DO NOT COVER BARCODE Do not place any labels over the above test booklet security barcode area. Proctor (use optional) Writing − Form A Grade 4 Spring 2014 If any information on a pre-identified test booklet or Student Pre-ID Adhesive Label is incorrect, notify the school assessment coordinator. SECURE MATERIALS—DO NOT COPY I understand that this test is private and that I cannot copy or discuss any part of this test with anyone. Student’s Signature Date Notes: Proctor/Coordinator Use 549401-10403000018 PAGE 1 SERIAL# SECURE MATERIALS−DO NOT COPY SECURE MATERIALS—DO NOT COPY All test booklets are confidential and secure. No part of this test booklet may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, or by any information storage and retrieval system. RCW 28A.635.040, RCW 42.56.250, and WAC 181-87-060 provide penalties for the unauthorized use or disclosure of test content. 549401-10403000026 PAGE 2 SERIAL# SECURE MATERIALS−DO NOT COPY DO NOT WRITE ON THIS PAGE. 549401-10403000034 PAGE 3 SERIAL# SECURE MATERIALS−DO NOT COPY WRITING TO TELL A STORY: Session One The following is a Checklist of Scoring Criteria for Session One, Prompt A: Writing to Tell a Story. You may use this Checklist for prewriting and writing your first draft. Your score will be based on this Checklist. My story will be very good if I have thoughtful and specific content and organize my writing. That means I should follow the directions given in the writing prompt; create a manageable—not too small, not too big—plot with a beginning, middle, and end; organize my actions/events so there is a sense of story where each action/event in the story leads to the next one; elaborate important events by describing characters, settings, and actions through the use of specific words, descriptive/sensory details, and purposeful dialogue; organize my writing in paragraphs; use words that help show how the events in the story are connected. My story will be very good if I have an interesting style. That means I should show that I care about my story; use words and phrases that help the reader imagine the characters, setting, and events; use different types and lengths of sentences. My story will be very good if I follow conventions in writing. That means I should follow the rules of correct English usage (for example, correct pronouns for subjects, verb endings, subject-verb agreement), spell words correctly, use correct capitalization, use correct punctuation (periods, commas, quotation marks, question marks), write complete sentences, show where new paragraphs begin. 549401-10403000042 PAGE 4 SERIAL# SECURE MATERIALS−DO NOT COPY WRITING TO TELL A STORY: Session One Grade 4: Approved Materials Materials Needed Materials Available Grade 4 Writing Test Booklet Yellow, Lined Scratch Paper (at least 3 pieces per student) Commercially Published Thesaurus and Dictionary in Print Form Number 2 Pencils Reminder: Use only a number 2 pencil. Other writing tools, including pens, markers, colored pencils, highlighters, or mechanical pencils, are not permitted. If you use another writing tool, your test may not be scored. Directions for Prewriting: Prewriting is a great way to get started on a writing prompt because it gives you ideas to start with. It also helps you plan and organize your ideas before you write. There are different kinds of prewriting. Choose a kind of prewriting that you know and like. Directions for First Draft: Use the best ideas from your prewriting to write your first draft. Since it is a draft, it is okay to cross out words and sentences and try different ways to get your ideas across. Use scratch paper for your first draft. Directions for Final Draft: Writers often make changes as they work. Before you begin your final draft, read the Checklist on page 4 again. Then make revisions and edits to your first draft according to the Checklist. When you have made your revisions and edits, write your final draft in the FINAL DRAFT: FINAL DRAFT:Session Session One One section of this booklet. Be sure to write neatly and clearly in the answer space provided. Your work must stay within one-half inch of the outer edges of your test booklet. If you extend beyond that space, that part of your response may not be seen by those who score your work. After you have finished writing your final draft in this booklet, read the Checklist one more time to make sure you have done your best writing. If you need to make any final revisions or edits, make them on your final draft. Reminder: The only piece of writing that will be scored is your final draft on pages FINAL DRAFT: 10 through 14 in the FINAL DRAFT:Session Session One One section of this test booklet. 549401-10403000059 PAGE 5 SERIAL# SECURE MATERIALS−DO NOT COPY PREWRITING: Session One Directions for Prewriting: There are different kinds of prewriting. Choose a kind of prewriting that you know and like. Prewriting is a great way to get ideas to start with. It also helps you plan and organize your ideas before you write. Your prewriting will not be scored. You may use this space or the scratch paper provided to begin your prewriting. 549401-10403000075 PAGE 7 SERIAL# SECURE MATERIALS−DO NOT COPY DO NOT WRITE ON THIS PAGE. 549401-10403000083 PAGE 8 SERIAL# SECURE MATERIALS−DO NOT COPY FIRST DRAFT: Session One Directions for First Draft: Use the best ideas from your prewriting to write your first draft on the scratch paper provided. Since it is a draft, it is okay to cross out words and sentences and try different ways to get your ideas across. Your first draft will not be scored. Use Scratch Paper for First Draft— Session One. DO NOT WRITE ON THIS PAGE. 549401-10403000091 PAGE 9 SERIAL# SECURE MATERIALS−DO NOT COPY FINAL DRAFT: Session One Page 2 of 5 You may use this space to continue your final draft. 549401-10403000117 PAGE 11 SERIAL# SECURE MATERIALS−DO NOT COPY FINAL DRAFT: Session One Page 3 of 5 You may use this space to continue your final draft. 549401-10403000125 PAGE 12 SERIAL# SECURE MATERIALS−DO NOT COPY FINAL DRAFT: Session One Page 4 of 5 You may use this space to continue your final draft. 549401-10403000133 PAGE 13 SERIAL# SECURE MATERIALS−DO NOT COPY FINAL DRAFT: Session One Page 5 of 5 You may use this space to continue your final draft. END OF SESSION ONE: WRITING TO TELL A STORY 549401-10403000141 PAGE 14 SERIAL# SECURE MATERIALS−DO NOT COPY End of Session One Prompt A: Writing to Tell a Story Do not look beyond this page until asked to do so. If you look beyond this page, your work may not be scored. 549401-10403000158 PAGE 15 SERIAL# SECURE MATERIALS−DO NOT COPY DO NOT LOOK BEYOND THIS PAGE UNTIL ASKED TO DO SO. 549401-10403000166 PAGE 16 SERIAL# SECURE MATERIALS−DO NOT COPY DO NOT LOOK BEYOND THIS PAGE UNTIL ASKED TO DO SO. 549401-10403000174 PAGE 17 SERIAL# SECURE MATERIALS−DO NOT COPY WRITING TO EXPLAIN: Session Two The following is a Checklist of Scoring Criteria for Session Two, Prompt B: Writing to Explain. You may use this Checklist for prewriting and writing your first draft. Your score will be based on this Checklist. My writing will be very good if I have thoughtful and specific content and organize my writing. That means I should follow the directions given in the writing prompt; narrow my topic; stay focused on my main ideas; elaborate by using reasons, well-chosen and specific details, examples, and/or anecdotes to support my ideas; include information that is interesting, thoughtful, and necessary for my audience to know; organize my writing so that there is an opening/introduction, a middle, and a conclusion; organize my writing in paragraphs; use words that help show how my ideas are connected. My writing will be very good if I have an interesting style. That means I should show that I care about my topic, use language that fits my audience and purpose, use words and phrases that help the reader understand my ideas, use different types and lengths of sentences. My writing will be very good if I follow conventions in writing. That means I should follow the rules of correct English usage (for example, correct pronouns for subjects, verb endings, subject-verb agreement), spell words correctly, use correct capitalization, use correct punctuation (periods, commas, quotation marks, question marks), write complete sentences, show where new paragraphs begin. 549401-10403000182 PAGE 18 SERIAL# SECURE MATERIALS−DO NOT COPY WRITING TO EXPLAIN: Session Two Grade 4: Approved Materials Materials Needed Materials Available Grade 4 Writing Test Booklet Yellow, Lined Scratch Paper (at least 3 pieces per student) Commercially Published Thesaurus and Dictionary in Print Form Number 2 Pencils Reminder: Use only a number 2 pencil. Other writing tools, including pens, markers, colored pencils, highlighters, or mechanical pencils, are not permitted. If you use another writing tool, your test may not be scored. Directions for Prewriting: Prewriting is a great way to get started on a writing prompt because it gives you ideas to start with. It also helps you plan and organize your ideas before you write. There are different kinds of prewriting. Choose a kind of prewriting that you know and like. Directions for First Draft: Use the best ideas from your prewriting to write your first draft. Since it is a draft, it is okay to cross out words and sentences and try different ways to get your ideas across. Use scratch paper for your first draft. Directions for Final Draft: Writers often make changes as they work. Before you begin your final draft, read the Checklist on page 18 again. Then make revisions and edits to your first draft according to the Checklist. When you have made your revisions and edits, write your final draft in the FINAL DRAFT: FINAL DRAFT:Session Session Two Two section of this booklet. Be sure to write neatly and clearly in the answer space provided. Your work must stay within one-half inch of the outer edges of your test booklet. If you extend beyond that space, that part of your response may not be seen by those who score your work. After you have finished writing your final draft in this booklet, read the Checklist one more time to make sure you have done your best writing. If you need to make any final revisions or edits, make them on your final draft. Reminder: The only piece of writing that will be scored is your final draft on pages FINAL DRAFT: 24 through 28 in the FINAL DRAFT:Session Session Two Two section of this test booklet. 549401-10403000190 PAGE 19 SERIAL# SECURE MATERIALS−DO NOT COPY PREWRITING: Session Two Directions for Prewriting: There are different kinds of prewriting. Choose a kind of prewriting that you know and like. Prewriting is a great way to get ideas to start with. It also helps you plan and organize your ideas before you write. Your prewriting will not be scored. You may use this space or the scratch paper provided to begin your prewriting. 549401-10403000216 PAGE 21 SERIAL# SECURE MATERIALS−DO NOT COPY DO NOT WRITE ON THIS PAGE. 549401-10403000224 PAGE 22 SERIAL# SECURE MATERIALS−DO NOT COPY FIRST DRAFT: Session Two Directions for First Draft: Use the best ideas from your prewriting to write your first draft on the scratch paper provided. Since it is a draft, it is okay to cross out words and sentences and try different ways to get your ideas across. Your first draft will not be scored. Use Scratch Paper for First Draft— Session Two. DO NOT WRITE ON THIS PAGE. 549401-10403000232 PAGE 23 SERIAL# SECURE MATERIALS−DO NOT COPY FINAL DRAFT: Session Two Page 2 of 5 You may use this space to continue your final draft. 549401-10403000257 PAGE 25 SERIAL# SECURE MATERIALS−DO NOT COPY FINAL DRAFT: Session Two Page 3 of 5 You may use this space to continue your final draft. 549401-10403000265 PAGE 26 SERIAL# SECURE MATERIALS−DO NOT COPY FINAL DRAFT: Session Two Page 4 of 5 You may use this space to continue your final draft. 549401-10403000273 PAGE 27 SERIAL# SECURE MATERIALS−DO NOT COPY FINAL DRAFT: Session Two Page 5 of 5 You may use this space to continue your final draft. END OF SESSION TWO: WRITING TO EXPLAIN 549401-10403000281 PAGE 28 SERIAL# SECURE MATERIALS−DO NOT COPY End of Session Two Prompt B: Writing to Explain Do not look at your work in the previous session. If you look at the previous session, your work may not be scored. 549401-10403000299 PAGE 29 SERIAL# SECURE MATERIALS−DO NOT COPY DO NOT WRITE ON THIS PAGE. 549401-10403000307 PAGE 30 SERIAL# SECURE MATERIALS−DO NOT COPY DO NOT WRITE ON THIS PAGE. 549401-10403000315 PAGE 31 SERIAL# School Name NO. 2 PENCIL ●Use only a No. 2 pencil. ●Do not use a mechanical pencil or pen. ●Make heavy black marks that completely fill the circle. ●Erase completely any marks that you wish to change, and fill the ‘N’ circle, when available. ●Make no stray marks on this sheet. 1. STATE STUDENT ID NUMBER (10-digit) 0000000000 1111111111 2222222222 3333333333 4444444444 5555555555 6666666666 7777777777 8888888888 9999999999 Grade 4 Writing − Form A 3. DISTRICT STUDENT ID NUMBER 5. 0000000000 1111111111 2222222222 3333333333 4444444444 5555555555 6666666666 7777777777 8888888888 9999999999 ` GENDER MALE ` FEMALE LAST NAME 6. MARK ALL ACCOMMODATIONS USED DURING TESTING. IEP 504 ELL Braille Brailler Large Print Low-Vision: Devices ASL (Am Sign Lang) SEE (Signing Exact Eng) Text-to-Speech: Read-Aloud Oral Presentation (English) Word-Prediction Software Speech-to-Text Scribe Recorder: Tape or Digital Dictionary/Thesaurus: Electronic Translation: Bilingual Word-to-Word Dictionary Auditory Calming More Than 1 Day Per Test DATE OF BIRTH Month 4. 2. District Name ` JAN ` FEB ` MAR ` APR ` MAY ` JUN ` JUL ` AUG ` SEP ` OCT ` NOV ` DEC Day Year 0000 11 1 22 2 33 3 4 4 5 5 6 6 7 7 8 8 999 FIRST NAME Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y M COORDINATOR USE: See ACM Critical Reminders AAAAAA AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA BBBBBB BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBB CCCCCC CCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCC DDDDDD DDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD EEEEEE EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE FFFFFF FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF GGGGGG GGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGG HHHHHH HHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH IIIIII IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII JJJJJJ JJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJ KKKKKK KKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKK LLLLLL LLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLL MMMMMM MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM NNNNNN NNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNN OOOOOO OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO PPPPPP PPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPP QQQQQQ QQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQ RRRRRR RRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR SSSSSS SSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS TTTTTT TTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTT UUUUUU UUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU VVVVVV VVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVV WWWWWW WWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW XXXXXX XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX YYYYYY YYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY ZZZZZZ ZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ 549401-10403000323 PAGE 32 7. IF THIS STUDENT WAS NOT TESTED, INDICATE THE REASON. YN ABS (Excused) YN ABS (Unexcused) YN Refused (Parent) YN Refused (Student) YN Previously Passed (PP) 8. MSP-BASIC YN Writing 9. FULL TIME HOME-BASED or PRIVATE SCHOOL 12. IRREGULAR ADMINISTRATION Y N Individual YN Group YN Make-up Y N Home-based YN Private 13. 10. 14. PRE-ID OVERRIDE Grid “Y” to indicate information in boxes 1-5 replaces Pre-ID information on cover. EXEMPTION YN NNEP (First enrolled in U.S. school 2013-2014) 11. DISTRICT PROGRAM 1 2 ABCDE ABCDE INVALIDATION YN Writing YN 15. STATE USE 1 2 3 4 YN YN YN YN SERIAL# Data Recognition Corp. - XXXXX - 54321
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