0.030 Area 1 Mg Mn 279.553 257.610 +0.033 –0.047 –0.035 –0.140 +0.129 –0.041 +0.047 –0.110 +0.102 –0.040 +0.026 –0.018 +0.025 –0.035 +0.035 –0.015 +0.023 –0.027 +0.028 +0.020 –0.038 +0.060 Area 226.502 –0.030 –0.030 +0.030 –0.050 –0.020 –0.030 +0.030 +0.030 Area Area 1 2 Zn Zr 213.856 343.823 –0.021 –0.030 Area Area 2 1 195 In developing the programs for digestion of the polymer, a conservative approach was used to prevent excessive pressure increases. The first precaution observed was the amount of sample used in the digestion. First attempts used 0.05–0.10 g of sample. For the final program and analysis, 0.15 g of sample was used. The volume of acid used in the digestion was an important factor for the dilution step after digestion. Small dilutions were required to measure the elements that were present at very low levels. With these factors in mind, the optimum amount of acid was the smallest amount that resulted in complete digestion. The final program for the polymer sample used 2.5 mL of nitric acid. One of the factors affecting trace metal determinations is contamination. Tremendous care was taken to ensure the cleanliness of the vessels, volumetric flasks, filters, and sample vials. Each of the quartz vessels was cleaned by adding 10 mL of HNO3 and placing the vessels in a warm ultrasonic bath for 20 minutes. This was followed by rinsing with dd H2O. The flasks and vials were acid-washed (10% HNO3) and rinsed with dd H2O. The same cleaning procedure was followed between each sample run. All samples and materials were handled with powder-free, acid-resistant gloves. Results The detection limits, concentration levels, and relative standard deviations (RSD) for the cosmetic samples are reported in Table III. The concentration levels were below the detection limit for those elements where no value is reported. The data in Table III were calculated using the average of three samples where each sample was analyzed three times by ICP-OES. Blank subtraction was performed automatically by the computer software. Rubidium TABLE III Detection Limits, Concentration Levels (ppm), and Relative Standard Deviations for the Polymer Sample Polymer Blend Detection Concn. RSD Element limit (µg/g) (µg/g) (%) Ag As Au B Ba Be Bi Ca Cd Co Cr Cu Eu Fe K La Li Mg Mo Na Ni P Pb Pd Pt Sb Sc Si Sn Te Tl V Zn Zr 0.004 0.054 0.004 0.010 0.001 0.0005 0.016 0.005 0.004 0.006 0.002 0.002 0.001 0.001 0.037 0.004 0.001 0.0006 0.011 0.006 0.005 0.076 0.022 0.008 0.016 0.032 0.0002 0.019 0.007 0.048 0.063 0.002 0.001 0.002 (30 µg/g) and ytterbium (5 µg/g) were used as the internal standards. Table IV shows spike recovery values for 11 elements in the sample. 196 120 2.4% 3.4 0.4% 146 132 122 365 109 16% 2.6% 3.0% 1.2% 3.0% 94.0 280 6.6% 0.9% 139 56.8 151 136 103 1804 7.1% 2.8% 9.1% 2.0% 20% 1.5% 332 9.5% 162 1.9% Vol. 19(6), Nov./Dec. 1998 TABLE IV Spike Recovery Table of Polymer Al Cd Co Cr Cu Fe Mn Ni Pb Se Zn 96.1% 95.0% 93.3% 94.5% 90.9% 90.8% 92.9% 91.9% 94.9% 96.4% 95.0% CONCLUSION Sample preparation is often the most time-consuming part of an analysis. The speed of the analysis has been shortened with the advances in simultaneous ICP-OES. Reduction in sample preparation time requirements can result in an overall improvement in sample throughput. In these methods for specific polymers, the complete sample preparation process takes approximately three hours. Another advantage of this method is that harsh acid mixtures are not required. This also helps to avoid matrix-induced interferences that are possible with axial view ICP-OES. Generally, HNO3 is the acid of choice in ICP-OES analysis. ACKNOWLEDGMENTS The authors gratefully acknowledge financial support from The Perkin-Elmer Corporation and a grant from the NSF-GOALI program (CHE-9710218). REFERENCES 1. 2. 3. Application Note OP-6, Revision 10-88, CEM Corporation, Matthews, NC USA. R.J. Fordham, J.W. Gramshaw, L. Castle, H.M. Crews, D. Thompson, S.J. Parry, and E. McCurdy, J. Anal. At. Spectrom. 10, 303 (1995). J. Anal. Am. Spectrom. 7 (5), 247R (1992). 4. Analyst 117, 27, (1992). 5. J. Anal. At. Spectrom. 7 (7), 329R (1992). 6. Adv. Lab. Autom. Rob. 5, 185 (1989). 7. Modern Methods for Trace Element Determination, C. Vandecasteele and C.B. Block, John Wiley and Sons (1993). Using the HPA-S system to digest samples for elemental analysis has definite advantages when compared to traditional sample preparation procedures. The use of quartz closed vessels provides for an extremely clean environment and reduces sources of contamination. In addition, the quartz vessels enable rapid heating at elevated pressures, which eliminates predigestion procedures. 197 8. J.W. Milburn, At. Spectrosc. 17 (1), 9 (1996). 9. J.R. Jordan, Referee, 7 (June 1995). 10. J.C. Ivaldi and J.F. Tyson, Spectrochim. Acta Part B, 50, 1207 (1995). 11. Introduction to Microwave Sample Preparation: Theory and Practice, H.M. Kingston and L.B. Jassie, eds., American Chemical Society (1988). 12. Methods of Decomposition in Inorganic Analysis, Z. Sulcek and P. Povondra, CRC Press, Inc. (1989). 13. R.T. White, Jr., and G.E. Douthit, J. Assoc. Off. Anal. Chem. 68, 766 (1985). 14. H.M. Kingston and L.B. Jassie, Anal. Chem. 58, 2534 (1986). 15. D. Chakraborti, M. Burguera, and J.L. Burguera, Fresenius’ J. Anal. Chem. 347, 233 (1993). 16. Perkin-Elmer ICP-Emission Spectrometry Optima 3000 Hardware Guide (1993). 17. Perkin-Elmer HPA-S High Pressure Asher Instruction Handbook (1996). The Effect of Digestion Temperature on Matrix Decomposition Using a High Pressure Asher Meredith M. Daniel, James D. Batchelor, Charles B. Rhoades, Jr., and Bradley T. Jones* Department of Chemisty, Wake Forest University Winston-Salem, NC 27109 USA INTRODUCTION For many years, acid digestion has been the sample preparation method of choice for most trace metal determinations. More recently, pressure-assisted acid decomposition has become the norm. This technique can be performed in the high pressure asher with sealed, Teflon®-lined stainless steel vessels heated in an aluminum block (1), but usually closed-vessel microwave digestion systems are employed (2). For most trace metal techniques, the highest possible temperature and pressure provides the highest accuracy. As expected, more complete digestion is achieved under these conditions. Interestingly, however, complete decomposition of the organic matrix is almost never accomplished with conventional microwave digestion systems. For biological and botanical matrices, a few very stable decomposition products of nitric acid digestion are usually observed. The most common of these are the nitrobenzoic acids (NBAs) which result from the breakdown of proteins and aromatic amino acids (3,4). The decomposition of carbohydrates, proteins, and lipids to produce such products typically occurs at temperatures in the 140–160oC range (3). Destruction of the NBAs occurs at temperatures well above 200oC, so most conventional sample preparation equipment cannot decompose them. Remarkably, very limited information exists regarding the qualitative and quantitative determination of the organic products of nitric acid digestion. Wurfels, Jackwerth, and Stoeppler (4) used a combination of IR, NMR, and GC results to show that the organic matrix com*Corresponding author. AS Atomic Spectroscopy Vol. 19(6), November/December 1998 ABSTRACT A high pressure asher system was employed for the nitric acid digestion of two standard reference materials (NIST SRM 1547 Peach Leaves and NIST SRM 1632b Coal). The effect of the final ashing temperature (180–300°C) upon the extent of digestion was investigated. The organic matrix decomposition products are monitored by high performance liquid chromatography. For the peach leave samples, the isomers of nitrobenzoic acid appear as the major products at low temperature. They degrade at elevated temperatures to a variety of by-products, until only one product is left after digestion at 300oC. The coal sample has a much more complicated post-digestion matrix that is also reduced to a single component at the maximum ashing temperature. Trace metal recoveries for each sample, at each ashing temperature, are determined by inductively coupled plasma optical emission spectrometry. In most cases, the recovery for a variety of test metals varies between 90 and 110%, regardless of ashing temperature. ponents of biological materials are nearly completely mineralized at 180oC with nitric acid digestion. The only organic digestion products remaining were the NBAs and a few carboxylic acids. Pratt, Kingston, et al. (5) demonstrated that the major products from the microwave nitric acid digestion of bovine liver were o-, m-, and p-NBAs. Methyl isobutyl ketone (MIBK) extracts of the nitric acid digests were evaporated under nitrogen and re-dissolved in methanol for high performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) determinations. The reported chromatograms were remarkably clean, showing peaks 198 for only the three NBA isomers and a peak for residual MIBK. More recently, Reid, Greenfield, and Edmonds (3) used IR and thin-layer chromatography to determine that a mixture of carboxylic acids and NBAs resulted from the nitric acid digestion of food samples. The carboxylic acids could be eliminated by post-digestion treatment with hydrogen peroxide, but the NBAs required treatment with perchloric acid (a procedure that most laboratories omit due to safety requirements). Without the perchloric acid step, the NBAs were found to greatly interfere with trace metal determination performed by voltammetric methods and occasionally by inductively coupled plasma optical emission spectrometry (ICP-OES) (3,5). Some of the ultra-trace techniques (such as GFAAS, anodic stripping voltammetry, and ICP mass spectrometry) can be very matrix-dependent as well, and thus could show dependence on NBA concentrations. The matrix interference effects associated with the common microwave digestion decomposition products could be greatly reduced or eliminated if a high pressure, high temperature device were employed. The high pressure asher device is capable of performing acid digestions at temperatures up to 320oC and pressures up to 130 bar (6–10). Under these extreme conditions, effective sample decomposition can be obtained using a minimal amount (5 mL) of a single acid (nitric acid). The effect of the high pressure asher temperature on the extent of nitric acid digestion of two standard reference materials (NIST SRM 1547 Peach Leaves and NIST SRM 1632b Coal) was investigated. The organic matrix decomposition products were monitored by HPLC, and trace metal recoveries were determined by ICP-OES. Vol. 19(6), Nov./Dec. 1998 EXPERIMENTAL Instrumentation A HPA-S High Pressure Asher ™ system (Perkin-Elmer/Paar) was employed. The HPA-S includes an autoclave and a microprocessor control unit. The autoclave holds five 90-mL quartz vessels. Five mL of Optima grade nitric acid (Fisher Scientific) was added to 0.3 g of sample. The samples were directly weighed into quartz vessels. The vessels were placed into the autoclave under 100 bar of nitrogen. The high temperatures obtainable using the autoclave allow for digestion temperatures up to 320oC. For each digestion, the temperature was slowly ramped over 2.5 hours and then held at the desired temperature for one hour. In this manner, a different aliquot of each sample was digested at each final temperature between 180 and 300oC at 10oC intervals. The temperature reported is the measured temperature of the stainless steel block heated by the autoclave. A thermopile measures the temperature of the block. A pressure gauge monitors nitrogen pressure within the high pressure asher. After each digestion, the nitric acid was evaporated to less than 2 mL. The samples were diluted to 100 mL and then passed through a 0.45-micron filter. The samples were stored in de-ionized water-rinsed polyethylene tubes. HPLC analysis was accomplished using a Hewlett Packard®1090D liquid chromatograph with a builtin photodiode array for detection. The HPLC trace was recorded at 260 nm and the absorption spectrum was saved from 200–400 nm. Data acquisition was performed with an HP486 PC using HP ChemStation software. A 25 cm x 4.6 mm Whatman C18 HPLC column was employed for all separations. The mobile phase was a mixture of methanol, 10% acetic acid (v/v), and water with a flow rate of TABLE I Mobile Phase Gradient 1 mL/min. The mobile phase gradient is shown in Table I. The chromatogram was collected during the first 30 minutes. The last two steps are used to equilibrate the column before the next sample. When the coal samples were analyzed, a 15-minute rinse with methanol, followed by a 15-minute reequilibration time, was added to the program after the first 30 minutes. Trace metal recoveries were determined with a Perkin-Elmer Optima 3000™ DV ICP-OES, equipped with an AS-90 autosampler. The samples were aspirated into the axially viewed torch using a GemTip™ cross-flow nebulizer. A Rainin® Dynamax peristaltic pump was used at a pump rate of 31.19 RPM. Three replicates were analyzed for each sample. The remaining ICP instrumental parameters are listed in Tables II and III. Time (%) (%) Methanol Acetic acid (10%) (%) Water Ramp ort Constant 0–5 0 5–25 50 25–27 50 27–27.5 100 27.5–31.5 100 31.5–32 0 5 5 5 0 0 5 95 45 45 0 0 95 Constant Ramp Constant Ramp Constant Ramp 32–35 5 95 Constant 0 TABLE II ICP-OES Parameters Parameter Instrument Setting Auxiliary gas flow 0.5 L/min Nebulizer flow 0.7 L/min Plasma flow 15 L/min RF power Sample rate 1360 W 1.6 mL/min Wash time 30 sec Sample read delay 50 sec Processing mode Peak area TABLE III ICP-OES Parameters for the Elements Determined Element Emission Upper Lower Points Wavelength BGC BGC per Peak (nm) Point Point Al 396.152 +0.050 2 Ba 233.527 -0.030 +0.030 1 Ca 317.933 -0.043 2 Fe 259.940 -0.035 1 K 766.491 -0.140 +0.129 2 Mg 279.079 -0.033 +0.030 1 Mg 279.553 -0.040 1 Mn 257.610 +0.026 2 Na 589.592 -0.060 +0.062 2 Ni 231.604 -0.025 1 P 177.020 -0.020 +0.020 1 S 180.669 -0.020 +0.015 2 Sr 407.771 -0.038 1 BGC = Background Correction. 199 RESULTS Peach Leaves Chromatograms were collected for each ashing temperature as described. Figure 1 shows the chromatograms for the samples digested at three different temperatures (180, 250, and 300oC). Figure 2 is a three-dimensional chromatogram showing retention time (21–27 minutes) versus HPA-S temperature. As previously reported (3–5), the NBA isomers dominate the chromatograms after digestion at temperatures up to 220oC. In order to verify the assignment of these three peaks in the chromatograms, a standard solution of the three isomers was analyzed under the same HPLC conditions. The retention time corresponded to that observed in the peach leaves digestate at low temperature (180oC). Additional positive verification was obtained by comparing the ultraviolet absorbance spectrum collected on-the-fly for each suspected nitrobenzoic acid isomer with that of the standard solution. For digestion temperatures ranging from 230–250oC, additional analyte peaks reach their maximum value at retention times of approximately 7.9, 10.0, 22.0, 22.7, 23.1, 25.0, and 26.0 minutes. Almost all analyte peaks vanish at an HPA-S temperature of 270oC, except for a single compound that remains present even at 300oC (23.2 minutes). Fig. 1. Chromatograms of peach leaves HPA-S digestates at 180oC, 250oC, and 300oC. The isomers of nitrobenzoic acid are labeled. The degradation and formation of the nitric acid decomposition products in peach leaves, as a function of final ashing temperature, can be seen in Figures 3 and 4. The plots show the "fraction of component" present versus the digestion temperature. The "fraction of component" was calculated from the peak height. The peak height for a given analyte was determined at each HPA-S temperature; then it was normalized to the maximum peak height observed for that compound. Figure 3 shows the degradation trend for the three nitrobenzoic acids as the digestion temperature increases from 180 to 240oC. Figure 4 shows the compounds that are forming as the temperature increases until about 270oC where these compounds fully degrade. One component at 23.2 minutes remains after digestion at 300oC. The degradation of the nitrobenzoic acids (Figure 3) complements the product formation (Figure 4). One might expect that the formation products are probably the result of nitrobenzoic acid decomposition. To test this hypothesis, Fig. 2. Three-dimensional chromatogram of peach leaves digestates showing the relationship between retention time and HPA-S temperature. 200 Vol. 19(6), Nov./Dec. 1998 Fig. 3. Degradation of 2-nitrobenzoic acid (■), 3-nitrobenzoic acid (◆), and 4-nitrobenzoic acid (▲) in peach leaves. Fig. 4. Formation and subsequent degradation of unknown organic compounds in peach leaves. the individual isomers of nitrobenzoic acid were digested at temperatures of 180, 220, and 300oC. The degradation of the nitrobenzoic acids results in compounds with retention times identical to those in Figure 1. However, the three individual isomers yield different decomposition products. For example, both the 2-nitrobenzoic acid and the 4-nitrobenzoic acid yield a peak at 7.9 minutes, while the 3nitrobenzoic acid isomer does not. Each component observed in the peach leave digestate was also observed in the digestate of the three NBA standard solutions. Fig. 5. Chromatograms of coal digestates at HPA temperatures of 180oC, 250oC, and 300oC. Coal The coal samples were prepared in exactly the same manner as the peach leaves. However, the coal digestion matrices were completely different, and much more complicated than the peach leave matrices. The chromatograms (Figure 5) demonstrate the large amount of organic constituents present in this sample. Most of these compounds degrade completely at an HPA-S temperature of 260oC (Figures 6 and 7). However, a group of new compounds reaches a maximum peak height at 280oC and then 201 disappears at 290oC. These compounds have retention times of 8.2 and 10.5 minutes (Figure 6), and 22.4, 23.6, 25.6, and 26.7 minutes (Figure 7). Interestingly, only one constituent exists after digestions at 300oC (23.64 min). Based on its absorption spectrum, this compound is different from the one with a retention time at 23.6 minutes. As with the peach leaves digests, the fraction of component for each constituent was calculated across the range of digestion temperatures. Again, groups of compounds followed similar decomposition trends. However, the coal digestates contained so many components that plots of the "fraction of component" present at different HPA-S temperatures would be too crowded for clarity. It is expected that a comprehensive identification of all of these components would demonstrate that the degradation trends would indicate a different class of organic compounds. Such a comprehensive analysis would require HPLC with a mass spectrometry detector. Trace Metal Recovery The trace metal recoveries for seven test elements in peach leaves and coal are shown in Figures 8 and 9. The selected test elements are those that can be determined with only nitric acid used in the digestion and they are present at levels that allow quantitation (Table IV). To recover other Fig. 6. Three-dimensional chromatogram of coal digestates showing the relationship between retention time (6–16 min) and HPA-S temperature. Table IV Certified Values for Standard Reference Materials Peach Leaves Coal SRM 1547 SRM 1632b EleConcn Concn ment (µg/g) (µg/g) Al 249±8 8550±190 Ba 124±4 67.5±2.1 Ca 15600±200 2040±60 Fe 218±14 7590±450 Mg 4320±80 383±8 Mn 98±3 12.4±1.0 Na 24±2 515±11 Ni 0.69±0.09 6.10±0.27 P 1370±70 K 24300±300 748±28 S (2000) 18900±600 Sr 53±4 (102) Fig. 7. Three-dimensional chromatogram of coal digestates showing the relationship between retention time (21–27 min) and HPA-S temperature. elements, the combination of nitric acid with hydrofluoric acid, hydrochloric acid, or sulfuric acid would have been necessary. The figures demonstrate that metal recovery is not dependent upon HPA-S temperature for either sample type. This suggests that the complexity of the peach leave and coal matrixes does not adversely affect the ICP-OES analytical procedure for the metals determined. 202 CONCLUSION The HPA-S acid digestates of peach leaves and coal were examined by HPLC. Increasing the acid digestion temperature led to an increased decomposition of the organic compounds present in the digestate for both samples. The digestion temperature and related organic compounds did not influence the trace metal recoveries for the selected test elements for Vol. 19(6), Nov./Dec. 1998 with conventional microwave digestion procedures. Future studies of interest will seek to determine the effect of digestion upon trace metal recoveries for the more "matrix-interference-prone" techniques such as GFAAS, voltammetry, and ICP-MS. ACKNOWLEDGMENT This work was supported by grants from the NSF-GOALI program (CHE-9710218); The Perkin-Elmer Corporation; and R. J. Reynolds Tobacco Company. The authors would like to thank Jannell Rowe and John Martin, R. J. Reynolds Tobacco Company, for their useful discussions. REFERENCES Fig. 8. ICP-OES percent recoveries for Al (◆), Ba (■), Ca (▲), Mg (✕), Mn (✻), Sr (●), K (+), and P (–) in peach leaves. 1. M. Wurfels, E. Jackwerth, and M. Stoeppler, Anal. Chim. Acta 226, 1 (1989). 2. H.M. Kingston and L.B. Jassie, J. Res. Nat. Bur. Stds. 93, 269 (1988). 3. H.J. Reid, S.Greenfield, and T.E. Edmonds, Analyst 120, 1543 (1995). 4. M. Wurfels, E. Jackwerth, and M. Stoeppler, Anal. Chim. Acta 226, 17 (1989). 5. K.W. Pratt, H.M. Kingston, W.A. MacCrehan, and W.F. Koch, Anal. Chem. 60, 2024 (1988). I6. ntroduction to Microwave Sample Preparation: Theory and Practice, H.M. Kingston and L.B. Jassie (ed.), American Chemical Society (1988). 7. Methods of Decomposition in Inorganic Analysis, Z. Sulcek and P. Povondra, CRC Press, Inc. (1989). 8. R.T. White, Jr. and G.E. Douthit, J. Assoc. Off. Anal. Chem. 68, 766 (1985). Fig. 9. ICP-OES percent recoveries for Ba (■), Ca (▲), Fe (✕), Mg (●), Mn (+), Na (–), Ni (✻), S (◆), and Sr (O) in coal. either standard reference material. This suggests that the ICP-OES determination of these metals in these sample matrices is not dependent upon acid digestion tempera- ture. In other words, the ICP-OES technique is not particularly sensitive to the changes in digestate composition observed at temperatures higher than those associated 203 9. H.M. Kingston and L.B. Jassie, Anal. Chem. 58, 2534 (1986). 10. D. Chakraborti, M. Burguera, and J.L. Burguera, Fresenius' J. Anal. Chem. 347, 233 (1993). Determination of Arsenic and Selenium in Foodstuffs – Methods and Errors P. Fechera and G. Ruhnkeb aLandesuntersuchungsamt Nordbayern, D-91054 Erlangen, Germany b Chemisches Untersuchungsamt, D-67346 Speyer, Germany INTRODUCTION Because of recurring problems in the determination of arsenic and selenium in foodstuffs due to matrix and element compounds, the “Inorganic Components” group of the Society for Foodstuff Chemistry (Lebensmittelchemische Gesellschaft), a subchapter of the Society of German Chemists, set out to investigate and establish suitable analytical methods. At first, comparative laboratory tests were performed with 25 laboratories participating from Germany and Switzerland. The materials investigated were homogenates of mussel tissue, egg powder, and Brazil nuts. Since each laboratory was free to select the appropriate digestion and determination procedures, the method combinations varied widely. Each laboratory was required to provide five individual results per material and per element. The “expected” results for mussel tissue and egg powder homogenates referred to in the text and in the figures are based on prior analyses by a reference laboratory. EXPERIMENTAL Digestion and Determination Procedures The combinations of methods used in the comparative laboratory tests for the determination of arsenic and selenium in foodstuffs are listed in Table I, together with the respective number of participating laboratories. Some of the participants used several different procedures, resulting in a total of over 25 combinations. AS Atomic Spectroscopy Vol. 19(6), November/December 1998 ABSTRACT The accurate determination of total arsenic and selenium in foodstuffs provides basic information for further investigation with respect to speciation analysis or toxicity. Homogenates of mussel tissue, egg powder, and Brazil nuts were investigated to determine their arsenic and selenium concentration. Multiple digestion procedures at different temperatures were applied and the elements subsequently determined using atomic absorption, voltammetry, and ICP-MS. The multitude of methods employed led us to expect a wide range of results. A differentiation by digestion and determination procedures showed that accurate results can be expected only if the procedures are attuned to each other. For example, foodstuffs of marine origin require a digestion temperature of 320°C to allow full arsenic determination by hydride AAS. Such significant dependency was not observed for selenium; but here too an incomplete digestion may cause considerable problems during its subsequent determination. Since arsenic and selenium concentrations are very low in vegetables, hydride AAS should preferably be used in place of graphite furnace AAS. In the majority of cases, the following procedures were used: HPA: High temperature digestion in the HPA-S High Pressure Asher™ system (Perkin-Elmer/Paar) with nitric acid in quartz vessels at different temperatures, maximum possible temperature 320°C. Microwave: Instruments from various manufacturers, working at different pressures and temperatures; digestions in Teflon®, PFA, or quartz vessels with nitric acid. Tölg bomb: Digestion under pressure with nitric acid in Teflon bombs and temperatures up to 200°C maximum. Open digestion: Boiling with nitric acid under reflux conditions. Temperature gradient: Dry ashing with magnesium oxide/ magnesium nitrate as ashing agent. None of the participants used perchloric acid to digest the samples due to the risk of explosion with organic matter. Although it is mentioned in the literature, the use of perchloric acid is avoided in modern and safety-conscious laboratories. Moreover, since powerful digestion systems are available (e.g., high pressure ashers), which permit digestion temperatures above 300°C, there is no need to use this acid. Perchloric acid must not be used in pressurized systems. The results of these comparative laboratory tests for the determination of arsenic in homogenized mussel tissue indicate a strong dependence on the digestion temperature. The samples were analyzed by hydride AAS. 204 Vol. 19(6), Nov./Dec. 1998 TABLE I Method Combinations Employed for the Determination of Se and As Number of Digestion Determination laboratories method procedure Se As 1 7 1 1 0 1 2 7 0 4 2 1 1 3 7 0 1 1 0 3 5 1 3 3 1 2 HPA HPA HPA HPA HPA HPA Microwave Microwave Microwave Tölg bomb Tölg bomb Open digestion Temperature gradient Graphite Furnace AAS Hydride AAS Hydride ICP-MS ICP-MS ICP-OES Voltammetry Graphite Furnace AAS Hydride AAS ICP-MS Graphite Furnace AAS Hydride AAS Hydride AAS Hydride AAS TABLE II Results for Se in mg/kg of Dry Substance – Survey Minimum Median Maximum Reference Value Mussels Egg homogenate Brazil nuts 0.05 0.01 0.95 2.72 0.90 4.35 In another comparative laboratory test, the digestions were performed in the HPA-S system, only at different temperatures. Five digestions each were performed at 280°C and 320°C, respectively. The elements were subsequently determined using hydride AAS, graphite furnace AAS, and ICP-MS. RESULTS AND CONCLUSION Selenium For all matrices, the minimum, median, and maximum Se values, including the reference values, are listed in Table II. The reference values are based on the results obtained from a reference laboratory. Table II lists the median range in 5.72 3.20 8.19 3.2 1.2 – mg/kg of all Se results obtained for mussel tissue, egg powder, and Brazil nuts. The median includes all values. The reference values were determined by an independent laboratory. It can be seen that the minimum and maximum values differ widely for all materials. The selenium results for all matrices scattered widely, probably due to incomplete digestion, inappropriate use of modifiers, temperature programs, or incomplete prereduction. Arsenic Arsenic was determined in mussel tissue only. In the other materials, the concentrations were below the detection limits for the 205 procedures employed. The range in variation of the arsenic concentration for mussel tissue was markedly wider than for selenium. The lowest value found was <0.2, the highest 24.3 mg/kg in the dry substance. The expected concentration was given as 12.6 ± 0.6; the probable value was calculated to 12.5 ± 1 mg/kg in the dry substance. Figure 1 shows the results obtained for digestions performed using HPA-S, microwave, Tölg bomb, and dry ashing, with subsequent analysis by hydride AAS and, for comparison, by graphite furnace AAS. The individual results from the different laboratories are presented as individual dots arranged vertically. The gray zone represents the range of expected values. The graph shows that, when using the hydride technique, markedly lower results were observed when digestion was incomplete. The arsenic compounds, arsenobetain and arsenocholine, in many digestion systems are not quantitatively decomposed by nitric acid down to the ionogenic species (5–7). These species are known to be nontoxic and it would be more important to know the amount of the toxic part (8). But an accurate determination of the total amount of As is required for speciation analysis and for quality control procedures (9). But in some laboratories, even graphite furnace AAS analysis results were very low, which is due both from incomplete digestions and, as already discussed for selenium, from inadequately adapted modifiers and graphite furnace parameters (10,11). In order to highlight the importance of the digestion temperature for subsequent hydride AAS determination, another comparative laboratory test was performed. In this case, only the HPA-S was used for the sample digestion using two temperatures, 280°C and 320°C. Figure 2 shows the results obtained for the two temperatures by the unknown and the water content of the sample is usually not determined, a complete digestion can be achieved with certainty only at a temperature of 320°C. The results demonstrate that state-ofthe-art digestion procedures do not need the addition of ashing aids like sulphuric acid or the dangerous perchloric acid. The application of a high-temperature nitric acid alone can completely destroy all of the organic compounds present in biological materials. REFERENCES 1. V. Krivan and S. Arpadjan, Fresenius J. Anal. Chem. 342, 692 (1992). 2. D.L. Styris, L.J. Prell, D.A. Redfield, J.A. Holcombe, D.A. Bass, and V. Majidi, Anal. Chem. 63, 508 (1991). 3. V. Majidi and J.D. Robertson, Spectrochim. Acta 46B, 1723 (1991). 4. M. Sager, Analytiker-Taschenbuch, Band 12; 257, Springer-Verlag (1994). 5. P. Schramel and S. Hasse, Fresenius J. Anal Chem. 346, 794 (1993). 6. M. Ihnat, and H.J. Miller, J. Assoc. Off. Anal. Chem. 60, 813 (1977). 7. M.L. Cerver and, R. Montoro, Fresenius J. Anal. Chem. 348, 331(1994). 8. A.G. Howar and C. Salon, Anal. Chim. Acta 333, 89 (1996). 9. U. Ballin, R. Kruse, and H.A. Rüssel, Fresenius J. Anal. Chem. 350, 54 (1994). Fig. 1. Arsenic content in mussels. 10. V. Krivan and S. Arpadjan, Fresenius J. Anal. Chem. 335, 743 (1989). Fig. 2. Arsenic contents in mussels – HPA-S digestions at 280 and 320°C and determination by hydride AAS. same laboratories, respectively. It is quite obvious that accurate results with hydride AAS are decisively influenced by the digestion temperature and that a temperature of 320°C is necessary to break up the stable compounds arsenocholine and arsenobetain. In addition, acid and water also influence the digestion, particularly with regard to the digestion of dried materials. When sufficiently high amounts of acid are used, even lower temperatures may be sufficient. Since the acid amounts required for routine digestions of fresh materials are 206 11. J. Sneddon and K.S. Farah, Spectrosc. Lett. 27, 257 (1994). Determination of Lead and Cadmium in Food Products by Graphite Furnace Atomic Absorption Spectroscopy C. Blake and B. Bourqui Nestlè Research Centre, Quality and Safety Assurance Department P. O. Box 44, 1000 Lausanne 26, Switzerland INTRODUCTION Overall exposure to lead and cadmium is a public health concern. The lead content in food products has been gradually reduced due to the phasing out of lead-soldered cans as well as the use of unleaded gasoline (11). However, cadmium levels in the environment appear to be increasing. Burgatsacaze et al. (12) recently reviewed the role of cadmium in the food chain. Various international organizations, e.g., Codex Alimentarius, the European Union (E.U.) (1,2), are debating and reviewing the maximum allowable concentration of lead and cadmium in raw materials and food products. Future norms will set the limits of metals concentration, particularly for lead, which will be rather low. This is expected to be an important factor in international trading, i.e., grain exporters must increasingly be able to certify that the grain shipments are in compliance with regulatory requirements for toxic metals content (9). The technique most commonly used by Nestle laboratories for the determination of lead and cadmium is graphite furnace atomic absorption spectroscopy (GFAAS). The current Laboratory Instructions (LI) were published in 1989 and have been implemented in many regional laboratories. These LI are similar to methods published in the German food analysis handbook (3) and by ISO (4–7). Impending EU legislation for toxic metals determination will set strict method performance criteria (1,2), based on the criteria AS Atomic Spectroscopy Vol. 19(6), November/December 1998 ABSTRACT Two sample wet ashing techniques for mineralization of food products and raw materials were evaluated using high pressure ashing and microwave digestion with Teflon vessels, fitted with quartz inserts. Similar accuracy and precision for the determination of lead and cadmium were obtained when analyzing a range of certified food reference materials by graphite furnace atomic absorption spectroscopy (GFAAS). The high pressure asher method is preferred due to the higher sample throughput, selection of 14 or 21 tubes, depending on the type of heating block used. The limits of quantification for lead and cadmium by GFAAS with Zeeman correction were improved using end-capped graphite tubes and an electrodeless discharge lamp in place of a hollow cathode lamp. A single matrix modifier (magnesium nitrate and ammonium dihydrogen phosphate) was found to be suitable for the determination of both lead and cadmium. The limits of detection and repeatability for Pb and Cd are close to the requirements currently being proposed by the European TC 275 working group for heavy metals methodology. described in ISO 3535–1993. Thus, the current LI will need to be updated to meet future norms. In the past few years, a number of instrumental developments have contributed to providing more reliable results and higher detection limits for trace determination of 207 lead and cadmium by GFAAS. These include (a) improved electrodeless discharge and hollow cathode lamps for increased light output; (b) transversely heated graphite tubes with end caps for higher sensitivity; and (c) improved wet ashing sample preparation techniques, e.g., microwave digestion and high pressure ashing. These aspects have been evaluated in the current study. EXPERIMENTAL Instrumentation Sample preparation HPA-S High Pressure Asher™ system (Perkin-Elmer/Paar), equipped with stainless steel heating blocks for 14 or 21 tubes and Suprasil mineralization tubes (15 mL). Microwave digestion system, MLS 1200 Mega (Milestone), with a temperature control system. The high pressure (HPV 80) vessels are equipped with QS 50 graduated quartz liners with caps. The mineralization tubes were decontaminated before use in a nitric acid vapor decontamination system (Trabold Ltd, Berne, Switzerland). Atomic absorption instrumentation A Perkin-Elmer Model 4100 ZL atomic absorption spectrometer was used, equipped with transversely heated graphite furnace and Zeeman background correction, AS-70 autosampler, closed-circuit cooling system, fume extraction system, and System 2 electrodeless discharge lamp power supply . Transversely heated, pyrolyzed graphite tubes with integrated platform, and transversely heated pyrolyzed graphite tubes with end caps were used. Reagents All solutions were prepared in polypropylene volumetric flasks, using ultra-pure water, prepared with a Barnstead Nanopure system. Nitric acid: Suprapure (Merck). Hydrogen peroxide: Analytical grade (30%), (Merck). High Pressure Ashing Samples of 300 mg each were weighed into decontaminated 15mL Suprasil tubes. Two mL of concentrated double-distilled nitric acid was added. The tubes were sealed with Teflon® tape, capped, and then wet-ashed in the HPA-S. A typical temperature program used is shown in Figure 1. The acid solution was diluted to 10 mL with water. Further dilutions were made with 10% (m/v) nitric acid solution, if required to be within the calibration range. Lead and cadmium stock solutions, 1 g/L (Spex). Cadmium and lead working solutions were prepared by dilution of the cadmium and lead stock solutions with 10% (v/v) nitric acid. Matrix modifier: Various mixtures of ammonium dihydrogen phosphate (NH4H2PO4) and magnesium nitrate [Mg (NO3)x.6H20] in 10 % nitric acid solution. Reagents were of Suprapure quality (Merck). Reference Materials A range of reference materials with certified lead and cadmium content was used for method evaluation. These products were obtained from IRMM, NIST, IAEA, and NRCC. Nestec reference materials (cereals with milk) of known lead and cadmium content were also used. Fig. 1. HPA-S temperature program. Sample Preparation All sample weighings were carried out in a class 100 laminar flow cabinet (Skan Model EVZ 180). This cabinet was installed in a clean-air room (class 1000 air quality) under positive air pressure with a filtered air inlet. The samples were wet ashed using the following two methods: Fig. 2. Program for Milestone MLS. 208 Microwave Digestion Samples of 300 mg each were weighed into a Milestone QS5 quartz insert with 3 mL concentrated double-distilled nitric acid. The insert was then introduced into a Milestone HPV 80 Teflon vessel. One mL hydrogen perioxide (30 %) and 4 mL water were added inside the Teflon vessel, but at the exterior of the insert. The microwave vessel was closed with its cap. Six vessels were placed into the rotor and heated in the microwave oven according to the temperature program shown in Figure 2. Vol. 19(6), Nov./Dec. 1998 The rotor was removed from the microwave oven and allowed to cool to room temperature. The vessels were carefully opened in a fume cupboard. The quartz inserts were removed with the Tefloncoated tweezers provided. The inner wall of the quartz insert was rinsed with de-ionized water and made up to the 10-mL mark with water. Further dilutions were made as required with 10% (m/v) nitric acid solution. All subsequent dilutions were prepared in polypropylene volumetric flasks. GFAAS Determination of Lead and Cadmium The GFAAS operating parameters for the determination of lead and cadmium are listed in Tables I and II. Transversely heated pyrolyzed graphite tubes were used for the lead and cadmium determinations. The GFAAS was calibrated by the external standards method with a zero blank and five standard concentrations. All analyses were performed by triplicate firings. During an analytical series, a mid-range QC standard solution was injected every 10 analytical sample solutions to verify the calibration slope. RESULTS AND DISCUSSION Graphite Furnace Method Development Optimization of matrix modifier The current LI for lead requires the use of ammonium dihydrogen phosphate as the matrix modifier. The LI for cadmium requires a palladium matrix modifier. The main purpose of these modifiers is to stabilize the element during the graphite furnace cycle and to permit increases in the charring and atomization temperatures. This allows a better separation of the element from interferences. However, since two different modifiers are used with the current LI, a separate graphite tube is required for each element. In order to simplify these procedures, a mixed modifier has been evaluated for the determination of both elements. The mixed matrix modifier (magnesium nitrate and ammonium dihydrogen phosphate) has been reported in several publications in different ratios. In the present study, several concentrations of the mixed matrix modifier were evaluated: 1. Magnesium nitrate 0.06% and ammonium dihydrogen phosphate 0.5%. 2. Magnesium nitrate 0.6% and ammonium dihydrogen phosphate 0.5%. 3. Magnesium nitrate 0.10% and ammonium dihydrogen phosphate 1.3% (9). 4. Magnesium nitrate 0.20% and ammonium dihydrogen phosphate 2.0% (8). TABLE I. Instrumental Parameters for the Determination of Pb Furnace Time/Temperature Program Parameter Dry 1 Dry 2 Char 2 Atomize Clean o Temp ( C) 100 130 750 1600 2300 Ramp (sec) 2 20 10 0 5 Hold (sec) 20 60 25 5 3 250 250 250 0 250 Argon gas flow (mL/min) Wavelength: Lamp: Slit Width: Read time: Signal measurement: Graphite tube: Peak area Pyrolytic graphite, end-capped Calibration Standards I.D. Calibration Blank Std 1 Std 2 Std 3 Std 4 Std 5 Reslope Standard 283.3.nm Electrodelss discharge 0.7 nm 5s STD 1 STD 2 STD 3 STD 4 STD 5 STD 3 Concn. (µg/L) 1.0 2.5 5.0 7.5 10.0 Pipette speed: 100% Injection temperature: 20oC Volume (µL) Diluent volume (µL) Modifier volume (µL) 20 2 5 10 15 20 18 15 10 5 0 5 5 5 5 5 5 15 5 5 Calibration type: Linear Note: The calibration range may be increased to 20 µg/L; for higher concentrations, a non-linear calibration curve was obtained. 209 The best results obtained in terms of peak profile was with a mixture of 0.6% magnesium nitrate and 0.5% ammonium dihydrogen phosphate; although the non-specific background was somewhat higher than with modifier 1. Modifier 1 also gave good results. Modifiers 3 and 4 were found to give very high non-specific backgrounds and were not further evaluated. With respect to the GFAAS temperature programs, the final charring and atomization temperatures adopted are listed for lead and cadmium in Tables I and II. For lead, the atomization temperature was fairly critical and the peak shape changed dramatically in the range from 1400oC to 1600oC. This temperature needs to be optimized carefully. TABLE II. Instrumental Parameters for the Determination of Cd Furnace Time/Temperature Program Parameter Dry1 Dry2 Char Atomize Clean Temp (oC) 100 130 600 1400 2300 Ramp (s) 2 20 15 0 5 Hold (s) 20 60 20 5 3 Argon gas flow (mL/min) 250 250 250 0 250 Wavelength: Lamp: Slit width: Read Time: Signal measurement: Graphite tube: Calibration Standards Injection temp. 20oC Pipette speed 100% 228.8 nm Hollow cathode 0.5 nm 5s Peak area Pyrolytic graphite, end-capped I.D. Calibration blank Std 1 STD 1 Std 2 STD 2 Std 3 STD 3 Std 4 STD 4 Std 5 STD 5 Reslope Standard STD 4 Concn. (µg/L) Volume (µL) Diluent volume (µL) 0.5 1.0 2.0 3.0 5.0 20 2 4 8 12 20 18 16 12 8 0 3.0 12 8 Modifier volume (µL) 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 Influence of end-capped graphite tubes and lamps The main difficulty in determining lead by GFAAS is to obtain sufficient sensitivity. The use of end-capped graphite tubes over the standard graphite tubes resulted in a significant increase in signal (by a factor of 1.5). In addition, the use of an electrodeless discharge lamp instead of a hollow cathode lamp also resulted in an increase in signal due to increased light intensity. The combined effect of the end-capped tube and an electrodeless discharge lamp (EDL) over a standard graphite tube and hollow cathode lamp (HCL) resulted in an increase in sensitivity by about a factor of 2. Figure 3 illustrates the difference in calibration slope for lead. However, the major improvement was in the improved repeatability of measurements at low lead concentrations below 2.0 ng/mL. For cadmium, end-capped tubes were used with a hollow cathode lamp light source. Some further improvement in sensitivity may be obtained with an electrodeless discharge lamp in place of the hollow cathode light source. Evaluation of High Pressure Ashing and Microwave Digestion Techniques A range of different techniques has been described in the literature (10) for the sample preparation of foods and raw materials prior to GFAAS determination of lead and cadmium. For this study, the method performance of two sample preparation techniques for different reference materials with certified lead and cadmium content was evaluated: 1. High pressure asher (HPA-S) with new 15-mL Suprasil tubes. 2. Microwave digestion (MDS) with Teflon vessels fitted with graduated quartz inserts. Calibration type: Linear 210 Vol. 19(6), Nov./Dec. 1998 The limits of quantification for each element based on the analysis of certified reference materials using the stated equipment were: Cadmium = 10 µg/kg Lead = 15 µg/kg CONCLUSION Two sample wet ashing techniques, high pressure ashing and microwave digestion with Teflon vessels fitted with quartz inserts, were evaluated. Fig. 3. Comparison of different GFAAS conditions on calibration line. HPA-S System For the HPA-S technique, good recoveries of lead and cadmium were obtained for various reference materials (Tables III and IV) and two infant cereals (Nestec reference products, MET) (Tables V and VI). The repeatability of the results obtained was also good and within or close to the range of the certified values. Microwave Digestion System (MDS) The main disadvantages of this system are that a higher volume of nitric acid is required (5–6 mL) and that the final volumes of the analytical solutions are often high (from 25 or 50 mL). This leads to lower sensitivity owing to the large dilution factor. Thus, the use of Milestone QS 50 graduated quartz inserts, which fit inside the Teflon vessels, was evaluated. Three mL of nitric acid was used, most of which was consumed during the wet ashing step. The final volume of the analytical solution, after dilution with water, was 10 mL. Thus a significant increase in sensitivity was obtained due to the decrease in total volume. The accuracy of the results obtained by MDS in the present study was, in general, similar to that of the HPA-S technique, with occasional values being slightly below the certified reference values for lead (Tables III–VI). The open quartz-tube system of the MDS may lead to losses if the digestion unit is not allowed to cool adequately after completion of wet ashing. The repeatability of the results was similar for both methods (see Tables III–VI and VII). An overview of the relative standard deviations (%RSD) for lead and cadmium is shown in Table VII. The RSD was below 25% for concentrations <100 µg/kg lead and cadmium and less than 10% for concentrations >100 µg/kg. This is quite acceptable for the trace determination of lead and cadmium. Limits of Detection and Quantification An important aspect of the method performance evaluation is the calculation of the limits of detection and the limit of quantification. The limits of detection based on the repeated analysis of blank solutions were calculated to be: Cadmium = 3 µg/kg Lead = 5 µg/kg 211 Similar accuracy was obtained with the two methods for both lead and cadmium when analyzing a range of certified food reference materials. The HPA-S method is preferred due to the higher sample throughput (14 or 21 tubes, depending on the heating block used). The limit of quantification for lead by GFAAS resulted in an improvement by a factor of 2 with respect to the current LI by using end-capped graphite tubes and an electrodeless discharge lamp in place of a hollow cathode lamp. The limit of quantification of cadmium was also improved by the use of the end-capped tubes. Further improvements in sensitivity may be obtained for cadmium by using an electrodeless discharge lamp as thelight source. A single matrix modifier (magnesium nitrate and ammonium dihydrogen phosphate) is suitable for the determination of both lead and cadmium. The limits of detection and the repeatability for lead and cadmium are close to the values currently being proposed by the European TC 275 working group for heavy metals methodology. TABLE III Lead: Comparison of Results for Samples Prepared by HPA-S and Microwave Digestion Product Reference HPA-S MLS Lead Lead Lead (µg/kg) (µg/kg) (µg/kg) Bovine Muscle NIST 8414 380 ± 240 326 ± 13 444 ± 2 n=6 n=6 Brown Bread BCR 191 187 ± 14 199 ± 39 194 ± 10 n=6 n=6 Corn Bran NIST 8344 140 ± 34 136 ± 2 146 ± 5 n=9 n=6 Dogfish Muscle NRCC, DOLT-2 220 ± 2 243 ± 6 167± 3 n=6 n=9 Milk Powder IAEA, A11 54 ± 25 57 ± 14 55 ± 5 n=6 n=3 Non-fat Milk Powder NIST 1549 19 ± 0.3 21.5 ± 0.6 15.0 ± 0.6 n=6 n=9 Skim Milk Powder BCR 150 1000 ± 40 1022 ± 30 910 ± 13 n=3 n=6 Whole Meal Flour BCR 189 379 ± 12 387 ± 20 388 ± 58 n=6 n=6 Whole Egg Powder NIST 8415 61 ± 12 66 ± 9 55 ± 5 n=6 n=6 TABLE V Lead: Comparison of Results for Infant Cereals Prepared by HPA-S and Microwave Digestion Product Reference HPA-S MLS Lead Lead Lead (µg/kg) (µg/kg) (µg/kg) Infant Cereal Met – 5 277 ± 52 251 ± 7 256 ± 13 n=6 n = 10 Infant Ceral Met – 6 826 ± 52 791 ± 21 n=6 858 ± 32 n=3 TABLE IV Cadmium: Comparison of Results for Samples Prepared by HPA-S and Microwave Digestion Product Reference HPA-S MLS Lead Lead Lead (µg/kg) (µg/kg) (µg/kg) Bovine Muscle NIST 8414 13 ± 11 14 ± 2 11 ± 1 n=6 n=6 Brown Bread BCR 191 28.4 ± 14 28 ± 2 30 ± 8 n=6 n=6 Corn Bran NIST 8344 12 ± 5 9±1 11 ± 1 n=9 n=6 Dogfish Muscle NRCC, DOLT-2 20,800 ± 500 20,247 ± 938 27,700± 560 n=6 n=9 Skim Milk Powderr BCR 150 22 ± 14 20 ± 1 21 ± 3 n=6 n=6 Total Diet NIST 1548 28 ± 4 28 ± 3 24 ± 3 n=6 n=6 Whey Powder IAEA, 155 16 ± 3.5 16 ± 3 18± 3 n=3 n=6 Whole Meal Flour BCR 189 71 ± 3 74 ± 2 58 ± 11 n=6 n=3 TABLE VI Cadmium: Comparison of Results for Infant Cereals Prepared by HPA-S and Microwave Digestion Product Reference HPA-S MLS Lead Lead Lead (µg/kg) (µg/kg) (µg/kg) Infant Cereal Met – 5 127 ± 22 133 ± 4 n=6 TABLE VII Range of Repeatability Values (%RSD) from the Various Reference Materials Range of Pb Pb Cd Cd Pb or Cd RSD (%) RSD (%) RSD (%) RSD (%) (µg/kg) HPA-S MLS HPA-S MLS 10 –99 3 – 25 4–9 3 – 19 9 - 25 100 – 1000+ 1.5 – 20 212 127 ± 2 n=6 0.5 – 15 2 5 Vol. 19(6), Nov./Dec. 1998 REFERENCES 1. European Commission, “Draft: Commission regulation setting maximum limits for certain containments in foodstuffs, amending commission regulation (EC) 194/97 of 31 January 1997 setting maximum limits for certain contaminants in foods-maximum limits for lead and cadmium in foodstuffs.” European commission III/5125/95 Rev. 3 (March 1997). 2. European Community, “Commission decision 90/515/EEC of 26 September, 1990.” Off. J. Eur. Commun. 33 (L286), (1990). 3. LMBG, “Bestimmung von Spurenelementen in Lebensmitteln. Teil 3: Bestimmung von Blei, Cadmium, Chrom und Molybdän mit der Atomabsorptionspektrometrie (AAS) im Graphitrohr.” Amtliche Sammlung von Untersuchungsverfahren nach Paragraph 35 LMBG, (August, 19/3, 1993). 4. ISO, “Fruits, vegetables and derived products. Determination of lead content. Flameless atomic absorption spectrometric method,” ISO 6633 (1984). 5. ISO, “Fruits, vegetables and derived products. Determination of cadmium content. Flameless atomic absorption spectrometric method.” ISO 6561 (1983). 6. ISO, “Starch and derived products. Heavy metal content. Part 3. Determination of lead by atomic absorption spectrophotometry with electrothermal atomization.” ISO Norm 11212–3 (1997). 7. ISO, “Starch and derived products. Heavy metal content. Part 4. Determination of cadmium by atomic absorption spectrophotometry with electrothermal atomization.” ISO Norm 11212–4 (1997). 8. G. Ellen and J.W. Van Loon, Food Addit. Contam. 7 (2), 265 (1990). 213 9. E.J. Gawalko,T.W. Nowicki, J. Babb, and R. Tkachuk, J. AOAC Int. 80 (2), 379 (1997). 10. C.J. Blake, “Analysis of lead and cadmium in foods and raw materials – a literature review.” R&D Note No. QS-RN 970055 (1997). 11. P.M. Bolger et al., Food Addit. Contam. 15 (1), 53 (1996). 12. V. Burgatsacaze, L. Craste, and P. Guerre, Revue de medicine Veterinaire 147 (10), 671 (1996). Determination of Trace Element Contaminants in Food Matrices Using a Robust, Routine Analytical Method for ICP-MS P. Zbinden and D. Andrey Quality and Safety Assurance Department, Micronutriments & Additives Team Nestlé Research Center 1000 Lausanne 26, Switzerland INTRODUCTION Inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry (ICP-MS) is a very powerful technique for obtaining very low trace element levels and high sample throughput. This technique is applicable for the routine analysis of samples in quality control and safety laboratories of the food industry, as well as of food regulatory laboratories. However, ICP-MS is very sensitive to different interferences which can lead to inaccurate results. As food samples are very complex matrices, interferences occurring in the analysis of such samples can be very significant. It is obvious that ICP-MS can become an appropriate technique for use in food industry laboratories when a robust analytical method is developed. The method developed should not be too sensitive to the type of sample matrix to be analyzed. A robust method would include a good sample preparation method together with a detailed study of the potential interferences. Interferences in ICP-MS consist of general physical interferences, spectral interferences (1,2), and carbon-induced interferences (3). The general and isobaric interferences are usually well known to ICP-MS users. In a routine laboratory environment it is necessary to work as fast as possible. In trace metal determination by ICP-MS, the speed of the analysis is dependent on the speed at which the samples are prepared. AS Atomic Spectroscopy Vol. 19(6), November/December 1998 ABSTRACT ICP-MS is a rapid analytical technique that shows potential for use in routine multielemental analysis in the food industry. However, in order to take advantage of its high speed of analysis, the analytical throughput should not be slowed down by a lengthy sample preparation step. On the other hand, a rapid wet ashing method may cause interferences due to the presence of residual carbon, particularly in the determination of As, Se and Pb. Arsenic and selenium measured by ICP-MS in samples where residual carbon is present may be determined with a higher value up to 30%. At the same time, Pb may be determined with a value of 10% lower. These carbon-related interferences were quantitatively studied. The study shows that addition of a set concentration of isopropanol to wet ashed samples overcomes interferences from residual carbon. The accuracy and reproductibility of the determination of As, Se and Pb by ICP-MS was improved. A rapid and robust analytical method for the trace determination of As, Cd, Hg, Pb, Al and Se, well-suited to the routine environment of the food analytical laboratory, has been developed. Generally, ICP-MS preparation steps require long digestion times (e.g., 3 hours) at high temperatures to remove carbon from the sample to minimize matrix interferences. 214 Even under these extreme conditions, the quantity of the residual carbon present in solution is difficult to evaluate. The effect of the residual carbon on quantitative analysis is not wellknown. Potential interferences occurring in the determination of 27Al, 75As, 114Cd, 202Hg, 208Pb, and 82Se were studied in detail. A robust analytical method for the trace element determination in food useable in a routine laboratory environment is proposed. EXPERIMENTAL Instrumentation Sample preparation HPA-S High Pressure Asher™ system (Perkin-Elmer/Paar), maximum pressure 150 bar, maximum temperature 320°C, used with quartz vessels. Decontamination of the HPA-S quartz vessels Decontamination of the HPA-S quartz vessels was performed with a decontamination system (TRABOLD, Bern, Switzerland) using hot HNO3 vapors. Spectrometer An ELAN® 6000 ICP-MS (PE SCIEX, Concord, Ontario, Canada) was used. A thermostated cyclonic spray chamber fitted with a concentric nebulizer (Glass Expansion, Australia) was used instead of the standard cross-flow nebullizer. Vol. 19(6), Nov./Dec. 1998 Reagents High-purity ultrafiltered water (18.2 MΩ, MilliQ® Plus system) was used for dilution of the standards and samples. Nitric acid was freshly sub-distilled. Reference Materials MET 2/95, MET 6/95, Infant Cereals; DDP 7/95, DDP 8/95, Milk Powder. These materials were prepared by Nestlé laboratories and are regularly used as internal reference samples. BCR 8433, Corn Bran; NIST 1547, Peach Leaves; NIST 1575, Pine Needles; NIST 1568a, Rice Flour; NIST 1549, Non-Fat Milk Powder were obtained from PROMOCHEM, France. Sample Preparation All samples were prepared by wet ashing using the HPA-S High Pressure Asher. Except when specified, 0.4 to 0.5 g of sample was introduced into 15-mL quartz HPA-S vessels, and 2 mL of subboiling nitric acid was added. The HPA-S tubes were closed with two PTFE strips and a quartz cap. One strip is used to seal the tube, and the other to close the quartz cap. Twenty-one tubes were introduced into the HPA-S stainless steel heating block. The HPA-S was closed and a N2 pressure of 90 bar was applied. The samples were then heated according to the program described in Table I. TABLE I HPA-S Heating Program Step Initial Time Final temp. temp. (°C) (min) (°C) 1 20 2 90 3 150 Total time 30 20 30 80 90 150 180 The samples were diluted with ultrafiltered water to 10 mL in the HPA-S quartz tubes. RESULTS AND DISCUSSION Automatic Addition of Indium as Internal Standard The normal interferences due to the physico-chemical composition of the sample viscosity, the difference in acid concentration or in the quantity of matter injected are normally corrected by the addition of an internal standard. After testing the different elements as internal standards (Nb, In, Y, Yb, Be and Ta), indium (115In ) was found to be the best choice for correcting the analytes over the full range of masses. Usually, the internal standard is added manually to each sample, blank, and standard. This operation is time-consuming and prone to manipulation errors (addition of very small volumes). To avoid these manipulations, a simple device was used with the ICP-MS sample introduction system. It consists of a mixing manifold (two ways in, one way out) and a normal three-channel peristaltic pump. It automatically adds indium as an internal standard to all sample, blanks, and standards. This very simple system provides interesting advantages: • Fewer manipulation errors and greater sample throughout. The internal standard is regularly pumped at the same rate as the sample solution. No manipulation of the samples and standards is required. content was always by 30% higher in comparison to the As-certified value (normally measured by HGAAS). The Pb value was 10–15% lower than the value obtained by GFAAS. Since food samples have a high carbon content, these problems were presumably related to the high carbon concentration remaining in the food samples after wet ashing. The effect on the quantitative analysis of food matrices has not been reported previously in the literature. The carbon effect on the ICP-MS intensities of Cd, Hg, As, Pb, Se, and In is shown in Figure 1, where the variation of carbon concentration was simulated by varying the concentration of alcohol and citric acid in a standard solution. A direct relation between analyte intensities and carbon was therefore demonstrated. Figure 1 shows that carbon produces a strong signal enhancement on 75As and Se (both masses tested 82Se and 77Se). The signals can be enhanced up to seven times in the presence of carbon in solution. This means that measuring As and Se in organic samples (food samples) could lead to a value up to seven times higher, which is unacceptable. This enhancement effect is often used to raise the sensitivity for As (4,5) or Se. Auto-dilution of the sample is achieved. The dilution factor is determined by the ratio of the internal diameter of the peristaltic tubes of both sample and internal standard. A change in Pb intensities was also observed, but it is less marked and the opposite effect occurs. For Cd, a slight change was observed, which follows the signal observed for In. This suggests that for cadmium the intensity change will be well corrected with indium as the internal standard. Carbon Effects on Trace Element Determination A systematic error was observed in the analysis of digested organic certified food samples. The arsenic Carbon Effect Measured in Food Samples To show the carbon effect in a more realistic analytical situation, a Nestlé internal reference material, • 215 Infant Cereals MET 6/95, for which the As, Cd, Hg, and Pb concentration is accurately known, was analyzed by varying the dilution factor of the sample. As the sample volume remains constant, a larger amount of food sample corresponds to more carbon in the analytical solution. The sample weight was varied between 100 and 650 mg and diluted to 10 mL. This corresponds to a dilution factor varying from 100 to 15. Fig. 1. Methanol, ethanol, isopropanol and citric acid effect on the ICP-MS intensities of heavy metals (In, Y, and Se). Plot of weight (%) of alcohol or citric acid versus analytes intensities. A strong effect was observed in the determination of arsenic (Figure 2). At low dilution factors, the measured As concentration was higher. For a dilution near 10, the value measured for As was 40% higher. At low dilution factors, the measured lead concentration was lower. The effect on Pb is less important as it corresponds to a lower value of only 10%. No carbon effect was observed in the determination of Cd and Hg. How to Obtain Reliable Results for 75As and 208Pb The curve representing 75As intensities versus isopropanol concentrations (see Figure 3) can be split into four zones. Parts 1 and 3 are zones where relatively small changes in carbon concentration produced an important change in 75As intensities. On the other hand, parts 2 and 4 are zones where ---- Control limits; .......... Reference value Fig. 2. Effect of residual carbon on the concentration of As, Cd, Hg, and Pb measured by ICP-MS in MET 6/95. Fig. 3. Effect of isopropanol on 75As raw intensities. 216 Vol. 19(6), Nov./Dec. 1998 changes in carbon concentration result in a relatively insignificant change for 75As intensities. Normally, the analyses are carried out in aqueous solutions. The normal analytical situation for food matrices corresponds to zone 1 in Figure 3, where the change in 75As versus carbon concentration was dramatic. This would explain why As measured by ICP-MS can be higher. This also correlates well with the results presented in Figure 2, which shows that the measured As content increases when the dilution factor decreases. To avoid these changes in 75As intensities, one could add known quantities of isopropanol, corresponding to zone 2 or better to zone 4 of the isopropanol curve, where the effects on 75As are insignificant. Adding 2% of isopropanol to the solution should stabilize the As results. Adding 6% or more isopropanol should improve the stability of As results even more. Nevertheless, for ICP-MS it is more convenient to work with a low organic solvent concentration. For this reason, 2% of isopropanol was added to all solutions. Compared to Figure 2, the results in Figure 4 show that adding 2% isopropanol to the sample improves both the As and Pb determination. The results for Cd determination remain, as expected, unchanged. However, the determination of mercury was unstable in 2% isopropanol. This is probably due to electrostatic effects due to the presence of alcohol. To confirm the observations obtained for the MET reference samples, we extended this study to other sample types such as apple leaves, pine needles, corn bran, infant food containing milk, peach leaves, and rice flour. For comparison, these samples were measured successively in a water solution and in 2% isopropanol. The simultaneous determination was extended to Se and Al (see Table II). The results in Table II show that the quantitative determination of As and Pb was ameliorated in the presence of 2% isopropanol. The Se results were also better, although not always well-correlated with the certified values. This is probably due to other interferences, which cannot be corrected by isopropanol. An amelioration of the repeatability for As, Pb, and Se was also observed. This shows that the isopropanol stabilizes the results by stabilizing the carbon concentration in solution. The determination of Al and Cd was not affected by the presence of isopropanol. The results show clearly that Hg cannot be measured when isopropanol is added to the solutions. The results obtained for the determination of Hg in normal conditions (in water acidic solution) were also not always good. This is especially the case when Hg concentrations are low. This is due to the well-known Hg memory effect and will be the subject of a future study. The median of all RSDs was calculated using the results of all certified materials (see Table II). These values, which can be interpreted as the in-house reproductibility, were always ≤ 5%. Fig. 4. Arsenic, cadmium, mercury, and lead concentration measured in MET – 6/95 versus dilution factor in 2% isopropanol solutions. 217 TABLE II Analysis of Heavy Metals in Different Types of Organic Certified Samples -Comparison Between Analysis Performed in Aqueous Soluitons (“Normal Analysis”) and in 2% Isopropanol Analysis N of A Al As Cd Hg Pb Se N of A Al As Cd Hg Apple Leaves, NIST 1515 Peach Leaves, NIST 1546 Pb Se Cert-min 277,000 31 11 40 446 41 241,000 42 23 24 840 111 Cert-max 295,000 45 15 48 494 59 257,000 78 29 38 900 129 12 368,672 91 11 49 393 282 6 340,569 125 24 34 730 231 9 336,434 43 14 35 463 167 3 316,351 75 25 30 843 168 Error in water 12 ±17,222 ±5 ±2 ±2 ±10 ±9 6 ±12,785 ±10 ±1 ±2 ±23 ±39 Error in 2% isoporpanol ±13,857 ±1 ±2 ±1 ±9 ±3 3 ±9052 ±1 ±1 ±1 ±24 ±6 Water Iso-OH 2% 9 Corn Bran, BCR 8433 Pine Needles, NIST 1575 Cert-min 460 0 7 2 106 37 515,000 170 n.c. 100 10,300 n.c. Cert-max 1560 4 17 4 174 53 575,000 250 n.c. 200 11,300 n.c. Water 3 510 3 8 46 104 54 6 591,141 207 183 78 10,144 72 Iso-OH 2% 9 636 0 13 32 138 45 6 590,780 206 188 64 10,448 65 Error in water 3 ±84 ±0 ±1 ±4 ±16 ±3 6 ±4616 ±5 ±13 ±2 ±447 ±6 Error in 2% isoporpanol ±71 ±0 ±0 ±3 ±7 ±1 6 ±8903 ±2 ±12 ±6 ±147 ±2 9 Infant Cereals Product, MET 2/95 Rice Flour, NIST 1568a Cert-min n.c. 408 460 417 160 n.c. 3400 260 20 5 n.c. 340 Cert-max n.c. 639 531 472 339 n.c. 5400 320 24 6 n.c. 420 Water 6 n.a. 648 482 450 212 n.a. 6 3705 277 21 44 –16 347 Iso-OH 2% 3 n.a. 525 494 141 228 n.a. 6 3978 296 30 30 4 358 Error in water 6 n.a. ±7 ±4 ±7 ±17 n.a. 6 ±156 ±3 ±1 ±3 ±21 ±10 Error in 2% isoporpanol n.a. ±3 ±5 ±3 ±17 n.a. 6 ±33 ±3 ±0 ±2 ±3 ±2 3 Infant Cereals Product, MET 6/95 Cert-min n.c. 1538 147 120 898 n.c. Cert-max n.c. 1769 218 175 1077 n.c. Water 6 n.a. 2001 180 149 904 n.a. Iso-OH 2% 6 n.a. 1719 186 –14 978 n.a. Error in water 6 n.a. ±79 ±2 ±2 ±25 n.a. Error in 2% isoporpanol n.a. ±12 ±1 ±0 ±11 n.a. 6 All results are expressed in mcg/kg;; n.c. = not certified; n.a. = not analyzed; N of A = Number of analyses. 218 Vol. 19(6), Nov./Dec. 1998 CONCLUSION REFERENCES A new method is proposed for the analysis of food samples, which minimizes the effect of carbon on As, Se, and Pb by adding 2% isopropanol to the analytical solution. 1. Meng-Fen Huang and H. Jiang, J. Anal. At. Spectrom. 10, 31 (1995). 2. L. Ebdon, J. Anal. At. Spectrom. 9, 611 (1994). Cadmium can be determined either in water or in isopropanol with similar results. Mercury is better determined in aqueous solution, because of the poor repeatability and accuracy observed in 2% isopropanol. 3. J. Campbell, C. Demesmay and M. Ollé, J. Anal. At. Spectrom. 9, 1379, (1994). 4. P. Thomas, J. Anal. At. Spectrom. 10, 615 º1995). 5. E.H. Larsen and S. St¸rup, J. Anal. At. Spectrom. 9, 1099 (1994). The simple sample preparation suggested provides reliable precision and accuracy in the ICP-MS determination of toxic minerals. It can be applied to a wide variety of food matrices and is well-suited for routine food analysis. 219 Interferences in ICP-OES by Organic Residue After Microwave-Assisted Sample Digestion G. Knapp, B. Maichin, and U. Baumgartner Technical University Graz, Institute of Analytical Chemistry, Micro- and Radiochemistry Technikerstr. 4, A-8010 Graz, Austria INTRODUCTION Inductively coupled plasma (ICP) is a highly robust excitation source for emission spectrometry. The emission can be observed in a radial or axial configuration as shown in Figure 1. ICP spectrometers with axial configuration have better detection limits (by about one order of magnitude), the degree of precision is comparable to radial view, and the linear dynamic range is the same order of magnitude, but tends towards lower concentrations. On the negative side, the axial arrangement has greater matrix effects. The OH bands are about three times as intensive as with the radial configuration. In particular, a high concentration of organic compounds leads to a pronounced optical background, which may interfere with certain element lines. Due to the increasing demand for measurement methods that provide high detection capabilities for trace metal determination, an increasing number of emission spectrometers with axial ICP arrangements are being offered commercially. State of the art for trace element determination in organic materials is an analytical procedure comprised of a powerful microwave digestion system (1) together with a corresponding measurement technique, namely, an axial ICP emission spectrometer. State of the art in sample decomposition is microwave-assisted wet digestion with pure nitric acid in closed pressurized vessels. Since a high concentration of organic compounds (up to 20–30%) may remain after microwave-assisted wet diges- ABSTRACT Interferences of the remaining organic compounds after microwave-assisted wet digestion, using axial ICP-OES measurement, were investigated. Influences of the organic residue on the measurement could be observed, particularly in the region of the detection limit. Also, the acid concentration of the digestion solution influences the signal intensity. Finally, possibilities for solving these problems are discussed. tion with low pressure vessels, we have carried out experiments to establish the extent of interferences caused by the remaining organic compounds during trace element determination in organic sample materials. In addition, the effect of nitric acid on ICP-OES measurements was investigated, since a certain acid dependence is known to occur in ICP emission spectrometry (2). EXPERIMENTAL ICP Emission Spectrometry Axial ICPs have been described since the mid-1970s. However, this technology did not become effective until this decade, thanks to the coupling of an axial ICP with an Echelle spectrometer and a solid state detector (3). For this study, we used a Perkin-Elmer Optima 3000™ XL ICP-OES with an axial plasma configuration. Microwave-Assisted Pressure Digestion The sample digestion was carried out using the Multiwave Microwave Digestion System (Perkin-Elmer/Paar). This equipment permits the simultaneous measurement of pressure and temperature in each of a maximum of six digestion vessels (4). A 0.2-g sample was digested using 3 mL of concentrated nitric acid in 50-mL quartz vessels. The automatically controlled working pressure in the digestion vessels was 72 bar. The maximum temperature that can be achieved using this technique depends on the quantity of sample and the sample matrix, and is about 250ºC at the given composition of the digestion mixture. However, the Multiwave can also be set to a specific temperature, providing it is lower than the maximum temperature achieved at 72 bar. In this series of experiments, nicotinic Fig. 1. ICP-OES with radial or axial observation. AS Atomic Spectroscopy Vol. 19(6), November/December 1998 220 Vol. 19(6), Nov./Dec. 1998 acid was digested at 184ºC, 218ºC and at 253ºC. Nicotinic acid was chosen because this substance is difficult to oxidize using nitric acid and also because a high content of residual carbon remains. The residual organic substances remaining from the digestion process were determined and given as TOC (total organic carbon). The elements measured were arsenic at 188.979 nm and selenium at 196.026 nm. 0.2 g of nicotinic acid was digested using 3 mL of nitric acid at 184ºC, 218ºC, and 253ºC. The digestion program consisted of three stages: TOC Measurements The remaining organic carbon content was measured by means of ASTRO Model 1850 total organic carbon analyzer. Stage 3: Cool to room temperature in 15 minutes. RESULTS AND DISCUSSION Preliminary experiments have shown that of the elements As, Cd, Co, Cr, Cu, Fe, Mn, Se and Zn, more marked matrix effects were displayed by As and Se. For this reason, the experiments were restricted to these two elements. In later experiments, a greater number of elements was tested with regard to interferences from matrix constituents. Stage 1: Ramp from 500 W in 5 minutes to 1000 W; the microwave energy is regulated back automatically after the target temperature has been reached. Stage 2: Hold at the target temperature for 30 minutes. Table I lists the results of the measurements, along with the corresponding TOC values for the digestion solutions. The TOC values are given as a percent of the quantity of carbon in the original sample material. This clearly shows that nicotinic acid is a very tough mater- ial. At a digestion temperature of 184ºC, only about 10% is converted into CO2, about 15% at 218ºC, and about 60% at 253ºC. Earlier experiments have shown that for complete oxidation of the organic substances, which are hard to oxidize using nitric acid, temperatures of at least 300ºC are required (5, 6). This is currently only possible using the HPA-S High Pressure Asher™ system (Perkin-Elmer/Paar). The results in Table I show that the theoretical value is approached, and can be achieved, with decreasing TOC content. However, it should be kept in mind that the element concentrations given are close to the detection limit. Analyses in nicotinic acid with ten times the analyte concentration no longer show this relationship to the residual carbon content. In summary, The relationship of the signal intensity to the nitric acid concentration was investigated first. Solutions of 500 ng/mL each of As and Se were measured at the following nitric acid concentrations: 5, 10, 20, 50% by volume (see Figure 2). The digestion solution prepared for the measurement (dilution 1:5 to 1:10) was in a concentration range in which the variations in the concentration of the nitric acid has no influence on the result for measuring arsenic. When measuring selenium, however, it is essential to ensure that the acid concentration is the same for the standard and the sample solution. For testing the influence of the remaining organic compounds, nicotinic acid spiked with arsenic (1.5 µg/g) and selenium (2.5 µg/g) was digested and measured. Each Fig. 2. Measurement of As and Se solutions with various nitric acid concentrations at 188.979 nm (As) and 196.026 nm (Se). The emission intensity is given in % of the signal height of the aqueous standard solution. TABLE I Measurement for Arsenic and Selenium After Digestion of Nicotinic Acid at Various Temperatures Digestion Temp. (ºC) As (µg/g) Se (µg/g) TOC (%) 184 0.88 ± 0.0.6 3.9 ± 0.17 90 ± 3 218 1.20 ± 0.10 4.0 ± 0.36 85 ± 5 253 1.50 ± 0.09 3.0 ± 0.45 40 ± 8 Arsenic content: 1.5 ug/g; selenium content: 2.5 µg/g. The TOC value is the remaining organic carbon content in % of the original carbon content. 221 the most complete digestion of the organic sample matrix is recommended if the full detection capabilities of the axial ICP emission spectrometer are to be exercised. CONCLUSION Microwave-assisted wet digestion in closed vessels is state of the art for sample decomposition in elemental analysis. For complete oxidation of organic materials with pure nitric acid, temperatures of more than 300°C are necessary. The digestion temperature in closed microwave heated vessels depends on the pressure. Average temperatures in low pressure vessels at 20 bar are about 160–180ºC, and in high pressure vessels at 75 bar they are about 220–250ºC. At a given pressure, the temperature depends also on the sample weight and the vessel volume. For axial ICP-OES determinations at low concentration ranges, it is always better to oxidize the organic sample as completely as possible. Therefore, a microwave digestion system with high pressure vessels is the better choice. For higher element concentrations, low pressure vessels are useful as long as the sample is dissolved completely. In this case, organic residues of about 20–30% are normally no problem. 222 REFERENCES 1. Microwave Enhanced Chemistry, S. Kingston, S. Haswell, Eds., American Chemical Society Professional Book Series, ACS: Washington, D.C. (1997). 2. P. Schramel, J. Ovcar-Pavlu; Fresenius Z. Anal. Chem. 298, (1979)28. 3. J.C. Ivaldi, J.F. Tyson; Spctrochim Acta Part B 50, 1207 (1995). 4. M. Zischka, P. Kettisch, A. Schalk, G. Knapp, Fresenius Z. Anal. Chem. 361, 90 (1998). 5. M. Würfels, E. Jackwerth, and M. Stoeppler; Fresenius’ Z. Anal. Chem. 329, 459 (1987). 6. M. Würfels; LABO 3, 7 (1989) Microwave-Assisted Digestion of Plastic Scrap: Basic Considerations and Chemical Approach Michael Zischka, Institute for Analytical Chemistry, Micro- and Radiochemistry Graz Technical University, Technikerstr. 4, A-8010 Graz, Austria Peter Kettisch, Anton Paar GmbH, Kaerntner Str. 322, A-8054 Graz, Austria Peter Kainrath, Bodenseewerk Perkin-Elmer GmbH, Postfach 10 17 61, D-88662 Überlingen, Germany INTRODUCTION Plastic scrap, predominantly household waste such as Tetra-pack bottles or packing foils, is used as an auxiliary fuel in rotary kilns in the cement industry. The material can replace up to 20% of the primary fuel in the clinker burning process. The plastic material, delivered in big bales, is shredded to a particle size of 10 to 15 mm. This scrap has to be analyzed regularly for several metals that may cause environmental problems or influence the cement product quality. These metals originate from coloring agents, fillers, and stabilizers that are added during the plastic production. The difficulties of the determination arise mainly from the sample preparation step. Mixed plastic waste is a cumbersome sample: due to different origins, it shows great inhomogeneity, a strongly changing composition, and an unpredictable reaction behavior depending on the kind and quantity of additives. With inadequate decomposition methods, often an insoluble residue remains or the organic matrix is not destroyed completely. Both cases can cause incorrect analytical results. Some additives form very reactive intermediate products during wet ashing procedures, leading to violent reactions. Pressure peaks may occur during microwave digestion if samples with a low melting point lump together. Under further microwave irradiation, these lumps will burst violently. Thus, safety is of paramount importance. AS Atomic Spectroscopy Vol. 19(6), November/December 1998 ABSTRACT The accurate determination of heavy metals in plastic scrap is strongly influenced by the selection of the right sample digestion method. The difficult and inhomogeneous nature of this kind of sample material and its unpredictable reaction behavior are the major obstacles in getting correct analytical results. A sophisticated microwave digestion instrument that guarantees a controlled reaction in high-performance vessels and the choice of the right reagent mixture are key factors for the complete mineralization of this complex matrix. For the determination of Cd, Cr, and Pb, different chemical approaches have been investigated in order to find a universally applicable method that is safe, reliable, and can be used for daily routine analysis. Basic Requirements and Considerations for the Sample Preparation Step Right choice of reagents Plastic waste material is a complex mixture of organic and inorganic compounds for which an appropriate reagent mixture must be found. A simple approach with only one acid does not work. The organic matter must be destroyed with oxidizing reagents, commonly nitric acid, HNO3 (2). For the complexation of elements such as Fe, Al, Cr, and Sb, often a small amount of hydrochloric acid has to be added. Hydrofluoric acid is used for the complete dissolution of the inorganic constituents. It also acts as a complexing agent for several 223 metals. Before analysis, HF-containing sample solutions require a special post-treatment which is described later. The use of sulfuric acid is well known with open vessel procedures for oxidizing the organic matter and increasing the boiling point of an acid mixture, which is a benefit in pressure-controlled closed vessel applications. A disadvantage of H2SO4 is that some elements form insoluble sulfates, resulting in losses of analytes. Chemical interference can be a problem with GFAAS. Highest possible temperature Basically, the reaction speed and the efficiency of sample decomposition can be improved by a temperature increase. As a rule of thumb, a temperature increase of 10ºC doubles the reaction speed. In pressure-controlled operation, the temperature in the vessel is dependent on the reagent mixture and on the amount of gaseous products formed during the decomposition process. For mixed plastic materials, the maximum oxidation potential and, therefore, the highest possible temperature must be achieved. For this reason, it is beneficial to run the digestions at the highest temperature allowed by the vessel design. Safe and reliable vessels For the total digestion of plastic scrap, an HF-resistant vessel system has to be used. Usually, fluoroplastics (PTFE or PFA) are used, which have temperature limitations. For difficult-to-digest samples, it makes a considerable difference whether the practical temperature limit of a vessel is 200ºC or 260ºC. Attention must be paid to the fact that frequent use of high temperatures may reduce the lifetime of the vessels. The goal is to find a method that is suitable for routine analysis and does not result in excessive vessel wear. EXPERIMENTAL Sample Digestion A Multiwave microwave digestion system (Perkin-Elmer/Paar) was used for the sample preparation. The system is equipped with a six-position rotor, highperformance pressure vessels, and simultaneous pressure and temperature control in all vessels. The unique sensor design, which has been described in previous works, provides safe handling of even “critical” samples (1,4). The vessels were of PTFE/TFM, with operating conditions up to 260ºC and 80 bar. With this type of reaction vessel (Figure 1), it was possible to develop a method for plastic scrap decomposition, which is suitable for daily routine analysis. ICP-OES Instrumentation For the determination of the elements, a Perkin-Elmer Optima 3000™ inductively coupled plasma optical emission spectrometer (ICP-OES) was used with an axial configuration and a cross-flow nebulizer. Decomposition Method Development Samples Two types of sample material with a different inorganic composition were investigated: K1: Mixed plastic with low content of inorganic components (<10%). K2: Mixed plastic with high content of inorganic components (<30%). Fig. 1. High-performance compound vessel. The samples were chopped to flaky, voluminous consistency. In mixed waste applications, it is always difficult to obtain a homogeneous and representative sample, particularly in this case where the applicable amount was limited to 200 mg. An optimization for higher sample weights may be possible. The samples were weighed into the TFM liners and the liners placed into the ceramic supporting vessels. Reagents Since the goal of this work was to find the right chemical approach, different reagents and reagent mixtures were tested (Table II). Suprapure subboiling acids (Merck) were used exclusively. The acids were added subsequently, starting with HNO3 and ending with H2SO4. Special care was taken to rinse the sample particles from the reaction vessel walls. The vessels were closed with the lip-type seals and the rotor was prepared in accordance with the operating instructions (6). 224 Digestion Program All tests were performed with one microwave power profile: Power Time Power Fan (W) (min) 200 1000 0 10 35 15 (W) 1000 1000 0 0 0 3 The resulting solutions were clear and green in color. A fine white precipitate of undissolved inorganic compounds was observed, but no residues from unmineralized organic material were present. The samples were quantitatively transferred and diluted to volume. Complexation For samples decomposed with hydrofluoric acid, the solutions were treated with saturated boric acid. As a rule of thumb, 5 mL saturated boric acid should be added for each 1-mL HF in the decomposition solution (7). After the addition of boric acid, the vessels were closed and a short run was performed on the Multiwave Vol. 19(6), Nov./Dec. 1998 TABLE II Reagents and Reagent Mixtures Tested Mixture HNO3 (65%) D Remarks microwave system. The samples were then quantitatively transferred and diluted to volume. HCl (30%) HF (40%} H2SO4 Operating (90%) pressure 1 mL — 30 bar Sulfuric acid omitted for chemical reasons, complexation step following Note: When this residue does not consist of inorganic compounds, it will not be dissolved by adding boric acid. Power (W) Time (min) Power (W) Fan 500 1000 0 5 10 15 1000 1000 0 0 0 3 A 6 mL 0.5 mL B 6 mL 0.5 mL — — 70 bar Destruction of organic material in quartz vessels C 6 mL — 1 mL 2 mL 30 bar Destruction of organic material at elevated temperature with additional attack on organics, without the complexation step 6 mL — 1 mL 2 mL 30 bar Destruction of organic material at elevated temperature with additional attack on inorganics, followed by the complexation step The procedure produces a clear, colorless solution, free from precipitates. The samples were transferred into 25-mL measuring flasks, as described before, and diluted as needed. Measurement process / calibration The operating conditions using the Optima 3000™ XL ICP-OES are listed in Table I. The measurements were carried out at the following wavelengths: 214.438 nm and 228.802 nm for Cd; 205.560 nm and 257.716 for Cr; and 216.999 nm and 220.353 nm for Pb. TABLE I ICP-OES Operating Parameters Fig. 2. Comparison of results obtained for Cd concentration in plastic scrap materials using different acid mixtures (reference values of Cd obtained by three independent laboratories by aqua regia leaching in open vessels and by dry ashing varied from 5 to 36 µg/g for sample K1 and from 5 to 25µg/g for sample K2). RF Power 1400 W Plasma Ar gas flow 15 L/min Auxiliary flow 0.5 L/min Nebulizer flow 0.8 L/min Sample flow rate 1.4 mL/min Replicate measurements 3 Signal processing Peak Area 3 pixels The calibration was carried out with a blank solution and four standard solutions within the linear range of the calibration function. The blank solution and the standard solutions were prepared from a matrix-matched solution of the 225 Fig. 3. Comparison of results obtained for Cr concentration in plastic scrap materials using different acid mixtures. (Reference values of Cr obtained by three independent laboratories by aqua regia leaching in open vessels and by dry ashing varied from 50 to 120 µg/g for sample K1 and from 25 to 180 µg/g for sample K2.) Fig. 4. Comparison of results obtained for the determination of Pb in plastic scrap materials using different acid mixtures. (Reference values of Pb obtained by three independent laboratories by aqua regia leaching in open vessels and by dry ashing varied from 50 to 120 µg/g for sample K1 and from 20 to 85 µg/g for sample K2.) same ionic strength, acid concentrations, and boric acid concentration as the samples. Scandium was added as the internal standard to each sample solution. DISCUSSION AND RESULTS Results for Cd For the recovery of Cd, the type of reagent mixture seems less important, only the nitric acid/ hydrochloric acid decomposition even under the highest possible pressure of 70 bar shows lower Cd results (Figure 2). The same behavior can be expected for elements with similar properties like Hg or Tl. These elements are easily soluble in nitric acid and form no insoluble sulfates. Therefore, the only prerequisite for a complete recovery is the total digestion of the sample material. Results for Cr In inorganic compounds, Cr is often found in oxide form. When 226 nitric and hydrochloric acid is used without hydrofluoric acid, a complete recovery of Cr can only be obtained in samples with a low inorganic content (sample material K1) (Figure 3). In materials with a greater amount of inorganic compounds (sample material K2), this is not the case. Therefore, low recoveries of Cr occur if hydrofluoric acid is omitted. Another reason for low recoveries is the fact that Cr is not soluble in nitric acid and often reacts to form insoluble oxides that can be adsorbed on quartz vessel walls. Note: Such adsorption effects can appear at vessel walls independent of the quartz vessel material used. Results for Pb For complete recovery of Pb, acid mixture A is best suited (Figure 4). The mixture of nitric and hydrochloric acid (reagent B) might be acceptable in some cases. Lead is known to form insoluble sulfates in digestion applications, including H2SO4, as can be seen in this work. Reagent mixtures containing sulfuric acid (mixtures C and D) show significantly lower Pb concentrations. The use of boric acid for the complexation of insoluble fluorides shows that a great amount of lead cannot be dissolved because of the conversion into insoluble PbSO4 during the digestion step (mixture C). The mixture of nitric and hydrochloric acid (reagent B) might be acceptable in some cases, but acid mixture A is best suited. Sulfuric acid, which is used traditionally in open vessel digestions to increase the boiling point in order to achieve a complete decomposition of organic compounds, has to be avoided in closed vessel digestion if Pb has to be determined. Vol. 19(6), Nov./Dec. 1998 CONCLUSION For complete recovery of the elements Cd, Cr, and Pb in mixed organic-inorganic sample materials, it is essential to select a balanced reagent mix, a high-performance closed vessel decomposition system, and a special sample posttreatment. Upon comparison of the different wet chemical procedures, only procedure A is capable of the simultaneous determination of the elements studied after the digestion of the mixed samples. Simplification of the chemical approach may be allowed if only single elements have to be determined. In order to obtain a complete digestion by the use of mixture A, a digestion system is required that allows operation at the necessary high temperatures over an extended period of time. In comparison with dry ashing and open digestion methods, it can be seen that the combination of mixture A with a high-performance digestion system leads to much more reliable and precise results. REFERENCES 1. G. Knapp, F. Panholzer, A. Schalk, and P. Kettsich, in MicrowaveEnhanced Chemistry, H.M. Kingston and S. Haswell, Eds., American Chemical Society Professional Book Series; ACS: Washington, DC USA (1997). 2. K.D. Besecker, C.B. Rhoades Jr., B.T. Jones, and K.W. Barnes, At. Spectrosc. 19 (2), March/April (1998). 3. E. Sucman, M. Sucmanova, O. Celechovska, and S. Zima, CAS (1991). 4. M. Zischka, P. Kettsich, A. Schalk, and G. Knapp, Fres. J. Anal. Chem. 361, 90 (1998). 5. H.M. Ortner, H.H. Xu, J. Dahmen, K. Englert, H. Opfermann, and W. Goertz, Fres. J. Anal. Chem. 355, 657 (1996). 6. Anton Paar GmbH, Multiwave Instruction Handbook. 7. G. Knapp, ASA: Private communcation. 227
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