Class of 1963 Alumni Scholarship Fund Pledge Name _____________________________________ Address__________________________________________________________________________________________ George Thurlow Assistant Vice Chancellor, Alumni Affairs University of California, Santa Barbara, CA 93106-1120 Dear George, To reaffirm UC Santa Barbara’s proud tradition of academic excellence and in support of the Campaign for UC Santa Barbara, I/we hereby agree to donate a minimum of $ ____________________ to the UC Santa Barbara Foundation for the Class of 1963 Alumni Scholarship Fund at the University of California, Santa Barbara. I/We understand that this pledge is my/our personal commitment and may not be fulfilled through a private foundation, charitable remainder trust or donor advised fund. This gift shall be used to establish and support the Class of 1963 Alumni Scholarship Fund at the University of California, Santa Barbara, the terms of which shall be in accordance with established Foundation and University policies and procedures and set forth in a separate Statement of Fund Terms. We understand it is the policy of the University of California, Santa Barbara and the UC Santa Barbara Foundation that a modest portion of gifts and/or the income from gifts may be used to defray the costs of raising and administering funds (currently 6%). PAYMENT AMOUNT & SCHEDULE My irrevocable $____________________ pledge will be paid in: □ Full □ Equal installments over (check one): □ 1 yr □ 2 yrs □ 3yrs □ 4yrs □ 5 yrs Amount pledged per year: $___________________ □ Monthly □ Quarterly □ Semi-Annually □ Annually or Installment Amount: $_____________________ *For gifts of $100 or more, donors receive a commemorative 1963 “Campus by the Sea” DVD *Donors who have given a cumulative of $1000 or more will become members of the Chancellor’s Council *Tax and financial considerations may alter these plans slightly, and payments may be made at different times and amounts within this five-year period PAYMENT METHOD □ Enclosed is a check for $___________________ representing my first installment (payable to UC Santa Barbara Foundation). UCSB will send you gift receipts after each installment. □ To pay by credit card, contact John Lofthus at (805) 893-8416 For recognition purposes, please list my/our names as: ________________________________________________ ________________________________________________ This agreement shall be governed under the laws of California. Executed ____________________, 2013 Sincerely, ________________________________________________ Name of Donor _________________________________________________ Name of Donor If you have questions, call John Lofthus at (805) 893-8416 or email:
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