Sample Questions 1. A certain 2 digit number when reversed becomes one-tenth of its original value. The digit in units place is 3 less than the digit in tens place in the original number. Find the number? a. 63 b. 41 c. 52 d. 30 2. A post is divided into three parts, the first part is 1/3 of the whole length, second 3/8 of the first & the third is 6m 50 cm. The length of the post is? a. 15m b. 10m c. 12m d. 18m 3. The number 311311311311311311311 is? a. Divisible by 3 but not by 11 b. Divisible by 11but not by 3 c. Divisible by both 3 & 11 d. Neither divisible by 3 nor by 11 4. Arrange the following in the ascending order a. 3 6 5 , 11 , 123 b. 3 6 11 , 123 , 5 c. 5, 6 3 11 , 3 6 123 123 , 11 , 5 d.None of these 5. The sum of 2 numbers is 45 & their difference is 1/9 of their sum , their LCM is? a. 200 b. 100 c. 90 d. 180 6. For any odd number n, 1+2+3 ……………..+n is always divisible by? a. n+1 b. n c. Both a & b d. none 7. Which is greater of two 3400 or 5300? a. 3400 b. 5300 d. Can’t be determined 324 + 325 + 326 + 327 + 328 is divisible by? 8. a. 5 9. c. Both are equal b. 4 c. 7 d. 11 A got 20% of the total marks and failed by 18 marks. B gets 32% of the total marks and gets 42 marks more than the passing marks .What is the maximum marks? 1.500 2.600 3.700 4.800 10. if the height and base radius of a cone were increased by 50%, then the volume of the cone increases by 1. 225% 2. 280.5% 3. 250% 4. 237.5% 1 % of his money. After spending 75% of the balance he had Rs.175 with 2 him. Find the amount he had in the beginning. 11. Ramesh spent 12 1. Rs. 800 2. Rs. 900 3. Rs. 1,000 4. Rs. 1,100 12. A says to B `I am twice as old as you were when I was as old as you are’.The sum of their present ages is 49 years. Age of A is 1. 21 13. 2. 28 3. 30 4. 32 One-fourth of the audience in a programme consists of boys and one fifth of it consists of girls. What percentage of the audience consists of children? 1. 20% 14. If 1. 2. 5% 3. 55% 4. 45% n 3 3 3 3 3 3 = 3 , the value of n is 63 64 2. 15 3. 16 127 128 1 6+ 1 6+ 6+ 2 3 32 4. 1 15. What is the value of 6 + 1. 6 31 2. 3+ 10 1 6 +......... 3. 6 + 6 4. 7 16. What is the value of h(K(h(0, 1)), h(H(h(2, 1)), K(h(1, 2)))) ? 1. 0 2. 1 3. -2 4. -3 17. The average weight of patients on a particular day in a hospital is recorded as 50 kg. Of these there were 20 children of average weight 30 kg, 40 males of average weight 60 kgs and 50 female patients. Find the average weight of the female patients. 1. 45 kg 2. 50 kg 3. 60 kg 4. None of these 18. Selling Price of an article is Rs.18.75 and the loss percentage is equal to the cost price of the article. Which of the following could be the cost price of the article? 1.75 2.65 3.50 4.None of these 19. Sachin gives 1/5th of his earnings in a tournament to his brother and lends half of the remaining amount at 5% for 3 years. If he receives Rs. 3000 as interest from this lending what is the amount given by Sachin to his brother? 1. Rs. 20,000 2. Rs. 22,000 3. Rs. 10,000 4. Rs. 50,000 20. Direction for questions 1 - 5: Study the following graph carefully and answer the questions given below it 21. If the Branded PCs sold in 1996 were 1,00,000 how many Branded PCs were sold in 1999? 1.2,02,800 1. 4. None of these 2.20 3.40 4. None of these If the Branded PCs sold in 1996 were 1,00,000 how many Branded PCs were sold in 1999? 1.2,02,800 3. 3.2,34,000 What is the average percentage growth of sales of Assembled PCs for the given years? 1. 30 2. 2.1,56,000 2.1,56,000 3.2,34,000 4. None of these What is the difference between total Branded the total Assembled PCs sold for the given years? 1. 75,000 4. 2. 1998 4. None of these 3. 1999 4. None of these For Assembled PC sale, which year the per cent growth is the highest compared to previous year? 1.1999 2.1996 21. 3.1,75,000 In which year is the difference in the growth between Branded and Assembled the lowest? 1. 1995 5. 2.7,50,000 3.1998 4. Can’t be determined Direction for questions 11 - 15: Study the following information carefully and answer the questions given below it: Number of students appeared, passed and granted scholarship over the years (Number in ‘000’) Year Appeared Passed Granted Scholarship 1994 283 153 7 1995 290 151 7 1996 291 163 10 1997 320 179 11 1998 357 182 15 1999 422 209 15 11. Which of the following seems the most possible reason for substantial increase of number appeared in 1999? 1. The increase is progressive and in line with the trend from 1994. 2. Substantial increase in number of scholarship in 1998 as compared to other years. 3. Proportion of ’Passed ’to ’Appeared’ increasing progressively. 4. General population increase in the later half of 1999. 12. In which year is the scholarship granted to passed ratio the highest? 1.1999 13. 2.1998 3.1996 In which year was the percentage of passed to appeared the highest? 4. None of these 1.1999 14. 2.1994 2.55 3.53 4.49 What is the approximate percentage of total granted scholarship to total appeared? 1.3.5 22. 4. None of these What is the approximate percentage of total passed to total appeared? 1.51 15. 3.1996 2.4.5 3.4 4.2.5 Direction for questions 21 - 25: Refer the following data and answer the questions Distribution of Personal Income of Citizens of a country in 2000 21. The personal income of the citizens in the age group 35-44 years is (in Rs. Billion) approximately 1. 500 22. 4. 1375 2. 5 : 6 3. 8 : 15 4. 6 : 5 If the total personal income in 2000 is 20% more than that of 1997, the total personal income of 1997 was (in Billion Rupees) 1. 2200 24. 3. 1125 The ratio of the personal income of the citizens in the 25-34 years age group to that of 35-44 years age group is 1. 9 : 4 23. 2. 600 2. 2100 3. 2000 4. 1900 The angle in the pie chart representing the income of citizens of the 35-44 years age group is 1. 20 25. 0 2. 40 0 3. 72 0 4. 86 0 If the total personal income in 2005 is one and a half times that in 2000, what is the average annual growth rate during the period 2000 – 2005? 1. 15% 2. 12% 3. 10% 4. None of these 23. Directions for questions 1 - 10: Fill in the blank with the correct option that fits in grammatically and logically. 1. It is very disconcerting when the key speaker at any conference ……………………… 1. makes tangent remarks 2. is going tangentially 3. veers towards a different tangent 4. goes off tangent 2. The meaning of the word agnosticism is …………. 1. Irreverence towards all religions. 2. Absolutely no belief in the concept of God or a higher power. 3. The belief that there can be no proof either that God exists or that He does not exist. 4. Alternating between atheism and theism. 24. 25. M a n y A m e r i c a n a nd B r i t i s h s c i e nt i s t s a r e o f t he vi e w t ha t d i e t a r y f a t s ho ul d no t _ _ _ _ _ _ m o r e t ha n 2 0 - 3 0 p e r c e nt o f d a i l y c a l o r i e s . 1. c o n s t i t ut e 2 . c o nt r i b ut e t o 3. r i s e up t o 4 . s up p l e m e nt t o Are an increase in the number of cell service providers detrimental to the economy? 1. Are an increasing number of cell service providers 2. Will an increase in the number of cell services providers be 3. Is an increase in the number of cell services provider 4. Is an increment in the numbers of the cell service providers 26. The survivors of the Tsunami live in a world that has been turned upside down because of all the destruction and loss. 2. The survivors of the tsunami is living in a world that was turned upside down because of all the destruction and loss. 3. The survivors of the tsunami lives in a world that has turned upside down with all of the destruction and loss. 4. The survivors of the tsunami do live in a world that has been turned upside out because of all the destruction and loss. 27. W he n t he m i ni s t e r was …………………………………….. i nt e r vi e w e d a ft e r hi s election debacle, he 1 . r e f r a i ne d f r o m t he b l a m e g a m e a nd d i s p l a ye d g r a c e . 2 . w a s r e s t r a i ne d f r o m t he b l a m e g a m e a nd d i s p l a y e d g r a c e . 3 . w a s c o nt r o l l e d f r o m t he b l a m e g a m e a nd d i s p l a y e d g r a c i o us ne s s . 4. ha d b e e n r e f r a i ni ng f r o m t he b l a m e g a m e a nd s ho w e d g r a c e . 28. T he m e a ni n g o f t he w o r d m ys t i c i s m i s … … … … . 1. 2. 3. 4. 29. s e c r e t c o m m u ni c a t i o n w i t h t he s p i r i t s o f t h e d e a d . t he m e t ho d o f d e a l i ng i n b l a c k m a g i c a nd n e c r o m a n c y . a b e l i e f t ha t k no w l e d g e o f G o d c a n b e g a i ne d b y c o nt e m p l a t i o n mysterious relations with god. W hi c h o f t he f o l l o w i ng i s c o r r e c t ? 1 . T he r e w a s no ne w s o f t he p e o p l e a b d uc t e d b y t he L a s hk a r - e - t o i b a ; e ve n i f t he i r f a m i l i e s w e r e ho p e f ul . 2 . T he r e w a s no n e w s f r o m t he p e o p l e b e i ng a b d u c t e d b y t he L a s h ka r - e - t o i b a ; a l t ho ug h t he i r f a m i l i e s w e r e ho p e f ul . 3 . T he r e w a s no ne w s o f t he p e o p l e a b d uc t e d b y t he L a s h ka r - e - t o i b a ; e ve n t he i r f a m i l i e s w e r e ho p e f ul . 4 . T he r e w a s no ne w s o f t he p e o p l e a b d uc t e d b y t he L a s hk a r - e - t o i b a ; ne v e r t he l e s s t he i r f a m i l i e s w e r e ho p e f ul . 30. Popular child similarly to the psychologists have advocated that parents fashion in which they discipline daughters. discipline 1. similarly to the fashion in which they discipline 2. in the same manner that they would use with 3. like they would handle 4. as they would 31. Find the missing number in the series 8, 23, 71, 210, 634, 1897? 1. 4922 2. 5697 3. 3697 4. 5598 male children 32. Kiran said, “This girl is the wife of the grandson of my mother.” What is Kiran to the girl? 1. Father 2. Grandfather 3. Husband 4. Father-in-law 33. My sister’s father’s father’s brother is related to me as 1. Uncle 34. 2. Grandfather 3. Granduncle 4. None of these If COAT is coded as 900, then in the same code TIP is coded as? 1. 2808 2. 2800 3. 2880 4. 2780 35. There are 48 coins amongst 3 kids A, B, and C. A divides half his coins equally among B and C. Then B divides half his coins equally among A and C. Now all of them have equal number of coins. What is the number of coins each had initially? 36. If you count from 1 to 100, how many 7's will you pass on the way? Directions for questions 1 - 5: Read the following data and answer the questions 37. My friend Anju teaches at a college. One day she conducted a test for three of her students and when they handed back the test papers, they had forgotten to write their names. After correction Anju returned the papers to the students at random. What is the probability that none of the three students will get the right papers? 38. There are four girls – Kavitha, Meera, Meena and Teju. One of them lives at Chennai and her hobbies are clay modeling and reading. Meera lives at Mumbai. Kavitha also lives at Mumbai and her hobby is dancing. Both girls staying at Mumbai are fond of gardening. Teju lives at Delhi and her hobbies are painting and photography. One girl staying at Mumbai enjoys traveling. If all the girls have two hobbies each, answer the following questions: 1. Who enjoys traveling? 1. Kavitha 2. 3. Meena 4. Teju Who is the girl with the hobbies dancing and gardening? 1. Kavitha 3. 2. Meera 2. Teju 3. Meera 4. Meena 3. Both 1 and 2 4. None of the above Who is staying at Chennai? 1. Meena 2. Teju 4. Who among the following is fond of gardening? 1. Meena 5. 2. Meera 3. Both 1 and 2 4. None of the above What are Meena’s hobbies? 1. Reading and Dancing 2. Gardening and painting 3. Travelling and dancing 4. Clay modeling and reading
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