FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE The Launch of Social Enterprise Development Centre (SEDC) and

The Launch of Social Enterprise Development Centre (SEDC)
On Friday, 22 October 2010, 2:00pm to 5:00pm,
at City Square Mall
Guest-of-honour Dr Vivian Balakrishnan,
Minister for Community Development, Youth and Sports
Launch programme from 2:00pm to 5:00pm
Conductorcise (PROAGE)
Arrival of GOH and VIP
Opening Video
Opening address and delivery of SE report card by Co-Chair of Social Eneterprise, Mr
Seah Kian Peng
Video Presentation
GOH Speech by Dr Vivian Balakrishnan, Minister for Community Development, Youth
& Sports
Partners and sponsors photo session with Minister, Board and Management
Video presentation of success stories
SE Photo session with Ms Penny Low
Award Presentation of Singapore Book of Records for the The Longest Pledge Banner
Taiko drums with Ms Teo Mee Hong
Reception and Networking
Opening Address by Chairman Mr Seah Kian Peng
page 4
Minister’s Address by Dr Vivian Balakrishnan
page 10
Launch of Social Enterprise Development Centre (SEDC)
page 14
page 17
What is I CHOO(SE)?
page 21
I CHOO(SE) Showcase
page 23
Exhibitors’ list and maps
page 42
At City Square Mall, 2pm on Friday, 22 Oct 2010
By Mr Seah Kian Peng, Co-Chair, Social Enterprise Association
Good afternoon, Guest of Honour, Minister for Community, Youth
And Sports, Dr Vivian Balakrishnan, special guest, Chief Executive Officer, City
Development Limited, Mr Kwek Leng Joo, members of the Social Enterprise
Association, friends, ladies and gentlemen.
Welcome to the special launch event of the Social Enterprise
Development Centre and the I Choo(SE) Social Enterprise Showcase. The Social
Enterprise Association was launched last year. Through the year, we have had
several milestones and I would like to mention them briefly in order to thank all those
involved in helping us reach them. After that I will talk a little about the Social
Enterprise Development Centre which is the most important milestone that the
Association is marking today.
The Social Enterprise Association has a five-point mission. It aims to
Foster a culture of social entrepreneurship;
Create awareness of financing options for social enterprises;
Build up the institutional capacity of social enterprises through the Social
Enterprise Development Centre (SEDC); and,
Develop and promote best practices.
Increase Membership of the Social Enterprise Association
In our first mission to foster a culture of social entrepreneurship, we are
happy that more of you have decided to entrust us to represent your interests and to
serve you. Since the launch of the Association last October, the number of social
enterprises that are now members has increased from 104 to 130. We have also
welcomed 14 non-profit voluntary welfare organisations to the Association. And by
the way, we have a new home. Since Mr Kwek Leng Joo, Managing Director of City
Development, is sitting here this afternoon, we would like to acknowledge the
company‟s support for our cause. We are grateful to City Development for our new
premise at Republic Plaza.
National Social Enterprise Public Awareness Survey
Also, in line with this first mission of promoting the social enterprise culture,
we have completed a survey of the public‟s perception of social enterprise in
Singapore. Thanks to all who took the time to speak to our researchers.
This survey was conducted to help us guage the level of awareness among
Singaporeans about this special breed of businesses. It will also guide our strategies
for propagating this idea of creating social value and change through business more
From the survey, not surprisingly we found that there is a lot of work ahead of
us! Of the 2000 people surveyed, only 13% of our respondents said they knew what
a “social enterprise” was. Only 2% of these 2000 respondents were able to recall the
names of some social enterprises in Singapore correctly.
Awareness of SEs
Aware, recall
correctly, 2%
n = 2000
Not Aware, 87%
Aware, cannot
recall, 10% Aware, recall
wrongly, 1%
While the social mission of social enterprises were an important consideration,
the key buying factors shaping a purchase from a social enterprise they said were no
different from those from a regular commercial enterprise – Price, Quality and Need
for the Product.
It is for this reason that we have chosen to tie in today‟s event with a very
special exhibition of some of the social enterprises and their customers‟ testimonies.
There is nothing like having customers themselves endorse the full value what they
get from these social enterprises to generate a buzz around these organisations. I
will talk more about the I CHOOSE exhibition later.
Teh Haliah Session
As part of our second mission to create active partnerships within the
sector and across other sectors, we also launched a series of networking events
called Teh Halia.
In March 2010, representatives of 20 social enterprises, grant-making
organisations, and government agencies got together to discuss a fresh idea for
social entrepreneurship proposed by Mr Nicholas Chee from Sinema Old School. He
threw the challenge to the group to think of ways in which the void decks of
rental flats could be turned in multi-purpose workshops. The hope is that commercial
businesses like fashion that thrive on good craftsmanship could train and employ
people, especially residents of such estates, to create attractive products to provide a
sustainable source of income for themselves and their families.
Teh Halia is
therefore a platform for social entrepreneurs to meet and find resources within the
community and across various other sectors to turn their ideas into reality. We will
certainly have more such meetings going forward.
Investor Donor Education Series: Funding Options Talk
As part of our third mission, the Association convened its first Funding
Options Talk in August. The social economy is only just an idea at the moment,
and there are very few social investors here in Singapore or even the region. What
we tried to do at this talk was to feature SPRING, DBS, Social Venture
Partners(Singapore) and Unitas Capital
for the ways in which they help social
enterprises mobilise financial resources to operate.
We wish to thank these
organisations for their participation.
Social Enterprise Development Centre
Now to the fourth, and perhaps most important mission of the
Association — the launch of the Social Enterprise Development Centre. The
Centre is modelled after SPRING‟s EDC which supports 160,000 SMEs in
Singapore. It offers free business advice for all members but charges a fee for
consultations where proposals and plans are being executed. What we hope will be
different however is that we are fully supportive of the efforts that our clients make in
achieving social impact – that second or even third bottom line. We will do our best
to integrate considerations of being effective in the social mission in the advice that
our SEDC teams provide.
To begin with, the SEDC provides two key programmes - the SE Startup
Advisory which helps social entrepreneurs plan, find funding, and register their
businesses; and, the SE Bridging Service which helps social enterprises access
further resources at EDC@SCCCI in business advisory, networking and training.
The on-going work outside of these programmes is for our teams to work closely with
clients to deal with specific challenges that they may be facing on a day to day level,
as well as to strategise for sustainability and growth.
Since our soft launch in July, 15 SEs benefited from the SE Business Advisory.
Among them is Proage, an innovative social enterprise that provides an evidencebased wellness programme to the full range of people, from child to senior citizen. In
order to launch their product in Asia, they needed help on instituting the intellectual
property rights for the product called “Conductorcise”. We have also helped three
SEs access resources at EDC@SCCCI. SEDC has supported ten participants from
seven SEs in attending a course offered by the Infocomm Development Agency at
the SCCCI.
We also appreciate the confidence the National Council of Social Service has
in SEDC in choosing to collaborate on its Sheltered Workshop Review. Five
voluntary welfare organisations have met teams at SEDC and sought advice on how
to set up social enterprises to provide long term employment for their clients.
These are baby steps. We are working through the processes to see how best
to customise general business advisory programmes for social enterprises, but we
are excited and hope to provide practical help to see our SEs thrive. As we build up
our knowledge of the peculiarities of the sector in Singapore, we will also begin to
look for best practices elsewhere for ideas that might apply here. When we do that,
we will begin to fulfil our fifth and final mission - to develop and promote best
I Choo(SE)
After the formalities of this launch, I would like to invite you to enjoy the public
showcase of 11 SEs and 5 VWOs with social enterprise projects here in City Square
Mall. This is our I Choo(SE) Exhibition. You will find Bizlink Centre, Bridge Learning,
Entrepreneurs Cooperative, FOCOS, Muscular Dystrophy Association (Singapore),
NUS Cooperative, Presbyterian Community Services Singapore, Print on Demand,
Simei Care Centre, Soule Apparels, Studio You and Weworkz Cooperative. Laksania
will serve you their laksas, Social Creatives and Breakthrough Missions showcase
their paintings. Eco-Travel Services features their tour packages at Atrium D,
Basement 1.
The “I Choo(SE)” is a tagline that we are adopting for a movement want to
It aims to persuade the public to make products and services of social
enterprises their first choice when possible. While we work behind the scenes to get
our member SEs ready to serve the market, we hope that the public sees the special
value that a product or service from a social enterprise presents – for example, it is a
practical way to ensure ex-offenders really get the second chance they seek through
There is a special booth called “One Gift, Many Hope” which is a collaborative
effort of various organisations to present a Christmas hamper.
They are the
Muscular Dystrophy Association of Singapore, Sarah Seniors Activity Centre, Studio
You, Street Child Project and Focos Trading. We encourage you to say „I Choo(SE)‟
by placing an order for this hamper your friends and family this holiday season.
Having worked with the NTUC group for many years, I know that the true
meaning of a mass movement lies in engaging many parties towards a shared goal.
We see social entrepreneurs, volunteers, corporations, government, philanthropists,
foundations and many partners of the SE Association at this event. The movement
starts with all of us and it is a cause that can only grow more powerful as society
progresses. I look forward to it gathering momentum in the years to come.
Thank you for being here, thank you for your partnership, thank you for walking
this journey with us.
Mr Seah Kian Peng and Ms Penny Low
Co-Chairpersons of the Social Enterprise Association
Ladies and gentlemen
One year ago, many of us witnessed the launch of the Social Enterprise
Association. Today we mark another milestone in the development of
Singapore‟s social enterprise sector with the launch of the Social Enterprise
Development Centre.
Globally, social enterprises are making their impact felt, from poverty
alleviation, affordable healthcare to environmental protection and education.
Social enterprises have an important role to play in developing innovative
solutions to address our society‟s future challenges.
Social enterprises in Singapore have made a significant impact to our
community. They include the co-operative ventures formed by the labour
movement in the 1970s to stabilise prices of essential items, and the social
enterprises that hire and train needy disadvantaged
Singaporeans, plough back their profits into social causes or provide
affordable services to needy families.
Doing good is important, but doing good well is even more vital in order
to ensure the sustainability of the social mission. We must not forget that
ultimately, social enterprises are revenue-generating businesses that operate
on a level playing field with commercial businesses. Strong business skills and
financial management are therefore most critical to their viability and success.
The Social Enterprise Development Centre is set up to give local social
enterprises a leg up for this purpose. Like the capacity-building role the
Enterprise Development Centres1 play for the 160,000 SMEs in Singapore, the
Social Enterprise Development Centre (SEDC) will be the capacity-builder for
all social enterprises in Singapore, be it at start-up stage or beyond. I would
strongly encourage social enterprises out there to seek support and advice
from SEDC.
For social entrepreneurship to flourish in Singapore, all stakeholders
need to play their part. While the government looks into ways to create a
conducive environment for the growth of the sector, corporations could share
their resources, expertise and networks to help social enterprises grow or
partner them in joint ventures to create products and services for an unmet
social need.
For a start, entrepreneurs who are interested to find ways to
support social entrepreneurs can take the first step forward by joining
networking sessions. In May this year, MCYS, together with the Action
Community for Entrepreneurship2 and SPRING, organised a BlueSky
Exchange that brought together 150 entrepreneurs and social entrepreneurs.
The response was overwhelming with many more interested. Events like these
provide a valuable platform for social entrepreneurs and entrepreneurs to learn
from each other.
The Enterprise Development Centre (EDC) is a joint effort by SPRING and key business chambers
and associations to provide SMEs with face-to-face business advisory services. There are five EDCs
located at the Association of Small and Medium Enterprises, the Singapore Chinese Chamber of
Commerce and Industry, the Singapore Indian Chamber of Commerce and Industry and the
Singapore Malay Chamber of Commerce and Industry and the Singapore Manufacturers‟ Federation.
The Action Community for Entrepreneurship (ACE) is a movement that involves both the private and
public sectors to create a more entrepreneurial environment in Singapore.
And of course, the ecosystem cannot be complete without the support of
consumers. Individuals, as well as corporations, should opt for products and
services offered by social enterprises not out of charity, but because they are
of good quality, and secondly because they serve a social cause. I would like
to take this opportunity to urge all Singaporeans to give our social enterprises
a chance by trying out their products. If they are good, tell them they are so; if
there are any areas they need to improve in, give them constructive feedback
so that they can improve.
Given that social enterprises ultimately serve the needs of the
community, the community itself can also be an important source of social
innovation. Lately, we have seen a number of ground-up initiatives from the
community to support social entrepreneurship. One of them is Social Venture
Partners Singapore (SVP Singapore), the local chapter of Social Venture
Partners International, which is a venture philanthropy organisation founded in
Seattle in 1997. A network of accomplished individuals who care passionately
about making the world a better place, partners give their funds, professional
skills and creativity to work with high-potential social ventures to scale their
social impact. I congratulate the six founding members of SVP Singapore: Mr
Willie Cheng, Mr Peter Tay, Mr Tan Bien Kiat, Dr Gillian Koh, Mr Tay Kok Chin
and Ms Patsian Low for their vision of high-engagement philanthropy.
I am also heartened to note that youths are now increasingly interested
and participating in social entrepreneurship. Recently, a group of NUS
students from AIESEC, an international student organisation, organised a
competition called „Neuemethode@SG‟ to call for proposals to transform local
voluntary welfare organisations into self-sustaining social enterprises. On this
note, we urge more youths to come forward with their innovative ideas and act
on them to effect social change.
The Social Enterprise Association‟s role as a sector champion and
enabler is critical to the development of the sector. The Association can act as
an aggregator to connect all stakeholders such as the industry, investors,
social entrepreneurs and government, and identify early-stage social
innovations and bring them to fruition.
We are pleased to note that the
Association has, in the past year, made significant progress in bringing social
entrepreneurs and funders together through networking and pitching sessions,
and has forged strategic alliances with local institutions, businesses and
government agencies as well as engaged with overseas counterparts in
Denmark, Australia and Korea.
With the concerted efforts of government, businesses and the
community, I believe we can create a thriving social enterprise sector in
Singapore abound with social innovations addressing the evolving needs of
our society.
Congratulations to the Board of the Social Enterprise Association for the
successful launch of the Social Enterprise Development Centre today, and
thank you for lending your vision, effort and time to build a strong foundation
for the Association.
Thank you.
Official Launch of Social Enterprise Development Centre on Friday, 22 October,
The Social Enterprise Development Centre
The Social Enterprise Development Centre (SEDC) is set up by SE Association with
the primary role of capacity building for its social enterprise members. The SEDC is
modelled after SPRING‟s Enterprise Development Centre (EDC) which supports
160,000 local SMEs. SEDC offers business advisory to all its members but charges a
fee for consultations, where proposals and plans are executed.
The two key programmes the SEDC provides apart from its regular business
advisory, are SE Startup Advisory and SE Bridging Service. The SE Startup Advisory
offers pre-set up advisory to SEs, while SE Bridging Services allow SEs to access
resources at EDC @SCCCI in the areas of business advisory, networking and
training. The SEDC, soft launched in 30 June 2010, has since conducted 11 start-up
advisories and of that, 80 per cent of the consultations focused on business plans.
So far, 15 SEs have benefitted from the business advisory. Among them, is
PROAGE, an innovative social enterprise that provides evidence-based wellness
programmes for everyone from children to senior citizens. SE Association is working
with PROAGE who needs help on instituting their intellectual property rights for their
product, Conductorcise in order to launch it in Asia.
The National Council of Social Service (NCSS) is collaborating with SEDC on its
review of sheltered workshops. Five voluntary welfare organizations, namely: Centre
for Adults from Association of People with Special Needs (APSN), Bizlink Centre,
Movement for Intellectually Disabled of Singapore (MINDS), Society of Moral
Charities (SOMC) and The Society for the Physically Disabled (SPD), had since met
up with SEDC to seek advice on how to set up social enterprises to provide
employment for their clients.
SEDC has also collaborated with Singapore National Employer Federation, SNEF to
bring affordable certifiable training to our member SEs. We are promoting two very
relevant skill-based courses to our SEs: Certified Service Professional (for all levels
of staff) and Leadership and People Management WSQ Level 6 for senior
management to our SEs at fee support (ranging from 70% to 90% subsidy), making it
only cost $65 and $214 per person respectively. These skill-based courses comes
with WSQ certification, thereby increasing the employability of the workers and
leaders in our SEs.
Bain & Co and its pro-bono initiative Bain Cares, who has worked with SE
Association on its national public awareness survey, is now enlarging its role to start
a monthly Bain Business Clinic@SEDC, starting November 2010.
For more information on SEDC:
Ms Teo Mee Hong
1) What is SEDC?
Social Enterprise Development Centre (SEDC) is the training and consultancy
arm of Social Enterprise Association (SE Assn), the SEDC, officially launched
in October 2010, aims to improve the institutional capacity of its member
social enterprises (SEs).
SEDC is modelled after Enterprise Development Centre (EDCs) that supports
160,000 SMEs in Singapore. Like EDCs, it offers free business advisory and
charges when business plans has to be implemented.
On top of making business more viable and scalable, at SEDC, we would be
fully supportive of the efforts that our social enterprises make in achieving
social impact – that second or even third bottom line.
2) Why is there a need to set up SEDC?
The set up of SEDC is recommended by the Social Enterprise Committee,
convened by Dr Vivian Balakrishnan, Minister for Community Development,
Youth and Sports; and chaired by Mr Philip Yeo, Chairman, SPRING in 2006
to study how to grow the social enterprise sector. It recommended the setting
up of an SEDC to do capacity building for social enterprises.
3) What does SEDC seek to achieve?
It aims to be a one-stop total solutions provider for social enterprises in
Singapore, offering business advisory and assisting social enterprises execute
their plans upon need.
The SEDC also aims to present training programmes to develop the essential
business and organisational skills to staff and leaders of the social enterprises.
4) What are the objectives of SEDC?
SEDC aims to grow the social enterprise sector by facilitating the set up of
new social enterprises and supports existing social enterprise to be more
5) What services does SEDC offer?
SEDC offers the following services:
Social Enterprise Start-up Advisory
Aspiring entrepreneurs can approach SEDC for complimentary consultation;
obtain information, assistance and guidance in the areas of entity selection
and registration, permits and licences; and receive assistance in the
preparation of business plans.
SEDC offers a Toolkit which contains comprehensive information on the social
enterprise sector in Singapore, including a detailed guide on starting social
enterprises, writing business plans, and funding options. The Toolkit aims to
be a one-stop reference for those interested in starting their social enterprises
in Singapore.
Social Enterprise Business Advisory
SE members seeking to streamline their business operations, install cost
control measures, expand their markets, increase funding and grants, and
franchise their operations can enjoy complimentary preliminary consultation.
Bridging Services for Social Enterprises
With direct links to successful mainstream SMEs, SE members can tap into
available resources and knowledge to further grow and develop their
Training and Capacity Building
SE members will be kept abreast of market trends and be able to acquire new
personal and management skills through the regular workshops, roundtable
discussions, team building and training sessions organised by the SEDC.
Business Support Services
SEDC will work with relevant service providers to provide specialised and
professional services such as auditing, book keeping, legal advisory and IT
support to SE members at competitive rates.
The SEDC also organises regular networking and interaction sessions for
members to help forge partnerships and alliances.
6) How is the SEDC funded?
SEDC receives funding support from MCYS for offering business advisory to
its SE members. It levies a fee on some of its services so as to achieve some
level of sustainability in the long run.
7) Who are the people involved in the SEDC?
The consultants offering advisory would be experienced business consultants
who are either current or past business consultants, or former business
8) Does the potential social enterprise need to have a concrete idea of what
exactly they want to do or achieve before they approach SEDC for
The answer is no, aspiring social entrepreneurs can approach SE Start-up
Advisory Service to work on their business plans.
9) When you say training and consultancy arm of SE Association, is this
training for the social entrepreneur or for the beneficiaries the SE hires
or aiming to help?
The services are meant for the business leaders and their staff i.e. the
10) Is there a need to be a member of SEDC to enjoy the services? If so, is
this a separate membership from SE Association?
SEDC is the consultancy arm of SE Association. The services of SEDC are
benefits of members of SE Association. Hence, you need to be a member of
SE Association to enjoy the services of SEDC.
11) Do I just walk in for any business consultation?
No, consultation is by appointment. You can log on to the website at:
www.SEDC., email: or call:
65351883 to make an appointment.
12) Is the advisory free of charge?
For Level 1 consultation, where our business consultants advise on the
business plans of the SEs, advisory is complementary and free of charge.
For level 2 consultations, where proposed plans are waiting for execution or
requiring professional services, a competitive fee will be levied.
The Official Launch of Social Enterprise Showcase: I Choose Social Enterprise
on Friday, 22 October, 2010, at City Square Mall
What is “I CHOO(SE)”?
The “I CHOO(SE)” tagline is a movement created by Social Enterprise Association.
This movement‟s focus is to heighten awareness for social enterprise in Singapore
through a showcase featuring some of our member SEs. This showcase gives the
public a chance to get up close and personal with the member SEs and the
opportunity to make social enterprise their first choice.
Social enterprises are more than a business with a bottom line. These enterprises
are concerned with certain social causes, and use the business platform to benefit
the less fortunate among us, such as ex-offenders, who seek a second chance in life;
the disabled, who need employment; children with learning difficulties, who require
early diagnosis and intervention via cutting edge methodologies; and many more.
The “I CHOO(SE)” movement will involve many parties such as social entrepreneurs,
volunteers, corporations, government and philanthropists, foundations and the
partners of the Social Enterprise Association.
For social enterprise to succeed, it must start with each of us today.
Which are the SEs being showcased today?
A total of 11 SEs and 5 VWOs with social enterprise projects, will be featured in
today‟s showcase. These member Ses and VWOs are Bizlink Centre; Bridge
Learning; Entrepreneurs Co-operative; Focos; Muscular Dystrophy Association
(Singapore); NUS Co-operative; One Gift, Hope for Many; Presbyterian Community
Services Singapore; Print on Demand; Simei Care Centre; Soule Apparels, Studio
You and Weworkz Co-operative.
I CHOO(SE) Record Breaking Attempt
To commemorate today‟s event, SE Association has organised The Longest Pledge
Banner (50m x 1m) Singapore Book of Records from 18 to 21 October
2010. The previous record is 30 m with 2,500 signatures. We will be breaking the
previous record with a 50 m banner while hoping to gather some 3,000 signatures.
However, more importantly, this exercise is to encourage greater interest in social
enterprise, to assist in developing social enterprise as a viable business model, and
to cultivate business and buying choices to benefit the less privilege. We urge SE
members, partners, friends and members of the public to pen down their names for
posterity and help us make a mark on the Singapore Book of Records and give social
enterprise in Singapore a boost.
For more information on “I CHOO(SE)”:
Ms Teo Mee Hong
Laksania Pte Ltd
Ms Sim Sin Sin, CEO, Laksania; Secret Recipe
Social Mission
With our firm belief that work is the best form of therapy, we have adopted the
mission of social enterprise, employing marginalised groups in our central kitchen
and food outlets.
They are encouraged to be self-reliant so as to gain important inter-personal and
other life skills to help them achieve financial independence.
These groups have benefitted from on-the-job training in the various aspects of F&B
and have been fully integrated into our business model. To further contribute to the
community, our future plans involve the hiring of other marginalised groups to work
in the various eateries.
Employees are paid a salary and enjoy at least one meal at our outlets.
Beneficiary Profile
Name: Norhayati Binte Mohd Afundi
Gender: Female
A quiet girl with no confidence in herself
More confident in herself and her work
“I am able to earn some money to buy my own things.”
Potential Social Impact / Impact in the Commercial Space
To enable marginalised people/beneficiaries to be self-reliant through employment.
Accolades, Accreditation, Features
Has provided catering services to SPRING Singapore, Lien Foundation, HSBC,
Hwa Chong Secondary School, etc.
Other Information
Laksania was incorporated in 2008 and has three outlets in several Kopitiams
located at the following malls: Hougang Mall, Vivo City and Compass Point. Laksania
is opening another café in NEX Shopping Mall at the end of the year.
Laksania brings you a melting pot of cultures through more than 10 delicious laksas
from various regions in Southeast Asia.
Eighteen Chefs Pte Ltd
Mr Benny Se Teo, Managing Director
Social Mission
We wish to spread Benny‟s story of experience, strength and hope to inspire
troubled youths and people with conviction backgrounds to find alternative positive
ways to reintegrate back into society.
We have worked with other social agencies both locally and regionally to help create
this awareness and to provide a platform for this group of people to realise their
talents in the Food & Beverage industry. We hope to expand beyond Singapore and
make Eighteen Chefs part of the global youth lifestyle.
“If you want to be an entrepreneur, be a social entrepreneur,” said Benny.
By providing them with a safe and non-judgmental working environment, we are
also giving them a chance to work on their recovery through this unity of bond,
which will eventually allow them to find a better and happier path in life.
Beneficiary Profile
Since its inception, Eighteen Chefs has about 40 beneficiaries.
Potential Social Impact / Impact in the Commercial Space
To provide a conducive work-life environment where beneficiaries can be trained
and employed.
Accolades, Accreditation, Features
Expanded to four outlets
Work with various schools on culinary programmes / dining etiquette classes
Work with various companies for dine-in events
Other Information
Year of incorporation: 2007. To date, Eighteen Chefs has a total of four outlets:
1. Eastpoint Mall, 3 Simei Street 6,Eastpoint Mall, #01-36, Singapore
2. Yishun 10, 51 Yishun Central 1, Yishun 10 Cinema Complex, #01-04,
Singapore 768794
3. Fusionopolis Way, No. 1 Fusionopolis Way, Connexis, #B1-12/13,
Singapore 138632
4. Tiong Bahru Plaza, 302 Tiong Bahru Road, Tiong Bahru Plaza, #02K1/K6, Singapore 168732
A-Changin Pte Ltd
Ms Josephine Ng, Director
Social Mission
To provide training and employment opportunities to women in need, especially
single mothers.
$4-$5 an hour during training probation, $8-$10 an hour after probation, or $80 a
day for skilled seamstress who are in need
Beneficiary Profile
Name as in NRIC: Maryah Binte Mohd Sharif
Age: 36
Gender: Female
We first met Maryah at a work preview conducted together with PPIS As-Salaam
Family Support Centre. She had resigned from her administration job to look after
her three daughters, and was unemployed for four months. We were very pleased to
find out that one of her greatest passion is sewing. During the work trial, she proved
to be an excellent candidate for our training scheme – motivated, passionate, and
very willing to learn.
Maryah has been benefiting from our flexible training arrangements to be an integral
part of her daughters‟ development and studies. She has also acquired sewing skills
that rival some of our full-time seamstresses. We hope that she can join us as a fulltime staff when she is ready.
“Since joining A-changin, I have been able to give more attention to the needs of my
three girls. At the same time, I gain new experience and knowledge in sewing and
alteration. The operations and management of the company have also broadened
my understanding as to how sewing can be modernised.”
Potential Social Impact / Impact in the Commercial Space
To provide a happy, improving and balanced work-life environment where
beneficiaries can be trained and employed.
Accolades, Accreditation, Features
1. Acknowledged as Top 5 Alteration Service by Her World Magazine,
2. Interviewed by CNN for innovative approach in doing good.
Other Information
Year of incorporation: 2009
Business agenda: To be Singapore‟s biggest and preferred chain of alteration
studio focusing on quality, process, setting and service.
Social agenda: To provide a happy, improving and balanced work-life environment
where beneficiaries can be trained and employed.
More outlets. More collaboration with government agencies, VWOs and partners in
the private sectors. After all, our mission is to “Do Good. Together.”
Alteration Initiative at #B1-06/07/08 Dhoby Xchange, 11 Orchard Road (workintegration model)
Haute Alteration Initiative at #03-20 Mandarin Gallery, 333A Orchard Road (ploughback profit model)
(Opening in Nov) Alteration Initiative featuring Tapestry Initiative at #02-30/31
Chevron House, 30 Raffles Place (work-integration)
NTUC Eldercare Cooperative
Ms Lim Sia Hoe, General Manager
Social Mission
We strive to help seniors lead happy, meaningful and dignified lives by providing a
range of quality and affordable community-based eldercare services.
Benefitted over 3,000 seniors, including seniors who are members of the two
Wellness Programme at Silver Circle (Punggol South) and Silver Circle (Jurong
NTUC Eldercare provides the following eldercare services:
Silver Circle Day Care - A weekday programme consisting of regular exercises and
group activities such as games, arts & crafts, music and dance, to actively engage
the seniors while their family members are at work. The centres also provide basic
nursing care and physiotheraphy at nominal cost. Seniors can choose full 5-day-aweek programme or a shorter programme.
Care@home - An island-wide home care service that provides services such as
personal grooming, meals preparation, medical ascot, wound dressing and
companionship to seniors at home.
"Together We Care" Caregivers Training and Support - A 3-day structured
training programme that equips caregivers and domestic helpers with the
basic knowledge and skills on looking after seniors at home. Training grant
Henderson Senior Citizens' Home - Located at Bukit Merah View, the Home
provides both long-term and temporary residential care for the seniors. The Home
also provides day care activities and serves as a Senior Activity Centre for
needy seniors staying in the rented HDB flat.
Short-term / Respite Care - To help caregivers and family members cope with the
responsibilities of looking after the seniors, short term day care, home care and
residential care are available.
Wellness Programme - A nation-wide active ageing programme that engages
seniors through healthcare programmes, interest groups and other exciting
Beneficiary Profile
Name: Mr Koo Mong Fui
Age: 83
Gender: Male
Mr Koo is a day care user of Silver Circle (Jurong Central). He was having severe
spinal problem when he first came to the centre. As a result, he had difficulty
walking and was feeling depressed. However, with the dedicated attention from the
staff at NTUC Eldercare and a regular and suitably-designed exercise regime by the
physiotherapist and assisted by the therapy aides, Mr Koo gradually gained his
mobility and self-esteem / confidence.
In his four and a half years with the centre, Mr Koo has witnessed NTUC Eldercare
staff‟s fervour in taking care of its users and for that reason, he has decided to
contribute his time to the centre in his own way. As a beneficiary of the centre‟s
facilities and services, he now encourages other seniors by facilitating the “Xiang
Gong” exercise.
“NTUC ELDERCARE is very good. I am very happy to be here because I have
many friends and I feel like a part of a big family. We are always dancing, singing
and having fun. I also help in teaching my friends “Xiang Gong” – said Mr Koo.
Accolades, Accreditation, Features
NTUC Eldercare launched the Care@home service to provide eldercare services to
the frail elderly who are home-bound and require care while their children are away
at work or on vacation.
NTUC Eldercare started providing basic clinical care to the elderly. We recruited
registered nurses to provide care services such as injection and wound cleaning etc.
On 2 January, NTUC Eldercare took over the management of Henderson Senior
Citizens' Home, the May Wong Lifestyle Centre and the May Wong Social Centre
from the Chinese Women's Association.
In the same year, NTUC Eldercare recognised the need to equip caregivers with
basic knowledge and skills to care for their elderly, and launched the “Together We
Care” caregivers training programme.
Other Information
Year of Incorporation: 1997
6 Outlets
Silver Circle Day Care
1. Silver Circle (Taman Jurong): Blk 349 Corporation Drive,
#01-502, Singapore 610349
2. Silver Circle (Jurong Central): Blk 402 Jurong West St 42,
#01-525, Singapore 640402
3. Silver Circle (Marsiling): Blk 172 Woodlands St 13, #01-303,
Singapore 730172
4. Silver Circle (Punggol South): Blk 571 Hougang St 51, #01-119, Singapore
5. Silver Circle (Pasir Ris): Blk 112 Pasir Ris St 11, #01-657, Singapore 510112
6. Silver Circle (Dakota Cresent): Blk 62 Dakota Crescent, #01-315,
Singapore 390062
ECO Travel Services (ETS) Pte Ltd
Ms Cindy Chng, Director
Social Mission
ECO TRAVEL SERVICES (ETS) PRIVATE LIMITED is a travel agency, providing
extraordinary overseas travel experience through nature appreciation and
environmental learning. It aims to bring about a new wave of tourism activities that is
sustainable in the future. The tours are customised to meet the respective needs
and interests of our customers and designed to meet the four aspects of ecotourism;
nature, education, sustainability and local involvement that contributes to equal
distribution of economic benefit.
ETS actively works to improve its operations to be more eco-friendly and also to
stick close to its values to promote eco-tourism to its travellers.
Our 5 core values are as follows:
Value #01: Loving Mother Nature
We believe in appreciating and protecting the wonders of nature.
Value #02: Opening up to New Cultures
Fostering cultural understanding and appreciation
Value #03: Teaching the Sustainable Way to Travel
Creating a new mindset and bringing the new wave of sustainable tourism to the
travel industry
Value #04: Having the Spirit of Adventure
Daring to try and to accept something new and different
Value #05: Growing with the Community
Involving and developing the local communities
Education is to be enforced in ETS tours through tour facilitators who engage our
customers in active learning and reflective processes about nature and environment
to increase their knowledge and understanding of Mother Nature.
Sustainability will be enforced through the series of carbon offset and reduction
measures prior to the trip and before the trip such as tree planting before the trip or
the reduction of travel frills during the trip.
ETS is actively involved in offsetting our travellers‟ carbon footprint through tree
planting projects overseas and environmental projects and initiatives.
Potential Social Impact / Impact in the Commercial Space
ETS also serves the local community by offering programmes for free or at cost to
the voluntary welfare organisations in Singapore. ETS believes in educating the next
generation and has spent tremendous efforts to provide talks and workshops for
The activities conducted by ETS‟ tour agency will allow economic benefit to be
reaped by the locals.
Accolades, Accreditation, Features
1. Media Conference in Collaboration with Signing of Distribution Agreement
with Udomporn Tours (Chiang Mai, Thailand) – April 2010
2. Eco Tourism Day for SAVH (Company CSR Initiative) – May 2010
3. Sponsorship of Family Tour Package to Australia worth $12,000 – June 2010
4. ECO Tour Family Day for Lakeside Family Centre – June 2010
5. Project K – Community Development Project in Gia Bac, Vietnam – June
2010 to present
6. Eco Tourism Development Project in Chiang Mai, Thailand – Jul 2010 to
7. Project Are You M.A.D? – Community Development Project in Bangladesh –
August 2010
8. Became an STB licensed travel agent as well as a member of NATAS in
9. Supported by Spring Singapore for its innovation in the travel industry
Other Information
ETS was founded in June 2008. It began operations as a subsidiary service of the
Environmental Challenge Organisation (ECO Singapore). It was officially registered
in March 2009 after the change of business regulation to allow youths aged 18 and
above to register a businessIt became an STB licensed travel agent as well as a
member of NATAS in 2010.
ETS provides an array of customised packages that are environmentally friendly to
countries such as Vietnam, Thailand, Malaysia, Indonesia, The Philippines and
Print On Demand Pte Ltd
Ms Janette Lee, Managing Director
Social Mission
Print On Demand Pte Ltd is an organisation committed to helping the marginalised
workers develop their potential in design and print so as to lead dignified, fulfilling,
self-reliant and independent lives.
Employed and trained 10 beneficiaries so far.
Trainees‟ salary range from $350 to $450. Staff salaries range from $850 to $1200
per month.
Beneficiary Profile
Name as in NRIC: Ruth Yong Lai Wan
Age: 25
Gender: Female
She was with The Society for the Physical Disabled for eight years since she was
16. From 16 to 19 years of age, she was in the day care centre to learn self-help
skills through a balanced and structured programme on social and recreational
activities of daily living. At 20, she moved out from home for a year to recuperate
from an illness. She went back to SPD at age 21. She was posted to the workshop
to doing folding and pasting for one year. She was then transferred to the multimedia department for three years to learn graphic design and administration work.
This is her first year in Print On Demand, and her 1st job. She learned to work as a
team in an organisation, and to communicate with customers. Meanwhile, she also
learned how to do basic accounting, handling printing jobs, scoring, administration
and marketing. Most importantly, she learned to be independent, be more
responsible, what working life is all about. She is learning how to be the leader in
the company beside the bosses.
“Well, it has been a challenging first year for me in Print On Demand. What I learned
here is something I have never experienced before in my life. I never expected to
have the opportunity to work in mainstream society. I used to think that I would
spend my entire life at SPD. I‟m very glad that I‟m given this opportunity to learn
and grow. ”
Potential Social Impact / Impact in the Commercial Space
To develop the marginalised group of people to their fullest potential so they can be
part of the mainstream society.
Accolades, Accreditation, Features
1. Statutory Boards such as SLA, URA, PUB, Police Force, NUS and NTU.
2. Non-Profit Organisations like Churches, Peoples‟ Association and Societies
3. MNCs and SMEs like Rockwell Automation, Herchin Marketing, Strumms
Holdings, Iconic Holdings Limited and Melchiz.
4. F&B outlets, electrical hardware shops, salons, air conditioning services,
health food supplements, spa, hotels and property agencies.
5. Overseas projects in Australia, Papua New Guinea, Minnesota (USA),
Philippine and Indonesia.
Other Information
Print On Demand Pte Ltd (POD) was founded by Janette Lee, who was a former
chartered financial consultant. A Lupus patient since1984, Janette had gone through
three kidney transplants in four days in 1998. She also managed to come out of a
“I know that I‟m given a new lease on life to pursue something more meaningful.
After much research and planning with my business partner, Mr Ong Chin Thye,
POD was finally setup in October 2009.”
POD is a social enterprise that provides employment and training opportunities to
the marginalised to develop their potential in graphic design and print. POD provides
professional, convenient and efficient design and print services to customers.
Adrenalin Pte Ltd
Mr Richardo Chua Wei Lien, Managing Director
Social Mission
Be 360 degrees good with a focus on youth at risk.
Benefits include educational and employment in event related skills.
Socially responsible decisions throughout the company when possible.
Beneficiary Profile
Name as in NRIC: Titus Lim
Age: 18
Gender: Male
Resident of Boys Town. Estranged from family.
A trained sound engineer and photographer
“I hope to see the company succeed as it has helped me learned more skills.”
Potential Social Impact / Impact in the Commercial Space
To enable youths at risk to develop skills, talents, confidence and self-reliance
through employment.
Accolades, Accreditation, Features
Since its inception, Adrenalin has secured business from many blue chip and
government clients.
Other Information
Adrenalin Pte Ltd was set up in 2008 to provide all-rounded events management
solutions to companies and organisations.
Mr Isaiah Chng, Founder and Director
Social Mission
PROAGE is founded by Isaiah Chng, who believes that everyone has the potential to
age successfully.
To provide every individual with an opportunity to age successfully, living the best
possible quality of life, regardless of their age, background and abilities they may
possess to stay engaged, active, healthy and empowered with the knowledge and
by changing how we age, successful ageing can become a reality.
Beneficiary Profile
Since 2008 approximately 200 individuals (from low income group and peer leaders)
and organisations have benefitted from PROGAGE programmes. Among those who
have benefitted include:
Name: Jennifer Lim
Gender: Female
Jennifer loved oily food, and led a sedentary life
After joining the programme, Jennifer’s lifestyle and outlook has changed
completely. She has cut down her intake of greasy food, and has been exercising
regularly. Jennifer is actively volunteering as a peer leader in the SilverFIT
programme sharing her knowledge and experiences. Today, Jennifer is ageing well,
more confident and stronger.
“I had tingling sensations from my ears to my arm due to high blood cholesterol and
poor blood circulation. These sensations have reduced dramatically since I
participated in programmes by PROAGE! Now I am able to work more efficiently as I
type on my keyboard. And my medication has been reduced by half!”
Potential Social Impact / Impact in the Commercial Space
The ageing process is often accompanied by physiological decline especially in the
older adults and social stigma. Due to a lack of awareness and education, this age
group has not had the opportunity to enjoy successful ageing and the best possible
quality of life.
PROAGE’s vision is for every individual enjoy a quality life regardless of age,
background, or abilities he or she possesses to stay engaged, active, healthy and
empowered with the knowledge and skills to age successfully. The organisation
adopts a holistic approach to ageing by taking into account multi-dimensional
aspects of every individual compared to the many healthcare and wellness
programmes which are focused mainly on the physical dimension.
The organisation is affiliated with an international network of research institutes and
advocacy groups and has established collaborations on projects and research. Their
programmes and services are developed with the local needs in mind and based on
overseas evidence-based research and industry best practices.
Believing that the poor and needy are entitled to the same opportunity to age
successfully, PROAGE has impacted and empowered several individuals and
organisations through nation-wide campaigns, government initiatives, corporate
workplace programmes and healthcare services in the community. Each step is
aimed at changing how the society perceives ageing and the way we age.
Backed by a medical advisory board, Proage developed programmes such as
SILVERFIT, Active Living Programme and the highly popular fitness and music
appreciation programme, CONDUCTORCISE ASIA. The organisation has also
initiated the Singapore Brisk Walking routine, which was the preferred routine at the
One Community Walk, the largest synchronised walking event supported by 80,000
participants led by Prime Minister Lee Hsien Loong. The campaign focused on
building capability and capacity to promote physical activity for seniors. The
organisation also spearheaded a three-year national training initiative to train 2,500
exercise leaders in the community to eventually provide employment opportunities
to older adults.
Accolades, Accreditation, Features
2008 – Appointed to work on increasing the level of physical activity in
Singapore by the Health Promotion Board. Formulated the framework
for the National Brisk Walking campaign initiated by the Committee for
Senior Physical Activity which was chaired by Minister Heng Chee How.
The campaign focused on building capability and capacity to promote
physical activity for seniors.
Spearheaded a 3-year national training initiative to train 2,500 exercise
leaders in the community
2009 – Selected as a service provider in the National Wellness
Programme, a pilot initiative by the People‟s Association to assist older
adults towards enjoying a healthier lifespan and higher quality of life. In
another highlight, the Singapore Brisk Walking routine designed by
PROAGE was the preferred routine for the One Community Walk, the
largest synchronised mass walking event
Other Information
Introduced in October 2010, ConductorciseAsia is a programme that reinvents the
way people exercise by providing clinically sound exercise techniques for all age
groups and fitness levels. This programme provides an avenue for children with
learning difficulties and wheel-chair or bed-bound elderly, where previously there
were not many alternatives available. Response to the exercise session has been
encouraging. People are describing the sessions as FUN, VERY DIFFERENT,
Mister Clean Pte Ltd (wholly owned subsidiary of ISCOS)
Ms Freda Tham, Executive Director
Social Mission
To be the leading surface cleaning company while providing employment / livelihood
opportunities for ex-offenders and the disadvantaged.
Mister Clean engages10 ex-offenders out of its 40 employees.
The 10 ex-offenders are also members of ISCOS, and can thus benefit from the
programmes of the co-operative based on the 5 Es: Employment, Education,
Entrepreneurship, Enrichment and Empowerment.
Beneficiary Profile
Name: Robin (not his real name)
Gender: Male
A repeat drug offender who has been in and out of prison. He approached ISCOS
for job placement opportunities and was hired to clean buses for Mister Clean in
Currently, he oversees the operations of Mister Clean in projects where he employs
ex-offenders. He is now a role model to them.
“If not for Mister Clean, I do not have any idea where I will be today.”
Potential Social Impact / Impact in the Commercial Space
Alleviating social problems like poverty, unemployment, recidivism etc.
Accolades, Accreditation, Features
In their fifth year of operations, Mister Clean counts SBS Transit, ST Aerospace
Services Co. Pte Ltd as some of their corporate customers.
Other Information
Mister Clean is a private limited company which was incorporated in 2004. It
provides complete cleaning and maintenance programmes for office buildings,
factories, automobiles etc.
I CHOO(SE) Exhibitors
Booth #
Atrium C, Level 1
Atrium D, Basement 1