SAMPLE PAPER EXEMPLAR FOR LOW MERIT NOTE: These exemplars do not fully show Grade Score Marking (GSM) because of the small sample of student scripts involved, and the absence of a cut score meeting to determine grade boundaries. GSM can be seen in the level 1 and level 2 exemplars from the 2012 examinations, which will be published on the NZQA website when the assessment schedules are published. Some detail. No real detail here. Candidate gives a range of valid information – some detail, but not a lot. A4 Needs to include not selling hats. Is able to explain why events happened the way they did. Does not mention receiving gifts. Does not answer this question. Retells the story. Explains why events happened the way they did. Some details are missing, such as receiving goods. M5 Candidate explains the problems with a range of valid solutions. Would need more detail to gain M6. M5 Hasn’t mentioned temperature or taking off jackets. Needs to says it is summer. Very good explanation of the past. Good explanation of the solutions – range of information. Has very good information about the past – with a good explanation of why this is. M6 SAMPLE PAPER EXEMPLAR FOR HIGH MERIT NOTE: These exemplars do not fully show Grade Score Marking (GSM) because of the small sample of student scripts involved, and the absence of a cut score meeting to determine grade boundaries. GSM can be seen in the level 1 and level 2 exemplars from the 2012 examinations, which will be published on the NZQA website when the assessment schedules are published. Detailed explanation. Good explanatory answer. Incorrect. Some detail given, not all accurate. Candidate identifies people who would be attracted to both places and gives detailed reasons why. Explains the origin of the name Yamanashi. M5 Explains what happened and why. Some inaccuracies. Explains why he gave his own hat, does not explain that he was cold himself. Explains why he received gifts. Meaning of Jizo is not accurate and meaning is not quite clear. Simple moral. Does not mention the sacrifice the old man made. Candidate retells the story in detail. Explains what happened and why, and explains why the old man acted the way he did. Title and moral need more detail for E, and meaning of Jizo needs to be clear. M6 Good explanation of the problem. Good explanation. Information detailed, but not fine detail. Full explanation of the environmental problems. Substantial information about the solutions. Gives an explanatory answer. M6 Range of information. No details about the past. Relevant explanation supported by range of information from the text. Information on the past is not quite accurate. M5
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