– konsekvenser for oppdrett og forvaltning Høgskolen i Bodø: Kjetil Korsnes www.hibo.no Nodavirus Havforskningsinstituttet: Audun Helge Nerland, Egil Karlsbakk, Sonal Patel OMJ-98 Universitetet i Bergen: Are Nylund, Trond Isaksen Nodavirus – betanodavirus – nervous necrosis virus NNV www.hibo.no The virus: • Family Nodaviridae • 25-40 nm • ssRNA •RNA1 (encode RdRp) •RNA2 (encode protein a) •RNA3 (subgenomic – B1 og B2) 40 40 • Viral nervous necrosis VNN or • Viral encephalopathy and retinopathy VER OMJ-98 The disease: Phylogenetic relationship of NNV AJ245641 SJNVCP2 74 AB046377 1. BFNNV 71 AF160473 AHNNV EF061913 Europe 1.Barfin flounder EF061912 81 2. SJNNV 1.Striped jack 98 3. RGNNV 1.Red-spotted grouper 86 AY962682 AJ698094 GmH13/06 GmN10/06 GmSF15/07 GmH14/06 90 GmMR12/0 92 6 GmMR11/06 100 AF445800 100 AY547548 98 AY547549 AY547547 4. TPNNV GMNNV Norway ACNNV North America 94 AY140796 100 SJNVCP3 99 SJNVCP1 72 1.Tiger puffer BFNNV 79 www.hibo.no Major clades: RGNNV AB045980 TNNV 1.Turbot nodavirus Nishizawa et al. 1997, TNV: Johansen et al. 2004 TPNNV AB056572 SJ-G91 SJNNV 0.1 Phylogenetic tree based on RNA2, ML criteria. From: Nylund et al. 2008 OMJ-98 5. TNV? VNN in Norway www.hibo.no Farmed fish: • Turbot •Bloch et al. 1991 •Johansen et al. 2004 • Atlantic halibut •Grotmol et al. 1995 •Aspehaug et al. 1999 •Patel et al. 2007 Wild fish: • Nylund et al. 2008 • Unpublished data Figure 3. Histological sections of Atlantic cod, Atlantic salmon and turbot immunolabeled (red colour) with NNV specific antibodies, targeting the viral capside protein. A) Strong immunolabeling (arrows) in a section of retina in experimental i.p. challenged Atlantic cod. EP = external plexiform layer, EL = external nuclear layer, BS = basal layer of visual cells. B) Section of brain in experimental i.p. challenged Atlantic salmon with immune positive cells (arrows) scattered in the parenchyma. C) Strong immunolabeling of a large area (indicated by arrows) in a section of brain from experimental i.p. challenged turbot. In the immunolabeled area, vacuolation of cells are visible. D) Immunelabeling of a section of retina from experimental i.p. challenged turbot. Vacuolated cells are visible within EL and EP layers. Scale bars = 20 mm. OMJ-98 • Atlantic cod Order Genus Gadus morhua Gadiformes Name Geographical location Reference Wild/farmed Norway Nylund et al. (2008) wild Norway Patel et al. (2007) farmed Canada Johnson et al. (2002) farmed UK Starkey et al. (2001) farmed Japan Nishizawa et al. (1997) unknown Canada Gagné et al. (2004) farmed Canada Johnson et al. (2002) farmed Atlantic cod Gadus macrocephalus Pacific cod Melanogrammus aeglefinus Haddock Pollachius virens Saith Norway Nylund et al. (2008) wild Pollachius pollachius Pollock Norway Nylund et al. (2008) wild Pleuronectes americanus Winter flounder USA Barker et al. (2002) wild Solea solea Dover sole / common sole UK Starkey et al. (2001) farmed Hippoglossus hippoglossus Atlantic halibut UK Starkey et al. (2000) farmed Hippoglossus hippoglossus Atlantic halibut Norway Grotmol et al. (1995) farmed Pleuronectes platessa Plaice Norway Nylund et al. (2008) wild Verasper moseri Barfin flounder Japan Nishizawa et al. (1997) unknown Perciformes Scomber scombrus Mackerel Norway Nylund et al. (2008) wild Lophiiformes Lophius piscatorius Monkfish Norway Nylund et al. (2008) wild www.hibo.no Susceptible hosts in BFNNV clade OMJ-98 Pleuronectiformes OMJ-98 www.hibo.no Possible routes of transmission of NNV NNV as a pathogen in Norwegian fish farming VNN in farmed Atlantic cod. Photo: Sonal Patel OMJ-98 www.hibo.no 1. Any susceptibility in Atlantic salmon? 2. Horizontal transmission to salmon and cod 3. NNV tissue tropism in adult cod: organ candidates for non-lethal biopsy 4. Prophylaxis and control Experimental i.p. challenged Atlantic salmon www.hibo.no • I.p. challenged smolt • NNV from Atlantic halibut • Results: 1. Clinical signs 2. Mortality 3. Detection of NNV in brain Korsnes et al. (2005) OMJ-98 Brain of i.p. challenged salmon. Nodavirus-like particles present in membrane bound vacuoles. Scale bar = 0.2 mm. Photo: K. Watanabe. Cohabitation of NNV i.p. injected turbot and healthy cod and salmon: 1. No transmission of NNV from turbot to salmon Table 3. Real-time RT-PCR detection of NNV positive tissues in experimental Group IV in i.p. challenged turbot and cohabitant Atlantic cod at Day 90 and 125. Detection of NNV, where x = Ct values >35, xx = Ct values 35 – 25, xxx = Ct values <25, n/a = samples not available. Fish challenged with virus strain AAG/03. Fish no. Brain Retina/eye Spleen i.p. challenged D125 1 2 3 cohabitant D90 1 2 3 4 5 xxx xx xx xx x xxx xx xx x xx xx cohabitant D125 1 2 3 4 5 x x x x x x x n/a x x x www.hibo.no Experimental horizontal transmission of NNV to salmon and cod 2. Transmisson of NNV from turbot to cod NNV isolate applied from Atlantic halibut Fig. 1. Scophthalmus maximus . Immunohistochemistry staining of turbot brain at Day 125, challenged with NNV as i.p. injection. (A) Large area of NNV immunepositive brain cells (arrows) in turbot from experimental Group IV. Vacuolated cells are visible within the immuneolabelled area. (B) Immunopositive cells (arrow) in brain from turbot in experimental Group I. Scale bar = 20 mm. OMJ-98 Korsnes et al. (in prep) Tissue tropism of NNV in experimental challenged cod • I.p. challenged cod 35 30 Day 25 Day 130 15 10 5 oo d Bl e l ai n Br Ey ra La te dn ey r Ki Li ve e le en Sp ric l nt el m Ve At riu rb Ba ct or al ills 0 Pe 1. Migration of NNV from i.p. injection locus 2. Neuroinvasive 3. Tissue tropism similar to natural infected cod 4. Immunosuppression: 20 G • Results: 25 Ct value • NNV from Atlantic halibut www.hibo.no Ct tissues Day 25 and 130 post challenge Tissue Figure 1 Ct analysis of Day 25 and 130. Observed variation in NNV detection in various tissues from Day 25 and 130. Brain and eye (retina) tissues show a large difference from Day 25 to 130. For the tissues gill, pectoral fin, brain and barbel, the number of samples consisted of one positive each at Day 25. Increased replication of NNV Head-kidney Korsnes et al. (in press) OMJ-98 5. Suggested organ for biopsy: Prophylaxis and control of NNV – some considerations www.hibo.no Transmission modes: 1. Vertical and horizontal 2. Ongoing study of vertical transmission in cod Host specificity? 1. Low within BFNNV clade 1. Marine reservoir of NNV 2. Infected brood fish 3. Horizontal transmission ”Classic” horizontal transmisson in species Homo sapiens OMJ-98 Wild and farmed fish interactions? Konklusjoner – hvordan leve med NNV? 1. Screen stamfisk for NNV, viktig ved inntak av villfisk som stamdyr 2. Hold stamfisk i lukket system for å hindre horisontal spredning screening av fisk ved kjønnsmodning 3. Yngel bør holdes i lukket system og vaksineres mot NNV før utsett til åpen vekstlokalitet 4. Vaksinestrategi: Stamfisk kan vaksineres for å begrense virus produksjon ved kjønnsmodning. Settefisk vaksineres før utsett for å beskytte mot horisontal smitte på lokalitet www.hibo.no Profylaktisk strategi mot NNV: OMJ-98 1. Laks bør sees på som potensiell vert. Unngå samlokalisering med torsk eller kveite 2. NNV fra kveite kan overføres horisontalt til torsk. Unngå samlokalisering av kveite og torsk 3. Undersøkelser av NNV smittet (i.p.) torsk antyder at hodenyre kan brukes for screening av stamfisk 4. VNN kan forebygges ved å blokkere for vertikal og horisontal spredning av NNV OMJ-98 www.hibo.no Takk for oppmerksomheten
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