Universal Journal of Industrial and Business Management 2(4): 103-110, 2014 DOI: 10.13189/ ujibm.2014.020402 http://www.hrpub.org Efficient Determination of Sampling Rate and Sample Size in Statistical Process Control Alessio Gerardo Maugeri1,*, Gabriele Arcidiacono2 1 Leanprove – A&C srl, Via Alfonso La Marmora, 45, 50121 Florence, Italy Università degliStudiGuglielmo Marconi, Dipartimento per le Tecnologie, e i Processi di Innovazione (DTPI) Via Plinio, 44, 00193 Rome, Italy *Corresponding Author: maugeri.alessio@gmail.com 2 Copyright © 2014 Horizon Research Publishing All rights reserved. Abstract We propose a simple method for the determination of minimum efficacious sampling rate and sample size in Shewhart-like control charts, a controversial topic both in the academic and industrial fields dealing with Statistical Process Control (SPC). By modeling the control procedure as the sampling of a stochastic process and analyzing data in the frequency realm, it is possible to identify meaningful system time scales and apply the well-known Nyquist–Shannon sampling theorem in order to define conditions for an efficient quality control practice. Such conditions express the minimal requirements for an efficacious monitoring of quality indices, indicating the minimal efficacious sampling rate and the minimal effective size of rational subgroups in Xbar and R (or S) charts, which are useful both in the set-up phase and in the on-line control phase of the Shewhart’s control charts. Results can be applied also to I-MR charts. No statistical assumptions are made on the monitored data; in particular neither statistical independence nor Gaussianity is assumed in the derivation of the results. We focus on continuous processes like those typical in, but not limited to, e.g. refining, chemical processing and mining. Keywords Sampling Rate, Sample Size, Control Charts, Statistical Process Control (SPC), Nyquist-Shannon Sampling Theorem, Correlation Time, Lean Six Sigma (LSS) 1. Introduction Improving quality by reducing variability is the fundamental idea at the very heart of successful managerial approaches like the well-known Lean Six Sigma (LSS) [1] and the Total Quality Management (TQM) [2], which emphasize the role of Statistical Process Control (SPC) in process performance improvements and quality control. New tools aimed at these purposes are continually developed. Undoubtedly, however, industrial SPC still heavily relies on the Shewhart’s pioneering work [3], whose main tool, the Control Charts (CCs), is widespread and ubiquitously utilized both in manufacturing and service companies. CCs allow monitoring the variability of strategic features, e.g. numerical quality indices or Critical To Quality (CTQ) variables, as they are referred to in LSS, of the system under control, and allow comparing such variability with specific control limits in order to asses if it is acceptable or not (Shewhart’s approach). Repeated observations of a CTQ are therefore needed in the time domain, in order to assess if the process is in control or not; control limits being determined from the CTQ observations themselves. 1.1. SPC Means Sampling Quality indices and CTQs routinely monitored in all kind of businesses by CC-like procedures can be modeled as sequences of random variables, i.e. as discrete-time stochastic processes. Whenever such indices or CTQs may be measured continuously in time, we might think of their monitoring as the sampling of a continuous-time (or piecewise continuous-time) stochastic quality process (or simply quality process or quality signal). For general definitions on stochastic processes we refer to [4-5]. Due to randomness (fluctuations of both controllable and uncontrollable degrees of freedom involved in the process dynamics), we cannot predict what the outcome of the quality control will be, but the process will be under statistical control (or stable as is customary to say in LSS) if it may (at least) be modeled by a wide-sense-stationary (WSS) stochastic process. Such processes are sometimes also referred to as weak-sense stationary. Finally, in SPC practices it is customary to assume that the sampled process is stable and ergodic, so we use the temporal averages obtained through the sampling to evaluate statistical moments of interest for the quality monitoring purposes. 1.2. Limits of Sample-Size Formulas A non-trivial problem often encountered when adopting 104 Efficient Determination of Sampling Rate and Sample Size in Statistical Process Control CCs is how to choose a proper sampling rate and a proper numerosity of the sample (i.e. sample size), especially if no assumptions are made on the distribution function (usually normal data are assumed) and on the independence (usually statistical independence is assumed) of process data. Indeed, real SPC activities very often need to deal with various forms of correlation. Despite of this, the subgroup size of Xbar CCs is often determined by formulas relying on the Central Limit Theorem, which in turn relies on the statistical independence of the sampling data. I-MR CCs instead heavily rely on Gaussianity of the monitored variable. Nonetheless, the Shewhart’s concept of stability relies neither on statistical distribution nor on statistical independence hypothesis of the sample observations, but only on predictability of process variation [3]. This means that in principle it is possible to control also processes exhibiting correlation or processes not featuring Gaussianity. Indeed Shewhart-type CCs accounting for different types of correlation [6] and for non-normality [7] have been developed. Optimum sampling intervals, optimum sample sizes and optimum control limits are the topics of many research works in the Operational Excellence realm and in the context of Optimization and Design of Industrial Processes [7-12]. Choosing a proper sampling rate and a proper sample size is an essential task to correctly and efficiently assess ordinary process variability, whose evaluation is in turn essential to set up appropriate control limits in Shewhart CCs. Control limits are subsequently used to assess if the future process variability (i.e. during on-line control), and temporal behavior in general, is acceptable or not. 1.3. A New Perspective from Spectral Analysis Bearing in mind that CTQ monitoring is equivalent to the sampling of a stochastic process, with this paper we would like to open a new perspective in SPC, addressing in principle data sets exhibiting generic correlation. We propose to determine efficient sampling rates and sample sizes in Shewhart CCs by addressing the quality process in the spectral domain, without any constraints on the statistical distribution function of sampled data nor assuming their statistical independence. Such new perspective being potentially useful also for Shewhart-type and non-Shewhart CCs, in that it indicates a method to properly assess ordinary process variability. We will derive our results thanks to the stochastic sampling theory as customary in many engineering fields dealing with signal analysis. This will require identifying both the bandwidth and the correlation time of the quality signal. 2. Theoretical Framework 2.1. The Nyquist-Shannon Sampling Theorem An effective sampling is a faithful sampling. This means we must be able to exactly reconstruct the original signal at each instant of time from the sampling. According to the Nyquist–Shannon sampling theorem [13], a result very well-known in Communications and Information Theory, a sampled bandlimited (BL) deterministic signal can be perfectly reconstructed from an infinite sequence of samples, if the sampling rate fs exceeds 2B samples per unit of time (ut), where B is the fastest rate in the original signal and 2B is the so called Nyquist rate. Such a choice allows not incurring in the well-known aliasing error. A similar result also holds for BL WSS stochastic processes [5], i.e. finite-power processes with a vanishing power spectral density S(f) = 0, ∀ |f| > B. So, we can apply the theorem also to the sampling of the quality process. Moreover, being the quality process a random signal, it can be approximated with arbitrary accuracy by a sum involving only its past samples, provided that the Nyquist criterion is satisfied (i.e. fs > 2B), and therefore we do not need its future history [5,14]. The reconstruction of stochastic processes from their samples is still a hot topic in many engineering fields and by now many results have been presented in scientific literature. For a general overview of stochastic-process sampling theorems, we refer to [15-16]. 2.2. Process Variability: Common and Special Causes Each industrial process is supposed to have its own standard working conditions. Stability of the process is assured by a proper set up of internal degrees of freedom, i.e. what we usually call best practices. Operational or managerial best practices concern - but they are not limited to - persons involved into the process, machines used into the process, state of life or degree of wear of such machines, materials used, operating conditions (e.g. temperature, pressure, or even type of organizational structure), methods and procedures adopted. Within the boundaries defined by operational or managerial best practices, the process will only suffer from an ordinary variability. These intrinsic and unavoidable fluctuations of process internal degrees of freedom are due to so called common causes, as they are usually indicated in the LSS approach [1]. Common causes cannot be annihilated (given the process we are monitoring), but only reduced. Exit from or violation of the best practice boundaries determines non-standard behaviors of the process dynamics, due to so called special causes as they are referred to in LSS methodology [1], and therefore unusual dynamics of internal degrees of freedom. Both common and special causes are triggered by external (with respect to the monitored process) degrees of freedom that are coupled to process dynamics. Provided such external degrees of freedom stay in a stability region of the parameter space (stability being defined with respect to the best-practice prescriptions and to process robustness to Universal Journal of Industrial and Business Management 2(4): 103-110, 2014 external fluctuations), no special causes can occur. Monitoring of the process is aimed at identifying and eliminating special causes, and reducing common variability through external degrees decoupling (or reduction of the strength of their coupling to internal dynamics) or removal. We may also refer to the ensemble of all the external degrees of freedom as the environment, which is responsible of noisy (both common and special) fluctuations of the quality signal, as shown in fig. 1. 105 c(t). Such variability can only be reduced, but not eliminated from the given system, and in general is not easily attributable to specific and identifiable external degrees of freedom. Being a WSS process, the average value of c(t) is constant and its autocorrelation function depends only on time differences [4-5]. No hypothesis are a priori made on s(t), which accounts for the non-stationary behavior of system dynamics (due to special causes of variability). It describes not-ordinary features of system dynamics, chargeable to specific and addressable external degrees of freedom. For sake of clarity, without affecting the overall value of the study, from now on expression (1) will indicate a generic CTQ, measured on process outputs. 2.4. Continuous-Time Vs Piecewise Continuous-Time CTQs Figure 1. System-environment coupling: the system/process we are monitoring interacts with external degrees of freedom, which are coupled to system/process dynamics. Red wavy lines represent such coupling. The time evolution of a CTQ with a natural variability is naively depicted. Interaction with the environment determines aleatory modifications (dashed-line circle) of the isolated system/process dynamics (full-line circle), and, consequently, randomizes the CTQ signal (full-line deterministic signal vs dashed-line stochastic signal). 2.3. Modeling the Quality Signal The CTQ to be monitored could be a process input or output variable, or even a generic process variable, but in any case we write the CTQ dynamics as a random signal made of three different components Q(t)=q(t)+c(t)+s(t) (1) where q(t) is the quality function in absence of environmental noise sources, i.e. in absence of external degrees of freedom coupled to system dynamics; c(t) is a BL WSS stochastic process responsible for common variability; and s(t) is the process accountable for out-of-ordinary variability and lack of statistical control. The deterministic function q(t) accounts for the dynamics of the process degrees of freedom in absence of any kind of perturbation stemming from external degrees of freedom coupled to the process ones. Such isolated (or natural, i.e. not due to any environmental noise sources) system dynamics is a pure abstraction, representing a regulative ideal, which cannot be met in practice, due to the unavoidable interaction with noisy degrees of freedom. The stochastic process c(t) accounts for the effect of all the unavoidable fluctuations of the internal degrees of freedom (triggered by coupling to external ones), which are responsible for mean-reverting shifts of the system deterministic quality signal. Normal, i.e. ordinary, process variability due to common causes is therefore explained by The stochastic process described by (1) may properly represent different control practices in both service and manufacturing industries. We now specify (1) distinguishing between continuous-time and piecewise continuous-time CTQs [4-5]. Such continuous processes are frequent in e.g. refining, chemical processing and mining. We first address an ideal case, where (1) represents an infinite, analog (i.e. continuous-time) signal related to a CTQ measurable on an infinite and continuous output (continuous-time processes). Although ideal, this situation is a good starting point to understand the modelling of more realistic occurrences; furthermore it may well approximate such occurrences when the discrete nature of the process outputs do not hinder the sampling procedure, as will be more clear later on. We secondly address the case of signals related to CTQs that are only piecewise continuously measurable (piecewise continuous-time processes, related to discrete outputs). This is the case of all real control practices. Due to discreteness, periodic time intervals exist where it is intrinsically not possible to measure any CTQ. In this paper we do not address quality signals related to CTQs which are uniquely measurable at specified time instants (i.e. on a countable set of the time domain): this is for example the case of measures made once per single output (as e.g. in destructive testing or in some conformance-to-requirement measures involving the output as a whole), giving rise to a sequence of random variables each one related to a unique output (discrete-time processes). 2.4.1. Continuous-Time Processes Let’s first suppose that the process we are monitoring generates an output featuring an infinite and continuous dynamics with respect to time. In this case, monitoring of process quality can be modeled as the sampling of an infinite, analog BL stochastic signal. A continuous-time process describes a CTQ related to an output whose features vary continuously in time. For 106 Efficient Determination of Sampling Rate and Sample Size in Statistical Process Control example this could be the case of an infinite extruded tube, of an infinite liquid flow or of the maximum amount of information that can be reliably transmitted over a communication channel, respectively featuring a continuously variable thickness, viscosity and channel capacity (which are all continuous CTQs with respect to some parameters). A continuous-time process may also describe conformance to some requirements or number of non-compliant features per reference unit (which are instead discrete CTQs). Process stability and dispersion around the target are assessed by monitoring one or more of such CTQs related to the output. Finally, both uncountable, i.e. continuous (e.g. inches of thickness, centipoise of viscosity or bits conveyed per second), and countable, i.e. discrete (e.g. good/no-good indices or number of defects per reference unit), CTQs may be modeled by a continuous-time process. 2.4.2. Piecewise Continuous-Time Processes In practice, we never deal with continuous-time processes, because our outputs are discrete, e.g. parts produced or documents written up. This means that the quality signal (1), although (in principle) not time-bounded, is only piecewise defined, for both continuous and discrete CTQs. Whatever CTQ variable is chosen to be monitored, it will be at best piecewise continuously varying in time, due to the discrete nature of the outputs realized. In comparison with the previous case, here a limitation is imposed on the number of subsequent observations we can draw from the process at a given sampling rate as better outlined in section 3. 2.5. Rational Subgroups: Fast Noise Vs Slow Noise In the Shewhart’s approach, appropriate evaluation of system ordinary (i.e. only due to common causes and, eventually, to natural system dynamics) variability is fundamental to set up an effective CC featuring proper control limits. Shewhart explains that if observations can be grouped in rational subgroups, then appropriate control limits can be specified. Rational subgroups are defined as groups of observations whose variability is only due to common causes [3]. In other words, the underlying argument for rational subgroups is that special causes of variability have a slow dynamics compared to ordinary process dynamics: we might therefore refer to the effect of special causes as slow noise. On the contrary, the effect of common causes might be referred to as fast noise. Bearing in mind results in section 2.1, set up of proper rational subgroups could therefore be achieved by analyzing the spectral content of the monitored system dynamics. In particular, by identifying the bandwidth upper limit of the monitored CTQ, it is possible to determine a proper sampling rate; by identifying the time scale of the CTQ dynamics (as will be clearer in section 2.6), it is possible to set a proper sample size for the control procedure. Identifying the bandwidth upper limit would therefore be useful for both the phase of set up and on-line control of the CC. Of course this might require a thorough knowledge of the underlying monitored process. However we do not need to know anything about slow noise in order to properly set up our Shewhart’s sampling rate and sample size. In fact, when the process is stable (by definition we assess control limits in condition of statistical control and from data not affected by special causes) the CTQ dynamics is not affected by s(t), which operates at frequencies much slower than the CTQ slowest ordinary dynamics. Setting up of control limits in Shewhart-like CCs will therefore be based on a spectral analysis of the BL WSS stochastic process accounting for common system variability Qfast(t)=q(t)+c(t) (2) Although bandlimitedness assumption is often invoked in this paper concerning industrial applications (both manufacturing and service), it is worth saying that sampling theorems have been developed also for non-BL signals [17]. Furthermore it may also be possible filtering out stray external (i.e. from sources other than the system, e.g. the quality measurement system) high frequencies. Finally, almost sure convergence of the Shannon sampling series has been demonstrated also for generalized BL processes [18]. 2.6. Time Scale of the CTQ Dynamics The ordinary evolution of each CTQ dynamics is characterized by a typical time scale accounting for its common variability, due to both fast noise and, if present, to system natural variability. In case of a system with e.g. a natural periodic time evolution, as in fig. 1, such time scale would be the period of the natural dynamical fluctuations. Instead, in case of a naturally static CTQ (that is a CTQ stuck to a target value in absence of any environmental noise sources), the CTQ time scale would be determined by the fast-noise component into (2). Fast noise is typically responsible for fluctuations tending rapidly to zero and, in this case, we trivially identify the CTQ time scale with the width of the relative autocorrelation function. As usual in Signal Theory, the time scale of the CTQ dynamics is the correlation time τc, which can be defined also for arbitrary stochastic processes. A formal standard definition for the correlation time can for example be found in [4-5] A practical identification of the correlation time can be achieved through the observation of the power spectrum of (2), as customary in Signal Analysis and in many physical problems [19-21]. Depending on the shape of the power spectrum, identification of the correlation time may vary, reflecting the possibly different nature of the dynamical regimes of the various CTQs. In most cases (e.g. a static CTQ suffering from fast noise) the width of the autocorrelation function of (2) is inversely proportional to the width of the power spectrum (in this case the power Universal Journal of Industrial and Business Management 2(4): 103-110, 2014 spectrum would have a bell shape). In some cases the power spectrum may have a peak structure (if e.g. the CTQ has a natural oscillatory frequency) and the correlation time is drawn from the inverse of the peak frequency [21]. In any case, the correlation time of (2) defines the time needed to gain complete knowledge of the monitored CTQ ordinary variability, and, finally, together with the fastest rate in the power spectrum of (2), the number of observations we need to gather to realize proper rational subgroups, as explained in section 3. 3. Results and Discussions 3.1. Nyquist-Shannon Theorem Applied To Quality Control If we monitored our system continuously, we would know exactly a realization of the random quality signal (1). Consequently, under the ergodicity assumption, we would be able to appraise quality dynamics instant by instant. Unfortunately, due to many practical reasons, it is not possible or it is not economic a continuous monitoring of the system, and indeed in practice we just measure (1) at specified time points (sampling). However we should accept the discrete quality index stemming from such sampling only provided it is a faithful approximation of the original signal. As we have seen, we can borrow results from stochastic-process sampling theory [14-20]. 3.2. Sampling Rate According to section 2.1, the sampling rate is given by the fastest frequency (where appropriate, filtering can prevent aliasing due to external high frequencies) in the power spectrum of (2). Mathematically [5], if Sfast(f) is the spectral density of (2) and Sfast(f) = 0, ∀ |f| > B, then must be fs > 2B (3) B being the fastest rate in the bandwidth of the quality signal (2). B being the fastest rate in the bandwidth of the quality signal (2). Expression (3) holds for both continuous-time processes and piecewise continuous-time processes 3.3. Sample Size By virtue of the Nyquist-Shannon theorem, knowing B we are able to determine the minimal efficacious sampling rate, which is just above the Nyquist rate as expressed by condition (3). Acquiring also knowledge of τc allows determining the number of single observations we need to gather, because this time scale fully accounts for common variability of the monitored CTQ, thus setting the minimal time required to acquire a complete knowledge of process ordinary dynamics. We can then easily estimate the minimal 107 meaningful sample size as the product of the minimum efficacious sampling rate and the correlation time, as better outlined in subsections 3.4.1 and 3.4.2 for Shewhart's CCs. This information (sampling rate and sample size) will then be used both to set up proper control limits and to properly manage the on-line control of the monitored process. In the case of piecewise continuous-time processes, due to the fact that we are likely monitoring some CTQ variable on a discrete output, we may not have enough time to gather clusters of subsequent observations. Condition (3) will also apply to such processes, but differently from continuous-time processes, here sampling of the quality signal will need to take into account the ratios between τc, tav (total available time for taking measures of a given CTQ on a single output, i.e. time interval from the first measurable part of an output and its last measurable part) and Δt (the time interval between the last measured part of an output and the first measurable part of the subsequent output); measure ability being defined in relation to the specific CTQ to be monitored. We will pursue our analysis in section 3.4, highlighting such relations. 3.4. Shewhart-Type Ccs: Set Up Of Control Limits and On-Line Control In order to specify the concepts previously illustrated, let’s focus on Shewhart-type CCs routinely used in SPC. Shewhart-type CCs only rely on current observations to assess the process control state, i.e. each point on the chart only relies on the sample gathered at the moment of monitoring (other well known charts, e.g. CUSUM or EWMA, also utilize previous observations). When adopting Shewart-type CCs, particular care should therefore be devoted to the time scales of the monitored CTQ dynamics, in order to properly estimate sampling rate and sample size, and, finally, control limits [3,6]. It is worth noticing that usual formulas to estimate e.g. the required sample size for subgroups of an Xbar chart may not be riskless, if used when data presents a certain degree of correlation. For sake of clarity, let’s adopt the set of definitions in table 1, to be utilized in subsections 3.4.1 and 3.4.2, where we will indicate how to compute efficient sampling rate and sample size both in the case of individual (I-MR charts) and gathered-in-subgroup observations (Xbar-R or Xbar-S charts). In the following we will assume to know the CTQ correlation time and its upper rate B, whose empirical determination will be outlined by the practical procedure in section 3.5. 3.4.1. I-MR Charts In order for a sampling to be faithful and to obtain an unbiased estimate of the variability of the CTQ normal dynamics, the Overall Sampling Period must be at least as long as the correlation time, that is T ≳ τc. According to the Nyquist-Shannon theorem and relation (3) in particular, for both continuous-time and piecewise 108 Efficient Determination of Sampling Rate and Sample Size in Statistical Process Control continuous-time processes, a necessary condition for a faithful sampling is (4) fs,b> 2B which sets the more efficient sampling rate for the I-MR chart of a continuously (in time) measurable CTQ. Once we are provided with the sampling rate, we can estimate the minimal meaningful sample size for the I-MR chart, made of subsequent measures taken at a rate given by (4) for a sampling time T~ τc. For continuous-time processes, the more efficient sample size, aimed at properly assess control limits, would be the higher nearest integer to n = 2B ∙ τc (5) For piecewise continuous-time processes, the discrete nature of the output can be an obstacle to the sampling procedure, because, given a rate set by (4), we run the risk to miss subsequent measures within the τc time scale. That is, if tav≤τc, we cannot reach the value set by (5) via subsequent measures on a single output (even if the equality holds it is not possible to take the higher nearest integer to (5) because the last measure is not feasible). In other words, we are not allowed monitoring slow components of the CTQ ordinary variability. Furthermore, if it also holds Δt≥1/2B, we miss information even if we take measures from the subsequent output. This happens due to the discrete nature of the process outcomes, which acts as a high-pass filter of the CTQ ordinary dynamics. In this case, in order to avoid underestimating the process variability and incurring in the aliasing error, sampling should be extended for time periods longer than τc, which are to be evaluated taking also into account the length of the time interval Δt. From the gathered observations it will then be possible to determine the CTQ ordinary variability and therefore establishing proper control limits. On-line control will be carried out at a rate set by (4). 3.4.2. Xbar-R (S) Charts We make the reasonable assumptions TS ≥ τc(choosing a shorter Subgroup Sampling Period would undermine the validity of the results, as it would not be possible to gather enough observations) and TW ≠ 0 (i.e. sampling within the subgroup is not instantaneous). Within the subgroups we have operating conditions analogous to the one described in subsection 3.4.1 for I-MR CCs. According to the Nyquist-Shannon theorem, in order to properly assess the CTQ ordinary dynamics (including eventual short- or long-term correlations), a faithful sampling of a continuous-time process would at least require TW< 1/2B, i.e. fs,w > 2B (6) and a subgroup size equal to the higher nearest integer to (5). The rate set by (6) can then be used to evaluate proper control limits and, subsequently, to carry out on-line control. Relation (6) also holds for piecewise continuous-time process, however we may miss slow components of our CTQ ordinary variability, if tav ≤ τc and sampling is not extended for time periods longer than τc, analogously to the case in subsection 3.4.1. Missing slow components of ordinary dynamics would in general result in a systematic underestimate of the process variability, which would be incorrectly transferred to variability between subgroups. The variability usually observed between subgroups in absence of special causes may therefore be attributed also to the intrinsic process filtering determined by the output discreteness when tav ≤ τc. As far as the Between Sampling Period is concerned, it should be short enough to detect the eventual occurrence of special causes, but not too short in order to reduce unnecessary sampling effort. If there is a clue of special cause dynamics, once again the Nyquist-Shannon theorem suggests how to choose Tb. If for example slow noise is known to affect the natural dynamics at most with frequency fslow<< 1 / τc, then we will choose fs,b> 2 fslow. In general, however, slow noise dynamics is unknown, therefore it is not possible to determine a priori a smart Between Sampling Period. A prudential choice could be setting Tb ~ 10 τc, eventually relaxing this conditions if appropriate from observations gradually accumulated. In any case a trade-off need to be found between the risk of missing special cause detection and the sampling effort. Table 1. Relevant time scales and parameters: definition of sampling periods, sampling rates and sample size for I-MR CCs, Xbar-R CCs, Xbar-S CCs Between Sampling Period Tb Time interval between two single observations (I-MR charts) or between two rational subgroups (Xbar-R or Xbar-S charts) Between Sampling Rate fs,b Number of single observations (I-MR charts) or rational subgroups (Xbar-R or Xbar-S charts) in the ut Within Sampling Period Tw Time interval between two observations within a rational subgroup Within Sampling Rate fs,w Number of observations within the subgroup in the ut n Overall numerosity of the sample (I-MR charts) or number of observations in a single rational subgroup (Xbar-R or Xbar-S charts) Ts Duration of the sampling within a rational subgroup T Overall duration of the sampling procedure Sample Size Subgroup Sampling Period Overall Sampling Period Universal Journal of Industrial and Business Management 2(4): 103-110, 2014 3.5. Practical Determination of Correlation Time and Nyquist Rate We outline a practical procedure in order to determine the stable process power spectral density, and finally the CTQ correlation time and the Nyquist rate. The procedure encompasses the following steps: Qualitatively estimating the order of magnitude of the fastest time scale of the ordinary (which includes fast noise) dynamics of the CTQ to be monitored; Sampling at a reasonable rate based on the previous estimation (e.g. three times faster) and compute the corresponding power spectral density until a valid result is obtained and rapid changes in the spectra stop (stabilization in the frequency domain); Sampling again increasing the sampling rate and re-computing power spectral density, till no observable differences appear in the stabilized spectra. Once the stable spectrum has been computed, it is possible to observe its shape and bandwidth in order to properly identify the correlation time (see section 2.6) and the upper rate. 3.6. Future Research 109 the CTQ common variability allows determining lower bounds for both the sampling rate and the sample size of usual ShewhartCCs, for both countable and uncountable CTQs. The sampling rate lower bound is the Nyquist rate, while the sample size lower bound is the product of the Nyquist rate times the correlation time. The illustrated approach is potentially extensible to other CCs and provides a general method to properly assess ordinary process variability. A spectral characterization of common and special causes of process variability has also been illustrated in terms of fast and slow noise. Acknowledgements We would like to thank dr. Giuseppe Mangano for very fruitful and stimulating discussions and Alessandro Costa for proofreading. Dr. Maugeri acknowledges financial support from Leanprove – A&C srl. REFERENCES [1] G. Arcidiacono, C. Calabrese, K. Yang. Leading processes to lead companies: Lean Six Sigma, Springer, 2012. [2] B. O. Ehigie, E. B. McAndrew. Innovation, diffusion and adoption of total quality management (TQM), Management Decision, Vol. 43 Iss: 6, 925 – 940, 2005. [3] W. A. Shewart. Economic Control of Quality of Manufactured Product, D. van Nostrand Company, Inc: Toronto, 1931. [4] Y. Dodge. The Oxford Dictionary of Statistical Terms, International Statistical Institute, Oxford University Press, 6th ed., USA, 2006. [5] A. Papoulis, P. S. Unnikrishna. Probability, Random Variables and Stochastic Processes,4th ed., McGraw-Hill, 2002. 4. Conclusions [6] H. J. Lenz, P. TH. Wilrich. Frontiers in Statistical Quality Control (Book 8), Physica-Verlag, Heidelberg, 2006. Neglecting correlations or assuming Gaussianity when it is not the case might undermine many SPC practices. Special CCs have been developed to address some forms of correlation or non-normal data, but a general method to deal with whatever set of data might be missing. Here a method to determine the minimum efficacious sampling rate and sample size in Shewhart CCs and Shewhart-type CCs has been presented, with no assumptions concerning data independence or their statistical distribution. The method models the monitoring of a control variable as the sampling of a stochastic process and approaches the problem of process control in the frequency realm. Results rely on the Nyquist–Shannon sampling theorem and on knowledge of the correlation time of the quality signal. In particular, the Nyquist criterion together with the time scale accounting for [7] H. Chen, Y. Pao. The joint economic-statistical design of X and R charts for nonnormal data, Quality and Reliability Engineering International, Vol. 27, No.3, 269-280, 2010. DOI: 10.1002/qre.1116. [8] C. A. Carolan, J. F. Kros, S. E. Said. 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