Parto Nasim Iliya Co. Plan Of Construction International Tourist, Sightseeing Sample Town "IDEA" Located in holy mashhad 1 Parto Nasim Iliya Co. 2 Parto Nasim Iliya Co. Article 22: act of adding articles to the regulating act from financial regulation of appointed government date: February 16, 2002 In order to speed up in developing the hotels and residential and other tourist facilities, according to cultural and tourism heritage organization: 1. Land and domicile national organization is bound to provide the required lands to investors by evaluated value by expert through fiveyear ownership lease. 2. Forests and pasture auriferous organization and natural resource general office and land affair organization of agricultural Jehad ministry are bound to provide the investors with the required land by local price. 3. Land use change will be discussed for locating hotels by suggestions from cultural and tourism heritage organization in article 5 subject to urbanization and architecture high council establishment act of Iran. 4. Losses originating from land use change and aggregate selling are paid to the related municipality through 5-10 year payments since the beginning of commissioning by investors. 3 Parto Nasim Iliya Co. Table of contents General information of plan Executer Company 7 Ruling institutional values 8 Company institutional strategies related to executing tourism plan 9 Plan status summary 10 Definitions and expressions 13 Introduction 17 Surveying tourism industry in the world 17 Iran Tourism stand 20 General goals of tourism industry development in Iran 25 About the plan 27 Plan execution conditions 28 Goals and advantages of executing the plan 29 Main goals 29 Sub-goals 30 Economic goals 30 Social goals 31 Cultural and religious goals 32 Statement of prophecy of tourism sample plan 33 Privileges and weakness of executing the plan 34 Surveying plan opportunities 35 Political factors 35 Economic relations 35 Cultural and social factors 36 Technological factors 36 4 Parto Nasim Iliya Co. Adoptable strategies 37 Policy offers and recommendations 39 Characteristics, stand and sanctum of the region 40 Climate conditions 42 Life condition 46 Land 46 Other indices 46 Place of executing the plan 47 Lands map 48 Supplying materials 57 Workforce 57 Transport facilities 57 Infrastructure facilities 58 Plan characteristics 59 A) Access road 59 B) Residential usage 59 C) Commercial facilities 64 D) Entertainment and Sport centers 65 E) Administrative usage 68 F) Hygiene and treatment usage (health village) 69 G) Urban facilities usage 71 H) Productive and industrial usage 74 I) Green space usage (agriculture) 75 J) Cultural and religious centers 77 K) Educational centers 78 5 Parto Nasim Iliya Co. L) Path and roads 79 Construction criteria in Mashhad tourism sample town 80 Metric and scheduling and financial tables of project applicability 82 Description of related activities and specializations of plan execution 94 Acts and regulation of tourism 106 Sustainable tourism and its effect on environment 106 Sustainable tourism environmental indices 107 Plan relationship with sustainable tourism development by emphasizing environment maintenance 109 Procedure of taking tourism plan permit 112 Services development and facilities strategies of tourism 113 General program for developing tourism facilities 114 Looking into plan market program and its related strategies 115 Area taken by usage separation 119 Infrastructure area separated by usage 120 Occupation level area separated by usage 121 Predicted physical progress diagram 123 Predicted financial progress diagram 124 Predicted time progress diagram 125 6 Parto Nasim Iliya Co. General information of plan Executer Company: Parto Nasim Iliya Co. has established as the plan executer company in 2008 with 200 billion Rials and with cooperating with private sector holding registry number of 323719. This company is able to play an effective role in increasing market share by investing in different parts of productive, service, industrial and commercial sectors. As some of current activities of the company constructing, commerce, investing in oil, gas and petrochemical affairs and attracting foreign finance could be mentioned. Address: No. 2, Mola'e Street, Karimkhane Zand Street, Tehran, Iran. Tel: (+98) 021-88913138 Fax: (+98) 021-88913129 Email: Web 7 Parto Nasim Iliya Co. Ruling institutional values: - Observing ruling laws and regulations - Being loyal to Islamic and Iranian values - Being Accountable being responsible against customers - Satisfying and respecting the benefiters - Institutional behavior based on professionals perfectionism, order, and discipline. 8 moral, honesty, Parto Nasim Iliya Co. Company institutional strategies related to executing tourism plan: - Making new tourism capacity in geographical domain of the country - Using international valid standards and brands - Developing marked and bringing diversity in Iran tourism industry - Attracting internal and external tourists - Providing diverse and modern services - Participation with international valid companies - Locating mechanization system for providing services and management - Developing IT in all aspects and work grounds 9 Parto Nasim Iliya Co. Plan status summary: 1. Plan title: tourism sample town of Holy Mashhad 2. Project type: establishing complementing and developmental 3. Provided service type: internal and international tourism services 4. Plan executing location: Personal marginal lands of Mashhad-Sarakhs road known as Abravan and TaymurAbad. It should be mentioned that this path is entered in three independent ways: 1- Tehran-Mashhad highway entrance 2- 100 m spiral road of Ferdowsi 3- Mashhad-Sarakhs road entrance 5. Geographical plan boundary: Tourism sample region of Mashhad-Sarakhs margin starts about 18km of this road and it is located 37 km along this road in north corner and in its south part. Region lands are suitable for establishing this region because of having intact lands and flat plains and since it is near to Holy Mashhad City, it would be attractive for internal and external tourists and pilgrims if residential, service, welfare and entertainment centers are constructed. 10 Parto Nasim Iliya Co. 6. Status of supplying raw materials and required technological and engineering services: Using internal contractors and raw materials: 80% of all required resources and services Using external contractors and raw materials: 20% of all required resources and services 7. Annual tourist attraction: 5.000.000 person (internal and external tourists) Internal tourists: 90% = 4.500.000 person External tourists: 10% = 500.000 person 8. Plan executing period: (Since the beginning to exploiting time) 5 to 7 years in executing 5 phase Starting the plan: 2012 End of the plan: 2017 to 2020 11 Parto Nasim Iliya Co. 21 Parto Nasim Iliya Co. Definitions and expressions: Tourism: There are many definitions for tourism word and its concept and proficient's have provided different definitions in world level. For example, they translated tourist word to "a person who travels for the sake of travel happiness and curiousness". Tourism means, in dictionary, performed activities by tourists and other people whose travel is arranged. Conceptually, "tourism is human activity and includes travel from the origin to the destination which is done for leisure time or business. This concept also includes the cultural, economic and social exchange. These elements have close relationship." Accordingly, leisure and entertainment activities are considered as part of tourism. as such that activities which "have official aspect like games and special entertainments or activities which have unofficial aspect like barbecuing, marching, climbing, fishing, being optional, non-existence of compulsory reason, being unofficial, acting accord and perfect propensity are of these activities (Hall & Valler, 1998). Tourism is interpreted by others as science, art and business of attracting and displacing visitors, providing them residence and meeting their need and requirements kindly.(Fiffer,1985) however, some consider tourism as a tool by which people can know and understand each other, and this is when there is more human coordination required. (Teobold, 1984) 13 Parto Nasim Iliya Co. Seemingly, the most general definition of tourism is provided by global tourism organization. This organization defines tourism as any kind of travel which includes at least one night residence but be less than a year and be away from home. Sustainable development: Sustainable development in environment means supplying current generation needs without endangering facilities of future generation for supplying their needs. (Brundtland Report, 1987) The beginning of the sustainable development serves this idea that long-term protection of environment, settlements, life diversity, natural and environmental resources in only possible when be simultaneously coordinated with economic, social, and political development, especially in order to supply the revenue of the poorest people of the society. Sustainable tourism: There are different definitions of sustainable tourism. For example, "It is a kind of tourism which can be protected in long-term because it leads to net interest originating from social, economic, natural and cultural environments of the tourism area". (Hall, N. and Testoni, L. 2004) or "It is kind of tourism which doesn't endanger the cultural, social, economic or environmental integrity of the tourism destination in long-term". (Weaver, D.B. 2001) 14 Parto Nasim Iliya Co. In point of view of global tourism organization, "sustainable tourism development meets the current needs of tourists and host areas beside protecting and increasing future opportunities. Sustainable tourism is considered as advancing whole management of resources such that economic, social, and aesthetic needs could be met beside protecting cultural integrity, ecological main processes, life diversity and protecting systems of life". (Hall, N. and Testoni, L. 2004) By definition, also tourism would be sustainable ecologically, if: • Doesn't consume non-renewable resources faster than can find alternative renewable resources for them • Reduce consuming work energy • Doesn't release pollutants in nature faster than could be transformed to harmless by biosphere. • Doesn't have an effect on life diversity and ecological systems • Protect entertainment, educational and cultural opportunities of current and future generations • Benefit local communities and region in social and economic manner • Doesn't affect the other economic sectors capacity for gaining ecological sustainability (Southern Cross University. 1997) Actually, "the philosophy of tourism sustainable development is assuring that tourism and sustainable development and management occur in a way that next generations could use their benefits. (WHO 2007) 15 Parto Nasim Iliya Co. In sum, it could be said that sustainable tourism includes the same concepts of sustainable development that is stable exploiting of resources while protecting natural, cultural, social and economic resources for the current and future generation. 16 Parto Nasim Iliya Co. Introduction: Surveying tourism industry in the world: Tourism is one of the biggest industries and commercial activities in the world which "increased by 25% in the last 10 years. Although having 760 international travelers in 2004 which has had more than 622 USD incomes"(UNEP & WTO.2005), it is predicted that in the new century it would be become the world leader industry. As the evaluations have shown "tourism investment will be reach 10.6% of total world investment or 1/4 Trillion USD in 2010". (Hawkins, D. E. and K. Lamoureux 2001) which this is have been done and it is increasing. Diagram 1: international tourists increase (Eagles P.F.J., McCool, S.F. and Haynes, C.D.A. 2002) 17 Parto Nasim Iliya Co. We can see the increase procedure of international tourists to 2020 in diagram 1 It is worth noting that 2010 and 2020 years are predicted in this diagram According to World Tourism Organization (WTO), 563 million entered tourist numbers in 1995 will reach 1.6 people in 2020. Income originating from tourism will reach from 453 to 2000 billion dollars from 1995 to 2020, respectively. In sum, international tourism volume and its income have annual average increase of 4.4 and 6.5%, respectively. In addition, WTO prediction shows that 56% of world travelers will be internal tourists in 2020. Formal details of this estimation are provided in table 1 by separation of main destination of the world. According to this prediction, Europe share of entered tourism will reduce from 59% to 48% from 1995 to 2020, respectively which implies the intra-regional travels in this market and the low growth nature of this developed market, even though Europe tourists' orientation to Asian travels will have 3 to 4 average development. South Asia tourism market with its annual fast growth of 5.5% between 1995 and 2020 is introduced as the fourth destination region. As it is not expected that this market share will be change in this period, maintaining this share leads to increase of entered tourists from 6 to 10 and 17 million people in 2000, 2010 and 2020, respectively. Since Iran can maintain a good growth rate because of its enormous resources, it is predicted that effective share of this market be dedicated to Iran in 2020. 18 Parto Nasim Iliya Co. Table 1: international tourism prediction separated by world region Entered international tourists (million) Annual average Destination areas growth% 2020 2010 2000 1995 3/4 %48 771 %52 547 %58 393 %59 333 7 %29 462 %23 245 %15 104 %15 85 Europe Eastern Asia and Pacific 3/1 %16 248 %18 183 %20 135 %20 115 US 5/7 %4 69 %4 41 %3 23 %3 17 Africa 5/6 %2 35 %2 20 %2 12 %2 9 Middle East 5/5 %1 17 %1 10 %1 6 %1 4 South Asia 4/3 %100 1602 %100 1046 %100 673 %100 563 Total Source :WTO(2000) Intra-regional tourism market dedicated most of the entered tourists to the tourism destinations in the world. It is predicted that using better, roomier, faster and more comfortable transport facilities is increased from 18 to 24% in 1995. Although great part of this market is owned by East Asia and pacific tourists, Europe and North America have a major part in these tourists especially to Asia. 19 Parto Nasim Iliya Co. Iran Tourism stand: The travel and tourism competitiveness report in 2011 which is published by world economic forum shows that Iran rank is 114 among 139 countries. (see Table 2) In this report, 14 indices of competitiveness in political procedures and regulations, environmental sustainability, health and security, hygiene and treatment, making private the tourism industry, air transport infrastructures, land transport infrastructures, tourism infrastructures, ITC, prices, human resources, dependence on tourism and travel, natural resources and cultural resources is surveyed which eventually leads to ranking of countries. It is worth noting that in Middle East and North Africa, UAE has the first and Libya has the last rank in competitiveness list. Saudi Arabia rank is stated as 62. Our country is one level higher than Libya and it is located after Algeria. In this report, Turkey, Georgia, Azerbaijan, Armenia and Tajikistan rank is as 50, 73, 83, 90, and 118, respectively. It is recalled that according to world tourism institution report, income of 4 main destination countries in the world that is France, US, china and Spain it is estimated as 78.95, 60.88, 55.98 and 53 billion dollars in 2010, respectively. Also, according to this institution's evaluations, Iran is among the 10 top countries considering tourism attraction. Released statistics by WTTC is also estimated that in Iran employing o 1600000 people in 2010 is dependent on this industry. Nonetheless, more than 75% of activists in private sector believe that authorities' attention to tourism is low in Iran and more than 85% of they 20 Parto Nasim Iliya Co. believe that there exist the serious weakness of informing in national and international media. In the report of world council of travel and tourism which surveyed tourism economic effects in 181 countries till 2020 which Iran is among them, insufficient status is predicted for Iran. In this report it is declared that in 2009, 39.713 billion Rials which is 3.9 billion dollars is invested against 3.7% of total investment of the country which this has 2.6% growth rate. In report of UNWTO, annually more than 900 million people visit attractive places of different countries but Iran share is only 2 million people. 21 Parto Nasim Iliya Co. Table 2: Competitiveness Index of travel and tourism in Middle East and North Africa – 2011 report Business Total index Criteria infrastructures Country Region World UAE Bahrain Qatar Israel Tunes Oman Saudi Arabia environment and rank rank 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 30 40 42 46 47 61 62 64 70 75 78 95 105 113 114 124 Jordan Lebanon Egypt Morocco Kuwait Syria Algeria Iran Libya (Source: economic world) Human, natural and cultural resources score Rank Score Rank Score Rank Score 4.78 4.47 4.45 4.41 4.39 4.18 4.17 4.13 4.03 3.96 3.93 3.68 3.49 3.37 3.37 3.25 9 20 34 42 54 47 41 72 63 74 77 60 109 110 103 107 5.32 5.06 4.68 4.33 4.05 4.18 4.35 3.61 3.86 3.59 3.50 3.92 2.91 2.89 3.03 2.92 42 78 90 65 59 76 70 74 69 71 73 126 113 116 91 125 57 62 43 41 31 61 81 37 78 70 69 108 101 112 131 122 4.77 4.66 5.02 5.04 5.17 4.67 4.38 5.08 4.42 4.53 4.55 3.94 4.17 3.87 3.43 3.64 4.24 3.68 3.64 3.87 3.94 3.69 3.77 3.73 3.80 3.77 3.74 3.18 3.39 3.35 3.64 3.18 According to 20 year outlook, Iran tourism should have 20 million foreign tourists in 2025. Also, Iran share of world tourism income have to reach from 0.07 to 2 percent in 1383 to 1404, respectively so that Iran could have 25 billion dollars income of entering tourist in 1404. 22 Parto Nasim Iliya Co. According to the latest reports of world council of travel and tourism which has predicted tourism statistics and status from 2010 to 2020, Iran will have 3.9% growth rate in 2010 but Iran tourism will face recession in 2020 and its growth rate will reduce to 3.8. Iran income of entering tourist in 2010 will be 2.4 billion dollars which establishes 2.5% of total Iran exports and according to world institution of travel council this number will reach 5.1 billion dollars in 2020 which equals to 2.4% of total Iran exports. In ranking 181 surveyed countries in world institution of travel council and in gross national product of tourism, Iran is on rank 30 and considering national economy has the rank 95 and about economic growth is located in world rank 135. Currently, Iran has negative equilibrium of tourism. That is for every one billion dollars of tourism income which is benefited by our country, 4 billion and 200 million dollars are spent outside the country. In developed countries 10 percent of workforce is active in this sector. However, in Iran only 50 thousand people are working in this sector. Considering tourism advantages and economic effect in this industry, if we could have only 30% of tourism income, we can import 2 times the oil income to the country. Our country has great world shrines and has the most civilization history in the region and all of facilities for using this industry is remained unused. However, other countries and especially the neighbor countries use these facilities for their benefit. 23 Parto Nasim Iliya Co. Glimpsing on this industry tells that no special evolution would happen even in next a few years. In order to develop tourism and get placed in one of region and world tourism poles, government and people view about this industry should be changed and work in order to supply facilities and infrastructures and implementing successful tourism sample in country. 24 Parto Nasim Iliya Co. General goals of tourism industry development in Iran: Considering mentioned topics about Iran tourism status in region and in the world, necessity of paying serious attention for executing big plans of tourism in the country it looks necessary. General goals of tourism industry development in Iran, in the country tourism general plan it is stated as follows: - Increasing general wisdom about Iran heritage and culture in internal and international markets - Introducing and detecting national culture and Iran Islamic culture to the world in order to distribute and develop the conversation between civilizations - Complete using of Iran strategic and geopolitics position - Increasing tourism share in building non-oil exports net income - Help sustainable development of natural, social – cultural environment. - Enforcing and strengthening the national unification - Maximizing tourism share in making work opportunities especially for the young generation and unemployed people and providing new business facilities especially in village regions of provinces. 25 Parto Nasim Iliya Co. In table 3, predicted short-term, average-term and long-term goals of Iran tourism sector based on analyzing current potentials in internal and international markets considering national program of tourism development is shown. Table 3: development goals during 2000-2020 Base year Predicted number based on target (individual) Indices 2000 2005 2010 2020 Internal tourists (thousand) 32450 41415 58177 77853 average resident time 3 3/33 3/67 4 daily expense average (rial) 64443 170629 451788 1196235 Total expense (billion rial) 6273/5 23531/8 96461/1 372521/9 Gross national revenue share %1/18 %1/27 %1/49 %1/65 work making share 259058 366432 567295 827422 foreign tourists (thousand) 1342 1567 2396 3776 average resident time 11/7 12 13 13 daily expense average (dollar) 54/95 59015 67/42 92/81 Total expense (thousand dollar) 862/8 1112/3 2100 4555/9 Gross national revenue share %1/22 %1/42 %2/17 %3/44 work making share 282201 363809 686946 1490231 Required rooms in rated hotels based on star 27436 31785 53028 80618 Total share in gross national product %2/40 %2/69 %3/66 %5/09 Total share in job making 541259 730241 1254241 2317653 exchange net revenue share (thousand dollar) %3/31 1001/1 1890/0 4100/3 26 Parto Nasim Iliya Co. About the plan: Considering mentioned description it is seen that the necessity of suitable investing in tourism sector is one of the fundamental solutions of leaving current situation in this industry. The mentioned plan by depending on using tourism facilities and attractions of Khorasan Razavi province tries to play its role in tourism stand of the country by establishing tourism sample region and pave a way in investing in tourism sector about 4 billion dollars 27 Parto Nasim Iliya Co. Conditions of building the plan: Considering the diversity of plan and the type of goals it seems that assigning the plan to internal contractors could make the base of making predicting in plan execution. Based on this, the main challenges in constructing and completing the plan by internal contractors are as follows: - Un-equipping of Iranian countries in financial, right, contraction aspects according to international standard for attendance in international markets - Existence of problem in completely assigning the plan to a company in order to provide and implementing all of the services and needs of the plan - Non-existence of required technology for establishing some of required facilities for Iranian contractors - High scheduling and delay in opening the project by Iranian contractors - High expenses of engineering and technological services for implementing the plan In order to relieve from this problems by providing technological knowledge and getting help from technology and consultation of foreign companies, we could help internal contractors and compensate the lacks of internal contactors. 28 Parto Nasim Iliya Co. Goals and advantages of executing the plan: Considering table 3 and the number of predicted tourists after executing this plan which is 500.000 foreign tourists, share of this plan of net income related to intended tourism town is predicted to be 500.000.000 dollars in year. Considering the great goals of tourism plans in country and the amount of predicted income for executing he plans based on 20 year outlook, the intended goals of building tourism sample town of Mashhad in to part of main goals and sub-goals including 3 economic, social and cultural goals are as follows: A) Main goals: - Enhancing tourism, tourist, entertainment, medical service quality - Using modern technologies and technologies based on IT in order to maintain environment and reduce environmental pollutions - Building added value and increasing the share of plan - Increasing internal and external tourism share by implementing new methods in order to attract the tourists - Base making in order to build a new brand in tourism industry and maintaining and enhancing it 29 Parto Nasim Iliya Co. B) Sub-goals: Economic goals: 1) Making economic boost by using the presence of tourists and selling tourism product and internal handmade industries 2) Suitable base making for investment in private sector in the region 3) Organizing commercial centers in on region in order to meet the customer needs 4) Locating travelers and tourists in an intact region with the best facilities and most suitable prices 5) Maintaining urban environment by using latest experiences in maintaining natural resources and environment 6) Improving the quality of tourism services of Mashhad by building tourism sample region 7) Job sustainable and productive jobs at least for 20.000 people 8) Holding national and international exhibitions with different economic topics 9) Activation of industrial tourism in country and reducing internal tourism prices 30 Parto Nasim Iliya Co. Social goals: 1. Building the biggest tourism town with the latest facilities and technologies in the world 2. Suitable introducing the tourism industry as one of economic poles if suitable investment be done 3. Optimum usage of tourists and travelers of Mashhad of their leisure and rest time 4. Introducing tourism attraction of the province as completely scientific and programmed 5. Internal and external tourism development while maintaining its world standards 6. Sampling different part of Iran and world architecture in order to recognize and show them to the tourists 7. Help village regions for holding agricultural exhibitions in order to boost the region tourism 31 Parto Nasim Iliya Co. Cultural and religious goals: 1. Providing better conditions for attracting religious tourist into the biggest pole of Iran tourism 2. Holding national and international congress in the region considering the location on all required facilities in order to recognize and improve Iranian culture 3. Increasing pilgrimage tourists in the region by help of enhancing life and culture quality 4. Help constructing religious tourism sample tours in the region by locating international city chiefs for maintaining and observing religious, custom, and national values based on this tourism 32 Parto Nasim Iliya Co. Statement of prophecy of tourism sample plan: Tourism sample plan of Mashhad after being executed, it is pioneer and the biggest provider of hotel, tour, tourism, and entertainment services in the country and it is valid in international level. Above plan by providing suitable services, provides the ground of getting customers and tourists familiar with customs of the different parts of the region. This plan by developing human resource, maintaining environment and using modern technology is looking for observing benefiters rights, growth of interest and getting ahead in internal and external markets by emphasizing Islamic values and Iranian culture. 33 Parto Nasim Iliya Co. Privileges and weakness of executing the plan: 1. Independency to government financial resources 2. Easier and faster access to required liquidity because of owners' financial independency 3. Easier access to more benefits and the possibility of gathering different domains interest and loss 4. Having required management and possession options for executing the plan 5. Having suitable and enough land for building and executing the plan without harming the plan boundary 6. Existence of valued capitals for improving the commitments and development programs 7. Having suitable market share and presence in high scale and secure activities 34 Parto Nasim Iliya Co. Surveying plan opportunities: By surveying the plan environment as the effective factor in executing the plan and studying the political, economic, cultural and social, and technological factors in this area, some of current opportunities could be mentioned. Political factors: - Outlook goals of the country in 2025 - Prophetical politics of fifth development program: receiving facilities for development and investment, attracting foreign resources for developing the investment - Internal and external compulsory standards - Suitable economic relations with neighbor countries - Maintaining environment by reliance on complete execution of environmental standards Economic relations: - Annual income level and GDP procedure - Privatization and making free - Effects of world financial recession on Iran economics from built investment opportunities - Closeness to Turkmenistan and Afghanistan markets - Visit of at least 20 million tourists in year - Closeness to water infiltration and sewage center of Mashhad 35 Parto Nasim Iliya Co. Cultural and social factors: - Population growth and the urbanization procedure and using between life services - Young age integration of the population - Relative improvement procedure of poverty level and reducing economic inequalities - General orientation of Iranian society to social welfare - Increasing the reception of tourism and advanced plans - Locating in religious tourism pole - Presence of all tourism facilities and centers in one complete center and being attractive as the first pole of tourist attraction Technological factors: - Developing procedure of technology level in all economic activities and industrializing all the activities - Technological change rate in country level 36 Parto Nasim Iliya Co. Adoptable strategies: By studying strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats of plan, we can determine their suitable strategies. Table 4: SWOT (corresponding strategies and programs with strengths weaknesses, opportunities, and environmental threats) (S) Internal strengths (W) Internal weaknesses SO Strategies Internal weaknesses’ and environmental Internal strengths’ and environmental opportunities consequence opportunities consequence Optimizing production, maintenance and service expenses WO Strategies Leaving unattractive activities WO1 based on economic and SO1 environmental indices Optimizing tourism activities’ order to implement the plan WO2 capacity by using latest economical facilities and services SO2 with suitable price Developing IT-based programs in plan execution Using region’s water by help of WO3 SO3 forestry of plan margin Contributing and helping village people in order to boost their recovery and infiltration for Programming plan development WO4 based on villa and mass business SO4 construction Creating comprehensive development program emphasizing environment WO5 Study to enter new attractive investments maintenance 37 SO5 (O)environmental opportunities Optimum usage of region lands in Parto Nasim Iliya Co. Attempt to buy or acquisition of sand and gravel workshops and using them for plan construction WO6 Attracting foreign investments SO6 WO7 ---------------- --- WO8 ---------------- --- and execution Development of marketing and advertisement activities Programming for more effective attendance in target markets and holding important share in region tourism market (S) Internal strengths (W) Internal weaknesses SO Strategies Internal weaknesses’ and environmental Internal strengths’ and environmental threats threats consequence consequence WO Strategies Attempt to reduce friction to follow-up process by management WT1 potential competitors and avoiding movements in administrative ST1 bureaucracy Team management Enforcement ---------------- --- and establishment of specialized committees related to each domain and using idea holders 38 ST2 (T) environmental threats Concentrating supervision and Parto Nasim Iliya Co. Policy offers and recommendations: Considering the above topics, following solutions are offered in order to increase the capability of executing the plan: 1. Codification of transparent strategy for the future plan 2. Especial protection of locating units and valid private and public companies for providing services and goods 3. Building strong and sufficient information bank in domain of tourism and service companies capability 4. Base making of delivering knowledge and experiences of international tourism successful companies for Iranian companies. 5. Suitable programming for effective marketing and propaganda in country and region for attracting the tourists 6. Precise and continuous study of market demand 39 Parto Nasim Iliya Co. Characteristics, stand and sanctum of the region: At the beginning, we can find out the amount of travelers and tourists attraction by looking the important attraction and public paths in Khorasan Razavi Province. Beside presence of Imam Reza holy shrine in Mashhad City and related places which attracts top numbers of tourists, paying attention to other tourism attractions and also constructing a sample tourist regional in near of Mashhad city could play a important role in attracting travelers and tourists. In the table 5 we can see the public tourism ways in Khorasan Razavi Province which this plan is an attempt for developing tourism path of Mashhad-Sarakhs. 40 Parto Nasim Iliya Co. Table 5: public tourism path of country, Khorasan Razavi Province Attractions Travel path Travel Travel destination starting point point Nishapur Mashhad 1 kalat Mashhad 2 Torbatejam Mashhad 3 Gonabad Mashhad 4 Ferdows Mashhad 5 Dargaz Mashhad 6 Kashmar Mashhad 7 Shandiz Mashhad 8 Sarakhs Mashhad 9 Akhlamad Mashhad 10 row Ghadamgah – Khaiam cemetery- Attar cemetery – KamalolMolk cemetery-Mohammad Mahrough Mashhad - cemetery-Fazl Bn Shazan cemetery-wood village Nishapur and mosque-Doroud summer-Bouzhan summerYar waterfall Sun Building-Arghavanshah gate-Darband Arghavanshah tower-Naderi inscription-Kaboud Mashhad - Gonbad Mosque-Naderan dam-Ghore sou kalat waterfall-Ortkand waterfall-Khane Zou Summer Fariman dam- Chennar village summer and river- Mashhad – Shaikh Ahmad Jami cemetery-Robat jam-Shahdan Torbatejam Garmab warm water-Arzaneh valley Kakhak-Shari'at Ab Anbar-Ghasbeh well-Jame Mashhad - mosque-Nojumie school-Soufieh tower-Robat Zin Gonabad Abad-Bidokht Ferdows warm water-Kushk mosque-Kushk bath- Mashhad - Emamzade Soltan mohammad and Soltan Ebrahim Ferdows Tondrouh (chehelmir) park-bandian castle- Mashhad - LotfAbad border market Dargaz Emamzade Seyed Morteza – Emamzade seyed Mashhad- Hamzeh – Modares cemetery Kashmar Ferdousi cemetery-Harounieh monument-Shandiz Mashhad- Toos city market-Abardeh summer-Zashk summer city- Shandiz Bezengan lake-Dousti dam- Khatun Bridge-Baba Mashhad - loghman-Shilat-Robat sharaf Sarakhs Mashhad- Beautifull Akhlamad summer and waterfall Akhlamad 41 Parto Nasim Iliya Co. Climate conditions: Map 1: towns map of Khorasan Razavi Province 42 Parto Nasim Iliya Co. Considering registered statistics in weather station of plan (Mashhad weather station with 59.38 and 36.16 geographical longitude and latitude) in one 21-year period (1989-2010), the average status of different indices of weathering is as follows: ` Map 2: Dispersal map of Mashhad Synoptic station (altitude 999.2 m) 43 Parto Nasim Iliya Co. Waterfall and temperature status: Diagram 2: Abrothermic Mashhad station diagram Diagram 3: average waterfall in Mashhad station 44 Parto Nasim Iliya Co. Diagram 4: Mashhad Hitrograph station Diagram Average sunny hours: Diagram 5: average monthly sunny hours of Mashhad station 45 Parto Nasim Iliya Co. Life condition: Considering weather type and waterfall and wind and sunlight in the environment in respect with habitual status, there would be no problem for locating executing plan factors, habitants, owners in future and travelers and tourists of the plan. Land: Intended land for the plan is in 166 main plaque and 162 of sector 12 of Mashhad located in Mashhad-Sarakhs-Abravan and it is 10000 hectare. Other indices: - Being plain - Flat lands and locating on a plain - Local accesses - Environmental potential facilities 46 Parto Nasim Iliya Co. Place of executing the plan: The intended lands are located in two direction of North and South of Mashhad-Sarakhs road from the 18 km of Ferdowsi road and continues to 58 km. The width of lands is about 10.000 hectare which it is a suitable condition for building tourism sample town Neighbor villages include Abravan, Hasan Abad, Taimur Abad, Bagher Abad, Abas Abad, and Taghi Abad The complete ownership of these lands is owned by the plan owner and there is no problem about opponent. 47 Parto Nasim Iliya Co. Lands map: In order to getting familiar with lands boundary and regional stand of executing map plans, land and aerial photos are being bought and shown here: Figure 1: aerial figure of 166 main land plaque in Mashhad scale 48 Parto Nasim Iliya Co. Map 3: land map of the plan in margine of Mashhad-Sarakhs road Figure 2: aerial figure of 166 main land plaque in Razavie scale 49 Parto Nasim Iliya Co. Figure 3: aerial figure of 166 main land plaque in Razavie and Abravan scale Map 4: map of plan lands in margine of Mashhad-Sarakhs road of Abravan Region 50 Parto Nasim Iliya Co. Figure 4: aerial figure of lands position of Abravan region Figure 5: aerial figure of 166 main land plaque in Abravan region 51 Parto Nasim Iliya Co. Figure 6: aerial figure of 6 sub plaque Figure 7: aerial figure of 8 sub plaque 52 Parto Nasim Iliya Co. Figure 8: aerial figure of 9 sub plaque Figure 9: aerial figure of 2 sub plaque 53 Parto Nasim Iliya Co. Figure 10: aerial figure of 12 sub plaque Figure 11: aerial figure of 13 sub plaque 54 Parto Nasim Iliya Co. Figure 12: aerial figure of 14 sub plaque Figure 13: aerial figure of 15 sub plaque 55 Parto Nasim Iliya Co. Figure 14: figure of a position of one of sub-plaque in north corer of Mashhad-Sarakhs road Figure 15: figure of another position of one of sub-plaque in north corer of Mashhad-Sarakhs road 56 Parto Nasim Iliya Co. Supplying materials: Considering covered lands widths and in order to construct the required plan, all of materials such as armature and ironware's, cement, sand and gravel, brick and … could be supplied internally and job making is possible because of existence of sand and gravel producing workshop near the plan location Closeness to neighbor countries could help supplying material in need time. Workforce: Considering plan topic "building tourism sample plan of Mashhad City" beside brining work opportunities, all experts and contractors are of elite internal and international forces and this improves the index of using trained forces. It is predicted that by holding this plan, a labor market about 20.000 people in 5 years will be constructed and we can have permanent labor market of 10.000 people after executing the plan. Transport facilities: Exceptional conditions of the region and closeness to the main road paths like Tehran, Mashhad highway, and Tehran-Mashhad railway and Mashhad international airport are of advantages of this plan for locating, servicing and constructing. 57 Parto Nasim Iliya Co. Infrastructure facilities: Passage of gas pipe in the region and also the possibility of using irritation network and the presence diverse wells and closeness to Mashhad water and sewage infiltration is a great help in maintaining environment and developing the tourism Power and telecommunication lines respond to the plan capacities and there is no problem in developing these facilities. There is no lack felted in this area. So, there is the priority of supplying power in region in designing and holding powerhouse for supplying the power. 58 Parto Nasim Iliya Co. Plan characteristics: A) Access road: In order to better access to the tourism town and easiness of tourists transport to the region, 3 access points are predicted which are as follow: 1. Main spiral Ferdowsi road of Mashhad 2. Tehran-Mashhad highway 3. Mashhad-Sarakhs road B) Residential usage: Considering the evaluation of tourists and pilgrims in the province which some of them enter from outside the country, residential centers prediction in the tourism region is more important. Presence of religions tourism as one of main pillars of tourism in Mashhad causes to appear more than ever. In residential usage programming which is more than 3800 hectare, there is 10% construction jobs. Average 4 levels is considered which an area more than 15.200.000 m2 is dedicated to the infrastructure. The most important spaces are as follows: International 7 star hotel: 3 hotels International 5 star hotel: 8 hotels International 4 star hotel: 12 hotels 3 star hotel: 15 hotels Motels and residential centers: 80 motel 15000 villas for residence of tourists All the welfare facilities of this complex are independent. 59 Parto Nasim Iliya Co. The main problem in maintaining traveler and tourism in the region and increasing the time period of residence is having suitable residential facilities for all kinds of people. The followings are of predicted facilities for this purpose which are effective in tourist attraction and could use them for other cases such as holding congress and exhibitions: - 4 and 5 star hotels with all entertainment and sport facilities - Tourist residential places for tourists of different tours and different grades - Residential motels for locating tourists with three class cost A, B, and C - International congress hall - Theater and lament hall - Restaurants and food services by decoction of Iranian and foreign foods based on folks style - And the like Villa-like Residential centers (motel): In order to locate villa-like houses in the tourism sample plan and in order to optimum usage of region capability in agriculture and gardening and because of dedicating 1000 m land for each Iranian in order to construct a villa and garden it is tried in this plan that all of lands and villas have beautiful gardens for internal and external tourists. View and architecture of villa buildings will be construct based on different zoning and like villa houses to meet different style of people. 60 Parto Nasim Iliya Co. Architecture of Iran North regions, wildernesses and central of Iran, mountain regions and also architecture of villa by sampling from international villa buildings is divided as follows: Predicted villa lands areas consist of 6 different area which are as follows: - 500 m land: 50 m villa and 450 m parking and garden in A, B, C classes - 1000 m land: 150 m villa and 850 m parking and garden in A, B, C classes - 1500 m land: 200 m villa and 1300 m parking and garden and game yard in A, B, C classes - 2000 m land: 300 m villa and 1700 m parking and garden and game yard and pool in A, B, C classes - 3000 m land: 400 m villa and 2500 m parking and garden and game yard and pool in A, B, C classes - 5000 m land: 1000 m villa and 4000 m parking and garden and game yard and pool in A, B, C classes 61 Parto Nasim Iliya Co. Figures of predictable view of motels and villa residential places Figure 16 Figure 17 62 Parto Nasim Iliya Co. Figure 18 Figure 19 63 Parto Nasim Iliya Co. C) Commercial facilities: In order to facilitate the access of customers, travelers and internal and external tourists to their needs it is predicted that the commercial centers are located as follow: The most important spaces of this complex are as follow: - International commercial center (4 centers) with area more than 300 hectare - 2 unit Mega Mall with are more than 200 hectare - Hyper Market with are more than 300 hectare - Commercial centers with area more than 200 hectare including: • Multipurpose commercial tower and center with complete facilities for locating stores and agencies of selling marks and brands and public centers for cloth, food, home devices, cell phones, computers and the like • Halls and exhibition centers for holding internal and international exhibitions 64 Parto Nasim Iliya Co. D) Entertainment and Sport centers: The most important condition for attracting customer and tourist to a tourism sample region is having suitable entertainment facilities for spending leisure time. Accordingly, it is tried in this project that by building the biggest entertainment, sport and tourism complex of the country, this need be meet and be a good place for holding sports and entertainments. Included sport centers: Considering the attendance of young group in the country and the importance of sport in Islam point of view and recommendations of high grade recommendations of leadership based on sport renovation, to points of view are used in designing sport usages of Razavi tourism complex. One point of view is looking into Iran and world custom sports and the other one is speculating on champion sport category in view of Olympics or world cup games. In turn considering various local and native and provincial sports whether in Iran or other countries and also performing sport usage champion sport is predicted by locating 500 hectares land to tourism complex. This area is 5% of total tourism land and has 8% land usage. The predicted infrastructure area is 800.000 m2. The most important spaces of this usage are as follow: - Olympics village with 200 hectares area - World cup and Asian stadiums, 20 outdoor and close stadiums with 100 hectares area 65 Parto Nasim Iliya Co. - Different stadiums for racing, riding, horse riding, charting, golf with 100 hectares area - Different sport land and halls with 100 hectares area (20 halls) All the sport sets felicities will be prepared within the user. Other predictable facilities are as follow: - Football stadium with bicycling, marathon - Closed sport hall for intra-hall sports - Racing path for holding professional and entertainment races - Biking path - Boating lakes - Horse riding and horse nurture - Camel riding and wilderness riding path - Closed and open pools - Different water and wavy complexes - Climbing complex - skating complex - Bicycling complex - Jumping station and the like - And the like 66 Parto Nasim Iliya Co. Included Entertainment centers: Dedicating 700 hectares to the above complex which takes 7% of the total area with 560.000 m2 infrastructure include following facilities: - Closed play guard complex - Open play guard complex - Tourism parks complex with various worldwide plant types - Water and fire parks - Jungle parks - Flower park - Zoo - Sea aquarium with warm and cold fish - Digital cinema hall - 4D cinema hall - Water park - Entertainment parks - Topic parks - Iran Land - Toy parks and the like 67 Parto Nasim Iliya Co. E) administrative usage: Khorasan Razavi province has always been known as administrative hearts of the country. Closeness to the strategic countries of Middle East and Middle Asia, presence of facilities such as Mashhad Hashemi Nezhad international airport and increasing economic development of the province which have caused the progress of other countries leads to this end that Khorasan Razavi province is posed as a known pole in country and Middle East in respect with administrative diverse aspects. By joining Iran to the commercial business organization, the need of administrative centers in great scale is felt. Because of this a continuous programming for this administrative complex could be built. 2% that is 200 hectares is dedicated to this of all Razavi tourism Complex. Occupation level for this is about 8% (160.000 m2). Infrastructure is 2.400.000 m2 considering the aggregation. The most important spaces are as follow: - World business center with 896.000 m2 infrastructure - International business centers with 256.000 m2 infrastructure - Bank brands, insurances and internal and external offices with 192.000 m2 - Internal management centers with 128.000 m2 68 Parto Nasim Iliya Co. F) Hygiene and treatment usage (health village): Khorasan province as the first and rich big country in dealing with Middle East and South Asia is the main base of accepting patients in countries like North and Arabic neighbor countries. Razavi medical science university by utilizing professional professors and educational and medical centers, nowadays, is the hospital pole of the country. In turn and considering utilizing program of tourism sites of hygiene and medical facilities for neighbor boundaries, 3.000.000 m2 area is programmed which its infrastructure is 480.000 m2. In order to locate all specialized medical centers in various medical domains it is predicted to locate a village called health village in the plan so that the ones who require to receive specialized cares could heal by enjoying update facilities and medical servicing from doctors and specialist in different medical domains beside enjoying Imam Reza kindness for their treatment in an integrated specialist environment The most important spaces are as follow: - Health village (patients’ relaxation place and provider of special treatments of various nations under supervision of experienced doctors so that the Razavi health village is expressed as tourism pole in the world) this village area is 60 hectares which has 57.600 m2 infrastructure Its centers include: • Specialized labs • Specialized surgery centers 69 Parto Nasim Iliya Co. • Specialized pharmacies • Specialized Doctors Building • Specialized recovery centers • And other Specialized medical centers in different domains It is hoped that this center patients could heal by special kindness of Imam Reza and provide a provision of interest by the good pray for the founders of this medical complex. - Super specialized surgery centers (considering Iranian skills in advanced surgeries and the possibility of these surgeries in a suitable and calm environment and also low cost of experienced surgeries in respect with neighbor counties, this center in considered by an 45 hectares area land and 86,400 m2 infrastructure). - Limited surgeries center with 45 hectares area and 57.600 m2 infrastructure - Clinics (considering different treatment methods and medical clinics a land with 45 hectares area and 43,200 m2 infrastructure area is allocated to this end) - Medical residential (indeed medical tourist needs to stay in a center so a 30 hectare area with 19,200 m2 infrastructure is allocated for this end) - Saraye Mehr Razavi (considering today modern life, many families can’t take care of elderly and the disables is house environment. Therefore, in order to better care for elderly and the disables, Saraye Mehr Razavi is allocated with 75 hectares area and 48,000 m2 infrastructure) 70 Parto Nasim Iliya Co. G) Urban facilities usage: A land with more than 10000 hectares as Iran, Asia and world pole needs complete urban facilities and equipment's. In land programming, 100 hectares is dedicated to facilities and equipment's. The most important spaces are as follow: - Water and sewage infiltration with 15 hectares are - Power house in 15 hectares area land - Gas pressure reducing station and gas delivery posts in a land with 10 hectares area - Control center and telecommunication in land with 5 hectares area - Control centers of all complex in land with 5 hectares area - Repair stations, fuel pumps and warehouses in a 35 hectare land - Fire department, help and save posts and police in a 15 hectare area - 95 hectares is dedicated to open, green environments of total 100 hectares Unquestionably, it is with strong and programmed infrastructure facilities for tourism sample town which a brilliant and secure future could be assured. Some of urban facility systems are as follow: - Modern water and sewage piping - EGO system and sewage recovery center and sewage infiltration center - Gas piping and gas pressure reducing centers - Telecommunication and optic fiber delivery system - Power production centers: considering future job engineering affairs these centers are chosen. 71 Parto Nasim Iliya Co. - Lighting facilities for streets - Locating cell phone and wireless posts - Locating high speed wireless internet in all of the area - Locating irritation system for jungles, villas, trees and the like - Locating communication infrastructure based on IT There is look into communication manner in supplying infrastructure facilities. Today, communication it is determinant of progress and development of the societies. Accordingly, by executing this plan the first complete urban service center based on IT and modern technologies is established in the country which could be a suitable sample for locating and developing such systems in the country. Reducing transport expenses, reducing service expenses, preventing the loss of time and increasing sufficiency and utilizing service centers are as evident characteristics of this complex. The predicted are as follow: - Access to managerial, tourist and tourism services and receiving required kind of information based on IT - The project of building intelligent town Security and protective affairs are another part in infrastructure affairs that must be surveyed carefully: 72 Parto Nasim Iliya Co. Security and protective affairs: In order to set calm and maintain urban security in the town, observing security and protection affairs is very necessary and important which are as follow: - Protective gates and traffic control in entrances and exits of the town - Sentry and observation patrols - Security cameras for sensitive and public centers In addition, following facilities is predicted in executing the plan for the easiness of tourists' transportation: - Aerial agencies - Auto rent agencies - Private and public transportation services - Public transportation services and the like 73 Parto Nasim Iliya Co. H) Productive and industrial usage: Considering this that dedicated lands to the tourism usage could have special industries, this programming is performed. There is also a look into current industries that are unpolluted and this is possible here. According to this, 200 hectares of this complex is dedicated to this usage. The most important spaces are as follow: - Medical plants centers and gardens, 30 hectares and 4,800 m2 infrastructure - Hezare Zafaran industrial center (considering this point that Khorasan Razavi province is the world saffron pole as a sample of medical and industrial plant) a 30 hectare area with 4,800 m2 infrastructure is allocated for this end) - Agricultural studies and research center with 40 hectares and 6,400 m2 infrastructure - Exchange industrial centers, 20 hectares and 2,400m2 infrastructure - Handmade and native centers, 20 hectares and 2,400m2 infrastructure - Plant and bestial genetic research center, 40 hectares - Greenhouse industry center, 20 hectares 74 Parto Nasim Iliya Co. I) Green space usage (agriculture): The main reliance of tourism sample regions is on green space. In Razavi tourism complex the main reliance is also on building programmed green spaces. According to this, 1,400 hectares garden with 700,000 m2 infrastructure is considered for green spaces. The most important spaces are as follows: - Iranian garden (Shahname, Kuhestan, Darya, Namaye Isfahan, Shiraz, Tabriz, Tehran gardens) with a 210 hectare area is allocated - Nation gardens (Japanese, European, renascence, new millennium garden, world and Asian gardens) have 210 hectare area - Topic gardens (Nahjolbalaghe, Baharolanvar, national art, modern art and bird gardens) with 280 hectares area - Village life (in this boundary which is covered by green fences, tourists spend a while in pure nature without any contact with today world life elements and live ancient life which is world free of car, power, gas and in it the tourist supplies its life needs) 140 hectares area - World and Iran tiny garden (providing small scale of world and 192 world counties in this garden which facilitates detection of countries for the visitors) 140 hectares area - Islamic and Quran park (this part will be Quran stories) more than 280 hectares - Self-employment agricultural gardens (for stable employment and enjoying from different agricultural affairs) with 140 hectares area 75 Parto Nasim Iliya Co. In order to maintain environments and help reclamation of plant types in Khorasan Razavi geographic domain, locating this complex with reliance on latest technology achievements will be performed. Extensive plant cover around the region and agriculture of town's margin, maintaining the existing plant types and developing them, building conservation animal region, creating honey bee nurture plain are of other performed activities. 76 Parto Nasim Iliya Co. J) cultural and religious centers: Emphasis on cultural and religious centers in the tourism complexes is an important part of tourism projects. The followings are considered in cultural and religious centers which has 300 hectares area. - Museum garden (Razavi, Iran civilization, Quran, holy defend museum gardens) more than 30 hectares - Museum palace, 30 hectares - International congress center (this center is dedicated to ceremonies such as different exhibition, political-cultural-social meetings) more than 45 hectares - Native and custom art center (in order to renovate Iran and world ancient, native and custom arts) more than 30 hectares - Modern art museum, 30 hectares - Cinema town, 45 hectares - Amphitheaters and outdoor space, 15 hectares - Religious centers (mosques, religious ceremonies holding place) more than 75 hectares 77 Parto Nasim Iliya Co. K) Educational centers: Country scientific growth and progress is comprehensive country scientific document declared by leadership rank which leads to comprehensive look of responsible authorities to education category. In Razavi tourism complex site, educational usage has special luminance and receive 300 hectares land area The most important spaces for this usage are: - Science ministry-dependent colleges with 90 hectares area - Azad University- dependent colleges with 90 hectares area - Non-governmental institutions with 60 hectares area - High institutions of ministries with 60 hectares area 78 Parto Nasim Iliya Co. L) Path and roads: A major volume of dedicated spaces to this plan which is 18% of total space is dedicated to following paths and roads: - Town's spiral roads - Locating 8-band main roads and canalling - Locating 4-band sub-roads and canalling - Planting all streets and pathways - Local access roads to the region from different paths 79 Parto Nasim Iliya Co. Construction criteria in Mashhad tourism sample town: 1. 38% of the plan lands with 10% usage level is dedicated to construction of motels and hotels a. All hotel buildings with max 10% usage level and 20 levels will be constructed b. All motel buildings with max 10% usage level and 3 levels will be constructed and the rest will be constructed as green space and pool and play yard. 2. Max 10% of land usage is located for building business, cultural, religious, service, educational and medical centers. 3. 12% of all land is dedicated to the sport and racing centers 4. 18% is dedicated to roads and pavements - All the main streets must have 4 forward and 4 return band - All intra-town streets must have 2 forward and 4 return band and green space must be provided in middle of the street - The entire main and sub streets must be connected to EGO and sewage and a central infiltration and final infiltrated water must be used for agricultural and green space usages in mechanization manner. 5. 1% of lands are dedicated to infrastructure, security, protection affairs such as locating power houses, power delivery centers, and unpredicted affairs and the like. - All the town's power is supplied by the private power houses 80 Parto Nasim Iliya Co. - All of the required water is supplied by existing wells and locating an independent infiltration - Town's gas need is supplied via intra-city Mashhad-Sarakhs gas pipes 6. 14% of around lands is dedicated to foresting and creating covered plains suitable with the climate of the region. In table 6 a summary of construction distribution based on total area is seen. 81 Parto Nasim Iliya Co. Table 6: allocated percentage and metric to predicted topics in execution of Mashhad tourism sample plan 28 Parto Nasim Iliya Co. Table 6-1 to 6-11: Mini tables of predicted usage and scheduling and financial functions in execution of Mashhad tourism sample plan 28 Parto Nasim Iliya Co. 28 Parto Nasim Iliya Co. 28 Parto Nasim Iliya Co. 28 Parto Nasim Iliya Co. 28 Parto Nasim Iliya Co. 22 Parto Nasim Iliya Co. 28 Parto Nasim Iliya Co. 89 Parto Nasim Iliya Co. 89 Parto Nasim Iliya Co. 88 Parto Nasim Iliya Co. 88 Parto Nasim Iliya Co. Description of related activities and specializations of plan execution: During the plan execution and considering activities volume and performed services it is necessary that following technical and engineering groups act according different specializations and skills in order to reach mentioned goals in plan execution: Table 7: Related activities and specializations of plan execution Description of services group specializations Row Performing studies and programming and supplying development and architecture plans and plan authority and descriptive domain, town’s conductive plan, preparation plans and study and programming Urbanization 1-1 of different parts of the urban, organizing town’s industry, town’s protection plan against disasters, Performing studies and preparing preliminary plans, Educational, first and second stage of energy consuming sport, management and observing all educational and hygiene and research projects, sport, religious, cultural and medical artistic and hygiene and medical centers buildings Performing studies and preparing preliminary plans, first and second stage of energy consuming management and observing all Residential, commercial, administrative, industrial buildings and factories, telecommunication centers, mechanized post and related buildings to the city services and military special buildings 94 Urbani zation 2-1 commercial, e, industrial and military buildings Archite cture Residential, administrativ & 3-1 1 Parto Nasim Iliya Co. Description of services group specializations Performing studies and preparing preliminary plans, first and second stage of energy consuming management and observing architecture project Internal internal construction, ceremonies, arms and symbols, architecture construction designs according to Iran 4-1 and international different climates and architectures Organizing Performing studies and programming and organizing rusty textures and unofficial residential, performing programming studies, preparing constructive, improvement, strengthening plans of special textures and strengthening of rusty 5-1 texture and unofficial residential Performing studies and programming and preparing conceptual plans in city level and deciding about city factors and notation of solution and politics of Urban design 6-1 confronting with city space and preparing city designs Performing evaluation seismic studies, preparing improvement plan, preparing execution details, observing the execution, estimation of retrofitting costs, preparing technical instructions, review of technical instruction, preparing construction maps, surveying Sundazh results, producing special software, fast evaluation 95 Retrofitting 7-1 Row Parto Nasim Iliya Co. Description of services group specializations Row Performing studies and preparing preliminary plans, first and second stage of energy consuming management and observing village roads, main and sub roads of freeways, bridges and pathways, related Road technical buildings and improving them and serving construction 1-2 Railway 2-2 technical services, preparing technical identification, preparing construction maps, surveying Sundazh results, producing special software, fast evaluation Performing preliminary studies relating to construction and joining the railway to the TehranMashhad Railway Performing studies and preparing preliminary plans, Road first and second stage of energy consuming & management and observing flight factors such as Transp band, taxi path, airplane stop place, access roads, Airports 3-2 drainage and fencing, flight control tower, lighting, sitting and installing the facilities and administrative and telecommunication devices Study and design and programming of different system of road, aerial, sea, railway transportation, in order to transport of goods and people in all levels for all of infrastructure facilities, traffic control systems, intelligent transportation systems, transportation systems management and organization 96 Traffic and transportatio n 4-2 ort 2 Parto Nasim Iliya Co. Description of services specializations group Row group Row Performing evaluation seismic studies, preparing improvement plan, preparing execution details, observing the execution, estimation of retrofitting costs, preparing technical instructions, review of Retrofitting 5-2 technical instruction, preparing construction maps, surveying Sundazh results, producing special software, fast evaluation Description of services Feasibility studies, studies of specializations surface and underground resources, programming and economic of water, connecting surface and underground water resources, water deviation facilities, designing water Dam construction 1-3 accumulation system Feasibility studies, studies of surface and underground resources, programming and economic of water, connecting surface and underground water resources, surface and underground water supply, study and design of water supply networks, studies and design of water supply networks and main and Water Irritation and draining Engine 2-3 networks sub drainage, artificial feeding, under pressure water supplying Feasibility studies, performing studies and preparing Water and gathering pipes plans, gathering and delivery of sewage water, water distribution networks, tanks, pomp facilities 97 3-3 ering 3 Parto Nasim Iliya Co. Description of services group specializations Row stations, water infiltration, calculating physical descent, gathering and delivering surface waters, designing maintenance and repair programs and scada systems Performing evaluation seismic studies, preparing improvement plan, preparing execution details, observing the execution, estimation of retrofitting costs, preparing technical instructions, review of Retrofitting 4-3 technical instruction, preparing construction maps, surveying Sundazh results, producing special software, fast evaluation Feasibility studies, biotechnology, natural resources, studies, programming and preparing plans and projects in following grounds: gardening, soil and water protection, watershed, sand fixation, Natural resources 1-4 mechanization, preparing water supply and drainage plans of gardens. Agricul tural Feasibility studies, performing studies, programming and preparing development and architecture plans of green space, complete design of green space, detecting applicable plants and trees in parks and green space, standardizing and improving green space, natural city landscapes 98 Green space 2-4 4 Parto Nasim Iliya Co. Description of services group specializations Row Technical and economic feasibility studies, preparing preliminary and descriptive plans, observing construction, installing operation of power houses Production, and programming and studies of energy, wind distribution turbines, sun technology, land warm energy, and combustive process, and power heat equipment's, distribution and production transmission 1-5 transmission of power networks and power system studies, design and solutions of energy consuming improvement Technical and economic feasibility studies, preparing preliminary and descriptive plans, observing construction, installing operation of dispatching systems and telecommunication networks related to Production, distribution and transmission of power Dispatching and power telecommuni 2-5 cation Energy Performing studies in plan’s genesis stages, base designs, descriptive design, observing the execution and running until operation time about power house projects, programming and study of new wind and Renewable energies 3-5 sun energies, Technical and economic feasibility studies, programming and study of energy, execution of energy saving solutions, energy management and audit, alternative fuel plans, evaluation, analyzing energy saving, energy auditing, preparing and adjusting standards, technical and executive criteria, fuel optimization 99 Energy optimization 4-5 5 Parto Nasim Iliya Co. Description of services group specializations Row Performing evaluation seismic studies, preparing improvement plan, preparing execution details, observing the execution, estimation of retrofitting costs, preparing technical instructions, review of Retrofitting 5-5 technical instruction, preparing construction maps, surveying Sundazh results, producing special software, fast evaluation Mechanized Feasibility studies, performing studies, and providing technical characteristics of required equipment's and observing their execution and installation postal equipment's, postal 1-6 pervasive networks Feasibility economic studies, studies performing in radical technical technical and Study of plans, Telecommun determination of strategy and topology of different ication networks, study and analysis of new technologies, pervasive using new telecommunication services Feasibility studies, performing technical and and evaluation of different switching technologies and related standards, determination of center location, analysis of new systems of costumers, evaluation of network traffic, providing pervasive plans and network improvement studies, performing technical 100 and ication (telephone, 3-6 telefax, data, cell phone) Delivery Comm on Telecommun switching Post & unicati plans economic studies in mobile communication networks Feasibility 2-6 4-6 6 Parto Nasim Iliya Co. Description of services specializations economic studies in using different delivery systems, (Microwave, analysis of deliverable modern systems and related satellite, standards, entering strategy of new techniques, optic fiber, design and engineering of system, providing cable and preliminary plains and observing installation and data) group Row running of delivery networks based on optic fiber and satellite Performing evaluation seismic studies, preparing improvement plan, preparing execution details, observing the execution, estimation of retrofitting costs, preparing technical instructions, review of Retrofitting 5-6 technical instruction, preparing construction maps, surveying Svndazh results, producing special software, fast evaluation Performing feasibility studies and economic guidance studies of pomp stations, compressor stations, storehouses, gas delivery paths and performing all side works and observing execution, Gas delivery paths 1-7 installation, and running operations Performing technical and improvement studies of piping, gathering and separation centers and beneficiary units and performing all side works and observing execution, installation, and running operations Performing evaluation seismic studies, preparing improvement plan, preparing execution details, 101 Upstream and above ground gas 2-7 facilities Retrofitting 3-7 7 Parto Nasim Iliya Co. Description of services group specializations Row observing the execution, estimation of retrofitting costs, preparing technical instructions, review of technical instruction, preparing construction maps, surveying Sundazh results, producing special software, fast evaluation Performing evaluation studies and establishment of wholesale, retail, repair, hotel and restaurant, transportation and communication services and the Services 1-8 Service 8 s like Description of services Public group specializations Row Consultation services, educational programming, research and operation contributions which are required in respect with politics, strategy and programming of business, organizational processes General management 1-9 and structures, management systems Consultation services, educational programming, Manag research and operation contributions which are ement required in respect with financial management, analyzing financial and liquidity Financial integration, management 2-9 financial consultation, design and creation of auditing systems. Consultation services, educational programming, research and operation contributions which are required in respect with marketing strategy and 102 Marketing management 3-9 service s 9 Parto Nasim Iliya Co. operation of an organizing include analysis and creation of marketing strategy, policy making and hot to provide products Consultation services, educational programming, research and operation contributions which are Human required in respect with management policy, human resource resource programming, human 4-9 resource management programming Design and execution of educational systems and processes, educational management, educational evaluation, educational research and study, and human resource development and holding educational courses Human resource programmin g and Planni 1-10 development ng Service 10 s services Description of services group specializations Row Static plan and calculations of constructions and their static evaluation and repair plans related to the, performing the plan, calculation and observation of Construction 1-11 constructions and evaluation studies, Study and preparing mechanical, electrical and electronic plans of facilities like cooling, water shared Electric and electronic mechanic connections, gas delivery, pressured air, steam and facilities supply, sewage, power, telephone, 2-11 buffer systems Required studies and analyses for detecting and Geo- preparing technical building foundations, lab services technique 103 3-11 Experti se 11 Parto Nasim Iliya Co. Description of services specializations group Row of soil and rock, analysis of result and providing propositions about land improvement and its qualities for design, examination and analysis of building materials and locating lab units for controlling execution operation quality Related environment studies to water, soil and weather, recognizing and preventing environment pollutions, decision making about removing the Environment 4-11 pollutants and improvements, environmental evaluation, material and energy recycling Land mapping: includes preparing topographic maps Land like regional, city maps, preparing longitude and mapping, latitude profiles, determining and evaluating land photogramm control points, preparing height numerical model 5-11 etric Designing and creating land GISs and gathering and preparing location information in order to enter the GIS GIS and processing, design and create systems which geographic used information based is local like AVL, LBS, information providing consultation, design and contribution in systems 6-11 shared implementing local data infrastructure (SDI) Performing studies, regional (city) programming, Geographic Experti development studies and se programming, make up studies, tourism, using GIS and digitizing databases in spatial economic, social, cultural and anthropology studies programmin in different disciplines 7-11 g Controlling and matching performed task, analyzing 104 Technical 8-11 11 Parto Nasim Iliya Co. Description of services specializations and approving project efficiency, technical control of inspection group devices and machineries, material control, standards control, approving the task based on demanded standards Preliminary studies, feasibility, detection and determination of information requirements of the organizations, information technology programming, Computer whole and detail design of operation systems, services 9-11 observing systems and management in order to reduce threats and dangers Recognizing the evaluation of potential threats and dangers in buildings such as fire, destruction, and explosion, storm, thunder, designing safe Security and constructions and security systems, protection quality reducing control and security of established plans and dangers and providing correction plans, programming systems inactive and management in order to reduce threats and defense 10-11 dangers, controlling lost, reducing maintenance and protection expenses Meteorological study, consultation, research, design in atmospheric, Meteorological, hydrology, air pollution discoveries 105 Meteorologi cal 11-11 Row Parto Nasim Iliya Co. Acts and regulation of tourism: a. Sustainable tourism and its effect on environment Nowadays, tourism severe development imposes high pressure on natural, cultural and social tourism destination environments. So, concurrently with emerging sustainable tourism concept, a series of environmental, social, cultural and economic indices are provided for tourism management and control. One of the most important indices in sustainable tourism is environmental indices such as energy management, water optimum consumption, water quality, sewage management, solid waste management and development control. Choosing environmental indices has direct relation to environmental status and tourism goals and activities. Since tourism directly or indirectly deals with natural, social, cultural, and economic environments, its effect are tangible and serious. Actually it could be said that tourism effects is the “effect of life cycle and remaining footsteps of ecology in nature”. (Gertsakis, J. 1995) Fortunately, in last decades it is believed that tourism uncontrolled growth for short-term benefits has negative and harmful effects on environment. So the host society is informed of other unsustainable tourism problems. In addition, tourists themselves regularly demands more environmental standards of tourism services. 106 Parto Nasim Iliya Co. b. Sustainable tourism environmental indices: After getting important the sustainability problem in tourism, tourism world organization and other organization have created tools the has made possible the adjoining of sustainability criteria in programming, developing and management that presented in bellow: • Sustainable tourism development plans • 21 instruction stages in local level with the participation of related benefiters • Laws and regulations which control tourism goals boundary and matches this sector in total local and regional development • Laws related to use heritage capitals for tourism goals • Management plans for protected regions • Determining tourism sites capacity and respecting these boundaries by all the participations • Execution of approving system voluntarily or compulsorily • Determining the indices for periodical evaluation of variables which affect tourism destination sustainability (Yunis, E. 2004) New solutions in sustainable tourism, determining and evaluating of the amplitude are all the effects the tourism can have in a special region or in a society. So, these solutions make sure that such development is sustainable in respect with economic, social, cultural and environmental points of view. In other words, decision makers need precise information about tourism development effects and its activities on environmental and cultural destination conditions. 107 Parto Nasim Iliya Co. Sustainability indices are the main tools of providing this information and create the base of programming and controlling the sustainable tourism. Indices in the sustainable development framework are that information that are selected officially and are vital for evaluation of resources changes and other problems. Indices are tools that are expressed as single numbers, percentage or ration, qualitative description and the like. These indices are a sign of current status or problems.(Yunis, E.2004) Sustainable tourism indices like sustainability indices are about tourism adjoining with environmental and socio-cultural background. (Farasari, Y.& Prastacos, P. 2000) Suitable sustainability indices must be easy to understand and could be evaluated economically and technically. Some indices’ advantages are as follow: • Better decision making in order to reduce the risks or the costs • Recognizing the emerging dangers or tension problems and preventing them • Recognizing effects and performing corrective activities • Evaluation of plans execution and management activities • Reducing program danger risk and determining the limits and opportunities • More public responding; providing right information to public and other benefiters, responding for genesis usage in decision making • Continuous control could lead to continuous improvement (Yunis, E. 2004) 108 Parto Nasim Iliya Co. Plan relationship with sustainable tourism development by emphasizing environment maintenance: Plan relationship with sustainable tourism development by emphasizing environment maintenance: Considering provided material and the necessity of human environment maintenance as his only boundary to live, one of the major goals is maintenance of environment by emphasizing environmental technologies. According to acts 170, 171, 172, and 173 of fifth development program it is tried in this plan that all the experiences be used. Also with reliance on international standards and creating intact natural regions in margin of the plan could ensure the maintenance of the region ecosystem in order to create magnificent views in the city and provide visual and mental relaxation for tourists and the plan users. In the bellow the acts 170 to 173 of fifth development program with are related to required programs in environment are noted: Environment: Act 170: The government is permitted perform followings utmost until the second year of the program in order to maintain, renew and exploited environment, natural resources and life diversity: a. Codifying and executing integrated management program and maintenance and exploiting life diversity of sensitive species of the country b. Codifying the comprehensive plan of maintenance, organization, and integrated management of the country's beaches based and border 109 Parto Nasim Iliya Co. determination and making free the beaches and preventing their destruction and usage change Waver 1: Department of Justice, military institution and municipalities are bound to complete contribution with government in order to meet this provision. Waver 2: Environment maintenance organization recognize the beach and sea region which are too sensitive. Waver 3: Statute correction of "Environment national fund" Act 171: Environment organization in order to facilitate investment codifies precise and transparent environmental criteria and standards for a 5-year period and provides it for its embodiment in investment guidance book in the first 6 months. All of the productive, industrial, architecture, service and infrastructure units are bound to observe this. Act 172: All of the productive, industrial, architecture, service and infrastructure units are bound to do the followings in order to reduce pollutants and destructive factors: a. Put their own productive, service and architecture plans and projects in stage of feasibility studies based on approve criteria of environment high council b. Act upon sampling and evaluating of environment pollution and destruction and provide the result to the environment maintenance organization. The units which has capability and necessity of installing and running the moment control system have to act utmost until the end of third year of the program. 110 Parto Nasim Iliya Co. c. Enhance their technical characteristics in a way that match environment criteria and standards and reduction of pollution and destruction of base resources especially natural resources and water. Spent expenses is dedicated by approve of environment maintenance organization as tax acceptable expenses for these units. Act 173: Megacity municipalities are bound to do the followings in order to manage the urban residue and reduction of air pollution: a. Act in a way that every year 10% of entered residue to burial regions reduced. b. Provide required actions for reducing the air pollution to standard limit 111 Parto Nasim Iliya Co. Procedure of taking tourism plan permit: It seems that in manner of approval of the respected government with executing this plan, the approval of plan execution form different organization must be taken which its stages are expressed bellow: a. Preliminary approval: 1. Maintenance and reclamation assistant of tourism organization 2. Right assistant of tourism organization 3. Documents and estate registry organization b. Systematic approval: 1. Human resource organization 2. Jahade Keshavarzi organization of the province 3. Environment maintenance organization 4. Regional water organization of the province 5. Power department of the province 6. Gas department of the province 7. Road department of the province 8. Terminals' transportation department 9. Hygiene assistant of medical science university of the province c. Final approval: 1. Technical committee of tourism organization 2. Engineering system organization 3. Professional hygiene assistant and medical science university of the province 4. Fire department 112 Parto Nasim Iliya Co. Service development strategies and tourism facilities: Fundamental rules which determine how to develop the tourism facilities and services are that in the beginning the existing tourism facilities reach an acceptable level of dynamic in order to make possible the real and balanced development. In addition, it always must be considered that tourism development program is bound to development of tourism resources, products, markets, regions, access way and the like. According to what mentioned above, it must focus on the followings in order to develop the tourism facilities and services • Improving the quality of tourism facilities and services in the plan region • Adjusting the program in order to develop the tourism facilities and services in main transport paths For the development of tourism facilities and services the followings must be considered: • Stabilizing the tourism facilities and services in the region which has tourism attraction • Executing programs related to tourism facilities and services in the region • Executing development tourism facilities and services in the region which emerges in the future as the tourism sample region In the mid-term the followings are considered as the main axle of tourism facilities and services 113 Parto Nasim Iliya Co. • Stabilizing the executed tourism facilities and services • Programming for development of tourism facilities and services in points which have potential • Executing some of designed program in order to develop the tourism facilities and services in the plan region General program for developing tourism facilities: General goals of tourism development in this region are to help the execution of national goals and strategies which are: • Better using of tourism facilities and services during the year • Increasing average residential and buying time of the tourists in the region • More fair distribution of the tourists in inside and different parts of the region • Adopting sustainable procedures about management development of tourism sector 114 Parto Nasim Iliya Co. Looking into plan market program and its related strategies: Market description The interested in the tourism in Khorasan Razavi province in Iran and world level Second rank of religious tourism in Middle East First rank of religious tourism in Iran Target market Product stand in the region Product stand in the country Competitors analysis Competitors No competitors number Potential Government competitors ------- Competitors' ------- Competitors' strength weakness Competitors' ------- marketing procedure 115 Parto Nasim Iliya Co. Marketing strategy Product strategy Providing tourism, entertainment, commercial, hotel and sport services to the tourists, pilgrims and internal Product qualities and external tourists According to the region conditions and lower than the service price in Mashhad City Product pricing Via marketing, distribution, advertisement, services Product networks distribution cannels Being fair among all the interested and fans of tourism industry, commercial distribution among the valid brands and by first class services Improving he services in any moment and any place and the best quality is our slogan Using tourism, nature, IT services located in the plan Distribution strategy Product quality improvement and enhancement Product extra services Price strategy Raw material price, tourism and import laws and regulation, resident conditions, energy carriers price and the like It is varied according to services and quality and their providing method 116 factors affecting price Pricing options Parto Nasim Iliya Co. Place strategy Water access, good land, closeness to main path and factors affecting region expanse place choice Being neighbor to Mashhad holy city as the first Place Evident religious tourism point of the country qualities Distribution strategy According to unified distribution network based Distribution channels on IT and supply chain Easy and dealer-free exchanges, receiving in time provided expenses, being sure about confident and secured market According to electronic commerce, tour services, direct reference Distributors expectations Service adoption process Very strong and effective in framing distribution Product role in market and service providing distribution In the region, province, Iran and international level via world communication networks 117 Distribution aspects Parto Nasim Iliya Co. Costumer attraction strategy Tourism services: all of people with any revenue because Customers of service grouping of A, B, C type quality Modern services in step with up to date technology, new Factors guidance and tourism services, tourists relaxation, affecting gathering all tourism and entertainment facilities in a pure customer region attraction Costumer Improving service, respecting customer, fair price maintenance strategy Informing in any time and any place, responding to Costumer customers, urban and tourism unit management process 118 Parto Nasim Iliya Co. Occupation level area separated by usage: (percent) Industrial and productive Cultural and usage religious usage 0.88% 4.39% Educational Green usage Paths and Urban space road 3.51% facilities usage 0.00% usage 10.25% 0.73% Hygiene and medical usage 3.51% Administrative usage 2.34% Sport usage 5.86% Commercial usage Entertainment 4.69% usage 8.20% 119 Residential usage 55.64% Parto Nasim Iliya Co. Infrastructure area separated by usage: (percent) Green space Educational Urban usage usage Industrial facilities 3.0% 3.1% and usage productive 0.2% Cultural usage Hygiene and and 0.3% medical usage religious Paths and 2.1% usage road 2.6% 0.0% Administrativ e usage 10.4% Sport usage 3.5% Residential usage 65.6% Entertainmen t usage 2.4% Commercial usage 6.9% 120 Parto Nasim Iliya Co. Occupation level area separated by usage: (percent) Paths and Educational road 18% usage 3% Cultural and religious usage 3% Green space usage 14% Industrial and productive usage 2% Urban facilities usage Hygiene and 1% medical usage 3% Residential usage 38% Sport usage 5% Administrativ e usage 2% 121 Commercial usage 4% Entertainmen t usage 7% Parto Nasim Iliya Co. 211 100% 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 Parto Nasim Iliya Co. Predicted physical progress diagram 90% 80% 70% 60% 50% 40% 30% 20% 10% 0% 123 Parto Nasim Iliya Co. Predicted financial progress diagram 100% 90% 80% 70% 60% 50% 40% 30% 20% 10% 0% 0 10 20 30 124 40 50 60 Parto Nasim Iliya Co. Predicted Time progress diagram 100.00% 90.00% 80.00% 70.00% 60.00% 50.00% 40.00% 30.00% 20.00% 10.00% 0.00% 0 10 20 30 125 40 50 60
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