Here is the Biggest Thing in Dress Values Ever Offered A most wonderful purcJiase of manufacturers* high grade Summer Dresses that wctv made to retail up to $15.00, will be put on sale beginning tomorrow, at the ridiculous low price of {p4.98 To get an idea of what this lot consists of see our window display—-you will timrvei at the fine materials—up-to-the-minute styles and extraordinary assort" meat this lot contains. Absolutely no two dresses alike. Without a doubt the most remarkable bargains are these Summer Dreises at $4.98 The Sample Shop LEO BALSAM, Prop. • J ^ A I ^ ^ A H I ' MTLfrifr W. #a# 3$ Bridge Street Bt^ptw* AT MAKtm fxtrms— MMMMM H^^HHNNNHH i*r^' it. • ' " ' ' " ""JpfW^PRPP't X w p i w M I JMWMP WMBNHT HH IMS W « i ^ • ' W P W ^"'^''S^ ,v ^aadaAaaS^av .^^a^^^^k^Maji W flfiBMlMHf I v UU/lJUnjRlLn 8 wtcuasioH to IWlMnOTOlfj wmmtt mt %ml»l«, • MI teoetwt imt* i , mm, m« of nmtf* <*** khowti «r*«t# ,»»nuiflettiM«jr*, 4te« tifc-ldpiily *t ttighgatc fSprfU**, HullMt Barwoai a»4 BalUy*a Cijrciu, liny «tt*r)MW* wfitle bwtUn* With fete ton* Walter A, Milne, a** *M»H »• Grant !.ult£aaf Leave of Ab- gtiiiiiej' Vermont" will losw pjtttilMirfte 1M a, m., cm »nw> Knox. ff#65 a, w„ »lu« 1'otot T,00 *. w,» V*t* sents and W« Pay Sal* ' Death w»$ U Mr. Milne ** he w i t couf UQ a, M« y»rt ICiftt T.I0 a,"t»., ac-axed ft* the »»«tn of the hoet and to arita. unlving Burlington 1-16 a, m add to the Ittfte drewuatifleea »t»rIteturtttnf leave Buriington 630 p. f-oiinilglttf the «tae, in falling, he top The JMawate and ftudtott Cetn m,, Making: all landing* m abort, hied over torn animate and sat* i» i s jmn? ttetfuah ita F***i*«* h W>> Farr For the 1toaa4 J'rla. r«st of watt*, tuning Mr, Milne At the l^wee MJj itiwA th« following genffrom pJaUihurih, CltJf Iftven and bare, w w httrajlng tho fotft toward: eral not/te to Jt» mptotm, KiuB! folnt, -fS CENTS, From Valcour Hid shore **#* ftle father, ,wh0 had "WJ»erea«, the wtmm Mtmi «euand Pott Kent, 60 CBNf8. HOTEL MARLBOROUGH cowpJitlnecl «* iSieHng Hi, striitatly illtte pt the r«l«lion* foiwm th# Excurjkml»u» will arrive in tlmft . Nth Sty-aJrt«rfw»7fc47th 8 t, fell into the «atctv Vmutf s i n e and n*nka «aa rewlt^ to aee the Wr atroet panwle and irtt* »o»t «o»for>Me JUoteis ' An Mtmy" $ittorn\<A after ttte «a Jft tti# Clllnc out of the National nc»» the Mammoth ahow from atari One of*th« in. Net- Ywk 0lty. v W r reached! farro made it plato SttMttd In the vary Heart of to Antah. that death e*»iaad before K*. Milne imtm> ettieew, «Ke«t« #M4. #W^ Ticketa pro«|wred at puraer'a oftcji twwrl, Heir all -the leaving^ abnn an« thtatraa, and conV.nltnt tc reached the **<**. tfhe *»« ##»• flue Wtm , et *M« OMN|Msr »r« mwnber. on board ateamcr. evfrywhefa., • lo a eerchrjH fctwnioi-hsgft <rf Ittteli ffatlon.1 Oiwrd »nd it 1> ft A* J^OOMt^»tJOWRS/ One mrn.»ft» *rei» Peiin, Statian •in » ' * a«« Ave mlnutaa from Orand 6e«. •<iw fleain «(ttilic o m p l y th*tpn>- dc». Manager, Oe».Paai.,A«t. trel Shat oonvenlant to all plan, viaiett -hovid tx mMe j t t th#fr DeWHh B«ih, $1.50 feaif;-' mm *lw*w»;<airwJl, «rf JPteM** »ei<rtTea, tiwt #u eitioewv agenta AMtmutr vatm mtsm^M 1 • , m-i!*t •. imrah »<i4 eitttoh o*r, « Pawwwe** and emWojret, ,* uute 'C««Bfai»r nrltl* broken orte*Mr <»»itt«o4. Ufa Wty weRg, «iarri#i j*«tc«d»y ntiatmm urere memlwM «f th« National 0iwr4 tip to | $ per net jweera'tt** to rattie. Very Urfe R*a««, fl.OO . ».' Per Diey , . the tUsrY A s . Gr#»«r, ttftc •n g*t«rt»y, Jtta^a^ JW«, and who Mail teeth at once aftd get our offer. Rattaurant g f J M j n # ' l * a t t than Itttitur. it tmaattafaetorf will t*t«r>i teethi ante toe* or mt he e»il«itot-atn>r' Ml Flrat Claaa Rtataurant The rin* «w?fce of the IteihwUiit write*, * Wfe«»mtif«« tndeftiiito rwtneatita mwr feo.» i% Crwtf Ate,, Aay Other Ruhl. J. Amron. jf, Downiey, Bjrfmwpal Chtirek wau lied, hare of aManet) witbettt j»r«judlo« SJnphatttfon, I*, ^f,">*M4H& ' There wen*-mAttetitiitHtav Mr « B 4* mii prmnoHfm rlgtaU, a.4 with mm Mrs .Oar win «•#•«« in punMeraor* ' l i t MD*>r»um*«* that ttwy tt*y"w#* where the grot** J* a guard at CUm- tttW' te Uwrfr »MMieai vrb** M\m** tott Prta©*, ;; • furtber a#J«>i*e*, th»t until g«pt«rab«r |ft 1MS> thU (Vnp«ar wUl contribute th* leilowinf amonata •.;!»> '"the aawert letaMM M* of tho«.d«p«»<i«at apoaaaclio«lo«r», ajtnta and employwetHH^^4##^ , «(«':«<> 'MurrM mi mtti ipawr*^ t M mik Vlfh/dajfetfteht tWBill««, tha •atiw lom of JNMT ittetttre* hr |ein« »tt the army a«rylce; that U thla tStm* pa»r will pKf the aalarlea or «a«w which aoch offlem, aawota aw) e n Mcrow are iWMtnaf at i t o UDUI of U»»lBf tiolr d«Ue« t l t a t l l i CwU*. »*ny I N I U H ~ amotmt* ' whkh . tH«y •ball racelvs a* eotnpciuaUoa ' for lum, M0O*,. aM will ,***« Kich. IN»m«M« to «•«« tt«flii«ri «t MS«i Y a«wutea of u e t t fsatUta aa ikwy aaan oaaitBau la wtKte» * « t - «lt« •ttttetr mNrtrt of MHft d«M«eai«( .WWWW>*': : \'^ '.'£,^': ' • " • ": («) T * e«b«r taiMfiea n*™, « e ha4f full ama«* »ar to ite*w« tli» »»» la 'iajr fcc*rr*ti by beto< fa the acaar aerrt^i «a4 furtlrtr ' K*ao4»a4, UMU If the iMtrrtoe la the anay of »aftt tatttan,' a*rt.U am4 *at- "Get it it Japes" jFs^fwp^ IOVM manlVM De/vml t«a«h«r M , U l t , W i RWUUW Ortarttt*. ar taw Boartf aw Matttfera WiS M» th« aoMnt aeatur of thaawJ ftr'^lpilfir.. a*a*ia>fa-| and Sunday Day Service I » I «« tonJit" Jf Bawwirna B^Waaw^*^a^a^HMP)BaiaW^aWB»a|ia» * , », !10ClShaifebejen used extensively in Essex* Clinton and Franjditt Cotilihe*for*M c W s of business. We guarantee to demonstrate a load of I mi $4 tmm? Danneiiiora Mountain with a 3*4 ton G. M. C. truck and show 14 miles jper gallon of gamine under regular operating conditions. All G. % C. trucks are controlled by the Kramer governor system permitting a range of speed from 10 to 30 miles per hour, thus making the job immune from hard and fast drivers. Built by the manufacturers of the famous Buick Autdntobijes. Capacity 3-4—I 1-2—2—3 1-2 and S ton Trucks Equipped with Detroit Stake Type Body Bfiston " " « New York BussestitWagonettes Canopy Top Furniture Bodies High Side Furniture Bodies Pour Panel Express Bodies Oil or Water Tank Apparatus Charlwi Anthoay Alaatln, Jr., «|gaA aiout 17, iha only aMh of « r and Mr« d A. Atwtlil. • ' of Orange, % ]•„•• . wat drowned at OeMr^awh Vt, flaaSay ereftlng, "When the tteo»*«reig» mm ih the body wan waahed aahore cloa« by th* dock, there waa a high awrf at the-ttine a»«t a atrong went wind, Ifo body l a d tie* the hoy for half «n hour previoua *nd the cause of tltc aecident hi l«iow». Me *aa att eif <pert awlrniner, and therefore It 1» « question whether be; auflr«rea>?tid«•« attack of heart failure and fell fhwrt the doc|, not having been in the beat »f health lately, or el»e alipp ed arid atntck, althoiigli thejre i» MO brulao or nmrk upon hia head, .people were bit the A&M ijioro «r teas, But none witnessed the accideHt, aWgnew^^, •••(• PEOPLES LINE 51tAMERS R a * § 4 w B l * W M r ^ iawiiii ' ^ r ^ ' ^ B T nata4a^#tta4^ _ala^W^|aw4pWa^Bp war- j. WpaawB ,, waww WW ^ ' •¥aww^a^W . - Lialirf AflNBry daily 8 P. M.<; **rtffitff •fn^tlttP gtyiiitalft Also S^day II A. a AORltH LTURK jBCKKfARt DEMAKIW ILKAN UBOt KBIES. Four Different Type Dumping Apparatus or any Special Body Apparatus for Road Builders or Contractors. Guaranteed fully by the G. M. C. Manufacturers and ONE YEAR FREE SHOP SERVICE by us. A. EL Marshall iCo., Inc. Washiuiton, 4«»lSf «•—^Conirritinlty health crudaderh have won a. Tailant ^trt-kcr ia their <»uge itt titer per«on of Secretary of Agriculture DayJd T. Houston, who ha» lined up the force* of his department in a fight to hring about i mere sanitary and healthful condition in grocery stores. "The women hold the whip hand, in the movement to Clean up the cor-' ner grocery and keep it clean," Mr, Houston said, "\yonten, being the chief buyera, can Wield more power than all the fitate And city gtlardlang by eervliig, notice Oh the merchant that his place nlUBt be kept clean, or else he made to silffer boycott, in the opinion of Mr. Houston and his associates. Mr. Houston has directed the dlstrlbutlo*. of bulletins calling attention, to the necessity for greater cleanliness in food shops, as a means of remoVlag possible sources of contanlinfctioh. — • » - • i — , t',S< XMCMAN* JUStfE 7 4 Margaret St., P i t t s b u r g h , N. Y. LARGEST AND LEADING SHOE DEALERS Largest Stock Leading Fashions tsror or Queen Quality Busfcef Ifowit on tread Easy Boston Favorite Shoes for Men Shoes for ChUdrtrtShoes lor Other Good Makes too Numerous *» l l i i i t e ; Washington, July 6,—One hundred land eighty-four foreign Built vessels: have •be.en brought unaer the i-iflerij can flag, with 622,035 gross tonB *dd» (cd to the nation's Mercifant murine, m j under the registry act passed hy Congress two year? ago, Secretary 3ted*>,gress ^ed-tannounced today, J _ _ \ • A.M.KARKSTCL. ••BE57aUALITV«FAiRKAl;M)'L: Two Phones 3 3 0 and 5 3 2 tA-*<t**********» + **A*A±*. VU"+"^WVW\^<»S<<^^^ W E GIVE. DEWLV jjawawrv,, '•'•:• f ; > ^ ' • ' " ' . ,
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