Sample Neural Protocol (NSP) Rx Date ________________________ Dr. Name _____________________ Dr. Address_____________________ Address_____________________ Dr. Phone ____________________ Patient Name ______________________________________ Address ______________________________________ Address ______________________________________ Phone # __________________ DOB __ __/__ __/__ __ __ __ Medically Necessary Protocol Rx Dispense NSP up to 2 ____ months per patient With NSP capsules (or B complex and /or antioxidant Rx ) always take with food in stomach. Begin gradually one with a meal for a few days, then one with a second meal for a few days, then one with third meal. Goal is three times daily or more. For best protection take with meals/snacks. If any stomach irritation, open capsule and begin with a pinch in food, increasing gradually to full capsule. For NSP slowly increase to 2 with meals, then gradually increase further. If any irritation reduce and wait for further healing. As you increase NSP you can gradually reduce/omit extra Vit. C. if loose stools or nontoxic living/work/school environment. Bioavailable forms are given- do not substitute. NEURAL SENSITIZATION COMPOUNDED CAPSULES PRN INDIVIDUAL COMPONENTS Glutathione Function/Reactivation Ascorbic Acid _______mg/day (up to 2000 mg) Selenomethione 400 mcg/day Alpha lipoic acid 600mg/day without lipoic acid Riboflavin-5-phosphate 150mg/day Components of Superoxide Dismutase Zinc glycinate 20mg/day Copper glycinate 0.5mg/day without copper Manganese glycinate, 2mg/day Compounds Related to Peroxynitrite Biochemistry Magnesium glycinate 400mg/day Betaine (trimethylglycine) 500mg/day MTHF (bioactive folate) 1mg/day Scavengers of Peroxynitrite & Its Breakdown Products: Ginkgo biloba extract, 120mg/day Siliphos 400mg/day Bilberry extract, 300mg/day Cranberry extract, 400mg/day Carotenoid mixture (5mg each lycopene, beta-carotene, other carotenoids: 10 mg each lutein and zeaxanthine,/day Superoxide Scavengers Proanthocyanidin 400 mg/day: Activin Epigallocatechin gallate (EGCG) 400 mg/day GABA Formation to Calm NMDA Activation Pyridoxal-5-phoshpate 150 mg/day Energy Metabolism for Healing/ Calming NMDA Acetyl-L-carnitine 500mg/day Niacinamide 100mg/day Thiamine HCL 100mg/day CoQ10 100mg/day Chromium glycinate 350mcg/day Pantethine (B5) 800mg/day Biotin 3mg/day Detoxification Molybdenum glycinate 200mcg/day Glutathione Function/Reaction Vitamin C If irritation start with a pinch and work up gradually. Discontinue if loose bowels. Don’t use chewable! Thorne* Buffered C ____gm twice/d. Begin slow PRN Xymogen* Xcellent C 750 mg twice daily PRN Alpha Lipoic acid 600mg/day Begin with 100mg/day Take with food and increase gradually Thorne* Thiocid 300mg PRN Energy Metabolism for healing and to calm NMDA Thorne* Q Best 50mg 100mg _____/d PRN Xymogen* CoQ10 (gelcaps) _____mg/d PRN Vital Nutrients* Ultra pure fish oil with 100mg CoQ10 ___tsp/d PRN Compounds related to peroxynitrite biochemistry: Thorne* Ultimate E or Xymogen* HG (E must be high gamma) eg 200 IU) 1 daily PRN Metagenics* E complex 1:1 _____/d (child size) PRN 5-MTHF Thorne* 1 mg/d PRN Membrane/myelin/brain/nerve repair: Vital Nutrients* Ultra pure fish oil liquid ____tsp/d PRN Xymogen* Phosphaline Phosphaline 4:1;____tsp/d PRN Metagenics* OmegaGenics Cap EPA 500mg:DHA 80mg___/d PRN NeuroKrill (Douglas Labs*) DHA conjugated, phosphatidyl- serine 100 mg/cap & astaxanthin 750 mcg ____/d Bioastin (astaxanthin) 12 mg: Nutrex Hawaii*, ____/d Carlson liquid cod liver oil (D3 400 IU) 1 tsp/d Sleep/Reducing Sensitization/ Detoxification Thorne* Pharma GABA 100mg 250mg, near bedtime Thorne* Taurine 500mg 1-2 mid to late evening to help fall asleep 1-2 late evening for night awakening) PRN PRN PRN PNR PRN PRN Vital Nutrients* MSM cap 1000mg PRN Epsom salt (Mg sulfate) baths ½-1 cup in bathwater PRN Uritrax/D mannose 1 tsp before bath to reduce risk of urinary tract infection (women) Xymogen* or Pure Encapsulations PRN Magnesium glycinate Moss Nutrition* 150mg ____/d PRN THIS Rx WITH ALL COMPONENTS PRESCRIBED MUST BE TAKEN FREQUENTLY EACH DAY TO INTERRUPT THE VICIOUS BIOCHEMICAL CYCLE OF NEURAL SENSITIZATION. For questions on NSP ingredient purity/efficacy, contact Key Pharmacy 800-878-1322. Xymogen (800-647-6100) Thorne (800-228-1966), Vital Nutrients 888-328-9992, Moss Nutrition (800-851-5444), Metagenics (800-638-2848), Nutrex Hawaii (800-453-1187), Douglas Labs (800-245-4440)].. All testable values should be adjusted per Spectracell scatter plots – goal B12 top 10-20%, Copper not over 50%, other minerals up to top⅓ , other listed nutrients at least top⅓. 032014W Dr. Signature____________________________________
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