Anik Brind'Amour, Bastien Mérigot and Angélique Jadaud April 25th 2011 Sample protocol for fish morphological traits in MEDITS surveys Effective classification of fish species in functional groups depends on the quality of the biological measurements. Following this simple sampling protocol will ensure the building of an harmonized database of fish morphological traits across the Mediterranean areas. Species list A list of 96 species was established (Annexe 1). It includes all the reference species in the MEDITS survey, several species from the catch data and some species used in a recent paper from Gaertner et al. (2010). That list covers a large spectrum of species thereby allowing the development and comparison of community models with sufficient data. Measurements of fish traits should be made on 10 individuals per species. All the individuals must be (i.e. mature). Morphological traits of species Species traits were chosen to minimize the additional work on board. We identified traits that will be measured from pictures taken on board and traits that have to be assigned and measured on board (Appendix 2). Steps to be followed for the measurements of each individual: 1) Take a picture and identify each picture 2) Measure the oral gap All the information needed from the pictures and the traits measured on board should be given in a table that looks like the one in Appendix 3. 1 Anik Brind'Amour, Bastien Mérigot and Angélique Jadaud April 25th 2011 1) Protocol for pictures on board (Figure 1) • Take a picture of each fish individual (10 individuals by species). Pictures should be clear and well identified. Each picture should be identified as follow: • Species code (see Appendix 1) • Individual n° • Station n° • Country (eg. ESP, FRA, ITA, GRC , ...) • Vessel (eg. AND, BIM, …) • A scale (e.g. a ruler) should be put beside the fish in order to calibrate later the measurements (see Figure 1). • For sharks, due to their large size, 2 pictures should be taken for each individual. Please ensure that these pictures are taken in a way (ie. in continuity) that they could be assembled later into a single picture with a software, and that a scale (eg. a ruler) is present on each picture. • All pictures should be sent by email to All trait measurements will be made by Anik Brind'Amour and Bastien Mérigot. If the picture file is too large, the file can be burned on a cd and send to Bastien Mérigot1. • Data (trait values extracted from pictures and measured on board) will be kept inside the MEDITS group and will not be used for publication purpose without the agreement of MEDITS colleagues who provided the initial information (picture and measurements on board). Co-authorship will be proposed for all publications. Species code Individual n° Station n° Country AMEINEB 01 565 ITA Figure 1 Vessel BIM Example of a "clear and good" picture with all the identifications needed. (Picture J.-M. Chamberlan). 1 Centre de Recherche Halieutique Méditerranéenne et Tropicale UMR 212 EME - Ecosystèmes Marins Exploités (IFREMER-IRD-UMII) Avenue Jean Monnet - BP 171 - 34203 Sète Cedex - France. 2 Anik Brind'Amour, Bastien Mérigot and Angélique Jadaud April 25th 2011 2) Protocol for fish measurements on board vessels (Figure 2) There is 1 trait that must be measured as follow on board: 1) Oral gap The oral gap (Og) is the measure in cm of the open mouth once the mouth is extended to its maximum opening. Oral gap can be measured with either using a caliper or a ruler. Og © Figure 2 Example of the measurement of the oral gap (Og) for Scomber scombrus. 3 Anik Brind'Amour, Bastien Mérigot and Angélique Jadaud April 25th 2011 Appendix 1. measured. List of Mediterranean fish species to be Species Aphia minuta Arnoglossus imperialis Arnoglossus laterna Arnoglossus rueppelii Arnoglossus thori Argentina sp. Aspitrigla cuculus Blennius ocellaris Boops boops Bothus podas Buglossidium luteum Callionymus sp. Capros aper Carapus acus Centracanthus cirrus Cepola macrophthalma Chelidonichthys lastoviza Chelidonichthys lucernus Chelidonichthys obscurus Citharus linguatula Conger conger Dasyatis pastinaca Deltentosteus quadrimaculatus Dicentrarchus labrax Diplodus annularis Diplodus vulgaris Echelus myrus Engraulis encrasicolus Eutrigla gurnardus Gobius sp. Gadiculus argenteus Gaidropsarus sp. Galeus melastomus Helicolenus dactylopterus Lepidopus caudatus Lepidorhombus boscii Lepidorhombus whiffiagonis Lepidotrigla cavillone Lepidotrigla dieuzeidei Lesueurigobius sp. Species code APHIMIN ARNOIMP ARNOLAT ARNORUE ARNOTHO ARGESPP ASPICUC BLENOCE BOOPBOO BOTHPOD BUGLLUT CALMSP CAPOAPE CARAACU CECACIR CEPOMAC CHELLAS CHELLUC CHELOBS CITHMAC CONGCON DASIPAS DELTQUA DICELAB DIPLANN DIPLVUL ECHEMIR ENGRENC EUTRGUR GOBISPP GADIARG GAIDSPP GALUMEL HELIDAC LEPICAU LEPMBOS LEPMWHS LEPTCAV LEPTDIE LESUSPP 4 Anik Brind'Amour, Bastien Mérigot and Angélique Jadaud April 25th 2011 Lithognathus mormyrus Lophius budegassa Lophius piscatorius Macroramphosus scolopax Merlangius merlangus Merluccius merluccius Microchirus variegatus Micromesistius poutassou Monochirus hispidus Mullus barbatus Mullus surmuletus Mustelus mustelus Oblada melanura Ophidion barbatum Ophichthus rufus Pagellus acarne Pagellus bogaraveo Pagellus erythrinus Pagrus pagrus Peristedion cataphractum Phycis blennoides Psetta maxima Raja asterias Raja clavata Sarpa salpa Scomber japonicus Scomber scombrus Scophthalmus rhombus Scorpaena elongata Scorpaena loppei Scorpaena notata Scorpaena porcus Scorpaena scrofa Scyliorhinus canicula Serranus cabrilla Serranus hepatus Solea solea Sparus auratus Sphyraena sphyraena Spicara maena Spicara smaris Spondyliosoma cantharus Sprattus sprattus Squalus acanthias Symphurus sp. LITHMOR LOPHBUD LOPHPIS MACOSCO MERNMER MERLMER MICUVAR MICMPOU MONOHIS MULLBAR MULLSUR MUSTMUS OBLAMEL OPDIBAR OPHCRUF PAGEACA PAGEBOG PAGEERY PAGRPAG PERICAT PHYIBLE PSETMAX RAJAAST RAJACLA SARPSAL SCOMPNE SCOMSCO SCOPRHO SCORELO SCORLOP SCORNOT SCORPOR SCORSCR SCYOCAN SERACAB SERAHEP SOLEVUL SPARAUR SPHYSPY SPICMAE SPICSMA SPODCAN SPRASPR SQUAACA SYMPSPP 5 Anik Brind'Amour, Bastien Mérigot and Angélique Jadaud April 25th 2011 Syngnathus acus Torpedo marmorata Torpedo nobiliana Trachinus draco Trachinus radiatus Trachurus mediterraneus Trachurus trachurus Trigla lyra Trigloporus lastoviza Trisopterus minutus Uranoscopus scaber Zeus faber SYNGACU TORPMAR TORPNOB TRAHDRA TRAHRAD TRACMED TRACTRA TRIGLYR TRIPLAS TRISCAP URANSCA ZEUSFAB 6 Anik Brind'Amour, Bastien Mérigot and Angélique Jadaud April 25th 2011 Appendix 2. List of species traits. Table 1 Description of the species traits that will be measured from pictures after surveys by Anik and Bastien. Traits measured from pictures taken on board Body depth Caudal length Eye diameter Barbel Pigmentation Body shape Code Description Body Caudal Deye Bar Pig Sh Ratio of standard length to body depth Ratio caudal fin length to caudal fin depth Diameter of the eye standardized by head length The presence of barbel near the mouth Pigmentation on the fish body Fish body shape Mouth orientation Mo Mouth orientation Trait measured and assigned on board Oral gap Og Oral gap 7 Anik Brind'Amour, Bastien Mérigot and Angélique Jadaud April 25th 2011 Appendix 3. Example of the table to be filed on board. The table contains all the information relative to the picture and the measurements made on board. Station n° Species Individual Picture reference n° Oral gap (cm) 565 SCOMSCO 1 SCOMSCO 01 565 ITA BIM 4.5 565 SCOMSCO 2 SCOMSCO 02 565 ITA BIM 4.3 565 SCOMSCO 3 SCOMSCO 03 565 ITA BIM 4.4 565 SCOMSCO 4 SCOMSCO 04 565 ITA BIM 4.5 565 SCOMSCO 5 SCOMSCO 05 565 ITA BIM 4.6 8
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