ple m Sa file I ple m Sa file ............................................................................ Credits Writing CHAPTER ONE: INTRODUCTIO*N Echoes of Yesterday .......... ....................................... CHAPTER TWO: THE LOST TRIBES A Phil Anderson, Amanda Kool. Marion Anderson (St. Christopher) philiipe R Bo& (intrduction & advanced rules) Michael Butler (Keepers) ..................................................... ...... ......................................................................... M Hilary Ooda (Sangreal) ..................... .............. ............................................ ........................ ................... ger ................. ......................... ..................... ................................................... ..................... ............................................... .......................................... ........................ ..................... ........................................................ ..................................... 18 John Morrow (population & economics) Joshua Mosqueira Asheim (Lost Tribes) Lucien Soulban (Quest Circles) Introduction ........................................ The Stone Circle .......... ...................................................................................... ............................................................................................... Copy Editing Hilary ouda Editorial Direction Shadowcast: The Blood Silk ................................. CHAPTER FOUR: THE KEEPERS ................ Philippe R B o u k , Line Developer Developer Silhouette Design A Dream Dies .............................. A Society of Knowledge ................................................................................................. Other Ways ........................................................... file Marc-Alexandre Virina, Silhouette System Gene Marcil, Stdphane I. Matis Cover & Interior Art 40 .................................................... 47 .............................................................................................. Quest Background .......... A b I: Echoes of the Past ......... m Layout Jean-Franpk Fortier, Pierre Ouellette ple Ghislain Barbe. Charles-Emmanuel Ouellette ................................... Art Direction Sa A Pnvate Audience Pierre Ouellette Marketing & Administration Stkphane Brochu, Robert Oubois Tribe 8 Created by: .............................................. Stephane Brochu,Joshud Mosqueira Asheim. Philippe R Boulle Special Thanks Phil would like to thank all o f the following for their contributions to, assistance with and commentary o n the advanced combat rules and Characters ................................................................ Synthesis FAQ Steve Bergeron, Pierre Bourque, ............................... ......................................................................................................... Rochelle ......................................................................................... Jean Carrikres, Colin chapman, Francis charland, Wulf Corbett, Rob Davies, Hilary D o h , Andrew Graham, Christopher Gunning, Wil Hutton, Tad Kekon, Edwyn Kumar,)oshua ................................ Introduction ............................................................... Mosqueira hsheim, Prabal Nandy, James ojaste, Jason p. Prince, Tyler Provick, Guy-Francis VeUa and any others I may have forgotten (blush). 2 ................................... 67 . . . . . . . T a b l e 3f C o n t c n t c Act 11: The Grail King ......... Weaver's Secrets: The H ........................................................................................... 70 ........................................ Special Thanks Thanksalso to Rob Oavies fur surne suyyestionr ............................................... n Scene One: Merlin's Sign .._. ............................................................................................... Scene Two: Mordred's Blade ........................................ 12 on economics; to Rodney Bate, Keith Gow, Rarhael Hammond, Luke Robins, Marissa Barter Waters and Russell Waters for phytesting St. Christopher;Jon Ooda and Roupen Agnerian Parcival Libre, Keeper .................................................... ............................................ Lana du Lac, Keeper Ghost .......................................................................................... fur editing and advice on Sangreal; toJulie 75 Arsenault for being Rochelle; and to Normand Bilodeau for hir excellent technical assistance. .......................... .......................... 78 79 Producedand Publishedby Dream Pod 9 SOW d'lberville, Suite 332 ................................... Muntreal, UC Canada H ~ ~HS G All art and designs 01997,199X. 1999 Pierre Ouellette The Oream Pod 9 logo, Tribe X, ~ilhouette,the Seven Tribes, the Seven Fatimas, Fatima, Vimary, Z'bri, Joshua the Ravager, Mary the Forgiver, file and all distinctive logos and t e r m are trademarks uf Pierre Ouellette. 01997, wgn, 1999 Pierre Ouellette. All rights reserved. ple Nu part of this book may be reproduced Sa m The Population ofVimary . The Seven Tribes ....................................................................................................................................... The Fallc Keepers Tribal Economics ............................................................................................................................................ The Seven Tribes ........................................... without written permission from the publisher, except for short excerpts for review purposes. 92 93 93 93 Any simi!aritier tu characters. situations, institutions, corporations, etc. (without satirical intent) are strictly coincidental. The use of the femalegender throughout shuuld not indicate any form ofgender bias. It is ......................................................................... 97 ............................................................................................ ................................................................................... Advanced Combat Options ..................................................................................... Armor and Encumbrance .......................................................................................................................... Attack Types ................................. Entangling ............................. 98 meant only to avoid pronouns like"him/her/it," making the text easier t o read. Movement During Close Combat .__ Partial Armor ........................................................................................................................................... ........................................................................... Special Circumstances ......................................................................................................... Strength and Weapons . ........................................................................... ........................................................................... Combat Maneuvers . ............................................................................ New and Revised We ............................................................................ Tribe 8 Rulebook Errata ................................................................................................................................ Synthesis FAQ .......................................................... General Questions ....... Eminences ................. Oream Pod 9 can be reached through the Internet. Look for our page on the world wide 99 web at k L o check out the newsgroup for support and information about Tribe 8. 100 102 Stock x o P 9 - t ~ ~ Legal Oeposit: March 1999 102 103 103 105 108 Bibliothkque Nationale du Quibec National Library of Canada ISBN 1-896776-47-7 First Printing Printed in Canada Conjunctional Effects 3 ple m Sa file nter has come early this year, and the cold wind blows all about us. The year of ilith is over and the Eighth Tribe seems further than ever from its destiny. I look back our foolishness over the last several seasons, and I cannot help but agree with ruka. We Fallen, regardless offaction, are so anxious to embrace the future that we ave forgotten all lessons ofthe past. Listen to me, I sound like a Yagan... Lilith taught us one thing it was that our roots are still important, that i f we are to call urselves the descendants ofJoshua, we must know Him. We know now thatJoshuan munities are hidden in the Outlands waiting for us. I remember the Joshuan ques well and I hope t o see him again someday. Maybe it’s because I was born an Agnite, but mention ofJoshua always brings Mary the Forgiver to mind. She t o o is a lost Fatima and I wonder, ifthere are still Joshuans, why not Marians? Of course, for many of us the past just means the Tribes and their oppression. But we must remember that they too have their heroes. The Joanites who sided with Lilith remind us all that there are still those who can fight the good fight in the Fatimas’ race. Sometimes, I am jealous of them. file inally, I see the Keepers as a sign of hope for us. They understand the past in ways en the Fatimas don’t, and some oftheir number are willing to share that knowledge. If we are to build a solid future, their help will be essential. Our ally Acturius has told me he will soon bring secret records for us to examine; I’m almost giddy with excitement. Once an Agnite, I suppose. This supplement is an extension of the material presented in the Tribe 8 Rulebook. chapters Two, Three and Four expand on the narrative ple That’ll be enough writing tonight, I think. Deus is stirring and there are some needs that words just cannot satisfy. source material, providing details m on the Lost Tribes ofJoshua and Mary, the Quest Circles of the Seven Tribes, and the Keepers. Along with Sa - Altara Ven, member ofthe Eighth Tribe. Tribe 8 Companion information in Chapter Seven, these chapters provide many new options for Players and Weavers. chapters Five and Six are complete quests, one designed for a tribal Quest Circle, the other for agroup of Fallen. chapter Seven rounds out the Companion with a variety of resources for Weavers, including advice for using the new factions, details on the population and economics of Vimary, and advanced combat rules. The events in this book occur after the children of Lilith cycle, but do not form a key part of the“chi1dren of Prophecy”story1ine. 5
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