TO: All Supply Vendors FROM: Ms. Jane Allred Buyer RE: SUPPLY SAMPLE REQUEST NO. B-1407JA Stock Control – ART SUPPLIES DATE: September 9, 2013 The Gwinnett County Board of Education invites you to submit a sample for all items as listed on the attached forms. The products submitted will be evaluated by GCPS and then status of each product “Approved” or “Not Approved” will be posted on the GCPS website approximately 2 weeks after the required date listed below. All “Approved” products will be listed and open for bidding on the next fiscal year’s bid. All products listed as “Not Approved” will include an explanation as to why the product wasn’t approved. All products must follow this evaluation process in order for product to be approved and placed on next fiscal year’s bid. Sealed supply sample request forms and product samples are required by 3:00PM EST, on September 26, 2013. PRODUCT SAMPLES WILL ONLY BE ACCEPTED AND EVALUATED IF ALL INSTRUCTIONS AND REQUIREMENTS ARE COMPLETELY MET. *GCPS Website – ( Instructions & Requirements for Completing GWINNETT COUNTY PUBLIC SCHOOLS Supply Product Sample Request Form COLUMN NAME DESCRIPTION Data Provided by Gwinnett County Public Schools Line No. GCPS Item ID Number of lines listed on the sample request form. This is the number assigned to the item by GCPS. Product Description Pre-Approved Brand/Manufacturer Name Pre-Approved Brand/Manufacturer Number Estimated Annual Usage UOM (Unit of Measure) Please note that the GCPS Item ID and Product Description will be listed multiple times as preapproved manufacturer/brands are added. This is the specific product description of the item. These are the GCPS pre-approved products. If the item is listed on the Sample Request then no sample of the product is required at this time. The product has been approved and acceptable prior to this process. These are the GCPS pre-approved manufacturer numbers. This is the estimated annual usage for the specified UOM. This is an estimate only and quantities ordered will vary depending on GCPS needs. GCPS does not guarantee to purchase the estimated annual usage. This is the current ordering unit used by GCPS. Data To Be Provided by Vendor Vendor’s Proposed Sample Manufacturer/Brand Name Vendor’s Proposed Sample Manufacturer/Brand Number Revised 9/9/13 Please complete this field with your proposed manufacturer/brand’s name. -Note: More than one manufacturer/brand name can be entered in each field if the necessary space hasn’t been provided on the request form. Please complete this field with your proposed manufacturer/brand’s product number. -Note: More than one manufacturer/brand number can be entered in each field if the necessary space hasn’t been provided on the request form. Page 1 of 3 Product has AP Seal Put "yes" or "no" in the "Product has AP Seal" column. (Certifies product is Non-Toxic) Vendor’s Case Pack & Unit Please enter a case pack product number and UOM of Measure (UOM) if product can be purchased in larger units of measure other than the UOM provided above by (If required) GCPS. GCPS Use Only Approval Status To be used to indicate if product is “Approved” or “Not Approved” by GCPS Requirements/Reminders: 1. All samples of products must be clearly labeled with the following information: a. GCPS Sample Request Number b. Company Name c. GCPS Item ID d. Vendor’s Proposed Sample Manufacturer/Brand Name e. Vendor’s Proposed Sample Manufacturer/Brand Product Number 2. All samples of product must be submitted in the original manufacturers packaging as well as in the specified UOM described in the description of the item in order for GCPS to properly evaluate the product. 3. Vendor must complete all fields with an (*) and provide an electronic copy (CD-R, NO PDF FILES) and a paper copy printed directly from the electronic copy of the Supply Product Sample Request Form with product samples. 4. Vendor’s representative must sign and date this form and any addendum pages (if applicable) and return with product samples. 5. Vendor must submit the electronic copy and paper copy in a sealed envelope with the following information listed on the outside of the envelope: Vendor’s Name Supply Sample Request Number Required By Date Revised 9/9/13 Page 2 of 3 6. Vendor’s are to deliver above #1, #2, #3, #4 and #5 to: GCPS Distribution Center Attn: Jackie Rosamond 690 West Crogan Street Lawrenceville, Ga. 30046 *Failure to provide any of the information as described above will prevent the product sample from being evaluated and will result in the product not being listed on the bid as an “Approved” product to bid. GCPS will provide a copy of each vendor’s Supply Product Sample Request Form on the GCPS website approximately 2 weeks after sample was submitted for evaluation. All product samples are provided at no cost to GCPS and will not be returned to the vendor. Representative Signature:_____________________________________________ Date: ______________________________ Revised 9/9/13 Page 3 of 3 GCPS Safety, Health and Environmental Requirements for Bids, Contracts, and Purchases It is the practice of Gwinnett County Public Schools to minimize or eliminate, whenever possible, the use of products and materials that may increase safety, health or environmental risks, or liabilities to students, staff, or the system at large. Therefore, vendors must provide any Material Safety Data Sheets, special handling instructions or waste disposal instructions available for all products or materials submitted for GCPS purchase consideration. Products or materials containing lead, mercury, cadmium, chromium, or other heavy metals, flammable liquids, toxic substances, or known or suspected carcinogens are of particular concern. Comparable non-toxic or non-hazardous alternatives should be submitted, with corresponding documentation, when available.
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