A Novel Sample Preparation Device for Improved Phospholipid Removal in Bioanalytical Assays Jessalynn P. Wheaton, Erin E. Chambers, and Diane M. Diehl Waters Corporation, 34 Maple St., Milford, MA 01757 USA A P P LIC ATION BENEFITS INTRODUC TION Simple and universal phospholipid removal Matrix effects are residual components of biological matrix that alter mass spectrometry Performance superior to competitive devices and techniques Cleaner samples in less time response, decrease method robustness, add to method variability, and lead to poor limits of detection/quantification. A major source of matrix effects in plasma-based bioanalytical assays is residual phospholipids. If not removed from the sample, phospholipids can build up on analytical columns, elute at unpredictable times in subsequent injections, and negatively impact assay robustness in a number of different ways. Over the past few years, it has become commonplace to monitor phospholipids during method development and to implement strategies to remove them from plasma samples. Sample preparation strategies for phospholipid (PL) removal include the use of specific PL removal plates, liquid-liquid extraction (LLE), and solid-phase extraction (SPE.) During the method development process, decisions are made regarding the choice of a “fit-for-purpose” sample prep technique. Ostro™ Sample Preparation Products are designed to provide a novel solution for the rapid and simple cleanup of phospholipids in biological samples prior to LC/MS/MS analysis. Using a convenient 96-well format, in-well protein precipitation is performed with a single pass through method which provides consistent, high quality results, including significant removal of phospholipids for cleaner extracts, optimal recovery for diverse analytes, and increased reproducibility for consistent, robust methods. Basic Protocol Wat e rs solut ions Add plasma ACQUITY UPLC Xevo TQ Add organic Ostro Sample Preparation Products ACQUITY UPLC BEH C18 Column MassLynx 4.1 k e y wo rds Phospholipid removal, Ostro, Aspirate to mix Apply vacuum Analyze LC/MS/MS Figure 1: Basic Protocol. 1 E X P ERIM ENTAL RESULTS AND DISCUSSION The Ostro 96-well plate was directly compared to protein precipitation (PPT), LC system: Waters ACQUITY UPLC® System with a Waters Xevo™ TQ MS triple quadrupole mass spectrometer operated in positive ion MRM mode Column: ACQUITY UPLC BEH C18, 2.1 x 50 mm, 1.7 µm Injection volume: 8 µL Flow rate: 0.6 mL/min 2 competitive phospholipid removal plates, LLE and solid-supported liquid-liquid extraction (SSLE.) Analyte recovery, phospholipid removal, and reproducibility of phospholipid removal were all evaluated. Ostro PPT Competitor 1 Competitor 2 120 100 80 % Recovery LC conditions 60 40 20 iol str ad iny lE Eth Py ren ac N- (n) (a) Ni flu mi cA cid (z) en Ke top rof T6 69 2 ic on es ulf Pro (qa ) ) (sa Ac no pra am ain oc ety lpr id lol ide (b) (b) 0 Figure 2a: Average analyte recovery of a diverse analyte mix using PPT, Ostro 96-well plate, 2 competitive phospholipid removal 96-well plates. b) 100 Ostro LLE SSLE 90 80 % Recovery 70 60 50 40 30 20 10 rof top Ni flu mi cA cid (z) Eth iny lE str ad iol (n) (a) en (qa ) Ke id Ac ic on es ulf T6 69 2 ) (sa b) l( olo Pro p ran Py ren Nac ety lpr oc ain am ide (b) 0 Figure 2b: Average analyte recovery of a diverse analyte mix using Ostro, LLE, and SSLE. 2 A Novel Sample Preparation Device for Improved Phospholipid Removal in Bioanalytical Assays Level of Phospholipids Remaining 5000000 Phospholipids Remaining (Total Area Count) 100 90 4000000 80 70 60 3000000 Dramatic decrease in phospholipids 50 40 2000000 30 20 10 1000000 0 1 Ostro 2 3 Competitor 1 4 5 6 Competitor 2 0 Ostro Competitor 1 Competitor 2 PPT Figure 3a: Comparison of phospholipids remaining in extracted samples using Ostro, two competitive phospholipid removal products, and PPT. Samples were processed on the Ostro 96-well plate using the 400000 Phospholipids Remaining (Total Area Count) Figure 4: % phospholipid removal in 6 lots of human plasma. generic, simple protocol (Figure 1) provided by the manufacturer 350000 and a set of diverse analytes. Ostro sample preparation products provided overall significantly better recovery for the analytes 300000 tested (Figures 2a and b) than PPT, LLE, SSLE and competitive PL 250000 removal plates. The Ostro 96-well plate also removed significantly 200000 more phospholipids than the current phospholipid removal products 150000 on the market, PPT, LLE, and SSLE (Figures 3a and 3b.) In addition, not only was the level of PL removal better, but PLs were removed 100000 in a significantly more reproducible manner when Ostro Sample 50000 Preparation Products were used versus competitive PL removal 0 devices (Figure 4). The average RSD for lipid removal across six Ostro LLE SSLE Figure 3b: Comparison of phospholipids remaining in extracted samples prepared using Ostro 96-well plate, LLE, and SSLE. sources of human plasma using Ostro was <1%, while competitive plates exhibited RSD’s between 24% and 41% for lipid removal. A Novel Sample Preparation Device for Improved Phospholipid Removal in Bioanalytical Assays 3 CONC LUSION Providing cleaner, more reproducible extracts than competitive phospholipid removal devices or techniques, Ostro allows for more robust analyses and increased sample throughput. Requiring minimal to no method development, this technology can be rapidly implemented in order to improve laboratory workflow. Method simplicity, reproducibility, and highly efficient phospholipid removal make this technique an attractive alternative to liquid-liquid extraction or protein precipitation for obtaining higher quality data from large numbers of samples. In addition, the generic nature of this device and the significant clean-up provided facilitate productivity increases by reducing system downtime. © 2010 Waters Corporation. Waters, T he Science of W hat’s Possible, Ostro, ACQUITY UPLC, and Xevo are trademarks of Waters Corporation. September 2010 720003730EN KK-PDF Waters Corporation 34 Maple Street Milford, MA 01757 U.S.A. T: 1 508 478 2000 F: 1 508 872 1990 www.waters.com
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